Matt LeBlanc First Sighting Since Matthew's Death

Matt LeBlanc looks as downcast as you'd expect less than a week after losing his beloved "Friends" costar Matthew Perry.

LeBlanc ventured out Thursday afternoon in Sherman Oaks, CA ... driving in his Mercedes-Benz SUV. It's the first time we've seen him in public since Matthew died over last Saturday.

Matt's wearing dark sunglasses and a baseball cap, and looks pretty sad ... a reflection of the emotions he and his former cast mates expressed earlier this week.

Remember, ML and the rest of the tightknit "Friends" stars have said they are "utterly devastated," and are still processing the fact they've lost Matthew.

In their statement, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer and Matt said ... "We were more than just cast mates. We are a family. There is so much to say, but right now we're going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss."

They added, "For now, our thoughts and our love are with Matty's family, his friends, and everyone who loved him around the world."


TMZ broke the story ... Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub, after he'd played 2 hours of pickleball on Saturday morning. Sources say there were no illicit drugs found at his home, though there were several Rx medications including anti-depressants and anxiety meds.

As we first told you, Matthew went out to lunch with model and entertainment reporter Athenna Crosby the day before he died, and she says he was happy and vibrant.

Matthew's full toxicology report could take up to 6 months to complete, though initial testing revealed he didn't have meth or fentanyl in his system.

LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division is investigating Matthew's death, but there's no evidence of foul play -- it's standard procedure for detectives in that division to handle high-profile cases.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador 3 YRS PROBATION For DUI ... Prosecutors Wanted Jail


6:37 PM PT -- Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer is ripping the judge.

In a statement to TMZ, Spitzer says ... "Driving under the influence must have consequences. When a judge gives someone who not only drove with a blood alcohol level of .24 - three times the legal limit - but then ran away from the scene of an DUI collision a slap on the wrist, you are sending a message that DUIs are not serious crimes that demand accountability."

Spitzer adds ... "Judge London clearly felt otherwise and not only gave her a court offer, but dismissed the hit and run charge in the interest of justice. This is not justice. We as a society need to wake up and address the very real - and often deadly - consequences of driving under the influence."

Shannon Beador will avoid jail time in her DUI case ... because a judge just sentenced her to 3 years of probation.

The 'RHOC' star learned her fate Thursday, and was sentenced to 36 months informal probation, fines and fees, plus 40 hours community service and a 9-month alcohol program.

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Shannon did not show face in the Orange County courtroom, instead having her attorney appear on her behalf to enter her plea of no contest to one count DUI and one count driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or more.

The judge dismissed one count of hit-and-run with property damage.

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In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer tried to convince the judge to give Shannon a harsher sentence -- he wanted her to also serve 30 days in jail, but the judge ruled otherwise.

TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was arrested in September after slamming her car into a Newport Beach home, with surveillance footage showing her car zipping through a residential area before her crash.

In the docs, the D.A. says she had a .24% BAC after the crash ... and she suffered a fractured left wrist, plus cuts and bruising to her left eye. Shannon's since paid for the property damage.

BTW ... Shannon's still set to appear at BravoCon this weekend in Vegas.

Originally Published -- 10:29 AM PT

'RHOC', SHANNON BEADOR 3 AÑOS DE LIBERTAD CONDICIONAL por conducir en estado de ebriedad

Shannon Beador evitará la cárcel en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad, porque un juez acaba de condenarla a tres años de libertad condicional.

La estrella de 'RHOC' (The Real Housewives of Orange County), conoció su destino el jueves y fue condenada a 36 meses de libertad condicional informal, multas y honorarios, además de 40 horas de servicio comunitario y un programa de alcohol de nueve meses.

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Shannon no dio la cara en la sala del tribunal del Condado de Orange, en lugar de eso, su abogado se presentó en su nombre para realizar la declaración de no oposición a un cargo de DUI y un cargo de conducir con un contenido de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08% o más.

El juez desestimó un cargo de atropello y fuga con daños a la propiedad.

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Dejando la escena

En los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, el Condado de Orange D.A. Todd Spitzer trató de convencer al juez de darle a Shannon una sentencia más dura. Querían que pasara 30 días en la cárcel, pero el juez dictaminó lo contrario.

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannon fue detenida en septiembre después de estrellar su coche contra una casa de Newport Beach, con imágenes de vigilancia que muestra su coche a toda velocidad a través de una zona residencial antes de su accidente.

En los documentos, el D.A. dice que tenía un 24% BAC después del accidente y sufrió una fractura en la muñeca izquierda, además de cortes y contusiones en el ojo izquierdo. Shannon ha pagado por los daños causados a la propiedad.

A propósito, Shannon todavía está lista para aparecer en BravoCon este fin de semana en Las Vegas.

Tupac Shakur Presunto asesino Keefe D en el tribunal para lectura de cargos

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, el hombre presuntamente responsable del asesinato de Tupac Shakur hace más de 25 años, finalmente tuvo su día en la corte después de dos retrasos.

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Keefe D estuvo presente y esposado el jueves por la mañana en un tribunal del Condado de Clark, en Las Vegas, para hacer frente a su cargo de asesinato, del cual se declaró no culpable después de que le designaran a un defensor público.

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Como informamos, el sospechoso de 60 años de edad se presentó por primera vez en la corte a principios de octubre, pero su abogado nunca apareció retrasando la lectura de cargos un par de semanas. La segunda audiencia se retrasó por el mismo motivo.

Después de la audiencia inicial, el fiscal del distrito Steve Wolfson dijo que se esperaba que Keefe se declarara no culpable del cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal.

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Captado durante un paseo

Recuerden, Keefe D fue detenido a fines de septiembre y las imágenes captadas en cámara lo muestran bastante calmado mientras es llevado a la parte trasera del carro policial.

Keefe había sido muy abierto en entrevistas sobre su participación en el asesinato de Tupac, lo que en última instancia llevó a los investigadores a reabrir el caso, que ya tiene 27 años.

Tupac Shakur Alleged Killer Keefe D In Court ... For Arraignment on Murder Charge

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, the man who's allegedly responsible for the murder of Tupac Shakur over 25 years ago finally got his day in court after 2 delays.

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Keefe D was present and in handcuffs Thursday morning at a Clark County courtroom in Las Vegas to face his murder charge ... he pled not guilty after being appointed a public defender.

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As we reported, the 60-year-old suspect first showed up in court at the beginning of October, but his lawyer never appeared ... delaying the arraignment a couple of weeks. The second hearing was again delayed for the same issue.

After the initial hearing, Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson said Keefe was expected to plead not guilty to the charge of murder with the use of a deadly weapon.

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Remember, Keefe D was arrested near the end of September -- and the body cam footage of the arrest showed him acting pretty calmly while being put in the back of the cop car.

Keefe had been outspoken in interviews about being involved with Tupac's killing ... which played a big role in ultimately leading investigators to crack open the 27-year-old case.


Alan Ruck es el desafortunado protagonista de un llamativo accidente en una pizzería en Hollywood.

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daños serios
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Fuentes policiales dicen que el accidente ocurrió alrededor de las 9 PM del miércoles en Raffalo's Pizza, en la intersección de La Brea Avenue y Hollywood Boulevard. El video muestra al vehículo del actor enterrado hasta la mitad, atravesando la pared del restaurant.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que dos personas resultaron heridas en el accidente, pero ambos estaban conscientes y respirando por lo que es probable que estén bien. Afortunadamente, ningún peatón fue atropellado en el accidente.

Alan se quedó alrededor después del accidente. Fue visto fuera de la camioneta hablando por su teléfono celular, mientras que otros evaluaron los daños.

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¡sin parar!
TikTok / @olgaparusske

En cuanto a cómo ocurrió el accidente, la cámara de vigilancia muestra a la camióneta de Alan cruzando una intersección de manera imprudente y chocando contra un carro, para posteriormente impactar contra el edificio.

Por supuesto, la escena del accidente atrajo a una multitud. Muchos tomaron fotos y videos del vehículo; claramente poco ayuda al intenso tráfico de L.A.


Alan Ruck might want to consider delivery next time he's got a hankering for pizza ... ramming his truck into the side of a pie joint in a 4-way crash in Hollywood.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Law enforcement sources say the crash occurred around 9 PM Tuesday at Raffalo's Pizza at the intersection of La Brea Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. Video shows the actor's Rivian with about half of the cab lodged into the side of the brick building.

Our sources say two people were injured in the crash, but both were conscious and breathing ... so they're likely to be OK. Thankfully, no pedestrians were struck in the accident. We're also told there's no indication of DUI.

Alan stuck around after the crash, seen out of the truck and talking on his cellphone while others assessed the damage.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

As for how the crash happened, surveillance appears to show Alan's truck collide with another vehicle from behind, pushing it into the intersection as Alan's truck smashes into the building.

Of course, the crash scene drew a crowd, with many taking pictures and videos of the vehicle ... certainly not a help to the flow of traffic in Hollywood.


Tyler Christopher Friend Found 'General Hospital' Star Dead at Home

More details have emerged surrounding the sudden death of "General Hospital" star Tyler Christopher ... it was a friend who discovered the actor dead inside his home.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ officers responded to Christopher's apartment in San Diego Tuesday morning around 9:30. We're told a friend went to check in on Tyler after being unable to get in touch.

Our sources say the friend was able to gain access to Tyler's locked apartment with a key they had been previously given by the actor.

Once inside, we're told the friend discovered Tyler deceased in his bedroom and called 911. Our sources said it appeared he had been dead for some time.

As we reported, Tyler's "General Hospital" costar, Maurice Bernard, broke the news of the actor's death, writing, "a truly talented individual that lit up the screen in every scene he performed and relished bringing joy to his loyal fans through his acting."

Maurice added, "Tyler was a sweet soul and wonderful friend to all of those who knew him. Tyler was an advocate for better mental health and substance use treatment who openly spoke about his struggles with bipolar depression and alcohol."

Tyler was most known for his work on "General Hospital" -- appearing in 1,153 episodes from 1996 to 2016 -- and for his role as Stefan DiMera on "Days of our Lives."

He was only 50.


Más detalles han surgido en torno a la repentina muerte de la estrella de "Hospital General" Tyler Christopher, fue un amigo quien descubrió al actor muerto dentro de su casa.

Fuentes policiales le informan a TMZ que los oficiales respondieron al apartamento de Christopher en San Diego el martes por la mañana alrededor de las 9:30. Nos dicen que un amigo fue a ver a Tyler después de no poder ponerse en contacto con el actor.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el amigo fue capaz de acceder al apartamento de Tyler con una llave que se les había dado previamente el actor.

Una vez dentro, nos dicen que el amigo descubrió a Tyler fallecido en su dormitorio y llamó al 911. Nuestras fuentes dijeron que parecía que había estado muerto durante algún tiempo.

Como informamos, el coprotagonista de Tyler en "Hospital General", Maurice Bernard, dio la noticia de la muerte del actor el jueves, escribiendo: "un individuo verdaderamente talentoso que iluminaba la pantalla en cada escena que interpretaba y disfrutaba llevando alegría a sus fans leales a través de su actuación".

Maurice añadió: "Tyler era un alma dulce y un amigo maravilloso para todos los que lo conocían. Tyler era un defensor de una mejor salud mental y el tratamiento de uso de sustancias que abiertamente habló de sus luchas con la depresión bipolar y el alcohol".

Tyler era más conocido por su trabajo en "General Hospital" —apareciendo en 1.153 episodios desde 1996 hasta 2016— y por su papel como Stefan DiMera en "Days of our Lives".

Solo tenía 50 años.

MATTHEW PERRY Negative for Fentanyl & Meth ... Initial Tests Reveal

Matthew Perry's death was not the effect of a fentanyl or meth overdose, at least that's what initial tests indicate ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ investigators ran a less-in-depth test on Perry which revealed he did not have fentanyl or meth in his system. However, it's important to note, more in-depth tests are still being conducted as part of toxicology to analyze whether any other illegal drugs present in his blood -- and if the levels of any prescription meds were at harmful doses.

Those results will likely take anywhere from 4-6 months to be returned, and once all that data is gathered, the coroner will determine the cause and manner of death.

As we first reported, the prescription drugs found in Matthew's house were all prescribed to the actor for his various ailments, and stored in proper bottles.


If something illicit were to come back in his autopsy results, LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division would continue to investigate.

RHD's involvement initially had people scratching their heads, especially as there's currently NO evidence of foul play ... however, it's common for detectives from that division to take the lead on high-profile cases because of its experience and dedicated manpower.

As TMZ first reported, Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub Saturday at his home in the Pacific Palisades after playing pickleball for a couple hours earlier that day at Riviera Country Club.

While it appears he died from drowning, the Coroner will have the official word, once all the testing is complete.

The fact initial testing shows no overdose from meth or fentanyl -- a far too common killer in America's opioid epidemic -- falls in line with what people close to Matthew have told us ... that he was sober and "never happier."


La muerte de Matthew Perry no fue el efecto de una sobredosis de fentanilo o metanfetamina, al menos eso es lo que indican las pruebas iniciales. TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los investigadores realizaron una prueba a fondo en Perry que reveló que no tenía fentanilo o metanfetamina en su sistema. Sin embargo, más pruebas se están llevando a cabo para analizar si había alguna droga ilegal en el sistema del actor y si los niveles de sus recetas eran las dosis adecuadas.

Los resultados probablemente estén listos de 4 a 6 meses, y una vez que todas las pruebas estén listas, el médico forense determinará la causa y forma de muerte.

Como informamos por primera vez, los medicamentos recetados que se encontraron en la casa de Matthew fueron prescritos al actor para sus diversas dolencias y almacenados en botellas especiales.

Recordemos que si algo extraño aparece en los resultados de la autopsia, la División de Homicidios y Robo seguirá investigando.

La participación de esta división especial inicialmente generó extrañeza, sobre todo porque no había pruebas de asalto o violencia en el caso de Matthew, sin embargo, es común que tomen la iniciativa en casos de alto perfil debido a su experiencia y mano de obra dedicada.

Esta es la última noticia tras el trágico fallecimiento de la estrella de "Friends". Como TMZ informó por primera vez, fue encontrado inconsciente en su jacuzzi el sábado en su casa después de jugar pickleball durante unas horas antes en el Riviera Country Club.

Personas cercanas a Matthew nos han dicho que "nunca fue más feliz" de lo que había sido recientemente. Estaba lleno de energía y listo para volver al trabajo, después de haberse comprometido a actuar en una película y estar involucrado en el desarrollo de ideas serie de televisión.

Bill Bidwill Jr. Police Video Shows Ex-Cards Exec Leaking Blood After Alleged Fight W/ Wife


Bill Bidwill Jr. -- the former Arizona Cardinals exec who's the brother of the NFL team's current owner, Michael Bidwill -- was a bloody mess following an alleged fight with his wife earlier this year ... new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows.

In the footage, you can see officers responded to Bill's Paradise Valley, Ariz. residence at around 6 PM on June 9 following a report of domestic violence ... they came into immediate contact with Bill, who appeared to be bleeding profusely from his face area.

Bill can be heard in the video -- captured on Paradise Valley Police Dept. body cameras -- telling officers his wife, Nicole Bidwill, had just roughed him up following an altercation over some carpet installation.

"She was very upset at me," said Bill, who continuously wiped blood from his head with a large towel.

"I'm sitting on the couch, and she's screaming at me. And I was trying to not escalate because she has a very bad temper."

"And then she started hitting me, and I just started defending myself."

Bill told an officer Nicole "must have hit" him "a hundred times," adding that the strikes were thrown with force. He also said that during the altercation, she picked up a glass cup full of beer and shattered it over his forehead.

"That cut me here," he told a cop.


Bill added that as he tried to get away, Nicole grabbed him and was "just beating the s*** out of me."

Bill, however, later told cops he did not want them to arrest his wife. Instead, he told them to take him into custody -- explaining, "She is not going to tolerate that well."


Meanwhile, cops also interviewed Nicole at the scene ... though she appeared to be far less cooperative with law enforcement than her husband.

She, at first, didn't want to get off the hood of a car she was lying on. She later didn't want to answer questions, telling officers she wanted to wait for her daughter, who's an attorney.

And, when cops placed her under arrest, she didn't want to walk to their squad cars -- so they carried her by her arms and legs.

As we reported, Nicole was booked on a charge of assault ... though, according to a police report, Bill did not want to press charges.

Bill served as the vice president of the Cardinals for several years when his dad, Bill Bidwill Sr., owned the team ... and in 2019, he reportedly helped take over ownership following Sr.'s passing. He does not, however, currently have any role with the team.

Still, following the incident, the Cardinals released a statement to TMZ Sports ... saying, "Two weeks ago, Nicole Kugler Bidwill was involved in an incident that resulted in her arrest. This is a difficult time for their family but her husband and children love her very much and are thankful that she is currently receiving the help she needs. They ask that their family’s privacy be respected as they deal with this challenging personal situation."

French Montana Drug Search On My Plane in Colombia

Instagram / @frenchmontana

French Montana's flying private, but his travel plans are still coming with headaches ... because he says authorities in Colombia searched his jet for narcotics.

The rapper says he was trying to fly out of the South American country Tuesday, but he was grounded at the airport while officers combed through his plane in search of cocaine.

French posted video of his encounter with law enforcement, and you see a handful of police officers going through the plane along with a drug-sniffing dog.

He's keeping a cool head about it, for the most part, even petting the K-9 in front of officers. He's also proclaiming his innocence ... saying la policia got the wrong idea about him.

Yes, he named his label (and mixtape series) Cokeboys, but French declares there's no contraband on his ride.

Despite the hard time from Colombian police, French says he's still got love for the country ... though he adds, "you don't have to do me like this!!!"

We're guessing he was eventually cleared for takeoff -- or he wouldn't have posted the video -- but his last IG story says, "I need bail!! 👀."


La muerte de Matthew Perry está siendo investigada por la División de Robos y Homicidios de la Policía de Los Ángeles, lo que puede ser una sorpresa para algunos porque no se sospecha de asalto en lo absoluto. Sin embargo los policías dicen que es solo el procedimiento estándar para los casos de alto perfil.

La Policía de Los Ángeles le dice a TMZ que la División de Homicidios y Robo está investigando para asegurarse de que no hay nada nefasto involucrado en la muerte de Matthew y es normal que se investiguen los casos de alto perfil de esta manera.

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investigación en curso

Como informamos por primera vez, no hay evidencia de asalto en la muerte de Matthew, y es por eso que algunas personas se quedaron rascándose la cabeza cuando la División de Robos y Homicidio habló con los medios de comunicación acerca de la muerte del actor.

Recordemos que la estrella de "Friends" fue encontrada inconsciente en su jacuzzi el sábado, después de jugar pickleball durante unas horas antes en el Riviera Country Club.

Las fuerzas del orden registraron la casa de Matthew y no encontraron drogas ilícitas y el forense del condado de Los Ángeles aún no ha determinado una causa oficial de la muerte. Los resultados de toxicología tardarán por lo menos 6 semanas.

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audio del despacho

La Policía dice que la causa oficial de la muerte será determinada por los resultados de la autopsia y si hay algo extraño, se hará algo al respecto.

Con los años, la División de Robos y Homicidios y la Policía de Los Ángeles han investigado algunos de los casos más famosos de la ciudad, incluyendo la muerte de Michael Jackson, que finalmente fue declarado un homicidio.

No estamos diciendo que ese sea el caso aquí, pero será interesante ver a dónde conduce la investigación sobre la muerte de Matthew.

Matthew Perry Death Robbery Homicide Investigating ... Standard Procedure, Folks

Matthew Perry's death is being investigated by LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division, which may come as a surprise to some because foul play is NOT suspected at this point ... but cops say it's just standard procedure for high-profile cases.

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LAPD tells TMZ ... the Robbery Homicide Division is looking to make sure there is nothing nefarious involved in Matthew's death, and it's normal for RHD to take the lead on high-profile cases because RHD has the experience and manpower necessary.

As we first reported, there is NO evidence of foul play in Matthew's death ... which is why some folks were left scratching their heads when Robbery Homicide Division brass talked to the media about MP's death.

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Remember ... the "Friends" star was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi Saturday at his home in the Pacific Palisades, after playing pickleball for a few hours earlier in the day at Riviera Country Club.

Law enforcement searched Matthew's home and did not find any illicit drugs -- he's been open about struggles with substance abuse in the past -- and the L.A. County Coroner has yet to determine an official cause of death, with toxicology results expected to take at least 6 weeks.


LAPD says the official cause of death will be determined by the autopsy results ... and if there is something nefarious that comes back, RHD will take the reins.

Over the years, LAPD's RHD has investigated some of the most famous cases in the city ... including the Michael Jackson death, which was ultimately ruled a homicide.

We're not saying that's the case here, but it will be interesting to see where the investigation into Matthew's death leads.

Britney Spears Sorry Officer, Nature Calls!!! Traffic Stop Body Cam

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Britney Spears used one of the oldest tricks in the book in an attempt to get out of a recent traffic stop, explaining she had to go to the bathroom ... which caused her to cross the double-yellow traffic lines.

We've obtained the body cam footage from the California Highway Patrol officers pulling Britney over on two separate occasions -- September 10 and October 6 -- near her home in Thousand Oaks.

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During both exchanges, Britney is super apologetic and explains she's just coming back from a vacation. However, during the October 6 stop, she blames having to use the bathroom for passing on double yellow lines, exclaiming, "I'm so sorry, I have to use the bathroom ... it's about to come out right now. I'm so sorry."

During the September 10 stop, Britney's pulled over for going 61 mph in a 40 mph zone. Again, she's apologetic, but also gets busted for driving without her license and proof of insurance in the car.

We should note, Britney explains her security usually holds onto her documentation ... but that's not enough for the officer, who lets her know she's gotta keep it on her at all times.


For the yellow double line violation, Britney was hit with a $327 fine. The violations from early September were a bit more pricey, with a $1,140 fine.