Gary Busey se baja los pantalones y orina en público

Gary Busey fue encontrado orinando en público sin una preocupación en el mundo.

El veterano actor fue visto bajándose los pantalones y haciendo sus necesidades el jueves en Malibu, orinando en un arbusto a lo largo de una pared cerca de un quiosco de prensa.

Gary aparentemente sintió un cosquilleo por debajo del cinturón y solo tenía que hacer pis en ese instante... aunque parece que le causó gracia, basta con ver esa sonrisa pícara.

Todo el mundo pudo ver el pis y esto se sumará a los momentos memorables de Gary, el hombre de 79 años de edad está desarrollando una reputación de hombre salvaje últimamente.

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cosas de busey

Recordemos que en septiembre Gary fue acusado de un atropello con fuga. Una mujer afirmó que él golpeó su carro en un estacionamiento de Malibu y ella lo persiguió solo para Gary se fuera conduciendo.

Gary no se enfrentó a ningún cargo penal por el incidente del carro y será interesante ver si hay alguna consecuencia por esta ida al baño tan pública. Da la sensación de que si nadie lo atrapó en el acto, podría salir de esta.😬

Nos pusimos en contacto con su campamento sobre esto y no tenían ningún comentario. Suponemos que lo que dicen es cierto... cuando tienes que ir, tienes que ir.

Un conductor de Los Ángeles arroja a su perro de un camión en marcha durante una persecución policial

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el infame momento

La policía de Los Ángeles persigue a un sospechoso que arroja a un perro por la ventanilla de su camioneta.

Este pedazo de basura era buscado por vandalismo y llevó a los oficiales a una persecución a alta velocidad el jueves por la tarde en varias autopistas de Los Ángeles diferentes antes de entrar a los suburbios de Pomona.

El tipo no parecía reducir la velocidad en absoluto cuando él sorprendentemente arrojó al perro de su vehículo, obligando a las unidades de policía que persiguen a desviarse alrededor del pobre animal.

Por desgracia, no está claro si el cachorro sobrevivió a la caída de la camioneta.

En cuanto al idiota detrás de esto... golpeó a otros dos vehículos durante la persecución, el segundo fue una colisión frontal a 60 mph que le puso fin a la persecución.

Los policías rodearon rápidamente su camión y le gritaron instrucciones, pero no quiso salir. Finalmente, los agentes utilizaron munición no letal para disparar contra su ventanilla y a continuación lo sacaron a rastras y lo detuvieron.

Los otros dos conductores a los que atropelló no sufrieron heridas graves y pudieron salir ilesos de los accidentes.

Modelo de OnlyFans Nuevo video muestra violento altercado con su novio... 2 meses antes de matarlo

La modelo de OnlyFans Courtney Clenney tuvo una violenta y explosiva discusión con su novio solo 2 meses antes de apuñalarlo y provocarle la muerte... y TMZ tiene el video nunca antes visto hasta ahora.

Courtney y Christian Obumseli estaban en un viaje de contenido de OnlyFans en Aspen en febrero de 2022, cuando ella se puso furiosa después de que se enterara de que Christian había estado coqueteando con otras mujeres en el viaje.

En el video se la oye arremeter contra él y luego empieza a pegarle y a empujarlo. Fue una escena lo suficientemente impactante como para que otras modelos se detuvieran a mirar.

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Detención sangrienta

El video, que acaba de ser desvelado por los fiscales, es parte del caso de asesinato contra Courtney. El 3 de abril de 2022, la modelo lo apuñaló en su departamento de Miami y los fiscales planean usar el video de Aspen para demostrar que ella era volátil y violenta.

Courtney está alegando defensa propia, pues dice que Christian era violento con ella y el día en que murió tenía miedo de que la matara.

Courtney le dijo a la policía que lanzó el cuchillo contra Christian en defensa propia, pero el médico forense testificó en su audiencia que habría sido casi imposible para alguien que no es experto en lanzar cuchillos, que lo arrojara y diera justo en el cuerpo de alguien.


La defensa no está de acuerdo y realizó un video con un cadáver de cerdo para probar que si es posible darle a una persona al lanzar un cuchillo.

Meses antes del asesinato

La fiscalía también tiene un video de una pelea en un ascensor más o menos de la misma época que la discusión en Aspen, en que Courtney golpea a Christian. Ella dice que le tenía miedo y estaba tratando de sacarlo del ascensor para que no la siguiera hasta su casa.

L.A. Police Chase Driver Throws Dog from Moving Truck During High-Speed Chase

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Horrifying sight in L.A. during one of those wild police chases -- as the suspect was speeding away from cops, he tossed a small dog out his window!

This piece of crap was wanted for vandalism, and led CHP officers on a high-speed chase Thursday afternoon on several different L.A. freeways ... before exiting onto surface streets in the suburb of Pomona.

The guy didn't appear to slow down at all when he shockingly threw the dog out of his vehicle, forcing the pursuing police units to swerve around the poor animal.

Unfortunately, it's unclear if the pup even survived the fall from the truck.

As for the jerk behind the wheel ... he went on to hit 2 other vehicles during the chase -- the second one being a head-on 60 mph collision that brought the pursuit to an end.

Cops quickly surrounded his truck, and shouted instructions, but he would not get out on his own. Officers eventually used non-lethal rounds to shoot out his window, and then dragged him out and arrested him.

Both of the other drivers he hit were not seriously injured and were able to walk away from the accidents.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney New Video Shows Violent Altercation with BF ... 2 Months Before She Killed Him


OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney was in an explosive, physical argument with her boyfriend less than 2 months before she stabbed him to death, and TMZ has the never-before-seen video.

Courtney and Christian Obumseli were at an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen back in February 2022, when she went ballistic after she got wind Christian was flirting with other women on the trip.

You hear her go off on him and then she begins hitting and pushing him. It was enough of a scene that other models stopped in their tracks to watch.

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The video, which was just unsealed by prosecutors, is part of the murder case against Courtney. She stabbed him in their Miami apartment on April 3, 2022, and prosecutors plan to use the Aspen video to show she was volatile and violent.

Courtney is claiming self-defense ... she says Christian was violent toward her and the day he died she was afraid he would kill her.


Courtney told cops she threw the knife at Christian in self-defense, but the Medical Examiner testified at her bond hearing it would have been almost impossible for someone who is not an expert knife thrower to throw and knife that plunged into someone's body.

pig plunge

The defense begs to differ, and has produced a video of a pig carcass where someone throws a knife at it and it does indeed stick.


The prosecution also has a video of a fight in an elevator around the same time as the Aspen fight, where Courtney beats on Christian. She says she feared him and was trying to get him out of the elevator so he did not follow her upstairs to her unit.

Kendall Jenner Pulled Over With Hailey In Car ... Cops Say She Ran Stop Sign

Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber had a police interaction while running errands in Beverly Hills ... with Kendall getting pulled over and ticketed.

The models were tooling through Bev Hills in Kendall's Mercedes-Benz G500 Cabriolet when she got stopped by the cops ... and paparazzi captured it all. Sorry, no Axel Foley this time.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Kendall was cited for running through a stop sign, and she was sent on her way after being ticketed.

We're told Kendall was driving Tuesday near the Beverly Hills Hotel with Hailey riding shotgun when she was pulled over.

It looks like Kendall and Hailey took it all in stride ... they were seen laughing and smiling with the cop.


The smile might disappear if Kendall sees her insurance premiums go up ... but at least she can afford it.

Kendall Jenner Es detenida con Hailey en el carro... Por no respetar un stop

Kendall Jenner y Hailey Bieber tuvieron un intercambio policial mientras hacían mandados en Beverly Hills, pues Kendall fue detenida y multada.

Las modelos estaban circulando por Beverly Hills en el Mercedes-Benz G500 Cabriolet de Kendall cuando fue detenida por la policía y los paparazzi lo captaron todo.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que Kendall fue citada por pasarse una señal de stop y la dejaron continuar su camino después de ser multada.

Nos dicen que Kendall estaba conduciendo el martes cerca del Hotel Beverly Hills con Hailey como copiloto cuando fue detenida.

Parece que Kendall y Hailey tomaron todo con calma, fueron vistas riéndose y sonriendo con el policía.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

La sonrisa podría desaparecer si Kendall ve que las primas de su seguro suben, pero al menos se lo puede permitir.

NYPD Encuentran un túnel secreto bajo una sinagoga... Causa revuelo y alboroto

Caos en Jabad

Un enorme túnel secreto fue descubierto bajo una histórica sinagoga en Nueva York, y cuando las autoridades trataron de cerrarlo, se produjo un caos por las personas que lo estaban usando.

Descabelladas imágenes están circulando por Internet que muestran una escena frenética este lunes en la sede mundial de Jabad-Lubavitch en Crown Heights, Brooklyn, que sirve como lugar de reunión y culto para los judíos ortodoxos de la zona, y todo está relacionado con este pasaje oculto.

Hacia las salidas

Cuento corto, este recinto subterráneo que conduce a la sinagoga fue descubierto por casualidad el mes pasado por civiles que escucharon ruidos extraños debajo de sus casas.

Hay informes de que un grupo selecto de esta sinagoga estaba utilizando el túnel para acceder a una zona cerrada destinada al baño de mujeres, además de otras áreas en y alrededor de Brooklyn, al parecer.

Tour por el Túnel

De todos modos, los líderes de la sinagoga decidieron cerrar todo esto y trajeron equipos de construcción para que sellaran el túnel con cemento, pero parece que los chicos que lo estaban utilizando estaban indignados y comenzaron el alboroto dentro de su propia institución sagrada, lo que alertó a la policía.

Ahí es donde aparecen estos videos, que muestran a los judíos enfrentándose a la policía, volcando muebles y aparentemente intentando refugiarse en el túnel para evitar su cierre.

En algún momento, alguien bajó al túnel y grabó un breve recorrido dentro y se puede ver que estos tipos se sentían como en casa, con sus ropas esparcidas por todas partes.

Al final, parece que pudieron cerrar la tapa del escondite secreto, probablemente para bien. La idea de tipos merodeando bajo tierra es un poco de las Tortugas Ninja 😅.

NYPD Secret Tunnel Found Under Synagogue ... Sparks Chaos & Uproar


A massive secret tunnel was discovered under a historic Jewish synagogue in NYC -- and when the authorities tried to shut it down ... sheer chaos ensued from the guys using it.

Wild footage is circulating online showing a frenetic scene Monday at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn's Crown Heights -- serving as the meeting location and place of worship for Orthodox Jews in that area ... and it all has to do with this hidden passage.


Long story short ... this underground enclosure leading into the synagogue was stumbled upon last month by civilians who reported hearing weird noises under their homes.

There's reports that a select group from this synagogue were using the tunnel to access a shuttered women's bathing area ... plus other areas in and around Brooklyn, it seems.


Anyway, leadership from this synagogue decided to shut this whole thing down -- bringing in construction crews to seal up the tunnel with cement ... but apparently, the fellas who'd been using were outraged and started rioting within their own holy institution, and cops came out.

That's where all these clips come in -- showing the Jewish clashing with cops, overturning furniture and seemingly trying to hunker down in their tunnel to avoid it being closed up.

At some point, someone went down into the tunnel itself and recorded a little walk-through -- and you can see these fellas made themselves at home ... draping their clothes all about.


In the end, it looks like they were able to close the lid on this secret hideout -- probably for the best, TBH. The idea of dudes lurking around underground is ... well, kinda 'TMNT.' 😅

Anaheim Ducks Fan KO'ed During Brawl At Game ... Cops Investigating


A fan at the Anaheim Ducks game on Friday night appeared to be knocked completely unconscious during a wild brawl ... and now, cops say they've launched an investigation into the matter.

The fight broke out as the Ducks took on the Winnipeg Jets at the Honda Center ... when a group of fans who were reppin' opposite teams got into it with each other right in the middle of a concourse.

You can see in video from the scene ... a man in a Jacob Trouba Jets jersey broke off from the squabble and began tussling with a guy in purple Ducks jersey.

During their ensuing wrestling match, the Winnipeg fan slammed the Anaheim supporter to the tile floor using a leg takedown maneuver ... appearing to leave the man KO'ed.

The guy lay motionless for several moments ... before he rolled over in what seemed to be a heap of pain.

The Anaheim Police Dept. said in a statement to TMZ Sports officers were dispatched to the area after the tilt had gone down ... and one person was transported to the hospital with a head injury.

"The investigation is ongoing," a spokesperson for the department said, "and no arrests have been made."

Cops added they will be using "videos circulating on social media" "as a part of our investigation."

Ian Ziering Cops Focused On Vandalism Case But Fight Charges Still Loom

Cops investigating Ian Ziering's crazy biker brawl are zeroing in on at least one of the bikers for vandalism charges ... and, as of now, they're not as concerned about the fight side of things.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... the main focus of the case is a potential felony vandalism charge against the bikers for damaging Ian's car, but no arrests have been made yet.

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New Angle, New Truth?

We're told the new videos that emerged, in which Ian is seen initiating the violence by pushing one of the bikers, show this fight could be considered mutual combat. If that's the case, battery charges are unlikely, especially since none of the bikers have filed a police report.

Let's face it ... that wouldn't be a very biker gang thing to do.

Another reason they're not running to cops ... we're told the mini motorbikes they were riding are illegal to ride on public streets or freeways.

As for the vandalism -- one of the bikers is seen clearly on video using a helmet to smash Ian's windshield. When the case gets submitted, however, the L.A. District Attorney can add battery charges if they feel the evidence is there.


ICYMI, we spoke with 2 men who ride with the 605 Minibike Gang, which was spotted in the infamous New Year's Eve vid ... and they told us it was Ian who started the big brawl, not their crew.

Lauren Boebert Allegedly Punches Ex-Hubby in the Nose ... Twice! Police Investigating


10:55 AM PT -- Boebert tells TMZ ... "This is a sad situation for all that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving. I didn’t punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options."

9:53 AM PT -- Congresswoman Boebert’s office tells TMZ they are looking into the matter.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert may have run afoul of the law ... for allegedly beating on her ex-husband.

Silt Police Lt. Matt Gronbeck tells TMZ ... cops were called Saturday night to Miner's Claim, a restaurant in Silt, Colorado.

Officers say the initial 911 call was a hangup, but wouldn't reveal any other info on their investigation ... including what charges Lauren or Jayson Boebert might face.

However, eyewitnesses at the scene tell TMZ ... Lauren was sitting in the restaurant when Jayson walked in, and the pair got into an argument before the congresswoman punched him in the nose twice.

Lauren, not Jayson, then called the police .... and Jayson was ordered to leave.

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Jayson seems contrite telling TMZ ... "I made a mistake. We both overreacted. I only want what's best for boys and I still love her very much. I only want the best for her."

He continued, "I really don't know what to say it's sad what has happened to us. I forgive her. I know she has a lot of hurt and pain. We both do.”

Their relationship clearly isn't as amicable as they wanted people to believe. As we previously reported ... Jayson tried to take the fall for Lauren's theater hookup in the aftermath of the 'Beetlejuice' scandal.

Jayson said the marriage ended when he cheated and asked people to show the controversial conservative "grace and mercy."

It'll be interesting to see how much grace Jayson shows her after this explosive incident

Originally Published -- 9:49 AM PT

Robert Nelson Jr. Ex-College Football Star ... Arrested In L.A.

Robert Nelson Jr. -- a former Arizona State Sun Devils football star who spent three seasons in the NFL -- was arrested in Los Angeles last month for allegedly illegally possessing a gun ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Law enforcement tells us the arrest happened in Burbank back on Dec. 22.

We're told Burbank Police officers were patrolling a local mall parking lot at around 9 PM when they observed Nelson's vehicle in a handicap spot without a placard.

Cops say when officers looked into the car, they noticed a loaded handgun sitting in plain view on the floorboard. They later located Nelson and threw him behind bars.

Court records show Nelson was charged with one count of carrying a loaded firearm on/in person vehicle ... and was arraigned on Dec. 26. He's now due back in court in late February for another hearing on the matter.

Nelson Jr., a defensive back, played for ASU from 2011 to 2013 and became a star for the Sun Devils in his senior year, recording First-Team Pac-12 honors after logging six interceptions.

He went unpicked in the 2014 NFL Draft ... but still managed to latch on with several NFL teams -- earning playing time with the Browns, Texans and Jets from 2014 to 2017.

The 33-year-old most recently played for the Arlington Renegades in the XFL in 2023.

Nick y Aaron Carter Su hermana Bobbie Jean es enterrada en Florida... Su madre hace un discurso

La difunta hermana de Nick y Aaron Carter, Bobbie Jean Carter, ha sido enterrada ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Bobbie Jean fue enterrada el sábado por la mañana en Florida, en algún lugar afuera de la zona de Tampa. Nos dicen que fue una ceremonia pequeña y privada, con solo amigos y familiares cercanos entre los asistentes.

No está claro si el propio Nick estaba allí, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que la madre de Bobbie Jean, Jane, dio el discurso.

Aunque su hermano pequeño, Aaron Carter, fue enterrado en el sur de California, nos dicen que la tumba de Bobbie fue elegida para estar más cerca de Jane, para que pueda visitar a su hija con regularidad. TMZ también ha obtenido el obituario de Bobbie Jean y menciona a sus famosos hermanos, así como a su difunta hermana menor, Leslie, que también falleció trágicamente en 2012.

Fuimos los primeros en contar la historia, Bobbie Jean fue encontrada sin respuesta en su cuarto de baño el mes pasado y aunque estaba en libertad condicional por un cargo relacionado a las drogas, la policía dice que no encontraron narcóticos en la escena y no se sospecha de crimen violento. Se desconoce la causa de su muerte.

Bobbie solo tenía 41 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Nick & Aaron Carter Sister Bobbie Jean Buried in FL ... Mom Jane Gives Eulogy

Nick and Aaron Carter's late sister, Bobbie Jean Carter, has been laid to rest ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Bobbie Jean was buried Saturday morning in Florida -- somewhere outside of the Tampa area, specifically. We're told it was a small, private ceremony ... with only close friends and immediate family in attendance.

Unclear if Nick himself was there, but our sources say BJ's mother, Jane, gave the eulogy.

Whereas her little brother, AC, was buried here in Southern California ... we're told Bobbie's gravesite was chosen to be closer to Jane, so that she can visit her daughter regularly. TMZ has also obtained Bobbie Jean's obituary, and it mentions her famous brothers as well as her late younger sister, Leslie, who also tragically passed away in 2012.

We broke the story ... Bobbie Jean was found unresponsive in her bathroom last month -- and while she was on probation on a drug-related charge ... cops say there were no narcotics found at the scene, and no foul play is suspected. Her cause of death is unknown.

Bobbie was only 41.


MSNBC Host Chokes Up on Jan 6. Anniversary ... New Fugitives Captured

holding back tears

A MSNBC host choked back tears live on the air while talking to a cop who was on the front lines of Jan. 6 -- and in other news ... new fugitives are in custody 3 years to the day.

Anchor Jonathan Capehart brought former Metro D.C. officer Michael Fanone on his Saturday morning program, and after recapping what had happened on 1/6/21 and introducing him ... JC got emotional on camera before he passed things off to his guest.

Watch ... you can tell the heartfelt moment wasn't lost on Fanone, who also seemed to be stirred. Capehart took out a handkerchief and wiped his face a bit as he gathered himself.

Like we said, Fanone was one of the many officers on the scene on Jan. 6 -- and he nearly lost his life as MAGA supporters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop Congress's certification of the 2020 election ... this after Donald Trump gave a speech earlier in the day.

Fanone has made the rounds on cable news and on Capitol Hill in the years since ... relaying his harrowing near-death experience and denouncing the rioters' motives and actions.

His story continues to touch hearts ... including Capehart's, who broke down in front of him.

BTW, the Jan. 6 arrests continue to this day too ... including 3 new ones that were just announced Saturday by the FBI. The feds say they've captured a trio of fugitives whom they'd been looking for since '21 ... Jonathan and Olivia Pollock and Joseph Hutchinson.

They got busted hiding out in FL ... and now, they face serious charges related to the event.