Sex Shop Attack Cop Busted for Beating Up Clerk ... Pissed His Wife Wanted BIG Toys

Size does matter, allegedly, to an Oklahoma cop who's been arrested for assaulting a sex shop clerk who defended the cop's wife ... in an argument about the size of her sex toys. Seriously.

This all went down at Christie's Toy Box in Oklahoma City ... where Pottawatomie Sheriff's commander David DeWitt took his wife shopping for a new sex toy. According to the arrest report, obtained by FOX25, DeWitt grew enraged Monday night when the missus picked up a few items that were, umm ... "bigger than him."

The clerk says DeWitt told his wife she didn't need fake penises that put him to shame, and allegedly raised his hand as if to backhand her. The clerk says he stepped in between them at the point and asked DeWitt to leave the store, but he allegedly barked back, "F*** you, I'm a cop!"

The violence allegedly broke out when DeWitt and his wife were checking out, and that same clerk asked if they wanted to buy any batteries for their new device. That's when DeWitt allegedly yelled, "What the f*** you say to me, fat boy?"

The clerk says he told DeWitt to get out of his face, and that's when DeWitt jumped behind the counter and repeatedly punched him in the face and ribs, tossed a bunch of merchandise around the store ... and then left in a convertible Bentley.

Shortly thereafter, DeWitt was pulled over, but not for the sex shop incident -- a state trooper nailed him for speeding. The trooper was going to let DeWitt go with a warning, but then heard the call about the alleged fight over a phallus ... and notified OKC cops he had DeWitt pulled over.

DeWitt was booked for misdemeanor assault, and he's been suspended without pay pending an investigation.

No word on if his wife got the toy she wanted. Come through, Santa!

KEANU REEVES SKI-MASKED Burglars Hit HOME ... Make Off with Firearm

Keanu Reeves' home has once again been targeted ... law enforcement sources say burglars in ski masks broke into his place and fled the area before officers arrived.

We're told the actor's L.A. home was burglarized Wednesday evening ... with LAPD responding to an anonymous call about a possible trespasser at his property at around 7 PM. Cops arrived on the scene, and conducted a search, but found no one.

But, we're told police were back there again around 1 AM when an alarm sounded on the property ... and this time officers say multiple men in ski masks were spotted on security cams smashing a window and entering the house.

According to our sources, the culprits took one firearm from the home before making a run for it. It's unclear if anything else was taken, but Keanu was not home at the time.

Detectives are still looking at videos from the home and around the neighborhood for more clues. We're told one thing they're specifically looking into is whether the first call to cops was made by someone scoping the house.

The 'John Wick' star's home has been at the center of similar attempts in the past ... with two back-to-back intruders in 2014 -- and he was also granted a temporary restraining order against an alleged stalker who he says showed up at his home earlier this year.

Stay safe, Keanu!

Ladrones roban un arma de fuego de la casa de Keanu Reeves

La casa de Keanu Reeves fue atacada por ladrones con pasamontañas que huyeron antes de que llegaran los oficiales, TMZ ha indagado.

La policía de Los Ángeles respondió a una llamada anónima sobre un posible intruso en su propiedad alrededor de las 7 PM del miércoles.

Sin embargo, cuando los policías llegaron a la escena y llevaron a cabo una búsqueda, no encontraron a nadie.

La policía estuvo de vuelta en la escena horas más tarde, alrededor de la 1 de la mañana después de recibir una llamada de alarma de la propiedad, esta vez se pudo ver en las imágenes de la cámara de seguridad de la casa que varios hombres con pasamontañas habían roto una ventana para entrar.

Los delincuentes se llevaron un arma de fuego de la casa antes de darse a la fuga.

No está claro si se llevaron algo más que la pistola y Keanu —que no estaba en casa en ese momento— buscará en su casa para ver qué más falta, si es que falta algo.

Nos han dicho que los detectives siguen buscando pistas en los videos de la casa y del vecindario y están tratando de averiguar si la primera llamada la hizo alguien que estaba inspeccionando la casa.

Aún no se han realizado detenciones y el caso está siendo investigado.

Ni que decir tiene que los ladrones tuvieron suerte de no cruzarse con Keanu, ya que no habrían tenido ninguna oportunidad con el amplio entrenamiento con armas de fuego del actor de "John Wick".

La casa de Keanu ha sufrido intentos similares en varias ocasiones, con dos intrusos consecutivos en 2014, y también se le concedió una orden de restricción temporal contra un presunto acosador que según él se presentó en su casa a principios de este año.

¡Cuídate Keanu!

Sauce Walka Charged with Evading Arrest ... 130 MPH High-Speed Chase!!!

Houston rapper Sauce Walka is free on bond after police say he attempted to flee at a crazy high speed ... only to find himself in the hospital after wrecking his car.

Harris County Sheriff's Office tells us deputies observed Sauce running a red light Wednesday night and attempted to pull him over -- but he darted away, eventually reaching a top speed of 130 mph during a pursuit that lasted just over 2 miles.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Cops say the rapper then lost control of his vehicle, crashed and ended up needing to be rushed to a hospital. We're told doctors treated him for non-life-threatening injuries.

Sauce was eventually released from the hospital, and booked into the Harris County Joint Processing Center for felony evading in a vehicle.

We're told Sauce was released on $15k bond, and has a court date this Friday ... which he doesn't seem to be worried about.


After getting sprung from jail, SW phoned his homie Sauce Money JC and described the incident as a "catastrophic accident,” but downplayed it by promoting his new music.

Concerned fans should be able to reach Sauce more easily now ... thanks to JC's video.

Impactante video Un policía militar golpea a su esposa ... Y la mata a tiros

El fatal incidente

Un policía militar le disparó a su esposa hasta provocarle la muerte después de haberla golpeado brutalmente durante un enfrentamiento en Brasil y todo fue grabado en video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima estaba fuera de servicio el domingo cuando comenzó a discutir con su esposa, Erika, por alguna razón dentro de un carro aparcado en Sao Paulo.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes de vigilancia, Erika salta del asiento del conductor, da vueltas alrededor del carro e intenta abrir una puerta del lado del pasajero para sacar a Thiago del asiento trasero.

Los dos se enzarzan en un violento forcejeo mientras Thiago sale del vehículo con una pistola en la mano. Thiago golpea repetidamente a Erika en la cabeza antes de apuntarle con la pistola.

Según los informes, Thiago cargó a Erika en el carro y se la llevó a un hospital local, donde fue declarada su muerte.

Las autoridades brasileñas detuvieron a Thiago, quien confesó haber disparado mortalmente a Erika, según la CNN. No está claro si se presentaron cargos criminales.

Shocking Video Execution Military Police Officer Beats Wife ... Fatally Shoots Her in Brazil


A military police officer reportedly shot his wife to death after brutally beating her during a heated confrontation in Brazil ... and it was all caught on video.

Thiago Cezar de Lima was off-duty Sunday when he started arguing with his wife, Erika, for some reason inside a parked car in Sao Paolo.

Check out the surveillance footage ... Erika jumps out of the driver's seat and circles around the car, ripping open a passenger side door and trying to yank Thiago out of the backseat.

The two get into a violent struggle as Thiago pops out of the vehicle with a pistol gripped in his hand. Thiago repeatedly punches Erika in the head before aiming the gun at her.

Thiago reportedly loaded Erika into the car and drove her to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Brazilian authorities arrested Thiago, who confessed to fatally shooting Erika, CNN said. It's not clear whether criminal charges were filed.

GLORIA ALLRED Migrant Boat Actually Landed Near Her Crib ... Apparently Regular Thing!!!

A boat full of migrants washed ashore in Malibu last week -- and we've learned their landing spot ended up being closer to Gloria Allred's place ... plus, turns out, this is the norm!

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the boat in question from last Tuesday -- where at least two dozen migrants scrambled on the beach upon touching down on land -- was much closer to Allred's home (like right next to, in fact) than it was Barbra Streisand's ... something that was initially reported by other outlets.

What's more, our sources say this is not a new event in the Malibu area. Empty boats and remnants are found every 2 to 3 months, we're told ... but the "human cargo" -- as it was put to us -- is almost always gone before it's reported.

Our law enforcement sources tell us ... if any undocumented migrants are found on land, they're detained until Homeland Security takes custody of them. However, last week, they got away before the Sheriff's Department responded to the scene.

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Fox News

This comes after footage shared by FOX News' Bill Melugin showed what appeared to be a panga boat washing ashore off the coast of Malibu ... with what he describes as "illegal" migrants.

A day later, reports of yet another panga boat surfaced off the coast of Malibu as well -- but according to a local Los Angeles media, that one sunk, and nobody was found ... only debris and life jackets.


TMZ reached out to Gloria ... we're told she had no comment.

Un barco de inmigrantes de Malibú aterrizó cerca de la casa de Gloria Allred

Un barco lleno de migrantes llegó a la orilla en Malibú la semana pasada y hemos descubierto que su lugar de aterrizaje terminó siendo más cerca de la casa de Gloria Allred... y al parecer, es algo más común de lo que pensábamos.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el barco apareció el pasado martes y al menos dos docenas de migrantes se apresuraron a tocar tierra. Esto ocurrió cerca de la casa de Allred (justo al lado) de la casa de Barbra Streisand. Al menos esto fue lo que algunos medios informaron.

Es más, nuestras fuentes dicen que esto no es una novedad en la zona de Malibú. Barcos vacíos y los restos se encuentran cada 2 o 3 meses. Nos informan que la "carga humana" desapareció antes de que el informe se realizara.

Nuestras fuentes policiales nos dicen que si se encuentra a algún inmigrante indocumentado en tierra, se le detiene hasta que Seguridad Nacional se hace cargo de su custodia. Sin embargo, la semana pasada, se escaparon antes de que el Departamento del Sheriff llegara a la escena.

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llegando a la costa
Fox News

Esto viene después de imágenes compartidas por FOX News donde Bill Melugin mostró lo que parecía ser un barco llegando a tierra frente a la costa de Malibú, con lo que él describe como migrantes "ilegales".

Un día más tarde, los informes de otro barco surgió frente a la costa de Malibú, así - pero de acuerdo con un medio de comunicación local de Los Ángeles, uno se hundió y nadie fue encontrado... solo escombros y chalecos salvavidas.

¡feliz navidad!

TMZ se puso en contacto con Gloria y nos dice que no tenía comentarios.

Suspenden a un policía de Alabama por electrocutar a un hombre negro que lloraba

Facebook / Jalexis Monea Rice

Una mujer policía de Alabama ha sido suspendida por reírse mientras utilizaba una pistola eléctrica contra un hombre negro esposado que lloraba... el angustioso video ha circulado ampliamente por Internet.

En el clip, la policía no identificada del Departamento de Policía de Reforma en el condado de Pickens fue filmado el sábado jurando y reprendiendo al hombre, que el fiscal de distrito Andy Hamlin dice que fue detenido por un cargo de tráfico de fentanilo.

Se le puede ver gritándole al hombre esposado que se tumbe en la parte delantera del vehículo con la cara hacia abajo y ordenándole que "se quede quieto".

Sin embargo, cuando el hombre responde: "No voy a hacer m***, hermano. Tengo una pistola ahí mismo", ella le saca la pistola del bolsillo y le dispara inmediatamente en la espalda.

Con el hombre claramente dolorido y llorando, ella le advierte: "¿Lo quieres otra vez? Cállate la boca".

En respuesta al veneno mostrado por la policía, el jefe de policía de Reform —Richard Black— y la alcaldesa —Melody Davis— emitieron un comunicado conjunto en el que se lee: "El Departamento de Policía de Reforma es consciente de la circulación de un video que implica la detención de un ciudadano el 2 de diciembre".

Se añadió: "El departamento está en proceso de entregar todo el material relacionado con esta detención a la Oficina de Investigación del Estado de Alabama y ha solicitado una investigación exhaustiva de las circunstancias que rodearon la detención. De acuerdo con la política de la ciudad, el agente implicado ha sido puesto en excedencia administrativa mientras se lleva a cabo la investigación".

El video ha provocado la furia generalizada en Internet, con algunos calificándolo de "repugnante" y de "abuso de poder" y otros pidiendo su detención.

No se ha revelado la identidad del hombre detenido por cargos relacionados con drogas.


Facebook / Jalexis Monea Rice

A white female Alabama cop has been placed on leave for laughing while using a stun gun on a crying handcuffed Black man ... with the distressing video widely circulating online.

In the clip, the unidentified cop from the Reform Police Department in Pickens County was filmed Saturday swearing and berating the man ... who District Attorney Andy Hamlin says was arrested on a trafficking fentanyl charge.

She's seen shouting at the cuffed man to lie on the front of the vehicle with his face down and ordering him to "stay still."

However, when the man responds, "I ain't doing s***, bro. I got a gun right there," she takes the gun out of his pocket and immediately deploys the stun gun into his back.

With the man clearly in pain and crying, she warns: "Do you want it again? Shut your b***h a** up!"

In response to the venom shown by the cop, reform police Chief Richard Black and Mayor Melody Davis released a joint statement ... reading: "The Reform Police Department is aware of a video circulating involving a citizen's arrest on December 2."

It was added: "The department is in the process of turning over all materials related to this arrest to the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation and has requested a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arrest. In accordance with City Policy, the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave while the investigation is conducted."

The clip has drawn widespread fury online ... with some labeling it "sickening" and an "abuse of power" and others calling for her arrest.

The identity of the man taken into custody on the drug-related charge has not been released.

Kelly Oubre Jr. Breaks Silence On Accident ... Expected To Return Wed


Kelly Oubre Jr. is finally speaking out about the hit-and-run accident that left him with serious injuries last month ... speaking with media in Philly ahead of his return to the basketball court on Wednesday.

Remember, the Philadelphia 76ers forward hasn't played any basketball since he suffered a broken rib, in addition to hip and leg injuries, after he was struck by a vehicle on November 11.

The 27-year-old has kept quiet about the incident ... until now, as he's been cleared to play and is expected to be available against the Washington Wizards on Wednesday.

"First and foremost before anything, I just want to say thank you to my family and my friends, the 76ers organization, especially coach [Nick] Nurse, for the utmost support throughout this whole process," Oubre said to the media on Monday.

"I’ve spoken to the police about this situation and they have an ongoing investigation. So I’ve spoken to who I need to speak to about it and I keep that where that is. I won’t be speaking on any details about that because they’re looking into it."

Even with all the injuries, Oubre says he does not have any ill will towards the driver, saying he's always about "love and peace".

Kelly also addressed rumors he made up the incident.

"I'm just really blessed that it wasn't worse than what it is and that I'm able to come back to work and smile, walk, talk, and breathe," Oubre said. "So yeah, that's what I have to say about the conspiracy theorists."

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Remember, TMZ Sports posted video, with permission, showing Oubre returning home after the accident, clearly in a great deal of pain. His wife immediately called 911, and Oubre was rushed to the hospital.

Oubre -- who signed a 1-year, $2.9 million deal with the 76ers in September -- was averaging 16.3 points and 5 rebounds a game before the incident.

Welcome back, KO!

Un barco de inmigrantes habría llegado cerca de la casa de Barbra Streisand en Malibú

El patio trasero de de Barbra Streisand en Malibú se convirtió en el lugar de desembarco de un barco de inmigrantes que llegó a la orilla a principios de la semana pasada y todo está en video.

FOX News Bill Melugin obtuvo imágenes impactantes que parecen mostrar un barco llegando a tierra el martes por la tarde frente a la costa de Malibú con lo que él describe como presuntos inmigrantes ilegales, al menos un par de docenas o por lo que parece

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Fox News

De acuerdo con el video de vigilancia, alrededor de la 1 PM o algo así, se puede ver a estas personas saltar y correr a lo largo de la playa tan pronto como llegan a tierra firme.

No se sabe si algunos de ellos han sido capturados o detenidos por el momento, pero solo un día después, los informes de otro barco surgió frente a la costa de Malibú. Solo que este se hundió y nadie fue encontrado... nada más que escombros y chalecos salvavidas, según dijeron los medios de comunicación de Los Ángeles.

Ahora, en cuanto a lo que Barbra tiene que ver en esto... la verdad no mucho. El New York Post insiste en que este barco se detuvo justo abajo de la casa de la actriz, pero no está claro de donde están recibiendo esa información, ya que no citan ninguna fuente oficial.

Barbra posee tres propiedades adyacentes en la zona y todas bordean un acantilado con vista al océano. Si es cierto que su casa se encuentra justo encima de donde este barco aterrizó, sería un escenario bastante aterrador, especialmente si los migrantes siguen sueltos.

Por supuesto, hay varias otras estrellas que viven en Malibú a las que esto posiblemente podría afectar también, incluyendo vecinos de Barbra como Lady Gaga, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Leo DiCaprio y un sinnúmero de otras celebridades que tienen propiedades en la zona.

Lo que es interesante acerca de la ubicación... Malibú es una ciudad santuario y algunos especulan que puede ser parte de la razón por la que el barco llegó allí, a diferencia de Los Ángeles, que aún no es oficialmente una ciudad santuario, a pesar de que aprobó una resolución este año para iniciar el proceso.

En cualquier caso, es solo una prueba de que la situación en la frontera sur no se detiene ahí, parece que la gente está encontrando maneras de entrar en el país a través de otras vías y la élite de Hollywood podría tener que lidiar con ello.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Streisand para hacer comentarios pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Barbra Streisand Migrant Boat Washes Ashore Reportedly Right By Her Malibu Home

The beachy backyard of Barbra Streisand's Malibu home reportedly became the landing spot for a migrant boat that drifted ashore earlier this past week ... and it's all on video.

FOX News' Bill Melugin obtained shocking footage that appears to show a panga boat washing ashore on Tuesday afternoon off the coast of Malibu with what he describes as suspected illegal migrants ... at least a couple dozen or so from the looks of it.

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Fox News

According to the surveillance video, this was captured in broad daylight ... around 1 PM or so, and you can see these folks hop out and scurry along the beach as soon as they land.

No word if any of them have been captured and detained just yet ... but just a day later, reports of yet another panga boat surfaced off the coast of Malibu as well -- only that one sunk, and nobody was found ... only debris and life jackets, per local Los Angeles media.

Now, as far as what Barb has to do with any of this ... the New York Post insists this boat that drifted in from sea actually did so just below her Malibu compound -- although it's unclear where they're getting that info from ... as they don't cite any official sourcing.

Barbra owns three adjacent properties in the area, and yes -- they do all border a cliff that overlooks the ocean below. If it's true her crib was located just above where this boat landed ... it's a pretty frightening scenario, especially if the migrants are still on the loose.

Of course, there are several other stars who live in Malibu that this could possibly affect as well -- including neighbors of Barbra's like Lady Gaga, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Leo DiCaprio and countless other celebs who have properties in the area.

What's interesting about the location ... Malibu is a sanctuary city, and some speculate that may be part of the reason the boat arrived there ... as opposed to L.A., which is not yet officially a sanctuary city -- although it did pass a resolution this year to start the process.

In any case, it's just evidence that the situation at the Southern border doesn't just stop there ... looks like people are finding ways into the country through other avenues, and Hollywood's elite might just have to deal with it.

We've reached out to Streisand for comment ... so far, no word back.

Michael B. Jordan Crashes Ferrari into Parked Kia in Hollywood

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Michael B. Jordan had a bad encounter Saturday night ... with a Kia, which is now worse for wear after MBJ veered into it.

The actor crashed his blue Ferrari into a similarly-colored parked Kia at around 11:30 PM in Hollywood.

The LAPD responded and found no signs of Michael being impaired by drugs or alcohol. Cops did not perform a field sobriety test.

Our law enforcement sources say police on the scene asked Jordan, "What happened?" but the 'Creed' star didn't offer an explanation.

There were no injuries or damage to property, other than the Kia and the Ferrari. LAPD told Michael to fill out a police report online.


Michael has been out and about with this Ferrari before -- he was photographed walking away from it in 2021 ... when he was still dating Lori Harvey, so there's no doubt it's his.

We've reached out to Mike's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Ataque a un fan de Nardo Wick Los sospechosos se entregan a la policía

Dos hombres acusados de golpear brutalmente a un fanático de Nardo Wick se han entregado a la policía, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los sospechosos, Zachary L. Benton, de 34 años y un varón de 15, se entregaron a la policía de Tampa el viernes por la noche. Ambos están acusados por el delito grave de agresión. El chico de 15 años también está acusado por ser menor de edad y poseer un arma de fuego mientras llevaba una máscara.

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Golpeado en seco

Una fuente cercana a Nardo nos dice que los hombres no tenían una relación estrecha con el rapero, sino que eran amigos de amigos.

Nos dicen que los dos sospechosos se pusieron en contacto con el equipo de Nardo a principios de esta semana para discutir la logística de la entrega, lo que es interesante, pues tenían suficiente conexión cómo para llegar a alguien del equipo de Nardo.

TMZ fue el primero en informar la noticia, un video muestra a George Obregon Jr., fan de Nardo Wick, caminando hacia el rapero después de un show, y luego siendo emboscado y golpeado por dos personas que estaban afuera con el rapero. Los policías nos dicen que Benton fue el primero en golpear a Obregon, mientras que el chico de 15 años corrió y le dio un puñetazo varias veces más.

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Agresión injustificada

La madre de George nos dijo que su hijo, de 20 años, solo quería tomarse una foto con Nardo cuando fue atacado. Fue trasladado a la unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital con una conmoción cerebral grave y una hemorragia cerebral. Desconocemos su estado actual.

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Genuina preocupación

Nardo se disculpó por el incidente, pero culpó a los otros hombres diciendo que no puede controlar cómo reaccionan otros hombres adultos. También dijo que estaba molesto por todo el incidente.

Los policías publicaron fotos de los sospechosos el miércoles, diciendo que eran buscados por su presunta participación directa en un delito de agresión.

Nardo Wick Fan Beatdown Suspects Surrender in Vicious Attack Against Fan

Two men accused of throwing punches in the brutal beatdown of a Nardo Wick fan have turned themselves into police ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the suspects -- 34-year-old Zachary L. Benton and a 15-year-old male turned themselves in to Tampa PD Friday night. They are charged with felony battery. The 15-year-old is also charged with minor in possession of a firearm while wearing a mask.

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A source close to Nardo tells us the men did not have a close relationship with the rapper ... they were friends of friends.

We're told the two suspects reached out to Nardo's team earlier this week to discuss logistics of surrender. That's interesting ... they had enough of a connection to reach out to someone from Nardo's team.

TMZ broke the story ... video shows Nardo fan George Obregon Jr. walking up to the rapper after a show, and getting ambushed and sucker punched by two people who were walking out of the venue with Nardo. Cops tell us Benton is the one who first punched Obregon and the 15-year-old ran over and punched him several more times.

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George's mom told us her 20-year-old son was just seeking a photo with Nardo when he was attacked. He was taken to the critical care unit of a hospital with a severe concussion and brain bleed. We do not know his current condition.

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Nardo apologized for the incident but blamed the other men ... saying he can't control how grown men react. He also said he was upset by the whole incident.

Cops released photos of the suspects Wednesday, saying they were wanted for allegedly having direct involvement in a felony battery.