Disturbing Video Teens Chuckle, Fatally Mow Down Bicyclist ... Caught On Video

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Two teens were heard laughing on a video as they deliberately plowed their car into a bicyclist in Nevada, killing the man -- a retired police chief.

The 17-year-old driver and his passenger were cruising down a street in Las Vegas on August 14, coming up behind Andreas Probst as he rode his cycle in the bike lane.
Filming with his cell phone, the passenger was chuckling with the driver as they plotted to run over Probst. You can hear them say, "Ready?" and "Yeah, hit his ass."

Moments later, the driver crashed into Probst, causing him to fly up onto the windshield before tumbling to the ground.

Probst was rushed to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead. He reportedly moved to Vegas after retiring as chief from California's Bell Police Department in 2009.
The teens fled, but the driver was soon arrested for the hit-and-run. The charges were later upgraded to include murder when the video recently surfaced online, showing the crime was intentional.

It wasn't clear if the passenger was charged.

PRISONER DANELO CAVALCANTE Wall He Scaled Being Fortified ... Barrier Blocks Roof Access

The Pennsylvania prison where inmate Danelo Cavalcante scaled a wall to make his great escape is making some changes to prevent a similar escape from happening again.

Honchos in Chester County tell TMZ ... prison officials made short-term upgrades to beef up security at the facility, including a new barrier blocking access to the prison roof.

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Danelo crab-walked up a brick wall, dove through barbed wire and booked it across the roof to make his escape .. and we're told the new barrier prohibiting roof access is behind the razor wire.

Prison guards were in the watchtower when Danelo escaped during exercise time in the yard, and we're told guards will now be taking up new positions when inmates are in the yard.

We're also told Chester County Prison is assigning a guard to the prison roof ... and they're reviewing surveillance procedures because Danelo's escape happened in plain view of cameras.

After his escape, Danelo lived on watermelon and creek water ... burying his poop to evade authorities for two weeks ... until he was ultimately captured about 18 miles from the prison.

We're told Chester County Commissioners also approved a contract to build a permanent enclosure over the prison's exercise yards ... that's the long-term effect of Danelo's escape.

Since being caught, Danelo is locked up at SCI Phoenix ... where he's being kept under a watchful eye in his cell, which he hardly ever leaves.

Preso Danelo Calvante Prisión está foriticando el muro que escaló Una barrera bloquea acceso

La prisión de Pennsylvania, donde el preso Danelo Cavalcante utilizó el artilugio de escalar un muro para fugarse, está haciendo algunos cambios para evitar que una escapada similar vuelva a ocurrir.

Jefaturas en el Condado de Chester le dicen a TMZ que los funcionarios de la prisión hicieron algunas mejoras para reforzar la seguridad en las instalaciones en el corto plazo, incluyendo una nueva barrera que bloquea el acceso a la azotea de la prisión.

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Fuga de la prisión

Danelo caminó como cangrejo por una pared de ladrillo, se zambulló a través del alambre de púas y se las arrelgó para salir a través del techo para hacer su escape. Se nos ha dicho que la nueva barrera que prohíbe el acceso al techo está detrás del alambre de púas.

Los guardias de la prisión estaban en la torre de vigilancia cuando Danelo escapó durante el tiempo de ejercicio, y nos dicen que ahora tomarán nuevas posiciones cuando los reclusos estén en el patio.

También nos han dicho que la prisión del condado de Chester está asignando un guardia para el tejado de la prisión y revisando los procedimientos de vigilancia, ya que la fuga de Danelo se produjo a la vista de las cámaras.

Despues de su fuga, Danelo vivió a base de sandia y agua de los arroyos, y enterró sus heces para evadir a las autoridades durante dos semanas hasta que finalmente fue capturado a unas 18 millas de la prisión.

Nos dicen que los comisionados del condado de Chester también aprobaron un contrato para construir un recinto permanente sobre los patios destinados a ejercicios en la prisión. Ese es el efecto a largo plazo de la fuga de Danelo.

Desde que fue capturado, el recluso está encerrado en SCI Phoenix, donde se le mantiene bajo vigilancia en su celda, de la que casi nunca sale.

Lamar Odom Al volante en accidente de carro Destroza su Mercedes

Es probable que Lamar Odom vea subir mucho la factura del seguro de su carro, pues acaba de estrellar su Mercedes contra dos coches aparcados en un accidente en la madrugada.

Un representante de Lamar le dice a TMZ, que él estaba al volante cuando se metió en un accidente de carro alrededor de las 3 AM del lunes en una zona residencial cerca de su casa.

Nos dicen que Lamar estaba conduciendo a casa de un amigo en Northridge cuando se le cayó el teléfono dentro de su Mercedes, se agachó para recuperarlo, perdió el control y se estrelló contra un par de carros aparcados en la calle.

El representante de Lamar dice que su Mercedes blanco golpeó a otro coche blanco, que chocó contra otro coche aparcado delante de él.

Los airbags de Lamar se desplegaron, y por suerte él no resultó herido ni necesitó asistencia médica, aunque estaba un poco aturdido y su Mercedes; destrozado.

Se llamó a la policía de Los Ángeles, pero esta no realizó un informe policial después de atender la escena. Nos han dicho que los oficiales hablaron con Lamar y le preguntaron si había estado bebiendo, a lo que Lamar respondió que no y les dijo que se encuentra sobrio y que es dueño de centros de rehabilitación.

Los policías no realizaron ninguna prueba de alcoholemia.

Lamar luego le explicó a los policías cómo ocurrió el accidente. Los propietarios de los carros impactados salieron de sus casas y Lamar les dio la información de su seguro.

Afortunadamente, nos dicen que no había nadie dentro de los carros aparcados en el momento del accidente. Aunque el Mercedes de Lamar fue remolcado y su seguridad lo llevó a casa.

Después de ver que todos intercambiaron información, la policía se fue.

Lamar Odom Behind The Wheel In Car Crash ... Smashes Up His Mercedes

Lamar Odom is likely to see his car insurance bill go way up ... he crashed his Mercedes into two parked cars in an early morning accident.

A rep for Lamar tells TMZ ... Lamar was behind the wheel when he got into a car crash around 3 AM Monday in a residential area near his home.

We're told Lamar was driving home from a friend's place in Northridge when he dropped his phone inside his Mercedes, reached down to retrieve it, lost control and smashed into a pair of cars parked on the street.

Lamar's rep says his white Mercedes hit another white car, which bumped into another car parked in front of it.

Lamar's airbags deployed, and he wasn't injured and didn't need medical assistance ... though he was a little shaken up and his Mercedes is now mangled.

Cops were called but LAPD did not take a police report after responding to the scene. We're told officers spoke with Lamar, asking him if he had been drinking, to which Lamar said no and told cops about being sober and owning rehab facilities.

Cops did not perform a field sobriety test.

Lamar, we're told, then explained to LAPD how the accident happened ... and the owners of the impacted cars came out of their homes and Lamar gave them his insurance information.

Fortunately, we're told no one was inside the parked cars at the time of the crash ... though Lamar's Mercedes was towed and his security drove him home.

In the end, cops left after seeing everyone exchange information.

Blueface 911 Call 'He Stabbed My Client' ... Get Here Pronto!!!

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911 audio

Moments after Blueface got stabbed in a boxing gym, his trainer dialed 911 and the call got pretty intense ... with the operator trying to get details of the attack, as the trainer tried to get medics to save Blue.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained audio of the 911 call that launched paramedics to the bloody scene on August 23 at the Kaminsky Boxing Gym in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley.

On the call, the trainer -- who also owns the gym -- tells the operator a random guy came in and "stabbed my client" ... and then the miscommunication begins.

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Instagram / @bluefasebabyy

Seems the gym owner couldn't really hear the operator's questions about whether the assailant was still there -- and the gym owner quickly grew frustrated as he urged the operator to send help right away for Blueface ... who was bleeding from his leg wound.

As we previously reported, the alleged assailant didn't get very far, before eventually surrendered, and LAPD arrested Brandon Henry Snell. We're told the L.A. County D.A. is now reviewing the case to determine charges.

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Blue had to cancel an upcoming October fight and hasn't posted in the gym since ... but appears to have healed up fine.

llamada al 911 para blue face "apuñalaron a mi cliente" ¡Vengan pronto!

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audio al 911

Momentos después de que apuñalaran Blueface en un gimnacio de boxeo, su entrenador llamó al 911 y la llamada se puso bastante intensa. El operador trataba de obtener detalles mientras el entrenador intentaba conseguir médicos para salvar a Blue.

TMZ obtuvo el audio de la llamada al 911 que apresuró a los médicos al Kaminsky Boxing Gym a las afueras de Los Ángeles el 23 de agosto.

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el incidente
Instagram / @bluefasebabyy

Como te dijimos anteriormente, el presunto agresor no llegó muy lejos, porque se entregó.

La policía de Los Ángeles detuvo poco después a un hombre llamado Brandon Henry Snell... y los agentes creen que es el tipo al que se ve en las imágenes enfrentándose a Blue con un Rottweiler a remolque como posible refuerzo.

Snell ha pagado la fianza, mientras que los familiares aseguraron al perro ... y se nos dice que el caso está siendo revisado por la oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles.

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Blue tuvo que cancelar un combate que iba a celebrar en octubre y no ha vuelto al gimnasio desde entonces, pero parece que se ha recuperado bien.

Pacman Jones Arrest Video Ex-NFL Star Berated Cops ... 'You Stupid F***ers!'


New police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows Adam "Pacman" Jones went ballistic on cops following his arrest earlier this week ... throwing a tantrum, while calling some of the officers "stupid f***ers!"

The ex-NFL star's outburst happened at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport on Sept. 11 ... when officials booted him from a plane after they said he had argued with employees over his seat's electrical outlet.

Body cam footage shows that once he got off the aircraft ... he tried to tell cops what had happened -- but almost immediately, a verbal altercation broke out.

"You need to learn how to talk to a motherf***er, bro," Jones said to one officer on the jetway. "'Cause I don't mind going to jail. I'm letting you know that. But, you better learn how to motherf***ing talk to somebody. Because you ain't my daddy, n****."

When someone tried to calm Jones down ... he screamed, "This s*** is wrong!" Seconds later, cops slapped the cuffs on him -- and then his meltdown really began.

Sources close to Pacman say he was agitated because he was kicked off the plane when he believed he did nothing wrong ... so anything he said was in the heat of the moment, and he still maintains he's the one in the right.

Jones yelled and cussed at cops as they took him away from the plane ... and when they got him in the back of a squad car, he unloaded on one officer in particular.

"You said I was drunk," he screamed from the backseat. "Bitch, breathalyze me. I'm not drunk!"

The cop then told him he reeked of alcohol ... which set Jones off further.

"How the f*** you going to lock me up for alcohol and you ain't breathalyze me?!" he continued. "You sound stupid as f***. It's 6 AM in the morning, n****. I had one f***ing drink, which was a Pinot f***ing Grigiot. Go to the f***ing bar and ask them. You stupid f***ers!"


Meanwhile, back on the plane, body cam video shows the pilot and a flight attendant both told a cop Jones was being unruly -- forcing them to go back to the gate.

Eventually, officers transported Jones to a nearby jail ... where he was booked on misdemeanor charges of alcohol intoxication, disorderly conduct and terroristic threatening -- before he was released.

Jones has been adamant that he did nothing wrong on the plane ... saying he just wanted his outlet to work so he could use his iPad to prep for the New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills Monday Night Football game.

"I was the one who was mistreated," he said.

Stripper to Cop Tase Me, I Like It Kinky!!! Cringe Video From Arrest


Attempting to seduce a cop is one thing, but a stripper who getting busted for an alleged hit-and-run takes it to the next level -- offering to pee on the officer, and telling him to Tase her because she "likes it kinky."

Police body camera footage from the exotic dancer's Ohio arrest shows her desperate attempts to flirt with the officer ... calling him "handsome" and daring him to search her.

But, the cop doesn't fall for it, and puts her in the back of his squad car. Apparently undaunted, the woman keeps laying it on thick, telling him ... "I'll piss in your face, only if you like it, though."

Back at the station, she welcomes the use of force, declaring ... "You wanna Tase me? Do it! I like it. I like it kinky."

She proudly told cops she's a stripper, and that she'd downed lots of tequila before driving, but when more officers show up to take her to a hospital ... she starts melting down.

As the officers try getting her into a patrol car, she struggles and screams out ... "You’re going to rape me! Stop trying to rape me!"

Prosecutors reportedly ended up charging her with operating a vehicle under the influence, assaulting a police officer, obstruction of official business and speeding.

Her bond was set at $10,000. That's a lotta lap dances.

Sexyy Red OK After Fatal Shooting Near Music Vid


6:19 AM PT -- 9/15 -- Sexyy Red is speaking out following the eruption of gun violence near her video shoot ... which she says cops tell her was an unrelated occurrence.


The "SkeeYee" rapper sent her condolences to the man killed Thursday night and thanked on and off-duty officers for securing the scene.


Sexyy says they were also able to finish the shoot at a different location and doesn't want the narrative placed on her going forward.

Sexyy Red's video shoot in Florida turned into a violent scene Thursday ... after an assailant opened fire, killing one person and wounding another.

The rapper was filming the music video with a bunch of extras at Oakland Park Flea Market in the afternoon when somebody pulled a gun nearby and started firing. The suspect then fled.

Two people were struck and one was pronounced dead at the scene. The other was rushed to a local hospital for treatment. Their condition was not known.

Broward County Sheriff's deputies responded and were investigating whether the bloodshed was related to the video shoot.

Videos posted on Instagram show the apparent aftermath of the shooting ... in one clip, you see one victim lying injured on the ground. In the other, people are walking in an orderly fashion through the strip mall.

We've reached out to Sexyy for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 9/14 9:11 PM

PRISONER DANELO CAVALCANTE Under Watchful Eye In Prison ... Good Luck Escaping Now!!!

Danelo Cavalcante, the convicted murderer who escaped prison only to be captured after a two-week manhunt, is under constant watch behind bars to make sure he doesn't get out again.

Folks with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections tell TMZ ... Danelo is being held in a specialized observation unit at SCI Phoenix for security reasons.

We're told Danelo gets all his meals served in his cell ... and he can only leave for medical services, or to see counselors. In other words, the prison is taking extra steps to make sure Danelo does not escape again.

As we reported ... Danelo kept himself alive and under the radar during his two weeks on the lam by eating watermelon, drinking water from creeks and concealing his poop to avoid detection.

Danelo was ultimately captured by Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) and SWAT teams in the same rural town where he broke into a home and stole a rifle after getting shot at by the person living there ... with a K-9 playing a key role in finding him.

The grub being served in prison sounds a lot better than fruit and creek water ... the menu at SCI Phoenix this week includes eggs and hot cakes for breakfast, sweet and sour chicken for lunch, and salisbury steak for dinner.

One thing's for sure though, Danelo won't be breaking bread with the other inmates.

Escaped Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante Survived On Watermelon ... Concealed Poop During 14-Day Manhunt

Pennsylvania prison escapee Danelo Cavalcante kept himself alive and under the radar during his two weeks on the lam by scarfing down fruit and drinking water from creeks -- while hiding his poop to avoid detection.

Cavalcante gave investigators a window into his method of survival for 14 days in the forest after he was nabbed Wednesday by a large contingent of police officers and federal marshals in rural Chester County.


The convicted murderer said he stayed out of sight by primarily moving around at night, burying himself under thick brush and covering his poop with leaves, according to Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshall Robert Clark, who was involved in the manhunt.

Fox News

Clark appeared on Chris Cuomo's NewsNation show Wednesday night, saying Cavalcante had a few close calls with officers, who almost stepped on him while he was under the thickets. In fact, the tactical team was only 7-to-8 yards away from Cavalcante on three occasions.

What's more, Cavalcante hung around the same area for several days, scarfing down watermelons from a farm and drinking water from streams.

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In late August, Cavalcante broke out of Chester County Prison, scaling a wall and climbing over razor wire before dashing across a roof and jumping to the ground below to make his escape. A fugitive task force searched high and low for him as Pennsylvania was gripped with fear.

Now that Cavalcante's back in custody -- and cooling his heels in state prison -- everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

Preso fugado Danelo Cavalcante Sobrevivió a base de sandía... Ocultó sus heces 14 días!!!

Danelo Cavalcante, preso fugado de una cárcel de Pensilvania, se mantuvo con vida y bajo el radar a base de fruta y agua de los arroyos durante sus dos semanas de fuga, al tiempo que ocultaba sus excrementos para evitar ser detectado.

Cavalcante dio a los investigadores una ventana a su método de supervivencia de 14 días en el bosque después de que fuera atrapado este miércoles por un gran contingente de agentes de policía y alguaciles federales en el condado rural de Chester.

huyendo de la ley

El asesino convicto dijo que se mantenía fuera de la vista moviéndose principalmente durante la noche. Se enterraba bajo la espesa maleza y cubría sus heces con hojas, según el ayudante del U.S. Marshall Robert Clark, que participó en la persecución.

atrapado y bajo custodia
Fox News

Clark apareció en el programa NewsNation, de Chris Cuomo, el miércoles por la noche, y dijo que Cavalcante estuvo muy cerca de los agentes en varios momentos, quienes estuvieron a punto de pillarlo mientras estaba bajo la espesura. De hecho, el equipo táctico estuvo a solo 7 u 8 metros de Cavalcante en tres ocasiones

Además de eso, el prófugo estuvo varios días en la misma zona, comiendo sandías de una granja y bebiendo agua de los arroyos.

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adelante y arriba

A finales de agosto, Cavalcante se fugó de la prisión del condado de Chester, escalando un muro y trepando por encima de una alambrada antes de lanzarse por un tejado y saltar al suelo para escapar. Un grupo especial de fugitivos lo buscó por todas partes mientras el miedo se apoderaba de Pensilvania.

Ahora que Cavalcante está de nuevo bajo custodia -y relajando sus talones en la prisión estatal- todo el mundo puede respirar aliviado.

Peso Pluma Cartel lo amenaza de muerte El concierto de Tijuana "será el último"

El artista mexicano Peso Pluma va a dar un concierto en Tijuana y el cártel mexicano no está contento con ello. Han dejando amenazas de muerte para el cantante por toda la ciudad.

Una de ellas es una pancarta encontrada el martes por la mañana colgada en un puente que dice: "Esto va para Peso Pluma, abstente de presentarte el 14 de octubre porque será tu última presentación por irrespetuoso y lengua suelta".

La última línea es difícil de descifrar, pero parece terminar con: "Te presentas y te vamos a sacar la m...". Podría traducirse de varias maneras pero todas ellas implican daños físicos.

La pancarta con la amenaza estaba firmada por el Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, un sindicato del crimen con sede en Jalisco (México), donde nació el cantante de 24 años. El grupo está dirigido por "El Mencho", uno de los capos de la droga más buscados del mundo.

La amenaza se produjo antes de que Peso subió al escenario la noche del martes en los MTV Video Music Awards en Nueva Jersey.

Peso aún no ha respondido a la amenaza, pero algunos de sus próximos conciertos han sido aplazados. El de Tijuana se mantiene como estaba previsto y el siguiente tendrá lugar en Nevada a finales de septiembre.

No está claro si los aplazamientos se deben a las amenazas.

Peso Pluma Cartel Makes Death Threats ... Tijuana Concert 'Will Be Your Last'

Mexican artist Peso Pluma's putting on a concert in Tijuana, and the Mexican cartel ain't happy about it ... it's leaving death threats for the singer all around the city.

One of them is a banner found Tuesday morning hanging on a bridge, and it reads, "This goes to Peso Pluma, refrain from presenting yourself on October 14, because it will be your last show due to your disrespect and loose tongue."

The last line is hard to make out, but it appears to end with, "You show up and we are going to (break you)." It could be translated several ways, but all of them involve physical harm.

The threatening banner was signed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel -- a crime syndicate based in Jalisco, Mexico ... where the 24-year-old singer was actually born. The group is led by "El Mencho," one of the most-wanted drug lords in the world.

BTW, the threat came before Peso took to the stage Tuesday night at the MTV Video Music Awards in New Jersey.

Peso has yet to respond to the threat, but a handful of upcoming concerts have been postponed -- the Tijuana concert remains as scheduled, and his next show goes down in Nevada at the end of September.

It's unclear if the postponements are the result of any threats.

Escaped Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante CAPTURED!!! ... After 14-Day Manhunt

Fox News

2:08 PM PT -- We've obtained Danelo Cavalcante's booking photo, it appears he's been washed off and clean-shaven ... and will now get used to life in a cell once again.


11:58 AM PT -- Police say a K-9 "subdued" Cavalcante, leaving a minor bite wound on his scalp as he tried to break free. Shortly after, police moved in and brought him into custody.


Pennsylvania escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante has been captured ... this, after a massive, crazy two-week manhunt that put the entire state in fear.

Cavalcante, a convicted murderer, was arrested Wednesday without incident by Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) and SWAT teams in the same rural town where he broke into a home and stole a rifle after getting shot at by the resident.

His condition after 14 days on the lam was not known, but video appeared to show him conscious and alert while in custody.

At one point, a large group of the officers involved in his capture all gathered around Danelo to pose for a pic with the captured fugitive.

The footage also captured officers in military gear handcuffing Cavalcante and leading him into the back of a black armored truck. The truck then took off down the street with its red lights flashing.

The good news comes after a fugitive task force had been looking under every rock in Pennsylvania for Cavalcante. While there were a number of sightings, Cavalcante managed to elude capture ... until today.

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Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, fleeing the area.

Originally Published -- 6:19 AM PT