Dr. Paul Nassif Head Honcho of Domestic Violence Charity

Dr. Paul Nassif has been a prominent member of an anti-domestic violence charity for years, TMZ has learned -- and he's even been invited to a big event THIS WEEK ... despite allegations he beat his wife Adrienne Maloof.

Organizers of the Face to Face charity in NYC emailed Nassif this week to confirm his attendance at the event. The charity offers victims of domestic abuse free reconstructive surgery ... and Nassif, a well-known plastic surgeon, has been on the executive committee for years.

In fact, we've learned Nassif was honored with Adrienne just last year at the charity's 9th annual benefit for the couple's "ongoing commitment to improving the lives of victims of domestic violence."

It's pretty crazy ... considering Nassif's invitation to this week's event was confirmed AFTER Adrienne accused him of beating her and attacking their children.

We're told Nassif definitely plans to attend ... without Adrienne, of course.

Dr. Paul Nassif I Did NOT Do This to Adrienne

Dr. Paul Nassif's lawyer tells TMZ, his client absolutely, positively did NOT inflict the bruises and marks depicted in disturbing photos released by Adrienne Maloof's personal chef.

Adrienne's chef Bernie Guzman -- who has appeared on several episodes of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" -- just posted the eight photos on his Facebook page, strongly insinuating Paul is responsible for the injuries.

Bernie wrote several messages on his wall as he posted the photos, saying, "ADRIENNE MALOOF WAS PUSHED TO THE GROUND. PUNCHED & BEATEN ... HE IS A BEAST."


Dr. Nassif's lawyer, Marty Singer, tells TMZ, "Any suggestion that the photos show my client struck Adrienne Maloof is a complete fabrication." Singer goes on, "No physical assault ever occurred."

As for how Adrienne suffered the injuries, Singer said, "I can't speculate how these marks occurred. I know the woman does martial arts."

Lisa Vanderpump Targeted In Sexual Assault Suit

An actress/restaurant server claims she was the victim of sexual assault and battery at Lisa Vanderpump's Beverly Hills Restaurant, Villa Blanca, and she's suing Lisa and the man she claims did the dirty deeds for more than $5 million.

Karina Bustillos -- who has appeared in "The Mexican Conspiracy" and "86'd" -- claims in April, a Villa Blanca manager, Michael Govia, told her to close her eyes. She says when she eventually opened them, Govia's mouth was open with his tongue sticking out, right by her mouth, in an attempt to kiss her.

Bustillos says she complained and then Govia began retaliating, calling her a "bitch" and a "c**t" and telling other servers he could "get her" -- implying he could sleep with her if he wanted.

She says in August, Govia allegedly approached her and aggressively twisted her wrists. She says when she asked him to stop, he responded, "I will do whatever I want. I'm the manager."

Bustillos says she complained to others but no action was taken. Bustillos also says Lisa Vanderpump gave her the cold shoulder after she complained.

Bustillos, who claims she was forced to quit, is suing Lisa, her husband, Ken Todd, the restaurant and Govia for more than $5 mil.

Lisa Vanderpump tells TMZ, "The waitress had a falling out with a manager. Of course I take that seriously. We've looked at all the cameras and there's no sexual harassment." Lisa adds, "This is just a disgruntled employee."

'Real Housewives of Miami' Star Arrested For Nut-Punching Hobo

"Real Housewives of Miami" star Peter Rosello was arrested for battery today after socking a homeless man in the balls last week, this according to law enforcement.

20-year-old Rosello -- the son of housewife Alexia Echevarria -- was arrested for simple battery, which was categorized as a felony on the police report because Rosello attacked a homeless person.

As we reported, Florida has a law that classifies attacks on homeless people as hate crimes, meaning they carry stricter penalties.

He's currently being held on $5,000 bond.

TMZ broke the story ... Rosello stupidly posted video of the incident online last week, showing him sneaking up on a sleeping homeless man and punching him in the groin. The homeless man was contacted by police shortly after and the man decided to press charges.


Dr. Paul Nassif I Won't Be Satisfied 'Til I Get 50/50 Custody

Dr. Paul Nassif wants way more than the custody arrangement he just settled for -- which gives Adrienne Maloof the lion's share of time with their 3 kids -- we've learned he's gunning for a 50/50 split.

We broke the story, Nassif and Adrienne Maloof reached a temporary deal Monday ... in which Adrienne gets weekdays and every other weekend with the children.

As part of the deal, Maloof agreed to drop the temporary restraining order against Nassif that barred him from interacting with the kids without a monitor present.

Short story -- while Adrienne's allegations were pending, Paul was in a tight spot. Although he denies the claims ... he had to cut a deal now, or not see the kids.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Paul is getting his ducks in a row to fight any lingering allegations against him, and he's going back to court in January with the end game of joint custody.

As for whether the war between Paul and Adrienne will erupt again ... it depends on 2 things. Will Adrienne continue to make child abuse allegations against Paul, and will she concede 50/50 is fair.

Adrienne Maloof & Paul Nassif Settle Bitter Custody War

Adrienne Maloof and her estranged husband Paul Nassif have settled their nasty custody battle, TMZ has learned -- and Adrienne gets the lion's share of time with the children.

Sources close to the warring couple tell TMZ, Adrienne gets weekdays and every other weekend with their three sons. Paul gets to see them every other weekend, overnights included.

Paul and Adrienne were set to battle out their custody dispute in court tomorrow, but we're told they've already called a truce -- and both sides are happy with the new arrangement.

As for the messy allegations coming from both sides -- including allegations of child abuse -- we're told Paul and Adrienne have agreed to employ full-time security to watch over the children at all times.

10:02 AM PT -- Sources close to the couple tell TMZ, the custody settlement is only temporary. Paul and Adrienne will revisit the agreement in 90 days when they plan to implement a permanent schedule.

We're told Adrienne is happy the kids have "one primary home" but is glad they still get to see their dad.

Adrienne Maloof I LOVE Chris Brown


Adrienne Maloof has no problem overlooking Chris Brown's violent history -- telling TMZ she LOVES him -- even as she's accusing her estranged husband of abusing their children.

Maloof -- who is knee deep in a nasty divorce with Dr. Paul Nassif -- was outside B.O.A. Steakhouse Friday night ... when we asked the question on everyone's mind ... what she thinks of Rihanna and Chris Brown reuniting?

Maloof skirted the question at first, but finally says ... "I love Chris Brown, he's very talented. My children love his music. He's awesome."

Interesting comment ... considering Adrienne is getting ready to square off with Paul in a child custody dispute filled with allegations of violence against their 3 boys.

As TMZ reported, Adrienne was recently awarded temporary custody of the kids when she accused Paul of physically abusing them -- a claim Paul adamantly denies.

The massive child custody hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9.

Bautista Prepping for MMA Debut ... with 'Real Housewives' Star

With just hours left until his MMA debut, former WWE champ Bautista has been prepping for his big match by hanging with an experienced fighter ... "Real Housewives" star Teresa Giudice.

TMZ obtained a photo of the two kickin' it at a hotel in Rhode Island -- where the 43-year-old will get in the ring for the first time ever on Saturday night to take on Vince Lucero.

Turns out Teresa the table-flipper is in town for a breast cancer awareness event and just happened to be staying at the same hotel as Bautista. We're told the two immediately hit it off ... and even had a convo about MMA.

'NJ Housewives' are Table Flippin' Ridiculous

As for the fight, Dave's rep tells TMZ he plans to watch the Bruce Lee classic "Enter the Dragon” in his hotel room tonight because "it's the greatest martial arts movie ever made."


'Real Housewives' Star Hobo Pressing Charges Over Nut Punch


HOBO JUSTICE!!! TMZ has learned, the homeless man who was assaulted on tape by "Real Housewives of Miami" dumbass Peter Rosello has informed police he wants to press charges ... and now, cops are on the hunt for the reality star.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the homeless man in the video was contacted by police shortly after the footage surfaced this week -- and he asked to press assault charges against Rosello, son of housewife Alexia Echevarria.

TMZ posted video of the cruel "prank" early today -- showing Rosello punching the guy in the balls while he was sleeping, then running off.

Now, law enforcement sources tell TMZ, a detective has been assigned to the case and cops are actively looking to speak to Rosello ... and possibly even arrest him on a felony assault charge.

Rosello faces a felony charge because of new laws in Florida stemming from similar "pranks." The new laws classify attacks on homeless people as hate crimes, meaning they carry stricter penalties.

If convicted, Rosello could face at least a year behind bars.

Attempts to reach Rosello were unsuccessful. Calls to "Real Housewives" were not returned.

'Real Housewives' Star Punches Hobo In Nuts ... Cops Looking Into Video


"Real Housewives of Miami" star Peter Rosello -- the son of housewife Alexia Echevarria -- appeared to have assaulted a homeless man on camera this week, then posted the video online ... and now, police are looking into the footage.

The video was shot in South Beach Monday night -- you can see Peter looking into the camera, and introduce the "prank" by saying, "Punching a hobo in the nuts."

Peter then walks up to a sleeping homeless man and tells him, "I was gonna give you five dollars" ... before dropping his fist into the man's crotch.

Peter and his cameraman then run to a nearby car and make their escape.

A rep for the Miami Beach PD tells TMZ, the department is currently trying to identify the victim in order to open an investigation.

Attempts to reach Peter were unsuccessful. A rep for "Real Housewives" had no comment.

Joanna Krupa I'M NOT A HOOKER!!!!

New "Real Housewives of Miami" star Joanna Krupa insists ... she's NOT a high-priced prostitute willing to bang a stranger for $10,000 -- despite reports to the contrary -- and now, she's threatening to SUE one website over the accusations.

Krupa's attorney Marty Singer has fired off a letter to Nik Richie at TheDirty.com, claiming one of Nik's recent posts -- entitled "Joanna Krupa Is a Confirmed Hooker" -- is filled with defamatory lies.

The article in question quotes a man who claims to have had sex with Krupa for $10,000 through an escort agency -- adding, "'The Real Housewives of Miami' should have done a better background check."

Now, Joanna's threatening to file a lawsuit against Nik if he doesn't pull the article, calling it "an extremely serious matter."

We're told Nik is adamantly refusing to pull anything.

Taylor Armstrong Getting Squeezed Out of L.A. Mansion

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Taylor Armstrong's days are numbered in her beloved L.A. mansion -- because TMZ has learned ... the owners are trying to give her the boot in order to sell the place.

Taylor's been renting the 4,800 sq. ft. Holmby Hills home since 2008 -- and it's been featured prominently on "Real Housewives" ever since -- but sources close to the reality star tell TMZ, she recently received a call from her landlord informing her the owners wish to make a sale.

The house was listed last week for $3.7 million.

Sources close to the owners -- who purchased the home in 2006 for $1.65 million -- tell us Taylor's been a great tenant ... it's just time to make a change.

Taylor tells us, "It's been a fabulous home for my family, and I'm looking forward to something new and stunning for [my daughter] and me."

It's unclear where Taylor plans to move, but until the owners actually sell the place ... we're told she ain't budging.

Paul Nassif I Got to See My Boys!

Paul Nassif got to spend Saturday with his three sons ... taking them out for pizza in Bev Hills.

As TMZ first reported, a judge granted Nassif the visit Wednesday after he showed up in court armed with a report from the Department of Children and Family Services saying there was no proof he abused the kids -- despite allegations from his estranged wife, Adrienne Maloof.

The judge ordered a court-appointed monitor be present during the visit ... and we're guessing he's the conspicuous guy with the bag.

Nassif and Maloof are due back in court October 9 to settle their custody dispute ... maybe.

'Real Houswives' Kim Zolciak I'm Getting My Own Reality Show!!!

Ain't no thing that "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Kim Zolciak was missing from the new season 5 promo shots ... because TMZ has learned KZ is getting her very own spin-off show!!!

In case you missed it ... RHOA debuted their new ads recently and noticeably missing from the group was KZ -- which birthed monstrous speculation that the housewife had been axed from the fifth season (below).

But sources close to the production tell TMZ that KZ will DEFINITELY be in season 5, but only sparingly.

We're told Kim was pregnant during production and producers made accommodations to feature her in the show on a limited basis. Our sources say she was ready to pop when the promos were shot ... ergo her absence.

But Kim's not too beat up about the lack of screen time. We're told her short-term series, "Don't Be Tardy For the Wedding" -- which aired on Bravo earlier this year -- was a ratings hit, so producers decided to give KZ a full-time spinoff of her own, which is already filming in GA.


Paul Nassif I Get to See My Kids ... For Now

Adrienne Maloof's estranged husband Paul Nassif will finally get to see his kids again ... because a judge just granted him two visits with them, before a massive custody hearing next month.

The judge agreed to let Paul see his children during monitored visits on September 29th and October 6th.

The whole matter will be settled on October 9th, when the judge has scheduled a custody hearing to decide once and for all whether Paul should get partial custody.

As we reported, Paul went to court today armed with a report from the Department of Children and Family Services that says he never abused the kids -- despite allegations from Adrienne, who claimed Paul choked one child and struck another.

In addition to the DCFS report, Paul filed a declaration addressing each of Adrienne's allegations.

Regarding the bathroom incident, when Adrienne claimed Paul struck one of their children for peeing on his brother in the bath -- Paul says it's BS ... he simply picked the child up and (gently) directed the boy to the toilet.

And the other allegation -- that Paul choked one of the kids in his Escalade ... Paul claims it's physically impossible for him to reach his children in the giant car from the driver's seat, so that's bogus too.

Paul also claims the declaration from the family psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy -- supposedly confirming the alleged abuse -- is a concoction of lies. Paul claims Sophy not only betrayed his trust by going behind his back with the declaration ... but never even tried to get Paul's side of things.

And there's this too -- according to Paul, Adrienne is now threatening to fire any family employee who supports Paul in the divorce. Paul claims Adrienne's already fired the family's head of security for saying Paul's a good dad.

Adrienne's rep Howard Bragman says she is "happy that Paul will get to see the children with supervision."

Paul Nassif My Boys Need A MOTHER

Adrienne Maloof has accused Paul Nassif of brutalizing their 3 boys ... and even though the Department of Children and Family Services has determined the allegations are bogus, Paul still wants Adrienne to be a big part of the kids' lives.

Paul's position is especially stunning, given that Adrienne got a court order last week prohibiting him from even seeing the boys. We broke the story ... Paul is going to court this morning to get that order lifted, but he's telling friends he will not hurt the kids to spite his estranged wife. Paul says his kids need a mom and a dad, so he will ask for a temporary joint custody order.

Paul says, "I just want this crap to stop. We need to be co-parents, no matter how we feel about each other."

There are limits, however, to Paul's tolerance. He'll ask the judge today for an order sanctioning Adrienne for falsely accusing him of child abuse.

As we first reported, the Department of Children and Family Services has written a report saying the child abuse allegations against Paul are "unfounded" ... calling into question a report by psychiatrist Charles Sophy, who concluded Paul hit the boys.