UFC's Sedriques Dumas Arrested In Florida ... After Tense Confrontation With Police

UFC fighter Sedriques Dumas -- who just recently scored an impressive win at UFC 294 -- was arrested on Tuesday in Florida following a tense confrontation with police.

According to Escambia County jail records, the 28-year-old was booked on a charge of battery at around 6:13 AM.

Further details surrounding his arrest were not made immediately available ... although video posted to Dumas' Facebook page late Monday night/early Tuesday morning appears to show him getting into a verbal argument with several law enforcement officers just hours before he was thrown behind bars.


In the footage, it looks like Dumas was clearly upset with at least one member of the Escambia County Sheriff's Office ... who had told him they had been called out over "a disturbance."

Dumas repeatedly asked the officers questions before he told one, "I'm beyond f***ing pissed ... I'm just walking to blow off steam and she want to come at me and tell me I'm disrupting?"

The mixed martial artist and the police then went back and forth for several minutes ... before one of the officers told Dumas they had received a call regarding a woman who had said "her boyfriend was banging on the door and ringing the doorbell."

Ultimately, the video ended after it appears the officers put Dumas in handcuffs.

Dumas most recently fought on Oct. 21, 2023 in Abu Dhabi ... where he beat Abu Azaitar by unanimous decision.

He currently has a 9-1 record as a pro fighter.

Seis detenidos en el Super Bowl LVIII Entre ellos dos invasores de campo

Parece que la mayoría de los aficionados en el Super Bowl LVIII estaban mostrando un buen comportamiento el domingo, porque TMZ Sports ha comprobado que solo seis personas fueron detenidas en el gran juego en la Ciudad del Pecado.

La policía nos dice que un fan fue arrojado tras las rejas por hurto mayor. Otro fue fichado por agresión a un oficial. Otros dos, dice la policía, fueron detenidos por obstrucción.

Por supuesto, los dos últimos arrestados fueron el dúo de hombres que se despojaron de sus camisetas y corrieron al campo durante una jugada en el tercer cuarto.

Ambos chicos fueron puestos bajo custodia por cargos de actos prohibidos durante un evento deportivo antes de ser liberados.

También hubo varias emergencias médicas durante el juego, policías nos dicen que recibieron 56 llamadas relacionadas con sustos de salud, añadiendo que nueve personas en total tuvieron que ser transportadas al hospital para su posterior evaluación.

Fuera de eso, el juego se desarrolló sin problemas y los Jefes ganaron en el tiempo extra 25-22 de manera muy emocionante.

Super Bowl LVIII 6 Arrested At Game ... Including 2 Field Invaders

Seems most fans at Super Bowl LVIII were on their best behavior Sunday ... because TMZ Sports has learned only six people were arrested at the big game in Sin City.

Cops tell us ... one fan at Allegiant Stadium during the Chiefs vs. Niners tilt was thrown behind bars for grand larceny. Another was booked for battery on an officer. Two others, police say, were arrested for obstruction.

Of course, the final two arrestees were the duo of men who stripped off their shirts and ran onto the field during a play in the third quarter.

Both guys, we're told, were put into custody on charges of prohibited acts during a sporting event -- before they were released.

There were also several medical emergencies during the game ... cops tell us they received 56 calls regarding health scares -- adding that nine total people needed to be transported to the hospital for further evaluation.

Outside of that ... the game went off without a hitch -- as the Chiefs won a thriller in overtime, 25-22.

Un video parece captar disparos de un tirador activo En la iglesia de Joel Osteen

se oyen disparos
Lakewood Church

Un tirador activo al parecer disparó dentro de Lakewood Church, la casa de culto de Joel Osteen en Houston y el momento fue capturado en video.

Los medios de comunicación locales están reportando disparos que comenzaron alrededor de las 2 PM hora local, justo cuando un servicio de habla hispana hizo el llamado al que  departamento del Sheriff respondió rápidamente.

Estaba comenzando un sermón cuando se sintieron varios estallidos. Se puede ver a la gente bajando por las escaleras mecánicas hasta que la emisión se cortó, mostrando simplemente el logotipo de Lakewood en la pantalla.

Testigos presenciales relataron a medios locales que hubo pánico y confusión entre los asistentes a la iglesia mientras intentaban salir rápidamente del local.

Según los informes, los ayudantes del sheriff se enfrentaron a un posible sospechoso, intercambiando disparos dentro de la iglesia. Un sheriff local tuiteó que un sospechoso ha sido abatido, aunque no está claro cuántos presuntos sospechosos estaban involucrados.

John Osteen -padre de Joel- abrió Lakewood Church a finales de 1950 y se ha convertido en una de las mayores mega-iglesias en los Estados Unidos. Joel se hizo cargo de la iglesia tras el fallecimiento de su padre en 1999.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Joel sobre el tiroteo, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Joel Osteen Active Shooter Reported at Lakewood Church

Shots Fired
Lakewood Church

An active shooter reportedly fired shots inside Lakewood Church -- Joel Osteen's house of worship in Houston ... and the moment was caught on video.

Local news outlets are reporting shooting began around 2 PM local time, just as a Spanish-language service was starting -- with the Sherriff's department quickly responding.

A clip, posted to X, shows a man seemingly beginning a sermon when several loud pops go off. People can be seen scrambling down escalators in the background, and the broadcast cuts to a screen of the Lakewood logo.

Eyewitnesses told local outlets there was panic and confusion among churchgoers as they quickly tried to exit the premises.

Deputies reportedly engaged with a possible suspect -- exchanging gunfire inside the church. A local sheriff tweeted out a suspect has been shot, though it's unclear how many alleged suspects were involved.

John Osteen -- Joel's father' opened Lakewood Church in the late 1950s, and it's grown into one of the largest megachurches in the United States -- Joel took over the church following his dad's passing in 1999.

We've reached out to Joel about the shooting ... so far no word back.

Calvin Harris L.A. Home Catches Fire ... Smoke Emanating, Major Response!!!


5:00 PM PT -- Photos from the fire at Calvin Harris' Los Angeles estate show some of the structure damage ... and a patched-up roof.

Check out the pic, you can see the section of roof firefighters had to cut out to get closer to the blaze and extinguish the flames.

What a mess!!!

Calvin Harris' Los Angeles home partially caught on fire this week -- and it sounds like firefighters sent the whole cavalry at first ... responding like this was a 5-alarm blaze.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... multiple fire engines rushed to the DJ's Beverly Hills mansion Wednesday night, with firefighters arriving at his 3-story home in the area -- where reports came in of a possible fire on one of the upper floors.

We're told the call came in around 8:25 PM, with the reporting party saying there was the smell of smoke coming from inside the home. At first, there was an obvious and major reaction to this -- because LAFD sent up to 10 different fire units, and at least 20 different responders.

Eyewitnesses on the scene tell TMZ ... that there was a mix of multiple fire trucks and ambulances -- and that there were even helicopters swarming to tend to this. One eyewitness tells us smoke was clearly visible and rising from the roof of CH's house.

Now, luckily, this ended up not being nearly as dangerous as was initially suspected -- our sources tell us firefighters showed up and ended up ascertaining that the fire was coming from the third floor of the house ... near the theater room, we're told.

In order to access the void space -- meaning an area that isn't out in plain view -- firefighters had to cut through the second-story roof to get access to a wall inside, where the fire was actually taking place. Our sources say there were flames near an HVAC system there.

All in all, we're told this appeared to be an electrical mishap ... and it took them about 52 minutes to extinguish the fire. Our sources say there appears to be about $100,000 in damage -- but in the end, they were able to put it out and nobody was harmed.

Worth noting, Calvin himself was not home. In fact, he doesn't live there right now. Sources close to CH tell TMZ that Calvin's been leasing this pad of his for at least a few years now.

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Either way ... rough week for Cal, no doubt. First, he had the Taylor (non)run-in at the Grammys -- and now, his crib ended up lighting up the whole block with a fire.

This is NOT what he came for! 😅

Originally Published -- 1:04 PM PT

Calvin Harris Su casa se incendia... ¡¡¡Gran respuesta de bomberos!!!

La casa de Calvin Harris en Los Angeles se incendió parcialmente esta semana, y parece que los bomberos enviaron a toda la caballería en un primer momento, pues respondiendo como si se tratara de un incendio muy, muy serio.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los múltiples camiones de bomberos se apresuraron en llegar a la mansión del DJ en Beverly Hills el miércoles por la noche. Los bomberos llegaron a su casa de 3 pisos en la zona, luego de recibir informes que un posible incendio en uno de los pisos superiores.

Nos dicen que la llamada se produjo alrededor de las 8:25 PM, con la parte informante diciendo que había olor a humo que procedía desde el interior de la casa. Al principio, hubo una reacción obvia y mayor a esto, porque LAFD envió hasta 10 unidades de bomberos diferentes y al menos 20 primeros auxilios diferentes.

Testigos en la escena le dicen a TMZ que había una mezcla de múltiples camiones de bomberos y ambulancias, y que incluso había helicópteros pululando para atender esto. Un testigo nos dice que el humo era claramente visible y se elevaba desde el techo de la casa.

Ahora, por suerte, esto terminó no siendo tan peligroso como se sospechaba inicialmente. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los bomberos se presentaron y terminaron determinando que el fuego provenía de la tercera planta de la casa, cerca de la sala de teatro, nos informan.

Con el fin de acceder al espacio vacío, es decir, un área que no está a la vista, los bomberos tuvieron que cortar a través del techo del segundo piso para acceder a una pared interior, donde se estaba produciendo el fuego. Nuestras fuentes dicen que había llamas cerca de un sistema de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado.

Con todo, nos dicen que esto parecía ser un percance eléctrico y les tomó alrededor de 52 minutos extinguir el fuego. Nuestras fuentes dicen que parece haber alrededor de $100.000 en daños, pero al final, fueron capaces de apagarlo y nadie resultó herido.

Vale la pena señalar que Calvin Harris no estaba en casa. De hecho, no vive allí en este momento. Fuentes cercanas al DJ le dicen a TMZ que Calvin ha estado alquilando este palacio suyo por lo menos desde hace unos años.

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De cualquier manera, ha sido una semana dura para Cal. Primero, tuvo el (no)encontronazo con Taylor en los Grammys y ahora, su cuna casi termina prendiendo fuego a toda la cuadra. ¡Esto NO es para lo que vino! 😅

NBA's Haywood Highsmith Issued Careless Driving Citation ... After Man Suffers Partial Amputation In Crash

Cops issued Miami Heat forward Haywood Highsmith a citation for careless driving on Tuesday ... after they say he caused an accident that resulted in a man suffering a partial amputation of his leg as well as other broken bones.

According to a crash report, obtained by TMZ Sports, the gruesome wreck happened at around 11:20 PM -- just minutes after Highsmith and the Heat beat the Orlando Magic at the Kesaya Center in Miami.

Cops state in the documents that Highsmith was going an estimated 45 MPH in a 40 MPH zone ... when he slammed into the back of a pedestrian who appeared to be pushing a broken-down car in the middle of a roadway.

The docs state Highsmith told officers that the disabled vehicle did not have its lights on ... and he couldn't stop his ride in time when he came across it in the street.

Cops wrote in the docs the pedestrian lost part of his right leg in the accident and sustained a compound fracture to his left leg as well. They also say the man suffered a possible broken left arm.

Police added the man was rushed to a local hospital in critical condition.

The crash report states drugs and alcohol were not involved ... though officers did write in the docs that Highsmith may have been distracted by unknown circumstances.

Highsmith logged three minutes of playing in the Heat's 121-95 win earlier in the night. He did not play Wednesday, though -- as the team announced he was sitting out of their game against San Antonio due to "personal reasons."

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Highsmith has yet to comment on the matter. The Heat, meanwhile, said in a statement, "Our hearts go out to those who were injured."

Los Chiefs y los 49ers planean fiestas tras el Super Bowl Con fuerte presencia policial

Los Chiefs de Kansas City y los 49ers de San Francisco están listos para jugar el Super Bowl este fin de semana, e incluso sus fiestas posteriores ya están organizadas... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que cada equipo ha elegido sus lugares después del partido para sus posibles celebraciones el domingo, aunque solo uno de ellos será quien celebre.

Vamos a empezar con los 49ers. Nos dicen que los chicos de la Bahía están programados para llegar al OMNIA Nightclub -uno de los clubes nocturnos más calientes en la ciudad del pecado- que se encuentra dentro del Caesars Palace, justo en el centro de Las Vegas Strip.

Nos dicen que Kansas City tiene otro lugar de lujo reservado, el Zouk Nightclub, ubicado dentro de Resorts World, un hotel relativamente nuevo en la escena de la Ciudad del Pecado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kansas City incluso tiene su música lista, porque nos dicen que The Chainsmokers tocará canciones para los Chiefs después del Super Bowl y tal vez K.C. pueda convencer a Taylor Swift para que acompañe al grupo si asiste al partido del campeonato.

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Patrick Mahomes tiene una larga relación con The Chainsmokers, que consiste en Alex Pall y Drew Taggart, yendo de fiesta con ellos después de su victoria en el Super Bowl del año pasado, así que probablemente, no costó demasiado convencer al dúo ganador del Grammy.

Estas fiestas repletas de estrellas son el sueño de cualquier fanático del fútbol, pero mantengan la calma, porque no será fácil colarse en cualquiera de estos eventos, porque las fuentes nos dicen que la presencia policial va a ser pesada.

La Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas y agentes del FBI se posicionarán en los eventos exclusivos, limitado a los jugadores, sus familias y ejecutivos a la oficina delantera, por lo que tomar un trago con Travis Kelce o Christian McCaffrey no será posible para los fanáticos.

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Por más que ambos equipos tienen sus lugares de fiesta asegurados, solo un equipo va a celebrar esa noche... normalmente los perdedores se van directamente a casa.

En cualquier caso... estos chicos saben divertirse, de eso estamos seguros.

Super Bowl LVIII Chiefs/49ers After-Parties Locked In ... Heavy Police Presence

The Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers are all set to hit the gridiron for the Super Bowl this weekend -- and even their after-parties are now set in stone ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us each team has picked out their postgame locations for their potential celebrations on Sunday -- of course, only one of 'em will actually be partying afterward ... but we know both squads have lined up a plan in the case of a W Sunday.

Let's start with the 49ers. We're told the Bay Area boys are scheduled to pull up up to OMNIA Nightclub -- one of the hottest nightclubs in Sin City -- located inside Caesars Palace, smack in the center of the Las Vegas Strip.

Kansas City, we're told, has another huge venue locked down, Zouk Nightclub ... located inside Resorts World, a relatively new hotel to the Sin City scene.

Our sources say Kansas City's even got their music ready to go -- 'cause we're told The Chainsmokers will play tunes for the Chiefs post-Super Bowl ... and maybe K.C. can talk Taylor Swift into accompanying the group if she attends the championship game.

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Patrick Mahomes has a longstanding relationship with The Chainsmokers, which consists of Alex Pall and Drew Taggart, even partying with them after their Super Bowl victory last year -- so, it probably didn't take much convincing to book the Grammy-winning duo.

These star-studded bashes are sure to excite any football fanatic ... but hold your horses, super fans, because it won't be easy to crash either of these wild times -- 'cause sources tell us the police presence is gonna be heavy.

Las Vegas Metro Police and agents from the FBI will be positioned at the exclusive events -- limited to the players, their families and front office execs ... so, taking a shot with Travis Kelce or Christian McCaffrey isn't on the menu for the die-hards.

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Now, the obvious note here ... while both teams have their party locations secured, it remains to be seen whether they'll both rage after the Super Bowl. It makes sense for the actual winners to show up and have a blowout, but usually the losers go straight home.

In any case ... they got places to go if they're so inclined -- that much we're sure of.

Ex-Porn Star Lisa Ann NYPD 'Cuffed Me at Matt Rife's Show!!! Cops Claim She Was 'Disorderly,' Possibly Drunk

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Ex-porn star Lisa Ann says NYPD officers dragged her out of comedian Matt Rife's show for allegedly using her phone, and threatened to put her on a psychiatric hold -- a move cops claim was warranted because she was acting drunk and disorderly.

Lisa, who famously spoofed Sarah Palin in porn, tells TMZ ... she was seated in the 2nd row with 2 friends at Radio City Music Hall Sunday night, and about 20 minutes into Matt's show, 8 ushers came over and told her she was getting booted for using her phone.

Lisa says she told the ushers and NYPD officers stationed at the venue, she did NOT use her phone at all inside the theater, in fact, she insists she never touched it -- but does admit one of her friends looked at her own phone to view a text.

The "Nailin' Pailin" star says the biggest shock came when the cops marched her out of Radio City in handcuffs around 10:20 PM, and allegedly told her she could either be arrested or put on a 5150 hold ... her choice.

She says she opted for arrest, but the cops told her there was no one available to take her to the station, so they called for an ambulance -- and while they waited for 45 minutes, she claims the cops "humiliated" her by holding her in handcuffs on 6th Ave.

Now, an NYPD official tells us they'd gotten a call for someone being disorderly and interrupting the show, and the responding officers thought she seemed "off" ... like she might be having some "psychiatric episode" due to her "erratic behavior." They also say Radio City staff said she'd had a few alcoholic drinks.

Lisa says she finally caught a break when the ambulance arrived, because after hearing the whole story and observing Lisa, the paramedic refused to put her in custody at a hospital ... telling her and the cops they have too many "really ill" people to treat, according to Lisa.

At that point, she says the cops threw out one last ultimatum: agree to leave the show without another word, and they'd take off the handcuffs ... or they could arrest her.

She begrudgingly chose to leave, and was released without any charge or citation. While she's not yet considering suing anyone over the incident ... Lisa says she'd love, at least, an explanation from Radio City or NYPD as to why she was 86'd.

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NYPD, in its eyes, says the cops on scene simply "sweet-talked" Lisa into leaving.

BTW ... she and Matt hosted a radio show together, but had not met in person. She was excited to see his show, and possibly meet him afterward.

She even took a photo from her 2nd row seat at 8:45 PM, shortly before the show started ... and you can see an usher was watching over her even then. Lisa says she put her phone away at that point, and never took it out until after she was detained.

She's especially bummed because she's also a regular at Radio City, where she goes to see the Rockettes several times a year.

Lisa Ann Es detenida durante el show de matt rife

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¡yo no fui!

La ex-estrella porno -Lisa Ann- dice que los oficiales de policía de Nueva York la sacaron del show del comediante Matt Rife por supuestamente usar su teléfono, y amenazaron con ponerla en un psiquiátrico. Una medida que los policías afirman que estaba justificada porque estaba actuando borracha y desordenada.

Lisa, que se burló de Sarah Palin en el porno, le dice a TMZ que estaba sentada en la segunda fila con dos amigos en el Radio City Music Hall el domingo por la noche, y tras unos 20 minutos en el show de Matt, 8 acomodadores se acercaron y le dijeron que estaba siendo expulsada por usar su teléfono.

Lisa dice que le dijo a los acomodadores y a los oficiales de policía que ella no utilizó su teléfono en lo absoluto dentro del teatro, de hecho, insiste en que nunca lo tocó, pero admite que una de sus amigas miró su propio teléfono para ver un texto.

La estrella de "Nailin 'Pailin" dice que el mayor shock se produjo cuando los policías la sacaron de Radio City esposada alrededor de las 10:20 PM, y supuestamente le dijeron que podía ser arrestada o puesta en retención.

Ella dice que optó por la detención, pero los policías le dieron que no había nadie disponible para llevarla a la estación, por lo que llamó a una ambulancia y mientras esperaron durante unos 45 minutos, ella afirma que los policías la "humillaron".

Ahora, un oficial de la policía de Nueva York nos dice que habían recibido una llamada por alguien que estaba molesto durante el espectáculo, y los oficiales que respondieron pensaron que ella parecía "apagada", como si estuviera teniendo algún "episodio psiquiátrico" debido a su "comportamiento errático". También dicen que el personal de Radio City dijo que había bebido alcohol.

Lisa dice que finalmente tuvo un respiro cuando llegó la ambulancia, porque después de escuchar toda la historia y observar a Lisa, el paramédico se negó a ponerla bajo custodia en un hospital, diciéndole a ella y a los policías que tienen demasiadas personas "realmente enfermas" que tratar, según Lisa.

En ese momento, ella dice que los policías lanzaron un ultimátum: de acuerdo a abandonar el show sin decir otra palabra, y que le quitaría las esposas ... o podrían arrestarla.

A regañadientes optó por irse, y fue liberada sin ningún cargo o citación. Ella no está pensando en demandar a nadie todavía sobre el incidente, auque Lisa dice que le encantaría una explicación de Radio City o NYPD.

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La policía de Nueva York dice que los policías en la escena hicieron salir amablemente a Lisa del lugar.

Por cierto, ella y Matt presentaban un programa de radio juntos, pero no se conocían en persona. Ella estaba emocionada por ver su programa y posiblemente conocerlo después. Está especialmente disgustada porque también es una asidua de Radio City, donde va a ver a las Rockettes varias veces al año.

Joe Biden almuerza con Jill y Hunter en Los Ángeles Y cierra la calle

El Presidente Biden almorzó con su esposa y su hijo en un lugar muy frecuentado por los famosos de Los Ángeles y provocó una pesadilla de tráfico para algunos conductores.

Etuvo en The Ivy en Beverly Hills el sábado por la tarde junto al Dr. Jill, y también se reunió con su hijo Hunter.

A propósito, el Ivy es un restaurante muy popular en la Ciudad de los Ángeles y está en una ubicación muy céntrica, lo que significa que el Servicio Secreto tuvo que cerrar las calles.

Échale un vistazo a algunas de las imágenes obtenidas por TMZ... hay policías alineados en todo Robertson Boulevard. Utilizan la cinta amarilla de precaución y nadie está conduciendo por la calle ya que la seguridad de Biden no los deja.

abrazos para hunter

Fue una escena dulce en el interior del restaurante ... TMZ ha obtenido un video de Hunter dando a su madrastra Jill un gran apretón justo después de que ella entró, mientras que los agentes mantuvieron un ojo vigilante por el peligro potencial. Papa Joe también recibió un gran abrazo de Hunter.

Curiosamente, sin embargo ... Los agentes del Servicio Secreto estaban bien con otros comensales terminando sus comidas en el restaurante - algunas personas incluso publicaron fotos de la primera familia desde el interior del local. Nos dicen que The Henry al otro lado de la calle todavía estaba lleno de clientes ... donde muchos clientes curiosos miraron a echar un vistazo a Biden.

No está claro cuánto tiempo los Biden comieron en el restaurante, pero tenemos una foto de Joe en dirección a su carro antes de alejarse en su limusina, y parece feliz después de una comida.


Biden está en una visita rápida en Los Ángeles, presumiblemente para ponerle un poco más de dinero a su campaña para las próximas elecciones, la cual mucha gente espera que sea una lucha mano a mano contra el ex presidente Donald Trump.

El índice de aprobación de Biden está un poco bajo por el momento, mientras que Trump está triunfando entre los republicanos, ahora solo Nikki Haley está en su camino hacia la nominación presidencial del partido.

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Cada voto cuenta... así que, ¡¡¡mejor que Joe espere que nadie le eche en cara el atasco en noviembre!!!

President Biden Beverly Hills Lunch w/ Fam ... Major Street Shut Down

President Biden hit up an L.A. hot spot beloved by celebs for lunch with his wife and son ... and, it created a traffic nightmare for some drivers.

POTUS stopped at The Ivy in Beverly Hills for some grub on Saturday afternoon along with Dr. Jill, and the First Couple met with son Hunter as well.

BTW ... The Ivy's an uber-popular restaurant in The City of Angels -- and it's in a pretty central location which meant Secret Service had to shut the streets down.

Check out some of the images TMZ obtained ... cops are lined up all over Robertson Boulevard, yellow caution tape is set up -- no one's driving down this street if JB's security ain't letting them.

Hugs From Hunter

It was a sweet scene inside the restaurant ... TMZ has obtained video of Hunter giving his stepmom Jill a big squeeze right after she walked in while agents kept a watchful eye for potential danger. Papa Joe also got a big hug from Hunter.

Interestingly enough though ... Secret Service agents were fine with other diners finishing up their meals in the restaurant -- some people even posted pics of the first family from inside the locale.

We’re told The Henry across the street was still packed with patrons ... where many curious customers watched on to get a glimpse of Biden.

Unclear how long the Bidens ate at the restaurant ... but we also got a shot of Joe heading to his car before driving away in his stretch limo -- looking happy after a full meal.

Presidential Parade

Biden's on a quick visit to Los Angeles ... presumably to put some more money in his war chest for the upcoming election -- which many people expect to be a knockdown, drag-out fight with ex-Prez Donald Trump.

Biden's approval rating's kinda in the gutter right now ... while DT's blowing through the Republican field -- now only consisting of Nikki Haley -- on his way toward the party's presidential nomination.

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Every vote counts ... so, Joe better hope no one holds the traffic jam against him come November!!!

Pennsylvania Decapitation Murder Son Allegedly Chops Off Dad's Head .... Displays It In YouTube Vid

A Pennsylvania man allegedly beheaded his own father -- a gruesome crime law enforcement says he flaunted on his YouTube channel with some very graphic footage.

Justin Mohn was arrested Tuesday night for murder and for possessing an instrument of crime with intent after he allegedly snuffed out his dad, Michael, in the Middletown Township home they shared.

Cops say they responded to the house around 7 PM and found Michael's corpse inside the bathroom after they received a report of a man who was deceased at the location.

Michael's wife -- and, obviously, Justin's mom -- placed the 911 call, but it was unclear where she was when she phoned first responders. Her current status is also unknown.

Police say Justin fled the scene, but he was picked up hours later about 100 miles away near a National Guard training facility in Harrisburg, PA.

As for the YouTube video, the clip has already been making the rounds online. You can see Mohn display what appears to be a human head in a plastic bag with his gloved hands. In another scene, Michael's severed head was stewing inside a cooking pot. YouTube executives eventually caught wind of the disgusting 14-minute video and took it down.

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Investigators did not disclose a motive, but Mohn's online rants indicated he was angry with his father -- a 20-year federal employee -- for being what he called a "traitor." Mohan also blasted President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community, and Antifa activists.

Mohn, of course, was denied bail at his arraignment in court Wednesday morning.

OF Model Courtney Clenney Parents Arrested ... Alleged Evidence Tampering


4:40 PM PT -- According to online records, the Clenneys are facing unspecified felony charges from out of state -- but we're still working to confirm exactly what they've been dinged for.

The parents of Courtney Clenney -- the OnlyFans model who has been charged with murdering her boyfriend -- have been arrested themselves ... TMZ has learned.

Kim and Deborah Clenney were arrested at their Austin, TX home Tuesday in connection with the murder case ... and we're told it has something to do with potential evidentiary tampering.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... the Clenneys were taken into custody by law enforcement in Travis County on a warrant out of Miami.

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The allegation, from what we understand, boils down to a laptop that belonged to Courtney's late boyfriend, Christian Obumseli, which our sources say remained in their Miami apartment after he was killed in an argument in 2022.

We're told Courtney's dad, Kim, went back to their unit to clear out her stuff in the aftermath ... and in the process, stumbled across this laptop -- which we're told had not been impounded as evidence when police first went through after the incident.

Our sources say Courtney gave her father the password, and he got in ... but found nothing but a crypto exchange on the hard drive. After that, we're told he notified Courtney's defense attorney about it ... and handed it off to the legal team.

At this point, our sources say they're still in custody ... and the exact charges are a bit unclear -- but we're told they have a bond hearing in court Wednesday.

TMZ Studios

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 4:08 PM PT
