'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested for Assault with Deadly Weapon


12:40 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us Christine Quinn was offered an emergency protective order against Christian Dumontet. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she accepted this protective order, which will be in effect for 7 days.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ has confirmed that Christine and Christian's 2-year-old son was, in fact, transported to the hospital Tuesday via ambulance -- and we're told Christine went with him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us that an ambulance arrived on the scene to treat the child -- and in the end, we're told first responders thought it'd be best if the kid went to the hospital ... so they took him.

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested this week -- and the charge he was booked for is incredibly serious ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tells us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody Tuesday afternoon near his L.A.-area home -- where he was seen wearing a bathrobe -- and hauled away by cops, who put him in a cruiser and took him to jail.

We're told a call for a domestic incident is what spurred officers to show up. In terms of what allegedly happened -- our sources tell us there was a verbal argument between Christian and Christine ... and Christine told cops Christian threw a bag with glass in it at her.

We're told the bag missed Christine and it actually struck their young child, a 2-year-old, and at this point ... our sources say the call to 911 was then placed. We're told that an ambulance arrived, but the toddler didn't need to be transported ... getting treated at the scene.

We're told Dumontet was booked for assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. As of this writing, he appears to still be behind bars on $30,000 bail. His arrest was first posted by Page Six.

She and Christian have been married since 2019 -- and he's also been featured on "Selling Sunset" ... although, his involvement has been minimal as he's mostly behind the scenes. Their December wedding was well-documented on the show at the time.

In terms of his background, Christian comes from the tech world ... and fancies himself as an entrepreneur these days. He and CQ share one kid together ... a son also named Christian.

On its face ... there was never any real drama between them that was captured on camera.

We've reached out to Christine's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:23 AM PT



12:40 PM PT -- Fuentes policiales nos dicen que a Christine Quinn le ofrecieron una orden de protección de emergencia contra Christian Dumontet. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que ella aceptó esta orden de protección, la cual entará en vigor durante 7 días.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ ha confirmado que el hijo de 2 años de Christine y Christian fue, de hecho, transportado al hospital el martes en ambulancia, y nos dicen que Christine fue con él.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que una ambulancia llegó a la escena para tratar al niño, y al final nos dicen que los socorristas pensaron que sería mejor si el niño fuera al hospital, así que lo llevaron.

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido esta semana, y el cargo es increíblemente grave... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido el martes por la tarde cerca de su casa de Los Ángeles, donde fue visto con una bata de baño y capturado por la policía. Lo pusieron en un carro patrulla y lo llevaron a la cárcel.

Nos dicen que una llamada alertando de un incidente doméstico es lo que estimuló a los oficiales a aparecer. En términos de lo que supuestamente sucedió, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que hubo una discusión verbal entre Christian y Christine, y Christine le dijo a la policía que Christian le arrojó una bolsa con vidrios.

Nos dicen que la bolsa golpeó accidentalmente a su hijo de 2 años, y nuestras fuentes dicen que llamaron al 911. Nos dicen que una ambulancia llegó, y el niño pudo ser tratado ahí mismo

Nos dicen que Dumontet fue fichado por asalto con un arma mortal, un delito grave. Al momento de escribir estas líneas, parece que sigue entre rejas, bajo fianza de 30.000 dólares. Su arresto fue publicado por primera vez por Page Six.

Ella y Christian han estado casados desde 2019, y él también ha aparecido en "Selling Sunset", aunque, su participación ha sido mínima, ya que está principalmente está detrás de escena. Su boda de diciembre fue bien documentada en el programa en ese momento.

En cuanto a sus antecedentes, Christian viene del mundo de la tecnología, y se ve a sí mismo como un empresario estos días. Él y Christine comparten un hijo llamado Christian.

A primera vista, parece que nunca hubo ningún drama real entre ellos capturado en cámara.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Christine para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:23 AM PT

RILEY STRAIN LA FAMILIA CREE QUE SIGUE VIVO Quieren que se involucren los federales

La familia de Riley Strain está 100% segura de que el joven sigue vivo y están frustrados con los esfuerzos de búsqueda de la policía, exigiendo que se involucren los federales.

Hablamos con el portavoz de la familia Strain -Chris Dingman- el martes y nos dijo directamente que los padres de Riley simplemente no creen que su hijo esté muerto, esto a pesar de que la mayoría de la gente cree que es así.


A pesar de que ha pasado más de una semana desde que Riley desapareció en Nashville luego de ir de bar en bar con sus amigos, Dingman dice que la familia tiene esperanzas, pero más que eso, están irritados de que gran parte de la investigación de la policía de Nashville se ha centrado principalmente en el río cercano.

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una interacción normal
Metro Nashville PD

Dingman dice que los Strains tienen sus razones, dice que el río no es tan profundo, y no parece haber sido un factor la noche que desapareció. Por lo tanto, que haya sido arrastrado por este no es probable.

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visto en la calle

Dingman también nos dice que desde el punto de vista de la familia, la policía no ha hecho grandes esfuerzos por encontrarlo, alegando que hay empresas a lo largo de la orilla del río con videos de vigilancia sin investigar.

Mientras que los Strains aprecian la ayuda de la policía hasta el momento, nos dicen que piensan que es hora de llamar a la caballería y obtener ayuda adicional para ayudar a encontrar a Riley más temprano que tarde.

La policía de Nashville ya ha dicho que están dispuestos a llamar a los federales si resulta necesario. Dingman dice que piensan que la búsqueda de Riley tiene que ampliarse mucho más allá del río.

Por supuesto, la tarjeta bancaria de Riley fue encontrada allí -probablemente sea la razón por la que este es un punto focal en el esfuerzo- pero Dingman dice que su mamá y papá quieren otras opciones.


No tienen una idea exacta de dónde puede estar o lo que le pasó, pero en base a los relatos de testigos que siguen apareciendo día tras día, suena como que podría haber estado en un lugar muy público antes de desaparecer.

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Otra cosa extraña es que cuando Riley caminó cerca de un oficial de policía, parecía estar todo normal, sin embargo, otros videos de vigilancia lo capturaron ebrio y fuera de sí. Así que la familia tiene muchas dudas.

Lo único que saben es que quieren respuestas y pronto. Los Strains han estado en Nashville desde hace varios días y cuanto más tiempo Riley está desaparecido, más ansiosos se ponen.

Riley fue visto por última vez el 8 de marzo y no ha habido señales de él desde entonces. Los policías están animando a cualquier persona con información útil que llame al 615-742-7463.

Riley Strain Family Thinks He's Still Alive ... Bringing in Cajun Navy


11:57 AM PT -- Riley Strain's family just held a press conference, announcing they've enlisted the help of the United Cajun Navy -- a nonprofit that helps in this sort of effort -- while reiterating the need to get more resources on the case ... and also thanking Nashville PD for their work thus far.

Police went on to say that they've been inundated with tips and leads from various sources, but none have resulted in anything concrete in terms of locating Riley and there is no indication of foul play.

Riley Strain's family is 100% confident that their loved one is still alive somewhere -- and they're frustrated with cops' search efforts ... demanding extra boots on the ground.

We talked to the Strain family spokesperson, Chris Dingman, Tuesday and he told us straight up ... Riley's parents, simply don't believe their son is dead -- this despite most of the public starting to assume that's the case at this point.


Even though it's been well over a week since Riley first vanished in Nashville after bar hopping with his friends -- Dingman says the family is hopeful ... but more than that, they're irked that much of Nashville PD's investigating has been focused mostly on the river nearby.

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Metro Nashville PD

There's a few reasons why Dingman says the Strains feel this way -- for one, he says the river just isn't that deep, and it doesn't appear to have been roaring on the night he disappeared. So, in their eyes, him falling in and being swept away doesn't seem plausible.

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Dingman also tells us that from the family's POV, cops haven't turned over every possible stone in trying to track him down -- claiming there are businesses along the river bank with surveillance video that weren't approached until very recently ... so, slow going at best.

While the Strains appreciate the police's help and diligence thus far -- we're told they think it's time to call in the cavalry and get extra assistance in helping find Riley sooner rather than later.

Nashville PD has already said they're prepared to call in the feds if it proves necessary. Dingman says the Strains think that time has come ... and that the sweep for Riley needs to expand well beyond just the river search that's been going on these past few days.

Of course, Riley's bank card was found there -- which is probably why this is a focal point in the effort -- but Dingman says his mom and dad want other possibilities looked into.


He doesn't have an exact idea of where he may be or what happened to him, but based on eyewitness accounts that continue to crop up day after day ... it sounds like people might've possibly been with him during the last known moments of him being out and about.

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The other odd thing that's not quite tracking for the Strains is that when Riley was walking by the police officer -- he came across as coherent and normal, but other surveillance videos captured him looking inebriated and out of it. So the family doesn't know what's what here.

The one thing they do know ... they want answers, and soon. The Strains have been in Nashville for several days now -- and the longer Riley is missing, the more anxious they get.

Riley was last seen on March 8, and there's been no sign of him since. Cops are encouraging anyone with helpful info to call 615-742-7463.

Originally Published -- 11:00 AM PT

Daisy de la Hoya Getting Treatment After Mental Health Episode ... Denies Stalking Claims!!!

Daisy de la Hoya is breaking her silence after "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks accused her of stalking ... denying that she even cares about the couple.

Daisy tells TMZ ... the allegations made by Mariah and Tom are inaccurate -- as she claims that none of what they stated in their police report happened, at least not the way they described it anyway.


DDLH says she's unfamiliar with Mariah and Tom ... and so she definitely didn't declare her love for Tom, as they claimed.

However, she does say she did believe -- amid a mental health episode, as she describes it -- that they worked for her celebrity crush, Tom Cruise. She states that she didn't even know Tom shared the same first name as the A-lister. So, when Daisy was declaring her love for "Tom," it was about the action star ... not the reality TV personality.

We broke the story ... Mariah and Tom hit Daisy with stalking allegations in a recent police report -- in which they stated the fellow reality star had been harassing them since January.

Now, Daisy does admit she climbed into Tom and Mariah's car -- explaining that incident occurred during her episode ... which she is now getting help for at a treatment center.  While Daisy says she feels badly ... she's hurt that her mental health struggles were filmed.

Oh, and for fans wondering what has become of her dog while she's in treatment ... she tells us that the pup is currently staying with a friend.

Paul Pierce L.A. Home Burglarized $100K Cash, Watches Stolen

Paul Pierce is just the latest celebrity to fall prey to Los Angeles' burglary epidemic ... the former NBA superstar's home was broken into Friday night, and the perpetrators got away with luxury watches and over $100k in cash.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports the 46-year-old 10x NBA All-Star's pad was hit when Pierce wasn't home, and a mind-boggling amount of personal treasure was stolen.

Amongst the burglarized items were expensive watches, 6 figures in cash, and a safe ... which police are currently trying to track down.

As for the criminal investigation, we're told cops have been combing through video from the scene, hoping to find a critical piece of evidence that'll crack the case.

No arrests have been made.

While he's the latest, he's not the first big-named star to have their personal spaces violated, and their belongings stolen ... it's been an issue in the City of Angels for years.

Post Malone, Bella Thorne, Yasiel Puig, Rihanna, Quentin Tarantino, Drake and so many other stars have fallen victim.

In fact, the LAPD recently talked about "burglary tourists" from South America who travel to Los Angeles solely to target luxurious mansions.

Police say the rings sometimes use high-tech equipment like jammers to bypass security systems.

It's unclear if one of these rings is behind the Pierce burglary.

The Truth, a Basketball Hall of Famer, played 19 seasons in the NBA, averaging nearly 20 points, 6 rebounds, and 4 rebounds. Pierce won a title with the Celtics in 2008.

Ray J Two Maybach SUVs Missing ... Police Investigating

Ray J's car collection is a couple rides light today ... 'cause he apparently he's missing two high-priced automobiles -- and we're told he's not getting a straight answer about their whereabouts.

Sources close to Ray J with direct knowledge tell us ... two of Ray's Maybach SUVs are currently missing after having been put on a enclosed car carrier to New York City Friday night.

We're told the cars were supposed to show up in New York today ... but apparently never did. Instead, our sources say the cars' have been tracked -- and, it seems the trackers are just sitting still in Reno, Nevada.

Sources tell us Ray's reached out to the shipping company in charge of moving the cars ... but they say he's not getting a straight answer on where exactly the Maybachs are right now.

Ray J's got the police involved we're told ... and -- though the cars are currently missing and not stolen as far as anyone knows -- police are investigating the matter.

We're also told Ray J -- who's out in NYC to launch his new original content steaming platform The Tronix Network -- will still be at all of the pre-organized events while figuring out next steps with the cars.

BTW Maybach SUVs ain't cheap -- with some reports saying cars like that can go for upwards of $200k ... so you can imagine Ray J's pretty keen on getting his vehicles back!

They call Reno "The Biggest Little City in the World" ... hopefully, that means police won't have too much trouble tracking down the missing Maybachs.

Subway Brawl Man Shot in Head with His Own Gun ... Altercation Caught on Video


A NYC subway rider is in critical condition after getting shot in the head at the end of a brutal brawl where he was also stabbed ... and the whole thing was recorded by an onlooker.

This went down Thursday in Brooklyn, where cops say 2 men got into a fight while they were both riding a subway car -- their showdown alarmed nearby commuters, some of whom started shooting video as it got physical.

Police say they were told the man who was shot actually instigated things -- and that seems to be confirmed by the video -- as he squared off with the other guy.


While the 2 men were punching and wrestling each other, a woman enters the fray and apparently stabs one of them in the back -- it appears she was with the other combatant. l

The stabbing victim, who was visibly bleeding, started screaming and asking if she'd stabbed him .. and then fumbles in his jacket pocket for a gun.

The man he was originally fighting ran over and tried to shield his woman ... as the gun-wielding man corners them.

At that point, everyone else in the subway car started running in the opposite direction ... desperately trying to get off, because they've seen the gun. It was a tense and terrifying scene ... and as they were cowering 4 gunshots go off.

Struggling To Stay Safe

Someone captured the aftermath of this -- where you can see cops on the scene attending to the man who was shot ... and as you can see it's the man who originally pulled out the gun.

The other man was eventually cuffed and led away, but it's unclear if he's been charged yet.

Rushed Out

NYC officials say it appears the man who was detained wrestled the gun away and fired upon the other man -- no word on whether this will be determined to be self-defense. The man who was shot was eventually rushed away by paramedics, and he's hospitalized in critical condition.


La estrella porno Sophia Leone murió a principios de este mes, y a pesar de que no hay pistas de agresión, la policía describe su muerte como una "situación única".

Los oficiales le informan a TMZ que el cuerpo de Leone fue encontrado el 1 de marzo en su casa, y mientras que una causa oficial de la muerte no se ha determinado, nos dicen que la policía está investigando su muerte como sospechosa, aunque también señalan que no había signos de trauma.

Su agencia de modelos afirmó que las circunstancias que rodearon su muerte implican un robo y homicidio, pero la policía dice que no es el caso.

Un representante del Departamento nos informa que el robo u homicidio no estaban en su radar... reiterando que calificaron el caso como una "muerte sospechosa". También enfatizaron que no serían capaces de determinar la causa de la muerte hasta que los resultados de toxicología estuvieran listos. Le preguntamos si parecía estar relacionado con las drogas, pero prefirieron no responder.

Un agente dijo: "No sabemos en este momento si fue víctima de un delito, por lo que esta es una situación única". La policía dice que Sophia Leone era simplemente su nombre artístico y señaló que su familia era cautelosa acerca de llamar más la atención.

Aunque su familia no quiere discutir los detalles de la muerte de Sophia, han puesto en marcha un GoFundMe para cubrir los gastos de su funeral y memorial, una carga financiera que la familia no estaba dispuesta a cumplir. La familia ha fijado un objetivo de 12.000 dólares.

En el post de GFM, su padrastro Mike escribió: "Como su padrastro, quiero agradecerles personalmente su amabilidad y generosidad durante este difícil momento. Echaremos mucho de menos a Sophia, pero su recuerdo perdurará en los corazones de todos los que la querían. Que descanse en paz eterna".

Sophia se hizo un nombre en el mundo de los adultos, trabajando con varios estudios diferentes a lo largo de su carrera, incluyendo Brazzers, Evil Angel y Reality Kings. Tenía 26 años.


PORN STAR SOPHIA LEONE Death Labeled 'Suspicious,' 'Unique' by Cops

Porn star Sophia Leone died earlier this month -- but it doesn't sound like cops are sure if foul play is afoot ... even though they're currently describing her death as a "unique situation."

Albuquerque PD tells TMZ ... Leone's body was found March 1 at her home ... and while an official cause of death hasn't been determined, we're told police are investigating her death as suspicious ... although they go out of their way to note there were no signs of trauma.

After word of Sophia's death made the rounds, her modeling agency claimed the circumstances surrounding her death involved a robbery and homicide ... but APD tells us that's not the case.

A rep for the Department tells us they never indicated robbery or homicide was on their radar ... reiterating they were looking at it as a "suspicious death." They also emphasized they wouldn't be able to determine the cause of death until toxicology results were in. We asked if it appeared to be drug-related -- cops wouldn't say one way or another.

An APD rep also said this ... "We do not know at this time if she is a victim of a crime so this is a unique situation." Police say Sophia Leone was simply her stage name and noted her family was wary about drawing more attention.

While her family might not want to discuss the details of Sophia's death, they have since launched a GoFundMe to cover the costs of her funeral and memorial -- a financial burden the family wasn't prepared to meet. The family has set a goal of $12,000.

In the GFM post, her Stepdad Mike wrote, "As her Stepfather, I want to personally thank you for your kindness and generosity during this difficult time. Sophia will be deeply missed but her memory will live on in the hearts of all who loved her. May she rest in eternal peace."

Sophia made a name for herself in the adult biz, working with several different studios throughout her career ... including Brazzers, Evil Angel and Reality Kings. She was 26.


Luke Bryan's Nashville Bar Investigated for Allegedly Overserving Still-Missing Riley Strain

Luke Bryan's Nashville bar is alleged to have overserved a Missouri college student who went missing last week -- and now a state agency has launched an investigation into it.

The Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission -- the licensing authority for manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of booze beverages in the state -- tells TMZ ... while there's no specific rule that dictates a business escorting out intoxicated patrons, let alone providing assistance to said patrons, there are laws about providing too much alcohol to someone.

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We're told Tennessee law prohibits serving alcoholic beverages to someone who is visibly intoxicated -- and any violation of this is considered a class A misdemeanor.

As it pertains to claims that Riley Strain, who's still missing, was overserved ... we're told the TABC has opened an investigation to see if any violations have occurred in this matter.

Remember, it was cops who suggested Riley might've been overserved Friday when he and some friends hit the town and ended up at Luke's 32 Bridge -- where the 22-year-old was reportedly kicked out ... and where he got separated from his party and went off on his own.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As the story goes ... Riley apparently told his friends he'd meet them back at their hotel -- but he was nowhere to be found when the rest of the guys showed up. As of Thursday, there's still no sign of him ... despite an extensive search effort throughout the city.

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Crews have scoured the streets, and the search for Riley has even extended to the riverbank nearby -- as some suspect he may have gotten lost and perhaps fallen into the water.

Remember, surveillance footage of Riley stumbling along the streets of Nashville has surfaced ... and he looks out of sorts, and possibly under the influence too. It's eerie video, no doubt.

Luke himself spoke out on the story, asking for prayers. He also noted his bar was cooperating with law enforcement and providing any surveillance video of their own that could help find him. We reached out to them on this latest update, but they had no comment.

Nashville PD also gave an update Thursday on where they were in the case ... noting they were scouring through tons of tips, and said they might bring in state and/or federal help if they feel they need it. For now, it sounds like it's just them handling things internally.

Tennnessee River Valley News

Riley's family has said they're living through a nightmare as they continue to look for him. Riley had apparently FaceTimed his mom earlier in the evening, and she said nothing seemed amiss then, even though they knew he was bar hopping.

Cops are asking anyone with reliable information on Riley's whereabouts to call 615-742-7463.

J.K. Rowling Es reportada a la policía Por faltarle el respeto a una presentadora trans

J.K. Rowling fue denunciada a la policía por la presentadora británica India Willoughby, quien afirma que JKR la ha insultado repetidamente en medio de una disputa en redes.

India, la ex concursante de "Celebrity Big Brother" que es una mujer transgénero, habló con Byline TV sobre el tema, afirmando que logró involucrar a la policía de Northumbria, luego de que J.K. se refiriera constantemente a ella como un hombre a pesar de que su estatus legal es el de una mujer.

Según ella, el hecho de que J.K. se refiera a ella como un hombre constituye un delito en el Reino Unido y podría violar la Ley de Igualdad y la Ley de Reconocimiento de Género. India también insinúa que esto podría calificarse como un delito de odio, pero como mínimo, piensa que es un caso de comunicaciones maliciosas.

Variety informa que la policía de Northumbria está a la espera y lista para tener una conversación con la autora sobre todo este calvario, pero no se sabe si J.K. va a hacerlo.

Mientras tanto, J.K. ya ha respondido, diciendo que ya consultó con un abogado que no solo considera que tiene un caso sólido contra India por difamación, sino que el hecho de que India la señale constantemente en Internet podría calificarse de acoso, por lo que está pensando en emprender acciones legales por su cuenta.

J.K. añade: "Consciente como soy de que es un delito mentirle a las fuerzas de la ley, simplemente tendré que explicarle a la policía que, en mi opinión, India es un ejemplo clásico de un narcisista masculino que vive en un estado de rabia perpetua por no poder obligar a las mujeres a aceptarle en su propia valoración".

Por supuesto, Rowling se ha enfrentado a un montón de reacciones negativas por sus polémicos comentarios sobre las personas transgénero. Muchos la han calificado de "TERF" (feminista radical transexcluyente) y la han tachado de intolerante e incluso algunos miembros del reparto de "Harry Potter" se han distanciado de ella.

J.K. ha dicho abiertamente que no le quita el sueño el cómo la recuerden en el futuro. ¿La razón? Simple y claro: "Estaré muerta".

J.K. ROWLING Reported to U.K. Cops Allegedly Misgendered Broadcaster

J.K. Rowling has been reported to the police by British broadcaster India Willoughby ... who claims JKR has repeatedly misgendered her online as part of an ongoing online beef.

India -- the ex-"Celebrity Big Brother" contestant who's a transgender woman -- spoke to Byline TV regarding the issue ... claiming she's gotten Northumbria Police involved, as she says J.K. has consistently referred to her as a man despite her legal status as a woman.

She says J.K.'s alleged repeated misgendering constitutes a crime in the U.K. -- suggesting it violates the Equalities Act and Gender Recognition Act. India also hints this could possibly qualify as a hate crime ... but at the very least, thinks it's a malicious communications case.

Variety reports that Northumbria Police are on standby, ready to have a chat with the author about this whole ordeal ... but no word on whether J.K.'s gonna play ball.

Meanwhile, J.K.'s already fired back ... saying she's already consulted a lawyer who not only reckons she has a solid case against IW for defamation, but says India constantly targeting J.K. online might qualify as harassment -- so she's mulling legal action of her own.

J.K. adds, "Aware as I am that it's an offense to lie to law enforcement, I'll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can't compel women to take him at his own valuation."

Of course, Rowling's faced a ton of backlash for her controversial remarks about transgender folks. She's been called out as a "TERF" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) and labeled a bigot by many -- some of the 'HP' cast have even distanced themselves from her.

J.K. has straight-up said she's not losing any sleep over how the world will remember her once she's gone. Her reason? Simple and to the point ... "I'll be dead."

'Princess Bride' Star Cary Elwes Someone's Stealing From Me ... Missing Stuff Worth $100k

Cary Elwes has some trouble in his own castle ... 'cause he told police a lot of valuables are missing from his home, and officers think it might be an inside job.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the 'Princess Bride' star is the latest celebrity to fall victim to a recurring crime wave in Los Angeles -- this after the actor discovered a boatload of cash, art and jewelry missing from his Malibu estate.

We're told Cary's lost goods are valued in the 6 figures -- about $100k, more or less, according to sources with direct knowledge. We're also told the current working theory is this isn't a smash-and-grab job ... like we've seen recently with a rash of celeb home burglaries.

Instead, cops say they believe someone on Cary's home staff might have swiped the items from his place, possibly over several years, and it allegedly went undetected ... until now. Our sources say it's unclear what finally made Cary realize a bunch of stuff was missing ... but once he was wise to it, he reported it to the police.

The violation of his home has gotta feel like a streak of bad luck for Cary -- remember, we broke the story about him suffering a rattlesnake bite in April 2022, when he had to be airlifted for immediate treatment.

As for the alleged theft, we're told the L.A. County Sheriff's Department is investigating. We've reached out to Cary ... no word back yet.

CARY ELWES VÍCTIMA DE ROBO Al rededor de $100k en pertenencias

Cary Elwes tiene algunos problemas en su propio castillo, porque le dijo a la policía una gran cantidad de objetos de valor que le faltan en su casa y los oficiales piensan que podría ser un trabajo interno.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "La Princesa Prometida" es la última celebridad en ser víctima de una ola de delincuencia recurrente en Los Ángeles, esto después de que el actor descubrió una gran cantidad de dinero en efectivo, arte y joyas que faltaban en su casa de Malibú.

Nos dicen que los bienes perdidos de Cary están valorados en 6 cifras, alrededor de $100k más o menos, según fuentes con conocimiento directo. También nos dicen que la teoría es que no se trata de un trabajo de romper y agarrar, como hemos visto recientemente con una racha de robos en casas de celebridades.

En cambio, los policías dicen que creen que alguien en la casa de Cary podría haber robado los artículos de su lugar, posiblemente durante varios años sin ser detectado. Nuestras fuentes dicen que no está claro lo que finalmente hizo que Cary se diera cuenta, pero una vez que lo hizo, lo denunció a la policía.

La violación de su casa tiene que sentirse como una racha de mala suerte para Cary, recordemos que hace poco publicamos la noticias de que sufrió una mordedura de serpiente de cascabel en abril de 2022, cuando tuvo que ser trasladado por vía aérea para recibir tratamiento inmediato.

En cuanto al presunto robo, nos dicen que el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Los Ángeles está investigando. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Cary, pero no hay respuesta todavía.

Prostitutas en Tailandia Riña en Bangkok por "guerra de territorios" Policías implicados y detenidos...

Riña en Bangkok
Viral Press

Unas prostitutas tailandesas de Bangkok se enzarzaron en una pelea en el Barrio Rojo por una supuesta "guerra territorial" que involucró a la policía, ¡y las imágenes de la riña son absolutamente salvajes!

Echa un vistazo a este video que captura algunos momentos de la pelea del lunes, cuando se informó que un puñado de trabajadores sexuales de Filipinas estaba utilizando un popular hotel en la calle Sukhumvit, y al parecer, otras prostitutas querían proteger su territorio.

Los policías llegaron a la escena por una disputa con algunas de las trabajadoras filipinas, quienes fueron aparentemente acusadas de robarle clientes a las prostitutas tailandesas de la zona y cuando los policías las escoltaron fuera del edificio y hacia la calle, había una gran multitud esperando por ellas.

Ahí fue cuando empezó el alboroto: las prostitutas y los policías se enfrentaron y se lanzaron puñetazos unos con otros. Francamente, es difícil saber quién es quién aquí, pero en cualquier caso, un montón de personas recibieron golpes.

Honestamente, esto parece salido de una película. Fue un caos total.

Al final, los oficiales fueron capaces de llevar a las trabajadoras sexuales que estaban allí a la estación de policía, pero parece que todas estaban bastante maltratadas cuando entraron.

Al parecer, fueron detenidas por trabajar en la zona sin la documentación necesaria.