Pit Bull Attack Mauling Victim Cause of Death ... Blood Loss, Exhaustion

The man who died after a pit bull attack at his home suffered a slow and painful final few minutes of life after getting mauled by his own canines ... this according to officials.

The autopsy report for Dominic Cooper is in -- and per the L.A. County Medical Examiner's Office ... the man ended up dying as a result of blood loss and physical exhaustion, which the M.E. notes was directly related to the injuries he sustained in the mauling.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Cooper's pit bulls turned on him one evening at around 7 PM ... with multiple dogs starting to bite him, which they say lasted 5-6 minutes.

Angie Harmon's Deceased Dog Instacart Worker Insists He Was Bitten ... So Say Cops


9:49 AM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman.

Angie Harmon's deceased dog was not as innocent as she claims ... at least according to the cops.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ … they are standing by their decision to not press charges against the Instacart shopper who shot and killed Angie's dog Oliver over Easter weekend.

While the cops will not say how they determined the shopper acted in self-defense, they insist the deliveryman, Christopher, did have bite marks on him from the dog.


El querido beagle de Angie Harmon -Oliver- fue asesinado a tiros por un repartidor durante el fin de semana, y la policía ya ha llegado a la conclusión de que fue justificado, pero no dicen por qué.

TMZ ha hecho repetidas llamadas al Departamento de Policía de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, preguntándoles por qué concluyeron que el repartidor actuó en defensa propia, pero todo lo que dijeron fue: "Un conductor de reparto llegó a la residencia para entregar bienes consumibles. El conductor le dijo a los oficiales que un perro lo atacó mientras estaba en la residencia y que se defendió disparando un solo tiro, golpeando e hiriendo mortalmente al perro".

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La policía nos dijo que el caso estaba cerrado, pero se negaron a hacer pública la declaración del repartidor o las supuestas lesiones. No quisieron proporcionar ninguna narración específica sobre lo que hizo el perro para mostrar agresión o por qué fue en defensa propia.

Angie Harmon Cops Refuse to Say Specifically Why Deliveryman Shot and Killed Dog

Angie Harmon's beloved beagle Oliver was shot and killed by a deliveryman over the weekend, and cops have already concluded he was justified, but they won't say why.

TMZ has made repeated calls to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept., asking them why they concluded the deliveryman acted in self-defense, but all they said was, "... a delivery driver arrived at the residence to deliver consumable goods. The driver told officers that a dog attacked him while he was at the residence and that he defended himself by firing a single gunshot, striking and mortally wounding the dog."

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The police told us the case was closed, but they refused to release the deliveryman's statement or alleged injuries. They would not provide any specific narrative as to what the dog did to show aggression or why it was self-defense.

Angie Harmon Family Dog Shot and Killed by Deliveryman


7:01 PM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ that the delivery driver in question did in fact claim self-defense on this matter ... and it sounds like the cops are letting it be.

They say, "The investigation revealed that a delivery driver arrived at the residence to deliver consumable goods. The driver told officers that a dog attacked him while he was at the residence and that he defended himself by firing a single gunshot, striking and mortally wounding the dog. Another dog was present at the residence but did not attack."

They go on to say that no criminal charges have been filed over this, and that CMPD's Animal Control got in the mix as well. They're not seeking out any other parties either.

Angie Harmon is devastated after her dog, Oliver, was shot and killed by a deliveryman over Easter weekend.

Good Boy
Instagram / @angieharmon

Boston Marathon Famous Dog, Spencer ... Gets Statue On Route!!!

The famous Boston Marathon dog, Spencer -- who became well known for cheering on runners for years before his death in 2023 -- will now be remembered forever at the iconic race ... officials just erected a statue in his honor.

The bronze sculpture was unveiled over the weekend -- less than two weeks before the next iteration of the famous marathon will take place -- and you can see it features the golden retriever posing with two "Boston Strong" flags in its mouth.

Spencer's owner, Rich Powers, was at the unveiling ceremony ... and he said it was a very "emotional day" for him.

"THANK YOU to all that helped to make this happy," Powers said. "SPENCER is back on the marathon route."

The statue will be positioned at the intersection of Frankland and West Union in Ashland, Massachusetts -- where runners will pass by frequently on the Boston Marathon route.

Spencer -- who attended the race for nine years and was named the official dog of the marathon by the Boston Athletic Association -- sadly died at 13 in Sept. 2023 after being diagnosed with inoperable cancer.



Un repartidor de DoorDash pareció robar el gato de un cliente justo en medio de una entrega, al menos eso es lo que el supuesto propietario está reclamando, y parece que tiene pruebas.

Un tipo llamado Odwin -que parece vivir en Las Vegas, al menos según sus redes sociales- publicó un video el domingo con una afirmación bastante condenatoria e imágenes igual de convincentes, acusando a lo que parece ser un repartidor de DoorDash que tenía que dejar una entrega a su casa.

En el video se puede ver a una persona que trabaja como delivery -Odwin asegura que es de DoorDash- que se pasea por el porche delantero.

DoorDash Driver Accused of Stealing Cat ... Now Vindicated by Owner

cat burglar?!?


11:49 AM PT -- The owner of the cat who claimed this DoorDash driver had stolen his cat is now setting the record straight -- saying the kitty is safe and sound ... and that it was not in fact jacked.

Odwin writes, "omg yall… Milo was not catnapped by the driver HES OKAY he just went on an adventure rq." It's a good thing he clarified -- because his post, which has since gone viral, sure made it seem like the cat had actually gotten taken. Talk about April Fool's, huh?

A DoorDash driver appeared to steal a customer's cat right in the middle of a delivery -- at least that's what the purported owner is claiming ... and he seems to have video proof.

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Gimenez Instrumental In Getting Daisy de la Hoya Into Treatment

Daisy de la Hoya received a helping hand from some fellow Hollywood stars who are also sober and familiar with what she experienced during a mental health breakdown.

Jennifer Gimenez, formerly of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" fame and her husband, Tim Ryan from A&E's "Dope Man" tell TMZ ...  they teamed up with actor Corey Feldman and his manager, Dave Altman to help get Daisy into a mental health treatment center.

Jennifer and Tim tell us Daisy's seeing a therapist daily and is going through the 12-step program. This, of course, comes after Daisy was accused of stalking "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks ... which she denies.


Jennifer and Tim say Daisy is journaling a lot, working on music, and has already acknowledged she had a problem -- which Jennifer and Tim say is a huge step in the right direction, and one that takes a whole lot to admit.

Corey's manager is currently caring for her dog.

Jennifer and Tim -- both recovering addicts who care for people in long-term recovery -- say Daisy was fragile when she entered treatment, but they're already seeing her turn the corner.

It's great to hear she's doing much better now ... all thanks to some great celeb friends!

If you need Jennifer or Tim's help visit dopetohope.com or call 844-611-HOPE (4673).

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Giménez Ayudan a Daisy de la Hoya a recibir tratamiento

Daisy de la Hoya recibió el apoyo de algunas estrellas de Hollywood que también están sobrias y familiarizadas con lo que experimentó durante una crisis emocional.

Jennifer Gimenez, ex participante de "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" y su marido, Tim Ryan, anfitrión de A&E le dicen a TMZ que se asociaron con el actor Corey Feldman y su manager Dave Altman para ayudar a conseguir un centro de salud mental donde Daisy pueda recibir tratamiento.

Jennifer y Tim nos dicen que Daisy está viendo a un terapeuta diariamente y pasando por el programa de 12 pasos. Esto, por supuesto, viene después de que Daisy fuera acusada de acosar a las estrellas de "90 Day Fiancé", Mariah Fineman y Tom Brooks, algo que ella niega.

Invitación a comer

Jennifer y Tim dicen que Daisy está escribiendo mucho, trabajando en la música y que ya es consciente de que tenía un problema, algo que Jennifer y Tim consideran un gran paso en la dirección correcta, pues significa mucho hacerlo.

El manager de Corey está actualmente cuidando de su perro. Nos dicen que la Fundación MusiCares está pagando por el tratamiento de Daisy.

Jennifer y Tim, que en el pasado tuvieron problemas de adicción y ahora ayudan a personas en recuperación, dicen que Daisy estaba muy frágil cuando comenzó el tratamiento, pero que ya la ven mucho mejor.

Es bueno saber que ahora está mucho mejor, ¡y todo gracias a algunos grandes amigos famosos!

John Legend Bird We're Pet-Sitting ... Will Likely Become Permanent 😢

birds of a feather

John Legend says that the bird he and his family are now taking care of will very likely become a permanent member of the household ... but it's under sad circumstances.

We got the singer out in L.A. Thursday -- where we chopped it up about this new macaw he and his wife Chrissy Teigen have recently welcomed under their roof ... something they've documented on social media, introducing the feathered friend to everyone as Audrey.


The kids seem to love it, but there's a bit of heartbreaking backstory as to how Audrey even came into their possession ... and it involves John's father-in-law, Ron.

As JL explains to us here, the Legend family is just pet-sitting at the moment as Ron battles some serious health issues -- ones that John tells us candidly will likely lead to his passing in the not-too-distant future. Because of that, the fam's prepared to take Audrey in.

As John puts it ... Audrey will likely live longer than Ron big picture, so they're getting used to having her in their company -- just the latest pet that they've brought into the fold.

Speaking of animal companions ... John talked about dog walking and dog poop -- something he says he has no problem picking up, as he says he's been doing it for years after living in NYC. As the owner of several pooches himself ... he says he's a vet at this now.

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John also tells us that if you can handle raising a pet, you can probably do anything.

Good to know he's got room for one more at the crib. 😊🦜


Kaley Cuoco está de luto por una pérdida en su familia..., ya que anunció la muerte de Blue,  su querido perro.

La actriz compartió la triste noticia el miércoles, diciendo que estaba muy triste por la pérdida. Explicó que la pérdida de Blue fue aún más triste porque era el tercer perro que ha tenido que sacrificar el último año.

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Recordemos que Kaley anunció el fallecimiento de King el mes pasado, menos de un año después de que su cachorro rescatado -Dump Truck- muriera el pasado mes de mayo.

Mientras Kaley está claramente desconsolada por Blue, dice que también está particularmente triste por su pareja, Tom Pelphrey, que es el dueño original del perro.

Según Kaley, les tomó algún tiempo a Blue y a ella estar completamente cómodos el uno con el otro, naturalmente, él aún extrañaba a Tom.

Sin embargo, "Después de algún tiempo, Blue finalmente se dio cuenta de que éramos una familia y que estábamos todos juntos. Algo cambió. Era increíble. Protector conmigo y con el resto de nuestros cachorros, siempre en guardia. Me sentía tan segura sola en casa con él y cuando alguien venía a la puerta le ponía la correa a Blue y hacía que se sentara a mi lado".

Kaley continuó añadiendo que Blue era increíblemente paciente y gentil con su pequeña hija Matilda, que nació el año pasado.

No es ningún secreto que Kaley es una amante de los animales, ya que ha rescatado a varios perros a lo largo de los años, y también posee algunos caballos.

Blue era claramente un favorito de la familia, Kaley y Tom una vez usaron suéteres de Navidad con la cara del cachorro un año.

Buen chico, Blue. Muy buen chico.

Kaley Cuoco Announces Her Dog's Death ... You're My Boy, Blue!!!

Kaley Cuoco is mourning a loss in her family ... as she announced the death of her beloved dog, Blue.

The actress shared the sad news Wednesday, saying she was in tears over the loss. As Kaley explained, Blue's loss was even more upsetting because he was the third dog she's had to put down in the last year.

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Remember, Kaley announced the passing of King last month -- less than a year after her rescue pup Dump Truck died last May.

While Kaley's clearly heartbroken over Blue, she says she's also particularly sad for her partner, Tom Pelphrey ... who's the dog's original owner.

According to Kaley, it took some time for Blue and her to grow comfortable with one another -- naturally, he favored Tom over her.

However, "After some time Blue finally realized we were a family and we were all sticking together. Something changed. He was amazing. Protective of me and the rest of our pup crew, always on guard. I felt so safe home alone with him and when anyone came to the door I would put Blue on the leash and have him sit right next to me."

Kaley went on to add that Blue was incredibly patient and gentle with their young daughter Matilda, who was born last year.

It's no secret Kaley is an animal lover, having rescued several dogs over the years, and she also owns a few horses.

But, Blue was clearly a family favorite, with Kaley and Tom wearing the pup on Christmas sweaters one year.

Good boy, Blue. Very good boy.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman 'Healing Up' ... Discharged From Hospital After Saving Parents

Instagram / @markcolemanufc

Mark Coleman has been released from the hospital after nearly dying in a huge house fire last week ... the UFC legend provided an update to his many fans just days after saving his mom and dad.

"God is great 👊❤️🙏," the 59-year-old retired fighter said on Monday via IG video caption, writing, "I am healing up very well."

"My lungs are sore. My eyes are burnt but I’m very much alive and well. I feel so blessed it’s in my higher power's hands. He wants me to move forward today and I am."

Coleman -- who was hospitalized with smoke inhalation after saving his parents from a house fire in Toledo, Ohio, early Tuesday morning -- thanked all his fans for their prayers, especially for his late dog, Hammer, who sadly perished in the blaze.

Mark also said he hopes the incident encourages people to make the most of life ... before it's too late.

"I'm one of the luckiest men in the world," the UFC Hall of Famer said.

"I can't thank you enough. I'm just grateful. I'll continue to motivate people to move forward and be a better version of themselves. You never know when you're gonna need it, so let's go. Let's start today. Tomorrow's not promised. Get moving!"

BTW, his loyal fans stepped up in a big way, including financially, making over 2,600 donations to a GoFundMe to help with medical expenses ... raising over $121k!

Speedy recovery, Mark!

Jason Kelce Beloved Dog Dies ... 'Lost Part Of My Soul'

Jason Kelce's beloved dog, Winnie, has sadly passed away ... and the Kelce family is heartbroken over the loss, with his wife writing in an emotional social media post that she's "lost part of my soul."

It's unclear how the pooch passed ... but Kylie Kelce said on her Instagram page Thursday night the pup "is at peace" now.

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"When I was in high school I had a folder on my desktop labeled 'Gods gift to earth,'" Kylie said in an IG post. "It was images of Irish Wolfhounds that I had collected from Google. I had fallen in love with the breed when I was a young and never let my fascination with them fade. It all lead me to Winnie and holy s*** did she live up to the hype."

"I love you, Winn," she continued. "You will always be my first born child."

Travis Kelce sent out his condolences in the comment section, writing, "You [gave] Winn an amazing life Ky!!" The Chiefs star's ex, Kayla Nicole, sent her support with a comment too.

Winnie played a huge role in the Kelce family ... she was the "flower girl" at Jason and Kylie's 2018 wedding. She was also mentioned on Jason and Travis' "New Heights" podcast often ... in fact, the brothers just brought her up on a recent episode when comparing her to animals Travis had seen on his Australian zoo date with Taylor Swift.

Winnie and the Kelces' other dog even had their own Instagram page.

"She was everything I had hoped for in a wolfie," Kylie said in mourning the dog's passing, "and more."



buenas noticias

La leyenda de la UFC Mark Coleman está respirando por sí mismo y hablando con su familia, pocos días después de que fue trasladado a un hospital con lesiones potencialmente mortales sufridas mientras rescataba a sus padres de un incendio en su casa.

La hija de Coleman, Kenzie, compartió un emotivo clip en el Instagram de Mark, solo dos días y medio después de que el luchador inhalara humo mientras salvaba a sus padres de un terrible incendio.

"Tuve que tomar una decisión", dijo Coleman, sobre el incendio de la casa desde su cama de hospital. "¡Fue horrible! No podía respirar".

"Soy el hombre más feliz del mundo. ¡Juro por Dios que soy tan afortunado! No puedo creer que mis padres estén vivos".

Por desgracia, su perro, Hammer, falleció, y Coleman -que se retiró de las MMA en 2013- está completamente devastado.

"¡No podía encontrar a Hammer!", dijo Coleman mientras lloraba con su familia.

Se creó un GoFundMe para los seres queridos de Coleman, ya que sus hijas tomarán tiempo libre del trabajo para ayudarlo durante su recuperación. Hasta el jueves, se habían recaudado más de 68.000 dólares.

¡Mejórate, Mark!

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