Kim & Kroy Cops Called Over Their Dog ... Allegedly Tried To Tackle Neighbor Kid


9:39 AM PT -- A source close to Kim Zolciak says the police never spoke to Kim and Kroy Biermann after the report was made, and the reporting person allegedly doesn't even live in the neighborhood.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are in the doghouse with law enforcement yet again ... after some pissed-off neighbors called the cops after one of the estranged couple's dogs nearly attacked a kid.

Alpharetta, GA cops got a call last week about the Biermann dog from a woman who said it was off its leash ... the woman claimed this wasn't the first problem with the dog.

The caller told dispatch the dog "almost attacked her kids" last month, telling officers the pooch chased them -- but thankfully, no one was injured.

Given what allegedly went down, the caller said seeing the dog roaming without a leash was concerning, telling dispatch the dog is "super aggressive and never confined."

Kim and Kroy's dogs -- Stone and Sinn -- were apparently the topic of discussion in a Facebook group as well -- with a conversation posted on IG account @Thegoodthebadandthefake6 concerned parent saying a dog had tried to "tackle and attack" their kid, who was riding a scooter.


Folks chimed in, pointing the finger at the estranged couple and saying -- "It may be [Kim and Kroy's] dog. He is usually behind the gate in the front yard, but sometimes their driveway gate is open."

BTW, Sinn bit their son, Kash, back in 2017 ... nearly blinding him.

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But the dogs are obviously not Kim and Kroy's only problems ... as we reported, local cops have been called a couple of times to their home, and body cam footage from August showed how unpleasant things have gotten in their house recently.

Originally Published -- 12:50 AM PT

Guns N' Roses Duff McKagan Adopts Adorable Rescue Puppy

Guns N' Roses' bass player, Duff McKagan, is the proud owner of an adorable new pup ... a rescue he picked up with his boo as a brand new addition to their family.

Duff and his wife, Susan Holmes McKagan, rescued the little one Monday from The Labelle Foundation in Los Angeles -- an organization that's all about rescuing, rehabbing, and advocating for dogs.

The doggo is a chihuahua-terrier mix and is just about as adorable as it sounds.

Instagram / @susanholmesmckagan

And if ya still aren't on board, check out this clip of it running around in the grass ... awww!!!

BTW, Guns N' Roses just wrapped the North American leg of its latest tour -- closing out with a couple of shows at The Hollywood Bowl and a killer concert at Hell And Heaven Fest in Mexico.

Translation ... Duff and Susan have some time on their hands to train their adorable dog.

Welcome to the rockin' family, lil pup!

DUFF MCKAGAN DE GUNS N' ROSES Adopta a un adorable cachorro rescatado

El bajista de Guns N' Roses, Duff McKagan, es el orgulloso propietario de un nuevo y adorable cachorro, que rescató junto a su pareja para hacerlo parte de su familia.

Duff y su esposa, Susan Holmes McKagan, rescataron al pequeño el lunes de la Fundación Labelle en Los Ángeles, una organización que se dedica a rescatar, abogar y rehabilitar a perros.

El doggo es una mezcla de chihuahua-terrier y es supertierno.

Nuevo perrito
Instagram / @susanholmesmckagan

Si todavía no estás a bordo, echa un vistazo a este clip de ella corriendo por la hierba ... awww!!!

Por cierto, Guns N' Roses acaba de concluir la etapa norteamericana de su última gira, con un par de shows en el Hollywood Bowl y un concierto en el Hell And Heaven Fest en México.

En otras palabras, Duff y Susan tienen algo de tiempo para entrenar a su adorable perro.

¡Bienvenido a la familia, cachorro!

PEYTON MANNING Conmocionado cuando Arnold le da de comer a un burro en directo

invitado sorpresa
ESPN/Omaha Productions

Peyton Manning debe haberse perdido la reunión de pauta, porque el miembro del Salón de la Fama parecía absolutamente sorprendido cuando Arnold Schwarzenegger alimentó a su burro mascota, Lulu, frente a millones de personas durante la transmisión, ¡y la reacción en el panel no tiene precio!

El incómodo momento tuvo lugar durante el programa "Manningcast" de Peyton y su hermano Eli Manning en ESPN durante el partido de los NY Jets contra los L.A. Chargers el lunes por la noche.

Como siempre, los famosos hermanos del fútbol americano trajeron invitados de gran calibre al programa, esta vez Arnold fue quien se presentó. Sin embargo, la legendaria estrella del cine de acción no estaba sola.

Fue el invitado especial de Schwarzenegger el que sorprendió a Peyton.

"Oh, sí", le dijo Schwarzenegger tranquilamente a Lulu mientras le daba de comer. La cara de Peyton fue divertidísima.

Eli trató de aliviar algo la incomodidad ... tomando un tiro en su hermano mayor.

"¡¿Qué es eso?!", preguntó Eli. "Ese burro se parece a ti comiéndote a Peyton".

Por supuesto, actor y fisicoculturista de 76 años ha profesado su amor hacia los animales ampliamente, y fuera de su burro, Arnold tiene un pony mascota, un cerdo y algunos perros.

Schwarzenegger explicó recientemente cómo consiguió el burro; él y su novia sentían que su pony Whiskey necesitaba un amigo, por lo que consiguió Lulu.

"Pasaban el rato juntos, se querían", dijo Schwarzenegger a ¡HOLA! "Ella necesitaba una compañera. Míralos, ¡se llevan bien!".

Esperemos que Arnold traiga a Lulu y Whiskey a Manningcast la próxima vez.

Peyton Manning What The F***?!? ... Shocked As Arnold Feeds Donkey On Air

ESPN/Omaha Productions

Peyton Manning must've missed a production meeting ... 'cause the Hall of Famer looked absolutely shocked beyond belief when Arnold Schwarzenegger fed his pet donkey, Lulu, in front of millions during MNF, and the legendary signal caller's reaction was priceless!

The awkward moment went down during Peyton and brother Eli Manning's 'Manningcast' show on ESPN during the NY Jets vs. L.A. Chargers game Monday night.

As always, the famous football bros brought A-list guests to the show ... this time bringing on the one and only Arnold. But, the legendary action movie star wasn't alone.

And, it was Schwarzenegger's special guest that threw Peyton for a loop.

"Oh yes," Schwarzenegger calmly told Lulu as he fed her. The look on Peyton's face was hilarious!

Eli tried to alleviate some of the awkwardness ... by taking a shot at his older brother.

"What is that?!" Eli asked. "That donkey looks like you eating Peyton."

Of course, the 76-year-old actor, bodybuilder, and politician's love for animals is widely known .. and outside of his donkey, Arnold has a pet pony, pig, and some dogs.

Schwarzenegger recently explained how he got the donkey ... he and his GF felt their pony Whiskey needed a bestie, so he got Lulu.

"They were hanging out together, loving each other," Schwarzenegger told HOLA!. "She needed a companion. Look at them, they’re getting along!"

Let's hope Arnold brings Lulu and Whiskey on Manningcast next time!

ROBO DE GATOS Un jurado concede 1.4 millones de dólares... en caso de secuestro gatuno

Un gato callejero ha convertido en millonario a un tipo muy afortunado.

Joshua Smith acaba de obtener un veredicto de 1.375 millones de dólares luego de que un jurado dictaminara que su casero había secuestrado a Frank, su gato.

El hombre de Oregón encontró al gato callejero allá por 2017 y lo acogió en un centro residencial de recuperación de drogas en el que se alojaba. Dos años después, Frank desaparecido y Joshua supo que su casero era el culpable. Según los informes, el propietario confesó y dijo que le dio a Frank a su novia para que lo llevara a un refugio local.

Él demandó y el jurado tardó menos de dos horas para conceder el veredicto. Normalmente en estos casos, el dueño del animal solo podría recuperar el valor real del gato, que sería casi nada. Aunque no hay información disponible, parece que el jurado concedió daños punitivos por mala conducta intencionada.

Joshua echa de menos a su gato, pero no puede negar que le trajo fortuna.

Catnapping Caper Cat's Got YouR Bank Account? Jury Awards $1.4M Against Landlord Who Stole Tenant's Cat

An alley cat has turned a man who was down on his luck into a millionaire.

Joshua Smith just snagged a $1.375 million verdict after a jury ruled his landlord catnapped Frank, his Cheshire cat.

The Oregon man found the stray back in 2017, and took him in at a drug recovery residential facility where he was staying. Two years later, Frank turned up missing, and Joshua knew ... his landlord was the culprit. The landlord reportedly confessed and said he gave Frank to his girlfriend to take to a local shelter.

He sued, and it took the jury less than 2 hours to award the whopping verdict. Typically in these cases, the animal owner could only recover the actual value of the cat, which would be next to nothing. Although information isn't available, it would appear the jury awarded punitive damages for willful misconduct.

Joshua's missing his cat, but he's gotta be feline fine now that he's a millionaire.

Kyle Kuzma Sued Your Dog Attacked Me On A Plane!!!

A man claims Kyle Kuzma's dog "viciously" bit him earlier this year ... and he says the damages from the attack were so bad, he now wants the NBA star to pay up over it all.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ Sports, the incident happened while Kuzma and the man -- Bernardo Tosto -- were on a plane on May 4 near the Van Nuys airport in California.

Tosto says he was walking toward the cabin of the plane ... when, suddenly, Kuzma's dog bit him on his right arm.

In the suit, Tosto claims he suffered "severe injuries" as a result of the attack ... and he says it was all Kuzma's fault, because the basketball player "did not take any action to secure the dog."

Tosto is suing for unspecified damages.

It's unclear which of Kuzma's dogs was accused of biting Tosto ... the former Lakers star has been seen with a couple pooches on his Instagram page over the past few years.

We've reached out to Kuzma -- who signed a 4-year, $90 million extension with the Washington Wizards this offseason -- for comment on the matter, but so far, no word back yet.

Presidente Biden Su pastor alemán es apartado de la Casa Blanca Por seguidilla de mordiscos

El perro del presidente Biden, Comandante, está en la perrera, ya que luego de alcanzar un número alarmante de mordeduras a otras personas ha sido expulsado de la Casa Blanca.

El pastor alemán, de 2 años, ha mordisqueado mucho más que los 11 incidentes que reconoce el Servicio Secreto. Se dice que Comandante ha mordido a agentes, pero también a la gente que trabaja alrededor de la Casa Blanca y en la residencia del presidente.

Como resultado, ya no vive en la Casa Blanca, según CNN. Comandante fue trasladado a otro lugar mientras Joe y Jill intentan averiguar qué hacer con él.

Es parte de una tendencia preocupante para Comandante y ahora se está conociendo mucho más sobre la gravedad de los incidentes, con CNN informando que al menos una de las víctimas tuvo que ser derivada a un hospital y otra requirió atención médica.

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Biden tiene un mordedor

¿La razón por la que solo once mordeduras están oficialmente en el registro? Varios incidentes ocurren sin ser tratados ni reportados.

Recuerden, el Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca dice que Comandante se sentía estresado por la conmoción del lugar y por el hecho de ver a las personas correr de un lado para otro en la residencia de la Casa Blanca y otras áreas también.

Ahora Comandante ha sido oficialmente apartado de Pennsylvania Avenue como su hermano mayor, Major, otro pastor alemán del presi que se metió en problemas por morder.

No está claro si Comandante estará de vuelta en la Casa Blanca en el corto plazo ... Manténganse atentos.

PRESIDENT BIDEN First Pooch Out of White House ... Amid Commander's Biting Spree

President Biden's pooch, Commander, is in the doghouse ... he's been booted from the White House amid an alarming number of biting incidents.

The Bidens' 2-year-old German Shepherd is reported to have chomped down on way more than the 11 incidents the Secret Service acknowledges ... it's said Commander is not only biting agents but also folks who work around the White House and at the president's residence.

As a result, Commander's no longer living at the White House, according to CNN ... he's getting a change in scenery as Joe and Jill try to figure out what to do with their dog.

It's part of a troubling trend for Commander ... and now we're learning more about the severity of the bites, with CNN reporting at least one sent the victim to the hospital, and another required medical attention.

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The reason only 11 bites are officially on the record ... several incidents are going untreated and unreported.

Remember ... the White House Press Secretary says Commander was feeling stressed out by all the commotion and people darting back and forth in the residence of The White House and other areas as well.

Now, Commander's gotten the boot from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like his older brother, Major ... the prez's other German Shepherd who also found himself in biting trouble.

Unclear if Commander will be back at the White House any time soon ... stay tuned.

Charli D'Amelio Blows Up At Dixie, Storms Out Over Dog-Killing Joke ... 'WTF Is Wrong With You?!'

Charli D'Amelio was in attack mode after her sister, Dixie, joked about killing her dog, Rebel ... dramatically storming out of a family meeting about Rebel's eating habits.


The sisters went at it on the latest episode of their Hulu series, "The D'Amelio Show" ... 19-year-old Charli and 22-year-old Dixie were talking with their parents, Marc and Heidi, about moving houses when the focus shifted to Charli's pup.

Dixie calls "Charli's fat dog" a monster, with Heidi agreeing Rebel is pretty big, adding, "She's gonna die" and they need a plan.

That's when Dixie dropped the sarcastic bombshell, quietly saying, "Execute her?" -- which didn't sit well with Charli, at all.

She immediately blew up, telling Dixie, "What the f*** is wrong with you? That's so mean, you can't put that out in the world." Mom agreed.

The younger sister left a lot of tension behind as she walked out of the convo ... and Dixie rolled her eyes, calling her sister "a bitch."

BTW, Marc obviously didn't want to fuel the fire ... telling producers the fam "can't afford them not to be speaking."

Lots of drama in the D'Amelio household, and cupcake-snatching Rebel's caught in the middle of it!

For more influencer news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.


Charli D'Amelio estaba en modo furia luego de que su hermana —Dixie— bromeara sobre matar a su perra Rebel. Salió furiosa de una reunión familiar acerca de los hábitos alimenticios de la mascota.

drama por un perrito

Las hermanas se enfrentaron en el último episodio de su serie de Hulu, "The D'Amelio Show". Charli de 19 años y Dixie de 22 estaban hablando con sus padres —Marc y Heidi— sobre mudarse de casa cuando el foco de atención pasó a la mascota de Charli.

Dixie llama a la "perrita gorda de Charli" un monstruo. Heidi está de acuerdo con que Rebel es bastante grande y agregó: "Ella va a morir" así que necesitan un plan.

Fue entonces cuando Dixie soltó una bomba sarcástica diciendo en voz baja: "¿Ejecutarla?". Claramente la broma no sentó bien con Charli.

Estalló inmediatamente, diciéndole a Dixie: "¿Qué mier... te pasa? Eso es horrible, no puedes decir esas cosas". Mamá le dio la razón.

La hermana menor dejó mucha tensión en el aire al salir del lugar y Dixie puso los ojos en blanco llamando a su hermana "perra".

Obviamente Marc no quería avivar el fuego y le dijo a todos que "no pueden darse el lujo de no hablarse".

Mucho drama en la casa D'Amelio y Rebel —la ladrona de cupcakes— está en medio de todo.

Para más noticias sobre influencers sintoniza el podcast TMZ Verified. Todos los jueves en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Britney Spears ¡¡¡Quítenle los perros!!! Piden los fans luego del video con cuchillos

Britney Spears no solo representa un grave peligro para sí misma bailando con cuchillos afilados, sino que también para sus pequeños perros, según piensan sus seguidores, quienes creen que estos deberían ser rescatados.

Britney ha hecho que las personas comenten en Internet, después de poner su fascinación por los cuchillos en plena exhibición el lunes por la noche en un bizarro video donde aparece bailando, pinchando e incluso chocando los cuchillos entre sí.

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baile con cuchillos
Instagram / @britneyspears

A lo largo del video, se puede ver a los tres perros de Britney observando asustados, mientras ella da vueltas con los cuchillos afilados. De hecho, cuando Britney los choca, los perros corren a esconderse.

Los fans y críticos de Britney opinaron sobre los perritos en las redes sociales, escribiendo: "Esos pobres perros simplemente corrieron asustados necesitan ser rescatados y ella necesita AYUDA". Otro escribe: "¡¡¡Alguien por favor salve a estos cachorros!!!" y: "Ahora me preocupa que ella tenga perros y mucho menos cualquier animal después de este video".

Debemos señalar que el pie de foto original de Britney bailando decía: "Empecé a jugar en la cocina con cuchillos hoy". Aunque más tarde dijo que eran accesorios falsos de Halloween. Sin embargo, por el sonido, está bastante claro que eran de verdad.

Un fan lo señaló: "Los cuchillos hacían un ruido metálico. Son claramente reales. Lo suficientemente reales como para caer sobre uno de los pobres cachorros y matarlo".

Britney podría haber confirmado los temores de que estos eran reales, con el video que publicó el martes donde aparece con un corte en la pierna y un vendaje en el brazo.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los Servicios para Animales del Condado de Ventura, quienes nos dijeron que aún no habían recibido ninguna queja sobre la conducta de Britney. Sin embargo, el representante agregó: "Revisamos el video y aunque los perros parecían asustarse por el tintineo de los cuchillos, no sentimos que estuvieran en una situación en la que fuera necesario enviar a un oficial."

Britney Spears Take Dogs Away from Her!!! Fans Urge After Knife Vid

Britney Spears not only poses a serious danger to herself by dancing around with sharp knives, but onlookers believe her tiny dogs are also at risk ... and should be taken away.

Britney's got the internet talking after putting her fascination with knives on full display Monday night in a bizarre video where she danced with, jabbed and even clanged knives together.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Throughout the video, you can see 3 of Britney's dogs looking on in fear as she twirls around with the sharp tools. In fact, when Britney bangs the knives together, the dogs run for cover.

Britney fans and critics sounded off about the pooches on social media, writing, "Those poor dogs just ran scared they need to be rescued and she needs HELP." Another writes, "Someone please save this puppies!!" and, "I'm now concerned about her having dogs let alone any animals after this video."

We should note, Britney's original caption with the dancing video read, "I started playing in the kitchen with knives today," she later added to say they were fake Halloween props. However, it's pretty clear to tell from the sound, the knives are real.


One fan pointed this out, saying, "The knives made a clanking noises. They're clearly real. Real enough to fall on and kill one of those poor worried pups."

Britney may have confirmed her fans fears that the knives were real, posting a video of herself Tuesday where she appeared to have a cut on her leg and bandage on her arm.

We contacted Ventura County Animal Services who told us they hadn't yet received any complaints about Britney's conduct. However, the rep added, "We reviewed the video, and while the dogs appeared to be startled by the clinking of the knives, we didn’t feel they were in a situation where an officer needed to be dispatched."

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Should Britney Spears' dogs be taken away from her in light of the knife video? Vote below.

Presidente Biden Su pastor alemán muerde a otro agente del Servicio Secreto ... 11 víctimas y contando

El Presidente Biden tiene un mordedor en sus manos, su perro, Comandante, quien ha atacado de nuevo, posiblemente a la 11 ª víctima.

Se informa que Comandante mordió a otro agente del Servicio Secreto el lunes. Esto, de acuerdo con un portavoz de la agencia, quienes confirmaron que uno de sus chicos había sido mordido alrededor de las 8 PM y que fue atendido por personal médico.

Las circunstancias en que ocurrió la mordedura y el alcance de las lesiones del agente del Servicio Secreto aún no han sido revelados, pero de todos modos, ha demostrado ser una tendencia preocupante este año.

Recordemos que en julio se supo que Comandante llevaba cuatro meses atacando a mordiscos a varios agentes del Servicio Secreto con heridas de diversa consideración. El número que habíamos oído en ese momento era de 7, pero algunos informes lo elevaban a 10.

El Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca dijo que el perro estaba estresado por toda la conmoción y que la gente estaba corriendo de un lado a otro en la zona de residencia de la Casa Blanca y otras áreas también.

Cuando esto salió a la luz en el verano, la Casa Blanca dijo que iban a tener que someter a Comandante a más formación, y que también habían tallado zonas designadas en el exterior y establecido tiempos en los terrenos para que él pueda vagar y estirar sus piernas.

No había ninguna indicación de que Comandante terminaría como Mayor, otro pastor alemán de Biden que también se había metido en problemas por morder.

No se sabe si eso va a cambiar ahora, viendo cómo sigue hundiendo sus dientes en los seres humanos. Todo lo que podemos decir es, ¡chico travieso!

President Biden First Pooch Commander Bites Another Secret Service Agent ... 11 and Counting

President Biden has a biter on his hands ... his dog, Commander, has struck yet again ... possibly the 11th victim.

Commander is reported to have chomped down on another Secret Service agent Monday ... this according to a spokesperson for the agency. They confirmed that one of their guys had been bitten around 8 PM and that he was treated by medical personnel.

The exact circumstances of what led up to the biting and the extent of the SS agent's injuries haven't been disclosed -- but regardless ... it's proven to be a troubling trend this year.

Remember, it was revealed in July that Commander apparently went on a 4-month biting spree ... attacking several different Secret Service agents with varying degrees of wounds. The number we'd heard at the time was 7 ... but some reports had it as high as 10.

The White House Press Secretary said the dog was stressed out by all the commotion and people darting back and forth in the residence area of The White House and other areas as well.

When this came to light in the summer, the White House said they were going to have Commander undergo more training/leashing ... and that they'd also carve out designated areas and times on the grounds for Commander to roam and stretch his legs.

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There was no indication that Commander would get the boot like his older brother, Major ... another German Shepherd of Biden's that had also run into biting trouble.

No word on whether that'll change now, seeing how he continues to sink his teeth into human beings. All we can say is ... bad boy!

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