Elon Musk 'I'm Supporting Ron DeSantis For Prez In 2024...' Donald Who?

Ron DeSantis just got a major endorsement from the world's richest man.

Elon Musk says he's throwing his considerable support behind DeSantis if the Florida governor decides to run for President in 2024. Elon's message was an obvious slap in the face to Donald Trump, who recently announced his candidacy to win back the White House.

Musk started the ball rolling Friday night when he responded to a question from a Twitter user, asking if he would back DeSantis. The new Twitter CEO simply stated, "Yes. But Twitter as a platform must be fair to all.”

Elon later posted another tweet ... “As a reminder, I was a significant supporter of the Obama-Biden presidency and (reluctantly) voted for Biden over Trump. My preference for the 2024 presidency is someone sensible and centrist. I had hoped that would [be] the case for the Biden administration, but have been disappointed so far.”

It's interesting ... Musk claims he's not a conservative ... but he directed his millions of Twitter followers to vote Republican in the last midterm elections. He has also come under attack from Democrats, including President Biden, who has asked the Justice Department to investigate Elon's foreign business practices.

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Meanwhile ... DeSantis has shown Elon some love, too, publicly praising Musk for giving his Starlink internet satellite technology to Ukraine in its war against Russia. Elon was blasted on social media after he toyed with the idea of stopping the free-of-charge service, which was costing him a fortune.

Looks like Ron and Elon are on the same team...for now.

Bill Maher Holy S**t!!! We're Not as Crazy as We Thought

Bill Maher put a bow on the 20th season of "Real Time" with words of hope ... how 'bout Dem midterms!!!

Bill is blown away by the election ... if you followed him, he thought it would be a deathblow to democracy, but it was the opposite. As he said, Donald Trump may get credit for putting up a slate of whackos who were so scary ... voters opened their eyes and rejected them in force.

Now B.M. isn't suggesting America is out of the woods ... paraphrasing Mark Twain, he said "Reports of our death were slightly exaggerated." Nevertheless, Bill tipped his hat to voters, who helped us revert to some semblance of sanity.

He then leaned into one of his mantras ... reject the extremes on both sides, noting they account for only around 7% of us, yet they get 90% of the media's attention. And how 'bout this -- 90% of all tweets are courtesy of only 10% of users. As he says, if we let them control our country, it's like letting the crying baby fly the plane.

Bill ends with sage advice for both sides ... start compromising, especially on the extremes.  His examples are hilarious.

Come back soon Bill!

D.L. Hughley Trump's Gonna Lose Another Election ... GOP Is Full Of Cowards!!!


D.L. Hughley says Donald Trump is well on his way to losing yet another election, all while destroying the Republican party in the process.

We got the comedian at LAX ... just a couple hours before Trump stepped up to the mics at Mar-a-Lago to announce he will, as anticipated, run for President in 2024.

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While Trump's West Palm Beach home was surrounded by passionate supporters waiting to hear him launch his campaign ... D.L. was thanking them for backing the former prez, because he thinks Trump is leading the GOP down a road to destruction.

D.L. clowned Trump for seeing almost all of his hand-picked candidates go down in flames in the midterms, and for losing the popular vote in the last 2 general elections. Republicans would call that 2nd part a petty point -- the fact is, we still select presidents using the electoral college.

That aside, he says the GOP is insane to think Trump can win the White House again -- and he does believe Trump will bully the party into giving him the nomination.

If, for some reason, they backed someone else, like Ron DeSantis, D.L. thinks Trump would take the whole party down with him. Think Jan. 6th, but just for the GOP this time.

He did say there is one way Trump could be removed from the race -- but he thinks it's highly unlikely to happen.

As for this being a "last gasp" for Trump's political career, as D.L. sees it -- buckle up for the next 2 years! Whether you're Democrat, Republican, Trump lover or Trump hater ... it's gonna get interesting.

Jon Voight Still Riding on the Trump Train ... After Midterm Elections

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deliverance from evil ...

Donald Trump is becoming public enemy #1 in the Republican Party after being blamed for the midterm election results -- but Jon Voight's sticking by him ... for whatever that's worth.

The actor posted a new video Sunday addressed to the American people ... and it's pretty ominous. He decries the wins Democrats secured and suggests there's malfeasance afoot -- echoing false election denial claims propagated by the ex-Prez and his staunch supporters.

JV is one of those diehards, it seems, because he says DT is the only one who can restore truth and justice in this country again ... and he says that'll happen when he's back in office.

FWIW, Trump hasn't officially announced he's running for President again in 2024 -- but has stopped short of saying it for well over a year now. He's also got some big announcement on Tuesday ... which may, in fact, be him throwing his hat in the ring once more.

It's a little weird to see just how down the rabbit hole Jon finds himself -- he talks about a looming third world war, linking it to our domestic politics. His whole speech here is strange.

Regardless of what Trump and his holdout cronies might say ... the voters are making their voices heard at the ballot box. Thus far, Dems will retain control of the Senate -- and even though the House might go to Republicans, it'll probably be a slim majority.

Some are saying it's the end of the Trump era, but Jon's got his ears covered on that one.

Bill Maher Trolls Trump with Burning Question ... Who are You F***ing, Or Are you Impotent?

Bill Maher went after Donald Trump in the most personal way Friday night, but this was way more political than it is salacious. We will explain.

Bill mused, with the hundreds of books that have been written about Trump, no one has cracked the mystery ... who is he banging? As he says, Trump's been a dog all of his adult life, talking about how powerful people could simply grab a woman by the p***y and have his way. Bill's convinced Trump hasn't changed his ways, yet no one has addressed it.

Bill quickly rules out Melania, so then who?

Now here's the deal. The "Real Time" host is really not that interested in D.T.'s love life, and here's how we know. Toward the end, Maher suggests another theory ... Trump has the desire but not the ability, because he's impotent.

Now on the surface this may sound like high school humor, but that misses the point ... Bill knows Trump is as braggadocious as they come -- no pun intended -- and he will find it irresistible to defend his "manhood."

When you think about it, exactly how does Trump answer? Bill has put Trump in a box.  Again ...

Maher ends with the obligatory dick joke.

Tiffany Trump Here Comes the Bride ... I've Got My Marriage License!!!

Tiffany Trump just checked a major box before tying the knot this weekend, and giving her family something to celebrate ... after a tough round of election losses.

Palm Beach County records indicate Tiffany and her soon-to-be-husband, Michael Boulos, were issued a marriage license Tuesday, Election Day ... and just a few days prior to their wedding this Saturday at Mar-a-Lago.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The license is valid for 60 days and they have to turn it back into the recorder's office before it expires to make their union all official and such. At this point, it seems everything is moving along right on schedule.

Tiffany's been with Michael since 2018, and they got engaged last winter. She just held her bridal shower this past weekend with her sister, mother and other friends in tow.

This wedding is probably a pick-me-up for her dad, Donald. Many of the candidates he backed for the midterms lost, and Republicans overall didn't fare as well as they'd hoped.

Now, the Trumps might not be out of the storm just yet -- there's literally one making its way to their shores right now. Tropical Storm Nicole is expected to make landfall Wednesday night. We'll see if that upends any of TT's wedding day plans.

Pras Trump, Obama on Witness Wish List In Financial Conspiracy Case

Fugees rapper Pras is getting ready to defend himself against allegations he was part of an international finance conspiracy ... and he wants to call some familiar names to the witness stand, including a couple of former U.S. presidents.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the decorated witness list Pras submitted, and it includes Barack Obama and Donald Trump, ex-HUD director Ben Carson, hotel czar Steve Wynn and even former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The New Jersey-bred MC, who sold over 20 million records with Lauryn Hill and Wyclef Jean, is accused of receiving millions of dollars from Malaysian fugitive Jho Low ... who allegedly embezzled those funds from his own country's treasury.

Pras' attorney David Kenner tells us the feds' claim his client used illicit funds to finance the Leonardo DiCaprio film, "The Wolf of Wall Street" is also totally bogus ... and he plans to prove that in court.

Kenner says it was Low, not Pras, who funded the "Wolf Of Wall Street" through negotiations with DiCaprio and others -- and the "Ghetto Supastar" rapper simply helped network some of the interested parties behind the scenes.

Obama and Trump's potential inclusion in the case makes things rather interesting. Pras and Low are accused of illegally funding Obama's 2012 presidential campaign, as well as attempting to get the Trump administration to drop the charges.

They want both former commanders-in-chief to speak to those claims.

According to our sources, Pras's team is also denying the Fugees canceled their tour over the pending case.

Pras says he had even offered to help the authorities reel in Low, who he maintains is the real mastermind of the alleged crimes.

Prosecutors also have big names on their witness list, including DiCaprio and Wynn. The trial is currently scheduled for March 2023.

Bill Maher Republicans Know Herschel Walker is Nuts ... But Here's Why They Support Him

Bill Maher asks the question ... how can Republicans support Herschel Walker, whom he calls a hypocritical, lying moron, who played Russian Roulette, threatened to blow his wife's brains out, stalked a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, threatened to shoot cops, falsely claimed to be a cop, falsely claimed to be an FBI agent, abandoned some of his kids, wants an abortion ban despite paying for a girlfriend's abortion? Well, Bill has an answer.

The "Real Time" host says Democrats are blasting Republicans -- from Senators on down who support Walker -- for lacking fundamental integrity. B.M. says the integrity ship has long since sailed ... he says it sank after a long battle with tribalism.

Bill acknowledges, some of the supporters are indeed those "deplorables" ... but claims it's more complicated than that. Bill says, for these Republicans, "The worse a candidate is, the more it says to Democrats, 'do you see how much we don't like what you're selling?'"

Translation ... a lot of Republicans know these wacko candidates are, as he says, "egregious assholes," but they'll hold their noses and support them to counter and make a statement about their objections to identity politics. Bill ticks off examples ... cancel culture, victimhood, white self-loathing, forcing ideas of race and sex on kids too young to understand, etc.

He acknowledges, Democrats have the same contempt for Republican values, but Dems have a sense of shame that prevents them from supporting crazy candidates, and Republicans have zero shame.

So given the landscape of division in America ... if we want to stay as a country, Bill seems to be asking move for a move to the middle, where we can tolerate each other and, perhaps, make more progress in the long run than if we stay huddled in our tribes.

Ex-DC Cop Michael Fanone I Want Trump to Take Responsibility for Jan. 6!!! And, If He's Elected Again ...


Michael Fanone, the former DC police officer injured during the Jan. 6 insurrection, has been through the wringer since then ... and says if no one's held accountable for the attack, America's headed in a dangerous direction.

Michael joined us on "TMZ Live" to discuss the Jan. 6 Committee's decision Thursday to subpoena Donald Trump -- a move he absolutely applauds, although it doesn't sound like he's holding out a ton of hope Trump will actually be brought to justice.

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We asked Michael -- who was repeatedly beaten with a flagpole, tasered, and dragged down several steps in the chaos that day -- how he'd feel if Trump runs in 2024 and wins.

He didn't hesitate with his response, saying ... "If you're asking me if I'm gonna go to Canada ... f**k no!!!" Instead, Michael said he would try to find some way to coexist in the country with Trump supporters.

Fanone's written a book about his horrific experience that day -- he suffered a heart attack, a concussion that left him with a traumatic brain injury and, of course, suffers with PTSD -- and told us he's spent a great deal of time speaking about his experience to help folks understand the truth about what went down that day.


Fanone's memoir, "Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul" is out now, and that title relates very closely to a new clip of Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

Michael told us he saw the video of the Speaker of the House saying she wanted to punch Trump, and was even willing to go to jail for it -- and in his eyes, it proves who was truly the Commander-in-Chief on Jan. 6, 2021.

Comic God Alan Moore Our Love of Superheroes Is Opening the Fascist Door!!!

Comic nerds won't like this ... one of the greatest writers to dabble in the caped crusade industry says our fascination with superheroes is teetering on Nazi Germany territory.

Indeed ... we're talking about Alan Moore, who's written some of the most well-known comic books/series of the 20th century -- including "Watchmen," "V for Vendetta," "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen," a VERY famous Batman installment ... and lots more.

The dude's an absolute legend in the biz ... but as he's gotten older -- and stepped further away from writing comics -- he's gotten more and more cynical about the craft he helped shape ... and these latest remarks are doubling down on what he views as a problem.

Namely, he's talking about fascism ... and how he feels like the superhero genre, at large, lends itself to the extreme political ideology -- and not just that, but how our utter obsession with them in Hollywood is a sign for the worst ... at least according to him anyway.

For starters, AM kinda craps on adults who love this stuff ... saying, "Hundreds of thousands of adults [are] lining up to see characters and situations that had been created to entertain the 12-year-old boys -- and it was always boys -- of 50 years ago."

He goes on to say there were a lot of headlines coming out in the late 20th century that said comics had "grown up," but he refutes that with this ... "It wasn’t comics growing up. I think it was more comics meeting the emotional age of the audience coming the other way."

Alan hits his point home with this comment ... "I said round about 2011 that I thought that it had serious and worrying implications for the future if millions of adults were queueing up to see Batman movies. Because that kind of infantilization -- that urge towards simpler times, simpler realities -- that can very often be a precursor to fascism."

He points to Donald Trump's presidency and the sheer number of superhero movies that were being pumped out at the time (and since). It's because of this, in part, that he says he's done with comics ... apparently because they do more harm than good, subconsciously.

As for what he's getting at with the whole superheroes-are-fascist thing -- it's an age-old argument that's been debated ad nauseam ... which you can read about here.

Basically, some argue that superheroes -- by their very nature and story arcs -- prop up the idea of one person wielding ultimate power over society ... but doing it for the common good. It's very in the weeds on a sociological level, but this POV's been around for a while.

And, obviously, Alan very much sees it that way too. Although ... he seems to still be proud of his Guy Fawkes creation, 'cause of what it stands for in the zeitgeist. Chew on that!

Kanye West I Was Bullied Over Trump Support ... It 'Drove Me Crazy!!!'

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Kanye West says Hollywood bullied him so much for supporting Donald Trump, he wasn't able to talk about it anymore ... which left him wondering what's the point of being famous.

Ye made the claim in the second part of his interview with FNC's Tucker Carlson, saying it "drove me crazy not to be able to say I liked Trump." He was especially shocked that people would go after him, because -- as he puts it -- he's Kanye!

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Ye dove deeper ... questioning why he had worked so hard to get famous -- with millions of adoring fans and a massive platform -- if Hollywood didn't want him to use his own voice and connect it to his own opinions.

Ye's complaints build on what he told Tucker in portions of the interview that aired Thursday ... when he said he respects Russell Brand and Candace Owens for going against the grain and speaking their minds, no matter the consequences.

He also gets into his relationship with another former Prez ... Barack Obama. Ye says their connection faded "soon as I wasn't supposed to be saying the things I wasn't supposed to say as a rapper" -- but adds, he would talk to Obama if they ran into each other.

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As we reported ... Kanye also told Tucker he faced death threats over wearing the red MAGA hat during his infamous 2018 trip to the White House.

Kanye West Fashion Industry's Manipulating Kim ... Crossing Lines With Nudity!!!

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6:40 PM PT -- Kanye talked about Kim, saying she's being pimped out by the fashion industry to sell sex even though she's a successful businesswoman with a billion dollar empire.


The way Kanye sees it ... his ex-wife is essentially being manipulated by the fashion industry to cross lines regarding nudity. He hints at some malicious intent, pointing out Kim has four Black children with him.


Ye also went after the media for daring to criticize him for buying the house next to Kim. He says he just wants to be closer to his kids and bristles at accusations of stalking Kim and Pete Davidson when they were dating.


Kanye also turned his ire on Corey Gamble and Vogue editor Gabriella Karefa-Johnson ... saying they are a problem for Kim and accusing them, and others, of telling KK what to fear.


Ye says he respects people like Russell Brand and Candace Owens for being unafraid to speak their minds and go against mainstream narratives.

Kanye West says he was told his life and career would be in jeopardy for supporting Donald Trump ... and says it's happening all over again with his "White Lives Matter" shirt.

Ye sat down with FNC's Tucker Carlson, claiming he faced death threats over wearing a red MAGA hat to a 2018 meeting with Trump at the White House.

Fox News

Kanye says his "so-called friends slash handlers" told him his career would be over if he supported Trump ... and warned, "I would be killed for wearing the hat."

Ye says the "White Lives Matter" shirt he debuted this week at his YZY fashion show has triggered similar threats.

Kanye claims someone called him recently and said anyone wearing a 'WLM' shirt will be "greenlit" to get beat up ... but Ye says he has no problem wearing a literal target on his back.

Ye's full interview with Tucker is airing now on Fox News ... and we'll keep you posted on what else he says.

Originally Published -- 5:17 PM PT

Bill Maher Who Doesn't Believe in America? Lots of Republicans and Democrats

Bill Maher has a hot take on people who love America and people who don't ... and he says lots of folks on the right and the left are as anti-American as they come.

As the "Real Time" host plainly puts it ... "You don't love America if you hate what it stands for," and B.M. has receipts.

Bill asks, how Republicans can say they believe in America when they support a president who tried to pull off a coup? How can Republicans who won't accept election results say with a straight face they believe in America?

He's got another great example using Colin Kaepernick ... just watch.

How can Republicans, he asks, say they believe in America when they get downright underhanded to restrict the right to vote?

There's more ... Republicans used to support law and order ... but now, when it comes to the Capitol Police or the FBI, their mantra is "F*** the police!"

And, of course, there's Donald Trump, who mused out loud he wished generals in the United States military were more like Nazi generals.

It gets downright absurd ... Congresswoman Lauren Boebert complained, "I'm tired of this separation of church and state  junk that's not in the Constitution." Well, it is stupid.

But then on the other side, he says lots of liberals seem to see nothing redeemable about the United States of America ... just shame. Congresswoman Cori Bush said, "This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free." Bill has some choice words for that.

Congressman Jamaal Bowman said, "I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name." Again, Bill has feelings.


There IS one group Bill says has the best perspective on what America really is all about ... and they're people who are getting flown to places like Martha's Vineyard.

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Redacted Affidavit with Dick Pic of Dad

Donald Trump Jr. made a dick joke to show his disdain for the redacted FBI affidavit that triggered the search of Mar-a-Lago, but he seems to be saying in the process he doesn't care if national secrets or the lives of people mentioned in the redactions are compromised.

Junior posted a pic of his dad on a golf course with a big black bar over his groin, with the caption, "redact this!!!" He had posted earlier Friday he thought the level of redactions was ridiculous.

Thing is ... the Justice Dept. made it clear, and the judge agreed -- the affidavit referenced documents Trump took from The White House, some of which had the highest security classifications, and releasing information describing them could jeopardize national security and put the lives of various people mentioned at risk.

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Jr. may be trying to take people's eye off the ball, or in his dad's case the balls, but the real issue is this -- why did Donald Trump want those documents?

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One other issue ... by putting boxes chalked full of top secret info in his basement where randos had access -- are some of these secrets now out there?

Donald Trump FBI Lays Out Case for Mar-a-Lago Raid

The Justice Department just released a redacted version of the Donald Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit in which it claimed to have probable cause to search the estate and seize classified information that the former President allegedly unlawfully maintained.

According to the affidavit, the FBI believed it had probable cause based on documents Trump had previously provided to the National Archives. A review of those materials showed Trump had taken with him from the White House "highly classified records," including 25 documents marked "TOP SECRET." The FBI claims Trump produced many of the documents "unfoldered, intermixed with other records."

The FBI believed, however, based on information obtained from witnesses that there were significant additional documents he had not turned over. The names and information provided by those witnesses are redacted from the affidavit that's been released publicly, so it's impossible to know exactly what information the FBI acted upon.

Since the Mar-a-Lago raid, The DOJ and Trump had been duking it out publicly over the release of the search warrant affidavit, which laid out the government's case for probable cause that a crime was committed.

Trump initially told the media he supported the DOJ release of the warrant -- unredacted. Trump's lawyers, however, never made the argument in court, instead remaining mum on whether or not the affidavit should be released.

In his court order Thursday, Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart ordered the affidavit released, but sided with the DOJ allowing it to redact significant portions of the affidavit because "disclosure would reveal the identities of witnesses, law enforcement agents, and uncharged parties."

Dozens of FBI agents executed the warrant on August 8, descending on Mar-a-Lago and carting away dozens of boxes of potentially classified documents Trump took from the White House after losing the election.

Court documents revealed the boxes contained 11 sets of classified records -- some marked top secret and "sensitive compartmented information". Trump blasted the FBI on his Truth Social platform, grousing that during the search, agents had broken into his safe and searched Melania's closet, leaving it a "mess."

The day he left office, 45 took the boxes of sensitive materials with him back to Mar-a-Lago. Since then, he and his lawyers have been in a tug of war of sorts with the National Archives and Records Administration over the return of the documents to the government.

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At one point earlier in the year, Trump returned 15 boxes of White House records to the National Archives ... launching the Justice Department investigation into what else he might have kept. The National Archives claims, in total, Trump took over 700 pages of classified documents.

Trump vs. Justice Dept. Nuclear War Games Trump Wants Search Warrant Made Public

Donald Trump and the Dept. of Justice may be playing a nuclear game of chicken, because Trump has just taken the Justice Dept's offer to advocate for the release of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant ... this after a Washington Post report that some of the documents secreted at the Florida estate contained information related to nuclear weapons.

Trump said late Thursday ... he wouldn't object to the release of the warrant. As you probably know, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday he would go back to court and ask the judge who signed the sealed warrant to make it public, citing, among other things, intense public interest.

Trump said on his social media Thursday, "Not only will I not oppose the release of documents related to the un American, unwarranted, and unnecessary raid and break-in of my home in Palm Beach, Florida, Mar-a-Lago, I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents."

Given that both parties are now on board, it would seem likely the judge would unseal the warrant.

Garland was under pressure to release the docs after Republicans questioned the legitimacy of the raid, suggesting it was more political than legal. The A.G. took the highly unusual step Thursday to call for the release of the warrant, but even if that happens it may not fully answer all the questions. It's unclear if the judge will also release the affidavit attached to the warrant would establish probable cause that a crime was committed. That information could fill in the blanks.

That said, the search warrant should at least mention the scope of the search and the documents that are being sought. All eyes will be on a reference to documents related to nuclear weapons if that indeed was part of the raid.

There are reports the documents placed in the wrong harm could create "grave" danger to the U.S.

If true -- that Trump had such documents -- the question is why?

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