Alligator Hell 14-Foot Reptile Chows Down On Human Torso ... Freaks Out Florida Neighborhood

A real-life monster tale unfolded in Florida Friday ... after a 14-foot alligator was found with a dead body in its mouth.

The super scary incident occurred yesterday afternoon in the city of Largo, where the hungry reptile was slithering around the neighborhood -- freaking out residents.

One local was on his way to a job interview when he spotted the creature biting down on what appeared to be a portion of a mannequin.

But then Jamarcus Bullard got a better look, believing it could be a human torso in the jaws of the alligator.

Bullard told Fox13 News he reported the grisly find to the fire department, which quickly responded and confirmed it was a human part.


Pinellas County Sheriff's deputies said additional remains from an unidentified adult were found nearby. No one else was injured.

The alligator was humanely killed.

Infierno en Florida Caimán de 4 metros devora un torso humano

Una historia de monstruos, pero real, se desarrolló en Florida este viernes, después de que un caimán de 4 metros fuera encontrado con un cadáver en la boca.

El incidente súper aterrador ocurrió ayer por la tarde en la ciudad de Largo, donde el reptil estuvo caminando y deslizándose por el barrio, asustando a los residentes.

Una persona de la zona iba camino a una entrevista de trabajo cuando vio a la criatura mordiendo lo que parecía ser una parte de un maniquí.

Pero tras conseguir una mejor visión, a Jamarcus Bullard le pareció ver lo que se cree era un torso humano en las fauces del caimán.

Bullard dijo a Fox13 News que informó del espeluznante hallazgo a los bomberos, que rápidamente respondieron y confirmaron que era una parte humana.

El caimán versus las chicas

Diputados del Sheriff del Condado de Pinellas dijeron que restos adicionales de un adulto no identificado fueron encontrados cerca. Nadie más resultó herido.

El caimán fue sacrificado humanitariamente.

Matthew McConaughey Alleged Stalker Shows Up at Book Event ... Restraining Order In Place Forces Her to Leave

Matthew McConaughey's decision to ensure the safety of his fans paid off -- proactively getting a restraining order against an obsessive woman -- and allowing cops to intervene when she showed up at a recent meet-and-greet event.

Sources close to the actor tell us the woman, who has been bothering him for years, showed up over the weekend where McConaughey was promoting his new book.

We're told she was greeted by police, informed of the restraining order, and escorted off the property without incident.

Our sources say McConaughey understood the potential risks the woman could pose if she showed up, and wanted to make sure his fans -- including young kids -- were safe ... so that's why he decided to go to court before the event.

The woman's allegedly been an issue for a long time -- with bizarre emails, concerning letters and frivolous lawsuits. Matthew has been able to ignore the woman, but things recently came to a head when she allegedly stated she was planning on attending Matthew's event to promote his new book.

Good guy McConaughey strikes again.

Matthew McConaughey Presunta acosadora se presenta en un evento... Orden de restricción la obligó a irse

La decisión de Matthew McConaughey de garantizar la seguridad de sus fans ha dado sus frutos, ya que proactivamente obtuvo una orden de restricción contra una mujer obsesiva que le permitió a la policía intervenir cuando se presentó en un evento reciente.

Fuentes cercanas al actor nos dicen que la mujer, que lo ha estado molestando por años, se presentó el fin de semana donde McConaughey estaba promocionando su nuevo libro.

Nos dicen que fue recibida por la policía, informada de la orden de alejamiento y escoltada afuera de la propiedad sin incidentes.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que McConaughey entendía los riesgos que podría significar que apareciera la mujer y por eso quiso asegurarse de que sus fans, que incluían a niños pequeños, estuvieran a salvo... Así que por eso decidió ir a la corte antes del evento.

La mujer supuestamente ha sido un problema durante mucho tiempo. Le ha enviado correos electrónicos extraños, cartas preocupantes y demandas frívolas. Matthew ha sido capaz de ignorarla, pero las cosas llegaron a un punto crítico recientamente cuando anunció que estaba planeando asistir al evento de Matthew para promocionar su nuevo libro.

El bueno de McConaughey atacó de nuevo.

Pacman Jones Teases New Music With Arrest Video ... It's A Rap!!!


Adam "Pacman" Jones is trying to turn his most recent run-in with the law into some clicks for his new music ... using the police video of his arrest earlier this month to promote his latest rap song.

The 39-year-old posted some of the footage on his Instagram page on Wednesday ... showing him yelling at an officer after he was taken into custody at Northern Kentucky International Airport on Sept. 11.

In the clip, you can see the ex-NFL star in the back of a police cruiser ... loudly questioning a cop about why he was being arrested after he said all he did was complain to airline employees about a faulty charging port on his plane.

"Bro, I'm going to jail for being on the plane?!" Jones said. "Bro, I didn't even yell at nobody!"

Jones' video then transitioned into a snippet of his new rap song.

"Its always two sides of the story …….," Jones captioned the vid. "👂🏾👂🏾👂🏾new music. Ep coming."


Jones -- who's been adamant he did nothing wrong at the airport -- is currently facing three misdemeanor charges in the case. He's due in court for a hearing on the matter next week.

New England Patriots Officials Reviewing Video Of Fight ... Prior To Fan's Death

The fan who died at the Patriots game on Sunday was involved in a physical altercation prior to his death, and now officials are reviewing video footage of the incident to determine what happened.

The Norfolk District Attorney's office tells TMZ Sports "Our investigation has included numerous law enforcement interviews and the examination of multiple angles of video capturing the scuffle prior to Mr. Dale Mooney's collapse during the Sunday night game at Gillette Stadium."

Officials tell us they conducted a preliminary autopsy which pointed to a medical issue, as opposed to a traumatic injury as a possible factor in the death. A final determination hasn't yet been made.

As we previously reported, 53-year-old Dale Mooney, who was at the Patriots vs. Dolphins game, was rushed to a local hospital after what was initially classified as an "apparent medical event."

He was pronounced dead at the medical facility.

Following the tragic news, videos of the incident surfaced online appearing to show a man in a Dolphins jersey striking a fellow spectator, presumed to be Mooney.

A GoFundMe was launched for Mooney's family ... which raised $13k as of Wednesday. Dale's survived by his wife of 20+ years and two kids.

New England Patriots Autoridades revisan video de la pelea previa a muerte de hincha

El hincha que murió en el juego de los Patriotas el domingo pasado estuvo involucrado en un altercado físico antes de su muerte, y ahora los funcionarios están revisando las imágenes del incidente para determinar que sucedió exactamente.

La oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Norfolk le dijo a TMZ Sports: "Nuestra investigación ha incluido numerosas entrevistas con las fuerzas del orden y el examen de múltiples ángulos de video que capturan la pelea antes del colapso del Sr. Dale Mooney durante el partido del domingo por la noche en el Gillette Stadium".

Los funcionarios nos dicen que llevaron a cabo una autopsia preliminar que apunta a un problema médico, en lugar de una lesión traumática como posible factor de muerte. Aún no se ha tomado una decisión definitiva.

Como informamos anteriormente, Dale Mooney, de 53 años, que estaba en el partido de los Patriots contra los Dolphins, fue trasladado a un hospital local después de lo que fue clasificado inicialmente como un "aparente evento médico".

Fue declarado muerto en el centro médico.

Tras la trágica noticia, aparecieron videos del incidente que parecían mostrar a un hombre con una camiseta de los Dolphins golpeando a un espectador, presumiblemente, Mooney.

Se puso en marcha un GoFundMe para la familia de Mooney, que recaudó $13k hasta el miércoles. Dale deja a su esposa de más de 20 años y a sus dos hijos.

Band Director Tasered by Cops ... Refused to Stop Show!!!

Birmingham Police Department

An Alabama high school band director was in for a shock after refusing to stop a musical performance that cops asked him to stop -- and we mean he literally got a shock!

Johnny Mims was arrested Thursday in Birmingham for disorderly conduct and a slew of other charges, after police say he disobeyed their orders to tell his band kids to stop playing after a football game had ended, as the school was trying to clear the place out.

New body cam footage was released showing last week's confrontation, and it's pretty wild. The guy basically tells cops to piss off, refusing to halt things ... and then getting Tasered.

It's unclear why Mims didn't wanna comply, but what is clear is that he was dead-set on doing this last song with the band in the stands -- even though the game was long over. Supposedly, this follows in some sort of "5th quarter" tradition, but, on its face, it's bizarre.

Anyway, things escalated quickly. The first officer who responds tells Mims it's time to go and that he's gotta wrap it up ... but Mims tells him to get out of his face, continuing to conduct even though the cop was standing right in front of him. The band kids kept playing loudly too.

Eventually, more officers arrived, and they attempted to restrain/cuff Mims, which led to a clear struggle between the cops. Other folks appear to have gotten in the mix as well.

At a point, one cop threatens to tase Mims if he doesn't settle down ... and then the electricity starts flowing. He looks to have been zapped at least 3 times.

Now, in the aftermath, Mims claims excessive force was used on him. Birmingham PD says there's an internal investigation over this ... but no word on officers being reprimanded yet.

Fatal Vegas Hit-And-Run Cops Arrest Passenger ... Who Filmed & Laughed During Attack

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The passenger who was filming and cackling while his buddy struck and killed a man riding his bike has been arrested.

The unnamed suspect was taken into custody Tuesday in Clark County -- this according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which says they have their man. His identity has yet to be revealed ... he's also a minor -- just like his alleged accomplice.

The DAs said on Tuesday the 2 males are expected to be tried as adults, however. It was also revealed a student at a local school showed the shocking video to an officer on campus, which was how the department first learned of it.

Andreas Probst's daughter, Taylor, spoke about the loss of her father at the press conference ... saying her family is "devastated by the senseless murder" that took place last month, saying the death is a direct result of "society's decayed family values" and the effects of social media.

Remember, these two are who cops say is featured in a now notorious video that circulated online ... graphically depicting the murder of 64-year-old Probst, who was simply riding his bicycle down the street when the two guys in the stolen car opted to hit him.

You can hear them talking about it right before they hit the accelerator -- the guy driving asks his passenger if he should go for it ... and the passenger encourages him to do it.

Probst went flying into the air and was left for dead on the road. The two teenagers in the car can be heard laughing it up as they drive away.

Mind you ... right before they ran over Probst, the two had gotten into a separate road rage incident -- where they slammed into another car -- literally just moments beforehand.

However, authorities now say there was a third incident that went down roughly 30 minutes before all of this ... where the 2 teens hit another person on a bike, claiming the passenger was the one behind the wheel this time.

They say the other cyclist and the alleged road rage victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

The video has drawn widespread outrage and condemnation ... and Vegas PD has since publicly pleaded for help in ID'ing the other dude. Now, police say they have them both.

It remains to be seen if the passenger will face similar charges as the driver -- who's being prosecuted for hit-and-run as well as murder.

Tamar Braxton My Car Is Trashed!!! Emotional Police Body Cam


Tamar Braxton told cops her car was "completely trashed" by thieves ... getting emotional just looking at it, as seen in the body cam footage.

The footage, obtained by TMZ, shows the singer chatting with officers Monday morning about what she says happened -- explaining it's gonna be tough to figure out everything they took.

At one point, Tamar takes a peek in the car before having to look away, saying she might cry just based on the condition of the vehicle. The cop eventually opens the door, showing some clutter on the passenger side -- but the rest of her vehicle's interior isn't visible.

Tamar says she usually locks her car, but admits she came down the night before to get something out of it, and isn't totally positive if she locked it back up.

BTW, Tamar says the culprits oddly enough left a computer behind when they took off.

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Instagram / @tamarbraxton

As we reported, Tamar shared clips Monday of men going through a car, lamenting about the apparent uptick in crime these days ... adding, "I had a lot in my car cause I don't live anywhere cause I'm not safe anywhere or with anyone."


emocionalmente lastimada

Tamar Braxton dijo a la policía que su carre estaba "completamente destrozado" por los ladrones y que se  ponía emocional con sólo mirarlo, como se puede apreciar en las imágenes.

La grabación obtenida por TMZ muestra a la cantante charlando con los oficiales el lunes por la mañana sobre lo que ella dice que pasó, explicando que va a ser difícil de averiguar todo lo que se llevaron.

En un momento dado, Tamar le echa un vistazo al carro antes de tener que mirar hacia otro lado, diciendo que podría llorar sólo sobre la base de la condición del vehículo. El policía finalmente abre la puerta, mostrando un poco de desorden en el lado del pasajero, pero el resto del interior de su vehículo no es visible.

Tamar dice que por lo general cierra su coche, pero admite que bajó la noche anterior para sacar algo de ella, y no es totalmente positivo si ella cerró de nuevo.

Por cierto, Tamar dice que los culpables extrañamente dejaron un ordenador detrás cuando se fueron.

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robada en casa
Instagram / @tamarbraxton

Como informamos, Tamar compartió clips el lunes de los hombres pasando por un coche, lamentando sobre el aparente repunte de la delincuencia en estos días ... añadiendo: "Yo tenía un montón en mi coche porque yo no vivo en cualquier lugar porque no estoy seguro en cualquier lugar o con nadie."

'RHOC' Shannon Beador Speeds, Crashes Into Home ... Hit-And-Run Video Shows

'RHOC' star Shannon Beador was zooming around a residential street moments before slamming her car into the side of a house ... according to this insane footage of her alleged DUI incident.

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Beador was hightailing it around a Newport Beach, CA street on Saturday just before midnight, when -- based on this video -- she seemed to misjudge a corner, careen out of control and crash into the home.

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Almost immediately, Beador threw her car in reverse, getting off the sidewalk and back onto the street before slowly pulling away.

We got these pics of the damage left behind from the accident ... a concrete planter is crumbled after taking the brunt of the impact and there's a huge skid mark on the road.

It also looks like Beador barely missed the front door of the house ... which likely would've caused even more damage, and potentially injured someone inside the home.

TMZ broke the story ... sources say Beador eventually parked in the middle of the street, getting out with her dog. We're told when cops arrived, she tried to act like she was just walking her pup, but the officers weren't buying it.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Shannon was arrested and booked for hit-and-run and DUI alcohol -- both misdemeanors -- and was cited and released without bond.

The Bravo series isn't currently in production, so she wasn't filming before the arrest -- her lawyer Michael Fell says, "[Beador] is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Don't forget, Beador revealed earlier this year that she felt blindsided by the brutal split from her BF, John Jassen ... which came just weeks after production wrapped on season 17.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Do you think Shannon Beador's DUI/hit-and-run will affect her chances of staying on the 'Real Housewives' franchise? Vote below.

Blueface Refused to Snitch on Alleged Stabber ... Case Rejected by D.A.

It seems like Blueface's street code is preventing law enforcement from putting together a case against his alleged assailant.

The L.A. County District Attorney's office tells TMZ Hip Hop ... the case has been rejected, for now, due to Blueface's lack of cooperation with the investigation. The video doesn't clearly show everything necessary to bring a criminal case, so, we're told investigators needed cooperation from witnesses to move forward.

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Instagram / @bluefasebabyy

According to docs, Blueface refused to answer any of the responding officer's questions, refused to provide his ID and even rejected medical aid ... though he quickly posted his bloody injury on social media, assuring fans he was good.

As we previously told you, Brandon Henrysnell had turned himself in on August 24, and was booked for felony assault with a deadly weapon.

But, the case won't go any further ... as authorities reviewed the footage, and while it clearly shows an altercation, it's missing the key moment Brandon allegedly stabbed Blueface.

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911 audio

Blueface had been training in a gym at the time of the attack and an urgent call was made to rush medics to the scene. Turns out that 911 call is as much cooperation as law enforcement's getting in this case.

CSU's Henry Blackburn Receiving Death Threats After Hunter Hit ... Police Investigating

Colorado State defensive back Henry Blackburn is on the receiving end of death threats after laying a controversial hit on Travis Hunter during Saturday's game ... and now, university police tell TMZ Sports an investigation into the hateful messages is underway.

Blackburn received a ton of heat for his massive late hit on the Colorado receiver in the first half of the Rams vs. Buffaloes matchup... which left Hunter sidelined for weeks with a lacerated liver.

Some looked at Blackburn's tackle as targeting ... including LeBron James, who went on X to say, "That was blatant and uncalled for IMO!"

Shortly after the tackle went viral on social media, the safety and his family were singled out by furious fans ... and we're told cops are taking the interactions seriously.

"CSUPD is aware of death threats against CSU football player Henry Blackburn, and the investigation is ongoing," a university police spokesperson told us on Monday.

"The police department will continue to monitor the situation, and the university is actively supporting the player and his family."

CSUI athletic director Joe Parker told Pete Thamel of ESPN he's concerned for Blackburn ... saying Henry never meant to hurt Hunter or anyone on the field.

"It's not what we teach or coach," Parker said. "We hope that the irrational vitriol directed at Henry stops immediately."

Blackburn has yet to address the incident.



El abogado de Shannon Beador, Michael Fell, le dije a TMZ: "Pasé bastante tiempo con Shannon ayer. Está muy arrepentida. Estaremos pendientes de la información oficial sobre este caso a medida que esté disponible, y Shannon está dispuesta a aceptar toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones."

El año difícil de Shannon Beador acaba de empeorar, la estrella de telerrealidad fue arrestada por conducir ebria este fin de semana en SoCal.

Fuentes policiales nos informan que la estrella de "The Real Housewives of Orange County" condujo su coche en una propiedad residencial en Newport Beach el sábado por la noche y destruyó parte de la casa.

Nos dijeon que Beador volvió a la carretera y siguió adelante antes de estacionar su vehículo en medio de la calle y salir con su perro.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella trató de actuar como si estuviera dando un paseo cuando la policía llegó después de recibir una llamada al 911. Nos dicen que no estaba engañando a nadie. Ella estaba cláramente ebria y fue detenida.

Los policías también incautaron el coche de Beador como parte de su investigación sobre los daños a la casa.

Un representante de Newport Beach PD dice Beador fue procesada por 2 delitos menores de  chocar y huir y alcoholemia. Fue citada y puesta en libertad sin fianza.

Ha sido un viaje lleno de baches para Beador últimamente, en enero discutió públicamente su dolorosa ruptura con su novio de 3 años y medio, John Janssen.

Beador dijo a People que fue sorprendida por la ruptura de Janssen con ella en noviembre de 2022, semanas después de haber terminado el rodaje de la temporada 17 de RHOC. Según los informes, ella dijo: "Él me dijo que había terminado con la relación. Y escuchar lo que me dijo entonces fue absolutamente devastador".

'RHOC' Star Shannon Beador Arrested For DUI, Hit-and-Run ... Struck House in Newport Beach


10:30 AM PT -- Shannon Beador's lawyer, Michael Fell tells TMZ ... "I spent quite a bit of time with Shannon yesterday. She is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Shannon Beador's tough year just got a lot rougher ... the reality TV star got busted for driving drunk this weekend in SoCal.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... "The Real Housewives of Orange County" star drove her car onto a residential property in Newport Beach Saturday night, and actually clipped the house.

We're told Beador then turned back onto the road and kept going before parking her vehicle in the middle of the street and getting out with her dog.

Our sources say she tried to act like she was taking a walk when police arrived after receiving a 911 call. We're told she wasn't fooling anyone ... as she appeared wasted and was taken into custody.

Cops also seized Beador's car as part of their investigation into the damage to the home.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Beador was booked for 2 misdemeanors ... hit-and-run and DUI alcohol. She was cited and released without bond. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she was not filming with Bravo before the arrest, as the show's not currently in production.

It's been a bumpy ride for Beador lately -- in January, she publicly discussed her painful split with her boyfriend of 3 and a half years, John Janssen.

Beador told People she was blindsided by Janssen breaking up with her in November 2022 -- weeks after they had wrapped filming for Season 17 of 'RHOC.' She reportedly said, "He told me he was done with the relationship. And to hear what he said to me then was absolutely devastating."

We reached out to Shannon's team for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:41 AM PT