Thai Prostitutes Brawl in Bangkok Over 'Turf War' ... Cops Involved, Arrests Made

Viral Press

Thai prostitutes in Bangkok got into an all-out brawl in the Red Light District over a reported turf war that roped cops into the melee ... and the footage of all this is absolutely wild!

Check out this video that captures some of the highlights from Monday, where a handful of sex workers from the Philippines are reported to have been using a popular hotel on the busy Sukhumvit Road ... and, apparently, other prostitutes felt protective of their territory.

Officers were called over a dispute between some of the Filipino sex workers -- reportedly accused of stealing customers from a Thai prostitute in the area -- and as the cops escorted them out of the building and into the street ... there was a huge crowd waiting for them.

That's when the bruhaha started ... with prostitutes and cops clashing, and fists being thrown. Frankly, it's hard to tell who's who here -- but in any case, a lot of ass was kicked.

This honestly looks like something out of a movie scene ... it was that nuts and chaotic.

In the end ... the officers were able to bring the sex workers they were originally there for to the police station -- but it looks like they were all fairly roughed up as they went inside.

They were reportedly arrested for working in the area without the necessary paperwork.

MIAMI BEACH SPRING BREAKERS, STAY TF Away ... City Rolls Out Strict Rules!!!


Miami Beach has had enough of party animals taking over their streets ... so they've launched a campaign with some super strict new measures to put a stop to the madness.

Check out this hilarious video posted by the city itself -- it's an official campaign they're trotting out ahead of Spring Break ... and the whole theme is breaking up. In this case, it's Miami Beach calling things off with the would-be ragers who wanna swing by this year.

City officials aren't pulling any punches here ... making it crystal clear (albeit somewhat jokingly) that rowdy spring breakers causing chaos have pushed locals to their breaking point. After last year's headlines filled with violence, hundreds of arrests, and thousands of traffic citations, they're officially putting their foot down for some peace this year.

This year, they have new restrictions they hope deters the out-of-town Spring Breakers. They cite curfews, bag checks, restricted beach access and DUI checkpoints. Strictly business!

On top of all that ... they're slapping a hefty $100 parking fee and bringing in strong police enforcement for drug possession and violence. The message is clear ... stay away, y'all.

And to really pump the brakes on pandemonium, the city's closing parking garages in South  Beach altogether between March 7-10 and March 14-17. No stone has been left unturned!

As you know ... Miami has always been a prime hot spot for those looking to let loose, especially over spring break -- but over the years, the party scene has gotten totally out of hand, so it's not surprising the city's pulling out all the stops to restore some order.

It'll be interesting to see how the new limitations pan out for 2024.


¡caballos al rededor!
Ohio Department of Transportation

La policía de Cleveland se vio envuelta en una persecución por carretera este fin de semana muy inusual, ¡ya que los sospechosos en cuestión eran dos sementales!

Échale un vistazo a este video viral del sábado -cortesía del Departamento de Transporte de Ohio- que muestra a dos caballos corriendo contra el tráfico en la Interestatal 90, con los carros pasando peligrosamente cerca de los bellos animales.

Oficiales de la policía de Cleveland fueron vistos haciendo todo lo posible para guiarlos con seguridad lejos de los carros y fuera de la interestatal hacia la hierba más cercana, y finalmente, consiguieron ponerlos bajo control.

En cuanto a donde estos caballos vinieron y cómo podrían haber escapado... la versión oficial es que en realidad eran caballos de la policía que de alguna manera se escaparon de sus establos.

Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido. Muchos están aplaudiendo el manejo de la policía en una situación tan inusual. No estamos seguros de que estaríamos tan relajados si dos caballos enormes trotaran directamente hacia nosotros, pero bueno, felicitaciones a la policía de Cleveland por mantener la calma y controlar a los suyos.

Comprueben los establos la próxima vez, ¿vale?

2 Horses on a Highway Galloping Freely After Great Escape Cops Called In to Wrangle!!!

Ohio Department of Transportation

Cleveland Police were involved in a highway chase this weekend that had serious horsepower -- and we mean that literally ... as the suspects in question were 2 rogue stallions!

Check out this viral video from Saturday -- courtesy of the Ohio Department of Transportation -- which shows two horses running against traffic on Interstate 90, with cars being brought to a brief standstill as the two animals galloped freely in the wind.

Officers for Cleveland PD were seen trying their best to safely guide them away from cars and off the interstate to nearby grass -- and eventually, they got the broncos under control.

As for where these horses came from and how they might have escaped ... the official word is, they were actually with the cops and somehow broke out of their police stables nearby.

Luckily, nobody was harmed in all this -- including the horses themselves. Many are applauding the police's calm handling of the unusual situation. We're not sure we'd be so relaxed if two massive horses trotted directly at us -- but hey, kudos to Cleveland Police for keeping their cool and wrangling their own.

Just double check the stables next time, m'kay??

John Amos Abren investigación Sobre presunta negligencia en el cuidado

Los policías están investigando las acusaciones de negligencia sobre el cuidado de la estrella de "Good Times", John Amos, y la investigación acaba de empezar, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que se ha abierto un caso aquí en Los Ángeles para examinar los reclamos lanzados por la hija de Amos, Shannon, quien según nos dicen, habría llamado recientemente a los Servicios de Protección de Adultos para alegar que su padre ha estado lidiando con unos problemas de salud y su hermano, K.C., no le está dando la atención adecuada.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que los servicios tomaron un informe basado en lo que ella afirmó y lo enviaron a la policía de Los Ángeles, que luego inició una investigación.

Nos dicen que los policías están familiarizados con todos los reclamos entre Shannon y K.C. -mucha de la mala sangre entre los hijos de John ha sido ampliamente difundida- pero que la investigación actual se centrará en estas nuevas acusaciones, específicamente.

TMZ también ha averiguado que el querido actor estuvo recientemente en el hospital, aunque nos dijeron que era solo un chequeo de rutina y que no pasada nada grave. Incluso conversamos al teléfono brevemente con John, quien nos aseguró que estaba bien.

TMZ investiga
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No está claro si los policías son conscientes de su visita al hospital, o si está de alguna manera vinculada a las acusaciones de Shannon, en cualquier caso, el propio John y su representante han negado en repetidas ocasiones cualquier tipo de negligencia.

John Amos Police Investigation Opened Into Alleged Neglect of Care

Cops are looking into allegations of neglect regarding the care of "Good Times" star John Amos and the investigation is just getting started ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us a case here in Los Angeles has been opened to look into claims hurled by Amos' daughter, Shannon, who we're told recently called Adult Protective Services to allege her father was battling health issues ... and her brother, K.C., wasn't getting him proper care.

Our sources say APS took a report based on what she claimed and then sent the report over to the LAPD ... which then launched an investigation.

We're told cops are familiar with all the back-and-forth claims between Shannon and K.C. -- a lot of the bad blood between John's kids has been widely publicized -- but the investigation will focus on these new allegations, specifically.

There's also this development ... TMZ has learned the beloved actor was recently in the hospital, although we were told it was just for a routine checkup and that nothing serious was wrong with him. We even got on the phone briefly with John, who assured us he was fine.

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It's unclear if cops are aware of the hospital visit, or if it is in any way tied to Shannon's allegations -- in any case, John and his rep have repeatedly denied any kind of neglect claims.

Akademiks Vs. Meek Mill $1M To Settle Their Beef In Celebrity Boxing Match 🥊

DJ Akademiks is accusing Meek Mill of being a snitch after cops allegedly showed up to his house -- and if he wants to fight the rapper ... they now have the opportunity to do so!

There's a lucrative 7-figure offer on the table to sweeten the deal between these 2 foes ... and it comes courtesy of Celebrity Boxing czar Damon Feldman.

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He tells TMZ Hip Hop ... he's got a cool $1 million purse locked and loaded for Ak and Meek -- in addition to other amenities, if they wanna take him up on this. Damon also says he has a venue in Atlanta booked for May 18, adamant he wants both guys to give it their best.

Meek already has a boxing trainer in his corner, but Damon says he's willing to provide Akademiks with one of his top guys -- if he's inclined to train ahead of the fight.


Ak told Adin Ross this week that he considers Meek a straight-up bully -- while going on to call him cowardly, accusing him of hiding behind his goons ... and he seems eager to take him with his fists.

They've had beef for years, of course, but the latest episode spilled into the e-streets over this wild Diddy lawsuit filed this week by his ex-producer ... who floated salacious claims.

Meek took the bait and went down a wild social media rabbit hole ... responding to Ak but all the posts have since run their course with fans.

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Time to duke it out?!?



Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

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La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

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Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.

ECU Gunman Exchanges Gunfire w/ Cops on Video ... Allegedly Shot Employee


Police in North Carolina have taken a man into custody after he allegedly shot a college employee ... and their confrontation with the suspect was all caught on video.

Greenville police officers said the alleged gunman -- identified as 38-year-old Savell Hightower -- was taken into custody after they say he shot an East Carolina University employee outside a local elementary school in what they're currently calling an unprovoked attack.

Police say the alleged victim encountered a man on a bike before that man apparently fired at him at least five times. The 27-year-old ECU employee sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

Fast-forward a bit ... and cop cars flying down the street apparently drew the attention of a local citizen who started to film through his windows as a man calmly rode by the house on a bike.

It appears he caught the moment two police cars pulled up with officers hopping out, guns drawn and pointed at the man on the bike. It looks like the cops open fire though it's unclear from the video if the man is firing back -- though police say he did fire at officers.

Somehow, the suspect was reportedly uninjured, and cops say they managed to get him into custody without further incident.

Hightower is reportedly booked on multiple charges, including attempted murder counts, assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a stolen firearm.

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Seems like everyone's gonna be just fine from this encounter ... but, certainly a scary situation to say the least.

Policía de Los Ángeles Golpea a un perro con su porra ... Tras atacar a un caballo de la policía

El Perro versus el Caballo
Instagram/ @deadhomiess._

La policía de Los Ángeles tuvo un inesperado cara a cara con un perro que atacó a uno de sus caballos, lo que llevó a uno de los oficiales a golpearlo, provocando un feroz debate.

Echa un vistazo a este video que se ha vuelto viral: Dos policías son vistos a caballo patrullando Melrose Ave. en Los Ángeles, cuando de repente un perro suelto corre hacia ellos de la nada y comienza a morder las piernas del caballo de la policía.

En respuesta al ataque, el otro policía que estaba en la escena salta de su propio caballo y comienza a agitar su bastón contra el canino, y parece que hizo contacto un par de veces.

El perro intenta esquivar los golpes y continúa tras el caballo, quien empieza a inquietarse. Por supuesto, el oficial que está montado sobre el caballo hace todo lo posible para estabilizar al animal y tenerlo bajo control, pero es una situación difícil, por decir lo menos.

Finalmente, el presunto dueño del perro corre hacia la escena y recoge a su perro. Aunque también tiene dificultades para hacerlo y el oficial en el suelo consigue darle un último buen golpe antes de que él y su dueño huyan. En ese momento, todo se calmó.

Ahora tenemos un poco más de información que esperamos arroje luz y proporcione contexto, como por ejemplo si esto cayó en el radar de la policía de Los Ángeles o qué pasó exactamente al final. Fuentes policiales nos dicen que este incidente en realidad ocurrió hace un buen año o así, a pesar de que el video está siendo viral en este momento.

Nos dicen que el perro y los dos caballos terminaron bien y que los caballos fueron revisados por un veterinario después. Nuestras fuentes dicen que el perro saltó por la ventanilla de un carro a la calle y por eso no llevaba correa... algo raro.

Según nuestras fuentes, el civil/propietario no fue citado por este incidente y nos han dicho que todo se resolvió una vez que las partes involucradas pudieron hablar. También nos dicen que el propietario no estaba enojado.

Eso no quiere decir que Internet no esté enojado con el asunto porque una buena parte definitivamente lo está.

La situación ha provocado reacciones encontradas en la red, y muchos han salido en defensa del policía, sobre todo porque Los Ángeles tiene leyes muy claras sobre las correas. Por si no saben, los dueños de mascotas están obligados a mantener a sus perros con correa en público en todo momento, ya que está prohibido para ellos vagar libremente.

¿De qué lado estás?

Otros, por supuesto, están crucificando al policía diciendo que reaccionó de forma completamente exagerada y que estaba dañando al perro sin una buena razón. Estos son en su mayoría los amantes de los animales y los activistas por los derechos de los animales.

Tuvimos un debate sobre esto en nuestra propia oficina e imaginamos qué argumentos podríamos presentarle a la gente para digerir el asunto. Por un lado, el perro estaba sin correa y causó un problema que podría haber llegado a ser más peligroso.

¿Estaba justificado que el policía golpeara al perro?

Aun así, la brutalidad del oficial se siente demasiado para quienes no soportan ver sufrir a los animales, incluyendo algunos en nuestro propio equipo, que son apasionados de esto.

Suponemos que vamos a plantear la pregunta, ¿quién está equivocado aquí, el policía o el propietario?

TMZ investiga
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No le digan a PETA sobre esto, estamos seguros de que tendrán algo que decir al respecto, de una u otra manera.

LAPD Swings Baton at Unleashed Dog ... After Police Horse Attack

Instagram/ @deadhomiess._

LAPD officers had an unexpected face-off with an unleashed dog that attacked one of their horses -- which ended with one of the officers beating the pooch ... and it's sparked a fierce debate.

Check out this video that's gone viral ... 2 cops are seen patrolling Melrose Ave. in L.A. while on horseback -- when, all of a sudden, an unleashed dog runs into frame out of nowhere and begins to nip at the legs of the police horse, which still has one of the officers on it.

In response to the attack ... the other cop on the scene jumps down from his own horse ... and begins swinging his baton at the canine -- and he seems to make contact a few times.

The dog tries to dodge the hits, and it continues to go after the horse -- which begins to buck and get uneasy. Of course, the officer who's sitting up there is trying his best to steady the animal and get it under control ... but it's a tricky situation, to say the least.

Eventually, the presumed owner of the dog runs onto the scene and collects his pooch -- but he too has trouble with it ... and the officer on the ground gets one last good swing on the dog before it and its owner run off. At that point, everything settles down.

Now, we have some more info here that'll hopefully shed light and provide context -- including whether this fell onto the LAPD's radar at large, and what exactly happened in the end. Law enforcement sources tell us this incident actually happened a good year or so ago ... even though the video is just now making the rounds online.

We're told the dog and the two horses ended up being alright, and that the horses were checked on by a vet afterward. Our sources tell us the dog actually jumped out of a car window there on the street, which is why it didn't have a leash on ... so kind of a freak thing.

Our sources the civilian/owner did not get cited over this, and we're told everything sorted itself out once all the parties were able to talk. We're also told the owner wasn't mad.

That's not to say the internet isn't pissed about this ... 'cause a good chunk definitely is.

The situation has prompted mixed reactions online -- with many coming to the cop's defense, especially since L.A. has pretty clear leash laws. If you don't know, pet owners are required to keep their dogs on a leash in public at all times -- as it's prohibited for them to roam free.


Others, of course, are crucifying the cop here ... saying he completely overreacted and was harming the dog for no good reason. These are mostly the animal lovers/animal rights camps.

We had some debate about this here in our own office ... and we figured we'd present our arguments for people to digest. On the one hand, the dog was unleashed and caused a problem right then and there that could've become more dangerous.

Was the Cop Justified in Beating the Dog?

Still ... the brutality the officer inflicts here just feels like too much for folks who can't stand to see animals suffer -- including some in our own ranks, who are passionate about this.

We suppose we'll just pose the question ... who's in the wrong here, the cop or the owner?

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Don't tell PETA about this ... we're sure they'll have something to say about it, one way or another.

Dan Dakich On Court-Storming Here's How I'd Fix It ... More Cops & Bigger Fines!!!


Dan Dakich says college basketball fans advocating for the end of court-stormings need to relax ... telling TMZ Sports the solution to the problem is super simple.

According to the former Hoosiers star ... all schools need to do in order to avoid issues with the end-of-game fan rush is beef up police presence on nights where it's likely to happen.

"The biggest deterrent is you get the cops -- the police -- big bright jackets," Dakich, host of Outkick's Don't @ Me said, "you surround the [losing] team, and no one's coming."

Dakich explained the protection from cops would still allow students to celebrate their universities' biggest in-season achievements while keeping the most vulnerable safe. And, if schools fail to properly prepare for the potential outcome and things do get out of hand, he thinks hefty fines would make sure they stay on top of things.

"You've got to make it hurt," Dakich said of the penalties. "You've got to make it a million."

Of course, many in and out of the sport have called for an end to the longstanding tradition after Kyle Filipowski was injured by Wake Forest supporters after they rushed the floor following an 83-79 win on Saturday.

In fact, Jay Bilas -- an ESPN analyst and a former Duke player -- suggested citations or even arrests should be imposed in order to stop the madness.

But, Dakich -- who actually had one of his players sustain a serious injury in a court-storming situation during his time as Bowling Green head coach -- made it clear ... he's entirely opposed to all of that.

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"There's like a 10 court-stormings a month," Dakich said. "One time a Dukie a tweaks an ankle, and we're out of our minds!!"

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Man Tried To Break Into My House ... We're Safe, But Shaken Up

Scary moment at home for Jenelle Evans ... cops say was the victim of an attempted break-in at her place in North Carolina this past weekend, and she tells us her family is rattled.

Jenelle, through her manager August Keen, tells TMZ … "With everything going on already this couldn't have happened at a worse time. Me and my children are safe, but a bit shaken up, the local community and police department are doing everything to ensure the capture of this person"

She adds, "I'll soon be exposing the details of what exactly happened that night. For now, we ask for prayers and privacy until me and my family recover from this terrifying experience. Thank you to everyone who is helping us to catch this perpetrator."

The attempted break-in comes only days after Jenelle regained custody of her 14-year-old son, Jace -- who's been at the center of a lot of drama in her family life lately.

At this point, police in North Carolina have confirmed to TMZ there was an attempted breaking and entering at Jenelle's place.

The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office tells us … on Sunday, a deputy responded to Jenelle's home for a call about a breaking and entering, but when they got there the suspect had fled the property.

Cops say an unidentified man attempted to force his way into Jenelle's home from the back of the residence, and when he was unable to get inside he went into her garage and began throwing her personal items into the yard.

The Sheriff's Office says when the deputy arrived, no items appeared to be missing ... though the lock on the back door where the man tried to enter the home was damaged.

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In case it wasn't clear, Jenelle was home during this terrifying incident. We're told an investigation is ongoing.

Taylor Swift Dad Scott Under Investigation ... Allegedly Attacked Pap


4:17 PM PT -- A rep for Taylor tells TMZ ... "Two individuals were aggressively pushing their way towards Taylor, grabbing at her security personnel, and threatening to throw a female staff member into the water."

Taylor Swift's father, Scott, has been accused of attacking a paparazzo in Australia -- and now cops are looking into it ... and some of this appears to have been caught on camera.

New South Wales Police Media Unit tells TMZ ... cops there are investigating an alleged assault that was reported to them on Sydney's North Shore very early Tuesday morning local time -- this after a photographer named Ben McDonald filed a complaint claiming just that.

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We're told police there were informed that a 71-year-old man -- believed to be Scott -- allegedly got into a physical confrontation with a 51-year-old man (McDonald) at Neutral Bay Wharf at about 2 AM Tuesday as he was exiting the area.

NSWPMU tells us the alleged victim reported this, and now ... it's on the radar as they probe what exactly happened, and whether a crime was committed. The cops here note ... the alleged victim did not require medical treatment.

Now, in terms of the alleged evidence here ... McDonald actually seems to have captured at least a piece of this altercation -- although, it's a bit unclear what exactly you can see here.

You can see and hear Ben manning the camera as Scott and a bunch of security guards clear the path for him as he makes his way from the dock area, and as Scott gets closer, one of the guards with an umbrella -- who seems to be trying to obscure the view of McDonald -- gets awfully close ... and you can hear what sounds like a scuffle ensue.

From the looks of it, Scott doesn't appear to be directly involved -- but again, it's hard to tell for sure. In any case, McDonald has gone running to cops to accuse him of assault.


McDonald told the Daily Mail that Taylor was with Scott here -- and that they were arriving from Homebush on a yacht when all this went down. Photos of their arrival were captured by paps on the ground -- including McDonald -- and you can actually see Taylor walking through with an umbrella over her entire torso as Scott guides her through the pap crush.

TMZ Studios

Taylor and Scott haven't addressed the incident just yet ... we've reached out to her camp for comment, so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:31 PM PT


Un hombre se prendió fuego frente a la embajada israelí en Washington D.C., al parecer, en protesta por el conflicto en Oriente Medio.

Imágenes del manifestante han estado circulando en línea en medio de su acto de auto-inmolación, y se informó que fue llevado de urgencia al hospital con lesiones que amenazan la vida.

Funcionarios de bomberos de D.C. habrían dicho a The Independent que el hombre se prendió fuego por la tarde y fue extinguido por el Servicio Secreto de los Estados Unidos.

El video capturado desde el exterior de la embajada parece mostrar las secuelas de la protesta, y se puede ver a los investigadores buscando en la zona.

El escuadrón de bombas del Departamento de Policía de Metrolitan también fue llamado para comprobar un vehículo sospechoso en la zona, pero en última instancia, dijo que no contenía material peligroso.

El New York Times informó de que el hombre se identificó como un soldado en servicio activo de la Fuerza Aérea, mientras que otros medios de comunicación afirman que dijo: "No seré más cómplice del genocidio" antes de iniciar el fuego.

Todo esto parece una enorme protesta contra el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás que actualmente asola Oriente Medio. Todo empeoró cuando agentes de Hamás atacaron un festival de música matando a cientos de inocentes y tomando rehenes el 7 de octubre de 2023.

Israel respondió lanzando una guerra total contra Hamás en Gaza y las tensiones entre ambos bandos -y sus partidarios- se han disparado desde entonces.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la Fuerza Aérea, la embajada y la policía local para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.