'90 Day Fiancé' Stars Mixed on Deporting Prince Harry ... No Special Privileges!!!

Donald Trump's hinting at deporting Prince Harry again, and opinions on the possibility are split -- even among reality stars who've famously emigrated to America to find bliss like Harry did.

We spoke with several stars from the hit show "90 Day Fiancé" about the former president suggesting he'd consider booting PH, if reelected -- and while they're split on whether that should happen, they all agree he shouldn't be treated differently than any other citizen.

Jesse Meester, star of season 1 of "90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days" told us he's lived in this country since coming over from Amsterdam, and he's never had any issues 'cause he says he doesn't break the law ... an easy way to stay out of trouble.

Jesse adds he's all for DT's strict approach to the country's border crisis, and he believes the former -- and possible future prez -- is the only competent politician out there.

And, Larissa Lima -- season 6 star of "90 Day Fiancé" who came to the U.S. from Brazil -- said she feels it's a huge privilege to get to live here, and not even famous people like Harry should get special treatment.

Despite that, LL also told us she's not for deporting the Duke of Sussex immediately ... adding that seems more than a little extreme.


We also spoke to Sam Wilson who starred in season 10 of '90 Day,' and he got candid about his own struggles as a former drug addict ... saying he's always judged for his past drug use. But, he's still against Harry getting special treatment, noting other people wouldn't get that kind of exemption.

031924_trump_nigel_kal MARCH 2024
They Broke Her Heart

Remember, Donald Trump sat down for an interview with GBN broadcaster Nigel Farage where he straight-up said Prince Harry wouldn't get special privileges if he lied about previous drug use on his Visa form to get into the country.

Harry talked extensively about using drugs in his book "Spare" -- something, theoretically, he would have had to disclose before getting a visa.

The speculation is he did not, and would, therefore, be subject to deportation.

The "90 Day Fiancé" crew seems most concerned with celebrity justice -- so, their view is ... if Harry lied, then they say he's gotta go.

BILLY BALDWIN Mellowed Out on Stone Feud ... Better Things to ✍️ About

feeling 1,000 percent

Billy Baldwin's beef with Sharon Stone sounded fiery online -- but in person, the dude doesn't seem to wanna keep the battle going ... 'cause he's turning down the temperature.

We got the actor out in L.A. Wednesday, where our photog asked him about a number of things -- including what happened to his left eye. If you can't quite see, he's got a little nick there ... and Billy tells us exactly how it happened.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

Eventually, we get to what everyone wants to know ... namely, whether his feud with Sharon -- whom he eviscerated online last week after she name-dropped him -- was alive and well.

Check it out ... Billy seems to have moved on from all that, refusing to further trash Sharon here on camera. Although, when we asked if he was still writing a book -- like he suggested he might do when he was first crapping on Sharon -- BB tells us what he'd put in it.

A would-be book wouldn't include any bad-mouthing or tea -- like he teased on X ... instead, he says it'd include all the positive things in his life, like his family and his career.

Good to see that Billy's not holding a grudge against Sharon ... 'cause like we said, he was fired up when she first invoked his name last week during a podcast interview, in which she alleged that a producer on a film they both worked on tried pushing her into banging him.

All's well that ends well ... Bill's waiving the white flag.

Bernie Sanders Defiende la semana laboral de 4 días La vida es más que trabajo

Es tiempo de cambiar, America

El senador Bernie Sanders presentó recientemente un proyecto para que la semana laboral tenga solo treinta y dos horas, y en conversación con TMZ, nos explicó exactamente por qué cree que debería convertirse en una norma en Estados Unidos.

El legislador federal presentó sus argumentos en "TMZ Live" el miércoles, donde nos dijo que trabajar 5 días seguidos, la forma en que todos lo hacemos actualmente, deja a la gente agotada, hace que sea menos productiva y esté completamente estresada y cansada. Para él, no es extraño que se presenten a trabajar totalmente colapsados.

Por el contrario, Bernie dice que si le diéramos a la gente 3 días libres, las empresas se beneficiarían en el largo plazo, ya que la productividad y la concentración de los trabajadores se dispararía cuando regresen al trabajo después de un pequeño descanso, añadiendo que un montón de estudios científicos respaldan sus afirmaciones.

Bernie señala que, dado que los ricos siguen enriqueciéndose -mientras la clase media permanece estancada-, a mucha gente normal le encantaría este cambio y por eso propone que se convierta en ley. Ahora si tiene alguna posibilidad de ser aprobado es otra historia.

Ciertamente, suena bien en el papel. Bernie nos dice que su propuesta no reduciría los salarios o el pago a los trabajadores si llegase a aplicarse, lo que significa que los empleados seguirían recibiendo el pago como si hubieran trabajado una semana laboral de 5 días a pesar de que solo estarían trabajando 32 horas en lugar de 40.

El proyecto de ley todavía tiene que ser aprobado por la Cámara, que es controlada por los republicanos, y debe tener una aprobación de 60 votos en el Senado, así que como hemos dicho, con seguridad será una batalla cuesta arriba.

En cualquier caso, Bernie espera que todo el asunto provoque una conversación más amplia sobre la rutina en Estados Unidos y lo que es importante en la vida. No es de extrañar que Bernie adopte esta postura en favor de la gente: este es su modus operandi y pueden esperar ideas similares en el nuevo podcast que lanzará esta semana. Se trata de "Bernie: The Podcast" y en el primer episodio hablará sobre su libro.

El título del libro es "It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism" (o "Está bien estar enojado con el capitalismo"), un montón de buenas ideas, por supuesto.

De todos modos, Bernie tiene buenos argumento aquí, así que definitivamente vale la pena escuchar.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS 4-DAY WORK Week a No-Brainer!!! More To Life Than Grindin'


Sen. Bernie Sanders recently introduced the "Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act" ... and he explained to us exactly why he thinks it should become the new norm in America.

The federal lawmaker made his case on "TMZ Live" Wednesday ... telling us that working 5 days straight -- the way we all currently do -- leaves people drained, less productive and completely stressed and tired. To him, it's no wonder they show up to work feeling burnt out.

In contrast, Bernie says if we give people 3 days off, Corporate America will reap the benefits long-term -- as he argues worker bees' productivity and focus will soar when they come back to the job after a nice little break ... adding that a bunch of scientific studies back his claims.

Bernie makes the point that because the rich keep getting richer -- with the middle class staying stagnant -- a lot of regular folks would love this change ... which is why he's proposing it becomes a law. Whether it actually has a chance to pass ... different story.

It certainly sounds good on paper, though. Bernie tells us that his proposal won't cut salaries or pay for workers if implemented -- meaning employees will still get paid as if they'd worked a 5-day workweek ... even though in actuality, it'll just be 32 hours instead of 40.

The bill still needs to get through the Republican-controlled house and a 60-vote approval in the Senate ... so like we said, it'll be an uphill battle for sure.

In any case, Bernie's hoping the whole thing ignites a larger convo about the American grind, and what's important in life. No surprise Bernie's taking this position fighting for the people -- it's his M.O., and you can expect more of the same from a new podcast he's launching this week. It's "Bernie: The Podcast" and in the first episode, he'll be discussing his book.

The title of that ... "It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism" -- lots of good insights, of course.

Anyway ... Bernie's got quite an argument here -- definitely worth a listen.

Donald Trump Kate's Edited Photo Really NBD ... It's Common in Showbiz!!!


Kate Middleton has been getting dragged through the coals over an edited picture of herself and her kids -- but Donald Trump is coming to her defense ... saying she deserves a break.

The ex-Prez spoke up on behalf of the Princess of Wales this week in an interview with GB News -- where DT was asked about the failed Photoshop job that Kate and/or Kensington Palace attempted to pass off as an authentic picture for Mother's Day.

The broadcaster Trump was speaking with, Nigel Farage, suggested he didn't think it was that a big deal and that Kate would bounce back from the scandal -- and The Donald agreed.

He says he doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, especially since doctoring photos and images is somewhat commonplace in Hollywood -- at least that's what Trump thinks anyway. He makes the point that movie stars never quite look like how they're presented.

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TMZ / The Sun

Granted ... Kate herself isn't so much a Hollywood figure, per se, but his point is well-taken.

In his eyes, a little editing here and there is something just about everyone does -- and he seems to think the public should cut her some slack here. Trump also acknowledges Kate is going through a hard time right now ... but doesn't appear to elaborate beyond that.

We broke the story ... Kate surfaced in public again this past weekend near her home in Windsor, where she was on her own two feet, walking side by side next to Prince William.

Of course, not everyone believes that was actually her ... but, what else is new, right?

Donald Trump Vuelve a insinuar que deportaría al Príncipe Harry ... Tenemos que verlo

Donald Trump volvió a insinuar que podría deportar al príncipe Harry de Estados Unidos si es reelegido como presidente. Esto, después de que el duque de Sussex admitiera que consumió drogas en su libro de memorias.

Durante una conversación con el locutor de GBN Nigel Farage, el ex-Presidente dejó en claro que el hijo del rey Carlos no obtendría privilegios especiales en relación con su residencia en Estados Unidos si potencialmente mintió cuando solicitó su visa.

031924_trump_nigel_kal MARCH 2024
Rompieron su corazón

Recuerden, Harry fue muy franco sobre su consumo de drogas en su libro "Spare", la que incluyó cocaína, hierba y hongos psicodélicos.

Aunque las noches de fiesta parecen estar en el pasado, haber consumido drogas técnicamente podría hacer no elegible a un solicitante de visa y es por eso que muchos tienen curiosidad sobre lo que contó Harry durante su papeleo.

Donald ha prometido tomar medidas si la visa del duque tenía alguna inexactitud, pero en la entrevista se abstuvo de dar detalles sobre su plan tal como ha hecho antes.

Recuerden, esta no es la primera vez que Donald Trump sugiere que Harry podría perder su estatus si asume un nuevo mandato, aunque tampoco está diciendo abiertamente que el chico tenga algo de que preocuparse.

El príncipe Harry reside actualmente en Estados Unidos con una visa, ya que aún no se ha convertido en un ciudadano estadounidense. Él dice que eso es algo que todavía está considerando. Su esposa Meghan Markle, en cambio, es ciudadana estadounidense de nacimiento y sus hijos Archie y Lilibet tienen doble nacionalidad.

Por supuesto, aún falta mucho para las elecciones, por lo que muchas cosas podrían suceder en estos meses.

Donald Trump Again Hints at Prince Harry Deportation ... We'll Have to See!!!

Donald Trump once again hinted that he may deport Prince Harry from the U.S. if re-elected as President ... this after the Duke of Sussex admitted to using drugs in his tell-all.

During a sit down with GBN broadcaster Nigel Farage, the ex-Prez made it clear that King Charles' son would not get special privileges regarding his residency in the States if he potentially lied on his visa application.

031924_trump_nigel_kal MARCH 2024
They Broke Her Heart

Remember, Harry was very candid about his past drug use -- including cocaine, weed and psychedelic mushrooms -- in his memoir "Spare."

While PH's hard-partying ways seem far behind him ... an applicant's past drug use may technically make them ineligible for a visa -- which is why many are curious about what Harry dished on his paperwork.

In response to the chatter, Donald has promised to take action if the Duke's visa had any inaccuracies -- but stayed coy on the specifics of his plan ... just like he had before.

Remember, this ain't the first time DT has suggested Harry may get the boot under a new potential term of his -- but he isn't outright saying the guy's got something to worry about.

Prince Harry currently resides in the U.S. on a visa, as he's yet to become an American citizen -- something he says he is still considering. His wife, Meghan Markle, is a natural-born U.S. citizen with their children, Archie and Lilibet, being dual citizens.

Of course, the election is months away ... so a lot can happen between then and now.


Looks like Barbra Streisand's complaints are ringing loud and clear -- Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch will not be adding the RBG Award to their trophy shelves after all.

In fact, the uproar over the pair snagging the prestigious leadership award named for late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so intense, the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation decided to pull the plug on the entire ceremony.

ICYMI ... Barbra, herself a former RBG Award recipient, didn't hold back when she slammed the organization's decision to honor the polarizing billionaire and the FOX Corp. founder.

Barbra took to IG to join forces with the Ginsburg family in denouncing this year's honorees ... saying she had the honor of rubbing elbows with RBG herself on multiple occasions, and she seriously doubts the late justice would give a nod to these particular awardees.

For those who don't know, the Org rolled out the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award back in 2019, originally aimed at honoring accomplished women. But, in a move toward gender equality, they switched gears in 2020 and started including men in the mix.

The pendulum swung pretty far the other way this year with 4 out of the 5 honorees being men -- billionaire philanthropist Michael Milken, actor Sylvester Stallone and Martha Stewart were to be honored along with Murdoch and Musk.

Barbra's denouncement came hot on the heels of RBG's daughter Jane speaking out, saying ... "The justice's family wish to make clear that they do not support using their mother's name to celebrate this year's slate of awardees and that the justice's family has no affiliation with and does not endorse these awards."

The backlash hit its peak when the foundation Chair, Julie Opperman, finally stepped up and announced the April ceremony was canceled... adding that offending RBG's family and friends was the last thing they wanted to do.

Opperman also mentioned the foundation will take a step back to reconsider its mission and figure out how it wants to move forward in the future.


Donald Trump's legal saga is hitting another hurdle ... this time the ex-Prez says he's having a hard time securing help to pay a massive multi-million-dollar bond in his NY civil case.

DT needs to post a $464 million bond to satisfy the judgment against him -- he needs to do it soon ... by the end of the month, in fact. However, his attorneys say he's struggling to come up with the cash.

In a legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Trump's lawyers signaled Monday that they're hitting a roadblock in their efforts to find an insurance company willing to secure the substantial financial penalty ... describing the task as a "practical impossibility."

Trump's team explains they've unsuccessfully approached 30 underwriters to back the bond ... writing, "The amount of the judgment, with interest, exceeds $464 million, and very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude."

The filing says their efforts include "countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world" ... which they insist shows how obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount isn't feasible.

Trump's lawyers add that potential underwriters typically look for the bond to be backed by cash or cash equivalents ... which makes it practically impossible to use real estate assets to back the bond. His team says Trump would need cash reserves nearing $1 billion for an insurance company to come aboard -- and it sounds like they're saying DT ain't got it.

As a result, Trump's lawyers have petitioned the appeals court to stay the imposition of the massive monetary judgment without requiring the posting of the bond during the appeal ... which would essentially block New York Attorney General Letitia James from trying to enforce collection while the appeal is underway. A decision on his filing has yet to be made.

You'll recall ... Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron's ruling ordered Trump and his co-defendants to pay a substantial $464 million in damages after finding him liable for conspiring to manipulate his net worth. Trump was ordered to pay $454M of that total.

Fat Joe Panel & Discussion w/ VP Harris ... Cannabis, Healthcare, Criminal Justice and More

Fat Joe's rubbing elbows with some of the top politicians in the country ... specifically Vice President Kamala Harris -- and he's sharing his solutions for some of the country's greatest issues, too.

The outspoken rapper met up with the VP on Friday afternoon and led a panel regarding criminal justice reform featuring Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and White House Director of the Office of Public Engagement Steve Benjamin.

The convo -- which featured a few other prominent criminal justice advocates and three recipients of marijuana-related pardons -- lasted about an hour and featured lots of personal anecdotes from those pardoned.

We're told Fat Joe expressed his gratitude for how his journey through hip hop had landed him in a close relationship with the vice president -- who he apparently met through his healthcare reform group Power To The Patients.

BTW ... we're told Joe actually sat down for a private conversation with Kamala where the two talked about healthcare price transparency and other issues close to Joe's heart.

Harris isn't the only exec who Joe's spoken to in recent days ... the Bronx-bred rapper also caught up with President Joe Biden himself -- following the Prez's SOTU address, which took some shots at Donald Trump.

Sources told us members of both parties wanted a piece of Fat Joe after he dapped up Biden ... with reps on both sides of the aisle rushing to the man for an autograph.

Fat Joe's been on the advocacy grind for a while now ... and we even talked to him about Power to the Patients on "TMZ Live" back in January.


It seems Joe's now sharing his opinion on all types of issues it seems ... and hey, maybe Kamala could use a running mate in 2028? 👀

Danny Green de la NBA Si Curry se postulara a presidente... ¡¡¡Votaría por él!!!

Yo votaría por él

Si Steph Curry incursionara en política después de terminar su carrera, ya tendría un voto de Danny Green porque el jugador de la NBA le dijo a TMZ Sports que el país podría usar a alguien de la liga en el gobierno, así que ¿por qué no Steph?

Curry mencionó la posibilidad de presentarse durante una entrevista que se emitió en "CBS Mornings" esta semana, afirmando que está abierto a una posición en el gobierno después de que se termine su carrera con Golden State.

Green -un veterano de la NBA que jugó para los 76ers esta temporada- dijo que Curry es el candidato perfecto de la liga para un puesto así y que apoyaría en un 100 por ciento al Splash Brother si viera su nombre en una papeleta.

"Si alguien de nuestra liga va a representarnos de esa manera, sería él", dijo el jugador de 36 años. "Yo votaría por él".

"Hace las cosas bien", continuó Green. "Un tipo espiritual, con fe, que usa su plataforma para grandes cosas. Es un buen ser humano. ¿Cómo puedes odiar a Steph Curry?".

Green continuó elogiando a la estrella de los Warriors por incluso considerar una carrera en política, señalando que no es exactamente la ruta más fácil después del baloncesto.

¡Green también nos dijo qué jugador de la NBA le gustaría ver como compañero de Curry y, convenientemente, uno de los chicos que mencionó es uno de los antiguos compañeros de equipo de Steph!

NBA's Danny Green If Curry Ran For POTUS ... 'I'd Vote For Him!!!'

I'd Vote For Him

If Steph Curry gets into politics after his career ends, he's already got a vote from Danny Green ... 'cause the NBA player tells TMZ Sports the country could use someone from the league in office -- so why not Steph?!

Curry mentioned the possibility of running during an interview that aired on "CBS Mornings" this week, claiming he's open to a position in the government after his run with Golden State ends.

Green -- a longtime NBA veteran who played for the 76ers this season -- said Curry is the perfect candidate from the league for a gig like that ... and he would 100 percent support the Splash Brother if he saw his name on a ballot.

"If anybody from our league is gonna represent us in that fashion, it'd be him," the 36-year-old said. "I'd vote for him."

"He does things the right way," Green continued. "Spiritual guy, faith, uses his platform for great things. He's a good human being. How can you hate Steph Curry?"

Green went on to praise the Warriors star for even considering a career in politics ... noting it ain't exactly the easiest post-basketball route to take.

Green also told us which NBA player he'd like to see be Curry's running mate ... and, fittingly, one of the guys he mentioned is one of Steph's old teammates!

James Charles Congress Too Focused on TikTok ... Bigger Problems to Fix!!!

Congress' potential TikTok ban isn't sitting right with some people ... especially influencers it's going to affect like James Charles -- who absolutely trashed the government.

The controversial social media star was at the 35th annual GLAAD Awards and -- while walking the red carpet -- he was asked about the potential TikTok ban that just passed through the House of Representatives.

Charles didn't mince words ... doing on an expletive-laden tirade that's sorta taking social media by storm at the moment where he laments the number of issues the U.S. is facing -- and makes it clear he doesn't think TikTok is one of them.

JC points out that the TikTok bill is relatively new to the discussion table ... whereas lots of other bills have languished in front of the governing body for years.

James says -- if nothing else -- that should show people Congress really can get things done ... but, only when it's something that truly benefits them.

Charles says this is exactly why people need to get out and vote ... especially important given that it's an election year, he says.

As we reported ... the bill calls upon ByteDance, TikTok's parent company, to sell off the social media platform or lose access to the American market anyway -- and it passed in a rare bipartisan landslide, moving to the Senate on the back of a 352 to 65 vote.

Anyhoo, Charles' reaction to the bill's passing is generating some buzz online ... and -- while most people agree he's in the right -- many of them are giving him kudos begrudgingly ... oftentimes making it clear they're not big fans of his.

Hey, sometimes ya gotta give it up when someone seems to be speaking for a whole generation.

Tucker Carlson Pranked By Popular Influencer ... Fake Princess Kate Editor!!!

Tucker Carlson interviewed someone claiming to be Kate Middleton's photo editor -- but who was actually just a prankster, something TC and co. caught onto, but not before talking to this bloke on camera.

Here's the deal ... Joshua Pieters -- a very popular prankster on social media -- sent an email to Tucker's team claiming to be the person who edited the photo of Kate Middleton and her three kids that went viral earlier this week.

GOT YA !!!
X/ @joshua_pieters

Tucker's team replied, and Pieters got his partner-in-crime Archie Manners to stand in as the alleged photo editor who they named "George." Archie was asked for proof of employment and the original photo he said he edited.

Pieters used some quick Photoshop tricks to create the necessary documentation ... although, not before adding in a couple ridiculous additions to the employment contract -- like one clause about losing a limb for a failed probationary period -- to see how closely Tucker's team was checking the provided docs.

X/ @joshua_pieters

Ultimately, the duo was able to con their way into an interview with Tucker himself ... one they secretly recorded. Watch ... it seems like Tucker and Archie the imposter had a wide-ranging conversation about the photo -- a chat that clearly got TC super excited.

Tucker's people apparently told Pieters and his compatriot the interview would air next week ... though it seems the Goon Squad let them off the hook 'cause they posted the video clearing the air Thursday.

FWIW ... sources with direct knowledge tell us Tucker's team wasn't totally convinced the story was real to begin with, but decided to tape the interview anyway while continuing to look into the story.

We're told within an hour of finishing shooting, someone recognized Archie as a famous prankster, and they knew they weren't going to run the interview. It's a lesson in journalism -- but big picture, ya can't knock the team for at least talking to someone making this claim.

Still, it seems they might have had the wool pulled over his eyes, if only for a little bit ... and, frankly ... it could've happened to anyone in the biz. Good catch ... (almost) good prank.

Pornhub Texanos, ¡¡vean su porno en otra parte!! Acceso bloqueado

No todo es más grande en Texas, parece ... Porque la selección de porno acaba de volverse mucho más pequeña, con Pornhub bloqueando el acceso a los posibles usuarios en el Estado de la Estrella Solitaria.

El gigante del porno no está permitiendo que los usuarios ingresen a su sitio debido a una nueva legislación que exige verificar la edad de las personas y que fue firmada en Texas el jueves. La normativa entró en vigor inmediatamente y como resultado Pornhub.com ya no está disponible si los usuarios tienen una dirección IP de Texas.

Ahora, lo curioso es que Pornhub esté bloqueando el sitio por completo.

El proyecto de ley requiere que las personas demuestren que tienen más de 18 años para ver videos explícitos, pero en lugar de simplemente cumplir con la nueva normativa y exigirle a la gente que demuestre su edad, Pornhub optó por cerrar el acceso por completo en Texas.

Al entrar al sitio web, aparece un nuevo mensaje para los residentes de Texas que dice que la compañía cree que la verificación de edad infringe los derechos de los adultos para acceder a la expresión protegida y que la excesivamente restrictiva medida no es una solución real. Por lo tanto, la empresa dice que ha tomado la difícil decisión de cerrar completamente el acceso al sitio. Así que, ¡nada de porno para nadie!

El equipo de Pornhub también expresó su temor de que los usuarios se pasaran a sitios poco fiables, que no comprueban la verificación de la edad, y que desde su punto de vista no practican la navegación porno segura. Mirado desde afuera, pareciera que están castigando a todos los tejanos por lo que han promulgado sus legisladores, lo que probablemente es un dolor de cabeza para todos los ansiosos que quieren ver porno.

En cuanto a cómo se están tomando las personas todo esto, obviamente la reacción ha sido dividida. Algunos están contentos de que sea más difícil para los niños acceder a material que consideran perjudicial, mientras que otros están criticando a los legisladores de Texas, como el senador Ted Cruz o el gobernador Greg Abbott por la nueva ley.

En cualquier caso, el tema tiene a todos tensos por una variedad de razones, suponemos.

Pornhub Watch Your Porn Elsewhere, Texans! ... Access Blocked Statewide

Not everything is bigger in Texas it seems ... 'cause the porn selection just got a heck of a lot smaller -- with Pornhub blocking access to would-be users in the Lone Star State.

The porn giant's not allowing users to hop on its site because of a new age verification legislation signed into law in Texas Thursday -- which went into effect immediately ... and, as a result, Pornhub.com is no longer available if users have a Texas IP address.

Thing is ... it's not because of the state -- Pornhub themselves are responsible for blocking out their site entirely.

The bill requires people to prove they're over 18 years old before watching explicit vids ... but Pornhub is petty -- instead of just complying with the new regulation and demanding people prove their age, they opted to shut down access to people in Texas altogether.

A new message appearing on the site to people in Texas says the company believes age verification infringes on the rights of adults to access protected speech, and the overly restrictive measure isn't a real solution. Therefore, the company says it made the difficult decision to completely shut down access to the site. So ... no porn for anyone!

Pornhub's team expressed fear in its statement that users would hop over to sketchy sites that don't check age verification ... clearly not practicing safe porn surfing, from their POV. From the outside looking in, it would appear they're punishing all Texans for what their lawmakers have enacted ... which probably sucks for all the horny people wanting to watch.

As for how the public's taking this ... obviously, the reaction's pretty split. Some people are happy it'll be harder for kids to access material they deem harmful while others are calling out Texas lawmakers like Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbott over the new law.

In any case, the issue's got lots of people tense ... for a variety of reasons, we suppose.

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