Stormy Daniels Testifies in Trump Trial ... Told Me He & Melania Sleep in Different Rooms


12:21 PM PT -- Former federal prosecutor Michael Zeldin came on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to discuss why Stormy Daniels was being allowed to get into all these alleged details about her time with Donald Trump if it isn't exactly relevant to the crime that's been alleged ... and he had an answer for us.


Take a look ... Zeldin says prosecutors for this case want the jury to believe Stormy is credible -- and the only way to do that is to lay bare everything she says she knows. In other words, it's all about believability ... and her spilling the alleged tea will help in doing that.

Stormy Daniels is testifying in Donald Trump's hush money trial -- and she says he told her he and his wife, Melania Trump, don't really sleep together ... and this was back in 2006.

Girthmasterr I'd Consider Doing Yeezy Porn ... For My Mom's Sake!!!

Kanye West's Yeezy Porn has at least one famous OnlyFans star ready to talk turkey ... 'cause Girthmasterr says he's a big fan -- and, if the star calls, he'll certainly listen.


The big-time porn star says Kanye's hit song, "Hey Mama," inspired him, because he wants to buy his mom a house. He says his mom has worked her whole life to support her children ... and, now Girthmasterr wants to pay her back by helping her retire, and a collab with Ye could help.

Speaking of his mom, we asked Girthmasterr how she feels about her son doing porn ... and based on the clip, sounds like she's totally on board!

Stormy Daniels' Ex Yeezy Porn Won't Be Same Ole Same Ole ... Like Nothing Ever Seen

Kanye West plans to flex his creative muscles in his latest venture, which means you can expect his usual creative genius to be on display in the porn industry ... according to Stormy Daniels' ex, Mike Moz.

Moz is a vet in adult films -- he currently oversees production for Vixen Media Group -- but as TMZ first reported, he's in talks to come on board with Yeezy Porn. However that turns out, he's already convinced Ye could totally change the industry.

Mike tells us, "I’ve been having discussions with Ye about a potential collab between Yeezy brand and my team at Vixen Media Group. While it’s too early to give any details I’m excited about where Ye’s vision takes this."

"Girthmasterr" Explosión de las búsquedas en Pornhub... ¡Después de la revelación de ingresos virales!

La audiencia de "Girthmasterr" está creciendo rápidamente, con las búsquedas de su nombre explotando a raíz de un video viral que ha ampliado su audiencia de manera significativa.

La popular estrella porno y creador de contenido para OnlyFans está en la mente de todos recientemente, con un representante de Pornhub informándonos que ayer fue su día más popular en la plataforma.

Anteriormente estableció máximos personales en las búsquedas en marzo y luego a principios de este mes, pero los números del martes superaron todas las expectativas. También nos dicen que "Girthmasterr" está creciendo constantemente en popularidad.

OF Star 'Girthmasterr' Pornhub Searches Explode ... After Viral Income Reveal!!!

Girthmasterr's audience is growing quickly ... with searches for his name exploding in the aftermath of a viral video -- widening his audience significantly.

The popular porn star and OnlyFans creator's stuck on everyone's mind recently ... with a rep for Pornhub telling us yesterday was his most popular day on the platform ever.

He previously set personal highs in searches in March and then earlier this month ... but, Tuesday's number blew both those days out of the water. We're also told Girthmasterr's consistently growing in popularity ... swelling to higher totals.

Adam22 to Kanye West Don't Get Bianca Into Your Pornos ... Keep Wifey Out of the Mix!!!

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4:48 PM PT -- Ye appears to have just made the Yeezy Porn announcement himself, with a not-so-cryptic post on X.

He's telling people to go to ... but so far, there's nothing there that signals porn -- at least not yet anyway. Still, the fact he's teasing seems to suggest ... it is in fact coming.

Adam22 has some advice for Kanye West ahead of his new XXX venture -- and the biggest takeaway here is ... don't let Bianca Censori get banged on camera by other dudes.

We caught up with the podcaster-turned-adult entertainer Thursday in L.A., where he shared his thoughts on Yeezy Porn -- something Ye's trying to launch, and which Adam actually welcomes as a potential breath of fresh air.

As Adam puts it ... KW's creative vision could help spice things up in the industry -- which he says can get pretty stale sometimes with the same-old, same-old. But, Adam warns the Grammy winner to not mix business with pleasure ... as he knows the struggle firsthand.


Jenna Jameson's estranged wife might be rethinking her approach to their uncoupling ... because she took down her tell-all "divorce" video for the sake of her ex's well-being.

Jessi Lawless tells TMZ she pulled the video down from her social media Wednesday after having a heart-to-heart phone call with Jenna. She says she understands Jenna's been catching heat online since Jessi posted it ... announcing she was filing to end their marriage.

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She Tried To Lie

She says, "I don’t want her mental health impacted any more than it already has been. I love her. This is a very delicate time for us. We’re both heartbroken and trying to find hope for the future."

Jenna Jameson Wife Jessi Files for Divorce ... Less Than Year of Marriage


11:53 AM PT -- Jenna Jameson just responded to the news, taking to her IG Story and writing, "I keep it classy."

Jenna Jameson is once again headed for divorce -- this time, it's her wife who wants to end their marriage ... and she's claiming the reason is because Jenna fell off the wagon.

Jessi Lawless just hopped on TikTok with a video that spells it all out -- she says she's filing for divorce ... and she says she's already filed the docs. In any case, JL says it's coming -- and she goes on to cite Jenna allegedly drinking again as the impetus.

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She Tried To Lie

She explains she's had Jenna on a tight leash ever since they got hitched when it comes to booze -- saying it was a hard-line issue for her from the get-go -- and claims Jenna recently got away from home and went to Chicago ... where Jessi says she learned JJ was drinking.

Donald Trump Appeared to Be Asleep ... During First Day of Criminal Trial

Unconscious In Court

Donald Trump's first criminal trial is getting underway, and on the first day of court proceedings -- he was reportedly dozing off ... now, a new nickname is among us.

The ex-Prez showed up in court Monday in NYC, where his hush-money case kicked off -- the first of his three criminal trials -- and where Donald had to sit through a day full of lawyers talking about the ins and outs of how this thing is gonna go.

Of course, they have to start with jury selection ... and as the attorneys were going back and forth, NYT reporter Maggie Haberman went on CNN to claim Trump appeared to be sleeping.

Pornhub 'Eclipse' Searches Skyrocket ... But Moon-Sun Tag Team Overshadows Porn!!!

Here's hard proof everything is sexual, at least it is for the people, who -- in the middle of a rare total eclipse -- decided to get frisky and combine the celestial event with porn. Well, they tried to, anyway.

The good folks over at Pornhub tell TMZ ... Monday's eclipse majorly impacted their site's traffic, with a huge increase in searches relating to the eclipse.

The word "Eclipse" saw the biggest search increase, followed by "solar eclipse" and then "eclipse sex."

PORN STAR EMILY WILLIS Positive Signs of Recovery After Cardiac Arrest

Emily Willis is slowly -- and her family hopes, surely -- on the road to recovery after a cardiac arrest last month left her unconscious and hospitalized in critical condition.

The 25-year-old adult film star's father, Michael, tells TMZ ... while she remains in a vegetative state, there have been notable improvements -- mainly, she's now awake and able to track things with her eyes, smile, and even become emotional during conversations.

Sadly, Michael says doctors aren't anticipating further improvement beyond what she's already achieved.


Emily Willis se está recuperando después de un paro cardíaco que el mes pasado que la dejó inconsciente y hospitalizada en estado crítico.

El padre de la estrella de cine para adultos de 25 años de edad -Michael- le dice a TMZ que ha habido mejoras notables mientras permanece en estado vegetativo. Ahora está despierta y es capaz de seguir las cosas con los ojos, sonreír, e incluso emocionarse durante las conversaciones.

Lamentablemente, Michael dice que los médicos no están anticipando una mejora más allá de lo que ya ha logrado.


La estrella porno Sophia Leone murió a principios de este mes, y a pesar de que no hay pistas de agresión, la policía describe su muerte como una "situación única".

Los oficiales le informan a TMZ que el cuerpo de Leone fue encontrado el 1 de marzo en su casa, y mientras que una causa oficial de la muerte no se ha determinado, nos dicen que la policía está investigando su muerte como sospechosa, aunque también señalan que no había signos de trauma.

Su agencia de modelos afirmó que las circunstancias que rodearon su muerte implican un robo y homicidio, pero la policía dice que no es el caso.

Un representante del Departamento nos informa que el robo u homicidio no estaban en su radar... reiterando que calificaron el caso como una "muerte sospechosa". También enfatizaron que no serían capaces de determinar la causa de la muerte hasta que los resultados de toxicología estuvieran listos. Le preguntamos si parecía estar relacionado con las drogas, pero prefirieron no responder.

Un agente dijo: "No sabemos en este momento si fue víctima de un delito, por lo que esta es una situación única". La policía dice que Sophia Leone era simplemente su nombre artístico y señaló que su familia era cautelosa acerca de llamar más la atención.

Aunque su familia no quiere discutir los detalles de la muerte de Sophia, han puesto en marcha un GoFundMe para cubrir los gastos de su funeral y memorial, una carga financiera que la familia no estaba dispuesta a cumplir. La familia ha fijado un objetivo de 12.000 dólares.

En el post de GFM, su padrastro Mike escribió: "Como su padrastro, quiero agradecerles personalmente su amabilidad y generosidad durante este difícil momento. Echaremos mucho de menos a Sophia, pero su recuerdo perdurará en los corazones de todos los que la querían. Que descanse en paz eterna".

Sophia se hizo un nombre en el mundo de los adultos, trabajando con varios estudios diferentes a lo largo de su carrera, incluyendo Brazzers, Evil Angel y Reality Kings. Tenía 26 años.


PORN STAR SOPHIA LEONE Death Labeled 'Suspicious,' 'Unique' by Cops

Porn star Sophia Leone died earlier this month -- but it doesn't sound like cops are sure if foul play is afoot ... even though they're currently describing her death as a "unique situation."

Albuquerque PD tells TMZ ... Leone's body was found March 1 at her home ... and while an official cause of death hasn't been determined, we're told police are investigating her death as suspicious ... although they go out of their way to note there were no signs of trauma.

After word of Sophia's death made the rounds, her modeling agency claimed the circumstances surrounding her death involved a robbery and homicide ... but APD tells us that's not the case.

A rep for the Department tells us they never indicated robbery or homicide was on their radar ... reiterating they were looking at it as a "suspicious death." They also emphasized they wouldn't be able to determine the cause of death until toxicology results were in. We asked if it appeared to be drug-related -- cops wouldn't say one way or another.

An APD rep also said this ... "We do not know at this time if she is a victim of a crime so this is a unique situation." Police say Sophia Leone was simply her stage name and noted her family was wary about drawing more attention.

While her family might not want to discuss the details of Sophia's death, they have since launched a GoFundMe to cover the costs of her funeral and memorial -- a financial burden the family wasn't prepared to meet. The family has set a goal of $12,000.

In the GFM post, her Stepdad Mike wrote, "As her Stepfather, I want to personally thank you for your kindness and generosity during this difficult time. Sophia will be deeply missed but her memory will live on in the hearts of all who loved her. May she rest in eternal peace."

Sophia made a name for herself in the adult biz, working with several different studios throughout her career ... including Brazzers, Evil Angel and Reality Kings. She was 26.


Pornhub Texanos, ¡¡vean su porno en otra parte!! Acceso bloqueado

No todo es más grande en Texas, parece ... Porque la selección de porno acaba de volverse mucho más pequeña, con Pornhub bloqueando el acceso a los posibles usuarios en el Estado de la Estrella Solitaria.

El gigante del porno no está permitiendo que los usuarios ingresen a su sitio debido a una nueva legislación que exige verificar la edad de las personas y que fue firmada en Texas el jueves. La normativa entró en vigor inmediatamente y como resultado ya no está disponible si los usuarios tienen una dirección IP de Texas.

Ahora, lo curioso es que Pornhub esté bloqueando el sitio por completo.

El proyecto de ley requiere que las personas demuestren que tienen más de 18 años para ver videos explícitos, pero en lugar de simplemente cumplir con la nueva normativa y exigirle a la gente que demuestre su edad, Pornhub optó por cerrar el acceso por completo en Texas.

Al entrar al sitio web, aparece un nuevo mensaje para los residentes de Texas que dice que la compañía cree que la verificación de edad infringe los derechos de los adultos para acceder a la expresión protegida y que la excesivamente restrictiva medida no es una solución real. Por lo tanto, la empresa dice que ha tomado la difícil decisión de cerrar completamente el acceso al sitio. Así que, ¡nada de porno para nadie!

El equipo de Pornhub también expresó su temor de que los usuarios se pasaran a sitios poco fiables, que no comprueban la verificación de la edad, y que desde su punto de vista no practican la navegación porno segura. Mirado desde afuera, pareciera que están castigando a todos los tejanos por lo que han promulgado sus legisladores, lo que probablemente es un dolor de cabeza para todos los ansiosos que quieren ver porno.

En cuanto a cómo se están tomando las personas todo esto, obviamente la reacción ha sido dividida. Algunos están contentos de que sea más difícil para los niños acceder a material que consideran perjudicial, mientras que otros están criticando a los legisladores de Texas, como el senador Ted Cruz o el gobernador Greg Abbott por la nueva ley.

En cualquier caso, el tema tiene a todos tensos por una variedad de razones, suponemos.

Pornhub Watch Your Porn Elsewhere, Texans! ... Access Blocked Statewide

Not everything is bigger in Texas it seems ... 'cause the porn selection just got a heck of a lot smaller -- with Pornhub blocking access to would-be users in the Lone Star State.

The porn giant's not allowing users to hop on its site because of a new age verification legislation signed into law in Texas Thursday -- which went into effect immediately ... and, as a result, is no longer available if users have a Texas IP address.

Thing is ... it's not because of the state -- Pornhub themselves are responsible for blocking out their site entirely.

The bill requires people to prove they're over 18 years old before watching explicit vids ... but Pornhub is petty -- instead of just complying with the new regulation and demanding people prove their age, they opted to shut down access to people in Texas altogether.

A new message appearing on the site to people in Texas says the company believes age verification infringes on the rights of adults to access protected speech, and the overly restrictive measure isn't a real solution. Therefore, the company says it made the difficult decision to completely shut down access to the site. So ... no porn for anyone!

Pornhub's team expressed fear in its statement that users would hop over to sketchy sites that don't check age verification ... clearly not practicing safe porn surfing, from their POV. From the outside looking in, it would appear they're punishing all Texans for what their lawmakers have enacted ... which probably sucks for all the horny people wanting to watch.

As for how the public's taking this ... obviously, the reaction's pretty split. Some people are happy it'll be harder for kids to access material they deem harmful while others are calling out Texas lawmakers like Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbott over the new law.

In any case, the issue's got lots of people tense ... for a variety of reasons, we suppose.

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