La muerte de Matthew Perry seguirá siendo un misterio por ahora, ya que las autoridades están esperando a que se realicen algunas pruebas clave antes de pronunciarse definitivamente sobre cómo murió.

La Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Los Angeles acaba de publicar sus conclusiones sobre una autopsia inicial del difunto actor de "Friends", y están aplazando su causa de la muerte a la espera de los resultados de toxicología y una mayor investigación, que podría tomar semanas para completarse.

Tampoco han informado el motivo de la muerte, aunque nuestras fuentes nos han dicho que no hay rastros de actividad sexual y no se encontraron narcóticos ilícitos en el lugar.

El único detalle destacable del informe de la autopsia es que se indica que murió en su domicilio y que el cuerpo está listo para ser entregado a la familia para su entierro o cremación. Una investigación sobre las circunstancias de su muerte está en marcha con la aplicación de la ley.

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tomas aereas

TMZ publicó la noticia, los primeros en responder se apresuraron a su propiedad por una llamada de paro cardíaco y Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su bañera de hidromasaje, esto después de un aparente ahogamiento. La secuencia exacta de los acontecimientos no está clara, pero finalmente fue declarado muerto en el lugar.

Como informamos, Perry estuvo jugado al pickleball el sábado por la mañana durante un par de horas antes de volver a casa y enviar a su asistente a hacer un recado. Un rato después, el asistente regresó, descubrió a su jefe y luego llamó al 911.

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audio del despacho

No hace falta decir que el fallecimiento de Matthew envió ondas de choque en todo Hollywood. Teniendo en cuenta su historial con el abuso de sustancias, se ha especulado que podría estar en juego, pero hasta ahora, no hay ninguna indicación de que ese sea el caso.

Los profesionales médicos van a esperar para ver lo que estaba en su sistema en al momento de su muerte, mientras tanto, todos sus fans y seres queridos pueden recordarlo con cariño.

No se sabe nada aún sobre los planes funerarios, pero nos imaginamos que una gran celebración de la vida está por venir.

Matthew Perry Cause of Death Still a Mystery ... Autopsy Pending

Matthew Perry's death will remain a mystery for now -- because officials are waiting for some key tests to be done before weighing in definitively on how he died.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office just published their findings on an initial autopsy of the late "Friends" actor -- and they're deferring his cause of death ... pending toxicology results and further investigation, which could take weeks to complete.

They're also not indicating the manner of death at this point ... although our sources have told us no foul play is suspected, and no illicit narcotics were found on the premises.

The only other notable detail from his autopsy report is that they note he died at his residence -- and that his body is now ready to be released to his family for burial/cremation. A probe into the circumstances of his death is underway with law enforcement.

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TMZ broke the news ... first responders rushed to his property on a cardiac arrest call, and Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub ... this after an apparent drowning. The exact sequence of events is unclear, but he was eventually declared deceased on the scene.

Like we told you ... MP had played pickleball Saturday morning for a couple hours before returning home and sending his assistant on an errand. Sometime later, the assistant returned, discovered his boss ... and then called 911.

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It goes without saying ... Matthew's passing sent shockwaves throughout Hollywood. Considering his history with substance abuse, there's been speculation that could be at play -- but so far, there's no indication that's in fact the case.

Medical professionals are going to wait to see what was in his system at the time of his death -- in the meantime, all his fans and loved ones can do is mourn.

No word yet on funeral plans ... but we imagine a major celebration of life is coming soon.


Matthew Perry No Illicit Drugs but Prescriptions Found at Home of Drowning

First responders who rushed to Matthew Perry's home Saturday did not find illegal drugs, but new information from law enforcement sources revealed there were numerous Rx drugs found in the house.

Our law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... authorities found anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and a COPD drug in the house. COPD is short for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -- that drug is often used for people who have emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Matthew was a smoker during his life. The L.A. County Coroner will conduct a toxicology exam to determine if any drugs were in Perry's system, but that could take months.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi Saturday afternoon, after playing 2 hours of pickleball at Riviera near his home in Pacific Palisades.

Sources tell TMZ ... Perry was in "good spirits" during the game. He was a pickleball fanatic ... even creating a pickleball shrine in his home.

After the pickleball game, we're told he had his assistant pick up a new iPhone for him, and prescription glasses, which the assistant did. Two hours later, the assistant returned to Perry's home and found him unresponsive in the jacuzzi and called 911.

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Our sources say after calling 911, the assistant called Perry's mother and one sibling, along with an unrelated woman.

Perry was 54.


Los primeros en llegar a la casa de Matthew Perry el sábado no encontraron drogas ilegales, pero nueva información de fuentes policiales reveló que había numerosos medicamentos prescritos en la casa.

Nuestras fuentes policiales nos informan que las autoridades encontraron antidepresivos, ansiolíticos y un medicamento para la EPOC en la casa. EPOC es la abreviatura de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, es una droga que se utiliza a menudo para las personas que tienen enfisema o bronquitis crónica. Matthew fue fumador durante toda su vida. El forense del condado de Los Ángeles llevará a cabo un examen toxicológico para determinar si había alguna droga en el sistema de Perry, pero eso podría llevar meses.

TMZ publicó la historia, Matthew fue encontrado sin vida en su jacuzzi el sábado por la tarde, después de jugar dos horas de pickleball en el Rivera County Club cerca de su casa en Pacific Palisades.

Fuentes le informan a TMZ que Perry estaba de "buen humor" durante el juego. Él era un fanático de pickleball, incluso tenía un santuario de pickleball en su casa.

Nos informan que después del juego le pidió a su asistente el favor de recoger un nuevo iPhone para él y unas gafas graduadas. Dos horas más tarde, el asistente regresó a la casa de Perry y lo encontró inconsciente en el jacuzzi y llamó al 911.

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audio del despacho

Nuestras fuentes dicen que después de llamar al 911, el asistente llamó a la madre de Perry y un hermano, junto con una mujer no relacionada.

Perry tenía 54 años.


recordando a MATTHEW PERRY

Matthew Perry fue el gran tema del sábado, y Adele no se quedó atrás, y le rindió homenaje a la estrella de "Friends" durante su show en Las Vegas.

Adele llamó al personaje de Perry, Chandler Bing, "probablemente el mejor personaje cómico de todos los tiempos".

TMZ publicó la historia, Perry fue encontrado muerto en su jacuzzi el sábado a causa de un presunto ahogamiento.

Adele continuó: "Siempre es tan impactante, especialmente alguien que no conoces y que te hizo reír y trajo tanta alegría a tu vida. Esto es lo que me parece tan extraño, nunca lo conocí en mi vida. Hay algo... te sientes tan triste, especialmente porque no sabes necesariamente lo que estaba pasando".

Adele, vestida para Halloween como Morticia Adams, dedicó "When We Were Young" a Perry.

Adele dijo: "Él era tan abierto respecto a sus luchas contra la adicción y la sobriedad... creo que fue increíblemente, increíblemente valiente".

Perry tenía 54 años.

Matthew Perry Parents Arrive at Home Where 'Friends' Star Died ... Dispatch Audio References Drowning

Matthew Perry's family showed up at his home in L.A. just hours after the "Friends" star died Saturday in a jacuzzi.

Tik Tok/@joy.of.everything

Matthew's mother Suzanne Morrison, his father, John Bennett Perry and his stepfather, "Dateline" correspondent Keith Morrison displayed their emotions as they walked up to the house where Perry died.

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TMZ broke the story ... first responders rushed to Perry's home after receiving a cardiac arrest call. Perry drowned in his jacuzzi. No drugs were found at the scene. TMZ obtained the dispatch audio -- not the 911 call -- in which first responders were sent to the house.

As TMZ reported, Matthew posted an eerie photo just days before his death, in which he showed himself in a jacuzzi with city lights below, and the caption ... "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Matthew's parents split when he was still a young boy. His mother married Keith Morrison in 1981. Matthew devotes a significant portion of his memoir talking about his upbringing and some of the struggles he endured as the child of divorced parents.

Matthew stayed in touch with his biological dad, an actor, and John even appeared on one episode of "Friends." John was also the Old Spice sailor in commercials.

Matthew and John weren't tight, but they were together as recently as this month. Matthew posted a pic with the caption ... "Here is me, and my father John, both holding a beverage." FYI ... the beverage was soda.

Adele Honors Matthew Perry at Vegas Concert


Matthew Perry was all people were talking about Saturday, and Adele was among them ... paying tribute to the "Friends" star during her Vegas show.

Adele called Perry's character, Chandler Bing, "probably the best comedic character of all time."

TMZ broke the story ... Perry was found dead in his jacuzzi Saturday from a presumed drowning.

Adele went on ... "It is always so shocking, especially someone that made you laugh and who brought so much joy to your life that you don't know. This is what I find so strange, I never met him in my life. There is something, you feel so sad about it especially because you don't necessarily know what was going on."

Adele, dressed for Halloween as Morticia Adams, dedicated "When We Were Young" to Perry.

Adele echoed what people have been saying since news of Perry's death broke, saying ... "He was so open with his struggles with addiction and sobriety, which I think is incredibly, incredibly brave."

Perry was 54.

Tupac Shakur Prison ID & Booking Photo For Sale

Two infamous pieces of Tupac Shakur's past now have a price tag attached to them ... and someone with a lot of dough could secure his booking photo, or even his ID, from his time behind bars.

The big sale is going down on -- one of the items is an unseen booking photo from when he served time at Clinton Correctional Facility in New York in 1995.

We're told it's going for $35k on the site -- but that's nothing compared to his incredibly rare prison identification.

Tupac's ID is going for a whopping $75,000 ... and it's actually the one he got as a replacement after losing his OG card.

The wealthy buyer will also get the form he had to fill out when requesting a replacement -- it's got his signature and a note that simply reads, "I lost my ID and need a new one. Thank you."

We're told the ID and booking photos were given to a family member once Pac got out of prison ... and it was passed around over the years before winding up in the hands of a private collector.

You'll recall, Tupac served 9 months for his 1995 sex abuse conviction. His first prison ID was auctioned off back in 2019, eventually fetching $30k after an opening bid of just $2,000.

Worth mentioning, the case of Pac's murder being reopened -- with the recent arrest of his alleged killer, Keefe D -- could mean these items are more popular than ever ... so if you're interested, ya better act fast.

Tupac Shakur Se venden sus identificaciones en la cárcel

Dos infames fotos del pasado de Tupac Shakur tienen ahora un precio, y alguna persona con un montón de dinero podría quedarse con sus credenciales en la cárcel, de su tiempo tras las rejas.

La gran venta se está llevando a cabo en Uno de los artículos es una foto inédita de cuando cumplió condena en Clinton Correctional Facility en Nueva York en 1995.

Nos dicen que podría venderse en $35k en el sitio, lo que es nada en comparación con su identificación de prisión.

El ID de Tupac está listado por la suculenta suma de $75.000, y corresponde al ID de reemplazo luego de que perdiera su tarjeta original.

El futuro comprador también podrá obtener el formulario que tuvo que llenar Tupac al solicitar el reemplazo, que tiene su firma y una nota que simplemente dice: "He perdido mi ID y necesito uno nuevo. Gracias".

Nos dicen que el ID y las fotos se las dio un miembro de la familia una vez que Pac salió de la cárcel, y se estuvo en manos de la familia por años antes de terminar en poder de un coleccionista privado.

Como recordarán, Tupac cumplió 9 meses de condena por abuso sexual en 1995. Su primera identificación en prisión fue subastada allá por 2019, alcanzando los 30.000 dólares tras una puja inicial de 2.000 dólares.

Vale la pena mencionar que su caso por asesinato se está reabriendo, con el reciente arresto de su presunto asesino, Keefe D, lo que podría significar que estos artículos estén más populares que nunca. Así que, si estás interesado, mejor actúa rápido.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador DUI BAC Was 3x The Legal Limit Charged With Hit-And-Run, DUI

"The Real Housewives of Orange County" star Shannon Beador has officially been charged after she allegedly drunkenly drove into the side of a Newport Beach home last month.

Shannon's just been hit with 2 charges by the Orange County District Attorney -- one count of DUI and one count of hit-and-run, both misdemeanors. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ she blew a .24% BAC after the crash.

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TMZ broke the story, the reality star was arrested in September after slamming her car into a home -- footage shows what appears to be her car flying through a residential area before her crash.

Cops said they found Shannon nearby pretending to walk her dog, but they weren't buying it and booked her on 2 misdemeanors -- DUI plus hit-and-run.

As we reported, she offered to pay for the damage done to the property and has been getting treatment.

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A witness at a nearby bar told us Shannon appeared to be tipsy the night of her crash and arrest ... acting loud and boisterous while complaining about her former 'Housewives' costar, Alexis Bellino, who was also in the building.

Chris Brown Sued You Beat Me Silly In Nightclub ... Hit Me With Tequila Bottle!!!

Chris Brown beat the hell out of a man at a London nightclub, and his injuries were so bad he ended up in a hospital ... this according to a new lawsuit.

The singer is being sued by a man named Abe Diaw, who claims Chris smashed him over the head with a bottle of Don Julio 1942 tequila back in February at TAPE nightclub in England.

In the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Diaw claims Chris wielded the tequila bottle like a weapon as he pummeled Diaw over the head with "crushing blows."

The guy claims he was knocked unconscious but says that didn't stop Chris from continuing the attack ... he says CB ruthlessly stomped on him as he lay passed out on the club floor.

In the docs, Diaw claims he had to be hospitalized as a result of his alleged injuries ... which he says include cuts on his head and torn ligaments in his leg.

Chris' accuser says there's surveillance footage of the whole thing ... and he says cops in London have the alleged beatdown video. Diaw claims he can identify Chris in the footage and claims CB is a fugitive in the United Kingdom as a result of the alleged incident.

And, get this ... Diaw claims he's known Chris for at least seven years and thought Chris was coming up to hug him at the club when Brown instead allegedly struck him three times with the tequila bottle.

Diaw says his injuries may be permanent and he's suffering serious emotional distress and trauma. He's suing Chris for damages.

We reached out to Chris' camp ... so far no word back.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect's Home Surrounded By Police


6:43 PM PT -- Reports say several of the agents and officers outside the home have left as it now appears Card is not inside the home. ABC News reports the strategy taken by law enforcement is standard procedure in executing a search warrant.

Cops believe they're zeroing in on the man suspected of going on the shooting rampage in Maine ... because his home is surrounded by law enforcement vehicles, drones and helicopters.

The wild and tense scene is playing out at the Bowdoin, ME residence of alleged gunman Robert Card, and cops believe they've seen some movement in a window of the home. Police are shouting commands out over a loudspeaker, telling Card -- or whoever's inside -- to come out and surrender.

At this point, cops aren't confirming there's definitely someone in there, but they're taking every precaution.


The huge police presence includes armored vehicles and drones in the air. It seems pretty clear, they have no intent of sending officers into Card's last known residence, and will instead try to encourage any individuals inside to come out with their hands up.

As we reported ... Card was captured on surveillance cameras during Wednesday night's massacre -- when he opened fire inside a bowling alley and then a bar, killing 18 people.

Card got away, and a huge manhunt ensued all day ... forcing authorities to instruct residents in several towns to shelter in place.

Meanwhile, folks have been buying up guns left and right ... and Pete Davidson and John Mulaney have postponed their upcoming weekend comedy gigs in Maine.

Card has a military background -- he enlisted over 20 years ago in the Army Reserve -- so, law enforcement's taking a slow and careful approach outside his house.

Story developing ...

Originally Published -- 5:15 PM PT

Jonathan Majors Ex-GF Arrested for Assaulting Him ... But D.A. Won't Prosecute

The ex-girlfriend who's accusing Jonathan Majors of assaulting her is now herself in trouble with the law for allegedly striking him, and she's now surrendered to police in NYC.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Grace Jabbari was arrested Wednesday evening at Manhattan's 10th Precinct for allegedly attacking the "Creed III" actor after Majors filed a cross complaint against her back on June 22.

Our sources say Jabbari allegedly scratched Majors on his right hand and smacked him across the face with an open hand, causing a cut to his cheek and ear pain. She then allegedly tore buttons off his coat, and damaged the front pocket.

We're told she's being booked for misdemeanor assault and criminal mischief.


There's one big problem ... the Manhattan D.A.’s office filed court papers Tuesday, saying it informed the NYPD last month it has no intention of prosecuting Jabbari for "the belated allegations made by defendant [Majors] regarding the incident on March 25, 2023."

Clearly, the D.A. and police are not seeing eye to eye on this case -- NYPD believes it has probable cause to arrest Jabbari, and even though the D.A. didn't ... cops are still booking her.

As for Majors, he was charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment in March after Jabbari accused him of assaulting her inside a Manhattan apartment. Jabbari was later treated for head and neck injuries at a local hospital and released.

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Majors believes his side has a smoking gun proving his innocence -- security footage of Jabbari partying all night after the alleged attack. In court docs, Major's attorney Priya Chaudhry noted Jabbari was seen walking normally into the establishment, ordering drinks, dancing and pushing her hair back with the hand she claimed Majors injured.

At a Wednesday hearing, the judge set Major's trial date for November 29.

Jonathan Majors Ex novia es detenida por agredirlo Fiscalía no la procesará

La ex novia de Jonathan Majors, que lo acusa de agredirlo, se encuentra ella misma en problemas por supuestamente golpearlo y ahora se entregó a la policía de Nueva York.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que Grace Jabbari fue detenida el miércoles por la noche en la comisaría 10 de Manhattan por supuestamente atacar al actor de "Creed III", después de que Majors presentara una denuncia cruzada contra ella el 22 de junio.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jabbari supuestamente arañó Majors en su mano derecha y lo golpeó en la cara con la mano abierta, causando un corte en su mejilla y dolor de oído. A continuación, le habría arrancado los botones del abrigo y dañado su bolsillo delantero.

Nos dicen que ella está siendo fichada por el delito menor de asalto y daño criminal.

Pero hay un gran problema, la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan presentó documentos judiciales el martes, diciendo que informó a la policía de Nueva York el mes pasado que no tiene intención de procesar a Jabbari por "las alegaciones tardías hechas por el acusado [Majors] en relación con el incidente del 25 de marzo de 2023".

Claramente, el fiscal y la policía no están de acuerdo en este caso. Los oficiales de Nueva York creen que tienen una causa probable para arrestar a Jabbari y aunque el fiscal considera que no es el caso, los policías aun así la están fichando.

En cuanto a Majors, el actor fue acusado del delito menor de asalto y acoso en marzo después de que Jabbari lo acusara de agredirla dentro de un apartamento de Manhattan. Jabbari fue tratada posteriormente por lesiones en la cabeza y el cuello en un hospital local y dada de alta.

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De fiesta toda la noche

Majors cree que tiene evidencias que demuestran su inocencia, esto es, imágenes de seguridad de Jabbari de fiesta toda la noche después del presunto ataque. En los documentos judiciales, el abogado de Major Priya Chaudhry señaló que Jabbari fue vista caminando normalmente en el establecimiento, pidiendo bebidas, bailando y peinando su pelo hacia atrás con la misma mano que afirmó que Majors le hirió.

En una audiencia celebrada el miércoles, el juez fijó la fecha del juicio de Major para el 29 de noviembre.

ARRESTO DE CHANDLER JONES Video muestra a la estrella de la NFL divagando con la policía... "Soy millonario"

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Llevado a custodia

Chandler Jones pasó cerca de 30 minutos con los oficiales durante su arresto en septiembre y de acuerdo a un nuevo video policial obtenido por TMZ Sports, estuvo divagando con ellos e hizo peticiones extrañas durante casi toda su interacción.

De acuerdo a los documentos del Departamento Policial Metropolitano de Las Vegas, los oficiales se enfrentaron con la ex estrella de los Raiders inicialmente fuera de la casa de su ex, después de que dijeran que estaba violando una orden de protección temporal.

En imágenes capturadas en una de las cámaras del cuerpo policial se pueden ver las extrañas peticiones que comenzó a hacer Jones desde el interior de su Mercedes.

"Quiero que me agarren y me saquen", dijo. "Por favor."

Luego pidió que uno de los agentes le pusiera su teléfono en el bolsillo del otro policía, antes de intentar explicar por qué estaba estacionado al frente de la casa de su ex.

"Lo siento por esto", dijo. "La razón por la que estoy aquí es porque estaba sacando su basura y dejando el contenedor en el asiento trasero. Ningún problema".

Jones comenzó entonces a pedir más favores a los policías. Primero quería que le quitaran el sombrero. Luego preguntó si podía sentarse en el suelo, además de intentar que un agente le rascara la nariz y le subiera la camisa.

Al final, los policías dijeron que iban a tener que llevarlo a la cárcel por violar una orden de restricción, pero cuando intentaron meterlo en un carro patrulla, Jones tuvo más problemas.

Juró que no cabía en el vehículo, diciendo: "Mírame. Mido 1,90 m. Soy un atleta profesional, hermano. Tengo 112 sacks... juego para los Raiders".

Más tarde, se quejó de que su espalda estaba acalambrada y cuando los oficiales le dijeron que podía tomar agua en la cárcel les preguntó: "¿Qué tipo de agua tienen ustedes en el condado? ¿Es Dasani o Aquafina?".

Jones pidió entonces otra extraña solicitud: si podían darle las llaves de su carro. Unos minutos después se puso claramente nervioso.

"Señor, ¿puede llevarme a la cárcel, señor?", dijo. "Porque haré más ruido y haré que venga un sheriff. Lléveme a la cárcel ahora o haré ruidos más fuertes".

"¡Señor!", gritó entonces. "¡Dios mío! ¡Necesito ayuda! ¡Ayuda! ¡Dale la llave!"

Mientras Jones volvía al coche patrulla, le dijo a un policía: "No lo demandaré", antes de añadir: "Soy millonario".

Jones fue finalmente fichado por dos cargos separados de violación de una orden de protección temporal de violencia doméstica, antes de ser puesto en libertad.

De acuerdo con los documentos policiales, sin embargo, Jones fue detenido una vez más a principios de octubre, pocos días después de salir de la cárcel. Esto, luego de violar nuevamente una orden de protección temporal tras enviarle mensajes de Instagram a su ex.

El jugador de 33 años no ha registrado ninguna jugada en un campo de la NFL desde la temporada 2022. Sigue siendo un agente libre después de que los Raiders lo cortaran tras su primer arresto en septiembre.

Chandler Jones Arrest Video NFL Star Rambled To Cops 'I Have 112 Sacks ... I'm A Millionaire'

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Chandler Jones spent about 30 minutes with officers during his September arrest ... and new police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows he rambled and made bizarre requests throughout nearly the entire duration of their interaction.

According to police documents, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. officers initially confronted the former Raiders star outside of his ex's house ... after they said he was in violation of a temporary protection order.

In footage captured on one of the responding officer's body cameras ... you can see almost immediately, Jones began making strange requests from inside his Mercedes.

"I want you to grab me and take me out," he said. "Please."

He then asked to have one of the officers put his phone in the other cop's pocket ... before he tried to explain why he was parked out front of his ex's house.

"I'm sorry about this," he said. "The reason why I'm here is because I was taking out her trash, and I was just dropping off the dumpster in the backseat. No problem."

Jones then began asking for more favors from the cops. First, he wanted them to take off his hat. Then he asked if he could sit on the ground -- before he tried to get an officer to itch his nose and pull up his shirt.

Eventually, cops told him they were going to have to take him to jail for violating a TPO -- but when they tried to get him into a squad car, Jones had more issues.

He swore he couldn't fit in the ride, saying, "Look at me. I'm 6'5. I'm a professional athlete, bro. I have 112 sacks -- I play for the Raiders."

Later, he complained that his back was cramping ... and when officers said he could get water at the jail, he asked, "What kind of water do you guys have at the county? Is it Dasani or is it Aquafina?"

Jones then asked the cops for yet another request, seeing if they could give him the keys to his car. A few minutes later, he clearly became agitated.

"Sir, can you take me to jail, sir?" he said. "Because I'll make louder noises, and make a sheriff come out here. Take me to jail now, or I'll make louder noises."

"Sir!" he then yelled. "Oh my God! I need help! Help! Give him the key!"

As Jones piled back into the squad car, he then told a cop, "I will not sue you," before later adding, "I'm a millionaire."

Jones was eventually booked on two separate charges of violating a domestic violence temporary protection order ... before he was released.

According to police documents, though, Jones was arrested once more in early October just days after he got out of jail ... after cops said he violated a TPO again by sending Instagram messages to his ex.

The 33-year-old pass rusher has not logged a snap on an NFL field since the 2022 season. He remains a free agent after the Raiders cut him following his first arrest in September.