Bruce Jenner Kim Kardashian's Flour Bomber Is an 'ASS'

Bruce Jenner is rallying behind his stepdaughter Kim Kardashian -- claiming the rogue PETA member who dumped flour on her last week is nothing more than a pathetic little "ass."

Bruce and Kris Jenner were leaving LAX yesterday -- when a photog asked what they thought about the flour-bombing PETA activist Christina Cho blasting Kim for wearing the flesh of dead animals.

Bruce didn't miss a beat, calling Cho an "ass." Meanwhile, Kris played coy.

As we previously reported, Kim's sis Khloe has already cut ties with PETA over the flour-bombing -- accusing the organization of "bullying."

Khloe Kardashian PETA is Dead to Me

Khloe Kardashian is cutting off all ties with PETA ... claiming she will NOT support an organization that condones the "bullying" art of flour bombing.

Khloe -- who has appeared on several billboards for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals -- says she was disgusted when she found out the organization has ties to the woman who attacked her sister Kim.

Now, she's released a statement saying, "Not only has PETA lied to the public, but they have proved that they support this kind of behavior. I’ve been a vocal supporter of PETA for a long time but I have also been very vocal about anti-bullying, so this was a huge disappointment for me."

TMZ broke the story ... the woman who floured Kim at a red carpet event last week is Christina Cho ... a major PETA activist with a history of anti-fur protesting.

Here's Khloe's entire statement:

"Hi dolls. I’m sure you all heard what happened to Kim last week (thank you SO much for the love and support you all showed her), and I just received word that the woman responsible has very close ties to PETA, despite PETA publicly stating otherwise.

Kim K's Flour Bomber Militant PETA Member

Kim Kardashian's flour attacker is a mega-influential PETA activist -- despite the animal organization denying ANY connection to the anti-fur activist's recent flour bombing stunt.

The woman's name is Christina Cho -- and she has a history of staging dramatic anti-fur protests in PETA's name. Back in 2010, she grabbed the mic from Donna Karan at a Women's Conference event in NYC, condemning the use of fur in fashion (below).

PETA reported on the protest -- referring to Christina as a "PETA member" and "superstar activist." Christina even won an award from PETA in 2010 for her work for the organization.

Christina's younger sister Michelle is a top PETA official in L.A., who credits Christina with leading her to PETA and a life of activism.

As we previously reported, PETA is adamant it wasn't behind Christina's outburst last week -- when she dumped flour on Kim Kardashian at a red carpet event -- telling TMZ, "It was not [us]. We were given the video by an anti-fur activist on the scene."

As we first reported, Kim is planning to press charges over the incident.

PETA to Kim Kardashian GET A LIFE!!!

Kim Kardashian is selfish, will do anything to keep herself in the news and doesn't have a heart ... so says PETA, in reaction to the news KK is planning to press charges against the girl who threw flour on her at an event Thursday night.

In a statement to TMZ, the animal rights group (which claims it had nothing to do with the incident), says, "If she presses charges, at least people will be constantly reminded of her selfish, callous disregard for the cruel deaths that she causes by wearing fur."

They continue, "How much better it would be if she decided to evolve and enhance her image by donating her vulgar furs and exotic-animal skins to the homeless. The activist acted from the heart, something Kim doesn't seem to have."

PETA concludes their statement by saying, "If anything, Kim should get a life, the very thing that she denies animals."

PETA also tells TMZ they'd be willing to help the flour-tosser with her defense costs, if she asked them.

As TMZ first reported, we're told Kim is planning on pressing charges because she doesn't feel the woman should get away with assault.

Kim Kardashian Did She Deserve a Dusting?

The flour bomb unleashed by an animal rights activist against Kim Kardashian has also unleashed a raging debate over fur, and the tactics used by protesters.

So we gotta ask...

Kim Kardashian Pressing Charges Against Flour Tosser

Kim Kardashian has decided she will press charges against the woman who threw flour on her at an event Thursday night ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Kim tell TMZ she does not feel the woman who threw the flour at her should get away with it and that she should be held accountable for her actions. According to our sources, Kim didn't press charges that night because she didn't want to take herself away from the event, which was for charity.

We're told Kim will contact law enforcement in the next few days to tell them she wants to press charges. According to our sources, Kim wants to send the message that people are entitled to their opinion, but should not resort to violence.

The decision to press charges represents a change of heart for Kim, who told TMZ Live yesterday she was wasn't going to pursue the matter.

Kim Kardashian Flour Bomber is a 'Bully'


Kim Kardashian says the woman who attacked her with flour last night is nothing more than a "bully" ... and claims the only reason she's NOT pressing charges ... is because she's just too busy.

Kim just called in to "TMZ Live" ... and gave us the blow-by-blow about how she handled herself when a female animal activist broke on to the red carpet and attacked her at an event for her new fragrance.

Kim tells us ... she tried her best to "laugh it off" ... and refused to leave the event because she didn't want to disrespect all of the people who worked so hard to put the event together.

And while Kim says she understands the flour bomber's beliefs ... KK raised a great point -- "If you're trying to promote nonviolence towards animals ... why are you trying to be violent towards humans?"

PETA Don't Blame Us for Kim K Attack ... But We LOVE It!

PETA -- the most obvious suspect in the Kim Kardashian flour bomb attack -- is adamant the organization is NOT behind the red carpet stunt ... but it's VERY SUPPORTIVE of the attacker.

A rep for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals tells TMZ ... "It was not [us]. We were given the video by an anti-fur activist on the scene."

Still, a rep for the organization explains, "PETA has tried everything from polite letters to public protests, but Kim Kardashian has not been moved by the news that animals are beaten, electrocuted, and even skinned alive for real fur garments. Whoever threw that flour may reach her when our polite appeals did not."

As we previously reported, Kim was flour bombed on the red carpet of a Hollywood event last night ... while the mystery attacker lady shouted, "Fur Hag!"

Kim Kardashian Assaulted with White Powder

Kim Kardashian was assaulted Thursday night by a woman who threw white powder all over her, and it was concerning enough to call out the fire department.

Kim was at the London Hotel in West Hollywood for an event touting her new fragrance line, True Reflection. She was walking the red carpet when a woman threw the white powder at her from behind, covering her back and her hair. During the incident, the attacker shouted, "Fur hag."

Kim went to a private room, took the jacket off, brushed the powder off her hair and returned to the event. But the fire department had to examine the powder and deal with any possible danger.

They determined it was cooking flour.

The woman who threw the powder was detained by cops, but according to the Sheriff's Department Kim decided NOT to press charges and the woman was released.

PETA to HBO The Blood of The 'Luck' Horses is On Your Hands

All three horses that died on the set of HBO's "Luck" were victims of "sloppy oversight" on the part of HBO and the show producers ... and they should all be ASHAMED ... this according to PETA.

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are PISSED at HBO after a 3rd horse died during production Tuesday ... and a rep tells TMZ, "All the evidence we have gathered points to sloppy oversight, the use of unfit, injured horses, and disregard for the treatment of race horses."

What's worse ... PETA

Steve Cooley on Monday -- one day before horse #3 died -- asking him to investigate the deadly situation on the set of "Luck" ... but no immediate action was taken.

HBO had released a statement following the death of horse #3 saying, "An American Humane Association Certified Safety Representative was on the premises when the accident occurred, and as always, all safety precautions were in place."

Not good enough for PETA ... which says, "We will want answers on HBO’s latest casualty. Filming must stop now."

'American Hoggers' Under Attack for Ultra-Violent Pig Slaughter

The gun-toting family on A&E's new reality show "American Hoggers" are under fire from an animal rights group for the gruesome way the pigs are "tied up and shot" on the show ... TMZ has learned.

In case you haven't seen it -- "American Hoggers" follows Jerry "Hog Boss" Campbell ... and his family as they hunt and kill feral pigs ... armed with hunting dogs and guns. It's pretty graphic ... even for A&E.

The show just premiered this week -- and it didn't take long for PETA to take notice. In fact, the animal rights org. has just released a statement saying, "the Campbells' show promotes cruel animal-control measures and gross mistreatment of wildlife."

PETA claims it acknowledges that feral pigs can be problematic in parts of Texas, but the group says, "If property owners insist on lethal control, then feral hogs should be cage-trapped and afforded a quick, painless death."

We reached out to A&E for comment, and so far haven't received a response.

** WARNING -- the clip is very graphic **


'' Elephant Killer -- PETA Is Extorting Me

The CEO who shot and killed an African elephant is now taking aim at PETA for blasting his hunting trip -- vowing he won't be extorted by the animal defenders.

Bob Parsons triggered controversy after posting an Internet video chronicling his elephant slaying during a trip to Zimbabwe.

TMZ obtained a copy of the letter PETA sent Parsons, presenting him with its "first-ever Scummiest CEO of the Year Award" -- and informing him PETA is "taking our domain-name business elsewhere."

Parsons tells TMZ, "I understand PETA has an agenda, but I refuse to go along with their extortion-style practice."

Parsons claims he was only hunting "problem elephants" -- ones that destroy the villagers' crops ... adding, "I stand by my decision to help African villagers." Parson claims he has the support of tribal leaders there.

In its letter, PETA points out there are effective and nonlethal methods already being used to keep elephants from village crops. But Parsons isn't giving in to PETA's request that he back more humane methods ... saying, "Will we donate to PETA in return for their business? Absolutely not."

PETA -- Knut's Death Could Have Been Avoided

The tragic passing of Knut, everyone's favorite German polar bear, could have been prevented ... maybe ... this according to PETA.

Knut passed away in his habitat this morning of still-to-be determined causes at the age of 4. A rep for PETA tells TMZ they contacted to Berlin Zoo months ago to alert them to the fact that Knut was being "terrorized" by three female polar bears -- including his own mother!

The rep tells us, "PETA Germany repeatedly asked zoo authorities to move Knut away from the three females to a different location. His premature death could possibly have been avoided. Polar bears don't belong in captivity."

A necropsy is planned for Monday to determine the cause of death.

SeaWorld -- We DON'T Use Cow Vaginas!

SeaWorld is finally lashing back at Tommy Lee -- claiming the rocker's allegation that the park uses cow vaginas to "masturbate" their killer whales for sperm collection is "beyond ludicrous."

A rep for SeaWorld tells us, "If Mr. Lee’s information on Tilikum and SeaWorld’s artificial insemination program for killer whales comes from PETA we’re not surprised that it’s wrong. PETA is as careless with facts as they are extreme in their views."

As we first reported, Lee had fired off a letter to SeaWorld demanding they release Tilikum the orca back into the wild. In his letter, Lee also stated that he learned the "sick and twisted" info about the cow vaginas from SeaWorld's own director of safety.

But the SeaWorld rep notes, "The process of collecting semen for [artificial insemination] doesn’t differ in any meaningful way from the techniques employed in managing livestock or other species for zoological display."

"Contrary to the charges made by PETA and repeated in Lee’s letter, our trainers do not now nor have they ever entered the water with Tilikum for this purpose. The safety of SeaWorld staff and the welfare of our animals are our highest priorities."

The rep adds, "Whatever his views on SeaWorld, Mr. Lee would be wise to spend more time checking his facts.

Tommy Lee Explodes Over Whale Sperm

Tommy Lee is laying the smack down on SeaWorld for the "sick and twisted" way they allegedly treat their most famous Orca's ... penis.

The Motley Crue drummer just fired off a letter to SeaWorld -- accusing the park of keeping Tilikum the whale in captivity because, "he is your chief sperm bank."

Tilikum -- as you may know -- made national headlines for being involved in the deaths of three people.

But Tommy is especially pissed about the way he believes SeaWorld extracts semen from Tilikum -- saying, "We know from SeaWorld's own director of safety (as well as videos on the web) that the way you get his sperm is by having someone get into the pool and masturbate him with a cow's vagina filled with hot water."

Lee continues, "Even in my wildest days with Motley Crue, I never could've imagined something so sick and twisted."

Tommy and his friends at PETA have called for the whale's release into the wild. SeaWorld has always maintained that the animals receive expert care at its parks.

We've called SeaWorld for comment -- but so far, no dice.

PETA Gaga's Meat Dress is a Maggot Magnet

Lady Gaga may have smuggled in a few extra guests to the MTV VMAs last night -- because the people at PETA think it's likely that her raw meat dress was "crawling in maggots."

A rep for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals tells us that Gaga "has a hard time being 'over the top,' and wearing a dress made from cuts of dead cows is offensive enough to bring comment."

But the rep notes that if the dress was made from actual meat -- and not the fake stuff -- it wouldn't take long to go sour ... saying, "After time spent under the TV lights, it would smell like the rotting flesh that it is and likely be crawling in maggots."

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