President Trump Not Giving Up Election Fight!!! Targets Mail-in Ballots

Right Side Broadcasting Network

President Trump remains defiant, and is vowing to wage legal war against the election results that have made Joe Biden the nation's President-Elect.

Trump's legal team, including Rudy Giuliani held a news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia Saturday morning ... just moments after Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris became the projected winners of the election.

Giuliani focused on the mail-in ballots in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and repeated Trump's allegations of fraud connected to them. His main beef is Team Trump was allegedly not allowed to see any of the mail-in ballots or verify their legitimacy.

Rudy says the problem wasn't only in Philadelphia, but also in Pittsburgh ... where he claims 300,000 ballots went completely unchecked by Republicans who had a court order allowing them to observe the count.

He admits they were given access, but as you've heard for a few days now ... team Trump claims they weren't allowed to get close enough to properly observe.

The President and his lawyers say they will file multiple cases on Monday to challenge the vote count. Although they've yet to present any evidence of this ... they claim not every legal ballot has been counted, and far too many "illegal" ballots have been counted.

Presidential Election Amazing 'Avengers' Homage to Biden and Supporters

This has gotta be the best -- THE BEST -- messaging so far in the election ... the reimagining of "The Avengers" ... telling the story of an army of Joe Biden supporters who inspired millions to vote Donald Trump out of office.

It's so good ... you see the sun rise as Stacey Abrams, Barack Obama and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms emerge from the shadows. As the video's villain -- yes, you guessed it -- urges an end to the vote count, others emerge in their fight for democracy -- Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Corey Booker, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer and many, many more.

Writing this does not do the video justice. Just watch ... it's awesome!!!

Joe Biden Bill Maher Calls Race for Biden ... Networks too 'Chicken S***' to Call

Real Time with Bill Maher/HBO

The election has not been called on the news shows, but that didn't stop Bill Maher from stating what is increasingly obvious ... Joe Biden's gonna be the next president.

Bill flat-out declared Biden the winner, and he reveled in the fact he's the only one in the media who's said it out loud for all to hear. He also says Trump's acting like a "whiny little bitch" in challenging the process ... something Bill predicted 3 years ago.

The numbers certainly support Bill's conclusion ... Biden is pulling away from Trump in Pennsylvania and Georgia with a dwindling vote count remaining ... and that would be more than enough to win.

Bill also cautioned during his show ... it's not going to be smooth sailing for Biden, because there are 70 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and although Biden has vowed he'll be a president for all Americans -- whether they voted for him or not -- it's going to be a tall order to get them under the tent.

Nevertheless ... Bill celebrated with balloons cascading down from above -- balloons that startled the host in the middle of some pretty great conversations.

So, what's everyone waiting for??!??

Donald Trump New Yorkers Celebrate Trump Defeat ... With 'Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye'

@Dean_Moses Twitter/Reddit

The only thing missing from the streets of New York Friday night was Martha Reeves and the Vandellas ... because there were lots and lots of dancing in the streets, celebrating a presumed Joe Biden win.

A huge crowd gathered in Washington Square Park as the crowd danced as they sang to Donald Trump, "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye." The street set was followed up with "We Are the Champions," and then "Don't Stop Believin'."

New Yorkers who dislike Trump came out in droves to celebrate in the city Trump is apparently abandoning for Palm Beach.

What's clear ... people aren't waiting for the networks to call the election ... they want to celebrate NOW ... and celebrate they did.

Activist Tamika Mallory Black Women Turned Out in Force for Joe ... So Now Give Us Our Due!!!

We Delivered Joe, Your Turn Now

Black voters and especially Black female voters are responsible for what looks like a clear win in Georgia for Joe Biden, so it's about time they get a little more respect ... so says activist Tamika Mallory.

We got Tamika out in NYC Friday, and she made it clear ... Joe Biden will almost certainly become President in no small part because of support from Black voters. True, Donald Trump actually got more Black Georgia voters in his column than in 2016 -- 15% in 2016 and 18% this time around -- but the lion's share went to Biden. Now it's time for Biden and co. to acknowledge their contribution with action.

Tamika echos what many say ... Black women have been the backbone of the Democratic party for decades, yet they have not received their due from the party and candidates they support. Well, she says, that's gotta change ... and now.

She has high praise for Stacey Abrams, who worked tirelessly to combat voter suppression and get people to vote, and she succeeded in spectacular fashion.

NBA's Trae Young Buys Lunch for ATL Election Workers ... 'Thanks for All You Do'

Trae Young with the assist!!!

The Atlanta Hawks superstar did a VERY cool thing on Friday -- splurging for lunch for the people counting ballots at State Farm Arena ... and they couldn't be happier about it!

The 22-year-old NBA sensation's rep hit up Jason's Deli in midtown Atlanta -- and told the crew Young wanted to do something nice for everyone helping out with the election process.

Young ended up buying 50 boardroom box lunches -- complete with sandwiches, chips, a pickle and a cookie. He also sprung for extra fruit side items for all. Way to keep it healthy!

Total cost -- $670 plus a nice 20% tip.

Obviously, Young can afford it -- he's super-rich, but this is more about the gesture than the price.

The Fulton County election workers were stoked when the food arrived with a note from Young that read, "Thanks for all you do!"

Fulton County thanked Young and the ATL Hawks -- noting the NBA team has "supported us throughout this election process."

There's a ton of pressure on the election workers in ATL right now -- as the votes in that area are playing a pivotal role in the presidential election.

Props to Trae -- and obviously shout out to all the patriots helping to count the ballots during this crazy time!

Vivica A. Fox Biden's Acting Presidential ... What a Novel Concept!!!


Vivica A. Fox says Joe Biden's running circles around Donald Trump when it comes to being a true leader ... and he's not even officially the president-elect yet.

We got Vivica at LAX Thursday and she told our photog she's liking what she's seeing and hearing from Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris.

Vivica says it's refreshing to see Biden acting like a true president by doing his part to help the country remain calm as folks wait on edge for ballots to be counted and a winner declared.

Joe Biden / YouTube

Biden and Harris received briefings on the coronavirus pandemic and economy Thursday while votes were still being tabulated in key states like Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania, with Biden preaching patience and assuring the public our democracy is still working, albeit slow and steady.

Vivica says it's a welcome change of pace after 4 years of Trump, who by the way, kept claiming the pandemic would magically disappear after the election. The opposite's happening -- infections are skyrocketing.

Vivica's sounding presidential herself ... she's got a strong message for anyone still panicking.

Election Day 2020 Pizza & Margaritas Reign Supreme For Voters Watching Results

The Presidential race is still undecided, but we DO have one clear Election Day winner ... and that's the pizza industry!

According to GrubHub ... 5 of its top 8 most popular items ordered Tuesday were pizzas, and another one was a pizza-adjacent appetizer -- garlic knots with marinara.

The popular food delivery app tells TMZ its most popular food item -- based on how much more it was ordered -- was the soppressata piccante pizza. That menu item saw a whopping 202% increase compared to other Tuesdays in October.

Right behind that was Nutella pizza -- which was 192% more popular -- followed by the first non-pizza food ... meatball sliders at 181%.

Rounding out the top 8 was burrata pizza, the aforementioned garlic knots, vegan cheese pizza, loaded curly fries and finally another pizza ... Sicilian.

Every good meal needs a stiff drink, and a margarita on the rocks actually ranked right behind the burrata pizza as one of GrubHub's most-ordered items ... with a 144% increase in popularity. Impressive, but Tres de Noviembre just doesn't roll off the tongue like Cinco de Mayo

Many folks opted for an even stiffer drink ... as the old-fashioned cocktail also saw a 121% rise on Election Day. We're guessing those were ordered late in the evening as the results started tightening up.

Those who had room after pizza and booze did order dessert -- tiramisu orders spiked 181% during dinner hours.

Based on the ongoing ballot counting drama, we say ... pass the margs, por favor!

Donald Trump I've Been Cheated By a Corrupt System ... Vows to Fight in Supreme Court

FOX News

Donald Trump was on a tear Thursday, grousing that he's somehow being cheated in the election, but he offered no evidence to support his claim ... and he said he'll fight it in court ... specifically, the Supreme Court.

Trump spoke at The White House, saying if you count what he calls "the legal votes" then he wins. Translation -- he thinks the absentee votes are illegal. It obviously makes no sense, because mail-in ballots are every bit as legal as ballots cast at polling places.

He got all David Copperfield, musing how his early lead could "magically" evaporate.

And then, Trump set his sights on the polls, which he rightly said were ridiculously off. Trump suggested it was all rigged to keep his supporters away from the polls and potential donors away from their wallets. He says it's "polling suppression."

He attacked the states where he's losing, calling them corrupt ... especially Pennsylvania.

As for going to the Supreme Court ... as you know his latest justice could be a swing vote. Just 2 weeks ago, the Court ruled 4-4 on a voting issue. Amy Coney Barrett will be the 5th vote. The real issue ... Trump has no proof and therefore no case of illegal voting.

It's incredibly sad. The cornerstone of American democracy is voting. This is the year when more Americans than any time in history jubilantly turned in their ballots, yet Donald Trump now casts doubt on the system and calls the election corrupt. It's really sad.

WH Correspondent April Ryan Election Straining Friendships ... America Forced to Question its Values


April Ryan views the divide between voters as a warning that more and more of us simply can't agree on what America's true nature is, or said another way -- who the hell are we???

The White House correspondent and CNN contributor joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and we asked her what the nearly 50-50 split in votes for President Trump and Joe Biden says about who we are as a country.

April says she is concerned about intense rhetoric from Trump, and others, about liberating states, Black Lives Matter, and armed protesters at ballot counting centers. She says the fact storefronts were boarded up before Election Day shows where we are as a nation.

What's more, April says a lot of her friends voted for Trump ... and she's sad they don't seem to be moved by what another 4 years of Trump might mean for her as a Black woman.

Translation: Where's our compassion and empathy?


April says she can relate to Cedric The Entertainer, who told us he has some buddies who support Trump while turning a blind eye to Trump's inflammatory comments about race.

It's a fascinating conversation, and April had some very important advice most of us can use right about now. She told us what she had to do to avoid losing good friends during election season. Listen up, America!

Trump Vs. Biden Oh Canada, Can We Move There?!? Americans Look North During Election Suspense

Americans had Canada on the mind with the fate of the presidential election hanging in the balance, thinking about moving there when it looked like Trump might get re-elected.

Folks in the States rushed to a Canadian government website on Election Night, boning up on immigration and pathways to citizenship, with the site seeing a 300% boost in traffic from the United States ... TMZ has learned.

People logged onto the web and found their way to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's page, with the first wave arriving around 7 PM ET on Election Night, when the polls started closing.

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Fox News

With Trump and Biden duking it out for Electoral College votes deep into the night, Americans kept researching a move to Canada. The increase in visits to the IRCC site continued into Wednesday morning, with no clear White House winner in sight and Trump sowing doubt about election results.

Americans, whether they were window shopping or dead serious, were greeted with loads of information on how to apply for permanent resident status in Canada and ultimately become a Canadian citizen.

In short, a permanent resident is someone who immigrates to Canada but is not a citizen ... and folks who want to become Canadian citizens must first be permanent residents, live in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years, file taxes, pass a citizenship test and prove language skills.

Yeah, that's a lot of hoops to jump through just because of an election.

In addition to your Average Joe, celebs have been threatening to move out of the country if Trump got 4 more years.

Remember ... George Lopez said "we'll all go back," Amy Schumer was ready to pack her bags for Spain, Cher said she'd move to Jupiter and Tommy Lee had his eyes on Greece.

Lena Dunham said a Trump re-election would see her moving back to Canada, and it looks like many Americans were ready to follow her.

Marc Lamont Hill Trump Voters Supported Racist ... That Makes Them Racist!!!


People who voted for 4 more years of Donald Trump are racists, even if they don't realize it yet ... at least that's activist Marc Lamont Hill's take on the election results.

Marc joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and made a statement many will find controversial about people who marked their ballots for Trump. He says some of those voters are just racist, but he adds ... others who don't see themselves as racist, should take a harder look.

The way Marc sees things ... it's one thing to look at the candidates and think they're all racist and make the best choice you can. But, for the BET host, it's an entirely different ballgame when you knowingly select the guy who defended white nationalists and wouldn't denounce folks like David Duke.

Marc says if you prioritized tax rates and a stimulus check over racism, then racism clearly just isn't a big deal to you. He suggests it's something with which Trump supporters just need to come to grips.

Votes are still being counted, but Trump's already approaching 67 million votes, and MLH says those numbers are alarming if you're Black.

With the presidency still up for grabs after Election Day, Marc tells us why the feeling this time around is even worse than 2016 and what he thinks the results say about our country.

Offset Feeding ATL Voters Waiting at Polls ... Crunch (& Munch) Time!!!

Offset's got an appetite to help people exercising their Constitutional right ... by hooking them up with free grub.

The Migos rapper hit up 3 polling locations Tuesday in Gwinnett and Fulton counties with some major back-up -- food trucks from The Slutty Vegan and Big Dave's ... a couple of ATL staples famous for their cheesesteaks.


Offset partnered with The Lincoln Project and AXSD Media to feed folks in line waiting to cast their vote ... helping to ensure turnout is maximized for what could be the most consequential election ever.

Offset got on the back of a truck, grabbed a bullhorn and talked about his excitement in voting for the first time ever.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Offset dove headfirst into the election following an informative roundtable discussion last weekend with T.I. and activists Lee Merritt and Bakari Sellers. They discussed, among other things, the importance of Black male voters encouraging each other to turn out the vote.

If ya can feed people who show up to vote ... major bonus!

Lil Pump I'm All About Trump Miss Me With MAGA Hate!!!

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Lil Pump is blocking out haters who don't like his political views ... he's focusing on what 4 more years of President Trump means for him, and he's loving it!!!

We got the rapper pulling up to Trump's Washington D.C. hotel on Election Day in a red Ferrari, and he's feeling super confident about the Prez winning re-election.


Lil Pump's been catching tons of flak since endorsing Trump, seemingly because of not wanting to pay more in taxes under Joe Biden, but he told us he's ignoring the noise, and couldn't care less what critics have to say.


As you know ... Trump brought Lil Pump up on stage Monday night at his final campaign stop in Grand Rapids, MI, where 45 called the rapper "Little Pimp." Faux pas aside, Pump says he had an "amazing" time on the campaign trail, and even envisions a future in politics.

Check out the clip ... Lil Pump makes his own argument why other rappers should hop on board the Trump train.

Bill Barr Election Day Plans ... Steak Lunch and a Quiet Night


Attorney General Bill Barr doesn't seem to be on edge like most of the country -- he looks pretty chill after lunch ... and he believes Americans will be chill on election night too.

We got AG Barr leaving the Capital Grille in D.C. Tuesday afternoon, and he tells us he just chowed down on a steak. He looks pretty happy about his meal choice.

The head of the U.S. Department of Justice also tells us he's confident things will remain peaceful as votes are tallied in the 2020 presidential election ... despite the fact the federal government has spent millions on security in anticipation of violence.

As we've reported ... businesses in D.C. and other major cities from coast-to-coast have also been boarding up all week in fear of unrest, regardless of the election results.

Even apartment complexes and banks have sent letters to their residents and customers warning them of potential ugliness due to the contentious election, but as you can see ... Bill's not visibly sweating it.

Of course, it's likely he'll be attending the party at The White House later tonight, and as you know ... that place is being protected like Fort Knox.

Trump Supporters Surround and Harass Woman ... Allegedly Spray Bear Mace


A woman was accosted and harassed by a bevy of Trump supporters ... and her pleas to cops to do something -- after someone allegedly sprayed bear mace at her -- seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

Erika Harris recorded her run-in with the pro-President Trump group Sunday night in Bakersfield, CA ... where she says several of their vehicles blocked her from leaving a parking lot.

As you can see, the angry crowd approached her car and demanded she get out while calling her vulgar names. You even hear one man call her the n-word.

As Harris got outside of her vehicle, she was confronted by a woman who appeared to try to take her phone. Another man appeared to be armed, but took off his weapons and gear ... as he told her to "come get it."

At one point in the video, a man's seen spraying something into her car. She accuses him of spraying her and others with bear mace. When officers showed up, Harris told them about the mace, but none seemed eager to help. One said no crime was committed, and after a sardonic exchange ... simply walked away.

Harris claims the pro-Trump folks have been protesting in her town for the past month, and she decided to set up a Black Lives Matter counter-protest nearby.

She says the night of this incident she was protesting in a different spot when the pro-Trump group showed up and harassed her. In the video, many of them can be heard yelling at her about BLM.

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