Demandan a los nelk boys por broma fallida de youtube Sobre laboratorio de metanfetamina falso

Los Nelk Boys están siendo arrastrados a los tribunales por una broma de YouTube que salió mal. El conductor de entrega de marihuana que trataron de engañar los sorprendió con una demanda muy real.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, un hombre llamado Nicholas Aliff afirma que él es el repartidor de hierba en la broma del falso laboratorio de metanfetamina de los youtubers. En el vídeo no estaba contento con la broma y amenazó con demandar, y ahora parece que va a seguir adelante.

Aliff afirma que los Nelk Boys pidieron hierba y él acabó entregando la mercancía en un almacén cerca de Los Ángeles, donde los bromistas de YouTube habían montado un falso laboratorio de metanfetamina y contratado a un actor para que interpretara a un policía que empieza a hacer una redada antidroga antes de aceptar un soborno.

El hombre dice que pensó que el actor era un policía de verdad y que no sabía que le estaban gastando una broma hasta que los Nelk Boys le dijeron que era una broma. Dice que razonablemente se enfureció por la broma y empezó a gritar a los chicos, cuando su seguridad lo agarró por detrás y lo estranguló, causándole lo que afirma son graves lesiones físicas y emocionales.

Aliff afirma que los Nelk Boys lo atrajeron como a un cordero al matadero hacia su falso laboratorio de metanfetamina con la intención de asustarle y captar su reacción de sorpresa ante la cámara. Dice que le pareció tan real que pensó que el falso policía podría dispararle.

Ha interpuesto una demanda por agresión con lesiones, detención ilegal e imposición de angustia emocional, y va a por los Nelk Boys por daños y perjuicios.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los Nelk Boys, hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

YouTube's Nelk Boys Sued For Assault and Battery ... Over Fake Meth Lab Prank


5:58 PM PT -- 9/13 -- The prank video at the heart of the lawsuit drew a police response ... and a police report was filed with investigators, but everyone involved declined to pursue criminal charges and the case was ultimately dropped ... law enforcement tells TMZ.

The Nelk Boys are being dragged to court over a YouTube prank video gone wrong -- the marijuana delivery driver they tried to trick is flipping the script on them with a very real lawsuit.

According to docs obtained by TMZ, a man named Nicholas Aliff claims he's the weed delivery guy in the YouTube stars' fake meth lab prank. In the video, he wasn't happy about being pranked and threatened to sue ... and now it looks like he's following through.

Aliff claims the Nelk Boys ordered weed and he ended up delivering the goods to a warehouse near Los Angeles, where the YouTube pranksters had set up a fake meth lab and hired an actor to play a cop who starts to make a drug bust before ultimately accepting a bribe.

The guy says he thought the actor was a real police officer, and he had no idea he was being pranked until after the fact, when the Nelk Boys told him it was all a joke. He says he reasonably became irate over the prank and started yelling at the guys, when their security grabbed him from behind and put him in a chokehold ... causing what he claims are severe physical and emotional injuries.

Aliff says the Nelk Boys lured him -- like a lamb to slaughter -- into their fake meth lab with the intention of frightening him and capturing his shocked reaction on camera. He says it felt so real, he thought he might get shot by the fake cop.

He's suing for assault and battery, false imprisonment, and infliction of emotional distress ... and going after the Nelk Boys for damages.

We reached out to the Nelk Boys ... so far no word back.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 9/12 1:20 PM PT

Wedding Party Fights Police In Wild Video!!!


Celebration turned to chaos as a Rhode Island wedding party got into an all-out brawl with police officers ... and it's all on video.


Half a dozen members of the wedding party were arrested early Sunday morning following a melee with cops outside a Newport restaurant ... and footage shows the incident escalating from a tense interaction to straight-up combat.

In the video, punches thrown by both sides fly and connect ... and a woman in an orange dress, who police later identified as Alexandra Flaherty, is seen kicking a cop in the groin.

Another woman in the wedding party gets knocked out cold ... hitting the deck when an officer throws her to the ground.

In the police report, obtained by TMZ, the cop says the woman was reaching for his firearm when he turned around and threw a punch connecting with her jaw. Police say the woman, later identified as Rachael Onik, eventually became conscious and was arrested.

Cops say Rachael's husband, David Onik, started the whole thing when he threw a fit after being denied entry to a bar. Police say David got physical with bar staff, who called the cops.

Police say when officers arrived to talk to David, his wife "began injecting herself into the incident and becoming uncooperative" ... and when an officer tried to move her back, she tripped on the cobblestone street. That's where the video picks up and all hell breaks loose.

Footage also shows a man in a suit and tie, who police later identified as Robert Nash, punching a cop in the face, taking him to the ground and then pummeling him.

When the dust settled, three men and three women were arrested and hit with criminal charges.

Dog the Bounty Hunter Eyeing PA Inmate Manhunt ... Could Join Search Soon

Dog the Bounty Hunter wants to dive into the manhunt underway in Pennsylvania -- where a fugitive murderer is at large after a prison break -- but a few things need to happen first.

Sources close to the reality star tell TMZ that Dog's been monitoring the Danelo Cavalcante case for a while now -- pretty much ever since this guy broke out of prison almost 2 weeks ago -- and we're told he's actively keeping tabs on any developments.

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What that actually amounts to ... our sources say Dog has been making a lot of phone calls over the past several days -- both to law enforcement sources he knows in PA and contacts he has elsewhere -- in order to get up to speed on the situation.

The big takeaway here, though, is the fact we're hearing Dog is actually considering flying out to Chester County as early as this week to get boots on the ground in the search for Danelo.

However, before he actually does ... we're told Dog feels like he needs a better sense of the lay of the land, as it doesn't sound like he's all that familiar with that area, specifically. But, if he can get a proper plan together, our sources say he's likely to head out and start looking.

This story is growing by the day, 'cause it's insane. This dude -- who's a convicted murderer -- broke out of Chester County prison via crab-walk, and then fled into the surrounding wooded area ... namely, Longwood Gardens, which encompasses nearly 200 acres.

As we reported, a man believed to be Cavalcante broke into and stole a rifle from a PA home Monday night ... it's currently unknown if he's injured, but he's now considered armed and dangerous.

He's also been spotted a handful of times over the past week and change -- popping up in Ring doorbell cameras, plus eyewitness sightings -- but he's eluded the cops thus far. If Dog pulls the trigger, he might have a world-renowned human tracker hot on his tail too.

Dog el Cazarrecompensas, sigue de cerca el caso de pennsylvania y podría unirse a la búsqueda

Dog the Bounty Hunter quiere sumergirse en la cacería humana que está ocurriendo en Pennsylvania, donde un asesino fugitivo está en libertad luego de escapar de prisión. Sin embargo, algunas cosas tienen que suceder primero.

Fuentes cercanas a la estrella  telerealidad le informan a TMZ que Dog ha estado siguiendo el caso Danelo Cavalcante practicamente desde que se escapó de prisión, hace casi 2 semanas, y nos dicen que está activamente al tanto de cualquier novedad.

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la fuga

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Dog ha estado haciendo muchas llamadas telefónicas últimamente, tanto a fuentes policiales que conoce en Pensilvania como a contactos que tiene en otros lugares para ponerse al día.

Sin embargo, lo más importante es que Dog está considerando la posibilidad de viajar al condado de Chester esta misma semana para ayudar en la búsqueda de Danelo.

Sin embargo, nos informan que Dog necesita conocer mejor el terreno ya que no está familiarizado con la zona. Pero nuestras fuentes dicen que si logra desarrollar un plan adecuado, es probable que salga y empiece a buscar.

Esta historia crece día a día porque es una locura. Este tipo —que es un asesino convicto—escapó de la prisión del condado de Chester trepando como "cangrejo" y luego huyó hacia la zona boscosa de los alrededores (Longwood Gardens), que abarca casi 200 acres.

Como informamos, un hombre que se cree que es Cavalcante entró a una casa y robó un rifle el lunes por la noche. Actualmente se desconoce si está herido, pero ahora se considera armado y peligroso.

La semana pasada se le vio un montón de veces apareciendo en cámaras de seguridad de algunas casas, además de varios avistamientos de testigos. Sin embargo, ha sabido eludir a la policía hasta ahora. Si Dog aprieta el gatillo puede que también tenga tras de sí a un rastreador humano de fama mundial.

Gary Busey Fallout From Alleged Hit-And-Run ... COPS WANT HIM TO RETAKE DRIVING TEST

Gary Busey may have to prove he's a good driver ... cops are considering trying to get the actor to retake his driving test in the wake of his latest alleged traffic mishap.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... sheriff's deputies in Malibu are very familiar with Gary's alleged poor driving habits, and cops are strongly leaning toward submitting paperwork to the DMV requesting a driving retest for the 79-year-old.

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We're told Gary has been involved in multiple car accidents in the past few years ... and with last week's alleged hit-and-run aftermath caught on video, police are thinking of ways to take action.

TMZ broke the story ... Gary was chased down by a woman who claims he rear-ended her car in Malibu and fled the scene, and she recorded their confrontation on PCH.

Law enforcement tells us the Busey incident remains under investigation and no arrests have been made, nor citations issued.

In the meantime, it sounds like Gary may want to get some practice behind the wheel.

Gary Busey Policías quieren que vuelva a tomar su examen de conducir

Puede que Gary Busey tenga que demostrar que es un buen conductor. La policía está considerando la posibilidad de que el actor vuelva a tomar su examen de conducir a raíz del supuesto accidente de tráfico que tuvo por última vez.

Las fuerzas del orden le dijeron a TMZ, que los ayudantes del oficial en Malibú están muy familiarizados con los presuntos malos hábitos de conducción de Gary, y los policías se están inclinando fuertemente a la idea de presentar documentos a la DMV (Dirección del Tránsito), para solicitar una nueva prueba de conducción para el actor de 79-años de edad.

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Busey al volante

Nos han contado que Gary ha estado involucrado en varios accidentes de carro en los últimos años, y con el presunto choque y fuga de la semana pasada, grabado en video, la policía está pensando alternativas para tomar medidas.

TMZ dio la noticia. Gary fue perseguido por una mujer que asegura que la chocó por detrás en Malibú y huyó de la escena. La mujer grabó el enfrentamiento en la Pacific Coast Highway.

La policía nos dijo que el incidente de Busey sigue bajo investigación y que no se han hecho detenciones ni citaciones por el momento.

Mientras tanto, puede que Gary quiera empezar a practicar un poco tras el volante.

WWE's Matt Riddle JFK Sexual Assault Claim Triggers Internal Investigation

Matt Riddle claimed an NYC airport cop sexually assaulted him during a confrontation -- and while he seems to have taken it back, an investigation is now underway ... TMZ has learned.

The WWE wrestling star posted a shocking allegation Sunday, taking to IG to throw up a photo of a Port Authority police officer at JFK ... and attaching a scathing caption. He claims to have been touched inappropriately by this cop but doesn't go into too much detail.

What he does say is that he told this officer "no," but alleges the man proceeded to do something out of bounds to him anyway. FWIW, Riddle has since deleted the IG post.

Now, as far as what led up to this and what exactly went down ... we have some answers. Law enforcement sources tell us Port Authority officers got a call for a disorderly person who was deplaning, and they met him in the terminal. As it turns out, that was Riddle.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

We're told the cops talked to MR -- as well as other witnesses -- and he seemed apologetic in the moment. No police report was filed, and everyone was free to go without incident.

It's because of this that our sources say the Port Authority was shocked by Riddle's claim ... as, from their view, nothing went down to warrant such an accusation. Still, we're told the department is taking his claim seriously ... and an internal probe has been launched.

The last thing Riddle had to say about this was not great. He says, "Finally leaving JFK and I never wanna come back here again." Ring Side News first reported the confrontation.

Blueface Child Services Called Over Video With Strippers, Son

Blueface videos showing his young son hanging around exotic dancers at home are getting a lot of attention ... including from cops and the Department of Children and Family Services.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... sheriff's deputies have been called to the rapper's Los Angeles-area home a whopping NINE times since May, with the most serious call for a DCFS investigation into Blueface bringing strippers around his kids.

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After Blueface posted footage of him asking his son if he was gay while women stripped in a nearby room, we're told DCFS got wind of the video and launched an investigation, which led to sheriff's deputies being called to the home.

We're told Blueface still has his son, and it sounds like the DCFS investigation hasn't moved forward ... in part, because no one answered the door or picked up the phone when deputies were called to the house.

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Law enforcement tells us other calls to the house include noise complaints for loud music and barking dogs.

So, cops frequent Blueface's place a lot ... but the stripper videos with his son are the most concerning.

Over at Blueface's party house in the San Fernando Valley, we're told cops have been there multiple times about parties and fights ... with Blue's neighbors making the complaints.

As for Blueface's alarming videos with his kids, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services won't comment on specific cases, but tells TMZ ... the safety and well-being of the county's 2 million children and youth is its highest priority.

Zach Bryan Applauded By Police Org ... For Apologizing After Arrest

Zach Bryan's praises are being sung by an organization that advocates for cops nationwide ... this after the country singer apologized for his behavior during his recent arrest.

Retired Sgt. Betsy Branter Smith, a spokesperson for nonprofit org National Police Association, tells TMZ ... what officers appreciate is that Zach came out quickly to say sorry for what went down, adding his apology felt very earnest.

Smith isn't alone here -- she says other cops she's talked to are feeling the same thing about Zach's apology.

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According to Smith, it isn't uncommon for officers to run into folks with an entitled attitude, similar to Bryan. But, she's grateful a celeb of Bryan's status is showing it's okay to admit fault and say they support the police.

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TMZ was first to obtain the report dash cam footage of Bryan's arrest, where he stated, "f***ing cops are out of hand, truly," and stated the officers were a bunch of middle-aged white dudes arresting people.

Sgt. Smith is letting Bryan's comments slide, though, adding, "This is a very frustrated young man and he had some inappropriate things to say, but he complied with the officers. He didn't try to fight them or attack them. He mouthed off. And he apologized."

She says some country stars have lately been speaking out against law enforcement, so Zach's apology video was refreshing -- moving forward, Smith hopes he'll use his status to help support American police officers.

As we reported, Zach took all the blame in his explanation video ... posted after his dramatic arrest that went down in Oklahoma on Thursday.

For more on Zach's arrest, check out the latest episode of TMZ Live. Now available on all podcast platforms.

'Pawn Stars' Corey Harrison Busted For DUI

Corey Harrison, famous for his work on History Channel's hit show "Pawn Stars," was arrested for DUI in Las Vegas ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... the reality TV star was arrested in Sin City early Friday morning around 1 AM.

Corey Harrison tells TMZ ... he had flown back into town from Minnesota late Thursday and went to check on a few short-term rental properties he manages in Las Vegas.

Corey says he was driving and got pulled over, with the cop telling him it was because he was swerving. He says the officer asked him if he was drinking and he told the cop he had one drink 7 hours ago on his flight home.

Corey says the cop asked him to step out of the car and take a field sobriety test. He says he took the test and asked to take a breathalyzer, but claims the cop told him the breathalyzer was broken.

From there, Corey says the cop handcuffed him, explaining he had failed his field sobriety test. He says he was then hauled off to a police station where he claims another breathalyzer was not working.

Corey says police informed him he would be held in custody all weekend if he did not take a blood test ... and he says they took a blood test and cops released him about 8 hours later.

CH tells us police let him keep his driver's license and his driver's license was NOT suspended ... and he says cops offered him a ride home.

Zach Bryan Arrest Video Shows Confrontation with Cops

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Zach Bryan made it clear to cops, they were gonna regret arresting him, and he certainly put up a verbal fight ... letting them know he had plenty of friends in high places.

We've obtained the dashcam video from Bryan's arrest Thursday in Oklahoma. You see Bryan pull up next to his security guard's white SUV just after the security guard was stopped for speeding. Bryan jumps out of his truck, and is told to get back inside or he'd be taken to jail.

Bryan, without hesitation, challenges the cop ... and he's put in handcuffs and placed in the front seat of the cop's cruiser.

From there ... Bryan gets more pissed, telling the officer, "F***ing cops are out of hand, truly." In the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers stated Bryan said, "These f***ing cops are out of control" ... so the dashcam is slightly different.

Bryan also makes it a point to tell the officer he knows just about every officer in Oklahoma, even inviting some to a recent show.

At one point, he states someone needs to get officers in check -- as they're just a bunch of middle-aged white guys going around and arresting people.

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You can also see Zach's conversation with his dad -- who he asks to come and pick up his dog who was also traveling in the truck.

Zach tells his dad he had empty beer cans in the vehicle, but later explains to officers he sits in his driveway drinking and listening to music because the truck has a good sound system ... the officers tell him booze isn't a factor in the arrest, so the empties are no problem.

Eventually, the officer drives Zach off to jail ... and he's much more calm.

For more on Zach's arrest, check out the latest episode of TMZ Live. Now available on all podcast platforms.

Zach Bryan 'These F***ing Cops Are Out of Control' ... Police Report States

Zach Bryan was none too pleased with the cop who pulled over his security guard for speeding, unleashing a verbal attack and threatening to get government officials involved after he was placed in handcuffs.

The police report, obtained by TMZ, explains Bryan's security guard was initially pulled over in Vinita, Oklahoma for driving 78 in a 55. That's when Bryan, driving a black Ram TRX pickup truck also pulled over, got out of his vehicle and began questioning the officer as to what was taking so long.

Cops say they asked Bryan twice to get back in his truck, informing him he'd be taken to jail if he didn't comply ... to which Bryan replied, "I'll go to jail, let's do it."

The report states the officer continued to explain to Bryan how his actions had interfered in the initial traffic stop, and Bryan said his arrest was, "why people do not like police officers."

Things only escalated from there, Bryan asked to be let out of the handcuffs and promised he'd get back in his truck while also allegedly stating, "If you don't, it is going to be a mistake sir. I promise." Adding, "This is the second time this has happened in 3 days. These f***ing cops are out of control."

Bryan wasn't done yet, allegedly stating, "You boys need checked, a bunch of f***in middle aged white dudes arresting people."

The arresting officer informed Bryan he wasn't going to be taking off the handcuffs, and had spoken with the Assistant District Attorney who said the arrest was legit. That's when cops say Bryan became somewhat apologetic, while also threatening to get the Mayor involved.

Bryan was traveling with his dog and called his father to come and pick up the pooch. Cops say when Bryan was on the phone with his dad, his dad said he'd be getting the Governor of Oklahoma involved.

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As we reported, Bryan posted a video Friday explaining the details of the arrest, and that he had also been pulled over just a few days before for a speeding violation.

Bryan was booked for obstruction of an investigation but released shortly after.

CEO Jizzle Okay After Lil Baby Concert Shooting ... Cops Leaning On Fans For Info


CEO Jizzle, the Memphis-based rapper in Young Dolph's Paper Route Empire camp who was shot during Lil Baby's concert Thursday night, appears to be OK ... and cops are still trying to find the suspect.

Memphis Police sources tell TMZ Hip Hop they're actively investigating how someone was able to get a firearm past security at the FedEx Forum in Memphis. We're told there were no other injuries reported, indicating Jizzle might have been targeted.

seriously injured
Facebook / @GlentaviousJones

For now, cops are gathering video and asking the public to call CrimeStoppers at 901-528-2274 with any additional info that might lead to an arrest.

After arriving on the scene, officers discovered Jizzle with a gunshot wound ... he was taken out of the arena on a stretcher and rushed to a hospital.

X / @TheOfficialThaj

Jizzle was listed in critical condition but appeared to be feeling much better Friday when he posted on IG ... lashing out at rumors of his death which were floating online.

Much like the police, Jizzle didn't seem to know who his assailants were but assured his supporters he was made of concrete, and the opps could never take him out.

Cardi B No Regrets Over Mic Throw 🎤💥 'Bitch' Wasn't a Fan, She Meant to Hit Me!!!

Now that she's cleared of any potential charges, Cardi B is popping her ish over that Vegas mic-throwing incident, and she's standing by her actions!!!

Cardi popped up on "The Breakfast Club" Friday, and recalled the violent July incident with much detail ... but admitted she was initially quiet because she thought the incident would land her in jail!!! 😬

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story, Cardi was cleared in August after the criminal investigation determined there was no reason to charge her.

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Cardi recalled the scorching Vegas temperatures playing a factor in her asking the crowd to splash her with water, while also warning them not to hit her face.

After performing several songs Cardi says she was met with a face full of ice and thinks the fan did it on purpose, so she retaliated by throwing the mic like a javelin.

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Twitter, TikTok / @j_blizzyy

Cardi said she reviewed the footage and claimed she saw the woman intentionally aiming at her face, so she has no regrets about setting it off!!!

Zach Bryan Opens Up About Oklahoma Arrest ... I Acted Like An 'Idiot' And 'Child'

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Zach Bryan is speaking out about his dramatic arrest in Oklahoma ... and he's putting all the blame squarely on himself.

In a video statement posted to X, the Country singer gave a detailed account of what happened with law enforcement in Craig County.

Bryan says it all started three days ago when he was driving through the small town of Vinita and got pulled over for going just over the speed limit.

He says the officer came up to his window and asked for his license, registration and home address. But he refused to give out his address, explaining he didn't feel comfortable since he's a musician.

The cop threatened to take Bryan to jail if he didn't comply. Bryan wouldn't budge, prompting the officer to put him in handcuffs.

Bryan asked why the officer was doing this. The two bantered back and forth until Bryan turned over his address.

At that point, the officer uncuffed and released Bryan with a warning.

Then, on Thursday, Bryan and his security guard were driving in separate vehicles on their way to Boston, Massachusetts.

Bryan spotted a cop pulling over his bodyguard in Vinita. He circled back and parked behind them.

After waiting 15 minutes, Bryan became impatient and got out of his car to see what was taking so long.

The officer demanded Bryan get back into his vehicle, but he ignored the order, leading to his arrest. Bryan was booked into the county jail for obstruction of investigation and later released.

In his video statement, Bryan accepted full responsibility for his actions, calling them ridiculous, childish and immature.

He said, "I was just an idiot. I’ll take the fall for it. I’m a grown man. I shouldn’t have behaved like that and it won’t happen again."