Boxing Star Jarrell Miller Cracked Jokes With Cops During Arrest ... Police Video Shows


Jarrell Miller appeared to be in good spirits during his arrest earlier this month ... with new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, showing the boxing star was actually cracking jokes while in handcuffs.

Miller was confronted by Hollywood Police Dept. officers in Florida back on Jan. 2 ... after he had been accused of body-slamming a car dealership employee, before stealing a truck right off the lot.

According to police documents, officers were able to find Miller via a tracker that had been placed in the vehicle ... but body camera footage shows he was in a jovial mood despite the allegations against him.

In the video, Miller -- wearing a #F***AJOB" T-shirt -- can be heard asking an officer if he could go into a nearby establishment and make his "brother" aware of what was happening to him.

"He look like you?" the cop asked.

"Nah," Miller said as he flashed a huge smile. "He's white as a motherf***er. He's my God brother!"

Miller then seemed to make light of the situation further ... asking a policeman if there was any way he could "handcuff me to the front" of the squad car due to his 6-foot-4, 330-pound frame.

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Miller eventually got in the vehicle ... and was ultimately taken to a nearby station, where he was booked on charges of carjacking without a firearm or weapon and burglary with assault or battery.

Miller appeared in a courtroom two days later and pleaded not guilty to the charges. When he was released from custody, he issued a statement saying, in part, "I am prayerful and look forward to a favorable resolution of this case."

Miller -- aka Big Baby -- just recently fought Daniel Dubois in December ... but lost, moving his pro boxing record to 26-1-1.

Chris Young detenido tras un presunto altercado con funcionarios En un bar de Nashville

El cantante de country Chris Young salió a tomar una copa en Nashville y terminó su noche en la cárcel después de ser arrestado tras un presunto incidente con los funcionarios.

Según la declaración jurada de arresto, obtenida por TMZ, Chris estaba bebiendo en el bar Tin Roof el lunes por la noche en el centro de Nashville cuando los agentes de la Comisión de Bebidas Alcohólicas de Tennessee entraron para comprobar las identificaciones y tarjetas de licencia, y fue en ese momento que las cosas se complicaron.

El cantante de "Gettin 'You Home" supuestamente comenzó a interrogar a los agentes después de que comprobaron su identificación y los funcionarios dicen que comenzó a grabarlos y luego los siguió a la Dawg House, un bar de al lado donde el TABC estaba haciendo un control de rutina.

En el siguiente bar, los funcionarios afirman que Chris y un grupo de amigos comenzaron a hablar con la gente en el bar y el camarero, mientras que los agentes fueron a la parte trasera de la barra para comprobar las tarjetas de ABC.

Los agentes dicen que estaban caminando hacia la puerta cuando Chris bloqueó su salida, poniendo sus manos sobre uno de los oficiales para detener el agente de salir y golpear al agente en el hombro.

El agente dice que empujaron a Chris y luego los clientes del bar se apresuraron a interponerse entre Chris y los agentes ... dando lugar a muchos gritos y chillidos. Los agentes dicen que las personas que estaban con Chris les siguieron fuera del bar e hicieron la situación "hostil".

En su informe, los agentes dicen que Chris "tenía los ojos inyectados en sangre y llorosos" y que arrastraba las palabras.

Nos dicen que Chris fue detenido y fichado por 3 cargos, alteración del orden público, resistencia a la autoridad y asalto a un oficial de contacto ofensivo... todos delitos menores.

Chris pagó una fianza de $2.500 y fue puesto en libertad el martes por la mañana y tiene que presentarse en la corte el 16 de febrero.

Country Singer Chris Young Arrested At Nashville Bar ... Alleged Confrontation With Official

Country singer Chris Young went out for a drink in Nashville and ended his night in jail after being arrested following an alleged incident with officials.

According to the arrest affidavit, obtained by TMZ, Chris was drinking at the Tin Roof bar Monday night in midtown Nashville when agents from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission came in to check IDs and license cards ... and things spiraled from there.

The "Gettin' You Home" singer allegedly started questioning the agents after they checked his ID ... and officials say he started recording them and then followed them to the Dawg House, a bar next door where the TABC was doing a routine compliance check.

At the next bar, the officials claim Chris and a group of friends started talking to folks at the bar and the bartender while agents went to the back of the bar to check ABC cards.

The agents say they were walking to the door when Chris blocked their exit, putting his hands on one of the officers to stop the agent from leaving and striking the agent on the shoulder.

The officer says they pushed Chris away and then bar patrons rushed to get between Chris and the agents ... leading to lots of yelling and screaming. The agents say folks who were with Chris followed them out of the bar and made the situation "hostile."

In their report, the officers say Chris' "eyes were bloodshot and watery" and they say he was slurring his speech.

We're told Chris was arrested and booked on 3 charges ... disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault on officer offensive contact ... all misdemeanors.

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Chris posted $2,500 bond and was released from custody Tuesday morning and is due back in court Feb. 16.

CU Star Cormani McClain Involved In Car Wreck In Boulder ... Cited By Cops

Colorado Buffaloes cornerback Cormani McClain -- the highest-ranked recruit in Deion Sanders' 2023 CU class -- was issued a citation last week after he was involved in a car crash in Boulder.

TMZ Sports has learned ... the accident happened on Jan. 15 less than a mile away from CU's campus -- after cops say McClain's car "slid into another vehicle when trying to brake for a red light."

Fortunately, a spokesperson for the Boulder Police Department said there were no reported injuries ... and neither car suffered major damage.

We're told, however, McClain was issued a citation for "driving too fast for the weather conditions."

McClain came to Colorado with a ton of fanfare -- he flipped his commitment late in the '23 recruiting cycle from Miami to the Buffs ... and as the No. 1-ranked H.S. cornerback in the entire country, many expected him to thrive under Sanders.

But, his freshman year didn't go quite as planned ... he only totaled 13 tackles in 10 games -- and early in the season, Sanders actually called him out during a press conference.

Coach Prime told reporters he wanted to see McClain "study" and "prepare" more in order to get more playing time.

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"Show up to the darn meetings," the coach added.

McClain is now, though, expected to be a key contributor for the Buffs' 2024 squad ... and CU fans have already noted he's appeared to have put on some size this offseason.

Pro-Palestine Protesters Shut Down Street Outside Sundance ... Melissa Barrera, Indya Moore Attend

Pro-Palestine protesters shut down a street near the Sundance Film Festival on Sunday afternoon ... and a couple famous faces joined their numbers.

About 100 protesters reportedly showed up on Park City's Main Street for a protest organized by "Let Gaza Live" ... with police in the small Utah town shutting down the block to traffic.

Among those protesting ... former 'Scream' star Melissa Barrera -- who was fired for her comments on the war between Israel and Hamas -- and model/actor Indya Moore.

MB kept a low profile with her hood on and sunglasses covering her eyes while IM was more front and center ... at one point using a megaphone at the rally.

BTW, Barrera's been talking a lot about her firing recently ... telling the Associated Press Friday night that getting laid off from the popular franchise was a "big awakening" for her adding she's "grateful" for everything that's happened.

The protest was pretty peaceful all morning ... with videos populating social media of passionate protesters -- though their chants stirred up some controversy.

Some of the protesters used the phrase "From the river to the sea" which is a point of contention between Israel supporters and Palestine supporters ... they're also going right after President Biden calling him "Genocide Joe" and repurposing an old condemnation of Lyndon B. Johnson -- asking him how many kids he's "killed today."

Protesters in support of Israel were also on the streets in Park City ... seemingly mounting a counter-protest and chanting "Bring them home" in reference to hostages taken by Hamas during the tragic October 7 attack.

It should be noted that the protest was not affiliated with Sundance, instead just running near it ... a move other political protesters have used in the past to capitalize on media attention. Thousands of protesters gathered back in 2017 to protest then-newly inaugurated President Trump.

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Festival representatives released a statement before the march saying they were aware of the demonstration and working with local law enforcement to keep festivalgoers safe.

Logan Paul System Failed My Late Stalker ... After Apparent Suicide

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Logan Paul was once in the crosshairs of a man who seemed obsessed with him -- and who even broke into his home -- but he didn't realize the man took his own life ... until now.

We sat with the YouTuber-turned-boxer for a conversation about this dark chapter in his life -- namely, back in 2018 when a guy named Tahj Deondre Speight allegedly trespassed by making his way into Logan's house without authorization, which led to a confrontation.

LP ended up detaining Speight -- and he was ultimately arrested, charged, prosecuted and eventually jailed ... but at some point, he died -- and it appears it was via suicide.

Harvey actually broke this news to Logan in our interview ... and it's clear he was not aware of this development -- with the update hitting him hard on the spot. We ask the question ... did the system fail Speight by not getting him the help or resources he needed?

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Logan gives an honest answer, and somewhat surprisingly ... he says he has empathy for the man he once wrestled to the ground. It's an emotional response, and a heartfelt one too.

His full chat is part of a new show called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Logan Paul El sistema le falló a mi acosador... Después de un aparente suicidio

Les falló el sistema
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Logan Paul estuvo alguna vez en la mira de un hombre que parecía estar obsesionado con él, y que incluso irrumpió en su casa, pero no sabía que el hombre se había quitado la vida.... hasta ahora.

Nos sentamos con el YouTuber convertido en boxeador para conversar sobre este capítulo oscuro de su vida. Esto es, cuando por allá por 2018, un tipo llamado Tahj Deondre Speight supuestamente entró sin autorización a su casa, lo que llevó a un enfrentamiento.

Logan Paul terminó deteniendo a Speight, quien finalmente fue arrestado, acusado, procesado y finalmente encarcelado, pero en algún momento murió y parece que fue a través del suicidio.

Harvey le dio la noticia a Logan en nuestra entrevista y está claro que él no estaba al tanto del suceso y la noticia le golpeó fuertemente. Nos preguntamos... ¿le fallo el sistema al no proporcionarle la ayuda o los recursos que necesitaba?

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Logan da una respuesta honesta, y algo sorprendente, dice que tiene empatía por el hombre con quien alguna vez luchó. Es una respuesta emotiva y sincera.

Su charla completa forma parte de un nuevo programa llamado "TMZ Investiga: TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", el comienzo de una serie semanal que se emitirá en FOX el lunes.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con

Detienen a Arnold Schwarzenegger en Múnich

Arnold Schwarzenegger es conocido por sus queridos personajes... pero un reloj le causó problemas en un aeropuerto el miércoles y derivó en malos entendidos.

El actor convertido en político fue detenido en el aeropuerto de Munich el miércoles por portar un reloj de lujo "no registrado". El querido actor no puso resistencia y se mostró amable al intentar resolver el asunto.

Fuentes directas dicen que Arnold fue detenido durante tres horas por viajar con un reloj que podría subastar mañana en Austria.

Dicen que a Arnold nunca le pidieron que llenara un formulario de declaración, pero una vez que llegó a la aduana lo abordaron para hacer ciertas preguntas.

El ex campeón de culturismo no hizo un escándalo, estuvo de acuerdo en pagar por adelantado los impuestos potenciales del reloj  —un reloj que ya posee— con el fin de seguir adelante con su día.

Las autoridades trataron de Arnold pagara con tarjeta de crédito, pero el fracaso tras fracaso obligó a los agentes de aduanas para llevar Schwarzenegger a un banco para que pudiera retirar dinero de un cajero automático.

Eso debería haber sido el final de la historia... ¡Excepto que el cajero automático tenía un límite demasiado bajo! Los impuestos terminaron costando $10.613 y el banco estaba cerrado también. El grupo regresó al aeropuerto y otro agente trajo un nuevo cajero automático que funcionaba.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el reloj todavía es probable que sea subastado mañana para la Iniciativa Climática Schwarzenegger, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a apoyar los esfuerzos de energía limpia en todo el mundo.

Un portavoz de la Oficina Principal de Aduanas de Munich dice que es simple, diciendole a un medio de comunicación local alemán que han iniciado procedimientos penales porque el reloj es una importación que debe permanecer en UE y que tiene que ser declarado.

En cuanto a por qué tardaron tanto, el portavoz explicó que había que revisar el resto del equipaje de Arnie... y eso lleva su tiempo.

Un día agotador en el aeropuerto para Arnold... ¡Casi tanto como cuando intentó conseguir un Turbo Man el día de navidad!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained in Munich for 'Unregistered' Watch Hauled Off to ATM to Pay Taxes

Arnold Schwarzenegger's known for his gun-toting characters ... but it was actually a benign watch that caused him problems at an airport Wednesday -- and the aftermath was a freaking mess.

The actor-turned-politician was held at the Munich Airport on Wednesday after trying to take an "unregistered" luxury watch through customs ... the Terminator didn't try to fight his way out of this one ... instead being spotted calmly hanging with customs agents.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... customs detained AS for three hours for traveling with a watch he owns -- one he might auction tomorrow in Austria.

They say Arnold was never asked to fill out a declaration form, but once he got to customs he was hit with what they describe as an "incompetent shakedown."

But, the former bodybuilding champ didn't make a fuss ... agreeing to prepay potential taxes on the watch -- again, a watch he already owns -- in order to get on with his day.

Authorities tried to have Arnold use a credit card machine for an hour ... but failure after failure forced the customs agents to take Schwarzenegger to a bank so he could withdraw cash from an ATM.

That should've been the end of the story ... except the ATM had too low a limit -- the taxes ended up costing AS $10,613 -- and the bank was closed too! The group headed back to the airport, and another officer brought a new, working credit card machine.

Our sources say the watch will still likely be auctioned off tomorrow for the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative -- a nonprofit dedicated to supporting clean energy efforts worldwide.

A spokesperson for the Munich Main Customs Office says it's simple, telling a local German outlet they've initiated criminal proceedings because the watch is an import staying in the EU -- it has to be declared.


As for why it took so long, the spokesperson explained the rest of Arnie's luggage had to be checked ... and that takes time.

An exhausting day at the airport for Arnold ... filled with more stress than trying to get a Turbo Man action figure!

Colts Owner Jim Irsay Found Blue, Unresponsive in December ... OD Suspected, Cops Say


The Colts released a statement on Jim Irsay's health ... saying he is still recovering from his "respiratory illness."

"We will have no further comment on his personal health, and we continue to ask that Jim and his family's privacy be respected."

Jim Irsay was found laying in his bed unresponsive, cold to the touch and gasping for air during a suspected overdose in December ... this according to police in Indiana.

Carmel Police Department documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, show cops were dispatched to Irsay's Carmel residence on Dec. 8 at around 4:30 AM ... after someone said they had found the Indianapolis Colts owner unconscious on a bathroom floor with a blue skin tone.

When police first arrived on the scene, they say Irsay had been moved to his bed ... where he was struggling to breathe and had a weak pulse and constricted pupils.

Police say in the docs an attempt to wake him with a sternum rub was unsuccessful. They added, though, that after administering one dosage of Narcan -- a drug commonly used to revive people in opiate overdose situations -- "he responded slightly."

Cops say they were prepared to attach an AED to Irsay -- but paramedics arrived and "took over lifesaving efforts." Irsay was eventually transported to a nearby hospital via an ambulance.

Officers noted in the documents that a caretaker provided them a list of the medications Irsay had been taking ... though they wrote in the report, "At this time, it is unknown what Mr. Irsay had ingested prior to our arrival." They classified the incident in the docs as both "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

Irsay had not been seen around his Colts' team in the weeks following the incident ... and on Jan. 9, the team announced he'd been dealing with a "severe respiratory illness." The Colts explained in a statement that he would miss a scheduled appearance in Los Angeles with his "Jim Irsay Band" while receiving treatment for the ailment.

"He is receiving excellent care and looks forward to returning to the stage as soon as possible," the Colts said. "We'll have no additional information at this time and we ask that you respect the privacy of Jim and his family as he recovers."

We do not know if Irsay's recent hospitalization is related to the December incident at his home.

Irsay -- who's been the owner of the Colts since 1997 -- said in an interview with Andrea Kremer back in November, he's battled addiction to alcohol and pain pills during his life, requiring at least 15 trips to rehab. He also told Kremer he previously suffered an overdose after he "was trying to detox myself."

"All of a sudden I started slurring my words and then code blue, I stopped breathing," he told Kremer of the OD. "And they revived me, and the doctor goes, 'Jim, you're one lucky man because I had signed, virtually, the death certificate.'"

We've reached out to Irsay, but no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

Niecy Nash-Betts Amazes Breonna Taylor's Mom With Emmys Speech Tribute

Breonna Taylor's mom is thanking Niecy Nash-Betts for mentioning her late daughter while winning her first Primetime Emmy ... praising her for using her platform for justice.

Niecy won the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in an anthology series, and her powerful acceptance speech prompted a standing ovation ... with Niecy saying, "I accept this award on behalf of every Black and Brown woman who have gone unheard, yet overpoliced, like Glenda Cleveland, like Sandra Bland, like Breonna Taylor!”


Breonna's mother, Tamika Palmer, tells TMZ … it's "amazing" Niecy used her big moment to  "acknowledge women, including my daughter, who have tragically fallen victim to police brutality."

Niecy also told the Emmys audience she feels it's her responsibility as an artist to speak truth to power, and she plans to do so until the day she dies.

Breonna's mom adds ... "The lack of accountability for these injustices is undeniable, and it is crucial for us to keep saying their names and reminding people of the profound impact of their loss."

As you know, Breonna was shot and killed by cops in Louisville during a botched raid back in March 2020, and her death sparked demonstrations against racial injustice and policing.

Niecy won her Emmy for her work in the Netflix series "Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" ... and Breonna's mom tells us, "I admire Mrs. Nash's work and love her. Her Emmy win was so well-deserved."

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Leaves Jail After Gun Arrest ... Feels 'Good!'


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. spent four nights in an L.A. jail after he was arrested for allegedly possessing two "ghost guns," but the former boxing champion was in high spirits when he was finally sprung Thursday night, before heading to rehab.

37-year-old Chavez Jr. was met with a crowd outside the detention center in Los Angeles ... where he was asked how he was doing following his arrest over the weekend.

"Good, good," Julio responded in Spanish.

Of course, TMZ Sports broke the story on Monday ... Chavez Jr., son of the legendary Chavez Sr., was arrested by LAPD for illegal weapons possession around 1:30 PM Sunday after cops responded to a call to Julio's home.

Our law enforcement sources tell us Chavez Jr. had two "ghost guns," untraceable firearms.

A reporter asked JCC Jr. about his time behind bars.

"Well, everyone is given what they deserve. But I'm well, thank God. I'm well and ready to defend myself," Julio responded, adding, "You guys here know I'm a good person. I'm good, everything's good. They treated me good [in jail] and I'm ready to move forward."

Chavez Jr. is due back in court in mid-February ... but until then, the plan is to enter a treatment program where the former WBC middleweight champ can receive help from professionals.

Cooper Kupp Hooks L.A. Deputies Up W/ Free BBQ ... To Celebrate Holidays!

Cooper Kupp might've been in the middle of a playoff race, but the Rams star wasn't too busy to feed the men and women keeping L.A. safe this past Christmas season ... hooking up a bunch of Sheriff's Deputies with a massive serving of BBQ!

We're told 30-year-old Kupp swung by the Los Angeles Sherrif Department's Lost Hills station just before December 25, and he didn't arrive empty-handed. The standout wide receiver, on his dime, brought trays of food -- meat, sides, they had it all -- for the appreciative deputies.


The reason? Cooper wanted to thank the LASD for all they do.

Just dropping off the food would've been plenty, but to make the trip even better, Kupp hung out and took photos and signed autographs for anyone interested.

“Thank you Cooper Kupp for stopping by the station to bring dinner for the troops and taking the time to hang out for a bit. Your generosity was beyond appreciated. #weloveourcommunities” the LASD said.

Safe to say everyone had an awesome time.

It's not the first time Kupp’s helped his community ... he’s a charitable dude. CK has a history of giving back, even providing around 8,400 meals for food banks back in 2020!

Kupp’s Rams take on the Detroit Lions in the Wild Card round of the NFL playoffs this Sunday at 5 PM ... and I think we know who the LASD is rooting for!

Miley Cyrus Alleged Stalker Busted ... Showed Up at Crib w/ Stuffed Animal

Miley Cyrus was apparently plush with trouble this morning after cops say some weirdo showed up on her doorstep with a token of love that was full of cotton ... and it landed the guy in jail.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ 52-year-old Alexander Kardalian was arrested early Friday near Miley's L.A.-area home -- this after they got a call around 1 AM on a report of a suspicious person Miley and co. suspected might've been somebody she's dealt with before.

As it turns out, they were right ... 'cause Miley previously got a restraining order against Kardalian for something similar last year ... and he was ordered to stay away from her.

Now, we're told he showed up at her front gate and was trying to give something to MC -- specifically, a stuffed animal of some sort, according to our sources. Doesn't sound like the guy got far though ... we're told Miley security detained him and waited for LAPD to arrive.

When cops showed up, we're told they hauled him away and ended up booking him for violating a court order. Remember -- Miley claims she's been dealing with this Kardalian since at least 2018 ... and notes he did some time in San Quentin before allegedly pulling up at her crib in 2022 upon release.

The last scary part about this ... we're told Miley was home for the latest dustup -- but luckily she didn't encounter the dude herself. Fortunately, her team was able to handle it.

Miley Cyrus Presunto acosador... Apareció en su casa con un animal de peluche

Miley Cyrus fue aparentemente envuelta en problemas esta mañana después de que la policía dijera que un bicho raro se presentó en su puerta con una muestra de amor que estaba llena de algodón, y el tipo aterrizó en la cárcel.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que Alexander Karddalian, de 52 años, fue detenido el viernes cerca de la casa de Miley en Los Ángeles. Esto, después de que recibieran una llamada alrededor de la 1 AM sobre una persona sospechosa que Miley y compañía temían que podría ser un sujeto con el que ella había tratado antes.

Resulta que tenían razón, porque Miley obtuvo una orden de restricción contra Karddalian por algo similar el año pasado y le ordenaron mantenerse alejado de ella.

Ahora, nos dicen que se presentó en la puerta principal de su casa y estaba tratando de entregarle algo a Miley Cyrus, en concreto, un animal de peluche de algún tipo, según dicen nuestras fuentes. Parece que el chico no llegó lejos, sin embargo ... Nos dicen que la seguridad de Miley lo detuvo y esperó a que la policía de Los Ángeles llegara.

Cuando los policías aparecieron, nos dicen que se lo llevaron y terminaron fichándolo por violar una orden judicial. Recuerden, Miley afirma que ha estado tratando con este Karddalian desde al menos 2018 y señala que pasó algún tiempo en San Quintín antes de supuestamente aparecer en su casa en 2022 después de la liberación.

La última parte aterradora de esta historia es que Miley estaba en casa para este último incidente, según nos cuenta, pero por suerte, no se encontró con el tipo. Afortunadamente, su equipo fue capaz de manejarlo.

Gary Busey When Nature Calls ... Whips It Out in Public

Gary Busey has that dog in him ... as in, he's pissing in public without a care in the world.

The veteran eccentric actor was spotted pulling down his sweatpants and relieving himself Thursday out in Malibu ... urinating on a bush along a wall near a newsstand, and certainly not trying to keep it low-key. Unclear where exactly he's at -- looks like a lot of some sort.

Gary apparently felt a tingle below the belt and had no other choice but to rock a whizz at that instant ... 'cause that's exactly what he did. He even looked around a bit, but there was no shame in his game -- seriously, just look at that impish smile he's got on here.

The pee-pee seen around the world will only add to Gary's many memorable Malibu moments ... the 79-year-old is developing a bit of a reputation of late as a bit of a wild man around those parts.

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Remember ... back in September, Gary was accused of a hit-and-run. A woman claimed he hit her car in a Malibu parking lot and she chased him down only for Gary to blow her off and drive away.


Gary didn't face any charges for the car incident ... and it will be interesting to see if there are any consequences for this very public bathroom break. Feels like if no one caught him in the act right then and there, he might be fine in this instance. Still ... yeesh 😬.

Now, we reached out to his camp over this ... and they had no comment. We suppose what they say is true -- when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Drop 'em and spray ... anywhere/any way.