Los agentes del sheriff de Los Ángeles respondieron a una llamada de la casa de Chet Hanks en el área de Los Ángeles las primeras horas del lunes después de que un hombre intentó entrar en su propiedad, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que antes de que llegaran las autoridades, el hijo de Tom Hanks golpeó al hombre de 42 años de edad, después de encontrarlo tratando de entrar en su casa alrededor de las 3:00 AM. Cuando los oficiales llegaron trataron de ponerle las esposas al hombre y se resistió y continuó luchando.

Después de someter al sospechoso, los policías lo estaban llevando al carro cuando el sospechoso cayó hacia atrás sobre la pierna de un oficial, causándole una fractura en la pierna.

El sospechoso y el ayudante del sheriff fueron trasladados a un hospital local para ser examinados y el sospechoso fue fichado más tarde por robo.

El caso será remitido a la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Los Ángeles para su archivo.

CHET HANKS Toe-to-Toe Punches with Home Intruder ... Thwarts Alleged Burglary

Chet Hanks must defend his house, and he'll do it with his bare fists, as a man who was allegedly trying to get into Chet's place found out the hard way ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... before authorities arrived early Monday morning, Tom Hanks' son punched the 42-year-old suspect after finding him attempting to break in around 3:00 AM. When L.A. County Sheriff's deputies got on scene they tried to slap cuffs on the man, but he kept fighting.

Eventually, they subdued him enough to get cuffs on him ... but while leading him to the car, the guy fell backward onto one of the deputies, who ended up with a broken leg!!!

Both men had to be taken to a hospital for treatment. Once he was medically cleared, the suspect was booked for burglary. As for Chet ... at least physically, he was unscathed.

The case will be forwarded to the L.A. County District Attorney's Office for filing considerations.

Human Remains Found Ex-H'wood Agent's Son Arrested for Murder ... Dismembered Body Found in Bag

There's a Hollywood connection to a deeply disturbing crime ... the son of a powerful former Hollywood agent has been booked for murder after a woman's dismembered torso was found in a bag.

LAPD arrested 35-year-old Samuel Haskell Wednesday following the grisly discovery -- the bag containing the female victim's body was in a dumpster in Encino, CA. Haskell's wife, Mei Haskell, and her parents are currently missing. The coroner hasn't identified the victim yet ... but in the meantime, Haskell's being held on $2 million bail.

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Haskell's father, Sam Haskell Sr., is currently the President of Magnolia Hill Productions -- the company behind several Dolly Parton specials -- including "Dolly Parton's Magic Mountain Christmas" and "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors."

Haskell Sr. was once a powerful agent at William Morris Agency ... he retired as an agent in 2005, but during his 27-year-career represented the likes of Dolly, Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Romano, George Clooney, Martin Short, Kirstie Alley, Tony Danza, Debbie Allen, Kathie Lee Gifford ... and even King Charles' younger brother, Prince Edward.

As for the criminal investigation into Haskell's son, investigators are currently searching through Junior's Tarzana home where he lived with his wife and her parents Yanxiang Wang and Gaoshen Li.

So far, police say they've found evidence of a crime with blood in the home.

The dismembered torso was reportedly found Wednesday by a homeless person who was sifting through a strip mall dumpster. Haskell Jr. and Mei have 3 kids who are safe in the custody of L.A.'s DCFS.

We've reached out to Haskell Sr. at Magnolia Hill Productions ... so far, no word back.

ARRESTAN AL HIJO DE UN EX AGENTE encuentran cuerpo desmembrado en una bolsa

El hijo de un poderoso ex agente de Hollywood ha sido fichado por asesinato luego de  que un torso desmembrado de una mujer fue encontrado en una bolsa.

La policía de Los Ángeles detuvo el miércoles a Samuel Haskell, de 35 años, tras el espeluznante descubrimiento. La bolsa que contenía el cuerpo de la víctima estaba en un contenedor de basura en Encino, California. La esposa de Haskell, Mei Haskell, y sus padres se encuentran en paradero desconocido. El forense no ha identificado a la víctima todavía, pero mientras tanto, Haskell está detenido bajo fianza de 2 millones de dólares.

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una escena impactante

El padre de Haskell, Sam Haskell Sr., es actualmente el Presidente de Magnolia Hill Productions  —la compañía detrás de varios especiales de Dolly Parton— incluyendo "Dolly Parton's Magic Mountain Christmas" y "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors".

Haskell Sr. fue una vez un poderoso agente de William Morris Agency, se retiró como agente en 2005, pero durante sus 27 años de carrera representó a gente como Dolly, Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Romano, George Clooney, Martin Short, Kirstie Alley, Tony Danza, Debbie Allen, Kathie Lee Gifford, e incluso el hermano menor del rey Carlos, el príncipe Eduardo.

En cuanto a la investigación criminal sobre el hijo de Haskell, los investigadores están buscando actualmente a través de la casa de Tarzana de Junior, donde vivía con su esposa y sus padres Yanxiang Wang y Gaoshen Li.

Hasta ahora, la policía dice que han encontrado evidencia de un crimen con sangre en la casa.

Según los informes, el torso desmembrado fue encontrado el miércoles por una persona sin hogar que estaba hurgando en un contenedor de basura de un centro comercial. Haskell Jr. y Mei tienen 3 hijos que están a salvo bajo la custodia del DCFS de Los Ángeles.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Haskell padre en Magnolia Hill Producciones, hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.


Una investigación interna del camión eléctrico de Alan Ruck no ha encontrado ningún indicio de mal funcionamiento antes de su accidente contra una pizzería en Hollywood.

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daños serios
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Un portavoz de Rivian le dice a TMZ que comprobaron los datos sobre el vehículo y encontraron que el camión funcionaba según lo diseñado, no había ninguna indicación de mal funcionamiento y están cooperando plenamente con la investigación en curso de la policía local sobre el incidente.

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sin parar
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Como informamos por primera vez, la principal teoría de la policía de Los Ángeles de lo que causó el accidente se centró en el nuevo y llamativo Rivian R1T de alta tecnología del actor.

Como informamos, los policías especularon que las características innovadoras de la camioneta podrían haber sido las culpables, ya que la estrella no estaba bajo la influencia de alcohol o drogas, distraído o afectado de otro modo durante el accidente.

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sin daños físicos que lamentar

Si aún no lo sabías, el camión cuenta con tres sistemas de tracción a las cuatro ruedas, lo que significa que puede ir de 0-60 MPH en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Por el momento, la investigación sobre el accidente parece haber llegado a un punto muerto, pero afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido de gravedad y Alan salió sin un rasguño.


An internal investigation of Alan Ruck's electric truck has found no indication of malfunction prior to his crash into a pizza shop in Hollywood.

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A spokesperson for Rivian tells TMZ they checked the data on the vehicle and found the truck performed as designed, there was no indication of malfunction, and they are fully cooperating with local law enforcement’s ongoing investigation of the incident.

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As we first reported, the LAPD's main theory of what caused the wreck focused on the actor's flashy new high-tech Rivian R1T getting the better of him.

As we reported, cops speculated the truck's innovative features may have been to blame as the star was not under the influence, distracted, or otherwise impaired during the accident.

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If you didn't already know, the truck features three all-wheel drive systems -- meaning it can go from 0-60 MPH in a bolt.

For the time being, the investigation into the crash appears to have hit a roadblock ... but, thankfully, no one was seriously hurt - and Alan walked away without a scratch.

Insane Robbery Uses Construction Backhoe ... Digs A Hole In The Side Of The Store!


Some alleged culprits turned to heavy machinery to carry out their heist ... taking a construction backhoe and digging right into the store.

Check out the wild clip, which reportedly took place Monday morning at an ampm store in Oakland, CA ... the excavation equipment blasts through the wall, with the store's clerk barely gettin' out of there before the crooks start the teardown.

While the shop's glass was bulletproof, it clearly wasn't backhoe-proof -- after getting the claw through the wall, the machine then goes after the ATM inside. Eventually, the thieves in question chain up the ATM, attached to a truck outside, and make their getaway.

Store owner Ali Abdulla told ABC7 there's "at least $70,000" worth of damages after the excavation. Ali says he's frustrated by what happened to his store, and thinks the only way to run a shop in his area these days is to "sleep in your store and stay locked and loaded with an AK-47 and just be ready because the police is not coming on time."

He notes, however, that he isn't putting the blame on Oakland PD -- claiming there simply aren't enough cops working.

When cops arrived at the scene, the backhoe was still there, but the alleged perps were gone ... and OPD's Burglary Unit is asking for anyone with info to come forward.

Evan Ellingson Death Investigated As Possible OD ... Drug Paraphernalia at Scene

Former child star Evan Ellingson's death is being investigated as a possible overdose ... we're told evidence was found at the scene which might point to drug use.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... drug paraphernalia was found at the San Bernardino County home, where Evan was found dead on Sunday. Right now, cops are continuing to investigate and we're told the case is being looked at as a possible OD.

Sources close to the case tell us the pending results of Ellingson's toxicology report will determine how the investigation will proceed -- if drugs are found to have been the cause, authorities could potentially investigate where they came from, and if there's any criminal culpability.

TMZ broke the story, Ellingson's body was found in his bedroom ... and officials told us there appeared to be no foul play involved.

His father, Michael, told us his son was found at a sober living home ... while Ellingson struggled with drugs in the past, Michael says he was doing better as of late.

Evan Ellingson Muerte está siendo investigada como posible sobredosis

La muerte de la ex estrella infantil Evan Ellingson está siendo investigada como posible sobredosis. Esto, luego de que las autoridades a cargo encontraran evidencia en la escena que podría apuntar al consumo de drogas.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que se hallaron diversos elementos relacionados con las drogas en su casa del Condado de San Bernardino, lugar en que Evan fue encontrado sin vida este domingo. En este momento, los policías siguen investigando y nos dicen que el caso está siendo considerado como una posible sobredosis.

Fuentes cercanas al caso nos dicen que los resultados pendientes del informe toxicológico de Ellingson determinarán cómo procederá la investigación. Si se determina que su causa de muerte fue producto de las drogas, las autoridades podrían potencialmente investigar de dónde provenían y si hay alguna culpabilidad criminal.

TMZ publicó la noticia, el cuerpo de Ellingson fue encontrado en su dormitorio. Los funcionarios nos dijeron que no parecía haber indicios de un crimen violento.

Su padre Michael nos dijo que su hijo fue encontrado en un hogar que llevaba una vida sobria. Aunque Ellingson había estado luchando contra las drogas en el pasado, Michael dice que estaba muchísimo mejor en el último tiempo.

Alan Ruck Crash Told Cops, Hey Man ... IDK!!! They Buy It, Chalk It Up to Techy Mishap

Alan Ruck's car crash last week is still a mystery in terms of cause -- but cops do have a theory they're running with for now ... they think technology got the better of a human.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... investigators believe they know what caused the "Succession" star's wreck at a pizza parlor in Hollywood, and from the sounds of it -- the police are buying Alan's story here.

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Our sources say Alan told officers he simply didn't know what caused the accident.

We're told those who were on the scene believed him -- as they saw no evidence he was under the influence, distracted or otherwise impaired during the accident ... so, as far as they're concerned, they believe it was, in fact, just an accident.

Our sources also tell us the LAPD thinks this was just a mishap arising from the fact that Alan's truck, a Rivian R1T, is brand-spanking new and super high-tech.

Indeed, it is an electric truck ... and it certainly looks fancy from the inside out. It also features three all-wheel drive systems -- Dual Motor, Performance Dual-Motor and Quad-Motor ... and depending on which one you're on, it can go from 0-60 MPH reeeal fast.

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We have no idea if or how any of this played a part in Alan's sitch -- but it sounds like the police think he might've just been in over his head handling this machine ... and that it just got away from him. As a result, we're told they're closing the book on this case ... and leaving it to insurance.

Fortunately, nobody was harmed in this freak incident.


El accidente de Alan Ruck la semana pasada sigue siendo un misterio en términos de causa, pero la policía tiene una teoría relacionada a la tecnología del carro.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los investigadores creen que saben lo que causó el accidente de la estrella de "Successión" en una pizzería en Hollywood, y por lo visto, la policía está creyendo la historia de Alan.

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daños serios
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Nuestras fuentes dicen que Alan simplemente le dijo a los oficiales que no sabía lo que causó el accidente.

Nos informan que los que estaban en la escena le creyeron, ya que no vieron ninguna evidencia de que el  actor estuviera bajo la influencia del alcohol, distraído o deteriorado de alguna manera durante el accidente, por lo que, en lo que a ellos respecta, creen que fue solo un accidente.

Nuestras fuentes también nos dicen que la policía de Los Ángeles piensa que esto era solo un percance derivado del hecho de que lacamioneta de Alan, un Rivian R1T, es nuevo y alta tecnología.

De hecho, es una camioneta eléctrica, y desde luego tiene un aspecto de lujo por dentro y por fuera. También cuenta con tres sistemas de tracción a las cuatro ruedas, Dual Motor, Performance Dual-Motor y Quad-Motor y puede ir de 0-60 MPH realmente rápido.

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No tenemos ni idea cómo algo de esto pudo jugar un papel importante en el accidente, pero parece que la policía piensa que el actor simplemente no pudo manejar la máquina. Como resultado, nos dicen que están cerrando el caso y dejándolo en manos del seguro.

Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido en este extraño incidente.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Held For Psych Evaluation ... Allegedly Downed Pills

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., former boxing champ and son of one of Mexico's greatest-ever athletes, was recently treated at a psych hospital after his wife told police he consumed dozens of pills, and she was scared for his safety.

Sources tell TMZ Sports 37-year-old Chavez Jr.'s wife, Frida Chavez, contacted police in the Hollywood area on October 24 ... after she became worried about her hubby's health.

Frida -- who was previously married to Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's late son, Edgar Guzman Lopez -- told cops she believed Julio ingested a large amount of potent and potentially dangerous medication ... and wanted medics to check him out.

Rescuers were dispatched and were able to contact Chavez Jr.

It's unclear exactly what happened, but Julio wasn't permitted to leave after officials determined Chavez Jr. needed to go to a psychiatric facility for treatment, known as a 5150 in California.

The law allows certain officials (police officers, doctors, etc.), should they believe someone to be "a danger to others, or to themselves, or gravely disabled" to be held for up to 72 hours "for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention."

Chavez Jr.'s family is clearly concerned for his health. In fact, his dad, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., recently expressed fear for his son's well-being during a podcast appearance.

"I feel sorry for him, because his children are little and he's not enjoying them. It hurts me that he's going to go crazy, that he's going to have an accident driving at 12-1 in the morning at full speed, that he's going to have a heart attack from all the pills he takes," Chavez Sr. said on the Bromeando con los Rivera show.

Speaking of Sr., while Chavez Jr. never reached the athletic heights of his legendary father, he was still an accomplished boxer, holding the WBC middleweight title in 2011 and 2012.

Julio, 53-6-1, last fought against David Zegarra in December 2021 -- a fight he won by unanimous decision.


The suspect who snatched Lily Collins' belongings has been identified, law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... with the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. seeking the public's assistance in catching the thief.

Andreea Catalina Rosca has been unmasked as the alleged perp who stole the "Emily in Paris" star's possessions, including her wedding band, engagement ring and some electronics.

An active warrant is now out for Rosca's arrest in connection with removing jewelry and credit cards from lockers in a hotel spa and yoga studio .... and using the stolen items to create fake IDs and purchase over $67K in jewelry.

Keeping busy in her alleged criminal pursuits, she also holds a fake Washington State ID card under the name "Nicole Morri."

Andreea, aka Nicole, is described as a female white adult, approximately 34 years old, 5' 1", 100 lbs., with black hair and brown eyes.

With links to the Romanian Organized Theft Groups, she's known to travel the states committing similar crimes. Anyone with info on her whereabouts is urged to contact the West Hollywood Sheriff Station.

Remember ... TMZ first revealed Lily fell victim to major theft when her relaxing spa trip ended with over $10,000 of her valuables swiped from her locker.

It's the latest in a long list of celeb burglaries this year, with the homes of Drake, Miles Teller, and LAFC star Kellyn Acosta all ransacked this year.

Lily Collins La policía identifica al ladrón que robó sus joyas ... Orden de arresto

El sospechoso que arrebató las pertenencias de Lily Collins ha sido identificado, según cuentan fuentes policiales a TMZ. De hecho, el departamento del sheriff de Los Angeles está pidiendo apoyo del servicio público para capturar al ladrón.

Andreea Catalina Rosca ha sido desenmascarado como el presunto autor del robo de las posesiones de la estrella de "Emily en París", incluyendo su anillo de bodas, su anillo de compromiso y algunos aparatos electrónicos.

Ahora hay una orden de arresto activa contra Rosca por la sustracción de joyas y tarjetas de crédito de las taquillas de un spa de hotel y un estudio de yoga, así como por el uso de objetos robados para crear identificaciones falsas y comprar más de 67.000 dólares en joyas.

Manteniéndose ocupada en sus actividades delictivas, también posee un documento de identidad falso del Estado de Washington con el nombre de "Nicole Morri".

Andreea, alias Nicole, se describe como una mujer adulta blanca, de unos 34 años, 5 pies 1 pulgada, 100 libras, pelo negro y ojos marrones.

Vinculada a los Grupos Rumanos de Robo Organizado, se sabe que viaja por los Estados Unidos cometiendo delitos similares. Cualquier persona con información sobre su paradero se insta a ponerse en contacto con la estación de West Hollywood Sheriff.

Recuerden, TMZ reveló por primera vez que Lily fue víctima de un robo importante cuando su relajante viaje a un spa terminó con "más de $10.000" robados en objetos de valor.

Este es el último de una larga lista de robos a celebridades este año, con Drake, Miles Teller y los hogares de la estrella de LAFC, Kellyn Acosta, asaltados este año.

Chiefs' Justyn Ross Allegedly Pushed GF, Knifed Car ... Over Cheating Claims

Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Justyn Ross allegedly roughed up his girlfriend, broke her stuff ... and then knifed her Mercedes during an altercation that led to his arrest last week.

The allegations are all spelled out in newly released court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs -- an affidavit -- prosecutors say cops told them the incident between Ross and his girlfriend happened in Johnson County, Kansas on Oct. 23 ... after the football player allegedly found out the woman had been cheating on him.

According to the documents, the woman told cops that after Ross viewed her phone ... he got in her face, pushed her, threw her to the floor, and then began throwing objects at her. The docs say the woman was seen with "a small scratch" on her hand following the incident.


Officials say the woman also told cops Ross broke several of her items during the confrontation, including jewelry, a cell phone, a laptop and her Mercedes key.

The docs also note that two neighbors say they witnessed Ross push the woman ... as well as "run a knife across" the woman's vehicle.

According to the docs, however, Ross told cops he had thrown the woman's stuff out the door after he found out she was cheating him. He allegedly admitted to breaking a computer -- though he claimed it was his. He denied breaking anything else that belonged to the woman, the docs state.

As we reported, Ross was ultimately arrested over the allegations and charged with one count of domestic battery with no priors as well as one count of criminal damage of less than $1,000. He pleaded not guilty to the charges at a hearing on Oct. 24. He's due to appear before a judge once again on Dec. 4.

As for his football career, he was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List on Oct. 27, which means he's not currently allowed to play in games or practice with the Chiefs ... though he can still attend meetings and get any necessary medical treatment while his criminal case plays out.

Ross had played in seven games prior to the arrest, logging three catches.


Matt LeBlanc parece tan abatido como cabría esperar menos de una semana después de perder a su querido compañero de "Friends" Matthew Perry.

LeBlanc salió el jueves por la tarde en Sherman Oaks, California, conduciendo su Mercedes-Benz. Es la primera vez que lo hemos visto en público desde que Matthew murió el sábado pasado.

Matt lleva gafas de sol oscuras y una gorra de béisbol, y parece bastante triste, un reflejo de las emociones que él y sus ex compañeros de reparto expresaron a principios de esta semana.

Recordemos que el actor y el resto del elenco de "Friends" han dicho que están "completamente devastados" y todavía están procesando el hecho de que han perdido a Matthew.

En su declaración, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer y Matt dijeron: "Éramos más que compañeros de reparto. Somos una familia. Hay tanto que decir, pero ahora mismo vamos a tomarnos un momento para llorar y procesar esta pérdida insondable".

Y añadieron: "Por ahora, nuestros pensamientos y nuestro amor están con la familia de Matty, sus amigos y todos los que le querían en todo el mundo".

hablando de teorías

TMZ publicó la historia. Matthew fue encontrado inconsciente en su jacuzzi, después de haber jugado dos horas de pickleball el sábado por la mañana. Las fuentes dicen que no había drogas ilícitas encontradas en su casa, aunque había varios medicamentos, incluyendo antidepresivos y medicamentos para la ansiedad.

Como te contamos por primera vez, Matthew salió a almorzar con la modelo y reportera de espectáculos Athenna Crosby el día antes de morir, y ella dice que estaba feliz y vibrante.

El informe toxicológico completo de Matthew podría tardar hasta 6 meses en completarse, aunque las pruebas iniciales revelaron que no tenía metanfetamina o fentanilo en su sistema.

La División de Homicidios por Robo de la Policía de Los Ángeles está investigando la muerte de Matthew, ya que es el procedimiento estándar para los detectives de esa división para manejar casos de alto perfil.