'Hot Ones' Host Sean Evans Has Every Reason To Be Confident in Bed ... So Says Porn Star Ex!!!

No Jumper

Sean Evans has no reason to be shy about his manhood ... this according to his porn star ex, Melissa Stratton.

Melissa -- who started dating the 'Hot Ones' host last fall before their quick split on Valentine's Day -- gave some candid insight into their whirlwind romance while appearing on the "No Jumper" podcast this week.

Melissa stayed tight-lipped when asked about Sean's, erm, size ... but she did make sure to emphasize -- there was a reason why she liked spending time with him!

The adult film star went on to credit their star signs -- she's a Virgo and he's a Taurus -- for their connection ... calling the pairing a total match. That's why their abrupt ending was such a bummer for her ... something she emphasized to us last week during an interview.

On the issue of how they first met ... Melissa gets into that too. She says Sean slid into her DMs in November -- shooting his shot with a bald head joke.


They went on to meet in person at the end of 2023 ... going on to bring their romance to L.A. and Chicago. The duo went public with their relationship at this year's Super Bowl in Las Vegas ... but Sean ended things days later when the cat was outta the bag.

As we reported ... Melissa said she felt her profession as a porn star was the reason Sean ended things -- even though she insists he was cool with it from the get-go.

Anyway, during her recent sit-down with Adam -- Melissa shared Sean called it quits over a brief and final conv ... adding that they haven't spoken since. As for Sean's V-Day dumping, Melissa assured fans that Sean is, in fact, a good guy ... and there's no hard feelings.

Melissa already has plenty of new suitors, BTW -- noting her DMs are getting flooded with several notable names. Something tells us they'll both be just fine.

'Boy Meets World' Maitland Ward Brian Peck Gave Me Weird Vibe ... Before Child Sex Abuse Case

Boy Meets Predator

Maitland Ward crossed paths with convicted child molester Brian Peck on the "Boy Meets World" set before she knew he was a bad seed.

We got Maitland in Bev Hills and she told us about her experience with Brian, the 'BMW' guest-star who, in the early 2000s, was convicted on child sexual abuse charges.

Maitland says she was always suspicious of Brian ... saying he always wanted to hang around the cast, including Rider Strong and Will Friedle, despite being much older than them.

The way Maitland remembers it ... Brian made her feel like he was jealous she might get in between him and the cast ... and she's not surprised Brian got in tight with Rider and Will, because she felt that was always his intention.

As we reported ... Rider and Will recently talked about Brian's case on their "Pod Meets World" podcast, expressing shame and regret for ever affiliating themselves with him.

Pod Meets World

Brian spent a year behind bars as part of a plea deal he copped after being accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child star ... and now he's set to be featured in an upcoming documentary about Nick's ugly underbelly.

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Maitland says she didn't know Brian was a pedophile, just that there was something strange and off-putting about him. She really respects the guys for shining new light on it.

It's an interesting perspective, and Maitland tells us why her adult film experience might keep her off the podcast with Rider, Will, and Danielle Fishel.

Bobbi Althoff Así se hizo el video deepfake con IA !!!

El video filtrado de Bobbi Althoff casi rompió Internet recientemente y aunque ella salió a decir que no podía ser más falso, TMZ sabe cómo la tecnología engañó a miles de personas.

Paul Dawes, consejero delegado de More.ai, explica a TMZ cómo funciona la inteligencia artificial. Dice que esta busca entre todas las imágenes 2D disponibles para encontrar patrones y crear contenido original. En el caso de Bobbi, ya hay un montón de contenido en línea de ella que puede ser usado por la IA para crear un video falso.

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Acallando los rumores

Lo mismo pasa con todas las celebridades, políticos y entidades de marca que son objetivos susceptibles de ser manipulados por la IA.

A los programas de IA les cuesta más falsificar imágenes en 3D, pero a juzgar por la rapidez con la que evoluciona la tecnología, es solo cuestión de tiempo para que también lo hagan.

Más aún, muchos de estos programas de IA son de código abierto, por lo que incluso si una empresa cierra, el código de fuente abierto sigue estando isponible para que el público lo utilice. Vaya.

Por supuesto, Paul Dawes nos recuerda que las redes sociales tienen una gran responsabilidad en el control de los contenidos que se distribuyen. Por desgracia, parece que las plataformas en línea están siendo arrasadas con todo tipo de contenido ofensivo en este momento, sin mucha supervisión.

Por ahora, dice que lo mejor que podemos hacer es ganar suficiente tiempo como para que las herramientas reguladoras se pongan al día e impidan que las personas sean objeto de creación de imágenes sexualmente explícitas.

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Por supuesto, la IA ya ha violado la privacidad de Bobbi y de muchos otros, por lo que el mal uso del contenido generado con inteligencia artificial es definitivamente un tema preocupante en la nueva era de Internet.

BOBBI ALTHOFF AI Deepfake Video Was Made This Way!!!

Bobbi Althoff's leaked AI deepfake video nearly broke the internet recently ... and even though she called it fake as hell, TMZ knows how the technology fooled thousands.

Paul Dawes, CEO of More.AI, gave TMZ the lowdown ... saying it scours all available 2D footage to find patterns to create original content. In Bobbi's case, there's already a ton of online content for AI to use as a basis for creating the deepfake vid.

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The same goes for other celebs, politicians, and any branded entities ... all prime targets for AI manipulation.

AI programs have a harder time deepfaking 3D images ... but judging how quickly things are evolving with the technology, it's only a matter of time before it masters that too.

What's more ... a lot of these AI programs are open-source, so even if a company shuts down, the open-source code is still available for the public to use. Yikes.

Of course, he reminds us social media has a big responsibility in controlling the content being distributed. Unfortunately, online platforms are inundated with all sorts of offending content without much oversight.

For now, he says the best we can do is buy enough time so regulatory tools can prevent people from being subjected to sexually explicit images of their likenesses.

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Of course, AI has already violated the privacy of Bobbi and many others ... so the misuse of AI-generated content is definitely a concerning issue in the new age of the internet.

For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Bobbi Althoff Deepfake Masturbation Video Ain't Me, It's Freakin' AI!!!

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Bobbi Althoff has been trending all week for all the wrong reasons -- a video purporting to depict her in a sexual manner has been circulating ... but she's calling it out as fake as hell.

Here's the deal ... this clip has been floating around online for the past few days -- and anyone who's anyone can tell it's a straight-up deepfake ... superimposing what looks to be Bobbi's face onto a woman who's masturbating on a bed, all in front of a camera.

Some idiots on X have been feeding into and recirculating it as real -- claiming it was "Bobbi's nudes" -- but the influencer herself is pouring cold water on all that by speaking out.

She posted a screengrab of her name trending on X/Twitter -- which was apparently popping off in the "Rap" category -- and noted that what people had been losing their minds over was not, in fact, her ... but rather, just a computer image trying to pass as her.

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Bobbi wrote, "Hate to disappoint you all, but the reason I'm trending is 100% not me & is definitely AI-generated." She also posted a video addressing it ... and stamped it down there too.

So, there you go ... Bobbi's saying it ain't her -- and if you're familiar with her brand ... you'd know she would NEVER record herself doing something like that. BA is a bit of a prude -- and she's also a mom ... so definitely not the type to be raunchy just 'cause.

Granted, she is single these days -- her husband recently filed for divorce -- but still ... this ain't the sort of thing Bobbi would post. It had "fake" written all over from the jump.

Funny enough ... Bobbi was probably hoping to be trending over her latest cringe-y interview -- this time, she talked to Wiz Khalifa ... and it's just as good as all her others. Unfortunately, pervs had her name going around for something super gross ... what else is new?

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Welcome to the new world of the Internet, y'all ... none of us are safe with this tech. 😬

Bobbi Althoff El video sexual es un deepfake No soy yo, es la maldita IA!!

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Acallando los rumores

Bobbi Althoff ha sido tendencia toda la semana y no por las razones correctas. Ha estado circulando por estos días un video que pretende mostrarla de una manera sexual, pero ella está diciendo que eso es falso como el infierno.

Esta es la cuestión, el clip ha estado apareciendo en línea los últimos días, y cualquiera podría darse cuenta de que es un deepfake, esto es, la superposición de lo que parece ser la cara de Bobbi con una mujer que se masturba en una cama, todo delante de una cámara.

Algunos idiotas en X lo han hecho circular de nuevo como real, afirmando que son "desnudos de Bobbi", pero la propia influencer está echando agua fría sobre todo.

Ella publicó una captura de pantalla de su nombre en las tendencias de X / Twitter, al parecer en la categoría "Rap", y señaló que las personas que han estado perdiendo la cabeza, lo han hecho por las razones incorrectas, pues no es ella, sino más bien, solo una imagen computacional tratando de pasar por ella.

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Bobbi escribió: "Odio decepcionarlos a todos, pero la razón por la que soy tendencia, en un 100% no soy yo, y está definitivamente generada por IA". Ella también publicó un video abordando todo el asunto, que compartió también.

Así que ahí lo tienen, Bobbi está diciendo que no es ella y si estás familiarizado con su marca sabrías que NUNCA se grabaría a sí misma haciendo algo así. Bobbi es un poco mojigata y también madre, así que definitivamente no del tipo obscena porque sí.

Por supuesto, ella está soltera por estos días. Su marido recientemente le pidió el divorcio, pero aun así, este no es el tipo de cosa que Bobbi publicaría. Todo en el video grita "falso".

Bastante divertido. Probablemente, Bobbi esperaba ser tendencia por su última entrevista. Esta vez, habló con Wiz Khalifa y es tan buena como todas las anteriores. Por desgracia, los pervertidos tenían su nombre dando vueltas por algo super bruto.

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Bienvenidos al nuevo mundo de Internet, ninguno de nosotros está a salvo con esta tecnología. 😬

Porn Star Kagney Linn Karter Gruesome Suicide ... Killed Herself w/ Shotgun in Mouth


11:14 AM PT -- Parma PD tells TMZ ... Kagney Linn Karter's mother is the one who called in to report the suicide, and we're told there was a note left at the home where this occurred -- although, cops say they don't know the contents of it.

We're told there's no sign of foul play, and no signs of drugs were found at the scene. It's unclear who the shotgun that was used belonged to.

Kagney Linn Karter's suicide was as horrific as one could imagine -- involving a self-inflicted gunshot wound ... from one of the most high-powered firearms around.

According to Cuyahoga County officials, the former porn star died by suicide last week -- and her official cause of death is listed as an intraoral shotgun wound. What that means in layman's terms ... she put a shotgun in her mouth and pulled the trigger.

No other details about her death have surfaced just yet ... but Parma PD is investigating.

The gruesome update is absolutely gut-wrenching for her loved ones and fans, no doubt -- and it appears to have come out of nowhere ... especially when you consider she'd posted a happy photo from a beach in Florida just a few days prior to the incident.

Of course, since leaving the porn biz behind ... Kagney had moved to Ohio, where she opened a pole dancing studio and had become friends with other people in the community.

Her friends started a GoFundMe for her mother, who's handling funeral arrangements.

In the GFM description, Kagney's inner circle claims she'd battled mental health issues for years -- something her immediate family hasn't commented on or confirmed. If true, though ... it would certainly help explain the tragedy. On the face of things, she seemed OK.

On a grim note, word of Kagney's suicide happens to fall on a noteworthy date. Tuesday marks what would've been Kurt Cobain's 57th birthday ... and he, too, died by suicide under similar circumstances. Kurt took his own life, and also used a shotgun to the head.

A purported autopsy report circulated last month claiming to have the full gory details of Kurt's death scene. We haven't been able to confirm the authenticity of it, but it looks real.

In any case ... it's absolutely terrible to hear, and counts as yet another high-profile suicide.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Originally Published -- 8:50 AM PT

La estrella porno Kagney Linn Karter se suicidó Con una escopeta

El suicidio de Kagney Linn Karter fue tan horrible como uno podría imaginar... con una herida de bala autoinfligida con una de las armas de fuego más potentes que existen.

Según las autoridades del condado de Cuyahoga, la ex estrella porno se suicidó la semana pasada y la causa oficial de su muerte es una herida intraoral de escopeta. Lo que significa en términos simples que se puso una escopeta en la boca y apretó el gatillo.

No hay más detalles sobre su muerte todavía, pero la Policía está investigando.

La espantosa actualización es absolutamente desgarradora para sus seres queridos y fans, y parece que nadie lo vio venir, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que había publicado una foto feliz de una playa en Florida solo unos días antes del incidente.

Por supuesto, desde que dejó el negocio del porno, Kagney se mudó a Ohio, donde abrió un estudio de baile en barra y se había hecho amiga de otras personas de la comunidad.

Sus amigos comenzaron un GoFundMe para su madre, que está manejando los arreglos funerarios.

En la descripción de GFM, el círculo íntimo de Kagney afirma que había luchado contra problemas de salud mental durante años - algo que su familia inmediata no ha comentado o confirmado. De ser cierto, ayudaría a explicar la tragedia. A primera vista, parecía estar bien.

En una nota sombría, la noticia del suicidio de Kagney cae en una fecha digna de mención. El martes es el 57 cumpleaños de Kurt Cobain, que también se suicidó en circunstancias similares. Kurt se quitó la vida, y también utilizó una escopeta en la cabeza.

El mes pasado circuló un supuesto informe de la autopsia que afirmaba tener todos los detalles de la escena de la muerte de Kurt. No hemos podido confirmar su autenticidad, pero parece real.

En cualquier caso, es absolutamente terrible de escuchar, y cuenta como otro suicidio de alto perfil.


Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con 988lifeline.org.

La estrella del porno Kagney Linn Karter Muere a los 36 años

Kagney Linn Karter -una famosa estrella porno- ha muerto por suicidio... TMZ ha indagado.

La actriz de cine para adultos -que se inició en la industria de vuelta a mediados de la década de 2000, falleció el jueves en el condado de Cuyahoga, esto de acuerdo a los registros en línea que confirman su cuerpo fue recibido por la oficina del médico forense ese día de Parma, OH.

Un representante del Departamento de Policía de Parma le dice a TMZ que Kagney se quitó la vida, algo confirmado por amigos de ella que ahora han iniciado un GoFundMe en nombre de su madre, Tina.

Los organizadores dicen que el dinero recaudado se destinará a los gastos de Tina para darle un buen entierro a su hija, incluyendo los servicios conmemorativos. El objetivo es recaudar $8.000, y ya ha recaudado poco menos de $6k. Ha dichop que utilizará cualquier dinero sobrante y lo donará a una organización benéfica local de rescate de animales... algo que sus amigos dicen que ella hubiera querido.

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Las dos mujeres detrás del GoFundMe dicen que son propietarias de estudios de fitness que Kagney aparentemente frecuentaba en el área de Cleveland, y dicen que ella había comenzado uno propio también en Akron, señalando que fue el primer estudio de polo de su tipo por allí.

El GoFundMe tiene palabras amables, escribiendo: "Kagney era una mujer que tenía muchas facetas: Era artista, cantante, bailarina, hija y amiga. Llegó por primera vez a nuestro estudio de Cleveland en noviembre de 2019, recién mudada de Los Ángeles y lista para subirse al pole, en una comunidad completamente nueva donde no conocía a nadie y nadie la conocía".

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Las dos mujeres que organizan el GoFundMe continúan afirmando que Kagney también tenía problemas personales, diciendo: "Desafortunadamente, a pesar de todos sus muchos logros y talentos impresionantes, Kagney luchó con problemas de salud mental a medida que pasaban los años".

"Sin embargo, incluso en sus días más oscuros, seguía acudiendo al estudio, siempre dispuesta a aprender, a contribuir y a superarse a sí misma. Por muy sola que se sintiera, sin duda, dentro de los confines de su propia cabeza, seguía esforzándose por atender a sus amigos y a la comunidad que se preocupaba por ella. Luchó en sus propias batallas con la misma tenacidad y empuje que mostró en todas las demás áreas de su vida, con toda la fuerza que pudo".

Kagney protagonizó innumerables películas para adultos y programas a lo largo de su carrera y era un artista condecorada en el negocio del porno. Siendo ganadora de premios AVN y otros elogios por su trabajo. Además del porno, también fue modelo, incluso para Penthouse, y bailó en clubes exóticos.

Uno de sus últimos posts la muestra recientemente de vacaciones en Florida, donde parecía estar de buen humor. Kagney solo tenía 36 años.


Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene dificultades o está en crisis, tiene ayuda a su disposición. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con 988lifeline.org.

Porn Star Kagney Linn Karter Dead at 36 ... After Suicide

Kagney Linn Karter -- a famous porn star -- has died by suicide ... TMZ has learned.

The adult film actress -- who got her start in the industry way back in the mid-2000s -- passed away Thursday in Cuyahoga County ... this according to online records that confirm her body was received by the Medical Examiner's office that day from Parma, OH.

A rep for the Parma Police Department tells TMZ ... Kagney appears to have taken her own life -- something confirmed by friends of hers who've now started a GoFundMe on behalf of her mom, Tina.

The organizers of the GFM say the cash raised will go toward costs Tina has incurred in properly laying KLK to rest, including memorial services. The GFM -- which has a goal of $8,000, and has raised just less than $6k at this point -- will use any leftover cash and donate it to a local animal rescue charity ... something her friends say she would've wanted.

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The two women behind the GoFundMe say they're fitness studio owners -- ones that Kagney would apparently frequent in the Cleveland, OH area -- and they say she had started one of her own as well in Akron ... noting it was the first pole studio of its kind around there.

The GFM has kind words to share, writing ... "Kagney was a woman who wore many hats; she was a performer, a singer, a dancer, a daughter and a friend. She first came to our Cleveland studio in November of 2019, freshly moved out of L.A., rearing and ready to jump back in to pole, in a brand new community where she knew no one and no one knew her."

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The 2 women organizing the GFM go on to claim Kagney had personal problems too, saying ... "Unfortunately, despite all of her many impressive accomplishments and talents, Kagney struggled with mental health issues as the years passed by."

They continue ... "Even in her darkest days, however, she still showed up to the studio, always ready to learn, contribute, better herself in whatever small way she could manage. As alone as she undoubtedly felt within the confines of her own head, she continued to make an effort to show up for her friends and the community who cared about her. She fought her own battles with the same tenacity and drive she showed in every other area of her life, with as much strength as she could."

Kagney had starred in countless adult films and programs throughout her lengthy career -- and she was a decorated performer in the porn biz ... having won AVN awards and other accolades for her work. In addition to porn, she also modeled a lot -- including for Penthouse -- and danced at exotic clubs as well.

One of her last posts shows her recently vacationing in Florida, where seemed to be in good spirits. Kagney was only 36.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.


Sean Evans' "Hot Ones" crown has been handed over to his ex-girlfriend Melissa Stratton ... 'cause searches for the porn star have spiked like crazy following their short-lived romance.

Pornhub tells TMZ that while Melissa was dumped on Valentine's Day, her popularity surged online ... with those looking for some X-rated entertainment flocking to the adult entertainment site to check out her work.

In fact, the PH demand for Melissa was so high on Wednesday, her searches went up a staggering 1,217% compared to her daily average.

While Pornhub didn't have final data for Melissa's searches on Thursday, they're predicting she did even better than V-Day ... estimating a 1,350% increase compared to her daily average. Yup, that's a helluva lot of views!!

TMZ broke the story ... Melissa and Sean were dating and split less than 24 hours after their relationship hit headlines.

We're told Sean wasn't happy with all the media attention they were getting after going public ... which shocked Melissa because he was fully aware of what she did for a living. It's the kinda thing that comes up over dinner.

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He also invited her to loads of Vegas events ahead of the Super Bowl and snapped many photos with her. Sources added that Melissa wasn't happy with how things panned out because she thought they had a genuine spark.

We're told Melissa's sad about the split, and on Thursday she jabbed at Sean by sharing a clip of herself dancing alongside fellow porn star Johnny Sins ... with the caption, "It's ok. I've got a better bald man to get spicy with."


'HOT ONES' HOST SEAN EVANS Breaks Up With Porn Star ... Relationship Too Public?!?

Not the best timing on Valentine's Day ... "Hot Ones" host Sean Evans and porn star Melissa Stratton broke up less than 24 hours after their relationship made headlines.

Sources close to Melissa tell TMZ … Sean called her up on Valentine's Day and broke up with her, telling her he wanted to call it quits because of the media attention they were getting.

We're told Sean expressed to Melissa he wanted to keep his love life more under wraps.

Our sources say Melissa found Sean's reasoning odd for a few reasons ... he knew what she did for a living when they started seeing each other and he invited her to multiple public events in Las Vegas leading up to the Super Bowl, and took photos with her.

TMZ was first to report on Sean and Melissa's relationship after she shared a series of photos with him at Super Bowl LVIII.

We broke the story Monday afternoon, and he broke up with her the following day.

Our sources say Sean was fine with Melissa posting photos of them from their Super Bowl adventures in Las Vegas ... another reason she was caught off guard here.

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We're told Melissa is sad things are over because she believed they really did have a genuine spark ... but she has a hunch Sean was feeling pressure from his side once their relationship went public.

In a sign of the times, Sean and Melissa have both unfollowed each other on IG.

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We reached out to Sean's camp ... so far no word back.

El presentador de "Hot Ones" rompe con la estrella porno Melissa Stratton

No fue un buen Día de San Valentín para el anfitrión de "Hot Ones" Sean Evans y la estrella porno Melissa Stratton. Rompieron menos de 24 horas después de que su relación llegara a los titulares.

Fuentes cercanas a Melissa le dicen a TMZ que Sean la llamó el Día de San Valentín y rompió con ella, diciéndole que quería dejarlo por la atención que estaba recibiendo de los medios.

Nos dicen que Sean le expresó a Melissa que quería mantener su vida amorosa en secreto.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Melissa encontró el razonamiento de Sean extraño por varias razones, él sabía lo que hacía para ganarse la vida cuando empezaron a verse y él la invitó a varios eventos públicos en Las Vegas antes del Super Bowl y se tomó fotos con ella.

TMZ fue el primero en informar sobre la relación de Sean y Melissa después de que ella compartiera una serie de fotos con él en el Super Bowl LVIII.

Dimos la noticia el lunes por la tarde y él rompió con ella al día siguiente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Sean estaba bien con que Melissa publicara fotos de ellos de sus aventuras en el Super Bowl... otra razón por la que fue sorprendido con la guardia baja.

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Nos dicen que Melissa está triste porque ella creía que realmente tenían algo especial, pero ella tiene la corazonada de que Sean se empezó a sentir presionado una vez que la relación se hizo pública.

En un signo de los tiempos, Sean y Melissa se han dejado de seguir en Insta.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con Sean, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Hot Ones' Host Sean Evans Dating Porn Star Melissa Stratton ... Hanging Since December

The guy who hosts "Hot Ones" might come across as a total buttoned-up square -- but he's linked up with a porn star in his private life ... TMZ has learned.

Sean Evans was among many recognizable faces out and about in Vegas during Super Bowl weekend -- but many people noticed he was hanging out a ton with Melissa Stratton ... who's a bona fide adult film star, cam girl, and model. And yes, she does explicit content.

Melissa had been posting a ton of photos of her and Sean all weekend across various social platforms of hers -- and in a lot of them ... they look awfully cozy ... almost couple-y, in fact.

Her captions also suggested there may be some romance afoot -- even though there wasn't any straight-up PDA shown between them in any of the pics she posted. Still, MS certainly appeared to be trying to telegraph something ... that's how many are reading it anyway.

From the looks of it ... Melissa and Sean were tied at the hip Saturday and Sunday -- hitting up clubs together, shopping centers together ... and even the freaking game itself together.

Like we said ... no direct signs they're for sure an item -- but that's definitely the vibe here, and that's for a very good reason ... we're being told they are, in fact, seeing each other.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Sean and Melissa first started talking over DMs back in November, and first met in person at the end of last year. Since then, we're told they've hung out in different cities, including L.A. and Chicago, and more recently ... Vegas.

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Our sources say Melissa is from Kansas City and is a big Chiefs fan -- which is why Sean invited her to the game. No word on whether they're throwing around the BF/GF label yet ... but our sources say they're without a doubt dating right now. So there you have it!

The odd thing, of course, is that while Melissa may be "claiming" him on her socials -- SE himself didn't post diddly-squat of Melissa on his own pages. Now, he didn't really post any SB-related stuff ... and his entire IG page is pretty corporate with promotional material.

So, at face value -- it appears she's perhaps more inclined to go public than he is ... but in any case, it's definitely eye-opening, just 'cause Sean kinda has this clean-cut rep about him.

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No shame in the game, of course ... nothing wrong with dating a porn star, especially in 2024. We've reached out to Sean's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Porn Star Emily Willis Hospitalized After Apparent OD ... In Critical Condition

Emily Willis -- a famous porn star -- was hospitalized after an apparent overdose, and she's in bad shape as doctors work on nursing her back to health ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the adult film actress was transported to a medical facility in Thousand Oaks, CA Sunday -- this after a call for service reporting a possible OD. We're told the report came in for an unresponsive 25-year-old ... whom we've confirmed is Emily.

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Our sources tell us she's currently in the critical care unit at the hospital -- although her exact condition is unknown.

One other notable tidbit -- Emily was actually transported from a well-known celeb rehab location in Malibu ... where she appears to have been receiving treatment for addiction.

Emily has been working in the porn biz since at least 2017 -- and she's been a rising star since then ... having appeared in countless videos and productions since then, and collaborating with a ton of recognizable brands like Reality Kings, Evil Angel and more.

She's also done work for Penthouse Magazine -- and actually won Pet of the Month in 2019. Emily has also made waves at AVN Awards in recent years ... so she's a known name.

Emily has even rubbed shoulders with big-time social media stars -- including David Dobrik. She was embroiled in a bit of controversy in 2021, when she filed a defamation suit against a bunch of other porn stars ... alleging they were trashing her on social media apps.

Since then, Emily has kept busy with a lot of different kinds of projects, including a handful outside of porn -- she's appeared in music videos and other promotional modeling campaigns.

Like we said ... she's incredibly popular -- with over 2 million followers on Instagram alone.

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We've reached out to her camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Ex-Porn Star Lisa Ann NYPD 'Cuffed Me at Matt Rife's Show!!! Cops Claim She Was 'Disorderly,' Possibly Drunk

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Ex-porn star Lisa Ann says NYPD officers dragged her out of comedian Matt Rife's show for allegedly using her phone, and threatened to put her on a psychiatric hold -- a move cops claim was warranted because she was acting drunk and disorderly.

Lisa, who famously spoofed Sarah Palin in porn, tells TMZ ... she was seated in the 2nd row with 2 friends at Radio City Music Hall Sunday night, and about 20 minutes into Matt's show, 8 ushers came over and told her she was getting booted for using her phone.

Lisa says she told the ushers and NYPD officers stationed at the venue, she did NOT use her phone at all inside the theater, in fact, she insists she never touched it -- but does admit one of her friends looked at her own phone to view a text.

The "Nailin' Pailin" star says the biggest shock came when the cops marched her out of Radio City in handcuffs around 10:20 PM, and allegedly told her she could either be arrested or put on a 5150 hold ... her choice.

She says she opted for arrest, but the cops told her there was no one available to take her to the station, so they called for an ambulance -- and while they waited for 45 minutes, she claims the cops "humiliated" her by holding her in handcuffs on 6th Ave.

Now, an NYPD official tells us they'd gotten a call for someone being disorderly and interrupting the show, and the responding officers thought she seemed "off" ... like she might be having some "psychiatric episode" due to her "erratic behavior." They also say Radio City staff said she'd had a few alcoholic drinks.

Lisa says she finally caught a break when the ambulance arrived, because after hearing the whole story and observing Lisa, the paramedic refused to put her in custody at a hospital ... telling her and the cops they have too many "really ill" people to treat, according to Lisa.

At that point, she says the cops threw out one last ultimatum: agree to leave the show without another word, and they'd take off the handcuffs ... or they could arrest her.

She begrudgingly chose to leave, and was released without any charge or citation. While she's not yet considering suing anyone over the incident ... Lisa says she'd love, at least, an explanation from Radio City or NYPD as to why she was 86'd.

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NYPD, in its eyes, says the cops on scene simply "sweet-talked" Lisa into leaving.

BTW ... she and Matt hosted a radio show together, but had not met in person. She was excited to see his show, and possibly meet him afterward.

She even took a photo from her 2nd row seat at 8:45 PM, shortly before the show started ... and you can see an usher was watching over her even then. Lisa says she put her phone away at that point, and never took it out until after she was detained.

She's especially bummed because she's also a regular at Radio City, where she goes to see the Rockettes several times a year.

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