Lisa Ann Es detenida durante el show de matt rife

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¡yo no fui!

La ex-estrella porno -Lisa Ann- dice que los oficiales de policía de Nueva York la sacaron del show del comediante Matt Rife por supuestamente usar su teléfono, y amenazaron con ponerla en un psiquiátrico. Una medida que los policías afirman que estaba justificada porque estaba actuando borracha y desordenada.

Lisa, que se burló de Sarah Palin en el porno, le dice a TMZ que estaba sentada en la segunda fila con dos amigos en el Radio City Music Hall el domingo por la noche, y tras unos 20 minutos en el show de Matt, 8 acomodadores se acercaron y le dijeron que estaba siendo expulsada por usar su teléfono.

Lisa dice que le dijo a los acomodadores y a los oficiales de policía que ella no utilizó su teléfono en lo absoluto dentro del teatro, de hecho, insiste en que nunca lo tocó, pero admite que una de sus amigas miró su propio teléfono para ver un texto.

La estrella de "Nailin 'Pailin" dice que el mayor shock se produjo cuando los policías la sacaron de Radio City esposada alrededor de las 10:20 PM, y supuestamente le dijeron que podía ser arrestada o puesta en retención.

Ella dice que optó por la detención, pero los policías le dieron que no había nadie disponible para llevarla a la estación, por lo que llamó a una ambulancia y mientras esperaron durante unos 45 minutos, ella afirma que los policías la "humillaron".

Ahora, un oficial de la policía de Nueva York nos dice que habían recibido una llamada por alguien que estaba molesto durante el espectáculo, y los oficiales que respondieron pensaron que ella parecía "apagada", como si estuviera teniendo algún "episodio psiquiátrico" debido a su "comportamiento errático". También dicen que el personal de Radio City dijo que había bebido alcohol.

Lisa dice que finalmente tuvo un respiro cuando llegó la ambulancia, porque después de escuchar toda la historia y observar a Lisa, el paramédico se negó a ponerla bajo custodia en un hospital, diciéndole a ella y a los policías que tienen demasiadas personas "realmente enfermas" que tratar, según Lisa.

En ese momento, ella dice que los policías lanzaron un ultimátum: de acuerdo a abandonar el show sin decir otra palabra, y que le quitaría las esposas ... o podrían arrestarla.

A regañadientes optó por irse, y fue liberada sin ningún cargo o citación. Ella no está pensando en demandar a nadie todavía sobre el incidente, auque Lisa dice que le encantaría una explicación de Radio City o NYPD.

tmz investigates
TMZ Studios

La policía de Nueva York dice que los policías en la escena hicieron salir amablemente a Lisa del lugar.

Por cierto, ella y Matt presentaban un programa de radio juntos, pero no se conocían en persona. Ella estaba emocionada por ver su programa y posiblemente conocerlo después. Está especialmente disgustada porque también es una asidua de Radio City, donde va a ver a las Rockettes varias veces al año.

Aubrey O'Day Dan Benson Slams Her for MLK Stunt ... Time and Place, Aubrey!!!

Disney Channel actor turned OnlyFans model Dan Benson is ripping Aubrey O'Day for exploiting MLK Day to plug her OF page -- a move he calls super disrespectful, especially for a white woman.

Controversy Generates Headlines

The “Wizards of Waverly Place” alum tells TMZ ... controversy is often the name of the game for content creators looking to attract new subscribers to their OF pages. He's not naive, but adds there's still a time and a place -- and MLK Day ain't it!

As we reported, Aubrey used the holiday by posting a series of thirst trap photos and videos Monday ... right alongside a famous, and poignant, quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Maybe Aubrey should've taken that quote to heart more. Dan says Aubrey should have taken MLK Day off from her OF work, and used the time to reflect.

Instead of using Dr. King to promote her OnlyFans, Dan suggests Aubrey should have donated some of her OF revenue to a good cause.

Of course, Dan's in the OF game too, and fully understands creators' drive to boost numbers -- but he says when the "thirst trapping" goes as hard as Aubrey's stunt, it deserves to be called out.

And, we all know the internet's undefeated at that.

Dan Benson critica a Aubrey O'Day por su promoción de onlyfans el Día del MLK

La actriz de Disney Channel convertida en modelo de OnlyFans, Dan Benson, está criticando a Aubrey O'Day por explotar el Día del MLK para promocionar su página de OnlyFans, un acto que califica de irrespetuoso, especialmente viniendo una mujer blanca.

la controversia da titulares

El "Wizards of Waverly Place" le dice a TMZ que la controversia es a menudo parte del negocio para los creadores de contenido que buscan atraer a nuevos suscriptores a sus páginas, no es ingenuo, pero añade que el Día de MLK no es ir muy lejos.

Como informamos, Aubrey aprovechó el día festivo publicando una serie de fotos y videos... justo al lado de una famosa y conmovedora cita del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Nuestras vidas comienzan a terminar el día en que nos callamos sobre las cosas que importan".

Tal vez Aubrey debería haber tomado esa cita más en serio... Dan dice que Aubrey debería haberse tomado el Día MLK libre de su trabajo en OnlyFans y utilizar el tiempo para reflexionar.

En lugar de utilizar al Dr. King para promover su OnlyFans, Dan dice Aubrey debería haber utilizado parte de su dinero ara una buena causa y él piensa que la reacción está justificada.

Dan dice que hace dinero mostrandole su culo a los hombres homosexuales, por lo que sabe cómo se juega el juego de la aplicación... Al menos el chico tiene buenos fundamentos.

Todos sabemos que internet es un lugar salvaje.



Mia Khalifa found herself in a heated showdown with a Jewish mother ... over her controversial pro-Hamas thoughts.

The porn star-turned-influencer recorded the tense exchange outside Miami International Airport, showing the woman repeating the words "Am Yisrael Chai" -- a Hebrew term meaning "the people of Israel live," and a clear show of solidarity among Jewish people.

Mia opted not to debate the Middle East conflict with the woman, and instead tried to get under her skin by sarcastically asking if she was waiting for a bus ... while Mia bragged she was waiting for her valet.

But, the woman relentlessly chanted the phrase while her son looked visibly embarrassed -- and Mia retorted with a savage crack about the woman having bad breath.

Mia proudly posted the video, claiming Zionists were losing the plot and the woman was calling her slurs inside the airport ... which was not captured on camera.

She's clearly sticking by her pro-Hamas thoughts, which got her fired from Playboy in October ... as the outlet said it has "a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech."


Despite the blowback, Mia doubled down ... writing at the time, "I'd say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I'm more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

Even face-to-face confrontations aren't swaying her view.

Mia Khalifa se enfrenta a una madre judía por sus opiniones a favor de Hamás


Mia Khalifa se vio envuelta en un acalorado enfrentamiento con una madre judía por sus controvertidos pensamientos a favor de Hamás.

La estrella del porno convertida en influencer grabó el tenso intercambio fuera del Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, mostrando a la mujer repitiendo las palabras "Am Yisrael Chai" —un término hebreo que significa "el pueblo de Israel vive"— y una clara muestra de solidaridad entre el pueblo judío.

Mia optó por no debatir el conflicto de Oriente Medio con la mujer y en su lugar trató de meterse en su piel con sarcasmo, preguntando si estaba esperando un autobús, mientras que Mia se jactó de que estaba esperando a su equipo de cámara.

Sin embargo, la mujer coreó sin cesar la frase mientras su hijo parecía visiblemente avergonzado... luego Mia se refirió al mal aliento de la mujer.

Mia publicó con orgullo el video, alegando que los sionistas estaban perdiendo el norte mientras la mujer seguía gritando en el aeropuerto, lo cual no pudo ser capturado en video.

Está claro que si sus pensamientos pro-Hamás fue lo que hizo que la despidieran de Playboy en octubre, ya que dijeron tener: "una política de tolerancia cero para el discurso de odio".

la despidieron

A pesar de la reacción, Mia se retractó, escribiendo: "Yo diría que apoyar a Palestina me ha hecho perder oportunidades de negocio, pero estoy más enojada conmigo misma por no comprobar si estaba o no entrando en negocios con sionistas."

Ni siquiera los enfrentamientos cara a cara le hacen cambiar de opinión.

Sugar Bowl Flasher XXX Company Makes $100k Offer ... For 1-Hour Webcam Show

The woman who went nips out for some beads during ESPN's Sugar Bowl broadcast is being offered a deal more eye-opening than the viral clip ... with an adult company willing to shell out up to $100k to get her to perform an encore on its platform.

The folks over at Camsoda laid out the terms of the proposition on Tuesday ... saying it's trying like hell to track down the Bourbon Street patron who exposed her boob during the TV broadcast of Monday night's game between the Washington Huskies and Texas Longhorns.

If CS is able to get a hold of her, the site says it would like to invite her to do a live one-hour webcam show next week ... and they are ready to drop some serious coin for her time.

Courtesy of ESPN/NCAA

"One could argue that she was the real MVP of the game last night," Camsoda Vice President Daryn Parker said in a statement.

"We see a lot of breasts on our platform but these certainly caught our eyes ... and all of America's. I didn’t know ESPN was into that kind of stuff!"

Of course, the network issued an apology over the accident ... saying it regrets sharing the footage for the millions of viewers tuning into the College Football Playoff matchup.

No word on if the woman is going to take Camsoda up on the deal -- she has yet to come forward following the viral moment.

FARRAH ABRAHAM Met New BF On OnlyFans!!! Makes Him Sign NDA

Farrah Abraham's taking another shot at love, courtesy of her OnlyFans page -- where she first linked with her boo -- but she's taking steps to make sure he isn't using her for fame for online clout.

After posing a collage of Thanksgiving clips with the mystery guy -- set to the tune of Doja Cat's "I wanna show you off" -- the ex-"Teen Mom" star confirms the new romance started in 2021 when they communicated on OF ... but really got serious this year when they matched on a dating app.

Farrah tells us she's enjoying getting to know her man, now that she's overhauled her dating habits following 3 months of training with a dating/relationship coach. She's aiming for zero drama this time around, after a string of questionable flings ... hence making the new guy sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As of now, she isn't too worried as her BF isn't a public figure. All she'll say about him is they are similar in age and he works in tech, business sales and marketing ... and he purchased a second home near to where she lives after they went official in late September.

Farrah did add that her new squeeze is sober, and they're "inspiring each other" and deepening their connection through meditation, swimming and travel.


The reality star, and mother to 14-year-old Sophia, says she's holding off till winter break before introducing him to her family ... but is grateful they first got to know each other as friends.

All this is a far cry from last year ... when she called off her brief fling with guitarist Mack Lovat after venting that "sometimes people turn into monsters with the press."

FARRAH ABRAHAM Conoce a su nuevo novio en OnlyFans Lo hace firmar un acuerdo de No Divulgación

Farrah Abraham se está dando otra oportunidad para el amor, cortesía de su página de OnlyFans, donde se conectó con su chico, pero está tomando medidas para asegurarse de que no la esté utilizando por fama o ganar notoriedad en línea.

Después de publicar un collage de clips de Acción de Gracias con el chico misterioso, acompañado con la canción "I Wanna Show You Off" de Doja Cat, la ex estrella de "Teen Mom" confirma que el nuevo romance comenzó en 2021, cuando se comunicaron en OnlyFans… pero se volvió serio este año cuando coincidieron en una aplicación de citas.

Farrah nos cuenta que está disfrutando de conocer a su hombre, ahora que ha renovado sus hábitos de citas después de 3 meses de entrenamiento con un coach de citas/relaciones. Buscando evitar el drama en esta ocasión, después de una serie de relaciones cuestionables… de ahí que haya hecho que el nuevo chico firme un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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Hasta ahora, no está demasiado preocupada, ya que su novio no es una figura pública. Todo lo que dirá sobre él es que son similares en edad, trabaja en tecnología, ventas y marketing, y compró una segunda casa cerca de donde ella vive después de que oficializaron su relación a finales de septiembre.

Farrah añadió que su nueva pareja está sobria, y se están "inspirando mutuamente" profundizando su conexión a través de la meditación, la natación y los viajes.

La estrella de reality, y madre de Sophia de 14 años, dice que está esperando a las vacaciones de invierno antes de presentárselo a su familia… pero está agradecida de que primero se conocieron como amigos.

Todo esto contrasta bastante con el año pasado… cuando canceló su breve relación con el guitarrista Mack Lovat después de desahogarse diciendo que "a veces la gente se convierte en monstruos con la prensa".

TISHA CAMPBELL Stumbles Across Late Dad's Porn Stash ... 'You Nasty A**!!!'


Tisha Campbell made a pretty hilarious discovery in cleaning out her late father's home following his death ... coming across a seemingly endless collection of porn DVDs.

Tisha's dad, Clifton Campbell, died Nov. 1, but the actress and her family were able to enjoy some comedic relief as they found the X-rated stash going through his belongings.

The "Martin" star joked she could open up her own porn store as she sifted through titles like "Gaping Black Buttholes," "White Ho's With Bros," and "Black Cobra." Of course, each DVD came complete with sexually explicit graphics on top.

Funny enough, Tisha also tells a story of how she recently told her 76-year-old dad he needed to get rid of his outdated DVD player ... and how it's now clear why he fought her to keep it. "Now we know why, you nasty a**!" she quipped.

Chuckling away with her family, it was clear Tisha was more entertained than embarrassed by the NSFW findings ... even writing in her IG caption that while mourning was difficult, it was nice to find "levity and laughter with the family" -- and was adamant her dad would've loved their reaction to finding his erotic entertainment catalog.

Her cringing fans, however, joked her dad would be haunting them in their sleep for exposing him like that ... to be determined!!!

TISHA CAMPBELL Tropieza con el escondite porno de su difunto padre ... "Asqueroso hijo de p**!!!"

Esto no estaba en el testamento

Tisha Campbell hizo un descubrimiento bastante hilarante cuando estaba limpiando la casa de su difunto padre después de su muerte. Se encontró con nada más ni nada menos que con una colección aparentemente interminable de DVDs porno.

El padre de Tisha, Clifton Campell, murió el 1 de noviembre, pero la actriz y su familia fueron capaces de reírse un momento y encontrar algo de alivio al revisar sus pertenencias.

La estrella de "Martin" bromeó con que podría abrir su propia tienda porno mientras rebuscaba entre títulos como "Gaping Black Buttholes", "White Ho's With Bros" y "Black Cobra". Por supuesto, cada DVD venía con gráficos sexualmente explícitos en la parte superior.

Curiosamente, Tisha también contó que hace poco le dijo a su padre de 76 años que tenía que deshacerse de su anticuado reproductor de DVD, y ahora está claro por qué este luchó por quedarse con él. "¡Ahora sabemos por qué, asqueroso!", bromeó Tisha.

Riéndose con su familia, está claro que Tisha estaba más entretenida que avergonzada de los hallazgos de su padre. Incluso escribió en el pie de foto de su IG que aunque el luto es difícil, es agradable encontrar "ligereza y risas con la familia", y fue firme en que a su padre le habría encantado su reacción al encontrar su catálogo de entretenimiento erótico.

Sus fans, sin embargo, bromearon con que su padre los va a perseguir en sueños por exponerlo de esa manera... ¡¡está por verse!!!

Mia Khalifa Shares Support For Palestine, Hamas ... Stirs Controversy Amid Israel Attacks

Former porn star-turned-influencer Mia Khalifa is catching heat online after voicing support for the people of Palestine on the heels of the deadly Hamas attacks that sparked the intensifying war with Israel.

Mia shared her controversial thoughts online over the weekend, as Israel declared a state of war after the Hamas attack ... saying a slew of things not in favor of the people of Israel.

She tweeted, "Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal," and, "I just wanna make sure there’s 4k footage of my people breaking down the walls of the open air prison they’ve been forced out of their homes and into so we have good options for the history books."

Mia, who is Lebanese, faced backlash for her comments against Israel, but she doubled down ... writing, "I’d say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I’m more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

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She also claimed those who look at the incident and aren't siding with Palestinians are "on the wrong side of apartheid and history will show that in time." Still, folks online are ripping into her stance.

As you know, the Hamas attack on Israel went down Saturday, with the death toll reportedly reaching 700 victims as of Monday amid the massive destruction.


Israel fired back after the initial attack, bombing areas in Gaza -- including a terrorist attack at a crowded music festival near the Gaza Strip, with some being taken hostage by gunmen.

Tyreek Hill No F'ing Way I'm Doing Porn ... I Was Kidding!!!

Tyreek Hill won't be going balls-out in the porn industry -- not in retirement, not ever -- the Miami Dolphins superstar just admitted he was just kidding about becoming an adult film actor after he's done playing in the NFL.

Hill made the shocking revelation while streaming on Twitch with Tampa Bay Buccaneers receiver Mike Evans ... when he said straight-up, "Nah, when I retire, bro, I really wanna be a porn star though, bro."

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The 29-year-old doubled down shortly after ... claiming once again he was "dead serious."

As it turns out, Hill was just fooling around ... 'cause when he was asked about it at practice on Wednesday, he explained it was all a joke.

"A lot of my teammates are hating on me right now," Hill said minutes ago. "I was joking, I was definitely joking. That's something I just don't want to do."

Hill -- who has made more than $93 million over the course of his NFL career so far -- definitely doesn't have to lift a finger (or any other body part, for that matter) after he retires ... so it's no surprise he is backing off his bold claim.

Tyreek Hill I Wanna Do Porn After NFL ... Go Out W/ A Bang!!!

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Tyreek Hill has some big goals for his post-football career -- the Miami Dolphins superstar says he wants to dive into the porn industry after he retires from the NFL.

... and he's not screwing with us!!

The 29-year-old wide receiver revealed his intentions while streaming on Twitch ... when fellow NFLer Mike Evans brought up the fact Hill has a bright future even after his playing days are over.

Hill agreed ... but little did the Buccaneers great know, he was referring to making highlight reels in the bedroom instead of on the field -- which is exactly what he plans to do.

"Nah, when I retire, bro, I really wanna be a porn star though, bro," Hill said. "Like, dead serious. Like, you think I got that?"

The conversation went dead silent ... forcing Hill to follow up.


Evans tried to change his mind ... suggesting a career as a comedian instead.

"You already got like 12 kids, s***," Evans said ... pointing out his family has grown a bit over the years.

It certainly sounds like the Super Bowl champ can't be swayed ... as he remained adamant about venturing into adult films.

It would be a pretty interesting career change for Hill ... and here's hoping he isn't as much of a Cheetah in his new gig if he DOES go through with it.

'I'm IG Famous' Model Offered $25k Porn Deal After Airplane Freak-Out

The woman who declared herself "Instagram famous" while getting booted from a plane ... is about to get even more fame -- if she wants it, porn can be part of the equation too.

Morgan Osman -- the one-time "Bad Girls Club" cast member -- now has a somewhat lucrative offer on the table from XXX site CamSoda, which tends to focus on streaming POV of nude models.


In a letter sent to Morgan, and obtained by TMZ, CamSoda tells the IG model -- who made an epic exit from her flight -- she's a perfect fit for their brand, and they're willing to give her 5 figures to strip, live on cam.

A rep for the company writes, "Given your interest in being filmed, we here at CamSoda would love to have you broadcast yourself on our XXX platform. I’d like to formally offer you up to $25,000 to perform a one-hour-long cam show on our site."

CS says Morgan can show off her hot bod in whatever way she likes -- whether it's lingerie, bathing suits, a strip tease or just full birthday suit. Point is ... she'd have to show some skin.

No word on whether Morgan's seen the offer yet -- she hasn't responded.

Getting booted from commercial flights seems to pay these days ... whether it be financially or just fleeting fame. Still, we wouldn't recommend it, you're more likely to end up dealing with the FBI.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Candidata a Cámara de Virginia Posteaba videos porno por $$$

Una mujer que se postula para un codiciado escaño en la Cámara de Virginia tiene un trabajito extra, pues ha publicado sabrosos videos online con la ayuda de su marido.

Susana Gibson, de 40 años, es una demócrata que se postula para representar el Distrito 57 en Richmond. Había publicado varios videos en una plataforma llamada Chaturbate, que alberga a usuarios que están listos para masturbarse mientras chatean con otros en línea.

Según WaPo y NYP, Gibson fue muy activa en Chaturbate el año pasado, con al menos una docena de transmisiones en vivo. La mayoría de ellas habían sido archivadas y la mostraban a ella y su cónyuge realizando actos sexuales, mientras estaban en cámara.

A lo largo de las retransmisiones, Gibson pedía constantemente a los espectadores que siguieran donando a su cuenta mediante fichas digitales, que ella podía canjear.

Al parecer, era muy popular antes de septiembre de 2022. Desde entonces, su actividad en Chaturbate parece haber desaparecido, con casi 6.000 seguidores. Cabe señalar que algunos de estos videos parecen haber sido archivados después de que declarara oficialmente su candidatura el año pasado.

Por supuesto, este descubrimiento está causando un gran revuelo, especialmente entre sus rivales republicanos. En respuesta, Gibson ha calificado la aparición de su material como una invasión ilegal de su privacidad.

Ella dice: "Esto no me intimidará ni me silenciará. Mis adversarios políticos y sus aliados republicanos han demostrado que están dispuestos a cometer un delito sexual para atacarme a mí y a mi familia porque no hay línea que no cruzarían para silenciar a las mujeres cuando hablan".

Su abogado también dice que esto parece violar las leyes estatales sobre porno vengativo (revenge porn).

Virginia House of Delegates Candidate in the Running Posted Porn Videos for $$$

A woman running for a coveted Virginia House seat has a side gig for $$$ -- she had posted spicy clips online ... with the help of her hubby.

40-year-old Susanna Gibson -- a Democrat running to represent District 57 in Richmond -- had posted several vids on a platform called Chaturbate ... which hosts users who are down to masturbate while chatting with others online.

According to WaPo and NYP, Gibson was quite active on Chaturbate last year ... with at least a dozen live streams -- most of which had been archived and viewed by the outlets -- featuring her and her spouse performing sex acts on each other while on camera.

Throughout the streams, Gibson is reported to have consistently asked folks who were watching to keep on donating to her account via digital tokens -- which she could cash in.

Apparently, she was pretty popular on there before September 2022 -- when her Chaturbate activity seems to have gone dark -- with nearly 6,000 followers. Worth noting, some of these videos appear to have been archived after she officially declared her candidacy last year.

Of course, this discovery is causing an uproar -- especially among her Republican rivals. In response, Gibson has called this surfacing of her material an illegal invasion of her privacy.

She says, "It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me. My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up."

Her attorney also says this appears to be in violation of state revenge porn laws.

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