Caitlyn Jenner Se enfrenta a manifestantes propalestinos


Caitlyn Jenner no tiene miedo de caminar junto a una protesta por la guerra de Gaza.

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Ella estaba en Washington para asistir a la Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca el sábado por la noche, cuando se encontró con una multitud de manifestantes.

Sacó su teléfono móvil y comenzó a grabarlos, sin mostrar miedo.

Caitlyn Jenner Confronts Pro-Palestinian Protesters ... At W.H. Correspondents' Dinner


Caitlyn Jenner has NO fear ... walking right into the middle of a massive, protest over the Gaza war and jawboning it with demonstrators.

CJ was in D.C. to attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner Saturday night, when she encountered a throng of protesters.

She pulled out her cell phone and began recording them, showing no fear.

USC Protests Tommy Trojan Vandalized by Demonstrators

USC's famed Tommy Trojan has been caught up in the Gaza war, and is worse for wear.

The iconic statue was smack in the middle of another protest on the USC campus, resulting in 90 arrests.

Someone spray-painted, "Say no to genocide" on the base of the statue.

2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner Joe Biden Mocks Donald Trump ... Over NY Criminal Trial


President Joe Biden put on his comedy hat at the White House Correspondents' Association's annual dinner Saturday – throwing a major barb at Donald Trump for standing trial over a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

As the night's featured guest, Joe strolled up to the podium for his speech at the Washington Hilton in D.C. before a packed crowd of journalists, government officials and Hollywood stars to celebrate the free press.

Right from the get-go, Joe poked fun at his chief rival and presumptive Republican 2024 presidential nominee – Trump – while first tackling the age issue saddling both candidates.

Robin Thicke Plays Lavish Egyptian Wedding ... Pyramids Behind Him!!!


It might not be clear how pyramids were built, but if they're in ruins we certainly know why ... 'cause Robin Thicke's performance in Egypt may have brought them down!

The singer-songwriter played a wedding gig at the base of the architectural marvels Friday night at the Wedding of Ankur Jain and Erika Hammond -- a couple moguls who pulled out all the stops for their big night.

One of the many exciting surprises ... Thicke pulled up to croon a few tunes -- including iconic love song "Just the Two of Us" and man, the guy sounds fantastic.

Bill Maher Anti-Israel Protesters ... Ignorant, Off-Base Narcissists

Collective Narcissism

Bill Maher came in hot Friday night, blasting college anti-Israel Protesters as self-involved, ill-informed, and mostly out-of-work narcissists.

The 'Real Time' host lit into protesters who are blocking roads and bridges, along with those disrupting college campuses, saying their lack of knowledge over the conflict between Israel and Hamas is breathtaking.


He says amusedly, the protesters who think Israel is an apartheid country are crazy ... and he offers receipts. He ticks off countries protesters are ignoring that subjugate women and minorities, and target the LGBTQ community for death.

Bill Maher Manifestantes anti- Israel Ignorantes y narcisistas...

Narcisismo colectivo

Bill Maher entró en terreno caliente el viernes por la noche, al criticar a los manifestantes universitarios anti-israelíes como narcisistas egocéntricos, mal informados y en su mayoría sin trabajo.

El presentador de "Real Time" arremetió contra los manifestantes que están bloqueando carreteras y puentes, así como contra quienes interrumpen los campus universitarios, diciendo que su falta de conocimiento sobre el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás es impresionante.

Caos en el campus

Dice que los manifestantes que piensan que Israel es un país de apartheid están locos y ofrece pruebas, como que los países manifestantes ignoran la subyugación a las mujeres y las minorías y llevar a la muerte a la comunidad LGBTQ.

Gov. Kristi Noem Blasted On Social Media Folks Pissed She Shot & Killed Dog

Governor Kristi Noem's got social media users howling with rage -- 'cause she admitted to shooting and killing her own dog ... something she says had to be done.

South Dakota's political leader tells the harrowing story in her upcoming memoir, "No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward" ... discussing farm life and detailing exactly why she says her young wirehaired pointer had to die.

The Guardian reviewed the book and rehashed this sad chapter. KN owned a 14-month-old pup named Cricket with an untrainable and aggressive personality, and didn't turn out to be the best hunter either. After an attempted hunt, she says she started driving back with Cricket ... only to make a stop at a local family's home, with the dog attacking their chickens.

DR. PHIL TRUMP'S JURY TROUBLING ... For Prosecution, Defense


Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial in NYC could face an unfair playing field based on the jury -- but in terms of who it benefits, it's a crapshoot ... so says Dr. Phil.

The TV personality spoke to "TMZ Live" Friday about the 12 jurors who'll decide DT's fate -- the bios for whom have been released ... including their work backgrounds and their education. As it turns out ... this jury is full of a bunch of smart cookies.

There are two lawyers on the jury ... and Phil says that could both hurt and help Trump and co., depending on how they feel politically. Take a listen ... his analysis is kinda spot-on.

Joe Biden on Howard Stern Considered Suicide After Family Deaths ... Sons Kept Him From It

The Howard Stern Show / Sirius XM

Joe Biden's opening up about his mental health struggles ... saying he once considered taking his own life in one particularly low moment -- but, his kids saved him.

POTUS sat down for an interview with Howard Stern on his SiriusXM show Friday, and spoke about his first wife Neilia and their infant daughter dying in a 1972 car crash ... admitting he briefly thought about suicide.

Biden says a person doesn't have to be crazy to consider this ... adding he even thought about jumping off the Delaware Memorial Bridge ... but ultimately decided against it because he had two other children, Beau and Hunter, to think about.

Donald Trump Este edificio me da escalofríos... ¡¡¡Esta sala es demasiado fría!!!

Donald Trump
Una fría sala

Donald Trump tiene otro problema con su juicio penal en Nueva York, además del hecho de estar siendo procesado y obligado a asistir todos los días, el ex mandatario piensa que el palacio de justicia es aparentemente muy helado.

El ex Presidente regresó a la Gran Manzana el viernes para otro día de argumentos y testimonios de los testigos, mientras la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan va tras él por sus presuntos pagos para silenciar a Stormy Daniels, y la última queja de Donald Trump es que las temperaturas son demasiado bajas.

Trump habló con la prensa afuera de la sala del tribunal antes de entrar y dejó muy claro que encuentra el espacio jodidamente frío, lo que parece pensar que es a propósito.

Donald Trump Shiver Me Timbers ... This Courthouse is Freaking Cold!!!

Donald Trump

Donald Trump has another problem with his criminal trial in NYC -- aside from the fact he's being prosecuted and forced to attend daily ... the courthouse is apparently freezing!

The ex-Prez was back in the Big Apple Friday for another day of arguments and witness testimony as the Manhattan D.A.'s Office goes after him over his alleged hush money payments to Stormy Daniels ... and DT's latest gripe is all about the low temperature.

He talked to the press outside of the courtroom before heading in, and Don made it very clear he finds the space to be pretty damn cold ... which he seems to think is on purpose.

Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la Casa Blanca por la reforma a la justicia penal

Para segundas oportunidades

Kim Kardashian volvió a la Casa Blanca para abogar por la reforma a la justicia penal, solo que esta vez se reunió con el equipo de Biden, demostrando que ella es leal a la causa y no a ningún partido político.

La estrella de los realities, que ha utilizado regularmente su plataforma para abogar por esto, se reunió con la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris el jueves en una mesa redonda. Esto, luego de que el Presidente concediera la clemencia a 16 personas previamente condenadas por delitos de drogas no violentos.

Aquí para ayudar

Al hablar con la vicepresidenta y algunas de las personas indultadas, dejó claro que su única agenda era abogar por una reforma penitenciaria, no importa quién esté en la oficina, y agradeció a los sujetos recientemente liberados por compartir sus historias y poner foco en el tema.

Kim Kardashian Back at White House For Criminal Justice Reform

to second chances

Kim Kardashian went back to the White House to advocate for criminal justice reform -- only here, it was with Biden's camp ... proving she's loyal to the cause, and not to any party.

The reality star -- who has regularly used her platform to advocate for this -- met with Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday for a roundtable discussion after POTUS granted clemency to 16 people previously convicted of nonviolent drug offenses.

here to help

As Kim spoke with the Veep and some of the pardoned individuals, she made it clear her only agenda was to advocate for prison reform, no matter who's in office ... and she thanked the recently released subjects for sharing their stories and putting a spotlight on the issue.

Alcalde de Texas Recibe una soga y una nota amenazante ... El FBI investiga

La policía de Texas inició una investigación con la ayuda del FBI después de que el alcalde de una pequeña ciudad recibiera un amenazante paquete por correo que incluía una soga.

El alcalde de Arcola, Texas, Fred Burton, de raza negra, recibió el paquete el martes y, según cuenta, contenía una cuerda en forma de lazo, además de una nota en la que se le instaba a retirarse de la carrera por la reelección. La policía dice que se puso en contacto con las autoridades inmediatamente.

El mensaje no podía ser más claro. En este se lee: "¡¡¡Abandona la carrera ahora!!!", lo que el propio Burton describió como una bofetada en la cara cuando lo leyó.


Cops in Texas have launched an investigation with the help of the FBI after a small town's Mayor received a threatening package in the mail ... which included a noose.

Arcola, TX's Mayor Fred Burton -- who's Black -- received the package Tuesday which he says contained a rope fashioned into a noose inside, plus a note urging him to withdraw from his reelection race. Police say he contacted the authorities immediately.

The message couldn't be clearer ... reading "Get out of the race now!!" -- which Burton himself describes as a slap to the face as he read it.