Diddy Stevie J's Visual Reminder ... Everyone Parties with Puff!!!

Stevie J posted a video that is Diddy's biggest PR offensive to date ... and the message is clear -- check out who parties with Diddy, because it's virtually every big celeb in Hollywood.

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The video is a highlight reel of Diddy's 50th birthday bash back in 2019 in Bev Hills, and the guest list is the Oscars meets the Grammys meets the ESPY awards.

Among the guests ... Kobe Bryant, Dr. Dre, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Post Malone, Naomi Campbell, Cardi B, Big Sean, Travis Scott, The Weeknd, Kanye West, Jaden Smith, Snoop Dogg, Queen Latifah, Kevin Hart, MGK, and on and on.


Cuba Gooding Jr. was in Miami this past weekend -- the same place Diddy has been amid an ongoing federal investigation ... interesting considering their alleged connection.

TMZ obtained a photo of Cuba in South Beach on Easter Sunday, and as you can see ... he's by his lonesome on the back of a golf cart, which is advertising yacht rentals, and there are 2 unknown fellas sitting up front.

Cuba looks relaxed with his shades on as he peruses his phone -- and yes, he's certainly dressed for a festive sunny day in the Sunshine State.


"se cual es mi lugar"
We In Miami Podcast

Las fiestas privadas de Diddy han sido legendarias durante décadas... pero el rapero Uncle Luke se está distanciando de las famosas veladas en medio de los problemas legales del magnate de la música.

El MC de 63 años -que produjo el documental de Hulu "Freaknik"- estuvo en el pódcast "We in Miami" y reveló todo lo que sabía acerca de Diddy en exclusiva.

El Tío Luke dijo que asistió ocasioalmente a las fiestas organizadas por Diddy, pero se fue temprano... ¿por qué?

Uncle Luke I Left Diddy's Parties Early ... And, Here's Why!!!

We In Miami Podcast

Diddy's private parties have been the stuff of legend for decades ... but rapper Uncle Luke is distancing himself from the notorious soirees amid the music mogul's legal woes.

The 63-year-old MC -- who produced Hulu's 'Freaknik' doc -- stopped by the "We in Miami" podcast, and revealed everything he knew about Diddy's exclusive bashes ... which, as it turns out, isn't all that much.

As Uncle Luke put it ... he attended the occasional party hosted by Diddy, but left early more often than not. Why?

Luke Bryan's Nashville Bar Says It Only Gave Riley 1 Drink ... Deny Overserving Claim

Luke Bryan's Nashville bar says Riley Strain only had one drink while at their establishment last week -- denying overserving claims and other narratives that have been floated.

A rep for the TC Restaurant Group and Luke's 32 Bridge tells TMZ ... they quickly provided cops with any and all pertinent information in helping track Riley's whereabouts when he first disappeared last Friday -- including handing over all the surveillance footage they had.

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They go on to say they also forked over receipts, transaction records and time stamps to prove what exactly he drank while in the building ... and as it turns out, they're saying he only purchased and was served one alcoholic drink.

In addition to the boozy beverage, Luke's 32 Bridge says Riley was also given two waters.

Despite this, they say their security team made a decision around 9:35 PM that Riley needed to go -- based on their conduct standards, they say -- and the muscle escorted him to the front of the venue ... where they say he was accompanied by one person in his party.

They also claim the dude who came downstairs with him did not exit with Riley, but instead ... returned upstairs without him. This is different than what Riley's family has said in interviews ... where his father seemed to suggest his friends had been blocked from leaving.

Ryan Gilbert, Riley's dad, told FOX17 ... "He was put out of the bar by himself, and there was a time that went by that his friend wasn’t able to get out. We believe they were taking care of the bar tab or whatnot. By the time they got outside, he just wasn’t there any longer."

On its face, it would appear the dad was putting some blame on the bar -- and even when police first relayed what had allegedly happened ... they said they'd been told Riley was overserved, something Luke's 32 Bridge is now explicitly refuting with their information.

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Of course, this comes on the heels of the TABC opening an investigation into claims that the bar gave him one drink too many -- with a misdemeanor charge on the table. They made clear that it's against the law to serve someone alcohol who is visibly intoxicated.

That seems to be the lingering question here ... was Riley obviously drunk to the bar staff?

Luke himself has already addressed the tragic story in the wake of Riley's week-long disappearance -- he posted a message asking for prayers and noting his bar was cooperating with the authorities. Officials have scoured the Nashville area looking for Riley, with no luck.

Cops are asking anyone with reliable information on Riley's whereabouts to call 615-742-7463.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Missing College Student Booted from Luke Bryan Bar Surfaces on Surveillance Video

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A college student who's been missing since Friday -- this after getting asked to leave Luke Bryan's Nashville bar -- wandered the streets aimlessly ... now seen on surveillance video.

22-year-old Riley Strain was in town last weekend, visiting with friends from the University of Missouri for a convention in Nashville -- and they went out drinking Friday night ... hitting up Luke's famous 32 Bridge bar, where cops say he got kicked out after being overserved.

Strain reportedly told his friends he'd just walk the 5 blocks back to their hotel and meet them there afterward ... but his buddies say he never turned up, having totally vanished.

Now, the police are on the case ... and they're asking the public to help locate Riley since he still hasn't turned all these days later. Nashville PD also posted some surveillance video that was captured that night, which they say shows Riley stumbling around all by himself.

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The guy's said to be well over 6 feet, so he's hard to miss -- and in these videos, you see him cruising the streets almost without much direction or purpose. In one video, you see him cross the street alongside a group of people ... and he comes across as out of control.

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In another video, you can see him running, and even falls briefly. On its face, it appears he's under the influence -- which his why him going missing like this is all the more horrifying.

As for Luke himself ... he's addressed this story, taking to social media to write, "Y'all This Is Scary. Praying For His Safe Return." LB also noted his bar was cooperating with the authorities in their investigation, while also sending their thoughts and prayers to his fam.

The story has started to get national attention, and billboards in the area have already gone up advertising his disappearance. His parents have said they're incredibly worried about his well-being, calling this whole ordeal an utter nightmare. There's no question, it 100% is.

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Anyone with info on Riley's whereabouts can call cops at 615-742-7463.

Spring Break ¡¡¡Pelea entre chicas en la playa!!! Caos en Fort Lauderdale

Riña durante un spring break

Las vacaciones de primavera se parecen más a un combate de la UFC, ya que el caos total se apoderó de las playas al sur de Florida, y la buena gente de Fort Lauderdale probablemente está diciendo: "¡¡¡Muchas gracias, Miami!!!"

La escapada anual de los estudiantes universitarios comenzó el lunes con miles de jóvenes haciendo su arribo a Florida y las cosas se salieron casi inmediatamente de control, cuando unas estudiantes en bikini se enzarzaron en una pelea cuerpo a cuerpo como muestra este video, que rápidamente se convirtió en una riña que involucró a decenas.

No sabemos exactamente lo que provocó la pelea, pero creemos que el alcohol jugó un rol.

Este es exactamente el tipo de escena que temía Miami Beach cuando la ciudad impuso nuevas restricciones antes de las vacaciones de primavera, pero como se puede ver, la locura se ha trasladado un poco más arriba de la costa a Lauderdale.

La decisión de Miami se produjo luego de registrar 2 tiroteos durante las vacaciones del año pasado, que también provocaron 488 detenciones y más de 230 casos de delitos graves.

Como informamos, la ciudad publicó un video de campaña donde se instó a los spring breakers a llevar la fiesta para otra parte y se les informó que habría toques de queda, control de los bolsos, acceso restringido a la playa y puestos de control de DUI.

Muy desalentador para los universitarios, por lo que no es de extrañar que Fort Lauderdale esté absorbiendo las masivas fiestas ahora.

Un día después, la ciudad ya ha tenido que reforzar la presencia policial, poniendo más agentes en la arena para patrullar las fiestas en la playa y unidades K-9 para inspeccionar a los juerguistas que estaban tomando el sol.

Con policía o sin ella, una cosa está clara: cuando se reúnen multitudes, hay peleas.

Spring Break All-Girl Brawl Beach!!!

Spring Break Brawl


11:03 AM PT -- Fort Lauderdale PD is saying this brawl has nothing to do with their city or their beaches -- so it's unclear where exactly this happened ... but it's still pretty crazy all the same.


Spring Break's looking more like a UFC match as all-out mayhem erupts on South Florida beaches ... and the good people of Fort Lauderdale are probably saying, "Thanks a lot, Miami!!!"

The annual college student getaway kicked off Monday with thousands of students making their way to FL, and it almost immediately got outta hand. Multiple bikini-clad students went toe-to-toe in the sand -- as the video shows, it quickly turned into a melee involving dozens.

No word on what exactly sparked the brawl, but we're guessing alcohol played a part.

This is exactly the kinda scene Miami Beach feared when the city imposed new restrictions ahead of Spring Break -- but, as you can see, the madness has just moved up the coast a bit to Lauderdale.

Miami's decision came after 2 shootings during last year's break, which also resulted in 488 arrests ... and more than 230 of them were felony cases.

As we reported ... the city posted a campaign video where spring breakers were urged to take the party elsewhere and informed there would be threatened curfews, bag checks, restricted beach access and DUI checkpoints.

All vibe killers, so it's no wonder Fort Lauderdale is absorbing the massive party scene.

One day in, and that city has already had to ramp up the police presence ... putting more officers in the sand to patrol beach parties, and K-9 units were inspecting sunbathing revelers.

Cops or not, one thing's already clear -- when the crowds gather, there's gonna be fighting.

Originally Published -- 7:53 AM PT

TAYLOR y TRAVIS BAJO PERFIL En fiesta posterior a los Oscar

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce pueden haber fracasado en hacer su debut en la alfombra roja como pareja en los Oscar 2024, pero al menos se presentaron para una fiesta posterior.

TMZ ha confirmado que la estrella del pop y el semental de la NFL pasaron por la fiesta exclusiva de Madonna y Guy Oseary's post Oscars en una residencia privada en Hollywood Hills el domingo por la noche, donde no se permitían fotos en el interior.

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Por supuesto, British Vogue publicó una serie de fotos de estrellas que aparecieron y posaron en lo que parece ser un área designada para sesiones de fotos, la cual tenía varios recortes divertidos, entre otras cosas.

Algunas de las estrellas que fueron fotografiadas incluyeron a Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Jodie Turner-Smith, Lenny Kravitz, Salma Hayek y otros. Cabe destacar que Taylor y Travis no formaron parte de la alineación de fotos, pero están mencionados como invitados famosos que participaron.

Como dijimos, fuentes con conocimiento directo nos informan que, de hecho, estuvieron allí, aunque parece que hicieron un esfuerzo consciente por no ser vistos o fotografiados, lo cual resulta interesante.

La llegada de Taylor y Travis a Los Ángeles se produce después de los seis conciertos agotados en Singapur como parte de su gira "Eras", que concluyó el pasado fin de semana. Parece que estaban listos para salir de allí y regresar a Estados Unidos, y eso es exactamente lo que hicieron.

Disfrutaron de un tiempo a solas en Asia durante el breve periodo en que Travis estuvo allí, pero obviamente, con su gira en pausa durante aproximadamente un mes, estaban listos para volver a casa.

No han tenido problemas en dejar que su historia de amor se desarrolle en público en ciertos entornos, pero en otros son extrañamente privados, y realmente no tiene mucho sentido.

Recuerda que la cantante apoyó al tight end de los Kansas City Chiefs en varios de sus juegos de fútbol, incluido el Super Bowl, y Travis ha asistido al tour "Eras" de Taylor en cuatro ciudades diferentes. A simple vista, parece que solo se sienten cómodos siendo captados en público en ciertos momentos.

Incluso Taylor parece ser increíblemente reacia a ser fotografiada en ocasiones, llegando al punto de esconderse bajo paraguas para evitar que los paparazzi la capturen, lo cual, nuevamente, resulta muy extraño. En esta fiesta posterior, parece que fue más de lo mismo: una gran preferencia por la privacidad extrema.

Quizás Taylor y Travis han tenido suficiente de los comentarios de todos aquellos opinando sobre cada uno de sus movimientos. ¡El tiempo dirá!

Estamos cubriendo todo lo relacionado con Taylor en el nuevo "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast", disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Taylor & Travis Fly Under the Radar ... At Oscars After-Party

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce may have failed to make their red carpet debut as a couple at the 2024 Oscars ... but they at least showed up for a shindig afterward, albeit on the DL.

TMZ has confirmed that the pop star and the NFL stud stopped by Madonna and Guy Oseary's Oscars exclusive after-party at a private residence in the Hollywood Hills on Sunday evening ... where there weren't any photos allowed inside.

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Of course, British Vogue published a bunch of shots of stars who showed up and posed at what appears to be a designated photo-op area -- which had a bunch of fun cutouts, etc.

Some of the stars who were pictured included Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Jodie Turner-Smith, Lenny Kravitz, Salma Hayek and others. Notably, Taylor and Travis were not part of the photo lineup ... but are listed among the celeb guests who crashed it.

Like we said, sources with direct knowledge tell us they were in fact there ... even though they seem to have gone out of their way to not be seen/photographed, which is interesting.

Taylor and Travis landing here in L.A. comes after T-Swift's six sold-old shows in Singapore as part of her "Eras" tour -- which wrapped up this past weekend. Sounds like they were ready to get the hell out of there and come back stateside ... which is exactly what they did.

They enjoyed some alone time in Asia for the brief period Travis was there -- but obviously with her tour being on pause for a good month or so ... they were ready to come home.

They've had no problem letting their love story play out in the public eye in some settings ... but in others, they're weirdly private, and it really doesn't make much sense.

Remember, the singer supported the Kansas City Chiefs tight end at several of his football games -- including the Super Bowl -- and Travis has seen Taylor's "Eras" tour in four different cities. On its face, it seems like they're only cool being snapped in public at certain times.

Taylor herself even seems to be incredibly averse to being photographed at times -- going so far as to hidey under umbrellas to keep paparazzi from snapping her ... which, again, is so bizarre. Here for this after-party, it looks to have been more of the same ... ultra privacy.

Perhaps Taylor and Travis have had enough of the Dads, Brads and Chads weighing in on their every move? Time will tell!

We're covering all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast," available on all podcast platforms.

KIM KARDASHIAN Y ODELL BECKHAM cariñosos en la fiesta Después de los Oscar

Kim Kardashian y Odell Beckham Jr. se veían como toda una pareja este fin de semana, así lo muestra este video a continuación.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes obtenidas por TMZ, que muestran a Kim y Odell en la fiesta de Jay-Z y Beyonce después de los Oscar el domingo por la noche en el Chateau Marmot en Los Ángeles, y se les puede ver en una zona similar al vestíbulo del lugar muy cariñosos.

juntos en backstage

Como se puede ver, Kim estaba charlando con Odell de una manera muy coqueta, yendo y viniendo con él y aparentemente comparando sus trajes. En un momento, ella pone sus manos sobre Odell, agarrando su cara casi como si le fuera a dar un beso.

En realidad, nunca se besaron, pero es lo más cerca que los hemos visto interactuar el uno con el otro en público desde que se rumoreaba que están saliendo desde hace meses.

No parece que ellos supieran que los estaban filmando tampoco, pero en este punto, es bastante obvio que están juntos como pareja. Incluso aparecieron juntos en todas las fiestas posteriores a los Oscars, primero en la fiesta de Vanity Fair y más tarde en lo de Jay y Bey.

Recordemos que también fueron vistos juntos en Las Vegas el mes pasado durante el Super Bowl, donde parecían tratar de pasar desapercibidos,  distanciándose un poco.

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juntos y cerca de los fans

Se sintió la misma vibra aquí cuando estuvieron frente a las cámaras en la fiesta, pero ya no están haciendo un muy buen trabajo en despistar a la gente. Ahora, con este nuevo video, parece que ya no les importa ocultar nada.

Los rumores de que Kim y Odell son pareja han circulado durante meses, y todos los informes han sugerido que no es real. Sin embargo, parecen muy interesados el uno por el otro, y el hecho de que siguen saliendo todo este tiempo después indica que esto podría ser serio.

Kim aún no ha declarado públicamente a nadie como su pareja oficial desde que se separó del comediante Pete Davidson en agosto de 2022. Por supuesto, anteriormente estuvo casada con Kanye West, con quien comparte a sus hijos North, Saint, Chicago y Psalm, pero eso se acabó.

En cuanto a Odell, se separó de su novia de mucho tiempo Lauren Wood a principios de 2023, y ha estado soltero desde entonces.

Aunque Kim y Odell aún no han confirmado el rumoreado romance sobre el papel (o en IG, más bien)... está claro que disfrutan de la compañía del otro, y tal vez un poco más.

Kim Kardashian & Odell Beckham Jr. Oscars Party PDA-Filled Flirt Sesh Soft Launch as Couple???

Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. are looking more like a couple by the day -- and they seemed to soft-launch their relationship this weekend ... that's what this video suggests.

Check out this footage, obtained by TMZ, that shows Kim and OBJ at Jay-Z and Beyonce's Oscars after-party Sunday night at the Chateau Marmot in L.A. -- and you can see them mingling in a lobby-like area of the venue ... getting touchy-feely with each other.


As you can see ... Kim was chit-chatting with Odell in a pretty flirty manner -- going back and forth with him and seemingly comparing their outfits. At one point she actually puts her hands on Odell too ... going up and grabbing his face, almost as if she's going in for a kiss.

You never actually witness them lock lips ... but this is the most we've seen them interact with one another in public since they've been rumored to be dating ... going back months now.

Doesn't look like they knew they were being filmed either -- but at this point ... it's pretty obvious they're together as a couple. They even showed up together for all the post-Oscars shindigs ... first hitting the Vanity Fair after-party, and later swinging by Jay and Bey's thing.

Remember, they were also spotted out together in Vegas last month during the Super Bowl -- and there, too, they seemed to be trying to lay low ... and distance themselves a bit.

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Same vibe here when they were outside heading into a party -- namely, trying to stagger a bit -- but they're not doing a very good job at throwing people off the scent anymore. Now with this new video -- it seems cat's outta the bag ... they're straight up dating each other.


Rumors of Kim and Odell being an item have swirled for months -- and all reports thus far have suggested that it's not that serious. However, they seem pretty into each other ... and the fact they continue to hang out all this time later indicates this might be the real deal.

Kim has yet to publicly declare anyone as her official significant since splitting from comedian Pete Davidson in August 2022. Of course, she was previously married to Kanye West, who she shares kids North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm with ... but that's over.

As for Odell ... he split from his longtime girlfriend Lauren Wood earlier in 2023, and has been single since.

While Kim and Odell have yet to confirm the rumored romance on paper (or on IG, more like) ... it's clear they enjoy each other's company. Perhaps a little bit more than that, TBH.

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Los Oscar han terminado y todas las estrellas se han ido de fiesta por la ciudad, y el lugar de moda ha sido la fiesta de Vanity Fair, en la que se ha reunido todo el mundo.

La lista A de Hollywood acudió a la reunión anual de la revista después de los Oscar, lo cual se ha convertido en algo habitual durante la temporada de premios, y donde casi todo el mundo que estuvo en la ciudad pasó para tomarse fotos y codearse con otras celebridades después del espectáculo.

Por supuesto, no se puede culpar a nadie por querer asistir a esta fiesta de los Oscar: la alfombra roja y las letras gigantes son llamativas y todo el mundo va vestido de punta en blanco.

Las fotos de la ceremonia eran dignas de ver, pero una vez dentro, también hubo mucho que ver... con muchas estrellas cruzándose e intercambiando sonrisas. De hecho, los propios ganadores de los Oscar estaban presentes, al igual que los finalistas.

Algunas de las celebridades presentes fueron: Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Emily Blunt y John Krasinski, Margot Robbie, America Ferrera, Billie Eilish, Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez, Sydney Sweeney, Sofía Vergara, Lenny Kravitz y muchos otros.

A propósito, no fue la única celebración en la ciudad... Beyoncé y Jay-Z dieron otra fiesta en el Chateau Marmont que también estuvo repleta de estrellas. De hecho, es posible que la fiesta fuera doble.

Solo una pequeña muestra de las estrellas que acudieron a la fiesta de Jay y Bey son: los KarJenner, LeBron James, Kelly Rowland, Ciara y Russell Wilson, Chrissy Teigen y John Legend, Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, MGK y Megan Fox, Kerry Washington y muchos más.

Fue sin duda una noche para recordar, especialmente por algunas películas como "Oppenheimer", "Poor Things", "The Zone Of Interest" y un puñado de otras películas que realmente limpiaron y arrasaron.

"Barbie" se fue con las manos relativamente vacías, al igual que "Killers of the Flower Moon", pero eso no quiere decir que la gente no estuviera contenta en la ceremonia... porque lo estuvieron.

Échale un vistazo a todas las fotos que muestran lo que ocurrió entre bastidores. Una noche para recordar y mucho más.

Oscars 2024 Stars Show Up for Glitzy After-Parties ... Vanity Fair Place to Be!!!

The Oscars are over, and the stars all went out with a bang hitting up after-parties around town -- but the biggest hot spot was 100% Vanity Fair's shindig ... where it was a who's-who.

Hollywood's A-list crowd hit up the magazine's annual post-Oscars get-together -- which has become a staple during awards season, and where just about everyone who was in town swung by to have their photos taken and to hobnob with other celebs post-show.

Of course, ya can't blame anyone for wanting to hit up this Oscars bash -- the red carpet and giant lettering is eye-catching, to say the least, and everyone's dressed to the nines.

The pap shots were something to behold, but once people were inside and mingling -- there was a lot to see there as well ... with lots of different stars crossing paths and exchanging smiles. Indeed, Oscar winners themselves were on hand ... as were the runner-ups.

Some of the celebs on hand ... Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Margot Robbie, America Ferrera, Billie Eilish, Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, Sydney Sweeney, Sofía Vergara, Lenny Kravitz and lots of others.

FWIW, that wasn't the only game in town ... Beyoncé and Jay-Z threw another party at the Chateau Marmont -- and that bash was just as star-studded. In fact, there may have been some double dipping here.

Just a smidge of the stars who showed up for Jay and Bey's party -- the KarJenners, LeBron James, Kelly Rowland, Ciara and Russell Wilson, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, MGK and Megan Fox, Kerry Washington and more.

It was certainly a night to remember ... especially for some movies like "Oppenheimer," "Poor Things," "The Zone of Interest" and a handful of other flicks that truly cleaned up and swept.

"Barbie" left relatively empty-handed ... as did "Killers of the Flower Moon." That's not to say people weren't happy at the actual ceremony, though ... 'cause they absolutely were.

Peep all the photos showing the behind-the-scenes. A night to remember and then some!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Fiesta pre-Oscars de CAA ¡¡¡Gran encuentro de celebridades!!!

La fiesta de CAA previa a los Oscar era el lugar para estar este viernes, pues tuvo entre sus invitados a los mejores representantes del negocio, quienes se prepararon para el glamour del domingo en el Sunset Tower Hotel.

La legendaria fiesta es conocida como uno de los principales eventos previos a los Oscars, y como cada año, la noche del viernes contó con un montón de figuras de Hollywood, incluyendo muchos de los nominados, como el aspirante a Mejor Actor Cillian Murphy, quien estuvo en la fiesta codeándose con sus compañeros.

Los ya ganadores del Oscar Viola Davis y Brendan Fraser también estuvieron en el evento junto con Chris Rock y Sacha Baron Cohen. Por supuesto, han pasado dos años desde que Chris fue abofeteado por Will Smith en el escenario de los Oscar, así que es agradable verlo nuevamente disfrutando de las festividades.

Danny DeVito, Demi Moore, Jeff Goldblum, Donald Glover, Sir Patrick Stewart, el nominado a Mejor Actor Jeffrey Wright, Chris Evans, Salma Hayek, Olivia Wilde, y Neil Patrick Harris fueron otros de los invitados a la fiesta.

El futuro del cine también estuvo presente, con actores más jóvenes como el actor de "May December", Charles Melton, Anya Taylor-Joy, Glen Powell de "Top Gun: Maverick" y la modelo Kaia Gerber.

Aunque no son grandes figuras de la pantalla grande, los anfitriones Andy Cohen y Kelly Ripa animaron la fiesta, que tenía a DJ Rashida y Lady Sha haciendo a todos bailar.

CAA representa algunos de los nombres más grandes del negocio, como a las estrellas de "Barbie" Margot Robbie y Ryan Gosling, y organiza esta fiesta previa a los premios cada año para celebrar a sus clientes, colegas y compañeros.

Siempre tiene una gran asistencia y una vez más fue una de las mejores fiestas de la ciudad.


The CAA Pre-Oscars shindig was the place to be ... with the best of the biz out to play at The Sunset Tower Hotel, gearing up for the glitz and glam to come on Sunday.

The legendary bash is known as one of the major Oscars warm-up events, and just like every year, Friday night's shindig featured a who's who in Hollywood with lots of the nominees -- like Best Actor hopeful Cillian Murphy -- in the mix and rubbing elbows.

Previous Oscar winners Viola Davis and Brendan Fraser were also part of the line-up -- along with Chris Rock and Sacha Baron Cohen. Of course, it's been 2 years since Chris was targeted by Will Smith onstage at the Oscars -- so, it's nice to see him back enjoying the festivities.

Some of the others mingling the night away were Danny DeVito, Demi Moore, Jeff Goldblum, Donald Glover, Sir Patrick Stewart, Best Actor nominee Jeffrey Wright, Chris Evans, Salma Hayek, Olivia Wilde, and Neil Patrick Harris.

The future of the movie biz was also on hand ... younger actors like "May December" star Charles Melton and Anya Taylor-Joy, "Top Gun: Maverick's Glen Powell and model Kaia Gerber.

Now, they're not big screen stars, but the hosts with the most Andy Cohen and Kelly Ripa kept the party vibes going strong at the bash, which had DJ Rashida and Lady Sha spinning the beats.

CAA reps some of the biggest names in the biz -- such as "Barbie" stars Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling -- and it hosts this pre-awards bash every year to celebrate clients, colleagues and peers.

It always has a major turnout ... and once again, it was one of the hottest tickets in town!