McCain: Jackson Browne Used Me!

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John McCain claims kook-rocker Jackson Browne pitched a fit over the candidate's use of the song "Running on Empty" for one reason -- to make sure Browne's new album won't be running on empty.

Jackson sued John back in August over the Prez-seeker's use of his song in an Ohio campaign ad about gas prices. Now, McCain's lawyers filed a response, saying Jackson complained so he could get press to promote his new album, which came out a month later.

J-Mac also makes the argument he could use the tune whenever and where he wants because he was running for Prez, not trying to make a buck off it. If the court buys this "political speech as public interest" claim, it pretty much means curtains for a bunch of other musicians who were PO'd about their songs being used by the GOP.

Vote Board to Robbins: Turn Pissy into PSA!

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After getting reamed by Tim Robbins over that whole polling place snafu, the NYC Board of Elections wants Testy Tim to turn that frown upside down -- and do a PSA for 'em!

Officials tell TMZ they're inviting TR to "join" them to produce "service announcements" about voter participation. Somehow, given that Tim called the head of the org a "corrupt scumbag," it might take a lil' arm-twisting.

No word from Tim yet on whether he'll bite.

Not surprisingly, the BOE phrased their offer slightly more diplomatically than Robbins' screed.

Sarah Palin: The Hits Just Keep Comin'

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Sarah Palin is still sore from pulling the knife out of her back from fellow Republicans.

The Governor, now back in Alaska, is responding to recent allegations that she didn't know Africa was a continent, and can't name the countries in NAFTA -- calling the people who said them "cruel, mean-spirited, immature, jerks." Palin claims the rumors aren't true, calling them ridiculous.

Tell that to John McCain.

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O'Reilly's the Big Winner

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Make no mistake about it: Barack Obama isn't the only one who hit the jackpot last night.

We're actually going to get serious on this one. FOX News Channel has got to be celebrating today. Bill O'Reilly can have a field day with the new Prez, and there may be no one else on that field to challenge him.

MSNBC's decision to cheer on Obama worked during the election. Keith Olbermann's ratings and demos are definitely up. But here's the dilemma: MSNBC has squarely taken sides and courted an audience that now expects good news about the Prez elect. That's somewhat true about CNN as well. But here's the problem with TV -- viewers get bored with cheerleaders, even if they agree with them.

So what's O'Reilly gonna do? He's already got a huge lead in the ratings. Will he go for the jugular? He actually took our call today and said, "We are going to be the watchdogs. We don't know what Obama is going to do. It's my job to explain every move he makes, but I'm not going to nitpick him."

Here's what's interesting -- O'Reilly doesn't really have to attack if MSNBC and CNN throw softballs. Being somewhat neutral could end up actually looking edgy, and viewers like edgy.

One final thing. O'Reilly actually told us he kinda blew it with Bush. He said he never looked at the way Bush was handling the economy until it was too late.

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Obama Girl -- Start Thanking My Cleavage

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"Obama Girl" Amber Lee Ettinger wasn't one of the people Barack Obama thanked last night -- but after listening to her tell it, she should have been.


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Obama Supporters -- Blazing More Than a Trail

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John McCain's bid for President went up in smoke last night -- but that wasn't the only thing getting lit.

Thanks to DListed and L.A. Rag Mag to pointing out this extremely blunt clip.

Barack Loses in Hollywood

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Winning the Prezidency was a breeze for Barack Obama, compared to getting into Coco de Ville.

Barack Loses in Hollywood

The club's doorman -- who recently denied Chuck Liddell entry -- was clearly not impressed with the popular or electoral vote. The doorman initially turned away the Obama impersonator with faux Secret Service, but management eventually vetoed that decision, making Coco de Ville a "Yes We Can" club.

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Paris: See You Next Super Tuesday, Bitches!

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Paris Hilton had a police escort when she rocked the vote in Norwalk last night -- but if the Presidential hopeful voted for herself, it wasn't enough to win.

Paris -- See You Next Super Tuesday, Bitches!

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Fidel Sues Obama Campaign

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Fidel Rodriguez wants change from Barack Obama -- the kind you take to the bank.

In a lawsuit filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Rodriguez claims he sold $10,000 worth of postcards, paper flyers and other advertising materials to Californians for Obama and Californians for Change, but says he was stiffed out of the $4,740 balance.

We called the campaign for comment, but for some reason the phones have been busy.

John Edwards in Deep DNA Doo-Doo

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He didn't get close to the White House and now things are real stinky for John Edwards.

According to the New York Daily News, a poopy diaper snatched by a National Enquirer reporter from the Beverly Hilton could be the evidence that proves Edwards is the father of his mistress Rielle Hunter's baby. "All they need is a cup he drank from," says a source, to prove he's the baby daddy, which he's steadfastly denied.

In August, Edwards' former finance chairman admitted paying Hunter $15K a month. We can only speculate what the money was for.

Tim Robbins Couldn't Vote -- Cops Called

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Tim Robbins tried voting at his NYC polling place earlier today. There was some kind of ruckus and the cops were called.

Tim Robbins Couldn't Vote -- Cops Called

Apparently, Robbins has been voting at that polling place for more than a decade, but today his name wasn't on the register. They told Robbins he had to fill out a provisional ballot but he didn't want to do it. An argument erupted between Robbins and the poll worker. Robbins allegedly got loud and the poll worker said he was calling the cops.

Robbins accused the poll worker of trying to intimidate him so he wouldn't vote.

Robbins went downtown to the City Board of Elections to get proof he was good to vote.

Celebrity Party Animals!

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Think you know who the stars are voting for? Check out which celebs have Obama's back and which are down with the GOP.

Oprah Winfrey Jinxes Barack

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Oprah Winfrey called into "The Ed Lover Show" on Power 105 this morning and confessed she already has a dress she picked out for Barack Obama's inauguration. Counting your chickens before they hatch, O?

Ah-nuld's Daughter Bails On Daddy's Party

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The Governator just voted at a Brentwood polling place with his wife and daughter Katherine -- who's voting for the first time, as a Democrat.

We're told Arnold voted "No" on Prop 8 and urged the crowd outside to vote "Yes" on Prop 11. And though they can't vote, a group of kids at a school next door were just excited to meet the Terminator.

Attempted Sabotage Foiled in Florida!

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So, check this out. Deerfield Beach, Fla. is one hour south of Palm Beach. Nearly 400 people were planted firmly in line at 6:15 this morning, waiting for the polls to open at 7:00 AM. There is one voting machine to accommodate all of them.

The area almost entirely African American. Many of the people never have voted before. One woman was 101 years old. She was wheeled into the polling place and on her way out she said that before she died, she wanted to vote for a black man.

Election monitors noticed a man in line who appeared to be a voter. Turns out he was a saboteur, telling people the Democrats were supposed to vote at a different location.

Some of the voters said they were robocalled last night. The message -- Democrats weren't supposed to vote until Wednesday.

UPDATE -- Election officials just delivered seven more voting machines.

Underwood Picks a Fight with Half of Hollywood

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The next time you see a celebrity in a political ad, just know Carrie Underwood thinks that person is stupid.

The former "American Idol" found a soapbox, climbed on it, and proceeded to bash the hell out of all sorts of famous people like Timberlake, Stallone, Affleck and Oprah -- for their decision to publicly endorse a candidate for president.

Underwood tells TV Guide, "There is someone I do support, but I don't support publicly. I lose all respect for celebrities when they back a candidate. It's saying that the American public isn't smart enough to make their own decisions ... music is where you go to get away from all the BS."

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