Lil Pump Trump lo saluda en un mitin en Florida

Pump por Trump
Instagram / @lilpump

Donald Trump no se olvida de uno de sus primeros partidarios, Lil Pump, quien estuvo presente en el mitin de Florida del ex comandante el miércoles por la noche, y el rapero "Gucci Gang" recibió algunos elogios públicos.

Trump lo señaló entre una multitud de unos 5.200 asistentes, quienes llegaron hasta el suburbio de Hialeah en Miami, según los informes. Tras el reconocimiento, Pump se puso de pie, recogió sus flores y mostró su orgullo de pies a cabeza!!!

Vuelvan sus calendarios tres años atrás, en 2020, cuando Pump fue extremadamente apasionado en su intento por conseguir que Trump fuera reelegido. Esto, a pesar de no ser un votante registrado.

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Lil Trump

Para Pump, la influencia es lo que cuenta en el largo plazo. Él es un fan de la persona rebelde de #45, al igual que Kodak Black y Waka Flocka.

Trump puede contar con el apoyo de Pump para ganar la nominación del Partido Republicano, pero está por ver si consigue su voto.

Lil Pump Trump Shout-Out At Fl Rally ... '1 Of The Few' To Support!!!

Instagram / @lilpump

Donald Trump doesn't forget his day 1 supporters -- Lil Pump was in attendance at the former commander-in-chief's Florida rally Wednesday night, and the "Gucci Gang" rapper got some public praise.

Trump singled him out in the crowd of 5,200 reportedly in attendance in the Miami suburb of Hialeah ... prompting Pump to stand up, collect his flowers and show off his fit ... head-to-toe MAGA!!!

Flip the calendars back 3 years to 2020 and Pump was extremely vocal in attempting to get Trump reelected ... despite not being a registered voter himself.

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For Pump, it's the influence that counts in the long run. He's a fan of #45's rebellious persona -- as are Kodak Black and Waka Flocka.

Trump can count on Pump's endorsement to win the GOP nomination, but whether he gets his vote remains to be seen.

Mike Pence I'm Out on 2024 Race ... Just Not My Time


Mike Pence is throwing in the towel on his bid for the presidency, 'cause he says it's simply not his time to be commander-in-chief ... but it sounds like politics are still in his future.

The ex-Veep announced Saturday that he was suspending his presidential campaign, which has been going for about 5 months now ... but without much traction, it seems. He dropped the bombshell during a speech he gave for the Republican Jewish Coalition in Vegas.

In MP's remarks, he cites a Bible verse that says "there's a time for every purpose under heaven," adding that after much thought and prayer -- he's realized right now isn't his.

You can kinda hear people in the crowd react with shock ... which changes into cheering.

Fox News

Pence says while he might be exiting the 2024 race, he isn't abandoning his mission of fighting for "principled conservative values" and helping elect GOP leaders. It's a pretty shocking development -- especially considering he was one of the higher-profile candidates.

Pence positioned himself as a traditional Republican ... aka, someone who stood against Donald Trump/MAGA -- even though he was 45's right-hand man in the WH for 4 years.


That allegiance to Trump -- which was strong throughout his entire presidency -- waned toward the end ... when Pence was thrust into the Jan. 6 insurrection as one of the primary targets ... all because he refused to do Trump's bidding in overturning the election results.

In the years since Jan. 6, Pence has come out firmly against his old boss ... but as far as making an impact as a would-be contender -- he never really gained any serious steam.

Time will tell how long the others can hold out -- at this rate, Trump is far and away the favorite to secure the Republican nomination ... no one else is seriously threatening that.

And then there were 6?

Bill Maher Skewers Hasan Minhaj for Lying ... Truth is Not Relative


Bill Maher did not hold back Friday night, calling comedian Hasan Minhaj a shady liar.

The 'Real Time' host ended his show worrying that the concept of truth has become relative, and Exhibit A is Donald Trump, making wild claims and then simply declaring them to be true.

He then broadens out and says both sides -- the left and right -- are guilty as charged. As Maher puts it, the right pushes conspiracy theories and the left embraces "emotional truth."

BM then takes aim at Minhaj, and there's more beef here than in any happy meal.  Minhaj accused Maher of saying Muslims should be rounded up and incarcerated -- something Bill has never said.

Maher then references a New Yorker story, which calls Minhaj out for making up stories for his act. Specifically, Minhaj says he asked a girl to the prom and at the last minute her parents said she couldn't go because he was a person of color. False, says the New Yorker.

And then there's the story of the FBI hunting Minhaj down and throwing him against a car because they thought he was a terrorist. Again, false, says the mag.

Minhaj told the New Yorker, emotional truth is first -- factual truth is secondary. Not so, says Maher ... not at all.

There's a lot more here ... check out the vid.

Bill Maher Biden no debería postularse nuevamente "Hay un periodo para Joe Biden, pero no 2"

Bill Maher tiene una gran estima por el presidente Biden, dice que ha hecho un buen trabajo y que ha traído un poco de normalidad de nuevo a la Casa Blanca, pero que ahora tiene que pasar la antorcha a otra persona o Trump será reelegido.

El presentador de "Real Time" volvió con fuerza tras la huelga de guionistas y no puede estar más entusiasmado con lo que viene en 2024. Bill dice que Donald Trump debe ser derrotado o la democracia seguramente morirá, pero cree que Biden no puede vencerlo porque los votantes tienen temor respecto a su edad, así como su agudeza física y mental.

Maher dice que ya no importa en este momento si Biden es lo suficientemente perspicaz para un segundo mandato. Incluso los demócratas tienen profundas reservas y la percepción es ahora la realidad.

Maher dice que la edad no debe ser un descalificador automático, que eso debe revisarse caso a caso. Y hablando de eso, tienen que oír Bill hablar de Mitch McConnell, quien se ha quedado petrificado varias veces en público.

En cuanto a Trump, dice que a pesar de que tiene más o menos la misma edad que Biden, de alguna manera parece más vibrante: "Trump es como KISS. Se pone la pintura en la cara y la peluca y ¡se parece al mismo de 1978!".

Y hablando de Trump, Bill hilarantemente tiene algunos consejos para el futuro posible compañero de celda del expresidente. Tienen que verlo.

Cuento corto, Maher dice que Joe no debe aspirar a convertirse en Ruth Bader Biden, cree que uno debe saber cuándo decir adiós.

Bill Maher Biden Should Not Run Again ... 'There's a term for Joe Biden, But Not 2'

Bill Maher has high praise for President Biden -- he says he's done a good job and has brought some normalcy back to The White House -- but he needs to pass the torch now, or Trump will get reelected.

The 'Real Time' host is back in full force after the writers' strike settled, and could not have been more fired up about 2024. BM says Donald Trump MUST be defeated or democracy will surely die, but he believes Biden can't beat him ... because voters are scared about his age, as well as physical and mental acuity.

Maher says, it doesn't matter at this point whether Biden is sharp enough for a second term -- even Dems have deep reservations, and perception is now reality.

Maher says age should not be an automatic disqualifier ... it should be case by case. And speaking of ... you gotta hear Bill talk about Mitch McConnell ... that the freezing episodes looked like Mitch was in a "buffering state."

As for Trump ... he says even though he's around the same age as Biden ... somehow he seems more vibrant -- "Trump is like KISS. He puts on the face paint and the wig and he looks like he did in 1978!"

And speaking of Trump ... Bill hilariously has some pointers for the future possible cellmate of the former Prez ... you gotta watch.

Short story ... Maher says Joe shouldn't want to become Ruth Bader Biden ... he says you gotta know when to say goodbye.

Kellyanne Conway Extremely Proud of Daughter Claudia ... 'An Independent Spirit'

Kellyanne Conway SEPTEMBER 2023

Kellyanne Conway has nothing but great things to say about her daughter, Claudia ... calling her an independent woman who's making big moves straight out of high school.

We got the former Senior Counselor to Donald Trump Wednesday night at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in CA, after the Republican debate came to a close.

Kellyanne let us know how 18-year-old Claudia's career as a singer has been going, a few years after making a name for herself on season 19 of "American Idol."

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According to Kellyanne, Claudia's doin' great outside music, too -- saying she got herself a fellowship in the Big Apple while taking a gap year from school.

We also ask her what she thinks about her kid being a part of Playboy earlier this year, but KC says her daughter's an entrepreneur and an independent gal, and she's proud of her ... although she claims Claudia's Playboy days might be over.

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Tik Tok/@claudiamconway

It sounds like the 2 have a much better relationship these days. In 2021, Claudia secretly filmed and posted a video of Kellyanne screaming and cussing her out.

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Tik Tok/@claudiamconway

Claudia later posted a video of Kellyanne talking with cops about their explosive confrontation ... and law enforcement sources told us cops did a welfare check after the intense video was shared.

Fortunately, that all seems to be in the rearview.

John Cusack Blasts Democratic Elites ... They're All 'Full of S***'

John Cusack -- someone who's been transparent about his liberal views for years -- is coming after Democrats ... 'cause in his eyes, they have a total lack of morals.

The often-left-wing actor didn't hold back on social media earlier this week, saying those towards the top of the Democratic Party are "full of s***." He goes on to blame them for people switching to Donald Trump as a consideration for the presidency.

It's a long rant that John goes on -- he even takes shots at former Prez Barack Obama's iconic "Hope and Change" slogan ... something John's calling, "another branded hustle."

John's heated talk came in response to an article that claimed Dems are considering doing away with federal wealth taxes ... writing, "This kind of staggering amoral bulls*** is one of the main reason[s] (yes there are others) Trump's demagoguery works on people."

He sarcastically adds, "Don’t worry fellas - the democrats will save the .000000001 % from paying tax" ... saying, "To even attempt this … Unbelievable."

For those unaware, John's often spoken out about things like politics, activism, and wealth distribution ... but he usually sees things from a Democratic perspective.

Sounds like John's fed up with the left, too ... at least, for the time being.


John Cusack es alguien que ha sido transparente acerca de sus puntos de vista liberales durante años, pero nos enteramos que esta vez va en contra de los demócratas ya que bajo su punto de vista, tienen una total falta de moral.

El actor —a menudo de izquierdas— no se contuvo en las redes sociales a principios de esta semana diciendo que los que están en la cima del Partido Demócrata están "llenos de mierda". A continuación, les culpa de que la gente se haya pasado a Donald Trump como candidato a la presidencia.

Es un largo despotricar el de John, incluso ningunea el icónico eslogan del ex Presidente Barack Obama "Esperanza y Cambio", algo que John llama, "otro timo de marca".

La acalorada charla de John vino en respuesta a un artículo que afirmaba que los demócratas están considerando eliminar los impuestos federales sobre la riqueza escribiendo: "Este tipo de asombrosa mierda amoral es una de las principales razones (sí hay otras) por las que la demagogia de Trump funciona en la gente".

Y añade sarcásticamente: "No se preocupen amigos, los demócratas salvarán al .000000001 % de pagar impuestos" diciendo: "Para siquiera intentar esto ... Increíble".

Para aquellos que no lo saben, John ha hablado a menudo sobre cosas como la política, el activismo, y la distribución de la riqueza pero por lo general ve las cosas desde una perspectiva demócrata.

Parece que John está harto de la izquierda últimamente ... al menos por el momento.

Joe Biden Chuckles About Donald Trump Mug Shot ... Ridicules Him To Press


President Joe Biden rubbed salt into Donald Trump’s wounds Friday, chuckling about his rival's now infamous mug shot while making a snarky remark.

JB poked fun at DT after he walked out of a Pilates class in South Tahoe, California, and answered a few questions from a gaggle of reporters waiting outside.

Biden was asked if he saw Trump’s booking photo and he started laughing, saying he caught the image on TV.

POTUS then mocked Trump, calling him a “handsome guy, wonderful guy.”

Some observers didn’t take kindly to Biden's remarks and booed him, showing the deep divide between voters and just how ugly our politics have become.

And Trump is in the middle of it with his myriad of legal woes stemming from the last presidential election. As you know, the 45th President has been indicted on state and federal charges in four jurisdictions around the country.

This past week, Trump posed for his historic mug shot at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia, where he stands accused of trying to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election.

As Trump‘s world only gets harder, Biden seems to be enjoying his Pilates classes while on vacation in Tahoe. The two are expected to square off again in the 2024 presidential general election.

Plies 'N****s 4 Trump' Dude's Been Dusty 4 Life!!!

Plies is having a field day on Donald Trump in the wake of the ex-president's 4th indictment ... gunning for 45's Black supporters wearing their allegiance on their chest.

The "Ritz Carlton" rapper poked fun at Trump's mug shot and the seemingly inaccurate stats -- 6'3", 215 lbs -- on his booking sheet. Plies is also taking it to the Georgia man who went viral earlier this week for conducting an interview while wearing a shirt that says "N**** 4 Trump."

Plies didn't hold his tongue and accused the man (and everyone like him) of being cornballs back in high school ... while smelling funky and never getting haircuts.

There's been a lot of contention for African Americans affiliated with the Republican party as of late ... Charlamagne and GOP presidential candidate Larry Elder went blow-for-blow this week, splitting opinions down the middle.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Not Plies though ... he's as anti-Trump as it gets!!!

Donald Trump Down to Stand Trial After the Election!!! Wants Delay of Federal Case

Donald Trump is looking to kick one of his criminal cases down the road -- way down the road -- he wants his federal election interference trial to begin after he gets another shot at the White House.

In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Trump is seeking to delay his upcoming trial until April 2026 ... instead of the January 2024 trial date Special Counsel Jack Smith wants.

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Fox News

Trump's proposed trial start would fall about 17 months after the 2024 presidential election, in which he's the leading Republican candidate.

According to the docs, Trump says the delay is necessary because prosecutors have produced 11.5 million pages of documents -- which he says if stacked together would stretch nearly 5,000 feet into the sky -- and his attorneys need time to comb through all of it.

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The former president is now facing 4 criminal cases, but this is related to his federal indictment for attempting to undermine the 2020 election with his actions on, before and after January 6, 2021.

Remember, prosecutors at the Department of Justice charged Trump on Aug. 1 with 4 counts -- conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding and conspiracy against rights (to vote).

Trump's pleaded not guilty ... and Smith's team of prosecutors previously filed docs requesting jury selection begin in December, with the trial starting Jan. 2.

Of course, that would be square in the middle of Trump's campaign for the 2024 election -- keep in mind the Iowa Caucus is on Jan. 15.

So, it's not all that surprising Trump wants to hit pause, and push it until well after the 2024 election ... to a date when he could actually be POTUS, once again. That would make more history.

The judge is expected to set the trial date during an Aug. 28 hearing.

Donald Trump Behind The Scenes At UFC 290 W/ Dana, Izzy, Maxx Crosby


Donald Trump is one of the most polarizing people ever, but that wasn't the case at UFC 290 ... the former president received heaps of love from the packed crowd in Las Vegas, including celebs and fighters!

The 45th President of the United States was captured on video walking into T-Mobile Arena flanked by longtime friend, UFC president Dana White, escorted by a gang of Secret Service Agents ... where Trump received a raucous ovation.

After enough handshakes to put a campaign event to shame (including dapping up Raiders star Maxx Crosby), Trump and White made their way to their seats, Octagon-side.

The card featured a ton of great fights ... and a bunch of the athletes showed Trump love after their scraps, including Bo Nickal, who beat Val Woodburn by 1st round knockout.

After the KO, Bo climbed the Octagon fence and had a brief chat with DT.

Jalin Turner's corner also had a conversation with Donald ... with one of the lightweight contender's coaches asking him, "Mr. Trump, are you winning again? Are you winning again? Yes! Please! We need it!"

In between the fights, Trump also found time to hang with Israel Adesanya, "Suga" Sean O'Malley and Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone.

Of course, it's not the first event Trump has attended since leaving the White House. He's a legit fight fan ... and has been around the sport of MMA since the early 2000s.

Fourth Of July In D.C. National Mall Fireworks Show ... Nearly $270K To Light It Up!

Washington, D.C. isn't skimping on this year's annual fireworks extravaganza at the National Mall -- and we've learned America's dropping a nice chunk of change to make it happen!

According to federal records, obtained by TMZ, the big fireworks show put on by the National Park Service will cost taxpayers $269,000 ... with Garden State Fireworks once again getting the honor of lighting up the D.C. sky.

But before ya start waggin' your finger at the 6-figure price tag, this is in the same ballpark as years past -- TMZ broke the story, the price tag was $278,500 back in 2021 for the patriotic bash.

Garden State Fireworks got a big bump -- we paid them $320K when former President Donald Trump wanted to beef up the show.

And FYI -- the highest price in recent years appears to be 2020's show which cost around $350K ... when the pandemic forced a move to Mount Rushmore.

Donald Trump Provides New Classified Docs Excuse ... My Golf Shirt's to Blame

trump boxes
FOX News

Donald Trump is floating a strange theory for why he didn’t return classified documents to the U.S. government … and it has everything to do with his golf attire.

Trump sat down with Fox News anchor Bret Baier for a wide-ranging interview Monday night ... and the 45th Prez gave an odd response when the questioning turned to why he held on to sensitive materials that belong to the National Archives in D.C.

DT said he was "very busy" and needed time to sort through the boxes because his personal effects were mixed in with the top secret documents, adding ... "These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things: golf shirts, pants, shoes."

Baier followed up with ... "Iran war plans?" Trump responded, "Not that I know."

Baier was referring to an audio recording of Trump allegedly saying he wanted to share Iranian war plans with others -- something DT fervently denied, even though it's part of his federal case. Trump also shot down the notion he boasted about having classified docs to guests at his Bedminster, NJ estate ... an allegation also included in the indictment.

Of course, Trump also suggested the feds might have planted some of the classified docs when they raided Mar-a-Lago in August 2022.

Trump told Baier ... "All of a sudden we got raided…what I’m concerned about [is] they took everything. Right? I don’t know what they took."

He continued ... "They could be stuffing it. I don’t know what they put in there. They have never treated a president like this."

As we reported, Trump was arraigned last week in a Miami courthouse on a 37-count indictment charging him with, among other things, willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and withholding a document or record.

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Prosecutors claim Trump squirreled away stacks of boxes containing classified docs in his Palm Beach resort, including on a ballroom stage and next to a bathroom toilet.

The feds say the docs detailed military capabilities of both the U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, and other highly sensitive information about potential vulnerabilities that could lead to our enemies attacking us.

Donald Trump I've Been Indicted ... For Taking Classified Docs to FL

Donald Trump says he's been indicted by the feds over the classified documents he took with him to Mar-a-Lago when he left the White House at the end of his presidential term.

The former President got out in front of the indictment Thursday evening, announcing it before the Dept. of Justice did. He says the DOJ had informed his legal team he was being indicted ... and Trump's already proclaiming his innocence.

The indictment, handed up by a federal grand jury in Miami, reportedly includes at least 7 counts, but because the DOJ hasn't released it, there are no details yet about the specific charges. ABC is reporting the counts range from willful retention of national defense information to conspiracy related to a scheme to conceal to false statements and representations.

Trump says his initial court appearance to face the charges will be Tuesday at the federal courthouse in Miami. Echoing the thoughts of millions of Americans -- including his supporters and haters -- Trump says he never thought this would happen to a former U.S. President.

Make no mistake, this is historic ... Trump is the first former prez to ever face federal charges.

Remember, the feds say Trump took troves of classified docs to Mar-a-Lago ... where they allegedly sat in unsecured places, including a basement.

The FBI swarmed Mar-a-Lago back in August, seizing 11,000 documents.

The federal indictment comes a little over 2 months after Trump was indicted by a New York grand jury over his alleged involvement in the Stormy Daniels hush money case.

Story developing ...

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