TISHA CAMPBELL Stumbles Across Late Dad's Porn Stash ... 'You Nasty A**!!!'


Tisha Campbell made a pretty hilarious discovery in cleaning out her late father's home following his death ... coming across a seemingly endless collection of porn DVDs.

Tisha's dad, Clifton Campbell, died Nov. 1, but the actress and her family were able to enjoy some comedic relief as they found the X-rated stash going through his belongings.

The "Martin" star joked she could open up her own porn store as she sifted through titles like "Gaping Black Buttholes," "White Ho's With Bros," and "Black Cobra." Of course, each DVD came complete with sexually explicit graphics on top.

Funny enough, Tisha also tells a story of how she recently told her 76-year-old dad he needed to get rid of his outdated DVD player ... and how it's now clear why he fought her to keep it. "Now we know why, you nasty a**!" she quipped.

Chuckling away with her family, it was clear Tisha was more entertained than embarrassed by the NSFW findings ... even writing in her IG caption that while mourning was difficult, it was nice to find "levity and laughter with the family" -- and was adamant her dad would've loved their reaction to finding his erotic entertainment catalog.

Her cringing fans, however, joked her dad would be haunting them in their sleep for exposing him like that ... to be determined!!!

TISHA CAMPBELL Tropieza con el escondite porno de su difunto padre ... "Asqueroso hijo de p**!!!"

Esto no estaba en el testamento

Tisha Campbell hizo un descubrimiento bastante hilarante cuando estaba limpiando la casa de su difunto padre después de su muerte. Se encontró con nada más ni nada menos que con una colección aparentemente interminable de DVDs porno.

El padre de Tisha, Clifton Campell, murió el 1 de noviembre, pero la actriz y su familia fueron capaces de reírse un momento y encontrar algo de alivio al revisar sus pertenencias.

La estrella de "Martin" bromeó con que podría abrir su propia tienda porno mientras rebuscaba entre títulos como "Gaping Black Buttholes", "White Ho's With Bros" y "Black Cobra". Por supuesto, cada DVD venía con gráficos sexualmente explícitos en la parte superior.

Curiosamente, Tisha también contó que hace poco le dijo a su padre de 76 años que tenía que deshacerse de su anticuado reproductor de DVD, y ahora está claro por qué este luchó por quedarse con él. "¡Ahora sabemos por qué, asqueroso!", bromeó Tisha.

Riéndose con su familia, está claro que Tisha estaba más entretenida que avergonzada de los hallazgos de su padre. Incluso escribió en el pie de foto de su IG que aunque el luto es difícil, es agradable encontrar "ligereza y risas con la familia", y fue firme en que a su padre le habría encantado su reacción al encontrar su catálogo de entretenimiento erótico.

Sus fans, sin embargo, bromearon con que su padre los va a perseguir en sueños por exponerlo de esa manera... ¡¡está por verse!!!

Mia Khalifa Shares Support For Palestine, Hamas ... Stirs Controversy Amid Israel Attacks

Former porn star-turned-influencer Mia Khalifa is catching heat online after voicing support for the people of Palestine on the heels of the deadly Hamas attacks that sparked the intensifying war with Israel.

Mia shared her controversial thoughts online over the weekend, as Israel declared a state of war after the Hamas attack ... saying a slew of things not in favor of the people of Israel.

She tweeted, "Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal," and, "I just wanna make sure there’s 4k footage of my people breaking down the walls of the open air prison they’ve been forced out of their homes and into so we have good options for the history books."

Mia, who is Lebanese, faced backlash for her comments against Israel, but she doubled down ... writing, "I’d say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I’m more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

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She also claimed those who look at the incident and aren't siding with Palestinians are "on the wrong side of apartheid and history will show that in time." Still, folks online are ripping into her stance.

As you know, the Hamas attack on Israel went down Saturday, with the death toll reportedly reaching 700 victims as of Monday amid the massive destruction.


Israel fired back after the initial attack, bombing areas in Gaza -- including a terrorist attack at a crowded music festival near the Gaza Strip, with some being taken hostage by gunmen.

Tyreek Hill No F'ing Way I'm Doing Porn ... I Was Kidding!!!

Tyreek Hill won't be going balls-out in the porn industry -- not in retirement, not ever -- the Miami Dolphins superstar just admitted he was just kidding about becoming an adult film actor after he's done playing in the NFL.

Hill made the shocking revelation while streaming on Twitch with Tampa Bay Buccaneers receiver Mike Evans ... when he said straight-up, "Nah, when I retire, bro, I really wanna be a porn star though, bro."

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The 29-year-old doubled down shortly after ... claiming once again he was "dead serious."

As it turns out, Hill was just fooling around ... 'cause when he was asked about it at practice on Wednesday, he explained it was all a joke.

"A lot of my teammates are hating on me right now," Hill said minutes ago. "I was joking, I was definitely joking. That's something I just don't want to do."

Hill -- who has made more than $93 million over the course of his NFL career so far -- definitely doesn't have to lift a finger (or any other body part, for that matter) after he retires ... so it's no surprise he is backing off his bold claim.

Tyreek Hill I Wanna Do Porn After NFL ... Go Out W/ A Bang!!!

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Tyreek Hill has some big goals for his post-football career -- the Miami Dolphins superstar says he wants to dive into the porn industry after he retires from the NFL.

... and he's not screwing with us!!

The 29-year-old wide receiver revealed his intentions while streaming on Twitch ... when fellow NFLer Mike Evans brought up the fact Hill has a bright future even after his playing days are over.

Hill agreed ... but little did the Buccaneers great know, he was referring to making highlight reels in the bedroom instead of on the field -- which is exactly what he plans to do.

"Nah, when I retire, bro, I really wanna be a porn star though, bro," Hill said. "Like, dead serious. Like, you think I got that?"

The conversation went dead silent ... forcing Hill to follow up.


Evans tried to change his mind ... suggesting a career as a comedian instead.

"You already got like 12 kids, s***," Evans said ... pointing out his family has grown a bit over the years.

It certainly sounds like the Super Bowl champ can't be swayed ... as he remained adamant about venturing into adult films.

It would be a pretty interesting career change for Hill ... and here's hoping he isn't as much of a Cheetah in his new gig if he DOES go through with it.

'I'm IG Famous' Model Offered $25k Porn Deal After Airplane Freak-Out

The woman who declared herself "Instagram famous" while getting booted from a plane ... is about to get even more fame -- if she wants it, porn can be part of the equation too.

Morgan Osman -- the one-time "Bad Girls Club" cast member -- now has a somewhat lucrative offer on the table from XXX site CamSoda, which tends to focus on streaming POV of nude models.


In a letter sent to Morgan, and obtained by TMZ, CamSoda tells the IG model -- who made an epic exit from her flight -- she's a perfect fit for their brand, and they're willing to give her 5 figures to strip, live on cam.

A rep for the company writes, "Given your interest in being filmed, we here at CamSoda would love to have you broadcast yourself on our XXX platform. I’d like to formally offer you up to $25,000 to perform a one-hour-long cam show on our site."

CS says Morgan can show off her hot bod in whatever way she likes -- whether it's lingerie, bathing suits, a strip tease or just full birthday suit. Point is ... she'd have to show some skin.

No word on whether Morgan's seen the offer yet -- she hasn't responded.

Getting booted from commercial flights seems to pay these days ... whether it be financially or just fleeting fame. Still, we wouldn't recommend it, you're more likely to end up dealing with the FBI.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Candidata a Cámara de Virginia Posteaba videos porno por $$$

Una mujer que se postula para un codiciado escaño en la Cámara de Virginia tiene un trabajito extra, pues ha publicado sabrosos videos online con la ayuda de su marido.

Susana Gibson, de 40 años, es una demócrata que se postula para representar el Distrito 57 en Richmond. Había publicado varios videos en una plataforma llamada Chaturbate, que alberga a usuarios que están listos para masturbarse mientras chatean con otros en línea.

Según WaPo y NYP, Gibson fue muy activa en Chaturbate el año pasado, con al menos una docena de transmisiones en vivo. La mayoría de ellas habían sido archivadas y la mostraban a ella y su cónyuge realizando actos sexuales, mientras estaban en cámara.

A lo largo de las retransmisiones, Gibson pedía constantemente a los espectadores que siguieran donando a su cuenta mediante fichas digitales, que ella podía canjear.

Al parecer, era muy popular antes de septiembre de 2022. Desde entonces, su actividad en Chaturbate parece haber desaparecido, con casi 6.000 seguidores. Cabe señalar que algunos de estos videos parecen haber sido archivados después de que declarara oficialmente su candidatura el año pasado.

Por supuesto, este descubrimiento está causando un gran revuelo, especialmente entre sus rivales republicanos. En respuesta, Gibson ha calificado la aparición de su material como una invasión ilegal de su privacidad.

Ella dice: "Esto no me intimidará ni me silenciará. Mis adversarios políticos y sus aliados republicanos han demostrado que están dispuestos a cometer un delito sexual para atacarme a mí y a mi familia porque no hay línea que no cruzarían para silenciar a las mujeres cuando hablan".

Su abogado también dice que esto parece violar las leyes estatales sobre porno vengativo (revenge porn).

Virginia House of Delegates Candidate in the Running Posted Porn Videos for $$$

A woman running for a coveted Virginia House seat has a side gig for $$$ -- she had posted spicy clips online ... with the help of her hubby.

40-year-old Susanna Gibson -- a Democrat running to represent District 57 in Richmond -- had posted several vids on a platform called Chaturbate ... which hosts users who are down to masturbate while chatting with others online.

According to WaPo and NYP, Gibson was quite active on Chaturbate last year ... with at least a dozen live streams -- most of which had been archived and viewed by the outlets -- featuring her and her spouse performing sex acts on each other while on camera.

Throughout the streams, Gibson is reported to have consistently asked folks who were watching to keep on donating to her account via digital tokens -- which she could cash in.

Apparently, she was pretty popular on there before September 2022 -- when her Chaturbate activity seems to have gone dark -- with nearly 6,000 followers. Worth noting, some of these videos appear to have been archived after she officially declared her candidacy last year.

Of course, this discovery is causing an uproar -- especially among her Republican rivals. In response, Gibson has called this surfacing of her material an illegal invasion of her privacy.

She says, "It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me. My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up."

Her attorney also says this appears to be in violation of state revenge porn laws.

Brandon Spikes I Showed Tim Tebow Pics Of Nude Girls ... To Make Sure He Wasn't Banging

Tim Tebow's former Florida teammate took drastic measures to confirm he was really saving himself for marriage ... 'cause Brandon Spikes claims he would randomly show the quarterback pictures of naked women to see how he'd respond.

Spikes -- who played alongside the Heisman winner in Gainesville from 2006-09 -- went in depth about the media obsession with Tebow's virginity during the Gators' dominance in the mid-2000s ... and he revealed he did some questionable investigative reporting of his own to prove the guy was, in fact, sex-free.

"I just wanted to see if he was real," Spikes said on Netflix's "Untold: Swamp Kings," according to the New York Post.

"So I would like, you know, maybe have a picture, a nude picture on my phone or something and show it to him just to see how he would react."

The stunt didn't go over too well with Tebow ... and Spikes explained his response led him to believe the whole thing was really true.

"He was like, 'Come on man! Like, you really get a man uncomfortable!'"

"And I was like, 'Oh, he's serious.'"

Tebow's virginity was a major storyline throughout his college and pro career ... and he went on to marry former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters in 2020.

Safe to say the abstinence paid off.

Jalen Kitna Breaks Silence 'This Wasn't A Child Pornography Case'

Jalen Kitna is opening up, addressing accusations he possessed child pornography ... and the college quarterback clearly wants it known people haven't heard the full story until now.

Remember, the 20-year-old former Univ. of Florida signal caller was arrested in November, accused of possessing an explicit image of a minor online. The child pornography charges were ultimately dropped last month, and JK pled "no contest" to two lesser misdemeanor charges.

Now, with the criminal case behind him ... Jalen wants people to know what actually happened.

"Out of respect to the legal process I have chosen to remain silent the last 8 months, knowing the accusations levied against me as a teenager were not accurate and would be proven to be not true. The extensive 6 month long investigation brought the prosecution to the conclusion I knew all along - this was not a child pornography case," Kitna wrote.

Jalen explained what occurred the day he was arrested by police.

"November 30, 2022, at the age of 19, detectives arrived early in the morning and started asking about my pornography use. I was totally compliant, I shared all my passwords, and hid nothing from them," Kitna explained.

"They told me an image I shared online was potentially of an underage female. I was shocked, because I had found it on an easily accessible, legal site, and I was never looking for illegal material. The photo included only a portion of the female body, I had no reason to believe the photo might be illegal."

Despite his cooperation, Jalen says he was taken into custody.

"Regardless, they arrested me on suspicion of possessing child pornography. As they put me in handcuffs I tried to process everything. It sounded like they believed I searched out and shared illegal pictures, but I knew that I had not."

Kitna, who was removed from the U of Fl. football team after the arrest, says he was thoroughly evaluated by a physician, who found he had no "deviant characteristics."

"After a full day of evaluation and testing by a specialized doctor of 40+ years, the doctor determined I have no deviant characteristics, had normal interests as a teenager, and I’m in the lowest possible percentile for likelihood to commit a crime," Kitna explained.

As for the plea deal he agreed to, Kitna says he wants people to know he never made any admission of guilt.

"The misdemeanor plea of 'no contest' is not an admission of guilt and I was not adjudicated by the court, meaning there was no conviction. The police have returned all my devices, because they contain no illegal material. And the University of Florida has lifted the campus ban imposed during the investigation."

Kitna, who also apologized to his family and friends in the statement, also vowed to spread his story, letting others know how "naive decisions can lead to catastrophic consequences."

"I understand that there are many who will never get past the original headlines, but for those who want to look at this objectively, I hope this will provide details to see the truth."

"I know with the continued love and support of those close to me–and hopefully some understanding by others–I’ll have a chance at the life that I dreamed of and worked so hard for. I am determined to use my story to help others avoid the pitfalls of naive technology use."

Kitna, who received 6-months of probation from the court, is hoping to resume his football career.

Adam22 Threesome With Jason Luv Off Table ... Can't Keep Mouth Shut!!!


Adam22 says the porn star who banged his wife in camera is on time-out after giving an interview on the sex tape ... telling us a potential threesome is now off-limits.

We got the popular podcaster in Los Angeles and asked about his souring relationship with Jason Luv, and where it all started going downhill.

Adam22 says he's super pissed over Jason's sex tape interview, where he bragged about being better in bed and more well-endowed than Lena The Plug's husband.

The way Adam22 sees things ... Jason broke a code among porn stars by comparing penis sizes and opening up about other bedroom details ... telling us Lena's seen the interview in question and is upset with Jason as well.

Adam22 says he'd been talking with Lena about filming a threesome with Jason ... but he tells us that's all out the window now.


And, get this ... Adam22 feels Jason is showing insecurities now that the sex tape is shining a spotlight on all three of them. In fact, he tells us he's even considered a celeb boxing match with Jason to settle their differences ... but says the money he'd make from the event just wouldn't even be worth his time.

It's a fun and interesting conversation ... and Adam22 explains why it's unfair to compare his package to Jason's ... and he tells us how his sex life with Lena is improving.

Adam22 Antonio Brown's A 'Piece Of S***' You Disrespected My Wife!!!


Adam22 says there's no way he's letting Antonio Brown anywhere near Lena The Plug ... telling TMZ Sports the ex-NFL superstar better have security if they ever cross paths -- 'cause he's "pulling up."

AB caused quite a stir when he publicly hit up the popular podcaster on Twitter earlier this week ... saying he wanted to be "next" after Adam's porn star wife filmed a sex scene with another man, XXX actor Jason Luv, for the first time in their seven-year relationship.

We caught up with Adam outside the "No Jumper" studio in L.A. on Thursday ... and he's pissed off over AB's antics -- calling it blatant disrespect.

"Let me explain something," Adam tells us. "My wife worked with a trained adult male porn star, and it's not like she's up for grabs for any horny dude in the industry whose career has fallen apart who wants to get some."

As it turns out, Adam claims AB's team reached out to his people in hopes of setting up an interview over the whole interaction ... and he was down to make some "good content" with the Super Bowl champ -- that is, until he asked for $5,000 to make it happen.

"I was like, it's not happening," Adam tells us. "He must be broke, or something. I looked him up on Google, it says he's worth like $20 million. But, I mean, he's out here scrounging up, trying to get $5,000 out of me to do the interview."

"I'm like, why am I gonna give you $5,000 for disrespecting my wife on Twitter, you piece of s***?"

While Adam makes it clear Lena's work doesn't open the door for other guys, he mentions a guy he would consider way before he ever grants AB his wish -- controversial personality Andrew Tate.

"To be totally fair, Andrew Tate might be at the level where we would consider it," Adam says. "Antonio Brown, to me, is basically a homeless person."

"The idea that I'm gonna let this piece of s*** f*** my wife, it's not happening. And, I'm not giving you $5,000 for an interview, either."

As for Lena's reaction, Adam says she laughed it off ... 'cause she had no idea who AB is.

Moriah Mills Hoops Players Are Blowing Me Up!!! ... After Zion Drama


If things don't work out with Zion Williamson, Moriah Mills will have plenty of other options ... so says the XXX model herself, who tells TMZ Sports basketball players are hitting her up after going public about her alleged relationship with the Pelicans star.

MM has made headlines for some bombshell allegations recently ... claiming she was intimate with the former #1 overall pick while he's expecting a baby with another woman.

We spoke with Mills out in Beverly Hills on Monday ... and she says despite the backlash she's been getting from Zion's die-hard supporters, the hoops community has shown a lot of interest in the weeks following the scandal.

In fact, Mills says going viral with her allegations has resulted in a ton of inquiries for basketball-themed adult content ... as well as some DMs from other pros.

As for her public threats to release a sex tape with Zion, Moriah tells us she hasn't heard a peep from the star's legal team ... and she's confident he'd never actually follow through with a lawsuit.

Mills even says through the public ambush, the two are on "chill" terms ... but when we asked about her own alleged pregnancy, she played coy.

Moriah also addressed Zion's baby on the way ... to which she replied, "All I can say is, sometimes you make mistakes, or whatever."

Lena The Plug Hate for My Hubby Adam22 Is Insane ... Total Double Standard!!!

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Lena The Plug says the ridicule her husband Adam22 is facing after she filmed a porn scene with another dude is absurd ... and she's defending his honor, insisting he's the opposite of a "simp."

We got Lena in L.A., outside Whole Foods, and she says while she's mostly been getting praise for shooting her first scene with Jason Luv, Adam's become the butt of the joke ... and she says her man doesn't deserve that kinda slander.

Lena believes there's a big double standard at play here, telling us she and Adam have had hundreds of threesomes with other women and no one had any problem with that.

However, she did cop to having mixed feelings about Adam watching her romp with Jason.

FYI, Lena and podcaster Adam22 do the "Plug Talk Podcast" together, where the couple interviews a woman and then hooks up with her. They've been doing that for years, but this is the first time Lena has ever filmed with another dude.

The timing of Adam being comfortable with her sleeping with another man is so interesting... because the two just got married a few months ago in Italy.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Regardless, Lena says she's seen a spike in profits on her OnlyFans after the encounter, adding her first-ever scene with someone other than Adam is something her fans have been begging for, and it doesn't sound like this will be the last time.

As we reported, Adam was getting called "Simp of the Year" after Lena teased her scene with Jason, and he even spoke out last weekend about why letting his wife film with a fellow adult film star was a great career move.

We covered it all in a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Porn Star Adriana Chechik I'm The Elon Musk Of Porn!!! ... Turns To AI After Breaking Back

Adriana Chechik, the porn star who shattered her back after jumping into a foam pit, is reinventing her adult entertainment career in an unprecedented way ... with the help of artificial intelligence.

That's right, Adriana is collabing with Forever Voices AI to introduce the "Adriana Chechik AI Companion." Users will be able to have explicit conversations with a robot who sounds identical to Adriana ... and is personalized to their interests based on advanced algorithms and machine learning.


Adriana hasn't been in porn for months ... you'll recall, she broke her back at TwitchCon after leaping into a foam pit that was reportedly less than 2 feet deep.

We spoke with Adriana ... who tells us she's still recovering from her injury and doesn't think she's physically and mentally capable of doing porn anymore.

However, she's now looking to change the game by combining the sexiness of adult entertainment with the limitless possibilities of AI.

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Adriana says her injury has been a wake-up call on the importance of having a constant connection with her fans ... she says a lot of them are online, some lonely, and this is a great way to maintain contact.


Heads up to the people over in Silicon Valley ... the porn game is changing, and you might want to catch up.

'Wizards of Waverly Place' Star Happy to Be Working in Porn ... No Hate, All Love

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TikTok / @danleebenson

Dan Benson -- a former star on "Wizards of Waverly Place" -- went from child star to porn star ... and he says he couldn't be happier over the career change.

The ex-Disney Channel actor -- who used to play Zeke Beakerman and work alongside Selena Gomez between 2007 and 2012 -- hopped on TikTok to provide a mental health update ... explaining he was feeling great about his pivot into adult entertainment.

He says he has no regrets about the kinda stuff he's doing on camera now, and that he was even surprised about some of the reactions he's gotten ... which have mostly been positive.

DB explains that while he thought he'd be met with shame and condemnation, he's actually experienced a lot of love and empowerment -- and he's glad the stigma associated with porn isn't being hurled his way. On the job front, there too he's found a healthy environment.

Dan goes on to say he's asked to do stuff all the time that he's not necessarily comfortable with, but now finds himself in a position to say no -- which he says is often respected.

And, the cherry on top ... him being supported, encouraged and, sometimes, approached by fans in public -- who he says have been nothing but lovely to him since he left the Mouse House. As he puts it, Dan feels like a "badass" these days ... so he's in a solid place.

Dan uses OnlyFans, among other X-rated platforms ... and has embraced his sensuality.


It just goes to show, there's lots of ways to make money these days -- and even the untraditional ways are being viewed in a different light than ever before.

Good on DB! Go get 'em, dude.