Octomom: 'Say No to Octocats and Octodogs'

Octomom, biological mother of 14, emerged from her house in California this morning to encourage people to adopt -- not her kids, but dogs and cats.


It was all part of PETA's "Don't Let Your Dog or Cat Become an Octomom" campaign.

Nadya Suleman urged everyone to make sure dogs and cats don't have multiple litters -- adding, "Humans of course are much different."

PETA gave Octo $5,000 and a month supply of veggie-meat for her troubles.

Octomom Gets a Bone From PETA

If you're Octomom Nadya Suleman, why not take five grand from PETA? Every little bit helps when you're fighting off foreclosure.

In exchange for the cash, PETA gets to advertise in Octo's front yard. The group will put up a sign encouraging people to spay and neuter their pets.

Perfect for the home of an amazingly fertile mother of 14.

More Octomom

Tyson's Pigeon Show - Gambling Accusations Fly

Animal Planet and Mike Tyson are the target of an investigation after being accused of illegal gambling -- and it all has to do with the boxing champ's new reality show about pigeon racing.

The District Attorney in Brooklyn -- where Mike's pigeon show "Taking on Tyson" will be filmed -- tells TMZ they received a letter claiming the production violates New York's gambling laws ... because it profits off animal racing.

We're told they're currently looking into the claims.

Animal Planet tells us there won't be any wagering on the show ... but a rep for PETA -- who wrote the letter -- claims making any money off animal racing (including Tyson's salary) is illegal, so the point is moot.

More Mike Tyson

Tiger Mauls PETA's Billboard Plans

Tiger Woods has sunk his claws into an animal rights group -- scaring PETA into pulling a series of controversial billboards featuring the golfer's image.

TMZ has learned PETA -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals -- is temporarily bagging plans to run the ads, which feature an image of Tiger next to the line "Too much sex can be a bad thing." The ad was intended to promote pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered.

PETA tells TMZ, "In light of conversations we have had with Mr. Woods' attorneys, plans to run our billboard are on hold at this time."

More Tiger Woods

Accusations Fly in Sudden Deaths of MJ Giraffes

The owners of two celebrity giraffes -- which once belonged to Michael Jackson and roamed freely in Neverland -- are crying "foul play" after the animals mysteriously died.

PETA sounded alarms this morning when news broke of the giraffes deaths, pointing fingers at the Banjoko Wildlife Preserve in Page, Arizona -- where the giraffes had been living since 2006 -- claiming the preserve was responsible for the deaths due to "improper feeding and/or exposure to cold temperatures."

TMZ spoke with the Banjoko Preserve founder, Freddie Hancock, and she tells us -- "We suspect foul play with the giraffes. There is no other explanation for their deaths. There is currently a police investigation going on. Someone has hurt these giraffes, they were healthy."

A necropsy is currently underway to establish an official cause of death -- but Hancock insists the animals were well taken care of: "There is no sign of infection, abuse, or neglect."

The giraffes -- named JJ and Rambo -- had been at the center of a vicious legal battle between Banjoko and the local city council over a $100,000 bond to cover the animals in case of emergency.

See Also

Paris Accused of Pig-Like Behavior

PETA has unleashed a brutal attack against Paris Hilton for buying a pet mini-pig recently, claiming she's setting a "wretched example" by treating animals like they're "as disposable as her friends and fiances."

PETA says of Paris: "The Chihuahuas, ferrets, and kinkajous she's paraded through her home in the past were not accessories, and pot-bellied pigs aren't either."

The good news: Paris told us she doesn't think she'll get swine flu because she doesn't eat pork.


PETA Swats at Obama for Killing That Fly!

PETA is finally going after President Barack Obama for delivering capital punishment to a housefly on the White House grounds yesterday -- a death that was caught on tape.

When asked for comment, here's the statement PETA released:

"He isn't the Buddha, he's a human being and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act."

We're told the fly's carcass has been moved to a secret location ... we're guessing the bottom of a White House trash can.

Audrina Rejects Smoothest Pick-Up Line Ever

Our photog was S.O.L. when he tried getting Audrina Patridge's digits yesterday, because if busting out a picture of his two adorable rescued pit bulls couldn't melt her heart enough to go out with him -- at a PETA event -- nothing would.


See Also

Pam Anderson Sells Out for Strip Steak

Pamela Anderson is turning a blind eye to her hardcore vegetarian, anti-meat beliefs -- and it's all for her deep appreciation of strip clubs.

Anderson, who's been an obnoxiously loud animal activist and PETA spokesperson, is on board to help celebrate the upcoming opening of a strip club -- which happens to be part of a New York steakhouse.

FYI -- steak comes from slaughtered cows.

But the craziest part of the whole thing -- neither Pam nor PETA refuse to acknowledge the moral dilemma. Here's PETA's statement: "Pam is not a host but may be attending as an invited guest, and since steakhouses nowadays have some of the best salad bars and veggie options around, we're sure she'll find plenty to eat should she attend."

So what happens if KFC -- with whom Pam waged war against -- opens a strip club and "invites" Pam as a guest? Would she go if they too had a nice salad bar? We're guessing if the price is right...

Calls to Pam's management have not been returned.

See Also

Paula Deen: What's Fur Dinner?

Check out all that plush gray hair on celebuchef Paula Deen ... and her 'do looks great too!

Animals were probably harmed in the making of this picture.

See Also

Michael Jackson -- PETAphile?

Michael Jackson has turned his back on cardio-deprived giraffes, according to PETA.

Michael Jackson -- PETAphile?

When Neverland Ranch was essentially dismantled a year ago, a bunch of Jacko's pets -- including four giraffes -- were sold to an Arizona couple that wanted to start an animal sanctuary.

PETA claims the giraffes are stuck in cages barely as wide as the animals are tall. They wrote Jacko a letter asking him to help pressure the owners into doing something more humane.

The couple that owns the animals says the giraffes have been moved to their new 150 x 150 ft. digs -- and the animals will have an even bigger space to do whatever the hell it is that giraffes do when their 185 acre sanctuary is up and runnning.

All that aside -- the video of Jacko's old giraffe "Rambo" hittin' the bag to the "Rocky" theme song is worth a peek.

Linda Hogan Fur-ocious!

We got hold of this pic of Linda Hogan, who not only looks like a cougar, she apparently had several killed for her getup.

We don't know when it was taken, but she's covered in dead animals from head to God knows where.

Here's the irony. We're told Linda, who looks suspiciously like 87-year-old Carol Channing, is a PETA supporter, however, now we're thinkin' she meant pita supporter.

Maybe her 19-year-old boyfriend likes it furry.

UPDATE: And here's what PETA had to say about the cat-astrophe: "The cats made into this really bulky hat and coat were once vibrant and beautiful, but the skins from their slaughtered bodies make Linda Hogan look ten pounds heavier, out of touch, not a day under 70 and, need we add, stone cold-hearted."

Jenna Jameson Teaches Pets About Safe Sex

Rumors of an apparent Jenna Jameson pregnancy have been swirling for weeks now -- so it's interesting that she is tackling the issue of birth control -- for pets!

In a new PETA ad campaign to promote the spaying and neutering of cats and dogs, the porn princess will appear nude in bed, with the tagline, "Sometimes Too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing."

The always eloquent Jenna stated, "Until dogs and cats can go on the pill or wear condoms, we need to help them practice safe sex -- by spaying and neutering."

PETA Wants Sharon Stone's Brain for Research

PETA has offered to front the bill if Sharon Stone will get a brain scan, to determine if her insensitivity is caused by an underdeveloped prefrontal region of her brain.

In a letter to Stone, obtained by TMZ, PETA prez Ingrid Newkirk says "We are used to the indifference that you flaunt and the callous remarks that you make..." Newkirk mentions that whole China thing as well as comments about animals.

PETA makes an offer to pay for a brain scan "to determine if comments and actions that seem to demonstrate a lack of empathy are the result of a physical defect."

You may recall, Sharon Stone is famously in "Total Recall," so she may be able to get a brain scan discount and underwent brain surgery in 2001.

Pam's Whore-ifying Attack on Jessica Simpson

Pam Anderson and Jessica Simpson are on opposite ends of the meat spectrum -- but just because Jess enjoys the occasional cheeseburger, doesn't mean Pam has to call her a "bitch" and a "whore."

Pam was on Australian radio promoting her upcoming appearance on the Aussie version of "Big Brother" when she offered up her two-word opinion.

Pot, meet kettle.

D.C. to L.A. -- Brother, Can You Spare a Babe?

What in the name of Foggy Bottom is going on in Washington, D.C. this week? First it was Shakira, then Amber Tamblyn ... and now Pam Anderson is down on Capitol Hill on behalf of PETA. Don't they have any hot chicks in the nation's capital?

Pam was down at the Department of Health and Human Services to hand-deliver a PETA science report on outdated animal tests performed by the U.S. government.

Memo to D.C. -- if Shauna Sand makes it to the Hill, you can just keep her.

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