Bill Maher Roasts Overblown, Partisan Reporting ... Life's Not THAT Bad!!!


Everything isn't President Biden's, or former President Trump's, fault ... and it's still safe to go to college in America -- but ya wouldn't know it from the news, according to Bill Maher.

Mr. Call It As I See It turned his criticism on the media during Friday night's episode of 'Real Time' ... laying out "New Rules" for following the news. Bill started with the wall-to-wall coverage of the pro-Palestinian rallies on college campuses, accusing the media of hyping an issue about which the overwhelming majority of college students just don't care.

Or, they care very little ... according to the receipts Bill brought to back his point.

Matisyahu Macklemore Song Won't Free Palestine ... Promotes Antisemitism


Matisyahu says Macklemore's new track isn't about freeing Palestine, as Mack claims -- instead, it only sows deeper discord by pushing what he sees as antisemitic tropes.

We caught up with the Jewish singer-songwriter in L.A., and he tells TMZ he's heard Macklemore's song, "Hind's Hall" -- and, quite frankly he thinks it'll keep people in conflict because of its inflammatory lyrics.

Matis starts by mentioning Macklemore's controversial 2014 disguise... one that featured a prosthetic nose, beard, and hat many called antisemitic.

Whoopi Goldberg Misses Good Old Days of 'The View' ... It's Kinda Gone Woke!!!

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watch what you say

Whoopi Goldberg says "The View" ain't what it used to be -- explaining audiences are ready to jump on hosts for any little comment they make ... regardless of intention.

The EGOT winner -- who joined the show way back in 2007 -- opened up about hosting during a sit-down with Chris Wallace on his interview show ... and, he asked her if she liked moderating the program.

Goldberg says she liked "The View" more before 'cause audiences cut the hosts slack and didn't immediately jump to the conclusion they wanted to make nasty, horrible comments.

Stevie Wonder Drake/Kendrick Beef a Distraction ... From Real Wars in World


Stevie Wonder isn't entertained by Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef -- all war gets a thumbs down in his book ... including real-world ones, which he says are more important.

The music maestro spoke with TMZ Hip Hop Friday about his thoughts on the feud between Drizzy and K.Dot ... -- and while their respective diss songs may have racked up colossal numbers -- Stevie flat-out calls their battle a distraction to real problems going on right now.

Specifically, SW points to actual wars that are unfolding around the globe -- and while he doesn't pinpoint a specific one ... it seems pretty clear he's referring to Israel-Gaza.

Sean Penn Hanging w/ Hunter Biden in Malibu ... Working on New Doc???

Hunter Biden reportedly has a new documentary in the works all about his life -- and now, it looks like Sean Penn has entered the chat ... who's a bit of a doc head himself these days.

The President's embattled son -- who's in the middle of a criminal case right now, and who'll be going to trial soon on gun-related charges -- was photographed out in Malibu Thursday, cozying up next to none other than the Oscar winner ... and they were chopping it up.

The pics were taken outside of Soho House, a social club there, and it looks like SP was enjoying a smoke while HB was trying to go somewhat incognito with shades and a hat.

Ann Coulter Sorry Vivek, No Indians For Prez ... WASP Country at Heart!!!

Truth Podcast

Ann Coulter's using race as a distinguishing factor in the voting booth ... telling former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy he wouldn't have gotten her vote 'cause he's not white.

The controversial conservative media personality hopped on Ramaswamy's 'Truth Podcast' -- posted Wednesday -- for a discussion about nationalism and national pride ... and, Coulter decided to kick off the segment with her controversial comment.

After a warm intro by VR, AC tells him she agreed with him more than any other candidate on the campaign trail, adding ... she still wouldn't have voted for him 'cause he's Indian.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Early Worm Catches the Gray Matter ... Parasite Ate His Brains???

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may want to plug up his ears permanently ... 'cause he says a dead worm was once found in his head -- and it apparently chowed down on his brain.

A new report from the New York Times came out Wednesday citing a 2012 deposition from RFK's divorce proceedings when Kennedy said he once feared he'd developed a serious illness after a brain scan showed a shadow.

In the deposition, RFK said he even scheduled a brain surgery with the same doctor who treated his uncle, Ted Kennedy, before his death from brain cancer in 2009. However, Robert got a second opinion ... and, he says this new doc told him he thought he had a parasite.

Stormy Daniels Testifica en el juicio de Trump "Él y Melania duermen en habitaciones diferentes"


12:21 PM PT -- El ex fiscal federal Michael Zeldin estuvo en "TMZ Live" en martes para discutir por qué a Stormy Daniels se le permitió entrar en todos estos supuestos detalles acerca de su tiempo con Donald Trump si no es exactamente relevante para el delito que se ha alegado... y él tuvo una respuesta para nosotros.


Échale un vistazo... Zeldin dice que los fiscales de este caso quieren que el jurado crea que Stormy es confiable, y la única manera de hacerlo es poniendo al descubierto todo lo que ella dice que sabe. En otras palabras, todo es cuestión de credibilidad, y sacar estas cosas a la luz supuestamente le ayudará a hacer eso.

Stormy Daniels está testificando en el juicio de Donald Trump, y dice que él le dijo que él y su esposa -Melania Trump- en realidad no duermen juntos... y esto fue en 2006.

Stormy Daniels Testifies in Trump Trial ... Told Me He & Melania Sleep in Different Rooms


12:21 PM PT -- Former federal prosecutor Michael Zeldin came on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to discuss why Stormy Daniels was being allowed to get into all these alleged details about her time with Donald Trump if it isn't exactly relevant to the crime that's been alleged ... and he had an answer for us.


Take a look ... Zeldin says prosecutors for this case want the jury to believe Stormy is credible -- and the only way to do that is to lay bare everything she says she knows. In other words, it's all about believability ... and her spilling the alleged tea will help in doing that.

Stormy Daniels is testifying in Donald Trump's hush money trial -- and she says he told her he and his wife, Melania Trump, don't really sleep together ... and this was back in 2006.

Gobernadora Kristi Noem El perro a menudo mordedor de Biden ... Probablemente debería ser sacrificado.

APUNTANDO commander
CBS News

La gobernadora Kristi Noem reafirma la decisión de matar a su propio perro después de que se puso agresivo, e incluso sugiere que Biden debería seguir el ejemplo con su propio perro.

La Líder político de Dakota del Sur -que ha sido el tema de la ciudad por ser la posible elección de Trump para prospecto- estuvo en "Face the Nation" el domingo, donde salió a colación una parte polémica de su nuevo libro, en la que cuenta que tuvo que sacrificar a su perrito.

Le preguntaron a Noem sobre un pasaje de su libro que aludía a Commander -el perro de Joe- el cual ha sido acusado de morder a las personas, incluidos agentes del Servicio Secreto.

Gov. Kristi Noem Biden's Often-Biting Dog ... Should Probably Be Put Down!!!

CBS News

Gov. Kristi Noem is doubling down on shooting and killing her own dog after it got aggressive -- and she's even suggesting Biden oughta follow suit with his pooch.

South Dakota's political leader -- who's been the talk of the town as Trump's prospective VP pick -- went on "Face the Nation" Sunday ... where the hot-button issue of her new book got brought up, where she confessed to putting down her doggy once upon a time.

Noem was asked about a passage in her book which alluded to Joe's own dog, Commander, which has been accused of biting a crap of ton people ... including Secret Service agents.

Kristi Noem Admits She Didn't Meet Kim Jong Un ... After Saying She Did in Book

Kristi Noem's book's landed her in hot water again ... this time resulting from a factual error claiming she met Kim Jong Un -- even though the meet never happened.

The South Dakota Governor went on CBS' "Face The Nation" Sunday morning to talk politics and her upcoming autobiography 'No Going Back' ... and, the show's host Margaret Brennan brought up a passage where Noem wrote she met the North Korean dictator.

Check out the clip ... Noem says the passage's being taken out of the book -- which doesn't come out until Tuesday FWIW -- after the passage was brought to her attention. Basically, arguing she had no idea the story got in there.

Dua Lipa en "SNL" derriba a la gobernadora Noem Y analiza la relación entre Kendrick y Drake

Dua Lipa y los guionistas de "SNL" no dejaron escapar a cierto político pistolero y cazador de perros, y en su lugar convirtieron a la gobernadora Kristi Noem en el chiste para empezar el programa.

La cantante fue la anfitriona y acto musical el sábado por la noche, y promocionó su nuevo álbum "Radical Optimism" durante su monólogo. Dua explicó que el título del álbum se refiere a "mirar el lado bueno de cualquier situación".

Ella procedió a ofrecer algunos ejemplos con la ayuda de miembros del elenco en la audiencia, y fue cuando Heidi Gardner se levantó con un sombrero MAGA y dijo: "Hola, soy la gobernadora de Dakota del Sur Kristi Noem", abriendo la puerta para que Dua la cortara rápidamente.

Casa Blanca Un carro choca contra una barrera El conductor muere

El Servicio Secreto está investigando un accidente mortal, en el que un carro chocó contra una barrera de la Casa Blanca, obligando a los agentes y a la policía de Washington a intervenir.

La acción se produjo a última hora la noche del sábado, sobre las 10:45, cuando un carro que circulaba a gran velocidad colisionó contra una de las verjas del perímetro exterior que rodea los terrenos de la Casa Blanca.

Los agentes de la policía metropolitana respondieron, al igual que los agentes del Servicio Secreto, rodeando el sedán plateado que se estrelló de frente contra la barrera de hormigón.

Dua Lipa on 'SNL' Takes Aim at Gov. Noem Dog Shooting ... Spoofs Drake v. Kendrick

Dua Lipa and the 'SNL' writers didn't let a certain gun-toting, dog-shooting politician off the hook ... and instead made Gov. Kristi Noem the punchline to kick off the show.

The singer was the host and musical act Saturday night, and shouted out her new album "Radical Optimism" during her monologue. Dua explained the album title refers to "looking on the bright side of any situation."

She proceeded to offer some examples with help from cast members in the audience, which is when Heidi Gardner stood up in a MAGA hat and said, "Hi, I'm South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem" ... opening the door for Dua to cut her off quickly.

White House Car Smashes into Barrier ... Driver Killed From Impact

The Secret Service is investigating a fatal crash -- a car slamming into a White House barrier sent agents and D.C. police scrambling.

The action went down late Saturday night, around 10:45, as a speeding car collided with one of the outer perimeter gates surrounding the White House grounds.

Metropolitan PD officers responded, but Secret Service agents were also immediately on the scene, surrounding the silver sedan ... which smashed head-on into the concrete barrier.