"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Taylor Armstrong Beaten Camille Grammer Threatened

Taylor Armstrong secretly revealed to cast members she was beaten so badly by Russell Armstrong she had to undergo surgery -- and when he found out she spilled the beans, he sent Camille Grammer a chilling, threatening email ... this according to multiple sources connected with the show.

We're told ... in late June, as "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" was shooting season 2 ... Taylor was severely beaten. Sources say Russell hit her in the face so hard he cracked bones in her cheeks. Sources say there are pictures of the injuries and they are "horrific."

Taylor -- who was hospitalized as a result of the beating -- tried to keep it a secret, but she had a big problem ... she couldn't show her face for weeks, and she feared she'd be fired for appearing to be uncooperative and flaky.

Sources say Taylor confided in Camille Grammer and Kyle Richards ... both of whom urged Taylor to tell Bravo what really happened.

We're told Taylor went home and told Russell about her conversation with the two women and the outrage they had shown when they heard what happened. Russell reacted by sending Camille a "very threatening" email. One source who read it said, "It was the rantings of a lunatic."

As for Taylor, her injuries were so bad ... shooting was delayed for several weeks.

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Armstrong Funeral Will NOT Be Taped

Bravo will not have "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" cameras rolling when Russell Armstrong's funeral takes place ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to production tell us there's some turmoil at the network -- while everyone realizes Russell's death will make the show more dramatic and watchable ... they're also nervous about pushing the envelope too far.

We're told Bravo doesn't know how much Russell footage, if any, will air in the show's second season -- but the one thing everyone agrees on is not taping the funeral services.

We're also told the cast had a meeting yesterday -- sans network execs -- to console each other. Taylor Armstrong was not there.

Russell Armstrong Dead for More than 24 Hours Before Body was Found

Authorities believe Russell Armstrong was dead for more than 24 hours before his body was discovered ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell TMZ ... the last known contact anyone had with Russell was last Saturday, when he was on the phone with a friend.

As we first reported, Russell was a no-show for a meeting with Taylor on Monday afternoon, which sounded alarm bells and began hours of frantic searching.

Russell's body was discovered at 8:08 PM Monday.

And, sources tell TMZ, Russell's body was found hanging from a wooden beam in the bedroom, with an orange extension cord around his neck.

Taylor Armstrong Battling In-Laws Over Russell's FINAL Resting Place

Russell Armstrong's parents and his estranged wife, Taylor Armstrong, are thousands of miles apart in a heated battle over where Russell's remains will end up.

Multiple sources close to Taylor tell us the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star is not only planning a memorial for Russell -- she also wants him to be buried at a Los Angeles area cemetery.

But Russell's attorney Ron Richards says his former client's parents want their son's body returned to Texas -- where they live -- for cremation.

As TMZ first reported, Taylor and Russell had been back in touch recently -- despite the fact she filed for divorce last month.

Richards says he believes Russell's final wishes were to be cremated. If true, Taylor might have a tough time winning this battle.

Russell Armstrong Asked for Xanax Before Death

Russell Armstrong begged a friend for anxiety drugs days before his death ... TMZ has learned.

Armstrong's longtime friend and confidante Russ McCullough -- who appeared on "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" last season -- tells us, he met Armstrong for dinner recently ... and things had reached a new low.

According to McCullough, Armstrong couldn't afford to pay for his meal -- and when the subject turned to his divorce, Armstrong said, "This is as bad as it gets."

Armstrong also said he was distraught over his negative portrayal on the show ... and feared he'd never recover from the ordeal -- so McCullough gave him a Xanax pill to take the edge off.

We're told Armstrong called McCullough 3 days before his death, asking for a "full bottle" of Xanax -- but McCullough suspected something was seriously wrong ... and refused out of fear Armstrong might abuse the pills.

As we previously reported, Armstrong's death was ruled a suicide by hanging -- no drugs or alcohol were found at the scene.

Russell Armstrong Autopsy Complete Suicide by Hanging

It's no surprise, but the L.A. County Coroner has just made it official ... Russell Armstrong's cause of death was suicide by hanging.

We're told toxicology results are pending, but as we first reported -- no drugs or alcohol were found in the bedroom where Armstrong died Monday night.

It will take 6 to 8 weeks to complete the toxicology results.

Taylor Armstrong Injured 4 Days Before Russell's Suicide

There has been a buzz about a mysterious injury Taylor Armstrong suffered just 4 days before her estranged husband, Russell, committed suicide, but Taylor's friends insist the cut above her eye was not inflicted by him.

Taylor's friends tell TMZ ... the injury occurred while she was playing a game of football.

Taylor filed for divorce last month, claiming Russell physically abused her.

Lisa Vanderpump's Dog "My Heart Aches for Taylor Armstrong"

One of the most recognizable stars of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" waxed poetic minutes ago about the death of Taylor Armstrong​'s estranged husband -- but there's one problem ... the star is Lisa Vanderpump's dog.

You read that correctly -- Lisa's tiny Pomeranian Giggy, which has over 32,000 followers on Twitter, went public with its feelings this morning, writing, "A very sad time...I look at life a little differently today..my heart aches for@TaylorArmstrong .."

Sure, it's a bogus Twitter account -- but we still gotta ask ...

Taylor Armstrong Eyewitness When Husband's Body Was Discovered

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Taylor Armstrong was at her estranged husband's house when his body was discovered, TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Taylor tell us, she and Russell had been regularly communicating and were supposed to meet on Monday afternoon, but he was a no-show. She became worried and began calling his friends, but none of them had heard from him.

Taylor became increasingly alarmed and began frantically texting and phoning Russell, to no avail.

On Monday evening, Taylor and a friend went to the home where Russell was staying. They found the owner of the home on the property. While Taylor watched, the owner peered through Russell's bedroom window and saw his lifeless body hanging.

As TMZ first reported, the owner called 911 and Russell was declared dead at 8:16 PM. Taylor believes Russell had been dead for hours.

We're told Taylor stayed at the house for hours after the body was found.

'Real Housewives of Bev Hills' Keep Quiet

Silence is golden for "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" -- TMZ has learned, Bravo just instructed the entire cast ... NO talking to the media about Russell Armstrong's suicide ... whatsoever.

Sources connected with the show tell TMZ, each cast member received both a phone call and an email from Bravo just hours after news broke about Russell's death -- ordering them to keep their mouths shut.

But the new directive isn't holding up production -- we're told, shooting is set to resume tomorrow as scheduled.

Right now, it's unclear if Taylor will also be returning to work at the same time.

3:58 PM: We're told Bravo just canceled the shooting schedule for tomorrow and called a meeting for the entire cast -- it's unclear about what, but we can take a wild guess. A rep for Bravo denies they are having a meeting with the cast tomorrow.

Taylor Armstrong Daughter Doesn't Know Yet

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Taylor Armstrong hasn't broken the news yet about Russell's suicide to her 5-year-old daughter Kennedy ... TMZ has learned.

Friends close to Taylor tell us, "She's not emotionally ready to do so just yet."

Taylor's attorney, Robert Thorne, tells us, "Taylor Armstrong is devastated by the tragic events that have unfolded. She requests privacy at this time so that she may comfort her young daughter."

The attorney adds, "Her thoughts and prayers are also with Russell's 11 and 13-year-old sons."

Russell Armstrong's Lawyer I Never Saw This Coming

Russell Armstrong's lawyer tells TMZ, he was blindsided by the sudden death of the "Real Housewives" star -- claiming, he spoke to Russell just days before his suicide ... and he seemed ok.

According to Ronald Richards -- Russell was a loving family man ... who spent every dwindling dollar he had to finance his estranged wife's lifestyle.

Ronald also has a theory about the effect of reality shows on marriage ... one that may explain Russell's inner torment -- watch the clip to check it out.

'Real Housewives' Russell Armstrong Commits Suicide

Russell Armstrong, the estranged husband of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Taylor Armstrong, was found dead of an apparent suicide ... sources tell TMZ.

Our sources say Armstrong hanged himself. He was found hanging in his bedroom on Mulholland Drive.

We're told L.A. City Fire Department arrived at his home and pronounced him dead at 8:16 PM Monday. Sources say a roommate found Russell and called 911.

We're told authorities have not found a suicide note.

Taylor filed for divorce last month, after she claimed Russell physically abused her. We're told authorities informed her of Russell's death last night.

He was 47 years old.

Story developing ...

8:13 AM: Bravo and the cast of "Real Housewives" were unaware of Russell's death. Kyle Richards was distraught when she saw the TMZ post, and Lisa Vanderpump was speechless.

9:29 AM: A rep for Bravo tells TMZ, “All of us at Bravo are deeply saddened by this tragic news. Our sympathy and thoughts are with the Armstrong family at this difficult time."

9:35 AM: Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... no drugs or alcohol were found in the bedroom where Russell died. He was fully clothed when his body was discovered.

Russell Armstrong Distraught Over Divorce and 'Tremendous Financial Problems'

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Russell Armstrong was at his wits end over his impending divorce from Taylor in the days leading to his death -- and he was inundated with debt.

Russell's lawyer Ronald Richards tells TMZ, Russell had been staying at a friend's house on Mulholland Drive in L.A. -- the same house where authorities found his body hanging last night.

Richards tells us, "I feel bad because his credit cards weren't working ... He had tremendous financial problems."

Richards adds, "He was also extremely bummed out about the divorce with Taylor. As far as a will, even if he does have a will, they don't have any assets, so I'm not sure what there would be left to leave. I am extremely saddened ... I had no idea he was depressed."

As we previously reported, Russell -- an investor who made his money in the 90s during the dot com boom -- filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2005, claiming he had less than $50,000 in assets ... and debt somewhere between $1 and $10 million.

'Real Housewives of Bev Hills' Sorry, We Don't Want the Salahis

Michaele and Tareq Salahi won't be chumming it up with Camille Grammer or Kyle Richards any time soon -- because TMZ has learned, the couple just got REJECTED from "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills."

As we previously reported, the Salahis are in the process of moving to the swank neighborhood -- renting a $20,000-a-month mansion -- but we're told they won't be taking their "Real Housewives" careers with them.

According to sources, the Salahis' manager had been in talks with Bravo to transfer the baby-hungry couple from the D.C. show to its B.H. counterpart -- but Bravo exec Andy Cohen coolly replied, "We are not interested."

Quelle surprise.

Camille Grammer Curious Reaction Over Kelsey's Penis


It was all about small penises when Camille Grammer left Boa Saturday night. She was asked if she regretted her comment about Kelsey, "Big hands, big feet, big disappointment." Her response was ambiguous -- burying her face in her hands and cracking either a smile or a wince.

The day before -- after taking a lot of heat for her comment -- Camille said she regretted making it.

So watch the video, and then you be the judge.