MISSING CARNIVAL CRUISE PASSENGER Ex-Wife Believes He's Still Alive ... Family Wants Him Home

The ex-wife of Kevin McGrath, the missing Carnival cruise passenger who mysteriously vanished during a Bahamas trip, doesn't think he's dead ... telling us his family just wants to see him come home safe.


Addison Thomas tells TMZ ... deep down she feels Kevin is still alive somewhere, even though his whereabouts remain unknown a month after he fell off the ship and the map.

Even so, Addison says it's still difficult waking up every morning wondering where Kevin is ... telling us it's not like him to abandon his family or his children.

Addison says she maintained a good relationship with Kevin after their split, telling us he would always call to check on their kids ... something they've been missing since his disappearance.

TMZ broke the story ... Kevin was on probation when he vanished over Labor Day weekend, disappearing from a cruise from Miami to the Bahamas without a trace and sparking a Coast Guard search that was ultimately called off.

Kevin was in legal trouble after pleading guilty to aggravated assault in Tennessee in September 2022 -- Kevin threatened her and their kids one night -- and he ended up getting sentenced to 6 years of supervised probation.

Despite that incident, Addison defends her ex, saying he's not a bad guy ... he's a veteran who fought for his country and loves his family.

As for why he'd potentially go on the run -- she doesn't think it's related to his legal issues. Addison emphasized Kevin's not a dangerous person, and she has a message for him if he's out there.

Charlotte Sena Kidnapping Suspect Allegedly Eyed Lawsuit Settlement ... Late Grandad Awarded $2.2 Million

The alleged abductor of 9-year-old Charlotte Sena held her for ransom to get his hands on a portion of a multimillion dollar settlement, according to a new report.

Craig Ross was aware Sena's late grandfather, Patrick, was awarded $2.2 million after he was severely injured in a sledding accident and sued the town of Greenfield, New York, in 1998, the Daily Mail reported. Patrick passed away in 2015, but his sizable payout lives on in his family and was common knowledge among locals like Ross.

Ross allegedly kidnapped Sena and demanded the $50,000 ransom in a note he left at her parent's house because he was "struggling financially," his ex-girlfriend, Amanda Preece, told The Mail.

Preece said the ransom money would have set up Ross for up to five years. She also called Ross a "mooch" because he never wanted to work for money and lived off his mother and girlfriends.

Preece went on to say she believes Ross is "evil" and had been stalking Charlotte and planning her kidnapping for a while.

Last Saturday, Ross allegedly snatched Sena as she rode her bike in Moreau Lake State Park, while the girl was on vacation with her parents in upstate New York.

Police say Ross drove to Sena's home and stuffed the ransom note into her mailbox as investigators were staking out the location.

Cops eventually arrested Ross in his trailer on his mom's property, and he was charged with kidnapping.

Ex-Steelers LB Anthony Chickillo Tased By Cops ... After Alleged Meltdown At Hospital



7:36 AM PT -- Anthony Chickillo's girlfriend, Tatu Baby, tells TMZ Sports ... the former NFL player was going through a medical episode due to bipolar disorder caused by a concussion that he suffered during his playing days.

"It was just a medical situation," Tatu Baby says.

Tatu Baby added that Chickillo is currently hospitalized and getting the medication he needs in order to get better.

Former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Anthony Chickillo was tased by cops at a hospital this week ... after police say he had a breakdown inside of a doctor's office.

According to the Hialeah Police Department, Chickillo was at the Hialeah Hospital in Hialeah, Fla. on Thursday morning ... when witnesses say he suddenly snapped and began "trashing" an office, breaking things and throwing chairs.

Cops say the former football player then allegedly "tried to attack everybody" -- before he got into a wrestling match with his dad.

Bystanders called 911 -- and when officers arrived on scene, we're told they deployed a taser in order to subdue him.

In video obtained by TMZ Sports, you can see 30-year-old Chickillo was barefoot and shirtless as cops finally got him in handcuffs and took him away from the area.

The HPD tells us, though, Chickillo was not arrested ... and instead was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

We're told he will not be arrested once he's released either because nobody at the doctor's office wanted to press charges.

Chickillo is not a stranger to run-ins with the law. In 2019, he was arrested for allegedly roughing up his girlfriend. The charges were ultimately dropped, however, after prosecutors said she refused to testify against him.

Chickillo was drafted into the NFL by the Steelers in 2015 ... and he went on to play five seasons in Pittsburgh, before joining the Denver Broncos in 2020. In 2021, he announced his retirement, writing on his Instagram page, "I am so grateful for the opportunity and thankful for every one of the teams that gave me a shot."

Una policía de Minneapolis Fue descubierta como modelo de Only Fans En un control de tránsito...

Un conductor de Minneapolis realmente se sorprendió cuando fue detenido por una policía, a quien reconoció como una modelo de OnlyFans con la que había estado teniendo sexo en línea. Ahora la policía de Minneapolis está investigando a fondo la situación para asegurarse de que no haya ninguna violación de conducta.

¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de eso? La oficial detuvo a un chico la semana pasada, quien le dijo a FOX9 que después de unos 10 minutos comenzó a parecerle conocida y se dio cuenta de que había estado siguiendo su cuenta de OnlyFans durante unos meses.

Según el chico: "Hay que ir a la sección VIP para ver sus videos, de ella y su marido, supongo que él es su marido, con quien graba videos sexuales".

La agente, que no ha sido identificada, gestiona una página en OnlyFans que ofrece videos y fotos y que describe como "porno amateur" en solitario. Se describe a sí misma como una mujer de 35 años, de espíritu libre y una "creadora demasiado optimista de contenido sexy para complacer a los demás".

La pregunta que ahora se hace el jefe de policía de Minneapolis es si la oficial está haciendo algo malo, ya que al parecer ha recibido elogios por su trabajo policial y está haciendo esto como un trabajo secundario.

La política del Departamento prohíbe a los agentes que estén fuera de servicio realizar cualquier trabajo que "no sea compatible con la labor policial", lo que incluye trabajar en "cualquier establecimiento que ofrezca entretenimiento para adultos en forma de exhibiciones de desnudos, semidesnudos o topless".

Obviamente, ella no está trabajando en un negocio, sino que más bien está operando uno propio desde su casa, pero los mandos policiales podrían verlo de otra manera.

El conductor al que detuvo sí tiene un problema. Dijo: "No me gustaría que me detuviera luego de haber visto que ella y su marido estuvieron teniendo sexo por 29,99 dólares en OnlyFans. No puedo respetarla ni a ella ni a la comisaría en la que trabaja".

Minneapolis PD Cop Outed as OnlyFans Model During Traffic Stop, Dept. Investigates

A Minneapolis driver got a serious eyeful of the cop who pulled him over -- he recognized her as an OnlyFans model who he's seen having sex online, and now Minneapolis PD is probing ... for any conduct violations.

What are the odds??? The female officer pulled over a guy last week, and he told FOX9 in Minneapolis that after about 10 minutes the cop started to look familiar ... and he realized he's been following her OnlyFans account for a few months.

As he put it, "You got to go to the VIP and you get to see the videos of her and her, I guess husband, I guess that’s who it is, they do full sex videos."

The officer, who hasn't been named, operates an OnlyFans page that offers videos and photos she describes as "solo play" and "amateur porn." She describes herself as 35, free-spirited and an "overly optimistic creator of sexy content to please others."

The question Minneapolis PD's police chief now has to address is ... what, if anything, is wrong with the cop -- who's reportedly received commendations for her police work -- doing this as a side job.

The Dept. policy forbids off-duty officers from any work that's "not compatible with police work" ... which includes working at "any establishment that provides adult entertainment in the form of nude, semi-nude or topless exhibitions."

Obviously, she's not working at a business, but rather operating one from her home -- but the police brass might see it differently.


The driver she pulled over definitely has a problem with it -- "I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me and I just saw you and your husband last night for $29.99 have sex on OnlyFans. I just can't respect you or the precinct that you’re working at."

Kim Zolciak Calls 911, 'I Don't Feel Safe' ... After Fight with Kroy

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann continue to live under the same roof -- which is starting to sound like hell on Earth -- especially given Kim's latest claim and call to 911.

Zolciak called cops in Georgia last Thursday around 11 PM to report Kroy had taken her 2 cellphones. In the 911 call, obtained by TMZ, Kim says she's on the home phone because Kroy's been holding her cells hostage for the last several hours.

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You can't hear Kroy at all in the background, but Kim states she doesn't feel safe and needs to leave the home. She says Kroy locked himself in the master bedroom.

Per usual, the couple's 4 kids, who have continued to seemingly suffer through Kim and Kroy's back and forth, are home at the time of the incident -- but Kim says they're all asleep.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers came to the home and sorted things out ... eventually getting Kim's phones back. The former "RHOA" star agreed to sleep in a separate bedroom with the door locked in order to keep the peace.

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Cops have frequented the estranged couple's home as of late ... we were first to publish body cam footage of an incident from back in August when Kim claimed Kroy locked her out of their bedroom with her belongings inside.

Finally, after prying from cops, Kroy agreed to give up Kim's items during that incident as well.

Kim Zolciak Llama al 911: "No me siento segura" Tras pelea con Kroy

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo, lo que se está convirtiendo en un infierno, especialmente luego del último llamado de Kim al 911.

Zolciak llamó a la policía de Georgia el pasado jueves alrededor de las 11 PM para informar que Kroy había tomado sus dos teléfonos celulares. En la llamada obtenida por TMZ, Kim dice que está llamando desde el teléfono de su casa porque Kroy había tomado sus celulares "como rehenes" en las últimas horas.

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Audio del 911

En la llamada no se oye a Kroy en absoluto, pero Kim reitera que no se siente segura y que necesita salir de la casa. Dice que Kroy se encerró en el dormitorio principal.

Como de costumbre, los 4 hijos de la pareja, que han sufrido las idas y venidas de Kim y Kroy a lo largo del tiempo, estaban en casa en el momento del incidente, pero ella dice que todos estaban dormidos en ese momento.

De acuerdo con el informe policial obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales llegaron a la casa y arreglaron las cosas. Finalmente, lograron pasarle los celulares a Kim y la ex estrella de "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" accedió a dormir en un dormitorio separado con la puerta cerrada para mantener la paz.

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Me echaron del dormitorio...

Los policías han frecuentado la casa de la pareja, quienes están distanciados desde hace algún tiempo. Fuimos los primeros en publicar imágenes de un incidente el pasado agosto, cuando Kim afirmó que Kroy la echó de su dormitorio con sus pertenencias en el interior.

Durante ese incidente y después de curiosear con los policías, Kroy finalmente accedió a entregarle los objetos a Kim.


El marido de Jenelle EvansDavid Eason— dice que la relación que tiene con el hijo de Jenelle —Jace— es algo que nadie más entiende, y comparte fotos juntos luego de supuestamente lastimarlo.

David subió fotos el miércoles de él pasando el rato con Jace (de 14 años), dando paseos en moto, jugando al baloncesto, saliendo de pesca y jugando al billar.

Agregó el siguiente mensaje en las fotos: "¡Nadie entiende nuestra relación y eso está bien porque no lo necesitan!".

TMZ publicó la historia, David y Jenelle están actualmente bajo investigación por negligencia infantil después de que Jace fue reportado como desaparecido la semana pasada. Lo encontraron poco después, pero ya había desaparecido otras dos veces antes de eso.

serias acusaciones

Jenelle lo atribuyó a Jace ser un adolescente rebelde, pero fuentes directas nos informan que están siendo investigados porque Jace supuestamente le dijo a la policía que David lo agredió.

Nos dijeron que Jace fue encontrado con marcas visibles en el cuello y el brazo. El presunto ataque se cree que han sido capturados en una cámara de seguridad. El material está ahora en posesión de la policía.

David también habló sobre las acusaciones de abuso, diciendo: "Los informes policiales han sido falsificados y la verdad ya es evidente para todos los involucrados".

'Teen Mom' David Eason Scoffs at Abuse Allegations ... Jace and I Have Tons of Fun

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, says the relationship he has with Jenelle's son, Jace, is something no one gets ... sharing photos of the 2 of them together after allegedly abusing him.

David uploaded snaps Wednesday of him hanging out with 14-year-old Jace -- doing things together like fixing up dirt bikes, playing basketball, catching fish, and shooting pool.

He captioned the photos, "Nobody understands our relationship and that's fine because they don't need to!"

TMZ broke the story, David and Jenelle are currently under investigation for child neglect after Jace was reported missing last week -- he was found soon after, but he had already gone missing 2 other times before that.


Jenelle chalked it up to Jace being a rebellious teen, but sources with direct knowledge told us they're being investigated because Jace allegedly told cops David assaulted him.

We were told Jace was found with visible marks on his neck and arm, and the alleged assault is believed to have been captured on a Ring camera -- the footage is now in the possession of police and CPS.

BTW, David also talked about the abuse allegations, saying, "Police reports have been falsified and the truth is already apparent to everyone involved."


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Por si no había quedado claro, aquí hay más pruebas de que Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann se odian. Al parecer Kroy la dejó fuera de su dormitorio y ella llamó a la policía.

Hemos obtenido las imágenes de la cámara y la llamada al 911 de un incidente a finales de agosto, en el que Kim afirmó que era incapaz de entrar a su dormitorio para recuperar sus pertenencias personales y su medicación.

audio al 911

La respuesta de la policía muestra lo desagradables que son las cosas entre Kim y Kroy. Él se niega a mostrar su cara y habla con los oficiales a través de una puerta cerrada.

A lo largo de la visita de la policía, Kim golpea a Kroy, diciéndole a los oficiales que Kroy no tiene trabajo y que ella es la razón por la que todavía tienen la casa. En la llamada al 911 declaró que Kroy la había amenazado y que se había puesto agresivo antes.

Hay que darle crédito a los oficiales por manejar de buena manera una situación tan infantil, trabajando para mantener a Kim y Kroy en calma para evitar que las cosas empeoren.

Finalmente, los agentes convencen a Kroy de que les entregue el edredón de Kim, el cargador del teléfono, los medicamentos y (según ella)- una crema de belleza de 1000 dólares.

TMZ publicó la historia, Kroy recientemente solicitó el divorcio de Kim una vez más luego de que la pareja presentara anteriormente y retirara su solicitud de divorcio. Kim se resiste, diciendo que ella y Kroy todavía tienen una vida sexual sana y que todo está bien. Sin embargo, parece que Kroy no está dando marcha atrás esta vez y el divorcio sigue más firme que nunca.

Kim & Kroy Tempers Flare As Police Intervene Kroy Barricades Himself in Bedroom During Fight

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If it wasn't already clear, here's more proof Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann absolutely hate each other ... after he allegedly locked her out of their main bedroom, and she called the cops.

We've obtained the body cam footage as well as the 911 call from an incident in late August when Kim claimed she was unable to get into her bedroom to retrieve her personal belongings and her medication.


The police response shows just how nasty things are between Kim and Kroy -- as he refuses to show his face -- only talking to the officers through a closed door.

Throughout the police visit, Kim bashes Kroy, telling officers Kroy is jobless, and she's the reason they even still have the house. She echoed some of the same sentiments on her 911 call as well ... even stating Kroy's threatened her and gotten physical before.


You gotta give credit to the officers here for handling such a childish situation, working to keep both Kim and Kroy calm to prevent things from getting more nasty.

Eventually, the officers convince Kroy to hand over Kim's comforter, phone charger, medications and -- according to Kim -- a $1000 beauty cream.

TMZ broke the story ... Kroy recently filed to divorce Kim once again -- after the couple previously filed and pulled their divorce filing. Kim's fighting the divorce, saying she and Kroy still have a healthy sex life, and all is good. However, it doesn't appear Kroy is backing down this time ... and the divorce is full steam ahead.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Suspected of Child Neglect After Jace's Latest Runaway

Ex-"Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans' oldest son has disappeared one too many times for authorities not to investigate the adults in his home -- which we're told they're now officially doing.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Jenelle and her husband, David Eason, are currently under investigation for child neglect after 14-year-old Jace's latest disappearance.

Remember, he was reported as a missing person last week ... and, thankfully, he was found soon after. However, he'd reportedly already gone missing twice before that -- something Jenelle has attributed to him just being a rebellious teen.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us it could be much more serious than that ... and the reason Jenelle and David are in investigators' crosshairs is because Jace apparently told cops David allegedly assaulted him.

We're told that after this most recent fleeing attempt ... the kid was found to have visible marks on his neck and arm. Our sources also say the alleged assault is believed to have gone down at someone else's home, and there's Ring camera footage that police and CPS now have in their possession.


Of course, if there's any evidence of physical abuse ... the current investigation could lead to serious charges. For the time being, though, it's just an investigation for child neglect.

Jenelle had Jace with her first baby daddy, Andrew Lewis ... but we're told she has primary custody -- and has for years now. Some have questioned whether that should remain the case, amid all these troubling developments.

We've reached out to Jenelle and David for comment ... so far, no word back.


El hijo mayor de Jenelle Evans ha desaparecido demasiadas veces como para que las autoridades no investiguen a los adultos en el hogar.

Fuentes policiales le informan a TMZ que Jenelle y su marido, David Eason, están actualmente bajo investigación por negligencia infantil después de la última desaparición de Jace, de 14 años.

Recordemos que fue reportado como desaparecido la semana pasada, y afortunadamente fue encontrado poco después. Sin embargo, según los informes, ya había desaparecido dos veces antes de eso; algo que Jenelle ha atribuido a la idea de que solo es un adolescente rebelde.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que podría ser mucho más grave que eso. Jenelle y David están en la mira de los investigadores porque Jace aparentemente le dijo a la policía que David lo había agredido.

Nos informaron que en este reciente intento de huida se encontró que el chico tenía marcas visibles en el cuello y el brazo. Nuestras fuentes también dicen que todo ocurrió en la casa de alguien más, y que incluso hay imágenes capturadas por la cámara de la entrada de la casa donde se podría ver actividad policial.

Si hay alguna evidencia de abuso físico, la investigación podría dar lugar a cargos graves. Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que esto es solo una investigación por negligencia infantil por el momento.

Jenelle tenía a Jace con el primer papá del bebé, Andrew Lewis, pero nos informan que tiene la custodia primaria hace años. Algunos han cuestionado si eso sigue así luego tantos los acontecimientos preocupantes.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Jenelle y David, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Tiroteo en fútbol juvenil Video muestra a joven de 11 años disparando a sus compañeros

Impactante registro

La policía dice que el video de vigilancia muestra el momento en que un jugador de fútbol americano juvenil de 11 años, disparó a dos de sus compañeros de equipo durante un altercado en una práctica en Florida el lunes, y las imágenes son impactantes.

En el clip, se ve a un niño corriendo hacia un vehículo estacionado, agarrar un arma de fuego desde el asiento del pasajero y luego dispararle a otro niño que estaba de espaldas.

Segundos más tarde, se puede ver a una mujer que intenta agarrar el arma de fuego de las manos del niño y que luego le llama la atención en el estacionamiento.

Según la policía, el incidente ocurrió alrededor de las 20:20 en el campo de fútbol del Northwest Recreation Complex en Apopka. Todo ocurrió después de que el niño de 11 años y otros dos jugadores de fútbol de 13 se enzarzaran en una discusión. Dicen que el niño hirió a los otros cuando empezó a disparar la única ronda de municiones, a uno le dio en la parte superior del cuerpo y a otro en un brazo.

Se espera que ambos niños se recuperen de sus heridas, una revelación sorprendente teniendo en cuenta lo alterada que se escucha la mujer que llamó al 911 tan solo unos segundos después del disparo.

Audio del 911

En el audio, la mujer dice ser la madre de uno de los niños y pide ayuda médica en repetidas ocasiones después de asegurar que su hijo recibió un disparo en la espalda.

La policía dice que cuando los agentes llegaron al lugar, detuvieron al niño de 11 años. Añadieron que desde entonces ha sido acusado de un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado.

"Nadie quiere arrestar a un niño de 11 años, de ninguna manera", dijo el jefe de policía de Apopka Mike McKinley sobre el asunto durante una conferencia de prensa el martes, "pero basándose en nuestra investigación creemos que esos cargos están justificados".

Un incidente aislado

La policía también dijo que los padres del niño podrían enfrentar cargos criminales si los funcionarios determinan que dejaron un arma en un lugar donde el niño podía alcanzarla.

Cops: Youth Football Shooting Video Shows 11-Year-Old Firing On Teammates


Cops say surveillance video shows the moment an 11-year-old youth football player shot two of his teammates during an altercation at a practice in Florida on Monday ... and the footage is shocking.

In the clip, you can see a boy race to a vehicle in a parking lot, grab a gun from the passenger-side seat, and then fire on another boy who had his back turned.

Seconds later, you can see a woman grab the firearm from the kid's grasp ... before appearing to chastise him in the parking lot.

According to cops, the incident happened at around 8:20 PM at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka ... after the 11-year-old and two other 13-year-old youth football players had gotten into an argument. They say when the child fired off the single round, it hit the others -- catching one in the upper body while clipping another in the arm.

Both boys are expected to recover from their injuries ... a surprising revelation, considering how frantic a woman was in a 911 call placed just seconds after the shot went off.


In the audio, you can hear a woman claiming to be the mother of one of the boys asking for medical help repeatedly after she says her son was shot in the back.

Cops say when officers got to the scene, they arrested the 11-year-old. They added that he's since been charged with one count of second-degree attempted murder.

"Nobody wants to arrest an 11-year-old, by any means," Apopka police chief Mike McKinley said of the matter during a press conference on Tuesday, "but based on our investigation we feel those charges are warranted."


Police also said the 11-year-old's parents could be facing criminal charges ... if officials determine they left a gun in a place where the child could reach it.

Niña de 9 años desaparecida Encontrada sana y salva tras temores de secuestro

Charlotte Sena, la niña de 9 años cuya desaparición desató temores de un secuestro, fue encontrada sana y salva y la policía tiene un sospechoso bajo custodia.

La Policía del Estado de Nueva York anunció el lunes que Charlotte fue localizada y que se encuentra en buen estado de salud después de desaparecer el sábado durante un viaje de camping con su familia en el norte del estado de Nueva York.

Charlotte desapareció después de dar un paseo en bicicleta en Moreau Lake State Park. Estuvo paseando por los senderos con sus amigos antes de la cena y nunca regresó. Su madre temía que hubiera sido secuestrada después de que su bicicleta fuera encontrada en uno de los bucles del parque.

Las autoridades iniciaron una búsqueda en el parque, con agencias estatales, federales y locales trabajando juntas. La extensa búsqueda contó con perros policía, barcos, equipos submarinos y aviones no tripulados para tratar de encontrar a Charlotte, con 400 personas rastreando la zona.

Una alerta AMBER salió la noche del domingo y el lunes por la tarde, la Policía Estatal dijo que los investigadores ya no creían que Charlotte aún estuviera en el parque.

No está claro cuándo y dónde se encontró a Charlotte y los funcionarios no han dado a conocer el nombre del sospechoso o qué cargos podría enfrentar.

Por ahora, la policía dice que sigue siendo una investigación activa.