Estrella de 'BH 90210' Ian Ziering Se sincera sobre su aterradora pelea con motoqueros Pide a las autoridades que actúen contra la anarquía

Ian Ziering se está sincerando sobre su aterrador encuentro con un grupo de brutos motociclistas en Los Ángeles, diciendo que salió "ileso" con su hija, al tiempo que pide a las autoridades locales que hagan algo con la creciente ola de "criminalidad" en la ciudad.

El actor de "Beverly Hills, 90210" publicó un largo mensaje en Instagram el lunes, primero calificando el incidente de "alarmante" antes de profundizar en lo sucedido y dar su opinión sobre lo que se debería hacer para combatir la anarquía en el futuro.

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Ian explicó que uno de los mini motoristas se acercó agresivamente a su carro, lo que dio lugar a una "inquietante confrontación" cuando se bajó para "evaluar cualquier daño" a su vehículo estacionado en Hollywood Boulevard en la víspera de Año Nuevo.

Dijo que el encuentro con el motorista y los otros "se intensificó hasta un altercado físico", que se vio obligado a afrontar para protegerse a sí mismo y a su hija de 10 años, Penna, expresando el alivio que siente de que ambos estén "completamente ilesos".

Luego el actor apuntó a los funcionarios de Los Ángeles y reveló que está "profundamente preocupado" por la "creciente audacia de tales grupos", lo que está causando problemas de seguridad pública y perturbando la paz.

Señaló que el ataque a plena luz del día puso de relieve un problema mayor sobre "vandalismo en nuestras calles y la necesidad de contar con respuestas de la ley eficaces a tales comportamientos".

Ian también escribió: "Como ciudadano y como padre, me parece inaceptable que esos grupos puedan participar libremente en este tipo de comportamiento, causando miedo y caos, mientras la respuesta de las autoridades parece insuficiente".

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Riña con unos ciclistas

Terminó las cosas instando a los funcionarios de la ciudad a tomar medidas decisivas contra este comportamiento fuera de la ley y a proporcionar más recursos policiales para evitar que ocurran en el futuro.

TMZ publicó la noticia el domingo con un video en el que se veía a Ian enfrentándose a los motoristas en pleno Hollywood Boulevard. Otras imágenes obtenidas por TMZ captaban a Ian consolando a Mia, quien estaba llorando tras la aterradora reyerta.

'BH 90210' Star Ian Ziering Opens Up About Scary Biker Brawl ... Calls On L.A. Officials To Act On Lawlessness

Ian Ziering is speaking out about his terrifying encounter with a bunch of biker brutes in L.A., saying that he emerged "unscathed" with his daughter, while calling on local officials to do something about the rising tide of "hooliganism" in the city.

The "Beverly Hills, 90210" actor posted a lengthy message on Instagram Monday, first calling the incident "alarming" before diving into what happened and giving his thoughts on what should be done to combat future lawlessness.

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Ian explained that one of the mini bikers aggressively approached his car, leading to an "unsettling confrontation" when he got out to "assess any damage" to his vehicle parked on Hollywood Boulevard on New Year's Eve.

He said the encounter with the biker and others "escalated into a physical altercation," which he was forced to navigate to protect himself and his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, expressing relief they were "completely unscathed."

Then Ian took aim at L.A. officials, revealing he was "deeply concerned" about the "growing boldness of such groups," causing public safety issues and disturbing the peace.

He pointed out the broad daylight attack underscored a larger problem about "hooliganism on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses to such behavior."

Ian also wrote, "As a citizen and a parent, I find it unacceptable that groups can freely engage in this kind of behavior, causing fear and chaos, while the response from authorities seems insufficient."

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He wrapped things up by urging city officials to take decisive action against this lawless behavior and provide more police resources to prevent it in the future.


TMZ broke the story Sunday with a video that showed Ian battling the bikers in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. Other footage obtained by TMZ captured Ian consoling Mia, who was crying after the frightening brawl.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Tastes Like Freedom ... NYE Kiss With Hubby!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard rang in the new year with a kiss and some confetti ... and TMZ has it all on video.

Gypsy and her husband, Ryan, shot off confetti and smooched as the clock struck midnight ... embracing before sharing the moment with family.

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Family sources tell TMZ … Gypsy had a last-minute NYE bash in Louisiana, making the most of it with a small party at her and Ryan's home.

Gypsy's dad, Rod Blanchard, and her stepmom, Kristy, were also in the house ... with Kristy helping Gypsy get ready, curling her hair.

GRB even had press on nails ... and we're told Ryan bought her NYE dress and shoes.

Our sources say Gypsy's dad and husband grilled steak together ... and the tender family moment warmed her heart ... after all, this is the family she's always wanted.

Our sources say Gypsy's enjoying a low-key New Year's Day ... the first thing she did was fold clothes and put things away in her home ... but we're told it's these simple tasks that make her feel grateful for her new life post-prison.


As for Gypsy's resolutions for 2024 ... we're told she wants to enjoy being in the moment, believe in herself, be more confident and not worry about what others say or think about her.

Remember ... Gypsy and Ryan were planning to go to the Kansas City Chiefs game Sunday for a chance to meet Taylor Swift, but her parole officers wanted her out of Missouri and she went back home to Louisiana.

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Next up for Gypsy is her upcoming Lifetime docuseries ... "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" ... a three-night event Jan. 5-7 airing at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

'BH 90210' Star Ian Ziering Comforts Weeping Daughter After Scary Attack

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I got my priorities straight!!!

Ian Ziering jumped right back into parent mode after his donnybrook with a bunch of L.A. biker thugs, dashing over to his weeping daughter to console her.

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TMZ has obtained more video showing the aftermath of Ian's terrifying New Year's Eve attack in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard, where the "Beverly Hills, 90210" star went toe to toe with the group of bikers, duking it out with them.

Check out the new footage ... the helmeted gang of assailants is mostly sitting on their choppers in the street, blocking traffic. Their leader, wearing a blue shirt and a head mask, lumbers across the road, pointing at the bikers and barking orders. The large man then climbs onto his own bike and takes off with his underlings.

In the midst of this, Ian runs across the boulevard to his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, who is clearly upset and crying. Like a doting dad, Ian wraps his arms around the girl and kisses her on her head, asking her if she's okay. Beside the shock of it all, Ian and Mia seem physically fine.

Police are now investigating the crazy brawl after an official report was filed with Ian's name listed as the victim.

TMZ broke the story with a video that captured the frightening ordeal. In the clip, the bikers are riding past Ian's car, possibly clipping it and sparking the confrontation. Ian exchanges punches with one of the bikers before he gets jumped by the other assailants. The whole thing turns into an all-out fight, and not a single bystander jumps in to help Ian.

By the way ... no one's been arrested yet. Stay tuned, though.


Gypsy Rose Back Home in Louisiana ... Misses Out on Taylor Swift Meeting & Chiefs Game


Gypsy Rose Blanchard is back home in Louisiana ... making it official, she'll miss out on a possible meeting with Taylor Swift after sources close told us she was asked to leave the state of Missouri.

Sporting a New Orleans Saints jersey, Gypsy posted a short video Sunday thanking fans for their support across her platforms on social media. Gypsy says it's nice to be home, and enjoying a day outside celebrating her freedom.

Already a marketing whiz, Gypsy announces she's got a lot of big things on the way, including her upcoming docuseries on LifeTime and her recently released ebook ... which she calls a reflection on everything she learned during her time behind bars.

TMZ broke the story, Gypsy and her husband had planned on attending Sunday's Chiefs game in Kansas City where she had hoped to possibly run into Taylor Swift -- who is likely to be in attendance cheering on boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

That plan was sidelined Saturday, as sources close to Gypsy tell us her parole officers wanted her out of the state ... unclear exactly why, but our sources say local officials contacted the parole team to tell them they wanted her out of MO stat.

It's possible they felt Gypsy's presence in Missouri could pose as a safety risk, especially if she had plans to attend a game with tens of thousands of others.


Regardless of the change in travel plans, Gypsy still looks happy ... and she's clearly wheeling and dealing. As we told you, she's already gained more than 4 million followers on her Instagram page -- with other profiles continuing to grow.

Gypsy Rose vuelve a su casa en Luisiana y se pierde el partido de Taylor Swift y los Chiefs

agradecida del apoyo

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está de vuelta en casa en Louisiana, haciéndolo oficial... se perderá un posible encuentro con Taylor Swift después de que fuentes cercanas nos dijeron que se le pidió que abandonara el estado de Missouri.

Luciendo una camiseta de los New Orleans Saints, Gypsy publicó un breve video el domingo agradeciendo a los fans por su apoyo a través de sus plataformas en las redes sociales. Gypsy dice que es bueno estar en casa y disfrutar de un día al aire libre celebrando su libertad.

Gypsy anuncia que vienen un montón de cosas grandes en camino, incluyendo su próxima docuserie en LifeTime y su libro electrónico recientemente publicado, el que ella llama una reflexión sobre todo lo que aprendió durante su tiempo entre rejas.

TMZ publicó la historia, Gypsy y su marido habían planeado asistir al partido de los Chiefs del domingo en Kansas City, donde ella tenía la esperanza de encontrarse con Taylor Swift, ya que probablemente esté presente animando a su novio, Travis Kelce.

Ese plan fue dejado de lado el sábado, ya que fuentes cercanas a Gypsy nos dicen que sus oficiales de libertad condicional la querían fuera del estadio, no está claro exactamente por qué, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que los funcionarios locales se contactaron con el equipo de libertad condicional para decirles que la querían fuera de MO stat.

Es posible que sintieran que la presencia de Gypsy en Missouri podría suponer un riesgo para la seguridad, especialmente si tenía planes de asistir a un partido con decenas de miles de personas.

Independiente del cambio en los planes, Gypsy parece feliz... y está claro que está haciendo lo suyo. Como te contamos, ya tiene más de 4 millones de seguidores en su página de Instagram y otros perfiles siguen creciendo.

Laura Lynch de Dixie Chicks Posibles cargos penales para el conductor que la atropelló

El conductor que estaba al volante del camión que atropelló fatalmente a Laura Lynch,  una de las fundadoras de The Dixie Chicks, la semana pasada está siendo investigado por posibles cargos criminales.

El sargento Eliot Torres, del departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas, le dice a TMZ que debido a que se perdió una vida, están trabajando para determinar si el conductor estaba bajo la influencia de alguna sustancia en el momento del accidente.

Escena del choque
TikTok / @mavmoto182

Nos confirman que el conductor se hizo exámenes de sangre en el hospital para las pruebas de drogas y alcohol y que los resultados solo se darán a conocer por el hospital una vez que un juez firme la citación elaborada por los investigadores.

Si los resultados son positivos en drogas y/o alcohol, los investigadores potencialmente presentarían cargos contra el otro conductor.

El conductor también podría ser acusado de otros delitos como la conducción temeraria o arriesgado cambio de carril después de analizar la escena y hablar con los testigos, pero todo depende de lo que la investigación arroje.

Como hemos informado, un testigo ocular ya habló y detalló el momento en que el camión entró en el carril de Laura para intentar adelantar otros 2 carros. En esa maniobra, golpeó su vehículo de frente en la carretera 62 a las afueras de El Paso.

Su relato coincide con la descripción de los oficiales sobre el accidente, cuyas consecuencias se pueden ver en las angustiosas imágenes del carro de Laura, que quedó muy destrozado.


The driver behind the wheel of the truck that fatally struck Dixie Chicks founding member Laura Lynch last week is being investigated for potential criminal charges.

Texas Department of Public Safety PIO Sgt. Eliot Torres tells TMZ that because a life was lost, they're working to determine whether the driver was under the influence at the time of the accident.

TikTok / @mavmoto182

They confirm the driver had their blood drawn at the hospital for drug and alcohol testing ... and the results will only be released by the hospital once a judge signs off on the subpoena drawn up by investigators.

If the results come back positive for drugs and/or alcohol, investigators will potentially seek charges against the other driver.

The driver could also be charged with other offenses like reckless driving or unsafe lane change after scene analysis and speaking to witnesses -- but it all depends on what the investigation yields.

As we've reported ... an eye witness has already spoken out ... detailing the moment the truck entered Laura's lane while trying to go around 2 other cars and struck her vehicle head-on on Highway 62 outside of El Paso.

His account was consistent with the way law enforcement described the crash ... the aftermath which can be seen in distressing snaps of Laura's heavily mangled car.

Danny Masterson Se publica su primera foto policial... Tras ser trasladado a prisión estatal

Danny Masterson está teniendo un cambio de escenario, pues el actor acaba de ser trasladado a la prisión estatal y TMZ tiene el primer vistazo de su ficha policial.

Acabamos de obtener la foto y la estrella de "That '70s Show" no se ve muy contento. El pelo y la barba de Danny lucen desordenados, él tiene la boca cerrada y no esboza ninguna sonrisa.

En cuanto a dónde está siendo alojado, Danny se registró el miércoles en la Prisión Estatal North Kern State en Delano, California, cerca de 143 millas al norte de Los Ángeles.

Las nuevas instalaciones de Danny son las mismas del rapero Tory Lanez, quien ha estado encerrado allí desde septiembre. Aunque su sentencia es mucho más corta que la de Danny.

Recuerden, Masterson fue condenado a 30 años tras las rejas en septiembre, después de haber sido declarado culpable de dos cargos de violación forzada.

Antes de la prisión estatal, Danny estuvo detenido en la Cárcel Central de Hombres del Condado de Los Ángeles.

Como informamos en su momento, al principio Masterson se mantuvo fuera de la zona de reos generales a la espera de su sentencia. Permaneció en la misma zona que otros reclusos de alto perfil del pasado, como Suge Knight y O.J. Simpson.

Tras su condena, la esposa de Danny y actriz, Bijou Phillips, le pidió el divorcio. Él acordó que Bijou tuviera la custodia completa de su hija de 9 años.

Ustedes recordarán que Masterson fue acusado de violación en 2020. Las presuntas víctimas alegaban que los incidentes habían ocurrido entre 2001 y 2003, justo en el medio de su trabajo en "That '70s Show".

Danny ha mantenido que es inocente, alegando que los incidentes fueron completamente consensuados.

A pesar de todo, ahora se está instalando en su nueva vida tras las rejas.


Danny Masterson is getting a change of scenery ... he was just transferred to state prison and TMZ has the first look at his first mug shot.

We just obtained the pic ... and the "That '70s Show" star looks none too pleased. Danny's hair and beard look messy, and he's keeping his mouth shut, and not cracking a smile.

As for where Danny is being housed, he checked in Wednesday at North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA ... about 143 miles north of Los Angeles.

Danny's new digs are the same prison where rapper Tory Lanez is behind bars. Tory's been locked up there since September, but his sentence is a lot shorter than Danny's.

Remember ... Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life behind bars back in September, after being convicted on two counts of forcible rape.

Before state prison, Danny was being held in L.A. County Men's Central Jail.

As we first reported, Masterson was kept out of general population while awaiting sentencing ... staying in the same area as other high-profile inmates from the past, like Suge Knight and O.J. Simpson.

Following his conviction, Danny's actress wife, Bijou Phillips, filed for divorce ... and he agreed Bijou should have full custody of their 9-year-old daughter.

You'll recall, Masterson was charged with rape back in 2020, with the alleged victims claiming the incidents went down between 2001 and 2003 -- smack in the middle of his work on "That '70s Show."

Danny's maintained his innocence ... claiming the incidents were completely consensual.

Regardless, Danny's now settling into his new life behind bars.

Entourage star Kevin Connolly's L.A. Home Hit By XMAS Eve Burglar

Kevin Connolly had a visitor on XMAS Eve, and it wasn't Santa ... the "Entourage" star’s L.A.-area home was burglarized just before midnight ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a burglar forced open a backdoor and entered Kevin's home. The actor was not there. The thief stole an antique gun and some other minor items before beating it.

Kevin was notified of the break-in and met the cops at his home, where they took a report.

Cops reviewed surveillance footage from the area and determined the suspect appeared to be a homeless man and not a member of the burglary rings that have been targeting high-dollar homes around L.A. in recent months.

TMZ broke the story ... thieves smashed a window at Keanu Reeves' home this month and stole his Glock.

A dollar amount will be determined after Kevin goes through the home to see what else if anything is missing. There have been no arrests and LAPD is investigating.

Kanye West Leading Bump J's Reintro Album ... Swizz, Metro & Juice On Board

Kanye West has been keeping his group of "Vultures" collaborators close, which especially includes Bump J ... because Ye is spearheading a big album release for him in 2024.

Sources close to Ye's camp tell TMZ Hip Hop ... he considers Bump J a fellow Chicagoan and hip hop legend and wants to help get his career back on track.

The bar is being set high ... we're told Swizz Beatz was the first producer to send Bump some beats, as did Metro Boomin, Wheezy and John "Juice" Harris ... all intending to help Bump create a second first impression in the industry.

Kanye produced Bump’s first single “Move Around” back in 2005, but an armed bank robbery charge forced him out of the picture while he served a 7-year prison sentence.

Bump and Kanye reconnected at the top of 2022 where he assisted Ye in co-writing on his unfinished "Donda 2" album, and later for The Game and Hit-Boy's "Drillmatic."

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Club Blu Dubai

We're told the lead single, "Vultures" originally belonged to Bump as a solo record, and once Ye heard it, he immediately summoned Bump to join him and the rest of the gang in Tokyo to help finish his joint album with Ty Dolla $ign.

Unfortunately for Bump, Japan denied him access to the country -- due to his record -- so he returned home and later joined Ye in Italy, where they completed the project.

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Bump was also part of the "Vultures" live premieres in Dubai and Miami where he rubbed shoulders with Lil Durk, Freddie Gibbs, Offset and others.

The time away helped grow Bump's street legacy in Chicago -- he influenced future Chicago rappers like G Herbo, Lil Bibby and Durk, who credits him with expanding his mind, so it was possible to have a rap career.

New England Patriots Two Men Charged In Connection With Fight At Game ... Ended With Fan's Death

Two men have been hit with criminal charges for their alleged roles in an altercation that eventually ended with the death of a Patriots fan at Gillette Stadium earlier this year, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

According to the Foxborough Police Department, 59-year-old John Vieira and 39-year-old Justin Mitchell were charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct this week after investigators say they were involved in a fight with Dale Mooney just prior to Mooney's death at the Pats vs. Dolphins game on Sept. 17.

The FPD says the charges came down after the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled that Mooney died from "probable cardiac dysrhythmia in a person with severe hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease during a physical altercation."

The FPD, however, added that despite the OCME ruling the manner of Mooney's death as a homicide ... the evidence its investigators gathered did not establish "a basis for criminal prosecution of charges related to homicide in Mr. Mooney’s death."

Vieira is slated for arraignment on Jan. 19 ... while Mitchell is set to be arraigned a week later.

“We thank the members of the public who made their private videos of the altercation available for our review," Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey said in a statement Friday, "and the investigators at the Foxborough Police Department, for their help in establishing a clear picture of these tragic events."

Mooney -- who's been described as a New England super fan -- was just 53 years old.

NFL Star Chandler Jones Involved In Confrontation With Cops In AZ

Chandler Jones was recently involved in another run-in with cops -- this time the NFL star's confrontation with police happened while he was in Arizona.

According to a video the former Las Vegas Raiders pass rusher posted to his Instagram on Monday morning, several officers from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office pulled up to a residence he was at looking to speak to him.


In the footage, you can see Jones exchanged words with the officers ... before one of them told the football player, "Mr. Jones, we've got to talk about why we're here now."

Suddenly, the camera falls and Jones can be heard screaming.

"Wait!" Jones yells. "Wait! No!"

You can hear in the clip officers trying to explain to him they're "there to help" -- before the video cuts out.

It's unclear when the footage was captured and what officers were there for -- we've reached out to cops for comment, but so far, no word back yet.

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It's hardly the first time Jones has garnered seemingly unwanted attention from cops over the last few months -- he was arrested in Las Vegas two times in the fall for violations of a domestic violence temporary protection order.

And, according to a second video Jones shared on his IG on Monday morning, cops were also apparently at his home in Arizona another time recently to talk about a fire he had seemingly made in his backyard.

Instagram / @chanjones

"We got a phone call that you were burning your furniture," the officers told Jones.

Jones denied the allegation, explained the fire was contained -- and even offered to bring out firewood to prove it all. The video stops before a resolution to the situation is seen.

Jones -- a 33-year-old, two-time All-Pro -- is considered one of the top pass rushers of his generation ... though he has not played a snap this season after the Raiders cut him following his first arrest in Nevada in September.

President Biden Motorcade Rammed by Driver ... Secret Service Swoops In



7:33 AM PT -- The driver in question, 46-year-old James Cooper, has been charged with DUI and inattentive driving ... this according to the Wilmington Police Department.

Part of President Joe Biden's motorcade was involved in a crash, with things so scary the Secret Service thought there was a threat to POTUS' life ... and they moved in quick.

The dramatic moment was caught on video Sunday as Biden and his wife, Jill, were leaving campaign headquarters in Delaware, where there was press outside waiting to ask him questions as he was getting ready to board a waiting SUV and head home for the night.

Right as he was responding to one question about his standing in the polls, you can hear a loud bang off-camera -- which captures the Prez's attention ... and all his SS agents too.

Those around him quickly whisked him away and got him inside the car closest to him, and others swooped in to attend to whatever the heck had just happened there on the street. As it turns out, some Joe Schmo had rammed into one of the motorcade SUVs.

You can tell SS agents didn't know what was going on, and they treated it as an intentional move -- closing in on the driver with guns drawn and telling him to put his hands up .... which he most certainly did. Soon, it became evident ... it was a random accident.

In the end, nobody was harmed ... and cops are now investigating the cause and whether any potential impairment was at play. From the sounds of it, no one was arrested.

Still, pretty dramatic ... good to know these guys are always ready to spring into action.

Originally Published -- 6:32 AM PT

WWE Star Liv Morgan Busted For Weed Possession In Florida ...

WWE Superstar Liv Morgan got smoked by the police ... 'cause she was busted driving with marijuana in Florida and thrown into the pokey, TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us .... Morgan was cruising down the street in her jeep in Sumter County Thursday night when a sheriff's deputy pulled her over after seeing her swerve across the white and yellow lines.

We're told the deputy walked up to the vehicle, smelled reefer and conducted a search, finding less than 20 grams of marijuana in Morgan's possession.

Our sources say the deputy seized the small plastic bag of weed along with a vape pen containing an "oil-like substance."

Morgan was promptly arrested and booked into the Sumter County Jail for possession of cannabis 20 grams or less. She was later released after reportedly posting a $3,000 bond.

As for her WWE career, Morgan is currently a Raw Superstar, as well as a former Smackdown Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion.