Drake Tiroteo en su casa de Toronto ... Guardia de seguridad herido


8:42 AM PT -- La policía acaba de dar una conferencia de prensa sobre el tiroteo en la casa de Drake y no tenían mucho más que decir sobre lo que ya se ha revelado.

Investigación en Marcha
LiveNOW from FOX

Confirmaron que fue un guardia de seguridad el que fue acribillado cuando estaba en la puerta principal y dicen que se encuentra en estado grave. No hay descripción de los sospechosos o el vehículo todavía. Tampoco se conocen las posibles motivaciones. No está claro si Drake estaba en casa, pero dicen que está cooperando.

Le preguntaron a los policías sobre la disputa con Kendrick, pero no quisieron hablar de ello. La policía dice que el incidente fue grabado en video y que siguen sondeando por ahora.

7:25 AM PT -- Nuestras fuentes confirman que la persona herida es un miembro del equipo de seguridad de Drake. La policía aún no dice si cree que el tiroteo está relacionado con la disputa con Kendrick Lamar, pero reveló que la víctima sufrió una herida de bala en la parte superior del pecho, y parece haber sido un ataque desde un carro.

Drake Shooting at Toronto Home ... Security Guard Injured


8:42 AM PT -- Cops just did a press conference addressing the shooting at Drake's house -- and they didn't have too much more to say than what's already been revealed.

LiveNOW from FOX

They confirmed it was a security guard who got hit standing at the front gate ... and they say he's in serious condition. There's no description of the suspects or vehicle just yet -- and there's no known motive either. Unclear if Drake was home, but they say he's cooperating.

The cops were asked about the Kendrick Lamar beef, but they wouldn't speak on it either way. The police say their incident was caught on video -- and they're canvassing for more now.

Will Smith detienen a un presunto intruso Tras merodear por su casa

Son tiempos tensos para el equipo de seguridad de Will Smith. Todo gracias a un invitado no deseado que obligó a los guardias a actuar hasta que la policía pudiera llegar... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que los agentes respondieron dos veces el pasado miércoles a la casa del actor en el área de Los Ángeles, con la primera llamada informando de un hombre sospechoso merodeando cerca de la puerta de Will y preguntando por alguien que no vive allí.

Nos dicen que la seguridad le exigió al hombre salir de la propiedad y desapareció antes de que los oficiales llegaran, pero regresó poco tiempo después y de alguna manera accedió a los terrenos.

Will Smith Alleged Trespasser Arrested ... After Lurking Around Home

Tense times for Will Smith's security team, thanks to an unscheduled and unwanted guest guards had to take down at Will's home until cops could arrive ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... L.A. County Sheriff's Department deputies responded twice last Wednesday to the actor's L.A.-area home -- with the first call reporting a suspicious man lurking near Will's gate, and asking for someone who doesn't live there.

We're told security demanded the man leave the property, and he disappeared before deputies arrived -- but, he returned just a short time later, somehow gaining access to the grounds.

Ataque de perros en Filadelfia Localizados 2 de los 3 sobrevivientes... Uno sigue perdido

Los tres perros que se dieron a la fuga esta semana en Filadelfia después de mutilar a un hombre en la calle han sido parcialmente encontrados y su dueño también ha sido multado por la policía.

La policía de Filadelfia le dice a TMZ que dos de los tres pitbulls que participaron en el ataque del miércoles fueron localizados en las últimas 24 horas y que uno sigue con el paradero desconocido. Se hallaron lesiones en los dos perros encontrados.

El incidente

Nos dicen que uno de los perros fue recogido por un civil después del incidente y devuelto a su dueño, y los policías dicen que parecía tener una herida por mordedura en la espalda.

Philly Dog Attack 2 of 3 Surviving Pits Located ... One Still Missing

The three dogs that made a run for it this week in Philadelphia after mauling a man in the street have been partially recovered -- and their owner has been dinged by cops as well.

Philly PD tells TMZ that two of the three pit bulls that were involved in Wednesday's attack were located over the past 24 hours or so ... and that one remains unaccounted for. As it turns out, the 2 pooches who were found actually ended up having injuries on them too.


We're told one of the dogs got picked up by a civilian after the incident and it was returned to the owner -- and cops say it appeared to have a bite wound on its back.

New Haven, CT ATV Crashes Into Police Cruiser ... Cop Blocks His Path?!?


A man riding an ATV landed in the hospital after a cop intentionally blocked his path on the road -- which forced the guy to crash into the windshield ... and folks are divided.

This happened recently in New Haven, CT -- where a police officer was cruising along a narrow trail at a park that's technically only open to pedestrians ... this after complaints that folks have been driving there illegally, including ATV and off-road vehicles.

As the officer slowly cruises up the road, he passes families and other bystanders walking in the opposite direction ... and a few seconds later, he sees this ATV flying his way.

Britney Spears Llaman a los paramédicos por un posible ataque de nervios

Britney Spears se metió en una pelea enorme con su novio la noche del miércoles, y terminó fuera de control, llorando, posiblemente cortada, y casi llevada a una ambulancia... TMZ ha indagado.

Britney llegó al Chateau Marmont el miércoles por la noche con su novio Paul Soliz. Hubo algún tipo de disturbio y alguien llamó a la policía, alegando que una mujer que coincide con la descripción de Britney estaba acosando y amenazando a los empleados del hotel y los huéspedes. Los oficiales se presentaron poco después de las 10:30 PM, pero no vieron signos de problemas y se fueron.

Nos dicen que Britney y Paul se retiraron a una habitación de hotel alrededor de las 11 PM donde continuaron de fiesta y bebiendo. Mientras estaban en la habitación terminaron teniendo un gran altercado que se volvió físico -según las fuentes- y Britney podría haberse hecho daño en la pierna.

President Biden Fundraising Visit Costs L.A. Millions ... LAPD Costs Skyrocket!!!

President Biden's got a nice chunk o' change for his campaign war chest after visiting Los Angeles, but it did the opposite for the city ... draining millions from the budget.

According to documents, obtained by TMZ, additional LAPD staffing costs to keep POTUS secure during his December trip, cost L.A. just north of $2.6 million ... with much of it going toward the boots on the ground.

The biggest cost, by far, is the $1,833,818.07 paid out to regular police officers -- the cops who blocked off roads and provided security for events. The next biggest expense was salaries for sergeants and detective supervisors ... which totaled $540,720.22.

Policía de Philadelphia Un policía le dispara a una jauría de perros Que estaba atacando a una persona


Una escena inquietante se desarrolló en Filadelfia, cuando un oficial de policía tuvo que dispararle a un perro. El animal estaba atacando a un pobre hombre a plena luz del día junto a otros perros.

Este inquietante material de archivo está circulando en línea, y muestra el incidente violento en la Ciudad del Amor Fraternal, donde al menos cuatro perros se soltaron y comenzaron a atacar a un hombre.

No está claro cuál fue la causa, pero el video comienza mostrando a los perros corriendo en la acera. Ya había un carro de policía en el lugar, así que la reacción pudo ser rápida

Britney Spears Paramedics, Police Called to Hotel ... Guests Feared Mental Breakdown

Britney Spears got into a huge fight with her boyfriend Wednesday night, and she ended up out of control, crying, possibly cut, and almost driven away in an ambulance ... TMZ has learned.

Britney got to the Chateau Marmont late Wednesday night with boyfriend Paul Soliz ... and there was some sort of disturbance and someone called police, claiming a woman matching Britney's description was harassing and threatening hotel employees and guests. Officers showed up shortly after 10:30 PM, but they saw no signs of trouble and left.

We're told Britney and Paul retreated to a hotel room around 11 PM where they continued partying and drinking. While they were in the room they ended up getting into a huge altercation that we're told turned physical, according to sources, and Britney may have hurt her leg.

Philadelphia PD Cop Shoots at Pack of Dogs As They Gang Up, Maul Man in Street


An unsettling scene unfolded in Philadelphia -- where a police officer had to shoot a canine after a pack of dogs started to maul a poor man in the street, in broad daylight.

This disturbing footage is making the rounds online -- and it shows the beginning, middle and end of a violent incident in the City of Brotherly Love that recently went down ... where at least 4 dogs got loose and started ganging up on a guy, which was all caught on camera.

It's unclear what exactly led up to this ... but the video starts by showing the pooches trotting down the sidewalk, where a cop car is already there and seemingly observing the situation.

UCLA Protests Cops Break Up Encampment ... Place Demonstrators In Zip Ties


Cops in riot gear descended onto the University of California, Los Angeles campus, breaking up a pro-Palestinian encampment and detaining multiple people.

California Highway Patrol officers made their move at UCLA early Thursday morning, busting through barricades to dismantle a wooden wall erected by activists protesting the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. They also tore down tents in the area, which was littered with broken pieces of wood and damaged furniture.

Some of the activists fought back, spraying officers with fire extinguishers while refusing to leave the UCLA grounds -- even after police had spent hours ordering them to disperse over a loudspeaker.

Universidad de Columbia La policía de Nueva York toma control del edificio... Tras irrupción de manifestantes

FOX 5 New York

La Policía de Nueva York se hizo cargo de la Universidad de Columbia el martes por la noche, utilizando la fuerza para recuperar un edificio académico que había sido tomado violentamente por manifestantes pro-palestinos, e hizo docenas de arrestos durante el operativo.

Cientos de agentes policiales dotados de equipo antidisturbios se dirigieron al campus principal de la escuela de la Ivy League en Manhattan para sacar a los agitadores que solo un día antes habían irrumpido en el Hamilton Hall, tomando el control sobre el edificio.

Echa un vistazo a este dramático video, un grupo de policías con cascos subieron por una escalera a una ventana del segundo piso y se arrastraron dentro del edificio con esposas de cremallera.

UCLA Protests Violence Erupts with Fights, Firecrackers, Pepper Spray

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FOX 11 Los Angeles

UCLA became a flashpoint Tuesday night ... with anti-Israel protesters turning violent.

Firecrackers were thrown, pepper spray saturating people, as people in and around the crowd ran for their safety.

The University had declared the campus encampment illegal and gave protesters an ultimatum ... get out now, or face punishment. The warning was not heeded.

Columbia University NYPD Seizes Control Of Building ... After Violent Protesters Took It Over

FOX 5 New York

The New York Police Department took charge of Columbia University Tuesday night, using force to reclaim an academic building seized by violent pro-Palestinian protesters while making dozens of arrests.

Hundreds of NYPD officers in riot gear marched onto the Ivy League school's main campus in Manhattan to remove the agitators who just one day earlier had smashed their way into Hamilton Hall, assuming control over the building.

Check out this dramatic video ... a bunch of cops wearing helmets climbed up a ladder to a second-floor window and crawled inside the building with zip-tie handcuffs.