Crisis fronteriza Perros abandonados por los migrantes... Reporteros y la Guardia Nacional los cuidan

Proporcionando hogar a los perros abandonados

Hay una cosa muy extraña sucediendo a lo largo de la frontera sur. Los migrantes que intentan entrar en Estados Unidos con sus perros se ven obligados a dejarlos atrás y eso está creando una crisis totalmente diferente.

El reportero de FNC Matt Finn está en el terreno de Eagle Pass, Texas, y se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" para revelar lo que está viendo y cómo él y otros equipos de televisión se están involucrando y haciéndose cargo de algunos perros ellos mismos.

Matt dice que toneladas de migrantes están intentando cruzar la frontera con sus perros, solo para que les informen que no pueden llevar a los cachorros con ellos a los centros federales de procesamiento, lo que resulta en cientos de perros callejeros vagando por la frontera.

Estas circunstancias dejan a los perros con necesidad de comida, agua y refugio y Matt dice que las tropas de la Guardia Nacional están cuidando de algunos de ellos. Él y su productor han ayudado también.

Algunos perros tienen garrapatas, pulgas y gusanos y Matt nos dice que al menos un veterinario en la ciudad está cuidándolos pro bono.

Matt ha visto esta tragedia antes en otras áreas de la frontera y ha conseguido realojar a un puñado de perros.

El hecho es que esto es solo una pequeña parte del cuadro, y aunque algunos perros le hacen compañía a las tropas de la Guardia Nacional mientras están estacionadas en la frontera, hay muchos perros necesitados y mucho más por hacer.

Border Crisis Dogs Abandoned By Migrants ... Reporters & National Guard Caring for Pups


There's a crazy thing happening along the southern border -- migrants attempting to enter the United States with their dogs are forced to leave them behind, and it's creating a whole other crisis.

FNC reporter Matt Finn is on the ground in Eagle Pass, Texas and joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" to reveal what he's seeing firsthand ... and how he and other TV crews are getting involved, and taking some of the dogs in themselves.

Matt says tons of migrants are trying to cross the border with their dogs, only to be told they can't bring the pups with them to federal processing centers ... resulting in strays roaming the border.

The circumstances leave dogs in need of food, water and shelter ... and Matt says troops with the National Guard are taking care of some of the doggos ... and he and his producer have helped out too.

Some dogs have ticks, fleas and worms ... and Matt tells us at least one vet in town is caring for them pro bono.

Matt's seen this tragedy play out before in other areas along the border ... getting a handful of dogs rehomed.

Fact is ... that's just a drop in the bucket, and while some dogs are keeping National Guard troops company while they're stationed at the border ... there's a lot of dogs in need, and a lot more to be done.

Phoenix Suns Puppy Goes Potty At Halftime ... Right On Court!!!

Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant and Devin Booker had to wait a few extra seconds to get their second half started on Tuesday night ... and it's all 'cause a puppy peed on their court.

Fur real!!!

The hilarious moment went down as the Suns brought out a gaggle of young dogs to race during the halftime break in Phoenix's matchup against the Sacramento Kings at Footprint Center in Arizona.

The contest started out innocently enough -- the pups cutely loitered around the starting line ... before one of the doggos was lured out by some cheerleaders with toys.

As they tried to get the puppy to cross the checkered finish, though, he had to paw-se to relieve himself!!

The race still continued despite the puddle near halfcourt ... before, mercifully, one of the furry friends finally touched the finish line.

While it took a few beats to get the area all cleaned up ... Durant and Booker were ultimately able to take the floor again -- and it's a good thing for the Suns, because they helped the team storm back from a deficit to win the game, 119-117.

Of course, the team is kind of used to overcoming these messy halftime moments ... just a year ago, a dog did the same thing during the same race!

But, hey, if it keeps leading to wins ... howl could you change it?!

L.A. POLICE CHASE Dog Thrown From Car Staying With Vets ... Animal Cruelty Charges Added

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The poor dog thrown out of a moving car during a police pursuit in Los Angeles is not being returned to its owner for the time being ... instead, it'll be staying with a local humane society.

Daniel Pena -- the animal control supervisor at the Inland Valley Humane Society & SPCA -- tells TMZ ... the pooch will remain in their care, for now, while an investigation into Thursday's incident plays out.

As we reported ... the dog was tossed out of the window of some scumbag's truck Thursday as the driver was leading police on a high-speed chase.

Cops tell us the suspect is a 47-year-old man named Robin Luna and the chase started with a reported vandalism.

The guy was initially charged with felony evading but now we're told prosecutors are going to tack on animal cruelty charges.

As a result, the SPCA says the dog will remain in protective custody with them until further notice.

Fortunately, the dog survived and appears to have avoided life-threatening injuries ... although it's a good bet the pup is shaken up.

Un conductor de Los Ángeles arroja a su perro de un camión en marcha durante una persecución policial

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el infame momento

La policía de Los Ángeles persigue a un sospechoso que arroja a un perro por la ventanilla de su camioneta.

Este pedazo de basura era buscado por vandalismo y llevó a los oficiales a una persecución a alta velocidad el jueves por la tarde en varias autopistas de Los Ángeles diferentes antes de entrar a los suburbios de Pomona.

El tipo no parecía reducir la velocidad en absoluto cuando él sorprendentemente arrojó al perro de su vehículo, obligando a las unidades de policía que persiguen a desviarse alrededor del pobre animal.

Por desgracia, no está claro si el cachorro sobrevivió a la caída de la camioneta.

En cuanto al idiota detrás de esto... golpeó a otros dos vehículos durante la persecución, el segundo fue una colisión frontal a 60 mph que le puso fin a la persecución.

Los policías rodearon rápidamente su camión y le gritaron instrucciones, pero no quiso salir. Finalmente, los agentes utilizaron munición no letal para disparar contra su ventanilla y a continuación lo sacaron a rastras y lo detuvieron.

Los otros dos conductores a los que atropelló no sufrieron heridas graves y pudieron salir ilesos de los accidentes.

L.A. Police Chase Driver Throws Dog from Moving Truck During High-Speed Chase

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Horrifying sight in L.A. during one of those wild police chases -- as the suspect was speeding away from cops, he tossed a small dog out his window!

This piece of crap was wanted for vandalism, and led CHP officers on a high-speed chase Thursday afternoon on several different L.A. freeways ... before exiting onto surface streets in the suburb of Pomona.

The guy didn't appear to slow down at all when he shockingly threw the dog out of his vehicle, forcing the pursuing police units to swerve around the poor animal.

Unfortunately, it's unclear if the pup even survived the fall from the truck.

As for the jerk behind the wheel ... he went on to hit 2 other vehicles during the chase -- the second one being a head-on 60 mph collision that brought the pursuit to an end.

Cops quickly surrounded his truck, and shouted instructions, but he would not get out on his own. Officers eventually used non-lethal rounds to shoot out his window, and then dragged him out and arrested him.

Both of the other drivers he hit were not seriously injured and were able to walk away from the accidents.


Tik Tok / @izzzjson

A Florida couple had a complete meltdown at the airport ... accusing American Airlines of keeping their pet dogs away from them after their flight was delayed.

Dustin Miller and his husband Anthony Thorne were captured on viral TikTok footage making a massive scene at Charlotte Douglas Airport in North Carolina ... while also telling a woman in a wheelchair to "f*** off, bitch!"

As you can see, Miller, who appears drunk, yells to other travelers at the top of his lungs that the airline has f***ed them over ... as they all wait to board a flight to Fort Lauderdale.

Thorne tries to calm his husband down, but to no avail ... as Miller fires back: "You don't care about the girls?!" .... repeatedly slurring the name of their pet dogs, Shelby and Dolly -- adding he was merely trying to get back home ASAP to be with them.

Miller's tirade escalates when the woman in the wheelchair with her own pet pooch beside her asks them to go away -- and he snaps viciously at her, too.


To add to the chaos, OnlyFans model Austin Summers, who used to live in the same apartment complex as the couple, recognized the couple from a video ... claiming on X they've made transphobic comments in the past.

This doesn't look good for Miller, who works as an accountant at Sykes & Company, according to his LinkedIn.

Pareja de Florida Crisis épica en el aeropuerto por sus perros

Piensa en las chicas!!!
Tik Tok / @izzzjson

Una pareja de Florida tuvo una crisis épica en el aeropuerto, acusando a American Airlines de mantener a sus perros alejados de ellos después de que su vuelo se retrasara.

Dustin Miller y su esposo Anthony Thorne fueron capturados en un video viral de TikTok, en el que hacen una gran escena en el aeropuerto Charlotte Douglas en Carolina del Norte, al mismo tiempo que le dicen a una mujer en silla de ruedas que es una "¡p***, perra!"

Como pueden ver, Miller, que parece borracho, le grita a otros viajeros a todo pulmón que la aerolínea los ha jodido, mientras todos esperan el embarque a un vuelo a Fort Lauderdale.

Thorne trata de calmar a su marido, pero no lo logra. Miller dispara de nuevo: "¡¿No te importan las chicas?!", arrastrando repetidamente el nombre de sus perras Shelby y Dolly, y añadiendo que solo estaba tratando de volver a casa lo antes posible para estar con ellas.

La diatriba de Miller se intensifica cuando la mujer en la silla de ruedas con su propia mascota a su lado les pide que se vayan y él también se ensaña con ella.

Para añadir al caos, la modelo de OnlyFans Austin Summers, que solía vivir en el mismo complejo de apartamentos que la pareja, los reconoció en el video y alegó en X que la pareja había hecho comentarios transfóbicos en el pasado.

Esto no pinta bien para Miller, quien trabaja como contable en Sykes & Company, según su LinkedIn.

Alaskan Mother Presumed Dead After Trying To Save Dog from Frozen River

A mother of 4 in Alaska has gone missing and is presumed dead after risking her life to try and save her dog from drowning in a frozen river.

45-year-old Amanda Richmond Rogers was taking a hike Saturday in Anchorage with her dog, Groot, and her husband, Brian, celebrating Amanda and Brian's 18th wedding anniversary, when Groot tried getting some water from a nearby river.

The Irish Wolfhound's weight broke the ice below him and he fell into a small hole in the Eagle River. Amanda and Brian sprang into action to rescue the pup ... and Brian says his wife, an ER nurse, didn't hesitate to jump into the frigid water to save him.

Brian says he last spotted Amanda swimming downstream under the ice, but that was the last time he saw them ... adding, "I waited and waited and am still waiting."

Rescue teams are still on the hunt to find Groot and Amanda's bodies, Alaska State Troopers, the state's Dive Search, Rescue, and Recovery Team, the Solstice Search, and the Alaska Wildlife Troopers are all on the hunt.

The search came to a brief halt on Tuesday when equipment froze up ... but when the sun came up Wednesday morning, the search team began deploying underwater drones, specialist rescue dogs, and sonar equipment to help with the efforts.

The family has received condolences from friends, family, and others since the tragic incident ... Brian says, "To me and our four boys, [Amanda] died a hero."

Madre en Alaska Presuntamente muere tras intentar salvar a su perro en un río congelado

Una madre de 4 hijos en Alaska ha desaparecido y se presume muerta después de arriesgar su vida para intentar salvar a su perro de ahogarse en un río congelado.

Amanda Richmond Rogers, de 45 años, estaba haciendo una caminata el sábado en Anchorage con su perro Groot y su marido Brian, mientras celebraban su 18 aniversario de boda, cuando Groot intentó tomar un poco de agua de un río cercano.

El peso del perro Irish Wolfhound hizo que se rompiera el hielo y cayera en un pequeño agujero en el río Eagle. Amanda y Brian entraron en acción para rescatar al cachorro y Brian dice que su esposa, una enfermera de urgencias, no dudó en saltar al agua para salvarlo.

Brian dice que divisó por última vez a Amanda nadando río abajo bajo el hielo, pero esa fue la última vez que los vio, añadiendo: "Esperé y esperé y todavía estoy esperando".

Los equipos de rescate siguen a la caza para encontrar los cuerpos de Groot y Amanda, Alaska State Troopers, el equipo de búsqueda, rescate y recuperación de buceo del estado, el Solstice Search y Alaska Wildlife Troopers están todos abocados en la búsqueda.

El operativo se detuvo brevemente el martes cuando el equipo de búsqueda se congeló, pero cuando el sol salió el miércoles por la mañana, el equipo comenzó a desplegar aviones no tripulados bajo el agua, perros de rescate especializados y un equipo de sonar para ayudar con los esfuerzos.

La familia ha recibido condolencias de amigos, familiares y otras personas desde el trágico incidente. Brian dice: "Para mí y nuestros cuatro hijos, [Amanda] murió como un héroe".

Adoptan a un mapache y se convierte en viral

feliz navidad pequeño Rick
Twitter / @StacyRost

Una pareja de Washington parece haber adoptado extraoficialmente a un mapache cojo, lo que ha horrorizado a su hija... pero ha cautivado los corazones de miles de personas en Internet.

La presentadora de deportes de la radio de Seattle, Stacy Jo Rost, ha documentado durante todo el fin de semana a esta bola de pelo a la que llama "Pequeño Rick", en honor a su padrastro. Dice que, después de tener que sacrificar al perro de la familia hace dos años, Rick padre y su madre han recurrido al mapache para sobrellevar la situación.

Básicamente, sus padres han recurrido a alimentar a Ricky. El mapache de un año va a su propiedad con regularidad para comer y al parecer tiene un horario establecido.

Stacy publicó un montón de videos capturando los hábitos alimenticios del pequeño Rick, incluyendo algunos intentos apresurados de pedir más bocados y arañando la ventana en lo que parece un intento de entrar. ¡Incluso intentó morder el dedo de Stacy a través del cristal de la ventana!

Stacy dice que sus padres encontraron a Rick cuando era pequeño y se dieron cuenta de que su pata trasera estaba herida. Por lo tanto, parece que empezaron a atenderlo (tomando cierta distancia) y ahora, el pequeño viene a su casa como un lugar de consuelo y comida.

Como dijimos, se puede decir que Stacy no es una gran fan de esto, señalando que es, de hecho, un animal salvaje y no una mascota, a pesar de que su mamá y papá parecen estar tratándolo como uno.

Curiosamente, si te metes en la tendencia del pequeño Rick en Tuiter... verás una buena cantidad de gente apoyando a los padres adoptivos humanos y argumentando que Stacy está siendo dura.

Pero ella se mantiene firme y le advierte a todo el mundo que no se fíe del pequeño Rick, por muy tierno que sea.

'Little Rick' Crippled Raccoon Adopted by Humans ... Goes Viral for Antics!!!

Twitter / @StacyRost

An older couple in Washington appears to have unofficially taken a hobbled raccoon into their care -- which has horrified their daughter ... but captured the hearts of thousands online.

Seattle sports radio host Stacy Jo Rost has documented this fur ball all weekend, who she calls "Little Rick" ... named after her stepdad. She says after having to put their family dog down 2 years ago, Rick Sr. and her mom have turned to the raccoon as a way to cope.

Basically, her folks have resorted to feeding Ricky here ... and the 1-year-old raccoon comes over to their property regularly for his meals, which are scheduled and on the dot, it seems.

Stacy posted a ton of videos capturing Little Rick's eating habits, including some hasty attempts at asking for more morsels ... by scratching at the window in what looks like an attempt to come inside. He even tried biting at Stacy's finger through the window pane!

Stacy says her parents found Rick when he was tiny, and they noticed his back leg was injured. So, it sounds like they started to attend to him -- from a bit of a distance, though -- and now ... LR comes by their place as a place of comfort and food, limping at that.

Like we said, you can tell SJR is not a huge fan of this ... pointing out it is, in fact, a wild animal and not a pet -- even though her mom and dad seem to be treating it like one.

Funny enough, if you hop into the Little Rick trend on Twitter ... you'll see a fair amount of people actually supporting the adoptive human parents, and arguing Stacy's being harsh.

But she's sticking to her guns -- warning everyone not to trust Little Rick, cute as he may be.

Tom Brady & Gisele Bündchen Mourn Death of Family Dog Lua ... We Love & Miss You❤️

Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen's family dog died, and they're both post remembrances of the pooch -- who their kids seemed to absolutely adore.

The exes posted respective tributes to their pit bull mix, Lua, on Saturday ... announcing their longtime pet had passed on. Tom threw up a photo of his two children with Gisele -- Benjamin and Vivian -- hovering over their doggy, which had its eyes closed.

He wrote, "We love you Lua RIP." He posted another photo of Lulu, and added ... "Forever in our hearts." In yet another IG Story slide, he uploaded a boomerang of his daughter playing with Lulu.

Gisele, likewise, threw up a bunch of shots of the canine in a sprawling IG post ... and she had a sweet shout-out to Lulu that touched on just how much she meant to the family.

She wrote, "Our little Lulu, our guardian angel is gone to heaven. She will forever live in our hearts. We already miss her sooooo much! #unconditionallove RIPLua." Her caption was also translated to Portuguese ... and she included a ton of awesome photos of their doggo.

Unclear when exactly they got Lua, but we know they adopted the pit bull at some point in their marriage ... and that their kids grew up with it too. They have another dog too, Fluffy.

All dogs go to heaven.


Florida Man Busted for Trying to Kill & Dump Old Dog

Lee County Sheriff's Office

A guy in Florida was caught on video dumping what cops say was an old, helpless dog that he allegedly tried killing before throwing it away ... and now, he's facing criminal charges.

55-year-old Anthony Bellman was recently arrested and booked for animal cruelty in Lee County, FL -- this after he was seen on surveillance footage last week chucking a black garbage bag into a dumpster behind a Family Dollar store in Lehigh Acres.

The authorities there claim a 16-year-old Shih Tzu pooch was in the bag, and that it'd been left for dead after Bellman allegedly tried choking it out with a rope, but failed.

It was later found alive by an employee with a rope still around its body. The dog has since been taken to a clinic for its injuries. Her name is Xyla, and she's mostly blind.

As for Bellman, he was tracked down by the Sheriff's Office and hauled in for a mug shot not long after this ... and according to officials, he allegedly said he didn't want to take the dog to get euthanized since it'd be too sad. Instead, he attempted to snuff it out himself.

Law enforcement claims he attempted to snap Xyla's neck with a belt before ultimately giving up and throwing her out like trash. The Sheriff there, Carmine Marceno, says he's glad to have been able to hold Bellman accountable. A new home for Xyla is being sought out.

Hombre de Florida Es pillado tratando de matar y abandonar a un perro viejo e indefenso

Abusador de Perros
Lee County Sheriff's Office

Un hombre en Florida fue capturado en video tirando un perro viejo e indefenso, que supuestamente trató de matar antes de abandonar, y ahora se enfrenta a cargos criminales.

Anthony Bellman, de 55 años, fue arrestado recientemente y fichado por crueldad hacia los animales en el condado de Lee, Florida. Esto, después de que las imágenes de vigilancia revelaran que estaba tirando una bolsa de basura en un contenedor detrás de una tienda Family Dollar en Lehigh Acres.

Las autoridades afirman que dentro de la bolsa había un perro Shih Tzu de 16 años de edad, que había sido dado por muerto después de que Bellman supuestamente tratara de ahogarlo con una cuerda, aunque fracasó.

Más tarde, un empleado lo encontró vivo y con la cuerda alrededor del cuerpo. Desde entonces, el perro ha sido llevado a una clínica por sus heridas. Su nombre es Xyla y está en su mayoría ciega.

En cuanto a Bellman, el hombre fue rastreado por la Oficina del Sheriff y arrastrado para una ficha policial no mucho después de esto. De acuerdo con los funcionarios, Bellman dijo que supuestamente no quiso recurrir a la eutanasia, pues le parecía demasiado triste. En lugar de eso, intentó matarlo él mismo.

Las autoridades afirman que el hombre intentó romper el cuello de Xyla con un cinturón antes de darse por vencido y tirarla como si fuera basura. El sheriff del lugar Carmine Marceno dice que se alegra de haber podido responsabilizar a Bellman.

Se está buscando un nuevo hogar para Xyla.

Shohei Ohtani Reveals Dog's Name ... It's Not Dodger!!!

Los Angeles Dodgers

After a ton of speculation, Shohei Ohtani is finally spilling the beans on what he named his dog ... and as it turns out, it has nothing to do with his new team, the Los Angeles Dodgers.

His name is Decoy!!

The 29-year-old Japanese superstar met with the media as a Dodger for the very first time just minutes ago ... where he talked all about topics like his decision to take his talents to L.A., winning aspirations and recent surgery.

But the one question everyone wanted the answer to -- what the heck is your dog's name, dude?!?!

Of course, the phenomenon started after Ohtani accepted his 2023 MVP award ... when reporters claimed Shotime's team refused to disclose any information about the four-legged friend who made an appearance with him in a video interview.

The secrecy led to a bunch of rumors -- and some even claimed it was because Ohtani chose a namesake related to his next destination.

But the two-way athlete put an end to all that talk on Thusday ... saying he decided on Decoy -- or the Japanese version, Dekopin.

As for when he knew he would be a Dodger, Shohei said he came to the decision the night before he announced his next move on Instagram.

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