Hugh Hefner Su ex mujer Kimberly lo defiende... Critica a Crystal y a sus ex
La ex-esposa de Hugh Hefner, Kimberly, está defendiendo al fundador de Playboy de la embestida de su viuda Crystal, sugiriendo que solo lo está criticando para ganar dinero.
Kimberly, que estuvo casada con Hef desde 1989 hasta 2010 y tuvo dos hijos con él, le dice a TMZ que Crystal, desde su perspectiva, no tiene credibilidad y asegura que en realidad era ella quien estaba explotando a Hef mientras él aún estaba vivo y no al revés.
Como hemos informado, Crystal tiene un nuevo libro de memorias sobre su matrimonio con Hef y su vida en la Mansión Playboy, y ha lanzado un montón de dardos en contra de ambas experiencias, llamando a su relación tóxica y diciendo que se sentía atrapada.
Pero Kimberly está disparando en nombre de su ex-marido, diciendo: "Mientras unas cuantas personas dan su versión de los hechos con la esperanza de subirse a una ola de relevancia en los titulares y ganar dinero rápido, todos deberíamos preguntarnos si queremos vivir en un entorno en el que la gente se niega a asumir su responsabilidad y utiliza palabras vagas como "forzar" y "sobrevivir" para describir decisiones que fueron tomadas voluntariamente en un momento determinado de sus vidas". Uf, ¡qué duro!

Para Kimberly, Crystal no fue forzada a casarse con Hef o a vivir en la mansión Playboy que ahora desprecia. Nos dice que Crystal tomó decisiones que le dieron "notoriedad, oportunidad y dinero".
Ahora que Crystal parece haberse vuelto en contra de Hef, que está muerto desde 2017, Kimberly añade: "Debemos tener cuidado con aquellos que intentan destruir las cosas porque ya no se benefician de ellas".

Recuerden, Crystal también nos ha dicho que sintió que se perdió a sí misma en su matrimonio con Hugh, y ha dicho que quiere dejar su famoso apellido porque no está segura si la está ayudando o perjudicando en este momento.
Kimberly dice que no es justo que Hef no esté aquí para defenderse y lo elogia como un "pionero del libre pensamiento y expresión" y una "voz líder detrás de algunos de los movimientos sociales y culturales más significativos de nuestro tiempo, abogando por la libertad de expresión, la integridad, las libertades sexuales y los derechos civiles".
En pocas palabras, a Kimberly no le gusta el cambio que ha tenido Crystal, diciendo para concluir: "Si quieres hablar de explotación, esto es exactamente lo que estas mujeres han hecho con Hef en sus últimos años y al final de su vida".
Hugh Hefner's Widow Crystal I'm Done with Hefner Name ... Going Back to MY Roots!!!

Hugh Hefner's famous last name isn't doing much good these days for his widow Crystal ... and now that she's written a book about their marriage, she's done with the Hefner name.
Crystal says she doesn't want to be a Hefner anymore... and feels she needs to change her name back to what it was before she met the Playboy founder ... Crystal Harris.
Hugh's 3rd and final wife was on Rachel Uchitel's podcast Miss Understood when Rachel asked Crystal if the Hefner name helped her or hurt her.

Crystal, who was married to Hugh when he died in 2017, says Hef's secretary quickly changed her last name to his after their 2012 marriage ... telling Rachel it was all done at Hugh's behest. Crystal says she really had no involvement in the process.
It wasn't until Crystal started writing her new memoir, "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself," that she says she started thinking about how she felt about being a Hefner.
Now that she's shared her story -- taking shots at Hef, the Playboy Mansion and his company in the process -- Crystal says she's ready to legally change her name back to Harris, permanently closing the book on the Hefner chapter of her life.
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Hugh Hefner Widow Says She Was 'Brainwashed'
Hugh Hefner's legacy is getting reexamined years after his death -- part of which has to do with what his widow now says about their marriage ... calling it toxic and backwards.
Crystal Hefner -- who was Hugh's 3rd and final wife, and who was still married to him when he died in 2017 -- is coming out with a new memoir soon ... and in it, she kinda trashes her late husband, not to mention the culture she says was cultivated in his Playboy world.
The book's called "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself" -- and the title, she says, is based on what she claims HH asked to say about him when he was gone.
While Crystal did do that in the immediate aftermath of his passing, she's now singing a different tune -- looking back at their relationship with "regret and disgust" ... as the NYT put it in a new profile. As for why she's flip-flopping, Crystal suggests she was under a spell.
She says, "At the time I must’ve been brainwashed or something." There are a lot of allegations she's floating about how Hugh -- including claims that he was strict about her appearance/weight, not to mention making sure she kept to a curfew he'd set for her.
Crystal even suggests she was somewhat trapped at the Playboy Mansion -- saying she was able to "escape" one time by telling a guard she had to go buy tampons ... but then returned on her own volition because she says she had Stockholm syndrome at the time.
BTW, she isn't the first Playboy model to speak out against Hugh and the company -- in recent years, others have come forward with similar claims ... including Kendra Wilkinson, who just recently revealed she was seriously traumatized from her time with Playboy/Hugh.
Of course, Hugh isn't here to defend himself ... and Playboy itself has acknowledged the allegations against its founder as well, calling the claims against him "abhorrent."
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Hugh Hefner Su viuda dice que le 'lavaron el cerebro'
El legado de Hugh Hefner está siendo reexaminado años después de su muerte, en parte por lo que su viuda está diciendo de su matrimonio ahora, llamándolo tóxico.
Crystal Hefner, que fue la tercera y última esposa de Hugh y que todavía estaba casada con él cuando murió en 2017, va a lanzar un nuevo libro de memorias pronto y en él, está destrozando a su difunto marido y la cultura que se cultivó en su mundo Playboy.
El libro se titula "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself" y el título se debe a lo que Hugh le pidió que dijera sobre él cuando ya no estaba.
Aunque Crystal hizo eso tras su muerte, ahora está en una sintonía completamente diferente, mirando su relación hacia atrás con "arrepentimiento y disgusto", como lo describe el NYT en un nuevo perfil. En cuanto a por qué cambió, Crystal sugiere que estaba bajo un hechizo.
Ella dice: "En ese momento me debieron lavar el cerebro o algo así". Hay un montón de acusaciones que ella está lanzando sobre Hugh, incluyendo afirmaciones de que era estricto sobre su apariencia y su peso y que tenía fijado un toque de queda para ella.
Crystal incluso sugiere que estaba algo atrapada en la Mansión Playboy, diciendo que fue capaz de "escapar" una vez diciéndole a un guardia que tenía que ir a comprar tampones. Pero luego regresó por su propia voluntad, porque, dice, tenía el síndrome de Estocolmo.
Por cierto, ella no es la primera modelo de Playboy que habla en contra de Hugh y la empresa. En los últimos años, otros se han presentado con afirmaciones similares, incluyendo Kendra Wilkinson, quien reveló recientemente que estaba gravemente traumatizada por su tiempo en Playboy y Hugh.
Por supuesto, Hugh no está aquí para defenderse y la propia Playboy ha reconocido las acusaciones contra su fundador también, calificando las afirmaciones en su contra de "aborrecibles".
Mansión Playboy Preciado loro se escapa del gallinero Cuerpo de bomberos intenta atraparlo
La Mansión Playboy ha sido históricamente el hogar de un montón de mujeres calientes, pero también de otras finas criaturas, incluyendo aves, ¡y una de ellas se escapó!
El asunto es así, la famosa finca, que una vez fue propiedad y estuvo ocupada por el difunto Hugh Hefner, ha tenido durante mucho tiempo una tonelada de bestias aladas en sus terrenos. No está claro cuánto tiempo han estado allí, pero los invitados que han pasado por la finca a lo largo de los años las han visto.
Entre las muchas aves hay loros, por no hablar de otros exóticos alados como los tucanes, y uno de esos loros hizo una descarada fuga hace dos semanas.
Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el Departamento de Bomberos de Los Ángeles respondió al Club del Condado de Los Ángeles el 29 de octubre para ayudar a rescatar a un loro que había y que estaba revoloteando sobre el club de campo vecino. Nos informan que creen que pudo salir con la ayuda de una fuerte ráfaga de viento de Santa Ana.
De todos modos, un camión de bomberos terminó apareciendo para hacer frente a la situación. Nuestras fuentes cuentan que el pájaro terminó volando hacia un árbol cercano, donde los primeros en responder trataron de persuadirlo para que bajara usando un poco de agua. En realidad no un poco, sino bastante... porque nos han dicho que acabaron utilizando medio depósito de agua para "hacer llover" sobre el árbol, con la esperanza de que esto obligara al loro a descender. Por desgracia, el ave solo se encumbró más alto.
Finalmente, nos dicen que el Departamento de Bomberos tuvo que irse porque el campo de golf estaba cerrando y no estaban ni cerca de atrapar al pájaro. Así que eso fue lo que hicieron.
En cuanto al final de esta historia emplumada... un testigo nos dice que el loro acabó bajando por su propia cuenta cuando todos se fueron, pero no se sabe si se reunió con sus dueños. Nos pusimos en contacto con el actual señor de la mansión, Darren Metropoulos, pero de momento no hemos tenido noticias.
Playboy Mansion Prized Parrot Flies the Coop ... Fire Dept. Swoops In!!!
The Playboy Mansion has historically been home to a helluva lot of hot people -- but it's also housed some creatures of another feather ... and one of those bastards escaped!
Here's the deal ... the famed estate -- once owned and occupied by the late Hugh Hefner -- has long had a crap ton of winged beasts living on the grounds. It's a little unclear how long they've been around, but guests who've swung by over the years have seen them.
Among the many birds are parrots -- not to mention other exotic ones, like toucans for example -- and one of the Pollys actually made a brazen run flight for it 2 weeks ago.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the L.A. Fire Dept. responded to the L.A. County Club Oct. 29 to help rescue a parrot that had fled from the Mansion -- and fluttered on over to the neighboring country club. We're told they believe it got out with the help of a strong gust of Santa Ana winds.
Anyway, a fire truck ended up showing up to deal with it ... cat-and-ladder-style, 'cause our sources say the bird ended up flying into a nearby tree -- where first responders attempted to coax it down using a little H2O. Not a little actually -- quite a bit -- 'cause we're told they ended up using about half a tank of water to "make it rain" atop the tree, in hopes that it would force the parrot to come down to their level. Unfortunately, the bird only went higher.
Eventually, we're told the Fire Dept. had to pack it up and leave -- 'cause the golf course was closing, and they weren't any close to getting the bird down. So, that's what they did.
As far as how this feathered tale ends ... one eyewitness tells us the parrot did end up coming down on its own once everyone left -- but no word on whether it was officially reunited with its owners. We've reached out to the current lord of the manor, Darren Metropoulos, but so far ... no word back.
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Charlie Sheen Cambia de opinión sobre el OnlyFans de Sami... Impresionado por sus ganancias, dice Denise

Charlie Sheen finalmente le está dando su bendición a la cuenta de OnlyFans de su hija de 19 años, Sami Sheen. De acuerdo con su madre, el dinero es demasiado bueno como para que incluso su querido padre se oponga.
Recuerden, mientras la madre de Sami, Denise Richards, estaba encantada con que su hija adolescente se uniera al servicio de suscripción para adultos hace más de un año -tan encantada que incluso lanzó una página propia-, Charlie echó humo públicamente, instando a su hija a mantener las cosas "con clase".
Pero ahora Denise está diciendo que Charlie cambió de opinión al descubrir que Sami se compró un Mercedes y se mudó a una nueva casa con sus ganancias en OnlyFans.
La ex conejita de Playboy, Denise, le dijo a Bethenny Frankel en su podcast "Just B" el martes que aunque Charlie está feliz con las opciones de vida de su hija, Sami no está contenta con lo público que él ha sido sobre su arriesgada carrera en línea.

Sami es ahora una profesional en OnlyFans. Comparte contenido sexy, sin desnudos, 3 meses después de que cumpliera 18 años el año pasado.
En ese momento, Charlie dijo a Page Six: "No apruebo esto, pero ya que soy incapaz de evitarlo, la insté a mantenerlo con clase, creativo y no sacrificar su integridad".
Mamá, por su parte, elogió a Sami por tener la confianza que ella anhelaba cuando tenía su edad, y luego se sintió lo suficientemente inspirada como para iniciar su propia cuenta.
El dúo madre e hija va fuerte en el sitio. Sami insta a los usuarios a inscribirse en su cuenta por $19.99 al mes, mientras que Denise cobra una tarifa más premium de $25 por mes.
CHARLIE SHEEN CHANGES TUNE ON SAMI'S ONLYFANS ... Impressed By Her Earnings, Says Denise

Charlie Sheen is finally giving his blessing to his 19-year-old daughter Sami Sheen having an OnlyFans account -- according to her mom, the money's too good for even dear ol' dad to object.
Remember ... while Sami's mother, Denise Richards, was thrilled with the teen joining the adult subscription service over a year ago -- even launching a page for herself -- Charlie publicly fumed, urging his child to keep things "classy."
But Denise is now divulging Charlie changed his tune after discovering Sami had purchased a flashy Mercedes AND moved into a new home with her OF earnings.
Former Playboy bunny Denise said to Bethenny Frankel on her 'Just B' podcast Tuesday that while Charlie is now happy with her life choices, Sami is not cool with how public he's been about her risqué online career pursuits.

Sami is now a pro at OF ... sharing sexy content, without nudity, 3 months after she turned 18 last year.

At the time, Charlie told Page Six: "I do not condone this, but since I'm unable to prevent it, I urged her to keep it classy, creative and not sacrifice her integrity."
Mom, on the other hand, praised Sami for having the confidence she wished she had when she was her age ... and then felt inspired enough to start her own OF.
The mother-and-daughter duo is going strong on the site. Sami urges users to sign up for her account for $19.99 a month, while Denise charges a more premium rate of $25 per month.
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Donna D'Errico Slams 'Hater Women' For Reporting Sexy Snaps 'You Can Kiss My Ass'
Donna D'Errico is clapping back at "hater women" for going to extreme lengths to report her racy snaps ... by re-uploading the same images that got her shadow-banned on Instagram.
"Here's another photo that had to be removed in order to lift the shadow ban on my account after a group of women haters went through my account reporting all my posts," the ex-Playboy model defiantly captioned the image, which by all means, was just as risqué as you would expect.
Think tiny lacy black bra, black corset, knee-high black boots -- all while straddling a pumpkin to celebrate Halloween, of course.
The "Baywatch" star added there was "nothing wrong with these photos" ... and took things one step further by addressing the trolls who had an issue with them in the first place.
"Hater women: Feel better about yourselves. Build up other women. In doing so, you can shine, too," she wrote. If they still didn't get the message, Dona had one final message for them... "I guess you can simply kiss my ass."
This isn't Donna's first rodeo in calling out online warriors lurking in the comments of her pictures. On Sunday, she explained she had to remove another video of herself in a blue bikini that didn't sit well with others online.
"Using technology to bully is still, in fact, bullying. And Donna doesn't get bullied," she declared while re-sharing the clip. One thing's for sure ... you're not gonna mess with Donna!!!

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Mia Khalifa Dropped By Playboy ... After Pro-Hamas Tweets
Mia Khalifa has kissed her deal with Playboy goodbye ... the adult entertainment brand dropped her after sharing her controversial thoughts about the Israel-Hamas attacks.
Playboy sent out an email to its subscribers Monday, after Mia expressed her pro-Hamas thoughts online -- the company said, "Mia has made disgusting and reprehensible comments celebrating Hamas’ attacks on Israel and the murder of innocent men, women and children."
It goes on to say the company encourages free speech and expression ... but adds, "We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech." Playboy says it's terminated its relationship with her, "including deleting Mia’s Playboy channel on our creator platform."
The former porn star-turned-influencer has been scrubbed from the company's Centerfold platform ... her page has been replaced with a simple "Not Found" graphic.
As we reported, Mia caught heat over the weekend, as Israel was being attacked by Hamas terrorists ... writing things like, "Tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal."
Despite the hate she got, Mia doubled down -- writing, "I’d say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I’m more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

Sounds like Mia's now putting Playboy in the "Zionist" category, too.
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MIA KHALIFA Despedida de Playboy... Por tuits a favor de Hamás
Mia Khalifa se está despidiendo de su acuerdo con Playboy. La marca de entretenimiento para adultos decidió prescindir de ella luego de que compartiera sus polémicos pensamientos sobre los ataques de Hamás a Israel.
Playboy envió un correo electrónico a sus suscriptores el lunes, después de que Mia expresara sus pensamientos pro-Hamas en las redes. La empresa dijo: "Mia ha hecho comentarios repugnantes y censurables celebrando los ataques de Hamás contra Israel y el asesinato de hombres, mujeres y niños inocentes."
Continúa diciendo que ellos fomentan la libertad de expresión, pero tienen "una política de tolerancia cero con el discurso de odio". Luego dice que terminaron su relación con ella, "incluyendo la eliminación del canal Playboy de Mia en nuestra plataforma de creadores."
La ex estrella porno convertida en influencer fue borrada de la plataforma Centerfold de la compañía. Su página ha sido sustituida por un simple gráfico de "No encontrado".
Como informamos, Mia recibió una oleada de críticas durante el fin de semana, en medio de los ataques de Hamás a Israel. Escribió cosas como: "Díganle a quienes luchan por la libertad en Palestina que volteen sus teléfonos y filmen en horizontal".
A pesar del odio que recibió, Mia redobló su apuesta, escribiendo: "Diría que apoyar a Palestina me ha hecho perder oportunidades laborales, pero estoy más enfadada conmigo misma por no comprobar si hacía negocios con sionistas".
Parece que ahora Mia también incluye a Playboy en la categoría de "sionista".

La ex estrella infantil Madisyn Shipman ha llegado a Playboy con algunas peticiones extrañas de los fans, incluyendo al menos una cosa que seguro no está dispuesta a proporcionar.
Tenemos a la actriz y cantante de 20 años en Santa Mónica, donde se abrió sobre por qué la plataforma en línea de Playboy era el lugar adecuado para ella después de protagonizar "Game Shakers" de Nickelodeon durante la década del 2010.
Madisyn admite que estaba buscando una manera de volver a sentir como suya su propia sexualidad luego de tener que seguir tantas reglas. Tantas reglas que incluso las enumera.
Ella dice que el paso a Playboy ha llegado con un montón de peticiones de los fans, algunas de las cuales la han tomado por sorpresa. Lo que ha descubierto es que hay mucha más gente con fetiches extraños de lo que nunca sospechó y simplemente no es lo suyo.
Por cierto, Madisyn nos dice que ella tampoco está interesada en hacer sesiones de desnudos en este momento, probablemente porque podría dar lugar a algunas conversaciones incómodas con sus futuros hijos.
El papel revelación de Madisyn fue interpretar a Kenzie Bell en la serie de Nickelodeon de 2015 a 2019 protagonizada junto a Kel Mitchell.
Desde que terminó la serie ha estado trabajando en su carrera musical y explicó cómo eso está a punto de despegar. En gran parte gracias al dinero que está rastrillando en su página de Playboy. Madisyn lanzará un álbum en noviembre con 21 canciones en honor a su 21 cumpleaños.
Former 'Nick' Star Madisyn Shipman I'm Getting Weird Requests on Playboy ... Lots of #1 Fetishes!!!

Former child star Madisyn Shipman's big move to Playboy has already come with some bizarre asks from fans ... including at least one thing she's for sure not down to provide.
We got the 20-year-old actress/singer in Santa Monica, where she opened up about why Playboy's online platform was the right place for her after starring on Nickelodeon's "Game Shakers" in the 2010s.
Madisyn admits she was looking for a way to reclaim her sexuality after having to follow so many rules -- and she lists 'em -- as a kid in the spotlight.
But, she says the move to Playboy has come with lots of fan requests, some of which have totally caught her off guard. What she's discovered is there a way more people with peeing fetishes than she ever suspected, and it's just not her cup of tea.
BTW, Madisyn tells us she's also not interested in doing nude shoots at this point ... adding her digital footprint could lead to some awkward convos with her future kids.
Madisyn breakout role was playing Kenzie Bell on the Nick series from 2015 to 2019, staring alongside Kel Mitchell.
Since the show wrapped, she's been working on her music career, and she explained how that's poised to take off ... thanks, in no small part, to the dough she's raking in from her Playboy page. Madisyn is dropping an album in November with 21 songs in honor of her 21st birthday.
For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.
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Bodybuilding Star Lisa Lyon Dead at 70
Lisa Lyon -- a game changer in professional women's bodybuilding -- has died, TMZ has learned.
A close friend who has been helping Lisa and her family tells us, Lisa died Friday at her home in the San Fernando Valley, where she was in hospice care. We're told the cause of death was stomach cancer.
Lisa famously posed for Playboy back in 1980, and the year before she won the first International Federation of Bodybuilders Woman's World Pro Bodybuilding Championship. It was a huge achievement that really put women's bodybuilding on the map.
She became a staple on the TV talk show circuit, also appearing in a slew of health and fitness magazines. She even wrote a book -- "Lisa Lyon's Body Magic" -- which was published in 1981.
She also modeled for iconic photog Robert Mapplethorpe.
Lisa was inducted into the International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federal Hall of Fame back in 2000 ... for helping to elevate bodybuilding into an art form.
And speaking of elevating bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger told TMZ, "She is the best. I love her."
Lisa was 70.
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Kendra Wilkinson Suffers Panic Attack ... Checks into Hospital
Kendra Wilkinson is currently hospitalized and getting some much-needed medical help after suffering a panic attack ... TMZ has learned.
A rep for the former "Girls Next Door" star tells TMZ Kendra had recently become overwhelmed in balancing her life, 2 kids and her job in real estate and it all became too much to handle.
We're told Kendra didn't sleep Tuesday night and decided Wednesday she needed to go to an L.A.-area hospital for medical treatment after suffering a panic attack.
One person tells us Kendra was desperate for help when she entered the emergency room, pleading for someone to get her to a doctor.
Kendra's rep says her ex-husband, Hank Baskett, is currently with her at the hospital while she rests and doctors attend to her situation.
Kendra, who had a massive run of success on reality TV, including her own show "Kendra on Top," recently spoke to Melissa Gorga on her podcast about the end of her TV career.
Kendra revealed she was in a bad state when it all ended, sharing it was her kids who kept her going, “It was impossible to be happy at that point ... I didn't even know how to be happy. My kids were what gave me the purpose."
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Sapphire Howell Brings 🔥 To Malibu Beach!
Hop into this week's Summer Hot Shots feature where Playboy model Sapphire Howell traded in her bunny ears for a tiny string bikini and splashed in the waves along the pristine Los Angeles coastline.
When the blonde babe isn't bleaching the eyes of beachgoers with her hot shots, Sapphire lends her opinions on her new "HeartBreakers" podcast and as a co-editor on Thrissle, collects art and Birkin bags and is obsessed with animals other than bunnies ... she loves her two french bulldogs too!
Ruff life!
Be sure to check back in all summer long to see who will be melting down your modems with our Summer Hot Shots Features from around the world!