KYLE RICHARDS ¿"DIVORCIO"? Se refiere a la ruptura con Mauricio como el fin del matrimonio

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Kyle Richards elige sus palabras con cuidado, por lo que es especialmente chocante que utilizara la palabra "divorcio" para describir lo que ella y Mauricio Umansky están pasando.

Kyle estaba en BravoCon el sábado cuando habló con TooFab y otros reporteros sobre su duro 2023: "He pasado por muchas cosas este último año que sí te cambian. Perder a mi mejor amigo por suicidio me cambió. Pasar por mi divorcio... todo eso me ha hecho más fuerte, pero definitivamente te cambia como persona. Me siento bien".

Kyle y Mauricio siempre han llamado a su ruptura una separación, y esta es la primera vez que se refiere al tema con la palabra "divorcio". Recordemos que la pareja lleva 27 años de matrimonio.

tomando la iniciativa

Incluso se le preguntó acerca de la reconciliación, y ella eludió la pregunta diciendo: "Lo estoy viviendo un día a la vez. Todavía estamos viviendo juntos bajo el mismo techo y estoy orgulloso de la forma en que estamos navegando a través de esto".

Como hemos informando, Mauricio ha estado muy unido a su pareja de baile de "DWTS", Emma Slater, e incluso fueron vistos juntos el sábado por la noche luego de ser expulsado del programa, entrando en un club nocturno de Los Ángeles del brazo.

En cuanto a Kyle, lleva meses muy cercana a la estrella del country Morgan Wade, aunque no han definido públicamente su relación más allá de decir que son amigos íntimos y colaboradores en un documental.


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Mauricio Umansky y Emma Slater fueron vistos juntos de nuevo. Esta vez el dúo se presentó en un club en Los Ángeles.

La pareja de baile de "Dancing With the Stars" llegó en un Porsche con una acompañante femenina. Salieron los tres del estacionamiento y caminaron hacia el Hotel Line en Koreatown viernes por la noche.

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¿sólo amigos?

Échale un vistazo a estas fotos obtenidas por TMZ. Maurico y Emma están paseando del brazo juntos, mientras otra mujer los acompaña.

Testigos presenciales nos dicen que Mauricio puso su mano en la espalda de Emma en un momento dado, pero al mirar nuestras fotos, es difícil saber si realmente la está tocando.

Nos han dicho que Mauricio y Emma estaban muy cariñosos, sonriendo y charlando, pero no se besaban ni se tomaban de la mano.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el trío cruzó a través de una entrada lateral en el hotel y desapareció en el interior del club.

Mauricio y Emma han hecho esto antes. Como informamos, la pareja de "DWTS" fue fotografiada de la mano saliendo de un restaurante en Beverly Hills a finales de octubre.

La esposa de Maurico, Kyle Richards, no estaba muy contenta y eliminó intencionalmente una foto de Instagram mostrando así su apoyo a Mauricio y Emma en "DWTS".

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la emoción está a flor de piel
Instagram / @theemmaslater

Mauricio trató de aclarar la situación diciendo que estaba de la mano con Emma porque estaba abrumado por la emoción, mientras hablaba de los buenos recuerdos de su matrimonio con Kyle.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la estrella de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" no creyó la historia de Mauricio y encontró sus acciones "muy irrespetuosas", a pesar de que la pareja está separada y que Kyle estuvo hablando de divorcio durante una reciente entrevista en BravoCon.

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¿solo amigos?

Complicando aún más las cosas; está la supuesta relación entre Kyle y el cantante Morgan Wade. Los dos han sido vistos juntos en todas partes, pero no han confirmado o negado cualquier romance.

Kyle Richards Oops, Did I say 'Divorce?' Refers to Split with Mauricio as Ending Marriage

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Kyle Richards is one to choose her words carefully, so it's especially shocking she used the word "divorce" to describe what she and Mauricio Umansky are going through.

Kyle was at BravoCon Saturday when she talked to TooFab and other reporters, about her tough 2023 ... "I've gone through a lot this last year that does change you. Losing my best friend to suicide changed me. Going through my divorce, all that has made me stronger but it definitely changes you as a person. I feel good."

Kyle and Mauricio have always called their split a separation, and this is the first time her reference was about ending their 27-year marriage.


She was even asked about reconciliation, and she skirted the question ... saying "I just take it a day at a time ... We're still living together under the same roof and I'm proud of the way that we are navigating through this."

As we've been reporting, Mauricio's been super tight with his "DWTS" dance partner, Emma Slater, and even after getting booted from the show, they were seen out together Saturday night, walking into an L.A. nightclub arm in arm.

As for Kyle, she's been super close with country star Morgan Wade for months, although they have not publicly defined their relationship other than to say they're close friends and collaborators on a documentary.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Mauricio Umansky & Emma Slater Hanging Out AGAIN In L.A. Kyle Richards Is MIA

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Mauricio Umansky and Emma Slater were seen hanging out AGAIN ... this time the duo showed up at a club in Los Angeles.

The dance partners on "Dancing With the Stars" were driven in a Porsche by a female companion to a parking lot, where they got out and walked toward the Line Hotel in Koreatown Friday night.

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Check out these photos, obtained by TMZ ... Maurico and Emma are strolling arm in arm together, along with the third party.

Eyewitnesses tell us ... Mauricio placed his hand on Emma's back at one point, but it's hard to tell from our images if he's actually touching her.

We're told Mauricio and Emma were very chummy, smiling and chatting, yet there was no kissing or hand-holding.

Our sources say the trio went through a side entrance at the hotel and disappeared inside the club.

Mauricio and Emma have done this dance before. As we reported ... the 'DWTS' pair was pictured holding hands while leaving a restaurant in Bev Hills in late October.


Maurico's wife, Kyle Richards, was none too happy, intentionally removing an Instagram photo, showing her support for Mauricio and Emma on 'DWTS.'

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Instagram / @theemmaslater

Mauricio tried to clarify the situation, saying he was holding hands with Emma because he was overcome with emotion, while discussing fond memories of his marriage to Kyle.

Our sources say the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star didn't buy Mauricio's story and found his actions "super disrespectful" -- despite the couple being separated and Kyle talking about divorce during a recent interview at BravoCon.

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Complicating matters even more is Kyle's rumored relationship with singer Morgan Wade. The two have been spotted everywhere together, but they have not confirmed or denied any romance.

Ariana Madix Disgusted By Tom/James Push-Up Contest ... BravoCon Drama Heats Up

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Tom Sandoval and James Kennedy got really competitive at BravoCon, hitting the floor to see who could do more push-ups ... but there was one person totally turned off by their macho man contest -- Ariana Madix.

TikTok / @bravotv, @katrinacm1

The "Vanderpump Rules" stars took to the stage at the Las Vegas event Friday when host Andy Cohen asked Tom and James how they got into such great shape over the past few months.

Tom credited his incredible physique to his new and improved lifestyle, working out all the time while staying away from booze and cigarettes.

James said he's been pumping iron at the gym and ripped off his t-shirt to show everyone his muscled abs, before challenging Tom to a push-up contest.

After Tom accepted as he wore a kilt, the two dropped to the floor and launched into their competition.

Enter Tom's ex Ariana, who was sitting there the entire time with a look of utter dissatisfaction. Before she turned away from Tom and James, Ariana said, “Jump scare…I needed a trigger warning.”

The push-up contest continued as Ariana fixed her stare on the screen in back of her, trying not to look back at her co-stars.

As James sailed to victory, Ariana asked the hosts if she could take some questions from fans.

Cringy moment indeed, but we understand why it happened. It's no secret -- unless you live under a rock -- that Tom cheated on Ariana with Rachel Leviss during the last season of "Vanderpump Rules." Leviss was not invited to BravoCon and is no longer with the show.

Also on Friday, several “Real Housewives of New Jersey” husbands ran out on stage to do half a striptease in front of the audience.

TikTok / @abbzbon

Frank Catania, Joe Benigno and Joe Gorga stood behind the "Magic Mike" cast and put on their slightly racy performance, tearing off their T-shirts, but keeping on their skinny jeans.

Check it out ... it's all in good fun.

Kroy Biermann BMW Files to Repo Rolls-Royce After Missed Payments

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BMW's ready to come-a-knockin' for Kroy Biermann's luxury whip ... the company's asking a judge to let it take back a Rolls-Royce he allegedly hasn't paid for in over a year.

According to the new docs, obtained by TMZ, Kroy failed to respond to BMW within the allotted time ... after the company filed, months ago, for a writ of possession. That's legal-ese for ... we're ready to repo the damn car!

With Kroy going radio silent, BMW wants the judge to give 'em the green light to get the car back from the former NFL linebacker.

TMZ broke the story, BMW sued Kroy in June for allegedly missing his lease payments on the $400,100 luxury SUV.

The docs claimed he owed $5,297.64 per month from July 2020 to July 2023 -- totaling a whopping $190,715.04 -- but the company says his last payment was in September 2022.

Don't forget, the repo request comes as Kroy and Kim Zolciak are deep in the hole financially amid their messy divorce.

The 2 recently asked a judge to push pause on the foreclosure of their mansion -- adding the scheduled November 7 auction going through will mean they will suffer "irreparable injury to the marital estate depleting it in its entirety."

Instead, they've listed it for $6 million, hoping to cash in before the bank snatches it.

Shannon Beador Breaks Silence on DUI ... Following Sentencing

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Shannon Beador is finally breaking her silence about her DUI and hit-and-run ... this after getting 3 years of probation for her dangerous drive.

The 'RHOC' star tells TMZ ... "I am grateful that no one else was injured besides me in this incident. I have learned so much from my terrible mistake that night and realize that driving any distance while impaired is too far."

As we reported, Shannon pleaded no contest Thursday and avoided jail time in her DUI case ... but was sentenced to 3 years of probation -- plus fees, fines, 40 hours of community service and a 9-month alcohol program.

Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer tried to get the judge to give her a harsher sentence for the accident, including 30 days in jail, but the judge ruled differently -- and also dismissed one count of hit-and-run with property damage.

Shannon's lawyer, Michael Fell, tells TMZ ... the judge denied the D.A.'s jail time request and dropped the hit-and-run charge after receiving "legal arguments from both sides," adding, "Shannon had made full restitution to the homeowner in this matter, who did not desire prosecution."

He says Shannon already admitted her wrongdoing "at an early stage of the proceedings," taking full responsibility for her actions.

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Remember, video from her drive in September showed her zip around a Newport Beach street, slamming into the side of a home.

SHANNON BEADOR Rompe el silencio sobre conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol


Shannon Beador finalmente está rompiendo su silencio sobre su detención por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol y darse a la fuga luego de un atropello. Esto, después de conseguir tres años de libertad condicional por su peligrosa conducción.

La estrella de The Real Housewives of Orange County le dice a TMZ: "Estoy agradecida de que nadie más resultó herido en este accidente, además de mí. He aprendido mucho de mi terrible error esa noche y el darse cuenta de que conducir cualquier distancia mientras no te encuentras bien es demasiado lejos".

Como informamos, Shannon no se declaró culpable en el caso por conducir en estado de ebriedad y logró evitar la cárcel, pero fue condenada a 3 años de libertad condicional, más honorarios, multas, 40 horas de servicio comunitario y un programa de alcohol de 9 meses.

El fiscal del distrito de Orange County, Todd Spitzer intentó que el juez le diera una sentencia más dura por el accidente, lo que incluía 30 días de cárcel, pero el juez dictaminó lo contrario y también desestimó un cargo de atropello y fuga con daños a la propiedad.

El abogado de Shannon, Michael Fell, le dice a TMZ que el juez negó la petición de cárcel del fiscal y retiró el cargo de atropello y fuga después de recibir "argumentos legales de ambas partes", y agregó: "Shannon había hecho la restitución completa al propietario de la casa en este asunto, quien no deseaba un enjuiciamiento".

Dice que Shannon ya admitió su fechoría "en una etapa temprana del procedimiento", asumiendo toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones.

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Exceso de velocidad e huida

Recordemos que el video de su atropello en septiembre la mostraba a toda velocidad por una calle de Newport Beach, chocando contra el lateral de una casa.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador 3 YRS PROBATION For DUI ... Prosecutors Wanted Jail

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6:37 PM PT -- Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer is ripping the judge.

In a statement to TMZ, Spitzer says ... "Driving under the influence must have consequences. When a judge gives someone who not only drove with a blood alcohol level of .24 - three times the legal limit - but then ran away from the scene of an DUI collision a slap on the wrist, you are sending a message that DUIs are not serious crimes that demand accountability."

Spitzer adds ... "Judge London clearly felt otherwise and not only gave her a court offer, but dismissed the hit and run charge in the interest of justice. This is not justice. We as a society need to wake up and address the very real - and often deadly - consequences of driving under the influence."

Shannon Beador will avoid jail time in her DUI case ... because a judge just sentenced her to 3 years of probation.

The 'RHOC' star learned her fate Thursday, and was sentenced to 36 months informal probation, fines and fees, plus 40 hours community service and a 9-month alcohol program.

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Shannon did not show face in the Orange County courtroom, instead having her attorney appear on her behalf to enter her plea of no contest to one count DUI and one count driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or more.

The judge dismissed one count of hit-and-run with property damage.

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In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer tried to convince the judge to give Shannon a harsher sentence -- he wanted her to also serve 30 days in jail, but the judge ruled otherwise.

TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was arrested in September after slamming her car into a Newport Beach home, with surveillance footage showing her car zipping through a residential area before her crash.

In the docs, the D.A. says she had a .24% BAC after the crash ... and she suffered a fractured left wrist, plus cuts and bruising to her left eye. Shannon's since paid for the property damage.

BTW ... Shannon's still set to appear at BravoCon this weekend in Vegas.

Originally Published -- 10:29 AM PT

'RHOC', SHANNON BEADOR 3 AÑOS DE LIBERTAD CONDICIONAL por conducir en estado de ebriedad

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Shannon Beador evitará la cárcel en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad, porque un juez acaba de condenarla a tres años de libertad condicional.

La estrella de 'RHOC' (The Real Housewives of Orange County), conoció su destino el jueves y fue condenada a 36 meses de libertad condicional informal, multas y honorarios, además de 40 horas de servicio comunitario y un programa de alcohol de nueve meses.

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Shannon no dio la cara en la sala del tribunal del Condado de Orange, en lugar de eso, su abogado se presentó en su nombre para realizar la declaración de no oposición a un cargo de DUI y un cargo de conducir con un contenido de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08% o más.

El juez desestimó un cargo de atropello y fuga con daños a la propiedad.

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Dejando la escena

En los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, el Condado de Orange D.A. Todd Spitzer trató de convencer al juez de darle a Shannon una sentencia más dura. Querían que pasara 30 días en la cárcel, pero el juez dictaminó lo contrario.

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannon fue detenida en septiembre después de estrellar su coche contra una casa de Newport Beach, con imágenes de vigilancia que muestra su coche a toda velocidad a través de una zona residencial antes de su accidente.

En los documentos, el D.A. dice que tenía un 24% BAC después del accidente y sufrió una fractura en la muñeca izquierda, además de cortes y contusiones en el ojo izquierdo. Shannon ha pagado por los daños causados a la propiedad.

A propósito, Shannon todavía está lista para aparecer en BravoCon este fin de semana en Las Vegas.


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Ramona Singer's insisting she is NOT racist, and says she has no ill will toward her former 'Real Housewives of New York' castmate Eboni K. Williams ... who says she nearly quit the show over Ramona's alleged behavior.

Sources close to Ramona tell TMZ ... she's upset she's embroiled in claims of bigotry and racism -- especially because the 'RHONY' production company investigated the allegations 2 years ago, and gave her the all-clear to continue working on various reality TV projects.

We're told she also believes the whole affair's been blown way out of proportion ... referring to this week's Vanity Fair report, which alleged Ramona used a racial slur in conversation with a Black crew member during season 13.

We should point out, multiple sources told us in 2021, Ramona was cleared following a third-party investigation because nothing was found to corroborate Eboni's claims.

Our sources are adamant Ramona never used a racial word during season 13 and she is not racist in any capacity.

The VF piece also featured an interview with Eboni, the show's first woman of color to become a full castmate in its 13-season run.

She claimed Singer had asked why "most" Black people didn't have fathers in their lives during a training call, ironically, centered on racial insensitivity.

Eboni claims Ramona said, "What if they don't have a father? Why can't I say that? Most of them don't." Mind you, she allegedly spoke those words to 2 racial justice representatives, a Bravo publicist and an NBCUniversal communications expert.

Despite the allegations, our sources say Ramona's insisting she always liked Eboni and wishes her nothing but the best.

She is also still friendly with Luann de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley -- as well as all the other ladies featured on the show with her. However, due to fallout from the controversy, she hasn't seen them as often.


She's also been pulled from the upcoming BravoCon in Vegas, after digging a deeper hole for herself while talking to Page Six to refute the VF report allegations.

A source with direct knowledge says Ramona self-sabotaged herself, because her removal from BravoCon was only due to her Page Six remarks, NOT the past racism claims.


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Ramona Singer sostiene que no es racista y dice que no tiene mala voluntad hacia su compañero de reparto de "Real Housewives of NY" Eboni K. Williams, quien dice que casi dejó el programa por el supuesto comportamiento de Ramona.

Fuentes cercanas a la producción le dicen a TMZ que Ramona está molesta por las acusaciones de intolerancia y racismo, sobre todo porque la productora de "RHONY" (The Real Housewives of New York) investigó las acusaciones hace dos años y le dio el visto bueno para seguir trabajando en varios proyectos de telerrealidad.

En cuanto a la denuncia de Vanity Fair, que alegó que Ramona había utilizado un insulto racial en una conversación con un miembro afroamericano del equipo durante la producción de la temporada 13 de "RHONY", nuestra fuente añade que ella cree que las cosas se han exagerado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que sus intenciones nunca fueron ofender o herir a nadie y que ella no es racista de ninguna manera.

El artículo también contó con una entrevista con la ex compañera de reparto de Singer, Eboni, la primera mujer de color en protagonizar "RHONY" durante sus 13 temporadas.

Ella afirmó que Singer había preguntado por qué "la mayoría" de los afroamericanos no tenían padres presentes en sus vidas durante una llamada de entrenamiento centrada en la insensibilidad racial. "'¿Qué pasa si no tienen padre? ¿Por qué no puedo decir eso? La mayoría de ellos no los tienen'", había preguntado Singer a dos representantes de justicia racial, un publicista de Bravo y un experto en comunicaciones de NBCUniversal, según Williams.

A pesar de las acusaciones, las fuentes nos dicen que Ramona es firme en que siempre le gustó Eboni y le desea nada más que lo mejor.

Ella sigue siendo amiga de Luann de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan y Dorinda Medley, así como todas las otras damas que aparecieron en el programa con ella. Sin embargo, no puede verlas tan a menudo dadas las consecuencias de la controversia.

De hecho, también la han retirado de la próxima BravoCon en Las Vegas después de cavar un hoyo más profundo para sí misma al intentar defenderse en Page Six de las acusaciones de comentarios racistas del polémico artículo.

Una fuente directa dice que Ramona se autosaboteó porque su expulsión de BravoCon fue por su comentario a Page Six y NO por el artículo de VF.

En cuanto a cómo se siente Ramona sobre la situación actual en general, ella dice que es difícil ser una figura pública en la sociedad actual.

CRÍTICO GASTRONÓMICO DE TIKTOK Provoca cambios en restaurantes de Atlanta ¡Haremos ajustes!

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La escena gastronómica de Atlanta ha estado bajo la lupa desde que un crítico de TikTok con cientos de seguidores llegó a la ciudad y empezó a hacer malas críticas de los restaurantes, y ahora, algunos de esos lugares están prometiendo cambios.

Keith Lee, que tiene un alcance masivo en TikTok y cuyas críticas de comida han hecho que pequeños negocios, usualmente desapercibidos, se conviertan en los favoritos de la gente, trajo su talento a la ciudad de Atlanta la semana pasada y tenía mucho que decir.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

El crítico hizo una serie de comentarios en video y un buen puñado de ellos en realidad terminaron siendo retrospectivas de lo difícil que resultó pedir comida a domicilio en un montón de establecimientos conocidos y populares en la ciudad. Algunos de ellos incluyeron The Real Milk & Honey, y el restaurante Old Lady Gang, de Kandi Burruss, y según cuenta ambas experiencias lo dejaron sin comida.

Al parecer, hay un montón de "reglas" que Keith y su familia tuvieron que pasar para hacer un pedido e incluso para sentarse, algo que caracteriza a un mal servicio al cliente a su juicio, y desde que criticó a estos lugares un montón de personas ha concordado.

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Como resultado de todas estas críticas y comentarios, parece haber un consenso de que es un poco difícil cenar en Atlanta, y por ninguna buena razón.

Esto es lo que pasó

Kandi abordó parte de la crítica de Keith, particularmente el hecho de que Keith y su equipo no pudieron pedir comida para domicilio fácilmente, y dijo que su restaurante pone el foco y los recursos en los que comen en él. Sin embargo, no se refirió a su afirmación de que solo se le ofreció una mesa debido a su nombre.

En cualquier caso, Kandi le abre las puertas nuevamente y espera que el equipo de Old Lady Gang pueda tener otra oportunidad. Los dueños de The Real Milk & Honey (que es un restaurante franquiciado) tomaron un enfoque ligeramente diferente, pero en última instancia salieron a aclarar un poco las cosas y a pedir disculpas también.

Después de que uno de sus dueños criticara a Keith en una estación de radio local, en un intento por defenderse de las prácticas estrictas de su restaurante, el negocio en sí emitió una larga declaración el martes, donde aparentemente admitió estar equivocada.

La cuenta corporativa dice que han hecho un examen de conciencia en el transcurso de la semana y ahora The Real Milk & Honey se compromete a ajustar la forma en que operan.

¿No les interesa el dinero?

No dicen exactamente lo que cambiarán, pero parece que la crítica de Keith los hizo pensar dos veces.

Por cierto, toda esta discusión se tomó las redes sociales durante varios días y dejó a algunas grandes celebridades de peso comentando sobre los "problemas" que existen en la supuesta escena de comida en Atlanta, incluyendo a Cardi B, que en términos inequívocos se puso del lado de Keith y le dio las gracias por exponerlo.

Como muchos han señalado, el efecto Keith Lee es real, para bien o para mal. Tomen nota, amigos, el hombre critica la comida y el servicio al cliente, ¡y les hará saber si no le gusta!

Para más noticias virales, sintoniza el podcast TMZ Verified. Todos los jueves en todas las plataformas de podcast.

TikTok Food Critic Keith Lee Spurs Responses from ATL Restaurateurs ... Changes Are Comin'!!!

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Atlanta's food scene has been under the microscope since a viral food critic came to town with bad reviews -- and now, some of these places are promising change.

Keith Lee, who has a massive TikTok following and whose food reviews have turned small, unseen businesses into out-the-door favorites brought his talents to the ATL last week -- and had a lot to say.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

He did a number of video reviews ... and a good handful of them actually ended up being retrospectives into how difficult it turned out to be to order takeout at a bunch of well-known/popular establishments in town. His stops included The Real Milk & Honey, and Kandi Burruss's Old Lady Gang restaurant -- both experiences, he says, left him without food.

Apparently, there are a ton of "rules" Keith says he and his family had to go through to even place an order or to be seated -- stemming from what he characterizes as bad customer service -- and since calling these places out ... a lot of folks have chimed in to agree.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

In the aftermath of these reviews -- and amid all the discourse that's followed -- there seems to be a consensus ... it's kinda difficult to dine in Atlanta, and for no real good reason, either.


Kandi addressed part of Keith's critique -- the fact he and his crew couldn't easily order takeout -- and said her restaurant puts the focus and resources on those who eat in. However, she didn't address his claim he was only offered a table because of his name.

In any case ... Kandi welcomes him back and hopes she and the OLG team can get another shot. The folks who own The Real Milk & Honey (which is a franchised restaurant) took a slightly different approach ... but ultimately landed with a bit of a clarification/apology too.

After one of the RMH honchos reportedly torched Keith on a local radio station -- in trying to defend his restaurant's stringent practices -- the restaurant itself issued a lengthy statement Tuesday ... seemingly admitting to being in the wrong.

The corporate account says they've done some soul-searching over the course of this week-long saga ... and now, The Real Milk & Honey is vowing to tweak how they operate.


They don't exactly say what's in store -- but it appears Keith's review made 'em think twice.

BTW, this whole chapter took over part of the Internet for a good several days ... and it got some big-time celebs weighing in on the supposed Atlanta food scene "problem" -- including Cardi B, who in no uncertain terms sided with Keith ... and thanked him for exposing it.

As many have noted ... the Keith Lee effect is real, for better or worse. Take note, folks -- he critiques food AND customer service ... and he'll let ya know if he's not feeling it!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador DUI BAC Was 3x The Legal Limit Charged With Hit-And-Run, DUI

Published | Updated

"The Real Housewives of Orange County" star Shannon Beador has officially been charged after she allegedly drunkenly drove into the side of a Newport Beach home last month.

Shannon's just been hit with 2 charges by the Orange County District Attorney -- one count of DUI and one count of hit-and-run, both misdemeanors. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ she blew a .24% BAC after the crash.

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TMZ broke the story, the reality star was arrested in September after slamming her car into a home -- footage shows what appears to be her car flying through a residential area before her crash.

Cops said they found Shannon nearby pretending to walk her dog, but they weren't buying it and booked her on 2 misdemeanors -- DUI plus hit-and-run.

As we reported, she offered to pay for the damage done to the property and has been getting treatment.

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A witness at a nearby bar told us Shannon appeared to be tipsy the night of her crash and arrest ... acting loud and boisterous while complaining about her former 'Housewives' costar, Alexis Bellino, who was also in the building.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Ordered to Pay $230,000 In Bank Lawsuit

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The debts keep piling on for Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann ... they've been ordered to pay approximately $230,000 to a bank that sued them.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, a court in Georgia just ordered Simmons Bank judgment against the estranged couple for $226,836.22 ... as well as $178.51 in interest, $2,071.57 in foreclosure fees and $1,945.31 in attorneys' fees.

That's $231,031.61 in total ... yikes!!!

The lawsuit, filed back in July had to do with a home equity line of credit the couple defaulted on.

This isn't the only lawsuit they're dealing with ... TMZ broke the story, the couple was sued back in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE the company claimed Kim's credit card had a $115,000 limit -- and she'd fallen behind on making payments -- the suit stated Kim owed $156,080.64 in total on the card.

We were also the first to report the couple recently listed their Georgia family home for $6 million, asking the court to halt a scheduled foreclosure auction on the property and allow them to sell it on their own.

Kim and Kroy are still living under the same roof at the home, but they've been ordered to keep their distance ... Kim's in the basement/nanny suite and Kroy gets the primary bedroom.

You gotta imagine the court allows them to sell their home without it going to foreclosure auction to help them settle some of these debts ... cuz the hole keeps getting deeper.