UFC's Mark Coleman Conscious, Responsive ... After Saving Parents From House Fire


UFC legend Mark Coleman is breathing on his own and talking to his family ... just days after he was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries sustained while rescuing his parents from a house fire.

Coleman's daughter, Kenzie, shared an emotional clip on Mark's Instagram ... just 2.5 days after the MMA great suffered smoke inhalation while saving his mom and dad from a giant blaze.

"I had to make a decision," Coleman said about the house fire from his hospital bed, "It was already horrible! I couldn't breathe!"

"I'm the happiest man in the world. I swear to God I'm so lucky! I can't believe my parents are alive!"

Unfortunately, his dog, Hammer, passed away ... and Coleman -- who retired from MMA in 2013 -- is completely devastated.

"I couldn't find Hammer!" Coleman said as he cried with his family.

A GoFundMe was set up for Coleman's loved ones as his daughters will take time off work to help him during his recovery. As of Thursday, over $68K was raised.

Get well, Mark!

'Sister Wives' Fans Honoring Garrison with Donations ... Thousands to Cat Shelters

Garrison Brown's legacy as a cat dad will never be forgotten, as "Sister Wives" fans give buckets of money to the cause near and dear to the late TLC personality ... TMZ has learned.

Liz Olson of High Country Humane tells TMZ ... people from all over the world have donated to the animal shelter in the week since Garrison died by suicide. The cat org received donations totaling more than $13K ... and counting!

She confirms she's the one who alerted Garrison's mother, Janelle Brown, to the outpouring of support ... and then, Janelle shared her emotional reaction this week to that uplifting news.

Garrison and High Country Humane knew each other well -- Liz tells us he adopted 3 of his cats -- including new addition Ms. Buttons -- from the shelter in the last 2 years.

In response to the generosity displayed by Garrison's followers, HCH has launched an initiative in his name that will help cats get adopted throughout the month of March.

Specifically, the money will cover adoption fees for any of the cats rescued during this effort.

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The tributes don't stop there ... Liz tells us the org also plans to rename its cat adoption room in his honor. There will be a plaque unveiling and everything at their 5-year anniversary celebration this month.

Ark Cat Sanctuary is also getting monetary support after Garrison's passing. Cat Roberts, yes that's really her name, tells TMZ ... the org's  received more than $500 in donations from people all over the globe, including some in Australia and Scotland.

Cat believes the support from Garrison's fans will help them stay open this year ... after receiving $30K less in grant money for 2024. She says the biggest help has been people purchasing items like wet food and kitten milk replacement from the sanctuary's Amazon wish list.

It's a small silver lining on an otherwise tragic story.

BTW, if you're wondering what's happening with Garrison's cats -- we're told his siblings are taking custody of them..


Las heroicas acciones de Mark Coleman han salido a la luz tras el terrible incendio que calcinó su casa, hiriendo gravemente a la leyenda de la UFC y llevándose trágicamente la vida del cachorro de su familia, Hammer.

Como informamos anteriormente -Coleman de 59 años de edad- se encuentra actualmente en un hospital en Ohio, donde está luchando por su vida como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en el incendio, y ahora tenemos más detalles acerca de lo que Coleman hizo la madrugada del martes.

Coleman -que estaba visitando a sus padres en su casa de la infancia- se despertó alrededor de las 4 AM por su rottweiler -Hammer- cuando el fuego se puso violento, según su hija Morgan.

Mark entró en acción, corriendo inmediatamente hacia mamá y papá y llevándolos a un lugar seguro. Resultaron ilesos.

Sabiendo que Hammer seguía adentro, Coleman volvió corriendo a la casa en llamas para intentar salvar a su querido perro, arriesgando su propia vida.

Trágicamente, Hammer no sobrevivió y la casa se perdió totalmente.

La hija de Mark confirma que fue trasladado por aire a un hospital local donde está recibiendo tratamiento las 24 horas del día.

El amigo de Mark, Wes Sims, proporcionó una actualización médica a última hora, diciendo que Mark "hizo movimientos" en el hospital, aunque está claro que tendrá un largo camino hacia la recuperación y no será barato.

La hija de Mark incluso comenzó un GoFundMe el miércoles para recaudar dinero para los gastos relacionados con el cuidado de su padre, con el objetivo de recaudar $50k.

Es probable que alcanzar esa meta no sea un problema. En solo unas horas ya se han hecho 250 donaciones, por un total de más de 13.000 dólares.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Risked Life In Attempt To Save Beloved Dog During Massive House Fire

Mark Coleman's heroic actions are coming to light in the wake of the terrible blaze that burned down his home, severely injuring the UFC legend, and tragically taking the life of his family pup, Hammer.

As we previously reported, 59-year-old Coleman is currently in a hospital in Ohio where he's fighting for his life as a result of injuries sustained in the fire ... and now we're learning more about what Coleman did early Tuesday morning.

Coleman, who was visiting his parents at his childhood home, was woken up around 4 AM by his rottweiler Hammer as the fire began to burn, according to his daughter Morgan.

Mark sprung into action, immediately rushing to Mom and Dad, and escorting them to safety. They were unharmed.

Knowing Hammer was still inside, Coleman rushed back into the burning house in an attempt to save his beloved dog, risking his own life.

Tragically, Hammer didn't survive ... and the home was totally lost.

Mark's daughter confirms he was airlifted to a local hospital where he is receiving around-the-clock treatment.

MC's friend, Wes Sims, provided a bit of a medical update late last night, saying Mark "made movements" at the hospital ... though it's clear he'll have a long road to recovery, and it won't be cheap.

Mark's daughter even started a GoFundMe on Wednesday to raise money for expenses related to her dad's care ... with a goal of raising $50k.

It's likely meeting that goal won't be a problem. In just a few hours, there have already been 250 donations made, totaling over $13k.

Janelle Brown, de "Sister Wives" Llora por las donaciones a refugios de gatos Homenaje a su hijo Garrison

Janelle Brown dice que está conmovida por la emoción después de que los fans honraran a su difunto hijo Garrison, donando dinero a refugios de animales en su nombre, y todo como una forma de destacar su pasión por sus gatos.

La estrella de "Sister Wives" compartió fotos de Garrison y sus gatos en Instagram el martes, diciendo que le saltaron las lágrimas cuando supo que High Country Humane y Ark Cat Sanctuary en Flagstaff, la ciudad natal de Garrison, habían recibido varias donaciones a raíz de su fallecimiento.

Janelle, que tuvo a Garrison y a otros cinco niños con su ex marido Kody Brown, dejó claro que esta era la manera perfecta de honrar a Garrison, quien amaba ser un "papá gato".

Y añadió: "Los gatos que adoptó de ambas agencias eran muy importantes para él".

Recuerden, Garrison había rescatado a un gato de nueve años al que llamó Ms. Buttons justo antes de su muerte a principios de este mes. En ese momento, Garrison compartió que el gato estaba "en la línea para la eutanasia" antes de que él interviniera.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que Garrison falleció de un aparente suicidio la semana pasada. Como señalamos, la policía dice que su hermano Gabriel fue quien descubrió a Garrison sin vida en su casa.

Más tarde, Janelle confirmó la desgarradora noticia a través de un comunicado a nombre de ella y su ex marido Kody que decía: "Su pérdida dejará un agujero tan grande en nuestras vidas que nos quita el aliento".

Otros homenajes de la familia Brown, que documentó su alguna vez polígamo estilo de vida durante 18 temporadas, también llovieron sobre Garrison.

Solo tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con 988lifeline.org.

'Sister Wives' Janelle Brown Brought to Tears Over Cat Donations Honoring Late Son Garrison

Janelle Brown says she's overwhelmed by emotion after fans honored her late son, Garrison, by donating to animal shelters in his name ... all as a way to highlight his pet cats.

The "Sister Wives" star shared photos of Garrison and his cats on Instagram Tuesday ... saying she was brought to tears after learning High Country Humane and Ark Cat Sanctuary in Garrison's hometown of Flagstaff received several donations in the wake of his passing.

Janelle -- who shared Garrison, as well as five other kids, with her ex-husband Kody Brown -- made it clear that this was the perfect way to honor Garrison ... who she said loved being a cat dad."

She adds, "The cats he adopted from both agencies were so important to him."

Remember, Garrison had rescued a nine-year-old cat -- which he named Ms. Buttons -- just before his death earlier this month. At the time, Garrison shared that the cat was "on the line for euthanasia" before he intervened.

We broke the story ... Garrison passed away in an apparent suicide last week. As we noted, cops say his brother Gabriel was the one who discovered Garrison deceased in his home.

Janelle later confirmed the heartbreaking news ... issuing a statement on behalf of herself and her ex-husband, Kody. She wrote ... "His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away."

Other tributes from the Brown family -- who documented their once polygamist life for 18 seasons -- soon poured in for Garrison as well.

He was only 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Mascota se hace viral POR CANTAR "SEPTEMBER" DE EARTH, WIND AND FIRE La dueña se enfurece

El pájaro mascota de una mujer británica es un cantante matutino, y despierta a su dueña con música soul de los 70s... algo que le encanta a todo el mundo en TikTok.

Kiki, una cacatúa cantante con 3 millones de seguidores, ha hecho vibrar al mundo entero con su última actuación, y su frustrada dueña lo ha posteado en redes sociales.

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Kiki canta "September" de Earth, Wind and Fire muy temprano, para disgusto de esta pobre mujer.

Al parecer, para Kiki, ninguna hora era demasiado temprano para bailar el pegadizo estribillo del megaéxito de 1978 mientras estaba encima de una pecera en la habitación de su dueña.

La dueña, privada de sueño, levanta el dedo para ordenar "silencio" al pájaro, que obedece... pero vuelve a hacerlo un segundo después porque, admitámoslo, ¡la canción es demasiado buena para dejarla!

Frustrada por las travesuras de Kiki, su madre humana envió un grito de ayuda en el pie de foto, escribiendo: "Enviar ayuda porfa, ¿dónde está el botón de apagado del loro?"

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Con 22 millones de "me gusta" y subiendo, los comentarios no se hicieron esperar: una persona reconoció que el dueño "no lo apagó, solo se quedó dormido"... mientras que otra bromeaba: "¿Quién es el administrador del pájaro? Tengo que ponerme en contacto con ellos para poner a esta estrella en mi próxima playlist🔥".

Kiki lleva un tiempo repartiendo alegría y risas por Internet con un montón de otras interpretaciones, como "If You're Happy and You Know It".

Está claro que no hay quien pare a este fenómeno emplumado... y en este caso, ¡parecía que al que madruga Dios le ayuda!

Viral Singing Bird PERFORMS EW&F's 'September' ... Sleepy Owner's Furious 😅

A British woman's pet bird is also an early bird -- and the way it wakes up its owner is with some '70s soul music ... which the internet is absolutely loving on TikTok.

Kiki -- a singing cockatiel who's amassed 3 million followers -- has got the whole world chirping with its latest performance ... which its frustrated human posted online.

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Kiki sings Earth, Wind and Fire's "September" bright and early -- to the chagrin of this poor woman.

Apparently for Kiki ... no hour was too early to bop along to the catchy chorus of the 1978 mega-hit while on top of a fish tank in the owner's room.

The sleep-deprived owner then puts up her finger to order "silence" from the bird, who complies ... but is back at it a second later because, let's face it, the song's just too good to give up!

Frustrated with Kiki's antics, the owner sent out a cry for help in the caption, writing -- "Send help plz where's the off button on parrot."

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With 22 million likes and counting, the comments poured in -- one person acknowledged the owner "didn't turn it off, just snoozed it" ... while another joked, "Who's the manager of the bird? I need to contact them about putting this star on my next track🔥."

Kiki's been spreading joy and laughter across the internet for a while now with a bunch of other renditions, such as "If You're Happy and You Know It."

There's clearly no stopping this feathered phenomenon ... and in this case, it looked like the early bird got the worm!

Tyreek Hill Model's Lawsuit Is BS ... She Got Injured Tripping Over A Dog!!!

Tyreek Hill is fighting back against the model who said he broke her leg during a fit of rage in a football drill ... saying she got injured merely because she tripped over a dog.

In a lawsuit filed in Florida last week, Sophie Hall -- an influencer with over 2 million followers on Instagram -- claimed that after Hill courted her through a series of direct messages last summer ... she showed up at his Southwest Ranches mansion.

She alleged that while there, the two engaged in some football drills -- and when she "held her own" against the Miami Dolphins star, he became embarrassed and enraged. She said he then "charged into her violently and with great force," causing her to sustain a serious leg injury.

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But, Hill's attorney, Julius B. Collins, said in a statement to TMZ Sports on Friday that Hall's lawsuit is complete BS ... and an attempt to shake down the NFL player.

According to Collins, Hall did show up to Hill's home and the two did engage in some "playful" drills ... but she hurt herself when she fell over a dog -- not because Hill turned violent.

Collins called Hall's claims "disgusting and cunning."

"This lawsuit is baseless," Collins said, "and nothing more than an attempt to bring bad publicity to Mr. Hill and force him into paying them and their client monies."

Collins added that Hill has opened up an insurance claim for the injuries Hall suffered while at the wide receiver's residence ... but Hall filed the lawsuit "in an attempt to 'scare tactic' him into personally covering the cost of Ms. Hall’s medical bills."

"Mr. Hill is prepared to defend against this baseless lawsuit head on," Collins said.

For the Dolphins' part, general manager Chris Grier told media members at the NFL Combine this week they were aware of the suit and are still gathering information.

"For us," he said, "Tyreek has been a good addition for us, but in terms of all the off-field stuff, we'll have to get all the information before we can really comment on it."

Jon Stewart Helps NYC Animal Shelter Raise $25K After Tribute to Dipper

Jon Stewart tugged at heartstrings when he tearfully talked about his dog dying, and folks opened up their wallets ... donating 5 figures to the animal shelter he shouted out during the emotional 'Daily Show' segment.

The comedian got emotional Monday, breaking down over the death of Dipper, his Brindle pit bull, and viewers were so moved they started sending money to Animal Haven, the NYC no-kill animal shelter where Jon first met the pup.

Comedy Central

Tiffany Lacey, the shelter's executive director, tells TMZ ... Animal Haven has raised almost $25,000 in donations since Jon mentioned the shelter in his tribute to Dipper.

We're told the money's pouring in from more than 500 new donors ... and the funds will help the shelter pay for general care of their animals, plus operating support, vet care, food, staff time, and dog walks.

Remember ... Jon said he got Dipper from Animal Haven about 12 years ago when his kids were raising money for the shelter ... adopting the dog on the spot after being introduced. The pup was missing a leg after being hit by a car in Brooklyn.

Tiffany tells us the wave of donations is coming at just the right time for Animal Haven ... she says the shelter is at full capacity with more than 100 rescue animals in their care, including 3 dog moms who recently gave birth to 20 puppies.


In addition to financial commitments, we're told Jon's monologue has spurred some folks to inquire about adoptions ... and Animal Haven is so grateful for everyone reaching out.

Tiffany says Animal Haven's reached out to Jon too, thanking him and offering their sympathies and condolences as he grieves his beloved companion.

TMZ Studios

Jon's tribute was pretty moving ... and Tiffany tells us folks are also helping out by purchasing items off Animal Haven's Amazon Wishlist, buying stuff like dog treats and blankets.

Policía de Los Ángeles Golpea a un perro con su porra ... Tras atacar a un caballo de la policía

El Perro versus el Caballo
Instagram/ @deadhomiess._

La policía de Los Ángeles tuvo un inesperado cara a cara con un perro que atacó a uno de sus caballos, lo que llevó a uno de los oficiales a golpearlo, provocando un feroz debate.

Echa un vistazo a este video que se ha vuelto viral: Dos policías son vistos a caballo patrullando Melrose Ave. en Los Ángeles, cuando de repente un perro suelto corre hacia ellos de la nada y comienza a morder las piernas del caballo de la policía.

En respuesta al ataque, el otro policía que estaba en la escena salta de su propio caballo y comienza a agitar su bastón contra el canino, y parece que hizo contacto un par de veces.

El perro intenta esquivar los golpes y continúa tras el caballo, quien empieza a inquietarse. Por supuesto, el oficial que está montado sobre el caballo hace todo lo posible para estabilizar al animal y tenerlo bajo control, pero es una situación difícil, por decir lo menos.

Finalmente, el presunto dueño del perro corre hacia la escena y recoge a su perro. Aunque también tiene dificultades para hacerlo y el oficial en el suelo consigue darle un último buen golpe antes de que él y su dueño huyan. En ese momento, todo se calmó.

Ahora tenemos un poco más de información que esperamos arroje luz y proporcione contexto, como por ejemplo si esto cayó en el radar de la policía de Los Ángeles o qué pasó exactamente al final. Fuentes policiales nos dicen que este incidente en realidad ocurrió hace un buen año o así, a pesar de que el video está siendo viral en este momento.

Nos dicen que el perro y los dos caballos terminaron bien y que los caballos fueron revisados por un veterinario después. Nuestras fuentes dicen que el perro saltó por la ventanilla de un carro a la calle y por eso no llevaba correa... algo raro.

Según nuestras fuentes, el civil/propietario no fue citado por este incidente y nos han dicho que todo se resolvió una vez que las partes involucradas pudieron hablar. También nos dicen que el propietario no estaba enojado.

Eso no quiere decir que Internet no esté enojado con el asunto porque una buena parte definitivamente lo está.

La situación ha provocado reacciones encontradas en la red, y muchos han salido en defensa del policía, sobre todo porque Los Ángeles tiene leyes muy claras sobre las correas. Por si no saben, los dueños de mascotas están obligados a mantener a sus perros con correa en público en todo momento, ya que está prohibido para ellos vagar libremente.

¿De qué lado estás?

Otros, por supuesto, están crucificando al policía diciendo que reaccionó de forma completamente exagerada y que estaba dañando al perro sin una buena razón. Estos son en su mayoría los amantes de los animales y los activistas por los derechos de los animales.

Tuvimos un debate sobre esto en nuestra propia oficina e imaginamos qué argumentos podríamos presentarle a la gente para digerir el asunto. Por un lado, el perro estaba sin correa y causó un problema que podría haber llegado a ser más peligroso.

¿Estaba justificado que el policía golpeara al perro?

Aun así, la brutalidad del oficial se siente demasiado para quienes no soportan ver sufrir a los animales, incluyendo algunos en nuestro propio equipo, que son apasionados de esto.

Suponemos que vamos a plantear la pregunta, ¿quién está equivocado aquí, el policía o el propietario?

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

No le digan a PETA sobre esto, estamos seguros de que tendrán algo que decir al respecto, de una u otra manera.

LAPD Swings Baton at Unleashed Dog ... After Police Horse Attack

Instagram/ @deadhomiess._

LAPD officers had an unexpected face-off with an unleashed dog that attacked one of their horses -- which ended with one of the officers beating the pooch ... and it's sparked a fierce debate.

Check out this video that's gone viral ... 2 cops are seen patrolling Melrose Ave. in L.A. while on horseback -- when, all of a sudden, an unleashed dog runs into frame out of nowhere and begins to nip at the legs of the police horse, which still has one of the officers on it.

In response to the attack ... the other cop on the scene jumps down from his own horse ... and begins swinging his baton at the canine -- and he seems to make contact a few times.

The dog tries to dodge the hits, and it continues to go after the horse -- which begins to buck and get uneasy. Of course, the officer who's sitting up there is trying his best to steady the animal and get it under control ... but it's a tricky situation, to say the least.

Eventually, the presumed owner of the dog runs onto the scene and collects his pooch -- but he too has trouble with it ... and the officer on the ground gets one last good swing on the dog before it and its owner run off. At that point, everything settles down.

Now, we have some more info here that'll hopefully shed light and provide context -- including whether this fell onto the LAPD's radar at large, and what exactly happened in the end. Law enforcement sources tell us this incident actually happened a good year or so ago ... even though the video is just now making the rounds online.

We're told the dog and the two horses ended up being alright, and that the horses were checked on by a vet afterward. Our sources tell us the dog actually jumped out of a car window there on the street, which is why it didn't have a leash on ... so kind of a freak thing.

Our sources the civilian/owner did not get cited over this, and we're told everything sorted itself out once all the parties were able to talk. We're also told the owner wasn't mad.

That's not to say the internet isn't pissed about this ... 'cause a good chunk definitely is.

The situation has prompted mixed reactions online -- with many coming to the cop's defense, especially since L.A. has pretty clear leash laws. If you don't know, pet owners are required to keep their dogs on a leash in public at all times -- as it's prohibited for them to roam free.


Others, of course, are crucifying the cop here ... saying he completely overreacted and was harming the dog for no good reason. These are mostly the animal lovers/animal rights camps.

We had some debate about this here in our own office ... and we figured we'd present our arguments for people to digest. On the one hand, the dog was unleashed and caused a problem right then and there that could've become more dangerous.

Was the Cop Justified in Beating the Dog?

Still ... the brutality the officer inflicts here just feels like too much for folks who can't stand to see animals suffer -- including some in our own ranks, who are passionate about this.

We suppose we'll just pose the question ... who's in the wrong here, the cop or the owner?

TMZ Studios

Don't tell PETA about this ... we're sure they'll have something to say about it, one way or another.

Jon Stewart Se emociona por la partida de su perro... Emotivo homenaje en "Daily Show"

Mi buen chico, Dipper
Comedy Central

Jon Stewart se quebró de emoción al referirse a la muerte de su perro en el programa de esta semana, con un homenaje del que apenas pudo contener las lágrimas.

El comediante estuvo de anfitrión el lunes en "Daily Show" y se tomó un momento para reconocer el fallecimiento de su perro de toda la vida, Dipper, quien murió recientemente.

Echa un vistazo, es increíblemente triste ver lo desconsolado que está Jon en frente de la audiencia. Incluso tuvo que parar varias veces mientras se secaba las lágrimas.

Durante el programa contó cómo Dipper llegó a su vida y a la de su familia, explicando que lo adoptaron de un refugio en Nueva York llamado Animal Haven. En el refugio les explicaron que tenían a un pitbull que había sido atropellado por un carro y que había perdido una de sus piernas.

Este acabó siendo el perrito de la familia de Jon y su recuerdo es conmovedor y emotivo. Como dice el propio Jon: "En un mundo de buenos chicos, él era el mejor".

No está claro cómo murió Dipper exactamente, pero parece que podría haber sido de viejo. Jon dice que el perro estaba preparado, pero él no y queda claro por lo triste que está.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Que en paz descanse.

Jon Stewart Breaks Down Mourning His Dog ... Emotional 'DS' Tribute

Comedy Central

Jon Stewart was an emotional wreck on his comedy show this week -- breaking down over the death of his dog ... with a tribute he could hardly get through without sobbing.

The comedian was playing host again on Monday for the 'Daily Show,' and at one point during his time in the chair -- he took a moment to acknowledge the passing of his longtime pooch, Dipper, who he says recently passed away.

Check it out ... it's incredibly sad to watch, as Jon is pretty inconsolable here in front of an audience -- having to stop his train of thought several times as he chokes up and tears up.

He gives the backstory of how Dipper came into his and his family's life -- explaining that they adopted him from a no-kill shelter in NYC called Animal Haven ... and noting that they had a Brindle pit bull in their ranks who'd been hit by a car and who'd lost one of his legs.

That ended up being Jon's family doggo ... and his remembrance here is poignant and moving. As Jon says himself, "In a world of good boys, he was the best."


Unclear how exactly Dipper died, but it sounds like it might've been due to old age. Jon says the dog was ready, but he wasn't -- and that much is clear by how moving this is.

TMZ Studios


ataque de pitbull PROPIETARIO MUTILADO NO TENÍA por QUé MORIR La tragedia deja señales de alarma...

El hombre trágicamente asesinado por pit bulls en Compton podría haber sido capaz de evitar la muerte si hubiera seguido algunas técnicas útiles, esto de acuerdo a un gran criador local.

El hombre que fue mutilado hasta la muerte por sus propios pitbulls en Compton -California- el pasado jueves, fue encontrado muerto el viernes.

Big Gemini Kennels -un criador de pit popular con un gran seguimiento en la comunidad canina de Los Ángeles- le dice a TMZ que la víctima de este horrible incidente parece haber tratado de manejar a demasiados perros al mismo tiempo. Esa es la opinión del experto al menos.

Big Gemini nos dice que tratar de manejar a 13 perros -incluso con algunos de ellos siendo cachorros- es demasiado. No solo eso, los informes del Condado dicen que este hombre estaba alimentando a todos los perros cuando murió, y esto destaca como otra bandera roja.

el terrible ataque
Fox 11 Los Angeles

Al momento de comer, los perros entran en un frenesí.

Cabe señalar que Big Gemini no tiene toda la información que tienen los investigadores y basa sus conclusiones en informes de prensa y otra información disponible al público. Dicho esto, la compañía está bastante segura de que había unos cuantos perros de más aquí.

BGK nos dice que la alimentación de tantos perros a la vez puede conducir a una mayor agresión y teorizan que dos perros adultos probablemente estaban luchando por algo de comida cuando el criador trató de separarlos (es algo muy común). En ese momento, sospechan que todos los perros podrían haberse vuelto contra él.

En lugar de alojar a todos los perros en un solo lugar en su patio trasero - entre una variedad de perreras - Big Gemini perreras dice que este hombre debería haber considerado la división de los cachorros ... la alimentación de solo dos o tres a la vez en lugar de todos los 13.

Los perros desde entonces han sido sometidos a eutanasia, un movimiento que Big Gemini dice que es necesario porque podrían haber ido a atacar a sus futuras familias. BGK nos dice que creen que los cachorros podrían haber sido rehabilitados, pero también señalan que podría no haber valido la pena el riesgo de que estos perros lastimen a otra persona. Así es como el Condado de Los Ángeles se sentía al respecto.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Big Gemini continúa diciéndonos que la gente ha estado preguntando sobre los riesgos de que los pit bulls ataquen a las personas a raíz de esta nueva historia viral ... pero hacen hincapié en que las personas deben temer a las personas más que a los propios perros - como señalan, todo se trata de cómo se crían los perros.

Big Gemini Kennels quiere dejar claro que la pérdida de vidas es trágica y esperan sinceramente que nada como esto vuelva a suceder.

Pit Bull Breeding Co. Mauled Owner Didn't Have to Die ... Sees Red Flags in Tragedy

The man tragically killed by pit bulls in Compton might've been able to avoid death if he'd followed some helpful techniques ... this according to a big-time local breeder, that is.

ICYMI ... a dog owner was mauled to death by his own pit bulls in Compton, California, last Thursday, though his body wasn't discovered -- bloody and lying in his backyard -- until Friday.

Big Gemini Kennels -- a popular pit breeder with a huge following in the Los Angeles dog community and no association to the mauling -- tells TMZ ... the victim of this horrible incident appears to have perhaps taken on more than he could handle by trying to herd so many dogs together. That's BGK's view here, anyway.

Big Gemini tells us they feel like trying to manage 13 dogs -- even with some of them being puppies -- is just far too many. Not just that, but reports from the County that this man appeared to be feeding all the dogs when he died stands out as another red flag to BGK.

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We're told that giving them food like all at once may have exacerbated the issue ... and maybe even sent the dogs into a frenzy.

It should be noted ... Big Gemini doesn't have all the info investigators do and is basing their findings on news reports and other publicly available info. With that said, the company's pretty sure there were a few dogs too many here with all of them running around the property when the body was found.

BGK tells us feeding so many dogs at once can lead to heightened food aggression ... and they theorize two adult dogs were probably fighting over some chow when the breeder tried to break things up. At that point ... they suspect all the dogs might've turned on him.

Instead of housing all the dogs in one location in his backyard --- among a variety of kennels -- Big Gemini Kennels says this man should have considered splitting the pups up ... feeding just two or three at a time instead of all 13.

The dogs have since been euthanized ... a move Big Gemini says is necessary because they could have gone on to attack their future families. FWIW ... BGK tells us they believe the puppies could have been rehabilitated ... but they also note, it might've not been worth the risk of these dogs hurting another person. That's how L.A. County felt about it.

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Big Gemini goes on to tell us people have been asking about the risks of pit bulls attacking people in the aftermath of this viral new story ... but they emphasize people should fear people more than the dogs themselves -- as they note, it's all about how the dogs are raised.

Big Gemini Kennels wants to make it clear ... the loss of life is tragic, and they sincerely hope nothing like this happens again.

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