Tyre Nichols Screams for His Mom ... As Cops Punch, Kick Him & Beat Him with a Baton

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Memphis Police Department

Memphis police just released the graphic body cam footage from Tyre Nichols' brutal arrest -- and the video is every bit as disturbing as Tyre's family and law enforcement have described it.

Memphis Police Department

In the clips, pulled from both body cam and overhead cameras, you see officers swarm Tyre -- demanding he get down and give up his hands. Although he's laying on his side with an officer on top of him, he's hesitant to lie flat on his stomach.

Memphis Police Department

One officer threatens to deploy his Taser, and after about a minute-long struggle ... Tyre gets up to start running, and one of the cops fires his Taser, but he gets away.

About 7 minutes later, they catch up to Tyre in a residential neighborhood, and this is when it gets brutal. While he's pinned to the ground -- reportedly about 100 yards from his family's home -- Tyre repeatedly yells, "Mom!!!"

Then one officer kicks him twice, and another yells, "Watch out, I'mma baton the f**k out you," and then strikes Tyre twice before they pull him up on his feet.

While 2 officers are holding him with his hands behind his back ... another punches Tyre 5 times with a closed fist, sending him back down to his knees again.

Memphis Police Department

Eventually, officers get Tyre handcuffed, put him up against a police cruiser and he writhes in pain for nearly 20 minutes before going limp.

As you know, the 5 Memphis PD officers stopped Tyre on Jan. 7 on suspicion of reckless driving ... but from the start, the cops were hyper-aggressive. Even the video does not make it clear why things got violent that quickly.

Memphis Police Department

Once other officers show up to the scene, one of the cops involved in the beating says Tyre attempted to grab for another officer's gun -- causing them to unleash on him.

After the vicious beating ... Tyre was rushed to St. Francis Hospital because he was complaining he was short of breath. He was admitted in critical condition, and died in the hospital on January 10.

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Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who's representing Tyre's family, reviewed the body cam footage with the family days before it was released, and likened the horrific scene to the beating of Rodney King in 1991.

The 5 Memphis police officers involved in the traffic stop -- Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr., and Justin Smith -- have been fired and charged with second-degree murder.

They also face additional charges of official misconduct, official oppression and aggravated kidnapping. Four of the 5 have posted bail and were released as of Friday morning.

Tyre's cause of death has not been released and the incident is being investigated by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Protests have been expected following this release of the footage ... with Memphis Police, Tyre's family, and even President Biden urging for any demonstrations to remain peaceful.

TYRE NICHOLS Video Memphis City Councilman in Tears ... 'It's Hard to Watch'


The graphic footage of cops beating Tyre Nichols has Memphis City Council Chairman Martavius Jones at a loss for words, and instead, he was overcome with emotion on live TV.

CNN's Don Lemon interviewed Jones after the brutal police body cam footage was released to the public ... and Jones tells Don the video is especially hard to watch because everyone knows Tyre dies in the end.

Memphis Police Department

That thought made it impossible for Jones to finish his sentence -- he broke down in tears, and needed a few minutes to compose himself.

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Memphis Police Department

As Don points out, lots of folks are having the same reaction to the video ... which shows cops punching, kicking and beating Tyre with a baton after pulling him over.

Tyre ended up in a hospital after the vicious beating ... and he died 3 days later.

Jones tries to apologize for breaking down during the interview ... but Don tells him it's not necessary, because it's a normal human reaction to such a brutal scene.

BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors My Cousin Was Tasered to Death ... LAPD Needs to Change!!!


Just as Tyre Nichols' death puts a spotlight on Memphis cops, the case of Keenan Anderson is doing the same in L.A. ... where his death has his family demanding changes in the way cops deploy Tasers.

Keenan's cousin happens to be Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, and she joined us Friday on "TMZ Live" to discuss his fatal cardiac arrest ... suffered 4 hours after an LAPD officer tasered him multiple times.

Cops have already released body cam of the January 3rd incident, which Patrisse believes shows an abusive use of the taser -- she says Keenan was shocked by 52,000 volts for 42 seconds.

As an activist, and a concerned family member in this case, Patrisse started researching how many people die after getting zapped by a Taser ... and she says the data is alarming.

The Coroner's Office has yet to issue a cause of death for Keenan -- and while it's unclear if it played a role, LAPD's report on the incident says cocaine was found in his system.

For now, LAPD Chief Michael Moore says he's investigating and looking closely at the use of Tasers. Patrisse says LAPD hasn't had a policy regarding how long or often officers can safely deploy a Taser.

The family has filed a $50 million wrongful death suit against the city of Los Angeles. Ironically, Keenan had actually waved down police to help after he was involved in a car accident -- but Patrisse says armed officers aren't always necessary in cases like that.

Her point is, paramedics would have been more appropriate, because run-ins with cops turn deadly all too often ... especially for Black people.

Paul Pelosi Chilling 911 Call ... After Intruder Smashed in Back Door

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Paul Pelosi's attacker cased the family's home before making a move inside, leading to a chilling 911 call from Paul where he subtly relayed to the operator he was in danger.

We've obtained additional footage from outside the Pelosi home in San Francisco from the night of the attack when David DePape broke in and struck Paul with a hammer. At first, DePape checks around the house, possibly looking for a way in.

A few minutes pass, and he returns with a bag ... pulling out a hammer and gloves. DePape doesn't waste a lot of time smashing the back door with his weapon and climbing inside.

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The 911 call Paul made is equally as terrifying, you hear him try to stay calm -- without outright saying there was a problem -- it's clearly an attempt to keep DePape at bay.

He tells the operator his name, and states his friend is there but he doesn't know the "friend" as you can also hear DePape in the background. Paul then tells the operator he has to go, and that his "friend" really wants him to get off the phone.

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In additional footage released Friday, you see cops find Pelosi and DePape at the door, Pelosi tries to wrestle the hammer away from the intruder -- but he strikes him in the head -- knocking Paul out cold before cops intervene.

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DePape has been charged with attempted murder, residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an elder, and threats to a public official and their family.

Paul Pelosi Bludgeoned by Hammer Police Body Cam Shows

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Police body cam footage from Paul Pelosi's hammer-wielding home burglar attack has been released ... showing the 82-year-old getting struck in the head by a hammer.

The footage, released Friday, shows officers approach Paul and Nancy's home. Paul opens the door, standing next to his attacker, both men have their hands on the hammer in an effort to control it.

The attacker breaks away, holding the hammer, and immediately strikes Paul in the head with the weapon. Both men fall to the ground as police move into the house and take the attacker into custody. Paul is totally out cold from the impact.

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As we reported, Paul was asleep at his San Francisco home in October when suspect David DePape broke in ... later telling the FBI he was planning on shattering the then-House Speaker's kneecaps because he thought she was a liar.

DePape allegedly brought zip ties, tape and rope for Nancy -- who was in D.C. during the attack.

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Pelosi made a 911 call, reportedly speaking in codes to the operator while alerting them something was wrong. Cops said they saw Pelosi fighting with DePape over a hammer when they arrived, which is when he got hit in the head.

The suspect's been charged with attempted murder, residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an elder, and threats to a public official and their family -- and, if convicted, he faces 13 years to life.

Since the attack, Paul's had successful brain surgery, and attended a few public events where he seemed to be well on his way to making a full recovery.

As for the Pelosi home ... Nancy recently revealed she hired priests to perform an exorcism in the house after the attack.

Attorney Ben Crump Details 'Heartbreaking' Tyre Nichols Attack Ahead Of Body Cam Release


Attorney Ben Crump, representing Tyre Nichols' family, is detailing the horrors of the brutal beatdown he saw in body cam footage from the incident ... telling us what he expects will happen once it's released to the public Friday night.

Crump will join us on "TMZ Live" Friday, in a preview from his interview, he says police will provide multiple angles of the incident, as well as graphic audio ... calling the clip, which he watched privately with the Nichols family, heartbreaking.

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He tells us officers disrespected Tyre constantly in the clip, despite the 29-year-old asking them if he can just go home -- Crump believes it'll instantly strike a chord across the country.

As for what's next, Crump thinks peaceful protests will go down in Memphis  -- but he digs deep into the rough comparison between these 5 Black officers getting arrested swiftly and countless investigations into similar situations with white officers dragging out.

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As we reported, Crump likened the horror of Tyre's beating to that of Rodney King back in 1991 ... and the public believes a response in terms of protests could be similar, too.

While the 5 officers were charged with second-degree murder, 4 of them posted bail and were released as of Friday morning. The footage releases to the public at 6 PM CST on Friday.

Rodney King’s Daughter Tyre Nichols’ Family Can't Prepare For Heartbreak to Come

Rodney King's daughter knows Tyre Nichols' family is going to be in a world of hurt for a long time once the world sees the extent of their loved one's fatal beating ... and she's offering some advice before the body cam footage is released.

Lora King tells TMZ the pain her family went through after her father was brutally beaten by cops was indescribable -- adding the whole thing continues playing on a loop in your head after seeing the video, as Tyre's family has.


While she's trying to offer them some guidance, she also notes nothing can really prepare them for just how heartbroken they'll be while going through the legal process, and watching the public's reaction.

Lora was only 7 years old when the police brutality against her dad sparked nationwide outrage, which eventually erupted with massive riots when the involved LAPD officers were acquitted.

King died in 2012 of an accidental drowning in his pool.

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Attorney Ben Crump -- who is repping Tyre's family and saw the body cam video of the arrest -- called the clip "appalling" and "heinous" and likened it to the beating of Rodney King.

All 5 officers involved in Nichols' death were promptly fired, and on Thursday, arrested and charged with second degree murder. Each of them face additional charges that include official misconduct, official oppression and aggravated kidnapping.

As the nation braces for the release of the Memphis PD footage, and the possibility of social unrest ... Lora advises Tyre's family, "There's no way to be normal after this."

Those words could also apply to the whole country

Tyre Nichols 5 Cops Charged With 2nd-Degree Murder ... After Fatal Beating


2:49 PM PT -- President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden just released a statement on Tyre's situation, saying, "Jill and I extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of Tyre Nichols and the entire Memphis community. Tyre’s family deserves a swift, full, and transparent investigation into his death."


He continues, "As Americans grieve, the Department of Justice conducts its investigation, and state authorities continue their work, I join Tyre’s family in calling for peaceful protest. Outrage is understandable, but violence is never acceptable. Violence is destructive and against the law.  It has no place in peaceful protests seeking justice."


12:10 PM PT -- The video is set to be released Friday at 6PM local time.

The 5 police officers involved in the beating death of Tyre Nichols have each been charged with second-degree murder ... as the public awaits the release of video from the fatal beating.

Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith were all booked into the Shelby County Jail in Memphis Thursday on a variety of charges -- including second-degree murder, official misconduct, official oppression and aggravated kidnapping.

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In a press conference earlier this week, Tyre's stepdad, Rodney Wells, said anything less than a first-degree murder charge would be unacceptable.

Nichols was pulled over for reckless driving January 7 and things escalated to the point of a vicious beating from officers. He was hospitalized in critical condition after the incident and died January 10 -- an autopsy conducted by a specialist hired by the family determined Tyre died from internal bleeding caused by a severe beating.

Tyre's family was permitted to view police video from the traffic stop on Monday, and it's expected the public will see the video soon -- possibly by the end of the week.

All 5 of the officers were fired almost immediately following the beating, and 2 EMS workers were relieved of their duties until an investigation has been completed.

Tyre's family has hired civil rights attorney, Benjamin Crump, to represent them moving forward.

Matt Barnes Gets TRO Against Fiancée's Ex ... After Spitting Incident

Matt Barnes is getting court-ordered protection from his fiancée's ex-husband ... after the former NBA champ said the guy had terrorized him in the lead-up to a wild spitting incident at the 49ers game on Sunday.

Barnes got a judge to sign off on a temporary restraining order against David Patterson Jr. on Wednesday ... just days after he spat on the man in a concourse at Levi's Stadium before the S.F. vs Dallas playoff game.

Barnes' TRO is slated to last until Feb. 16 -- when a hearing on the matter will go down in Los Angeles.

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As part of the order, 37-year-old Patterson Jr. is required to have no contact with Barnes ... and must stay at least 100 yards away from the ex-Golden State Warriors forward. Patterson Jr. has also been ordered to have no firearms.

As we reported, 42-year-old Barnes initially filed for the TRO on Tuesday -- after he alleged Patterson Jr. had made his life hell the past few months.

Barnes claimed in his TRO application that Patterson Jr. was "jealous of my relationship with my ex-wife" ... and had harassed him repeatedly. At one point, according to Barnes, Patterson Jr. had threatened to shoot him with a gun.

Barnes also claimed in the documents that Patterson Jr. "hunted" him down at the 49ers game on Sunday ... and "aggressively confronted" him. Barnes said the guy yelled profanities and threats, and shoved him. It all ultimately led to Barnes spitting on him.

Barnes said in the documents he was worried Patterson Jr. has been "trying to bait me to damage my reputation and hurt my career."

Kelly Clarkson Stalker Arrested Again ... 12 Violations, Mostly at 8:59 PM

A stalker who just won't quit has gotten arrested again ... outside Kelly Clarkson's house, and there's a pattern with this one that is bizarre and alarming.

Huguette Nicole Young was arrested Wednesday night outside Kelly's San Fernando Valley home. Kelly already got a temporary restraining order against her and a permanent one as well, but the woman has now violated the terms of the restraining orders 12 times.

Security caught her meandering around Kelly's property and called 911. Cops quickly came and arrested her.

Now here's what's super weird. Young has repeatedly shown up at exactly 8:59 PM. So far there's no explanation for the time or its significance.

Young has a decade-long history with Kelly ... first tracking her down at her Nashville home and then following her out to L.A. She sometimes leaves unwanted gifts at the base of Kelly's property.

Sources connected to Kelly tell TMZ ... Kelly is so concerned she will not allow her kids to step outside the gate at night.


Kelly appeared by zoom earlier this month with her lawyer, Ed McPherson, for the hearing on the permanent restraining order, and told the judge about her fears.

The hearing involved two stalkers ... Young and Victor Fernandez. The latter showed up at her house on Thanksgiving, and the judge issued a permanent restraining order against both.

Tyre Nichols Death Memphis PD Releasing Body Cam Footage ... In 'Coming Days'

Memphis Police Department

9:41 AM PT -- A report says the 5 officers involved -- Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith -- have been booked into the Shelby County Jail. The charges have not yet been announced.

Answers about Tyre Nichols' death are coming ... Memphis PD says it's preparing to release the graphic body cam footage of the 29-year-old Black man's arrest.

Police Chief Cerelyn Davis updated the public Wednesday night, saying the clip will be released "in the coming days" ... and promising her department will provide full cooperation to investigators surrounding the horrific incident.

She also says she's expecting protests to occur, but asks the community to keep each other safe in the process.

As you know, Nichols' death has sparked outrage across the country after getting pulled over on January 7 for reckless driving in Memphis -- allegedly running away from police on foot, and eventually getting apprehended.

Memphis PD says Nichols started complaining about shortness of breath during his arrest, which is when an ambulance was called -- and he was rushed to St. Francis Hospital, where he passed away 3 days later.

A gruesome image from inside the hospital was released by Nichols' stepfather this week, showing blood on his face and a severely swollen eye. His mother also says he was hooked up to a breathing machine.

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Nichols' family, as well as attorney Ben Crump and his legal team, reviewed the body cam footage privately -- with Crump calling it "appalling" and "heinous."

Another attorney in Crump's firm referred to Nichols as "a human piñata for those police officers."

MPD has since fired the 5 officers involved in the arrest of Nichols, saying they violated "multiple department policies, including excessive use of force, duty to intervene, and duty to render aid."

Britney Spears ‘Annoyed’ by Fans Calling for Welfare Check After Instagram Disappears


12:26 PM PT -- Britney Spears just addressed the incident, saying, "I love and adore my fans but this time things went a little too far and my privacy was invaded. The police never entered my home and when they came to my gate they quickly realized there was no issue and left immediately."


She concludes, "During this time in my life, I truly hope the public and my fans who I care so much about can respect my privacy moving forward."

Britney Spears was anything but thrilled to have sheriff’s deputies knocking at her door close to midnight … all thanks to some fans who thought their favorite singer may be in danger.

Sources connected to Spears tell us Brit was left “annoyed” after the unexpected visit. We’re told she understands how deeply her fans care about her and her well-being, so she wasn’t totally surprised things escalated to law enforcement’s involvement … but nonetheless, it was an inconvenience.

TMZ broke the story, deputies from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office paid Britney a visit at her Thousand Oaks home Tuesday night around 11PM to perform a welfare check.

Law enforcement sources told us they received several calls from fans who became concerned for Britney’s safety after she deleted her Instagram account.

We should note, Britney has deleted her IG several times before and our sources say she did it again, this time without a real reason … sometimes, she just feels like it.

The incident comes just days after Britney announced she was changing her name to River Red on IG.

brad britney live

TMZ broke the story, Britney and her husband, Sam Asghari, recently hit Joey in Woodland Hills for dinner — but the evening went awry — witnesses tell us Britney was acting “manic” to the point of Sam leaving.

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Video, obtained by TMZ, showed the singer alone at the couple’s table and rambling incoherently.

Sam has since claimed he only left to get the couple’s car.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT

Dennis Schroder Stopped By Cops In Hollywood ... After Lakers Win

Dennis Schroder's Wednesday night went from awesome to pretty crappy real quick ... 'cause just after the Lakers point guard helped his team beat the Spurs -- a vehicle he was riding in was stopped by cops in Hollywood.

Cops tell TMZ Sports ... it all went down at around midnight, just a couple hours after the Lakers game had ended. According to an LAPD spokesperson, the stop was initiated after the vehicle allegedly had improper plates.

Video from the scene shows cops spoke with Schroder and what appeared to be his driver for about half an hour after pulling over the ride at a gas station.

It all seemed cordial, according to videos of the interaction ... with Schroder, at times, sporting a big smile on his face.

"I don't know what happened," the 29-year-old told a camera person during the stop. "I'm still surprised."

The LAPD says someone received a citation for improper plates during the stop, though it's unclear who the alleged violator was. Video shows Schroder was allowed to leave the scene without any issue.

Schroder's night had been going very well up until the pullover -- he played 37 minutes in the Lakers' win over San Antonio at Crypto.com Arena, logging nine points, eight rebounds, five assists, four steals and two blocks.

The victory was an extra sweet one for Schroder and purple and gold -- as it marked the first time the team had LeBron James, Anthony Davis and new addition Rui Hachimura on the floor at the same time this year.

NBA's Matt Barnes Spits On Fiancee's Ex At Niners Game ... After Alleged Threats, Push

matt barnes spit fixed

Matt Barnes spit on his fiancee's ex during a heated altercation at the Cowboys vs. 49ers game on Sunday -- video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows -- but the former NBA champ claims the man started it all, threatening him and shoving him.

The incident happened at around 3:40 PM just before the playoff contest began at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara ... when Barnes encountered his fiancee's former husband, David Patterson Jr., in a concourse at the venue.

In the footage, you can see Barnes sprayed the man with spit -- before he later got in the guy's face.

The clip shows the two exchanged words and got in a bit of a wrestling match -- before, thankfully, they separated and walked off in different directions.

According to an application for a temporary civil restraining order filed by Barnes in L.A. County court two days after the incident, the NBA star alleges Patterson Jr. was the aggressor in the situation.

In the court documents, Barnes says Patterson Jr. "hunted me down and aggressively confronted me." He said the 37-year-old yelled profanities and threats at him, called him names, and incited the crowd around them "into a frenzy by yelling out my full name repeatedly."

Barnes added that Patterson Jr. eventually "shoved me, and I was forced to push him off of me." He continued, "I did not want the altercation to physically escalate further, and out of frustration with him seeking me out and his unrelenting repeated harassment I spit in his direction in disgust."

Cops tell us they were called to the scene to investigate an allegation of battery -- where they say the alleged victim ID'ed 42-year-old Barnes as the suspect. They said an investigation into the case remains ongoing.

As for Barnes' request for the TRO, he says Patterson Jr. has been terrorizing him for months -- believing the man "is jealous of my relationship with his ex-wife." He said at one point in 2022, Patterson Jr. threatened to shoot him with his gun. He's asking the court to restrict Patterson Jr. from coming within 100 yards of him.

Barnes, who played three seasons in the Bay Area with the Golden State Warriors in his NBA career, appeared to go on with his Sunday night without further incident ... seeming to be in great spirits as he watched the game from suite seats.

matt barnes cowboys
Instagram / @matt_barnes9

In fact, Barnes sounded pleased with the 19-12 Niners victory outcome, apparently winning a bet with a Dallas fan who had a spot in his box.

Britney Spears Cops Called to Home ... After She Deletes IG, Fans Concerned for Safety


1:15 PM PT -- A spokesperson for the Ventura Co. Sheriff's Office tells TMZ it was around 11PM Tuesday night when they started to receive calls about Britney Spears deleting her Instagram account. Authorities went to her home out of an abundance of caution.

Britney Spears' fans believed something was seriously wrong with the singer after her Instagram account disappeared ... calling the cops to her home to see if she was in danger.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Britney deleted her Instagram account -- something she's done many times -- at some point within the last 12 hours. For whatever reason, fans became alarmed, believing the deleted account meant Britney was in trouble ... and called the Ventura Co. Sheriff's Office.

Deputies from the sheriff's office then went out to Britney's home and determined there was no reason to believe she was in danger. It's unclear if they spoke to Britney directly, or if someone else assured them she was OK.

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The incident comes less than two weeks from when Britney was spotted at a local restaurant where witnesses tell us she became "manic," frustrating her husband, Sam Asghari, to the point of getting up and leaving. Video, obtained by TMZ, showed Spears babbling nonsense at the table.


As we reported, Britney recently changed her name on her Instagram account to River Red, posting a video dancing and announcing, "I changed my name to River Red" ... and including, "don't underestimate the power of purity."

TMZ broke the story, Britney recently started showing her Calabasas home off-market to potential buyers. She only bought the home last year -- but we're told she was never really a fan of the place -- buying it for $11.8 million and now selling it for $12 million.

brad britney live

The welfare check was conducted at the home she's lived in for years in Thousand Oaks.

Originally Published: 08:30 AM PT

Rick Ross No Teslas For Me ... Don’t Need Gov’t Agents Controlling My Ride!!!

rick ross
Instagram / @richforever

Rick Ross has a ton of cars in his collection, but one he won't add is a Tesla … as he believes the electric whips are nothing but entrapment on wheels!!!

Rozay explained his anti-Tesla stance Tuesday while speaking to fans on Instagram … the rapper believes the U.S. government can tap into the cars at any given time and in his case, haul him off to jail for questioning!!! 😂

He then hilariously paints the picture of being at one of his Wingstop franchises when his Tesla is overpowered ... and redirected toward the precinct where an agent awaits.

Lawmaking officials may not have a habit of jailbreaking everyday citizens’ Teslas, but Rozay doesn’t have to settle for the trend.

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His Promise Land estate in Georgia houses plenty of options for him to cruise around ... using that good 'ol fashioned gas engine that he's used to!!!