Cardi B Wild Story About LAPD Not Traceable with Police Sources

Cardi B told a wild story about LAPD officers searching her over suspected drug trafficking -- but it sounds like she was just yapping to yap ... 'cause there's no record of it at all.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... whatever Cardi was ranting about on Monday -- namely, allegedly being detained by cops and getting strip-searched, etc. -- does not appear to be grounded in reality ... as our sources tell us there's no evidence it ever occurred.


We're told that different divisions poked around on what she was describing -- which was somewhat incoherent rambling, TBH -- simply doesn't exist on any report sheet. Our sources insist that if something as dramatic as what she described happened, it'd be documented.

Diddy Homes in L.A. & Miami Raided ... By Federal Agents


2:52 PM PT -- The scene at Diddy's Los Angeles-area home appears to be winding down, and a new photo obtained by TMZ shows just how bustling it was with law enforcement activity.

Check out this picture ... which shows scores of agents and officers on the ground. Safe to say, they went in locked and loaded -- time will tell what, if anything, they've found.

1:42 PM PT -- TMZ has obtained extra footage of cops on the scene near Diddy's L.A.-area home -- and it looks like officers have shut down the entire area ... with helicopters swarming up above. There are at least two choppers in the area, and a lot of police on the ground.



2:52 PM PT -- La acción en la casa de Diddy en el área de Los Ángeles parece haber terminado, y una nueva foto obtenida por TMZ muestra lo bulliciosa que fue la actividad policial.

Échale un vistazo a esta foto que muestra a decenas de agentes y oficiales en la zona, entrando con toda la fuerza de la ley... el tiempo dirá lo que han encontrado.

1:42 PM PT -- TMZ ha obtenido imágenes adicionales de policías en la escena cerca de la casa de Diddy en el área de Los Ángeles, y parece que los oficiales han cerrado toda la zona, con helicópteros pululando por encima. Hay al menos dos helicópteros en la zona, y un montón de policías en tierra.

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las calles cerradas

1:38 PM PT -- Un representante de Homeland Security Investigations dice: "A principios de hoy, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) de Nueva York ha ejecutado acciones de aplicación de la ley como parte de una investigación en curso, con la asistencia de HSI Los Angeles, HSI Miami, y nuestros socios locales de la fuerza de la ley. Proporcionaremos más información a medida que esté disponible".

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investigando en miami

1:29 PM PT -- Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que este caso está siendo manejado fuera del Distrito Sur de Nueva York. Los informes dicen que esto parece estar vinculado a las acusaciones de tráfico sexual que han sido impuestas contra Diddy durante los últimos meses de diferentes demandantes.

FOX11 ha publicado un video que parece mostrar a varios individuos esposados cerca de la propiedad, y un par de ellos parecen ser los hijos de Diddy, Justin y King Combs.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes adicionales que muestra a los agentes federales llegando a la casa de Diddy a través del agua. El video muestra a agentes armados de pie en un barco, y ellos también parecen estar armados.

Diddy está en la mira de las fuerzas del orden en ambas costas de América. Los agentes federales han irrumpido en su casa de Beverly Hills.

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entrando a la mansión
Fox 11

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los agentes de Seguridad Nacional están en medio de una redada en las propiedades de Diddy.

Hay helicópteros sobrevolando y las fuerzas del orden locales también están presentes, aunque nos dicen que Homeland Security es la agencia principal involucrada.

Hay fuerzas del orden caminando por la casa con las armas desenfundadas y hay personas siendo interrogadas en la parte delantera de la casa. No sabemos si Diddy está presente.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que su casa en la Costa Este también está siendo allanada... nos dicen que la casa está en Miami.

Como ustedes saben, ha habido múltiples acusaciones en varias demandas civiles contra Diddy, incluyendo el tráfico de personas, lo cual el ha negado.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el representante de Diddy. Hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Historia en desarrollo...


Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann puede que no estén teniendo tantas explosiones públicas como el año pasado, pero el divorcio sigue en marcha, y hay fuentes que nos dicen que la lucha nunca se detiene.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Kim y Kroy todavía están luchando con su divorcio, a pesar de que no ha habido mucho en las noticias acerca del tema.

Nos informan que los dos son el uno al otro mucho, con sus peleas intermitentes persistiendo, pero la policía no ha tenido que responder por un tiempo, por lo que parece ser algo civil en la casa.

Nos dicen que Kim y Kroy tienen días buenos y malos, pero tienen una tendencia a entrar en discusiones verbales sobre cosas muy pequeñas, debido -según nuestras fuentes- a que se están divorciando y, sin embargo, todavía viven en la misma casa.

Los problemas de dinero de la pareja han sido bien documentados, el IRS y una serie de otros cobradores de deudas están exigiendo dinero que aseguran que la pareja les debe.

Para empeorar las cosas, Kim y Kroy parece que no pueden vender su casa... una entrada potencial de dinero en efectivo que podría aliviar algunos de sus problemas de dinero. Han bajado el precio dos veces ya, bajando desde el precio origial de $6M a $ 4.5M.

El divorcio ha sido bastante turbulento, con Kim y Kroy corriendo a la corte para presentarse de nuevo en mayo del año pasado. Ellos cancelaron el divorcio un par de meses más tarde antes de que Kroy volviera a presentarlo en septiembre.

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momentos intensos

El momento más importante llegó en noviembre, cuando una gran explosión entre los dos llevó a uno de sus hijos a llamar a la policía. Nadie fue arrestado, pero el video parecía mostrar una casa en crisis.

Parece que todo está un poco más tranquilo hoy... veamos cuanto dura.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Divorce Still On ... Non-Stop Bickering

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann might not be having as many public explosions as last year ... but the divorce is still going on, with sources telling us the fighting never stops.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Kim & Kroy are still on the divorce track, even though there hasn't been much in the news about the soon-to-be exes.

We're told the two are at each other a lot, with their on-and-off fighting persisting ... but, police haven't had to respond for a while, so it seems to be somewhat civil in the house.

Riley Strain Death Reportedly Appears Accidental ... After Preliminary Autopsy

Riley Strain's tragic death appears accidental with no foul play suspected at this time after a preliminary autopsy ... according to a new report citing local police.

On Saturday, the Metro Nashville Police Department reportedly confirmed to WKRN News 2 that the preliminary autopsy on Riley has been completed, and the death continues to appear accidental.

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This seemingly supports the police's initial conclusions ... remember, after Riley's body was found Friday the police held a presser where they reiterated that no foul play was suspected.

Tiffany Haddish Sobria después del arresto... Por mandato judicial

No es tan difícil
The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Tiffany Haddish está viviendo una vida recta, pues asegura que no ha bebido ni fumado por más de dos meses, aunque admite que no ha sido totalmente por elección.

La comediante se unió a "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" el viernes, donde reveló que está llevando una vida sobria por estos días y que no ha bebido ni fumado ni hecho cualquier otra cosa en unos 72 días.

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Tiffany con las esposas

Tiffany dice que no ha sido tan difícil porque nunca ha sido una gran consumidora de sustancias, así que está bien con dejar todo eso.

Pero, no se dejen engañar. Haddish no lo está haciendo totalmente por iniciativa propia, también afirma que un juez le ordenó que dejara cualquier sustancia.

Tiffany también añade que habría luchado contra su cargo más reciente de conducción en estado de ebriedad (DUI) si el estrés no estuviera haciendo estragos en su salud, pues solo estaba conduciendo cansada.

En aprietos

Por supuesto, Haddish llegó a un acuerdo de culpabilidad en su caso de DUI de Hollywood, tras declararse no contendiente en febrero por una condena de conducción temeraria, un cargo mucho menor.

Recuerden, Tiffany fue detenida en noviembre luego de que los policías la encontraran dormida en su carro, el que estaba aparcado torpemente en la calle. Ella fue liberada poco después y bromeó sobre el incidente durante una rutina de comedia.

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Broma sobre el arresto

Más allá de todas las bromas, parece que Haddish realmente ha hecho un gran cambio en su vida, incluso si no era 100% su idea cuando comenzó.

¡¡¡Felicidades por tu sobriedad, Tiffany!!!

Tiffany Haddish Off Substances After DUI Arrest ... Court-Mandated Sobriety

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Tiffany Haddish is living a straight-and-narrow existence ... saying she's been off substances for well over two months -- though admitting it's not totally by choice.

The comedian joined "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" Friday where she revealed she's living the sober life these days ... claiming she hasn't drunk, smoked weed or done anything else in about 72 days.

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TH says it hasn't been super hard for her ... 'cause she says she's never been a big user of substances anyway -- so she's cool with giving all that up.

But, don't get fooled ... Haddish isn't totally making that decision on her own -- 'cause she claims she's actually been ordered by a judge to lay off any and all substances.

Tiffany also adds she would've fought her most recent DUI charge if the stress wasn't doing a number on her health -- saying she was just driving while tired.


Of course, Haddish copped a plea deal in her Hollywood DUI case ... pleading no contest in February to a conviction of reckless driving -- a much lesser charge.

Remember ... Tiffany was arrested in November when cops claimed they found her asleep in her car, parked awkwardly on the street. She was released pretty soon after, and joked about the incident during a comedy set pretty quickly after.

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Through all the jokes, it seems Haddish has really made a huge change to her life -- even if it wasn't 100% her idea to begin with.

Congrats on your sobriety, Tiffany!!!

American Airlines Un pasajero que lanza insultos antisemitas ... Termina con una llave en la cabeza

Pelea en el vuelo

Un vuelo de American Airlines se convirtió en un caos total cuando un pasajero antisemita insultó a una azafata antes de terminar con una llave en la cabeza.

Tienes que ver este increíble video, el tipo de la camisa azul y a rayas pierde totalmente el control incluso antes de que el vuelo de Tampa a Filadelfia despegue el martes. Solo está lanzando odio a diestra y siniestra, acusando a todos de confabularse contra él.

Pero cuando le suelta un insulto antisemita a una azafata, se puede ver la conmoción en la cara de todos los pasajeros, pero a él no le importa y continúa gritando: "¡Estoy tratando de llegar a mi país de origen y todos ustedes me han hecho más difícil llegar!".

La cosa se pone aún más loca cuando se enzarza en una pelea con otro pasajero, el de la sudadera azul, a quien acusa de haberlo tocado. Se agarran la cara y hacen un montón de maniobras de machito, antes de que el tipo de la capucha tome las riendas y le haga una llave en la cabeza al hombre que inició todo el revuelo.

Luego llegan más refuerzos y la mujer con sombrero intenta calmar los ánimos, diciendo que es policía y resulta que el encapuchado también lo es.

Mientras le aplicaba la llave de cabeza, el hombre de la capucha le gritó: "Ahora baja las manos y no toques a nadie", antes de escoltarlo hasta la salida del avión.

El Departamento de Policía del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tampa dice que se hizo un arresto alrededor de las 5:30 PM del martes, justo fuera del avión. Según los informes, fue arrestado por estar intoxicado públicamente y otros dos cargos de agresión.



An American Airlines flight descended into total chaos when an antisemitic passenger spewed a seriously hateful insult at a flight attendant before ending up in a headlock.

You gotta check out this wild clip -- the guy in the blue striped shirt totally loses it even before the flight from Tampa to Philadelphia takes off Tuesday ... he's hurling hate left and right, accusing everyone of ganging up on him.

But, when he drops an antisemitic slur on a flight attendant, you can see the shock on everyone's faces ... but he doesn't care and goes on to yell, "I'm trying to get to my home country, and you all people made it harder for me to get to my home country!"

It gets even crazier when he gets into a scuffle with another passenger -- the guy in the blue hoodie -- accusing him of touching him. They get in each other's faces, and there's plenty of machismo posturing, before the dude in the hoodie takes charge and puts the antisemite in a headlock!

Further backup arrives with the woman in a backward hat trying to calm things down, saying she's a cop ... and turns out the hoodie guy is too.

As he applied the headlock, he yelled, "Now put your hands down and don't touch anybody" ... before escorting him to the plane's exit.

The Tampa International Airport Police Department says an arrest was made around 5:30 PM Tuesday, right outside the plane. He was reportedly arrested for disorderly intoxication and 2 counts of battery.

Karen Huger First Photos From Crash Site ... Shows Extent of Damage

Karen Huger's scary Tuesday night crash seems to have left its mark on the area ... with the first photos from the scene appearing to show just how close Karen came to disaster.

The pics, obtained by TMZ, show where the 'Real Housewives' star swerved off the road in Potomac, MD -- leaving lots of skids and torn-up grass before slamming into a tree ... taking a big chunk of the bark with her. We've confirmed these were taken at the specific location mentioned in the court docket that laid out all of Karen's charges and traffic violations.

The photos and video we got give a clear indication of how serious the wreck was -- honing in on the point of contact where Karen went off the roadway -- which she says she did to avoid an oncoming car -- this after having a very emotional dinner with a friend of hers.

Police however tell a different tale ... with Montgomery County PD now offering another update on what they say went down after Karen had her accident.

As we reported ... cops had told us Karen hit the median and a street sign late Tuesday night while driving her 2017 Maserati -- and we're now told a security guard in the neighborhood saw the whole thing and called the police.

A MCPD rep says fire rescue and police officers responded to the call with an ambulance ... but, police say Huger refused to go to the hospital or be evaluated.

We're told KH was then taken into custody and transported to a district station ... with police telling us she was actually arrested and cited for DUI that evening ... but wasn't booked into their jail. Instead, they tell us she was released to her husband, Raymond.

Karen was also cited for other traffic violations before being released.


Huger hasn't addressed the DUI/DWI charges yet ... the only thing she mentioned to us Wednesday was a car going straight for her while she was driving ... which she says caused her to swerve to dodge it -- explaining she miraculously walked away without injuries.

Given how the crash scene looks ... Huger may actually have a guardian angel on her side like she says.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested Again After DV Bust Cops At Their Home At Night

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested for a second time this week -- this after cops say he showed up at their home despite the fact he was ordered to stay away ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody again Wednesday night after cops say he arrived at his and Christine's house in the Hollywood Hills ... which spurred a 911 call and landed Christian in handcuffs for the 2nd day in a row.

We're told he was hauled away by officers and taken to jail, where he was booked on a charge of violating an emergency protective order. Photos of cops on the scene last night show at least one police cruiser at Christine's home ... but not shots of Christian himself.

Unclear who called the cops -- but sources with direct knowledge tell us Christine wasn't the one to alert police to Christian's presence, and more importantly ... we're told she wasn't even at the property at all.

Our sources tell us she hasn't been back to the home since heading to the hospital with their kid -- and is currently in a safe location with the child. Regardless ... we're told Christian being at the property is a no-go based on the legal forcefield afforded to Christine.

Remember ... she was granted an emergency protective order that's in place for 7 days after what allegedly happened between her and Christian on Tuesday -- and if she wants additional protection, she'll have to file for a restraining order.

As we reported ... Christian stands accused of trying to get violent with Christine during an argument -- having allegedly thrown a bag full of glass at her, but missing and allegedly striking their 2-year-old son instead. 911 was called, and Christian was led away by police.

We're told Christian was released from jail early Thursday morning on bond. We've reached out to Christine's camp ... so far, no word back.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

CHRISTINE QUINN DETIENEN A SU MARIDO OTRA VEZ La policía llega a casa por la noche

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido por segunda vez esta semana, esto después de que la policía dijera que se presentó en su casa a pesar de que le ordenaron mantenerse alejado... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido de nuevo la noche del miércoles después de que la policía informara que llegó a su casa y la de Christine en las colinas de Hollywood, lo que provocó una llamada al 911 y su detención por segunda vez consecutiva.

Nos dicen que fue detenido y llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por un cargo de violación de una orden de protección de emergencia. Fotos de la policía de anoche muestran al menos a un carro patrulla de la policía en la casa de Christine, pero no hay capturas de Christian.

No está claro quién llamó a la policía, pero fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Christine no fue quien lo hizo, y lo más importante, nos dicen que ni siquiera estaba en la propiedad en absoluto.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que no ha vuelto a casa desde que se dirigió al hospital con su hijo, y actualmente se encuentra en un lugar seguro con el niño. A pesar de todo, nos informan que Christian no puede entrar a la propiedad por ley.

Recordemos que Christine tiene una orden de protección vigente por 7 días. Esto luego del supuesto ocurrió entre ella y Christian el martes, y si ella quiere protección adicional, tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción.

Como informamos, Christian está acusado de tratar de ponerse violento con Christine durante una discusión, luego de supuestamente haberle lanzado una bolsa llena de vidrios, la cual terminó golpeando a su hijo de dos años. Llamaron al 911 y a Christian se lo llevó la policía.

Nos han dicho que Christian fue liberado de la cárcel el jueves por la mañana bajo fianza. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la gente Christine, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Charged w/ DUI ... In Connection to Crash

Karen Huger has been charged with driving under the influence and hit with several other traffic violations in connection with her car crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

According to online court records, the 'Real Housewives of the Potomac' star is facing one count of DUI over Tuesday night's wreck -- which notes she has to make a mandatory court appearance to answer for it. She's facing an additional DWI charge as well here.

There are several other alleged infractions she's been dinged with too -- per the docket -- that touch on everything from negligent and reckless driving to driving way over the speed limit and driving with a suspended registration. The 6 traffic violations she was cited with don't require court appearances ... and have fines attached ranging from $50 to $510.

We broke the story ... Huger was driving her 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what police described as an aggressive manner.

Cops told us Karen struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway. The car itself was badly damaged, but Karen told us she was doing fine after the accident ... which she chalked up to driving while in a super emotional state.

Huger said she went to dinner with a friend where she said the two talked about some pretty emotional topics -- including KH's deceased mother -- saying it left her bawling while trying to drive home and she says she swerved to avoid a car coming directly at her.

Huger did note she received citations, one of which she says was not related to the incident ... but, made no mention of being intoxicated or arrested in her statement to us. Cops didn't tell us she'd been arrested either ... and there's no record of her having been booked in their jail.

Montgomery County PD says the reason charges weren't mentioned earlier Wednesday is because all that was available at the time was a preliminary collision report -- and that a police report would have further info. We haven't obtained that police report just yet ... but clearly, cops felt something criminal had happened here -- evidenced in the court update.

We've reached out to Huger for further comment ... so far, no word back.

Ray J Not Tripping Over Stolen Maybachs ... Karma's a Bitch!!!


Ray J's new chapter with his Tronix Network is off to a rocky start, as 2 Maybachs he shipped out to NYC to promote the venture, never made it, and he says they're still in the wind!!!

We caught up with Ray Wednesday in Manhattan, but we could only picture him rollin' in our head ... because his expensive whips are good 3,000 miles or so away. He told us trackers on the missing Maybachs indicate they're still floating around Nevada.

Ray says he and his Tronix biz partner planned to plug the new media platform by stuntin' in the streets in their Maybachs -- but he says he's hit a dead-end with police and can't even get a 911 operator on the line to help with the search.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He was remarkably calm about losing 2 rides worth around $200k each ... and admitted he's taking it much smoother than his partner, who Ray says is still combing Reno for the luxury vehicles.

Ray says he's gotta press on, making the rounds in NYC to talk Tronix -- but he firmly believes the thieves will get what's coming to them in due time.


It's been quite the year for Ray J -- his estranged wife Princess Love filed for divorce for a 4th time, and all signs point to it being the final time.

Through it all, he's maintaining his sanity ... at least on the outside.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Breaks Silence on Car Accident ... Cites Emotional State


4:25 PM PT -- Karen Huger tells TMZ … "Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes during this very frightening experience. I am still in shock from last nights incident, but grateful to be alive today. With the  passing of my Beloved Mother, Grief comes and goes in waves, and with Mothers Day approaching it has felt more like a tsunami."

She adds, "Last night I met a girlfriend for dinner, we talked and brought up some very emotionally sensitive topics. I was crying on my way home and saw a car heading right for me. I swerved to avoid the head-on collision, hit the divider and then a tree. I'm hurt, bruised up a bit, but so grateful I am alive! I did receive citations, one of which was unrelated to the incident which is understandable, but what was most surprising is that the car that almost hit me just drove away!"

Karen finishes by saying, "I would like to stress, it’s important to understand your emotional state when driving and may this be a reminder to all to use their seatbelts, my Mother may be my Guardian Angel but the seatbelt saved my life."

Karen Huger was involved in a scary crash this week ... with officers telling us she wrecked her car so badly, it was no longer operable.

A representative for Montgomery County Police tells TMZ ... the 'Real Housewives of Potomac' star was driving a 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what they describe as an aggressive manner -- too fast for the conditions, they say.

Police say Huger struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway where the car came to a rest.

We're told the airbag deployed in the car but no other passengers were in her vehicle. No word on whether she or anyone else was injured.

The car itself was allegedly damaged so badly it couldn't be driven and a tow truck was called to retrieve it ... the extent of the damage is not yet known.

Cops say KH received multiple citations -- unclear exactly what they were for at this time -- but, we're told she was not arrested.

We've reached out to Huger -- a main cast member on all eight seasons of 'RHOP' -- about the accident ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:52 AM PT