The Weeknd's Manager Security Guard Shot ... In Attempted Home Invasion

The Weeknd's manager Amir "Cash XO" Esmailian is currently dealing with the aftermath of a scary situation -- this after one of his security guards was shot multiple times.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the shooting occurred early Monday morning at 2:25 AM outside a home in the Amestoy Estates area of Encino, a Los Angeles suburb.

According to cops, the security guard encountered three males wearing hoodies and masks who had made their way onto the $12 million property that boasts 7 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, and a "state-of-the-art security system.''

Kanye West Battery Investigation Winding Down ... Everyone's Clammed Up!!!

Kanye West's alleged punching incident might be over and done with pretty soon -- 'cause cops are winding down their investigation ... as everyone's gone radio silent.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … nobody has spoken to police in the aftermath of LAPD taking their battery report last week -- this after Ye allegedly punched one of the Houston Brother twins at the Chateau Marmont.

Our sources say cops have attempted to reach Kanye as well as the alleged victim -- either Mark or Jonnie, we're not sure which -- but so far ... it's been crickets from everyone involved.

Cara Delevingne La causa del incendio aún es un misterio

El devastador incendio de la casa de Cara Delevingne en Los Ángeles el mes pasado ha dejado perplejos a los bomberos de la ciudad. A pesar de sus mejores esfuerzos, han dictaminado oficialmente que su causa es indeterminada.

Los daños del incendio
The Image Direct

Los funcionarios de LAFD le dicen a TMZ que el escuadrón de incendios premeditados se hizo cargo de la investigación bajo un procedimiento estándar, pero no pudieron determinar el origen exacto ni la causa del incendio debido a los grandes daños.

Estrepitosa caída
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Sin testigos y a falta de pruebas forenses, los investigadores llegaron a un callejón sin salida. Sin embargo, dejaron claro que nunca se sospechó de crimen violento.

CARA DELEVINGNE Cause of House Fire Still a Mystery

Cara Delevingne's devastating L.A. area house fire last month has left the LAFD scratching their heads ... despite their best efforts, they've officially ruled the cause undetermined.

The Aftermath
The Image Direct

LAFD officials tell TMZ the arson squad took on Cara's house fire investigation as standard procedure but couldn't pinpoint the exact origin and cause of the blaze due to the extensive damage.

TMZ Studios

With no witnesses and a lack of forensic evidence, investigators hit a dead end. However, they made it clear foul play was never suspected.

Gisele Bündchen Florida Mayor Backs Model Over Officer ... In Traffic Stop Dust Up

Gisele Bündchen is getting major support from a Florida mayor who blasted a police officer for his "wholly unacceptable" interaction with the model during a traffic stop this week.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett sent a letter to the town's interim Police Chief Henry Doce, detailing his dismay over the way one officer treated Gisele.

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nothing protects me

The cop pulled over Gisele for driving erratically while she tried to elude paparazzi who were following her. During their brief chat, Gisele explained why she was swerving and broke down in tears as the officer let her off with a warning.

Kelly Oubre Jr. Cops Launch Internal Affairs Investigation ... After Car Accident

Kelly Oubre Jr.'s recent car accident has raised some questions within the Philadelphia Police Department ... and now, an internal investigation has been launched.

TMZ Sports has learned -- the PPD's Internal Affairs Division is looking into the handling of Monday night's crash involving Oubre and another driver ... specifically officers' response and actions while at the scene.

As we previously reported, cops told us Oubre's Lamborghini ran a red light and hit a 2023 Hyundai Elantra ... with both cars being towed from the scene.

Gisele Bündchen Crying on Body Cam Video ... Paps Are Harassing Me!!!

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nothing protects me

Gisele Bündchen was left in tears after being hounded by the paparazzi ... something that was captured on police body cam video during a traffic stop this week.

Remember, the supermodel was filmed this week getting emotional after getting pulled over in Surfside, Florida. Originally, it was believed that Gisele was teary-eyed over being issued a ticket by police ... but it seems the cause of her emotion was far more serious.

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Watch ... body cam footage from the officer shows Gisele thoroughly rattled, expressing concern over being followed by aggressive photogs. She tells the cop -- who only issued her a warning -- she was driving erratically because she was trying to stay away from a pap.

Gisele Bündchen le Llora a la policía en un nuevo video

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"estoy desprotegida"

Gisele Bündchen lloró después de ser acosada por los paparazzi, algo que fue capturado en video por la policía durante una parada de tráfico esta semana.

Recordemos que la supermodelo fue filmada esta semana emocionándose después de ser detenida en Surfside, Florida. Originalmente, se creía que Gisele tenía los ojos llorosos por haber sido multada por la policía, pero parece que la causa de su emoción era mucho más grave.

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llorándole a la policía

Las imágenes capturadas por el oficial muestran a Gisele completamente nerviosa, expresando su preocupación por ser perseguida por los fotógrafos. En el video se ve a Gisele muy nerviosa, preocupada por la agresividad de los fotógrafos que la seguían. Le dice al policía -que solo le dio una advertencia- que condujo de forma errática porque intentaba alejarse de un fotógrafo.

Alcalde de Texas Recibe una soga y una nota amenazante ... El FBI investiga

La policía de Texas inició una investigación con la ayuda del FBI después de que el alcalde de una pequeña ciudad recibiera un amenazante paquete por correo que incluía una soga.

El alcalde de Arcola, Texas, Fred Burton, de raza negra, recibió el paquete el martes y, según cuenta, contenía una cuerda en forma de lazo, además de una nota en la que se le instaba a retirarse de la carrera por la reelección. La policía dice que se puso en contacto con las autoridades inmediatamente.

El mensaje no podía ser más claro. En este se lee: "¡¡¡Abandona la carrera ahora!!!", lo que el propio Burton describió como una bofetada en la cara cuando lo leyó.


Cops in Texas have launched an investigation with the help of the FBI after a small town's Mayor received a threatening package in the mail ... which included a noose.

Arcola, TX's Mayor Fred Burton -- who's Black -- received the package Tuesday which he says contained a rope fashioned into a noose inside, plus a note urging him to withdraw from his reelection race. Police say he contacted the authorities immediately.

The message couldn't be clearer ... reading "Get out of the race now!!" -- which Burton himself describes as a slap to the face as he read it.

Nikola Jokic's Brother Cops Locate Alleged Punch Victim ... Continue Investigation

Cops are continuing to make headway in their investigation into Nikola Jokic's brother ... telling TMZ Sports they've located the man who Strahinja Jokic punched in the face earlier this week.

A spokesperson for the Denver Police Dept. said on Thursday morning they've "been in communication" with the fan who Strahinja socked after Game 2 of the Lakers vs. Nuggets game at Ball Arena on Monday night.

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greetings from serbia
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The rep did not reveal, however, if the man is seeking to press charges -- or if he's formally filed a police report.

Gisele Bündchen ES MULTADA POR LA POLICÍA Parece derramar algunas lágrimas

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llorándole a la policía

El día de Gisele Bündchen comenzó difícil.... un policía la detuvo en Florida y ella parecía bastante molesta, sobre todo cuando le entregaron la multa.

Mira el video; se ve a un oficial de la policía de Surfside deteniendo un Mercedes G-Wagon, y no cualquier G-Wagon, sino el de Gisele, uno que ella ha sido vista conduciendo mucho recientemente. De todos modos, finalmente se puede ver a Gisele en el interior y se ve muy emocional.

Si bien parece una parada de tráfico de rutina, Gisele le entrega al oficial algunos documentos y se dirige de nuevo a su carro patrulla para ejecutar la información... una situación bastante estándar, no es gran cosa.

Gisele Bündchen Pulled Over by Cop, Ticketed ... Seems to Shed Some Tears

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Gisele Bündchen's day started out rough -- a cop pulled her over in Florida, and she seemed pretty upset over it all ... especially when he handed her a ticket.

Check out this video ... you see a Surfside PD officer pulling over a Mercedes G-Wagon, and not just any G-Wagon ... but Gisele's, one that she's been spotted driving a lot recently. Anyway, you can eventually see Gisele inside ... and she looks awfully emotional.

While it seems like a routine traffic stop ... Gisele hands the officer some documents and he heads back to his squad car to run the info -- a pretty standard situation, no real big deal.

Alec Baldwin Agitator Hasn't Pressed Charges (Yet) ... But Is Consulting Lawyers

The anti-Israel protestor who clashed with Alec Baldwin hasn't filed a police report, but there still may be some legal action on the horizon over the phone smack ... TMZ has learned.

We found the woman who confronted Alec in a coffee shop in NYC over the Palestine-Israel conflict -- and as it turns out ... it's performance artist Crackhead Barney (yes, that's her real stage name). We asked her if she'd gone to cops yet ... and her rep tells us no, not yet.


No word on whether she plans to file a report over this, but the fact she hasn't gone yet would suggest she's not planning on turning this into a criminal matter -- however, her rep does tell us she's currently consulting with lawyers to figure out her next steps.

Nikola Jokic Cops Looking Into Brother Punch Incident ... Ask Fan To Come Forward

Law enforcement officials are actively trying to track down the man who got clocked by Nikola Jokic's brother on Monday ... with cops hoping people come forward to help with its investigation into the incident.

TMZ Sports has learned -- Denver PD has seen the footage of Strahinja Jokic punching a spectator in the stands after the Nuggets' Game 2 win over the Lakers on Monday ... but as of right now, no one has filed a report claiming to be a victim.

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We're told police are reviewing the clip circulating social media in hopes of identifying the man ... but they're also calling on any witnesses or other people involved to step up and talk.

L.A. Mayor Karen Bass Residence Broken Into ... While She Was Home!!!

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass received a nasty surprise this morning ... 'cause LAPD says an individual broke into her residence -- while she was home.

The Los Angeles Police Department announced the news late Sunday afternoon ... posting to X a person broke into the Getty House, the official residence of the mayor, at around 6:40 AM Sunday.

While they confirmed occupants were in the home at the time, they wouldn't say exactly who ... but, law enforcement sources tell us Mayor Bass was one of them.