Donald Trump to Libertarians You Wanna Lose, Keep Booing Me!!!


Donald Trump clearly had trouble taking the heat at the Libertarian Party's convention Saturday, because he got super agitated after enduring a wave of boos.

Trump told folks at the convention, they should nominate him as its candidate, but members were having none of it and vocalized their objections.

The Party only gets a small fraction of votes, but that could make all the difference in a close race.

Amber Rose Backs Donald Trump for Prez 2024 ... Sparks Backlash

Amber Rose publicly endorsed one candidate for the 2024 US Presidential Election ... surprising many followers with her choice -- as it seems to contradict her public stances.

The model-turned-activist took to Instagram on Monday to share a photo of herself, Donald Trump and Melania Trump ... making it clear she'd be voting for the former prez in November. Alongside the upload, AR wrote ... "Trump 2024."

It didn't take long for Amber's followers to sound off in the comments ... with many calling out how Trump's political stances directly contradict her own beliefs -- at least ones she's been open about anyway.

Robert De Niro Audio Cut on 'The View' During NSFW Rant About Trump

Robert De Niro was seriously censored on "The View" ... this after he went on an expletive-filled tirade against Donald Trump, meaning the control booth people had their hands full.

The actor doubled down on his dislike for the ex-Prez during Tuesday's episode ... re-expressing his disdain for DT in a very NSFW way -- going on a cussing tirade on TV.


RDN says he's baffled by the fact that more people aren't taking Trump seriously -- with the businessman leading in several presidential polls heading into November's election.

'Silence of the Lambs' Producer Craps on Trump ... Hannibal Reference Idiotic

Donald Trump's rant about the "wonderful" Hannibal Lecter isn't sitting well with one of the guys who helped make "The Silence of the Lambs," and he's taking a bite out of DT's rhetoric.

Edward Saxon -- part of the Oscar-winning trio that produced the film -- tells TMZ ... he has a pretty good idea why Trump might be so eager to split some fava beans and a nice Chianti with old Hannibal the Cannibal.


He says, "My guess is, Letcer feels like a kindred spirit. Part of it may be aspirational in that Lecter is brilliant and is able to see into people’s motivations and control them."

Marjorie Taylor Greene Quakes, Eclipse Sign From God ... Urges Americans to Repent

Marjorie Taylor Greene's looking to the heavens for an omen ... and, it seems she's finding them in every natural phenomenon.

The Georgia congresswomen tweeted out a warning to her fellow Americans Friday after an earthquake rocked the Northeast -- specifically New Jersey and New York. And let's not forget what happened in Taiwan ... of course, a solar eclipse is happening Monday too.

In her tweet, MTG says God's sending signals to the United States demanding repentance ... and claiming both the earthquake and next week's solar eclipse are signs from above.

Donald Trump Defeats Nikki Haley in S.C. Primary ... Trounces Former Gov. In Her Home State!!!

Donald Trump is one step closer to the White House ... destroying Nikki Haley in another primary -- this time in her home state!

Saturday's South Carolina primary has been projected for the former president just minutes after polls officially closed in the state ... with at least 29 delegates heading Trump's way.

The whole state's got 50 total, with the last 21 being divided up based on the winners of the seven congressional districts ... three delegates for each district a candidate wins.

Regardless, Trump's already apparently won the majority of delegates in the state -- a state where Haley not only was born but also where she served as governor from 2011 to 2017.

She left the post after then-President Trump named her United Nations Ambassador ... and, it seems voters would rather go with the man who appointed her to the post than their former gov.

Fox News

Nikki's had a very difficult run as of late ... becoming embroiled in controversy caused by comments she made about the Civil War while her opponent's dominated every single primary so far.

Of course, it ain't over 'til the lady sings ... but, with her home state now squarely in Trump's camp, it seems only a matter of time before Nikki cuts bait and 45 stands unopposed in the Republican party.

BTW ... Trump's already delivered a victory speech where he praised how united his party is at this moment -- and also looked past Haley and said he was looking to take President Joe Biden's job instead.

TMZ Studios

Super Tuesday's less than two weeks away ... and, it's hard to imagine Haley hanging in there for that long after tonight's crushing defeat.

Stay tuned ...

MSNBC Host Chokes Up on Jan 6. Anniversary ... New Fugitives Captured

holding back tears

A MSNBC host choked back tears live on the air while talking to a cop who was on the front lines of Jan. 6 -- and in other news ... new fugitives are in custody 3 years to the day.

Anchor Jonathan Capehart brought former Metro D.C. officer Michael Fanone on his Saturday morning program, and after recapping what had happened on 1/6/21 and introducing him ... JC got emotional on camera before he passed things off to his guest.

Watch ... you can tell the heartfelt moment wasn't lost on Fanone, who also seemed to be stirred. Capehart took out a handkerchief and wiped his face a bit as he gathered himself.

Like we said, Fanone was one of the many officers on the scene on Jan. 6 -- and he nearly lost his life as MAGA supporters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop Congress's certification of the 2020 election ... this after Donald Trump gave a speech earlier in the day.

Fanone has made the rounds on cable news and on Capitol Hill in the years since ... relaying his harrowing near-death experience and denouncing the rioters' motives and actions.

His story continues to touch hearts ... including Capehart's, who broke down in front of him.

BTW, the Jan. 6 arrests continue to this day too ... including 3 new ones that were just announced Saturday by the FBI. The feds say they've captured a trio of fugitives whom they'd been looking for since '21 ... Jonathan and Olivia Pollock and Joseph Hutchinson.

They got busted hiding out in FL ... and now, they face serious charges related to the event.

Presentador de MSNBC Se quiebra en el aniversario del 6 de enero... Nuevos fugitivos capturados

Crisis emocional

Un presentador de MSNBC se ahogó en lágrimas en vivo mientras estaba al aire hablando con un policía que estuvo en la primera línea el 6 de enero, al mismo tiempo, nuevos fugitivos quedaron en custodia a 3 años de aquel día.

El presentador Jonathan Capehart invitó al exoficial de Metro de D.C. Michael Fanone a su programa del sábado por la mañana, y después de recapitular lo que pasó el 6 de enero de 2021 y presentarlo, se emocionó en cámara antes de pasar a la entrevista con su invitado.

Miren, se puede ver que el emotivo momento también conmovió a Fanone, quien también parecía estar emocionado. Capehart sacó un pañuelo y se limpió un poco la cara mientras se recomponía.

Como dijimos, Fanone fue uno de los muchos oficiales que estuvo en la escena el 6 de enero y casi pierde la vida cuando los partidarios de Make America Great Again irrumpieron en el Capitolio en un intento por detener la proclamación del Congreso de las elecciones de 2020. Esto, después de que Donald Trump diera un discurso temprano aquel día.

Fanone se ha paseado por las noticias y el Capitolio estos años, relatando su desgarradora experiencia y denunciando los motivos y acciones de los alborotadores.

Su historia sigue tocando corazones, incluyendo el de Capehart, que se quebró delante de él.

Por cierto, los arrestos del 6 de enero continúan hasta el día de hoy, incluyendo tres nuevos que acaban de ser anunciados este sábado por el FBI. Los federales dicen que han capturado a un trío de fugitivos a los que buscaban desde el 21 ... Jonathan y Olivia Pollock y Joseph Hutchinson.

Fueron atrapados mientras estaban escondidos en Florida y ahora, se enfrentan a graves cargos relacionados con el evento.

Don Lemon Nikki Haley More Dangerous Than Trump

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Don Lemon says the most detrimental presidential candidate Americans could elect isn't Donald Trump ... but rather Nikki Haley.

The former CNN host joined us Friday on "TMZ Live," and said he thinks there's good reason to sound an alarm on Haley's campaign ... saying she's a more dangerous candidate than Trump.


Don says it's a case of the devil you know versus the devil you don't ... calling out Haley for being unclear on her views, flip-flopping on Trump's insurrection and ripping her track record on abortion and racism.

The way Don sees it ... we've already survived one Trump presidency, and Haley presents a new set of unknowns that might end up being worse than anything Trump ever did.

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It's another shot at Haley from Don ... as we reported, he blasted her on social media Thursday for leaving slavery out of her answer on the cause of the Civil War.

Haley's apologized and asked for grace, something Don says is hypocritical.

Remember, Don and Nikki had beef when he was at CNN ... he called her past her prime, and says she showed him no grace for his poor choice of words ... which he's said was just a prime case of misspeaking on live television.

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Don's speaking out on political issues for the first time since leaving his post at CNN ... and he says he can finally speak his mind about all candidates, including Republicans.

While he says he doesn't want Trump back in office, and Haley might be worse ... he tells us why Chris Christie is earning his respect, even though he disagrees with most of his policies.


Don's outspokenness here sounds like a sign of things to come -- he broke some news with us about what he's planning professionally for the immediate future.

Don Lemon Nikki Haley es más peligrosa que Trump

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Trump antes que Nikki

Don Lemon dice que el candidato presidencial más perjudicial que los estadounidenses podrían elegir no es Donald Trump, sino más bien Nikki Haley.

El ex presentador de CNN se unió a nosotros el viernes en "TMZ Live" y nos dijo que hay buenas razones para hacer sonar las alarmas con la campaña de Haley, diciendo que ella es una candidata más peligrosa que Trump


Don dice que es un caso de diablo conocido a diablo por conocer, y critica a Haley por no ser claro respecto a sus puntos de vista, por cambiar de opinión sobre la insurrección de Trump y por su historial sobre el aborto y el racismo.

Desde la perspectiva de Don, ya sobrevivimos a una presidencia de Trump y Haley presenta un nuevo conjunto de incógnitas que podrían terminar siendo peor que cualquier cosa que Trump haya hecho.

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Siguiente pregunta

Este es otro tiro de Don hacia Haley, como informamos, el presentador la atacó en las redes el jueves por dejar la esclavitud fuera de su respuesta sobre la causa de la Guerra Civil.

Haley se disculpó y pidió comprensión, algo que Don considera hipócrita.

Recuerden, Don y Nikki tuvieron problemas cuando él estaba en CNN. Don le dijo que había pasado su mejor momento.

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Su cuarto de hora...

Don está hablando sobre temas políticos por primera vez desde que dejó su puesto en CNN. Dice que finalmente puede decir lo que piensa de los candidatos, incluidos los republicanos.

Aunque dice que no quiere Trump de nuevo en el cargo, y que Haley podría ser peor, nos explica por qué Chris Christie se está ganando su respeto, a pesar de que no está de acuerdo con la mayoría de sus políticas.

Próximos proyectos

La franqueza de Don aquí suena como una señal de que vienen cosas para él. También nos dio algunas sobre sus planes profesionales en el futuro inmediato.

Donald Trump y "Mi pobre angelito 2"... aprovechando el Plaza

El papel de estrella invitada de Donald Trump en "Mi pobre angelito: Perdido en Nueva York" no fue un guiño a su talento actoral, resulta que estaba exigiendo el papel a cambio de permitir la filmación en su hotel.

Director Chris Columbus le dijo a Business Insider cómo Trump trazó una línea en la arena al exigir una aparición en la película a cambio de permitirles filmar en el Plaza.

Columbus dijo: "Como la mayoría de los lugares en Nueva York, puedes pagar una cuota que te permite rodar en ese lugar. Nos pusimos en contacto con el Hotel Plaza, propiedad de Trump en aquel momento, porque queríamos rodar en el vestíbulo ya que no podíamos reconstruir The Plaza en un plató".

Chris dijo que el futuro Presidente fue tajante... "Trump dijo que de acuerdo. Pagamos la cuota, pero también dijo: 'La única forma en que puedes usar el Plaza es si estoy en la película'".

Parece que Columbus pensó que Trump sería una molestia para el público, pero fue todo lo contrario: "Cuando la proyectamos por primera vez ocurrió lo más extraño: La gente aplaudió cuando Trump apareció en pantalla. Así que le dije a mi editor: 'Déjalo en la película. Es un momento para el público'. Pero se coló a la fuerza en la película".

Un presagio de lo que está por venir, tal vez.

Donald Trump He Bullied His Way into 'Home Alone 2' ... So Says Director

Donald Trump's guest starring role in "Home Alone: Lost in New York" was not a nod to his talent ... turns out he was demanding the role in return for allowing filming at his hotel.

Director Chris Columbus told Business Insider how Trump drew a line in the sand -- you wanna shoot at The Plaza, then put me in your movie.

Columbus said, “Like most locations in New York City, you just pay a fee and you are allowed to shoot in that location. We approached The Plaza Hotel, which Trump owned at the time, because we wanted to shoot in the lobby. We couldn’t rebuild The Plaza on a soundstage."

Chris said the future President was blunt ... “Trump said OK. We paid the fee, but he also said, ‘The only way you can use the Plaza is if I’m in the movie.'”

Now here's the thing. It seems Columbus thought Trump would be an annoyance to audiences, but it was the opposite ... "When we screened it for the first time the oddest thing happened: People cheered when Trump showed up on-screen. So I said to my editor, 'Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.' But he did bully his way into the movie.”

A harbinger of things to come, maybe.

Donald Trump Lemonade Jab At Biden's All Fake ... Just An Internet Hoax!!!

Donald Trump's going viral for jabbing President Biden over a couple deaths linked to Panera lemonade ... but someone's putting words in Trump's mouth because it's all bogus.

Here's the deal ... there are a series of screenshots from a recent Trump speech going viral online, and they claim to quote Trump blaming Biden for two deaths linked to a new drink from Panera.

Trump and Biden are easy targets here ... it's not crazy to believe Trump would go after Biden for such a story, but it turns out lots of folks are being duped ... because the quotes are totally fake.

The viral images have made up quotes attributed to Trump, where he's saying ... "Everything is bad under Biden. Even the lemonade is killing people. Did you see that? People drink lemonade and die."

The fake Trump quote is referencing a couple recent deaths linked to Panera's new Charged Lemonade, which is super caffeinated.

Other fake Trump quotes included ... "The lemonade didn't kill you when I was president. It was tasty and fun to drink. We loved the lemonade, didn't we?"

Another falsely quotes as Trump saying ... "We did, but not under Biden. Bacon is more money. Gas is more money. The lemonade is more money and it kills you."

The fourth and final says ... "When life hands you lemons, Joe Biden kills you with them."

The screenshots and fake closed captioning is from Trump's recent speech in Iowa ... but anyone watching the speech will find out there's no mention of lemonade whatsoever.

Social media's rife with fake quotes attributed to politicians, celebs and athletes these days ... but lots of folks haven't caught on yet.

Colby Covington Donald Trump Will Be In The Building ... When I Fight Leon Edwards At UFC 296


Colby Covington will have a very powerful supporter on hand next Saturday when he fights Leon Edwards for the UFC welterweight title ... 'cause Chaos tells us his friend Donald Trump will be in the building!

"110%, the greatest president in history, 45 and soon to be 47th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, will be in attendance front row," 35-year-old Covington told Babcock on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs weekdays on FS1).

In fact, Colby says he nearly arranged for DT to escort him to the Octagon before the title fight.

"I was trying to get him to walk out with me. He was really excited to walk out with me, but it's a logistical concern for the UFC, and I understand that. The guy comes with a lot of Secret Service, and it's a big deal anytime he walks in. Unfortunately, I won't be able to have him walk out, but he will be front row cheering me on, and I'll get to put that belt around his waist. It's gonna be amazing!"

Of course, Trump is a huge UFC fan ... and has a relationship with Colby and Dana White. In fact, DT attended UFC 295 at Madison Square Garden last month where he received a raucous ovation (from everyone besides Bill Burr's wife).

Colby then took a shot at Leon ... who has been the 170 lb. champ since beating Kamaru Usman at UFC 278.

"It shows that I'm the A-side in this fight. Is he bringing out the Royal family? Is he bringing out Mary f***ing Poppins? Is he bringing out Paddington the Bear? Naw, he's a f***ing nobody!"

Covington hasn't fought since March 2022, when he beat former best-friend-turned-rival Jorge Masvidal. We asked CC how he felt after the long layoff.

"I feel great, man. I've never felt better.

"I haven't wanted to take this time off, but the time off has been good so I could focus on some of my weak areas. I feel like I'm the most well-rounded fighter in the game right now and next Saturday night fans are going to be surprised, they're going to be shocked. It's gonna be a great night, it's gonna be a 1776-type night, and that means the British don't come to American soil and call the shots. It means you're about to come all the way over here to America to get your ass kicked and over back home to the UK empty-handed, Junior. See you soon, Leon Scott."

Check out the clip, there's much more with Covington ... who fights Edwards in less than a week!


Donald Trump puede estar pensando en ir cara a cara con los otros republicanos que le están desafiando por la nominación presidencial, porque hemos descubierto que el Servicio Secreto ya ha explorado el lugar.

El próximo debate está previsto para el 6 de diciembre en el Moody Music Building Concert Hall de la Universidad de Alabama en Birmingham. Será retransmitido en directo por NewsNation. La cadena anunció el pasado jueves que acogerá el debate, y fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que ese mismo día agentes del Servicio Secreto acudieron al lugar y recorrieron las instalaciones por dentro y por fuera.

El único candidato que cuenta con la protección del Servicio Secreto es Donald Trump, quien, como ex Presidente, será seguido de por vida por la Agencia.

Trump ha pasado de los anteriores debates de este año y no ha habido pruebas evidentes de que vaya a cambiar de rumbo, dado que está a años luz de los demás candidatos en las encuestas. Pero el paseo del Servicio Secreto sugiere que está pensando en presentarse.

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sin respeto
FOX News

Lo que es especialmente interesante es que uno de los tres moderadores del debate es Megyn Kelly, quien famosamente se enfrentó a Trump durante un debate republicano en 2015. Las calificaciones se fueron por las nubes para ese debate y Trump está obsesionado con las calificaciones, así que quién sabe.

Estén atentos...

Donald Trump Evidence He Might Debate Republican Candidates ... Secret Service Shows Up at Upcoming Venue

Donald Trump may be thinking about going head-to-head with the other Republicans who are challenging him for the presidential nomination because we've learned the Secret Service has already scoped out the venue.

The next debate is scheduled for December 6 at the Moody Music Building Concert Hall at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. The debate will be carried live on NewsNation. The network announced last Thursday it will host the debate, and sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... that same day Secret Service agents came to the venue and walked the premises ... inside and out.

The only candidate who has Secret Service protection is Donald Trump, who, as a former President, will be shadowed for life by the agency.

Trump has passed on the previous debates this year and there has been no obvious evidence he'll change course, given he's light-years ahead of the other candidates in the polls. But the Secret Service walk-through suggests he's thinking about showing up.

111523_donald_trump3-kal August 2015
FOX News

What's especially interesting ... one of the 3 moderators of the debate is Megyn Kelly, who famously sparred with Trump during a Republican debate back in 2015. The ratings went through the roof for that debate, and Trump is obsessed with ratings, so who knows?


Stay tuned ...

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