PETA critica a Amanda Gorman por su apoyo al maratón Patrocinado por la industria láctea

Amanda Gorman se ha metido en un buen lío, porque PETA va tras ella por apoyar una carrera financiada por la industria láctea.

La poetisa laureada y activista unió fuerzas recientemente con MilkPEP -una rama de marketing de la industria láctea que creó los famosos anuncios de "¿Tienes leche?"- para anunciar el maratón inaugural Every Woman's Marathon, que se promociona como "el único maratón de EE.UU. diseñado para mujeres, por mujeres".

MilkPEP y Gorman han publicado un anuncio en el que Gorman recita un poema sobre diferentes imágenes de mujeres corriendo y entrenando. Mira el video: es un poema pegadizo y un mensaje bastante inspirador.

Pero no todo el mundo está de acuerdo. PETA le ha escrito una carta a Amanda cuestionando por qué ella apoyaría un evento organizado por MilkPEP, especialmente si está bajo la mirada de la industria láctea que presuntamente maltrata a los animales.

La vicepresidenta senior de comunicaciones del grupo de derechos de los animales y corredora de distancia, escribió la carta y expresó su confusión por la asociación de Gorman, añadiendo que ella "no bebería leche de vaca al final de una carrera como no fumaría un cigarrillo".

LL dice que cualquier mujer que participe en el evento es una tonta, cayendo en un truco de la industria láctea a la que acusa de destruir el medio ambiente, causándole a las vacas angustia física y emocional y haciendo que una gran parte de la población estadounidense enferme, debido a la intolerancia a la lactosa.

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En la carta, PETA le pide a Gorman que se retire del evento, diciendo que la "voz de una generación" debe ver la "explotación" de una hembra de cualquier especie -bovina o humana- como algo malo.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, Gorman ha apoyado causas de derechos de los animales en el pasado, incluso alentando a otros a rescatar a los animales de los refugios luego de que su amado perro de casi 20 años muriera hace unos meses.

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TMZ Studios

Por mucho que PETA esté de acuerdo con ella en ese tema, está claro que no están de acuerdo en lo que respecta a este maratón. Ni siquiera cerca.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Gorman, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Un caballo de carreras da positivo en metanfetamina Tras ganar una carrera

Un caballo de carreras dio positivo por metanfetamina tras ganar una carrera en Ohio, y el castigo del entrenador ha enfadado a PETA, que ahora exige que se le prohíba la entrada.

El caballo, Gardy's Legacy, fue sometido a un análisis de sangre tras ganar una carrera en el MGM Northfield Park el 3 de septiembre y dio positivo por metanfetamina, un delito de Clase 1 Categoría A según la Asociación de Trote de EE.UU.

Tras el resultado positivo, la Comisión de Carreras del Estado de Ohio suspendió entrenador Samuel Schillaci por un año y le ordenó pagar una multa de $1k.

El Standardbred también fue descalificado y las ganancias de $4.500 fueron devueltos.

Este castigo no fue suficiente para PETA, la mayor organización de defensa de los derechos de los animales del mundo, que ahora pide que Schillaci sea expulsado permanentemente del deporte.

"Esta pequeña multa administrativa y la suspensión no son proporcionales a una infracción tan grave", declaró el lunes Kathy Guillermo, Vicepresidenta de PETA.

"La metanfetamina pone en peligro la vida de un caballo y los entrenadores que tratan a un caballo de forma tan insensible también harán lo mismo con otros. La comisión debería tener en cuenta no solo la seguridad de Gardy's Legacy, sino también la de todos los demás caballos del establo de Schillaci".

"Aquellos que demuestran tal crueldad, muestran un claro desprecio por las regulaciones y no se les debería conceder el privilegio de competir en su estado nunca más".

Guillermo añadió: "Prohibiendo permanentemente a Schillaci competir en Ohio, crearía un ambiente más seguro para todos los participantes".

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TMZ Studios

Desafortunadamente para PETA, la OSRC le dijo a FOX 8 en Cleveland que "los jueces dieron la pena máxima permitida por la ley".

En otras palabras... sus manos están atadas.

Racehorse Gardys Legacy A Tests Positive For Methamphetamine PETA Wants Trainer Banned

A racehorse tested positive for meth after a winning run in Ohio ... and the trainer's slap-on-the-wrist punishment has pissed off PETA, who is now demanding he be banned.

The horse, Gardys Legacy A, was given a blood test after winning a race at the MGM Northfield Park on September 3 ... and it came back positive for D-methamphetamine, a Class 1 Category A offense according to the U.S. Trotting Association.

Following the positive result, the Ohio State Racing Commission suspended trainer Samuel Schillaci for one year ... and ordered him to pay a $1k fine.

The Standardbred was also disqualified ... and the $4,500 winnings were returned.

That punishment clearly wasn't enough for PETA, the largest animal rights organization in the world, who are now calling on Schillaci to be permanently banned from the sport.

"This small administrative fine and suspension aren’t commensurate with such a serious violation," PETA's Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo said on Monday.

"Administering meth endangers a horse’s life, and trainers who treat a horse so callously will do the same to others, too. The commission should consider not only the safety of Gardys Legacy A but also that of all the other horses in Schillaci’s barn."

"Those who demonstrate such cruelty even one time show a clear disregard for the regulations and shouldn’t be granted the privilege of competing in your state ever again."

Guillermo added, "By permanently barring Schillaci from competing in Ohio, you would create a safer environment for all participants."

TMZ Studios

Unfortunately for PETA, the OSRC told FOX 8 in Cleveland that "the judges gave the maximum penalty allowed by law."

In other words ... their hands are tied

Khloe Kardashian ¿Piel real o de imitación? ... Abrigo de Aspen levanta sospechas

Khloe Kardashian se abrigó contra el frío invierno de Aspen, pero también provocó una tormenta sobre ella por las sospechas relacionadas con la autenticidad de su abrigo de piel. Y tenemos la respuesta a la pregunta: ¿es real o falso?

La estrella de televisión salió el jueves por la noche vistiendo un grueso abrigo de piel negro y gris para compartir un tiempo con sus hermanas Kim y Kendall, quienes también estaban con ella y luciendo muy a la moda.

En una noticia que no sorprenderá a nadie, el abrigo está causando un gran debate en línea porque parece bastante real, lo cual es extraño, ya que Khloe ha hablado en apoyo de los derechos de los animales en el pasado. De hecho, ella hizo una campaña donde iba completamente desnuda hace un tiempo para apoyar esta causa.

Recuerden, Khloe se desnudó para una campaña de PETA en 2008, con el lema de que ella "prefiere ir desnuda" que llevar pieles, y oye, ¡no hay quejas respecto a eso!

Aparentemente, ella tuvo una pelea con PETA unos años después de que lanzaran una bomba contra Kim en una alfombra roja. La organización emitió un comunicado diciendo que habían mentido sobre su relación con el culpable y Khloe expresó su decepción por su apoyo a la mujer que lo hizo.

En ese momento agregó: "He sido partidaria de PETA durante mucho tiempo, pero también he sido muy contraria a la intimidación, así que esto fue una gran decepción para mí".

De todos modos, hemos averiguado si este abrigo es de piel de verdad o no y fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que en realidad es piel sintética, así que siéntanse libres de bajar sus horcas, amigos.

Las KarJenners hacen este tipo de cosas todo el tiempo. Kendall llevaba lo que parecía piel en Aspen el mes pasado después de su ruptura con Bad Bunny y Kylie al parecer llevaba una bufanda de piel real en un viaje en 2022. Básicamente, las damas como que agitan el drama en este frente de vez en cuando.

Sin embargo, no hay piel real en este caso, por lo que Khloe está limpia.

Khloe Kardashian Real Fur or Faux??? ... Aspen Coat Sparks Qs

Khloe Kardashian bundled up against Aspen's winter chill, but caused a firestorm over her fur coat's authenticity -- and we've got the answer to the question: real or faux?

The reality star stepped out Thursday night in a thick black and gray "fur" coat for some sister bonding with Kim and Kendall ... who were also tagging along, and looking fashionable.

In news that'll shock no one, the coat's causing a lot of debate online ... 'cause it looks pretty dang real -- which is weird since Khloe's spoken out in support of animal rights in the past. In fact, she did a whole ass campaign on it way back in the day ... an edgy one at that.

'Memba, KK stripped buck naked for a PETA campaign back in 2008 ... with the tagline that she'd "rather go naked" than wear fur -- and hey, no complaints here on that front!!!

She seemingly had a falling out with PETA a few years later after they threw a flour bomb at Kim on a red carpet ... issuing a statement saying PETA lied about their relationship with the culprit -- and she expressed disappointment about their support for the lady who did it.

She added at the time, "I've been a vocal supporter of PETA for a long time but I have also been very vocal about anti-bullying, so this was a huge disappointment for me."

Anyway, we figured out whether this thing is the real McCoy or not -- sources with direct knowledge are telling us it's actually faux fur -- so feel free to put down your pitchforks, folks.

The KarJenners do this kinda thing all the time BTW -- Kendall wore what looked like fur in Aspen last month after her split with Bad Bunny and Kylie seemingly wore a real fur scarf on a trip in 2022 ... basically, the ladies kinda stir up drama on this front now and then.

No real fur in this case though ... so Khloe's in the clear.

Tom Sandoval PETA Rips Him For Posing with Tiger ... Says Zoo Visit Endangers Big Cats

Tom Sandoval's back in his all-too-familiar villain role ... he's under fire from fans and castmates for interacting with a captive tiger, and PETA is schooling him on why it's bad for big cats.

The animal rights organization fired off a letter to the "Vanderpump Rules" star after footage emerged showing him inside an animal enclosure at Tiger World Thailand, where a tiger put its massive front paws on Tom's shoulders.

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In the letter, obtained by TMZ, PETA scolds Tom for the photo op ... explaining, "When popular folks like you pose with wild animals, people are moved to support pay-to-play animal experiences, for which big-cat cubs are torn away from their mothers prematurely and denied their freedom as well as anything remotely natural and important to them."

More specifically, PETA's also schooling Tom on tigers ... it says wild tigers avoid humans and are naturally solitary and reclusive, adding, "Any human interaction with big cats poses dangers for both humans and the felines, and captive big cats have attacked and killed their captors and visitors."

While Tom walked away from the visit physically unscathed ... he's taking heat online from fans and his 'VPR' cast members, Lala Kent and James Kennedy.


PETA's telling him to consult them the next time he has the urge to hit up a zoo.

'World's Saddest Elephant' Dies at Manila Zoo

Mali, the "world's saddest elephant," has passed away following health complications after decades of confinement at Manila Zoo in the Philippines ... where she spent most of her life alone in a pen.

The announcement was made Wednesday by the city's mayor, Honey Lacuna, during a news conference -- a day after the zoo's chief veterinarian, Dr Heinrich Patrick Peña-Domingo, confirmed the captive elephant had cancer in some of her organs and a blockage in her aorta.

The diagnosis came after Mali was seen Friday repeatedly rubbing her trunk against a wall -- an indicator she was in pain -- and then laying on her side and breathing heavily Tuesday, passing away later in the day.

At only 11 months old, Mali, whose full name was Vishwamali, was gifted to former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos by the Sri Lankan government in 1981.

In her early years, she lived at Manila Zoo alongside another elephant, Shiva, who died in 1990 after arriving in 1977.

Since then, Mali had been the zoo's only elephant and lived in solitary until her death.

Animal rights activists have long criticized the conditions of Manila Zoo ... blasting the keepers for being ill-equipped to provide the animals with proper care.

In 2013, Paul McCartney wrote to Philippine President Benigno Aquino III begging for Mali to be moved to an animal sanctuary to "bring an end to her suffering," ... while animal welfare group PETA added at the time that Mali "endures intense confinement, loneliness, boredom and isolation" at the zoo.

Pamela Anderson and Dr. Jane Goodall have backed the "Free Mali" movement.

The efforts never amounted to anything ... with PETA expressing their devastation over the tragic news, writing on X: "One of the world's saddest elephants has passed away. We're so sorry, Mali. You deserved better."

La elefanta más triste del mundo Muere en un zoológico de Manila

Mali, la "elefanta más triste del mundo", ha fallecido tras complicaciones de salud después de décadas de confinamiento en el zoológico de Manila en Filipinas, donde pasó la mayor parte de su vida sola en un corral.

El anuncio fue hecho el miércoles por el alcalde de la ciudad, Honey Lacuna, durante una conferencia de prensa. Esto, un día después de que el veterinario en jefe del zoológico, el Dr. Heinrich Patrick Peña-Domingo, confirmara que la elefanta tenía cáncer en algunos de sus órganos y una obstrucción en la aorta.

El diagnóstico se produjo después de que se viera a Mali frotando repetidamente su trompa contra una pared el viernes, una señal de que estaba sintiendo dolor, y se tumbara de lado y respirara con dificultad el martes, falleciendo más tarde ese mismo día.

Cuando Mali tenía 11 años de vida fue regalada a la ex primera dama filipina Imelda Marcos por el gobierno de Sri Lanka en 1981.

En sus primeros años de vida, estuvo en el zoológico de Manila junto a otro elefante, Shiva, quien murió en 1990. Este había llegado en 1977.

Desde entonces, Mali fue la única elefanta del zoológico y vivió sola hasta su muerte.

Los activistas por los derechos de los animales llevaban mucho tiempo criticando las condiciones del cautiverio de Manila, especialmente a los cuidadores por estar mal equipados para entregarle a los animales el cuidado debido.

En 2013, Paul McCartney le escribió al presidente filipino Benigno Aquino III rogando que Mali fuera trasladada a un santuario de animales para "poner fin a su sufrimiento". El grupo de bienestar animal PETA agregó en ese momento que Mali "soporta un intenso confinamiento, soledad, aburrimiento y aislamiento" en el zoológico.

Pamela Anderson y la doctora Jane Goodall habían apoyado el movimiento "Liberen a Mali".

Los esfuerzos nunca llegaron a nada, y PETA expresó su devastación por la trágica noticia, escribiendo en X: "Uno de los elefantes más tristes del mundo ha fallecido. Lo sentimos mucho, Mali. Te merecías algo mejor".

Pharrell PETA Rips $1M 'Speedy' Bag ... 'Killin' Crocs For LV Ain't Cool!!!

Pharrell's latest feat as Louis Vuitton's creative director is a $1 million dollar crocodile-skin handbag, which some might call high fashion -- but PETA insists it's a barbaric display of animal cruelty!!!

TMZ Hip Hop obtained an open letter Tuesday, penned by PETA's Senior VP Lisa Lange and addressed to Pharrell, which reads ... "Dear Pharrell, This is an invitation the likes of which you’ve never been offered before."

The correspondence is filled with references to Pharrell-produced hits, yet there's nothing joking about it as Lange says ... "When you were made men’s creative director of Louis Vuitton, we hoped animals would get lucky and that you would choose vegan fabrics, which are the preference of today’s ethical and environmentally conscious consumers. But we aren’t happy to note your newest design, the "Millionaire" Speedy bag, which is crafted from crocodile skin, because when it comes to animals being used for fashion, it isn’t beautiful—it’s abuse."

Lange also accused the Neptunes' superproducer of sitting idle as the crocs get mutilated for their skin -- a complaint she also recently leveled at Offset for his birthday bag blowout for Cardi B.

The letter continued, "A PETA Asia investigation found workers at LVMH’s suppliers cutting live crocodiles’ necks open and ramming metal rods down their spines while they were still conscious. Another investigation revealed that workers at facilities supplying LVMH struck pythons repeatedly on the head, suspending them in the air, inflating their bodies with water, and disemboweling them -- even as they moved about."

Lange wants Pharrell to go to a crocodile factory farm, where she says bags like the Millionaire Speedy are made ... and she's warning it won't be a fun trip to the zoo.

In her words -- "You’d want to bring along nose plugs and high boots to wade through fetid, waste-filled water. If we go to an indoor tank, also bring a flashlight, because you won’t see daylight. There are no blurred lines here. Killing wildlife for a bag isn’t cool—it’s cold. Are you up for this trip?"

Pharrell hasn't responded to any of the backlash, from PETA or others.

Kylie Jenner PETA Loves Her New Clothing Line ... Thanks For Vegan Leather!!!

Kylie Jenner is earning some serious kudos from PETA for her decision to make her new clothing line animal-friendly.

The billionaire makeup mogul is now dipping into the clothing biz, and the first drop from her company, Khy, includes a trench coat and some skintight dresses made with faux leather.

The folks over at PETA tell TMZ ... they're thrilled Kylie's going with vegan leather because it "spares vulnerable cows the slaughterhouse knife and shows that kruelty-free fashion is truly the way of the future."

Kylie keeps piling up brownie points with the animal rights crowd ... as we first reported, PETA also applauded her faux lion dress from Paris Fashion Week as a statement against trophy hunting.

With Kylie looking like she's going all-in on faux animal products, PETA's excited for the future because she holds so much influence, especially when it comes to fashion.

PETA adds ... "We look forward to seeing kind consumers across the country keep up with Khy by embracing an animal-friendly wardrobe."

KYLIE JENNER PETA AMA SU NUEVA LÍNEA DE ROPA ¡Gracias por el cuero vegano!

Kylie Jenner se está ganando algunos elogios de PETA por su decisión de hacer su nueva línea de ropa respetuosa con los animales.

La multimillonaria magnate del maquillaje se está sumergiendo en el negocio de la ropa, y su primera gota incluye una gabardina y algunos vestidos ajustados hechos con cuero de imitación.

La gente de PETA nos dijo: "ahórrale a las vacas vulnerables el cuchillo del matadero y demuestra que la moda libre de crueldad es realmente el camino del futuro".

Kylie sigue acumulando puntos con el grupo de derechos de los animales más famoso del mundo, como informamos por primera vez, PETA aplaudió su vestido de león de imitación de la Semana de la Moda de París como una declaración contra la caza de trofeos.

Con Kylie pareciendo que va a por todas con los productos de imitación animal, PETA está emocionada por el futuro porque ella tiene mucha influencia, especialmente cuando se trata de moda.

PETA añade: "Estamos deseando ver cómo los consumidores amables de todo el país siguen el ritmo de Khy adoptando un armario respetuoso con los animales".

Offset & Cardi B PETA Calls Birkin Bags a 'Croc' to Animal Rights!!!

Offset didn't hold any expenses in helping Cardi B celebrate her birthday, gifting his wife 3 new crocodile Birkin bags ... a disgusting gesture as far as PETA is concerned.

PETA Vice President Lisa Lange fired off a scathing statement to the couple Friday, writing, "Instead of using his wealth and influence for good, Offset chose to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into a gruesome, violent industry that electroshocks crocodiles, shoves metal rods into their heads in an attempt to scramble their brains, and mutilates them while they’re still alive."

Lange feels Offset and Cardi are out of touch, adding, "PETA reminds everyone that people who still spend their money on a closet full of dead animals’ body parts either are clueless or simply don’t care about the extreme cruelty they’re perpetuating—it’s just not worth it."

PETA says they learned of the heinous treatment of reptiles through research and an internal investigation sprawling across Asia, praising luxury brands like Chanel, Burberry, HUGO BOSS and Vivienne Westwood for correcting their practices.


Cardi's birthday celebration continued last night as a dual party for Offset's new album "Set It Off" where she fed the crowd burgers ... which is another issue for the animal rights org.

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We reached out to Offset to see if he'll be returning the gifts ... but judging from Cardi's loving reaction, we think they're now a permanent fixture in their household!!!

Pete Davidson PETA Unveils Halloween Costume ... Based On F-Bomb Voice Mail


7:36 AM PT -- A source close to Pete says, "It's disgusting they'd capitalize on someone's mental health and not to mention illegal to use his likeness."

PETA is cashin' in on Pete Davidson's anger -- the organization is selling a Halloween costume based on the infamously unhinged voice mail Pete left PETA during their feud over a puppy.

We've learned PETA's limited-edition costume comes with a paper mask of Pete's face, an "I Should Have Adopted" hoodie and a hat with a censored cuss word plastered on it -- referring to his profanity-laced telephone rant after the org called him out for buying a pet store puppy, instead of one from a shelter.

It also comes with a plush dog wearing a "Shelter Dogs Rule" bandana. The whole look is going for $99.99 ... and all proceeds are going toward spay and neuter surgeries to help combat the overpopulation of homeless dogs.

According to PETA, over 70 million dogs and cats are homeless in the U.S. ... and breeders contribute to the crisis by denying animals in shelters a chance at finding a loving home.

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PETA President Ingrid Newkirk says, "It’s too late for Pete to undo his puppy purchase or that voice mail, but it’s never too late to save a dog’s life by choosing adoption and shunning pet shops and other dog breeders." She hopes Pete will see the joke in having folks dress up like him ... especially since it's for a good cause.

TMZ broke the story, Pete dialed up PETA in June after the org publicly shamed the comedian for buying the new pup at a NYC pet store. In his furious defense, Pete said he's allergic to dogs and, therefore, needed a hypoallergenic pooch like the cavapoo he got.

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He also said the puppy was a gift for his mother who'd been mourning the recent death of her dog.

All of that with lots of colorful language sprinkled in, too -- which you can now mock, or celebrate, come Halloween.

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

Bob Barker PETA Asks L.A. To Honor Bob Barker ... On Sunset Blvd.!!!

Bob Barker's animal rights legacy is something PETA wants to honor with a street name change on the most iconic boulevard in L.A. ... which could actually happen!

A rep for PETA tells TMZ ... they've made an official request with the City of Los Angeles for an honorary add-on to Sunset Blvd. -- to pay tribute the late 'Price Is Right' host, who just died last weekend.

Don't worry ... this isn't as wacky as it sounds. PETA assures us this would only be a minor change, and it wouldn't even require the removal of an actual "Sunset Blvd." sign hanging from street lights.

Basically what we're talking about is a second sign -- under one of the Sunset Blvd. signs -- that would read "Bob Barker Blvd." The PETA rep says they'd love to have this on their block on Sunset.

There's also this ... PETA tells us they've actually taken steps to make this happen. They've contacted City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez, who reps their area. We're told PETA brass and Soto-Martinez's staff are scheduled to meet in the coming weeks.

PETA says they're pushing this because Bob actually made a generous donation way back when that allowed them to open this L.A.-based office, and they wanna return the favor.

As for the councilman ... his office confirms they are indeed meeting PETA soon and will seriously consider its request -- but warns even a small change like this is hard to pull off.

Baby Dolphin Found Dead After It Was Used for Instagram Photo-Op

A baby dolphin has been found dead in Florida ... and investigators believe it's the same one used in an Instagram photo-op by two guys just days before.

The deceased bottlenose dolphin was found near Jacksonville Wednesday, according to local outlet News4JAX -- officials believe it's the same one seen in a photo posted on Instagram. Officials can't yet tell if the animal was already dead at the time of the pic.

The controversial snap, reportedly posted by a 19-year-old man, caused uproar online ... with the teenager claiming he's gotten death threats over the post. He's since apologized for his upload, reportedly saying he didn't catch the dolphin but merely found it.

As for a connection to the now-dead dolphin, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says the deceased dolphin's dorsal fin -- which they say is unique to each dolphin -- matched the one in the photo.

FYI, harassing wild dolphins is illegal under the Marine Mammal Protection Act ... and now, investigators are looking into the alleged incident, namely the bottlenose's cause of death. As of now, the unnamed men aren't facing any charges.

Britney Spears Slammed By Peta Over New Puppy ... Buying Dogs is Toxic!!!

Britney Spears has a new battle to handle. Along with a contentious divorce, she's now getting ripped by the animal rights warriors at PETA for buying a new dog, instead of rescuing one from a shelter.

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The "Toxic" singer showed off her new puppy Wednesday on social media, introducing the world to an all-white puppy -- appropriately named Snow -- and while Britney's over the moon about her new family member, the folks over at PETA are not.

A rep for PETA tells TMZ ... "When influential people buy puppies, puppy mills cheer and animal shelters watch the homeless-animal crisis get even worse. With this one cutesy post, Britney Spears has sentenced countless deserving dogs in shelters to more days without love, a comfy bed to curl up on, or a chance at a real life."

Britney got Snow after her estranged husband Sam Asghari filed for divorce, and the former couple hammered out an agreement splitting up the 5 dogs they shared when they were together.

TMZ broke the story ... Sam's keeping their Doberman, Porsha, and Britney's hanging on to the other 4 pooches.

With Snow in the fold, Britney's back up to 5 dogs at home, but PETA is wagging a tail finger, saying ... "She could have been a force for good and adopted, but instead she chose to be toxic, and animals will pay with their lives."

Wordplay aside, PETA's pissed ... again. See? It's not just you, Pete Davidson.