H.M.A.S.P. -- Hockey Moms Against Sarah Palin

It probably sounded like a safe bet at the time: Self-pronounced hockey mom Sarah Palin dropping the puck amongst peers at a Philadelphia Flyers game. Her campaign manager should've been more informed about Philly fans.

Just for knowin's sake, Philadelphia fans are legendary for being the most brutal in all of sports -- they once booed Santa Claus during an Eagles half-time show. But cut to last night when Sarah skated into the Flyers' stadium to drop the ceremonial puck -- only to be greeted by a split of boos and cheers.

Politics really brings the best out in people.

See Also

New Presidential Hopeful Appears On Ballot

Absentee voters in upstate New York looking for a president that will bring real change just got their wish.

Over 300 ballots recently received by mail in Rensselaer County listed the choices for president as John McCain and a new hopeful -- Barack "Osama." Is the GOP in the printing business now?

Voting commissioner Edward McDonough apologized calling it "human error" and "an embarrassment to our office." After the Sarah Palin VP announcement, nothing really comes as a shock anymore.

See Also

Suri Cruise For VP

In 2006, adorable Suri Cruise (left) was Scientoloborn -- and schlocky mom Sarah Palin (right) was elected Governor of Alaska.

When asked questions, one of them has trouble forming complete and coherent sentences.

We're just sayin'.

Joe Biden The Diss of a Lifetime!

They're both old white dudes running for office, so it's easy to see how Joe Biden could be confused for John McCain -- but not at Joe's own rally!!!

Joe Biden -- The Diss of a Lifetime!

Polar Bears, Wolves and Moose? Oh My!

Gotta give her points for trying to go green with her ECO friendly canvas bag -- although the tag line, "Real Women Hunt Moose" could use some work.

Guess when it comes to certain sneaky, and notoriously vicious animals, nothing makes a woman feel more alive than a well-placed bullet between the old antlers. So much for the PETA vote.

Palin: Hockey Moms Raping Our Troops!

Okay, Sarah Palin didn't actually say that, but thanks to the magic of the Internets ... she kinda did. Sorta.

A website called PALINdrome has diced up all of mavericky maverick Sarah Palin's speeches, and given all you Joe Six-Packs the power to make Sarah say whatever your sick little heart desires.

Just because Palin can't put her words together good doesn't mean you can't put her words together not good too. Confusing? You betcha!

NOTE: The site may load a little darn slow now due to all the extra traffic.

See Also

Hillary Clinton Is Well Red

We gave presidential wannabeen Hillary Clinton the chance to outdo Sarah Palin by asking her the tricky "What magazines do you read?" question that's been plaguing the VP contender. But would she take the bait?

Hillary Clinton is Well Red

See Also

Erection '08 -- Alba Ad Invokes Change in Sex Life

An election ad featuring Jessica Alba wrapped in bondage tape was supposed to turn people on to voting. It ended up just turning a whole lotta people on. Freaky deaky style.

The ad was for "Declare Yourself," and a stylist for the PSA decided their message was best conveyed by muting Jess with bondage tape from JT's Stockroom.

If the ad inspired people to register to vote, we don't know. What we do know: People started showing up at Stockroom's store -- with the Alba ads in hand -- asking for the reusable, sticks-to-itself, I-like-my-sex-with-a-side-of-violence black tape.

The safe word is "economy."

See Also

Katie Couric Swats Palin ... with the Economist

When Katie Couric was spotted in NYC and asked to specifically name the magazines she reads, KC was savvy enough to answer the question (The Economist), crack a joke, and shred Sarah Palin -- all at the same time.

How's that for "gotcha journalism!?"

See Also

Carlos Santana -- Yo Mama in '08!

Carlos Santana probably knew we wouldn't post a blatant endorsement of a Prez candidate on the site, so he slipped his little plug in under the table -- kinda sorta.

Carlos Santana -- Yo Mama in '08!

See Also

TMZ Covers Hard News

Porn star Lisa Ann -- who is playing the role of Sarah Palin in Hustler's upcoming "Nailin' Paylin" -- is conducting extensive research so she can nail the role. Unlike Palin, she's more forthcoming and direct in answering a slew of questions posed by a "reporter" -- aka, our dude in New Jersey.

TMZ Covers Hard News

See Also

The Eyes Have It

Did he? Could he possibly? Would he ever?

The NY Post hypothesizes that Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for VP, had a little work done in the eye area. They talked to a top plastic surgeon in Manhattan who said he would bet his next paycheck on it, surmising he had some work done around the eyes.

Whaddaya think?

Please Stop It, Tina Fey

If Tina Fey's goal with her "SNL" impression is to make Gov. Sarah Palin seem so incompetent that everything she does in real life comes off genius by comparison, then she has succeeded in spades. Again.

Tina nailed it again last night and even the staunchest Dem can see a silver lining if McCain/Palin wins in November -- four more years ... of Tina Fey.

Candis: Palin Can't Help Transamerica!

Looks like Sarah Palin's lost the all important transsexual-actress endorsement -- 'cuz the gorgeous Candis Cayne, born Brendan McDaniel, trashed her outside One Sunset after the debates.


See Also

Famous People Support Sarah Palin

Don't believe us? Just look at this ad that showed up on Washingtonpost.com today.

The quote actually belongs to Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan -- she said it on NBC last night.

It was eventually switched and a McCain spokesman joked to WaPo, "Is she not a famous person? OK, so what's the problem?" You betcha!

Bloomberg -- It Might Be Time for a TiVo

It was only one of the most important debates in history, but NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't watch last night because he was at some gala giving an award to Iman -- whose name he couldn't even pronounce correctly!

See Also