Tom Brady Back in the Car with Irina Shayk ... Just Like Old Times, Eh?!?

Tom Brady and Irina Shayk sure seem to be back on after hitting up a party together in Miami -- 'cause the dude literally picked her up right beforehand, and got caught in the act.

The retired QB was back to doing G.O.A.T. things again Friday night in Magic City -- where Art Basel is going down this weekend ... and where a crap ton of celebs are out and about ... including TB12 and Irina, it seems, who were rolling together in Tom's sweet ride.

Check out the pics ... Tom pulled up to wherever IS was staying to pick her up curbside -- and as soon as they noticed a photog, they got skittish and flew outta there ASAP.

Fortunately, these photos were snapped before their getaway -- which shows Irina hopping into Tom's passenger seat, and Tom shying away from the flashes. Later this same evening, Tom was seen at a star-studded shindig in town ... no sign of Irina near him though.

Their presence alone at Wayne and Cynthia Boich's private mansion party Friday would've been enough to get the rumor mill going again -- but these shots seal the deal ... they're dating again. Or at the very least, they're banging ... which is all anyone cares about, really.

Interestingly enough, Tom and Irina's car ride here echoes the first time we saw them together earlier this summer -- where they were also caught cruisin' in his whip and getting cozy. This is a very similar scene ... looks like the dude is old school with his dates.

Although we'd heard that their relationship/fling had fizzled out by the end of summer, there were signs Irina was still seeing Tom ... she popped into his condo building in NYC last month, and did so very conspicuously -- through the main front entrance.

Of course, she's also been hanging out a lot with her ex/baby daddy Bradley Cooper these days -- but it's pretty evident at this point that they're just great co-parents/pals (see Gigi).

We just saw Irina mingling with Brad in the Big Apple, where she was among the first customers to hit up his just-launched food truck ... and he looked damn happy to see her.

Like we said ... her and BC are two peas in a pod, but seemingly just platonically now.

Anyway, good to see Tom getting his groove back post-retirement. Considering his ex-wife is constantly jet-setting with her jiu-jitsu instructor all the time -- alongside their own kids, no less -- he deserves to have a little fun too. And Irina seems to be just the ticket for him.

Can't blame him for coming back for round 2 with her ... she is smokin' hot, after all.

Happy art hunting, you two!

Leo DiCaprio en Art Basel Trabaja duro y lo pasa bien Se relaja tras su discurso ecológico

Leonardo DiCaprio puede ser el abotonado Sr. Medio Ambiente en un momento y al minuto siguiente, el chico fiestero favorito de Hollywood, una hazaña que demostró una vez más este fin de semana en Art Basel en Miami.

El actor anduvo de fiesta una vez más el viernes en la Ciudad Mágica, donde Wayne y Cynthia Boich acogieron a un grupo de estrellas en su mansión privada, incluyendo a Leo y su novia, Vittoria Ceretti, quien disfrutó de un cigarrillo junto a su hombre.

Devolverle a la tierra

Leo estaba en modo de fiesta, luciendo su característica gorra de béisbol negra y echando humo de su cigarrillo, con Vittoria probando una bocanada también. Todo un cambio respecto del look que tenía el jueves por la noche, cuando se sentó en la primera fila para dar un discurso en un evento sobre el medioambiente.

La reunión Re:Wild en donde Leo estuvo en su modo ecológico, tan pulido como se puede estar y con un aspecto realmente elegante. 24 horas más tarde, ¡lo deja todo al descubierto!

De todos modos, la fiesta en la mansión del viernes fue un quién es quién de las estrellas. Tom Brady estuvo allí, pero también Sean Penn, quien se abrazó con Leo en un momento, como se ve en una foto obtenida por TMZ.


Sean estuvo compartiendo con las personas adentro también, listo para una actuación de Snoop Dogg. Hablando de Snoop Dogg... el rapero también estuvo charlando con el público después de tocar el micrófono, lo cual fue increíble.

Snoop tocó algunas de sus canciones, las que hicieron bailar a todo el mundo.

Tocando los clásicos

Esta es solo la última parada de Leo en Art Basel. El actor ha estado en la ciudad desde principios de esta semana y algo nos dice que veremos más de él hasta el domingo.

Y sí, probablemente en su atuendo de ciudad ... Nadie lleva los 49 como Leo DiCaprio. 🫡

Leo DiCaprio at Art Basel Work Hard, Play Hard ... Cuts Loose After Suited Eco Speech

Leonardo DiCaprio can be buttoned-up Mr. Environment one minute, and Hollywood's favorite party boy the next -- a feat he proved yet again this weekend at Art Basel in Miami.

The actor was on hand yet again Friday for a huge bash in the Magic City, where Wayne and Cynthia Boich hosted a gaggle of stars at their private mansion ... including Leo and his girlfriend, Vittoria Ceretti, who enjoyed a smoke next to her man at one point in the evening.


Leo was in party mode, rocking his signature black ball cap and blowing out whatever he was puffin' on -- with Vittoria hitting her vape. Quite the change from how he looked Thursday night, when he was front and center for a speech at an environmental event.

The Re:Wild get-together where Leo talked featured him in eco mode ... where he was as polished as can be and looking real sharp. 24 hours later, he's letting it all hang out!

Anyway, the mansion party on Friday was a who's-who of stars ... Tom Brady was there, but so was Sean Penn -- who actually hugged it out with Leo at one point -- as seen here in a photo obtained by TMZ.


Sean was mingling with folks inside as well ... fresh on the heels of a performance by Snoop Dogg, who'd performed for the rich and famous crowd not long before. Speaking of SD ... he was also chitchatting in the crowd after doing his thing on the mic, which was awesome.

Snoop performed a few of his songs ... and he definitely had everybody dancing along.


It's just the latest Art Basel stop for Leo, who's been in town since earlier this week. Something tells us we're gonna be seeing a lot more of him through Sunday too.

And yes, likely in his out-on-the-town getup ... no one does 49 quite like the LDC. 🫡

Leo, Ivanka and Jared Fancy Meeting You Here!!!


Leonardo DiCaprio, Ivanka Trump and her hubby, Jared Kushner, all showed up at the same shindig in Miami ... the question -- can and/or should polar opposites mingle?

Check it out ... Leo arrived alone to Casadonna Restaurant Wednesday night and a short time later Ivanka and Jared walked in arm and arm ... all celebrating the kickoff of Art Basel.

Leo, sporting his customary baseball cap, is a die-hard environmentalist and liberal. Ivanka and Jared ... not so much.

We don't see real interaction between Leo and the Trump/Kushners, but it's not a huge space so it seems avoiding each other all night would be super difficult.

The country is so divided there's a sentiment anyone who dares to interact socially is a traitor to their cause, but should that be the case? So we ask ...

Should Leo Socialize With Ivanka & Jared?

Nevertheless, a good time seemed to have been had by all.

Meanwhile, Leo was seen out and about Wednesday in the Miami Beach Convention Center during a VIP tour of the Art Basel event, which officially starts today.

Leo, Ivanka y Jared Qué sorpresa encontrarnos aquí

En el mismo lugar

Leonardo DiCaprio, Ivanka Trump y su marido, Jared Kushner, aparecieron en la misma fiesta en Miami. La pregunta es, ¿pueden y/o deberían mezclarse los polos opuestos?

Echa un vistazo... Leo llegó solo al restaurante Casadonna el miércoles por la noche y un poco más tarde aparecieron Ivanka y Jared del brazo. Todos estaban allí para celebrar el inicio de Art Basel.

Leo, quien lucía su habitual gorra de béisbol, es un ecologista acérrimo y liberal. Ivanka y Jared, en cambio, no tanto.

No vemos una interacción real entre Leo y los Trump/Kushners, pero no es un espacio enorme, por lo que parece súper difícil que se hayan evitado toda la noche.

El país está tan dividido que existe el sentimiento de que cualquiera que se atreva a interactuar socialmente es un traidor a su causa, pero ¿debería ser así? Así que les preguntamos...

¿Debería Leo socializar con Ivanka y Jared?

Sin embargo, parece que todos lo pasaron bien.

Mientras tanto, Leo fue visto el miércoles en el Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach durante una visita VIP al evento Art Basel, que comienza oficialmente hoy.

SHANNON BEADOR Keeping it Sober, Water Only at Party ... 3 Months After DUI Bust

Shannon Beador is making strides in her sobriety journey ... choosing not to be tempted by any alcohol during a celebratory night out on the town.

Witnesses at the season 2 premiere Wednesday night of Amazon's "Hollywood Houselift with Jeff Lewis" tell TMZ ... the "RHOC" star held onto a clear cup filled with water as she mingled in a crowd of more than 100 guests at the Sunset Tower Hotel.

They also say Shannon seemed to be in great spirits, with no man in tow ... only her girlfriends.

Remember, we broke the story ... Shannon vowed to get some treatment following her DUI bust in Sept.

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She was arrested over an alleged drunken car ride ... zipping through a Newport Beach residential area before crashing into the property, which was all caught on surveillance footage.

Cops booked her on 2 misdemeanors, and sources close to Shannon told us she was taking responsibility and accountability for her arrest by enrolling in an outpatient behavioral wellness program with an alcohol component.

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Two months later, it looks like Shannon's still on the straight and narrow.

Shannon Beador sigue sobria y bebe agua en la fiesta de Amazon

Shannon Beador está haciendo grandes progresos en su camino hacia la sobriedad, la elección de no ser tentado por una bebida durante una noche de celebración en la ciudad el miércoles.

Los que pudieron ver el estreno de la segunda temporada de Amazon "Hollywood Houselift con Jeff Lewis", le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "RHOC" se aferró a un vaso de agua mientras se mezclaba en una multitud de más de un centenar en el Sunset Tower Hotel.

Añaden que Shannon se veía de muy buen humor y sin ningún hombre en el remolque, solo sus amigas.

Recordemos que Shannon se comprometió a recibir tratamiento después de su arresto por DUI en septiembre.

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Ella fue detenida por un presuntamente conducir borracha, comprimir a través de una zona residencial de Newport Beach antes de estrellarse contra la propiedad, todo grabado en imágenes de vigilancia.

Los policías la ficharon por dos delitos menores, con fuentes cercanas a Shannon diciéndole a TMZ en octubre que estaba asumiendo la responsabilidad por su arresto y se inscribió en un programa ambulatorio de bienestar conductual con un componente de alcohol.

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escapando de la escena

¡Y dos meses más tarde, parece que Shannon está mucho mejor después de dejar el alcohol!

Ashanti supuestamente embarazada de Nelly

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un lindo momento


11:28 AM PT -- Ashanti aparentemente está embarazada después de todo - al menos según Us Weekly, que está citando una fuente que dice: "Nelly y Ashanti están dando la bienvenida a su primer bebé juntos".

De ser cierto, sería el primer hijo de Ashanti y el tercero de Nelly. Él ya tiene otros dos hijos de una relación anterior y ambos son adultos.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el campamento de Ashanti para hacer comentarios pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

La última aparición pública de Nelly y Ashanti ha dado lugar a ¡especulaciones de embarazo!

Durante el fin de semana, Nelly, Ashanti y muchos más se pusieron los trajes y las botas para el rapero de "Country Grammar" en el 11º Black and White Ball en el Hotel Four Seasons, que trajo el evento de nuevo a St. Louis luego de un paréntesis de siete años.

La pareja de superestrella compartió una broma interna en el escenario cuando Ashanti puso sus manos sobre su estómago, a lo que Nelly respondió haciendo lo mismo, haciendo que ambos estallaran en carcajadas. 👀

Los fans se han alegrado de ver a Nelly y Ashanti al acecho después de romper hace 8 años.

El evento de Nelly fue por a una buena causa, los ingresos fueron a la Fundación Make-A-Wish y también se otorgaron becas para Harris Stowe State University.


Sabremos a su debido tiempo si crearon un niño o simplemente estaban troleando ... en cualquier caso, la gente está viviendo por esta relación y como dijo el MC, ¡hazlo oficial!

El Señor sabe que ha sido un largo tiempo de espera.

Publicado originalmente -- 8:45 AM PT

Nelly & Ashanti Baby On Board??? Reports Say It's True!!!

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11:28 AM PT -- Ashanti apparently is pregnant after all -- at least according to Us Weekly, which is citing a source that says, "Nelly and Ashanti are welcoming their first baby together."

If true, it'd be Ashanti's first child ever ... and it would be Nelly's 3rd -- he already has two other kids from a previous relationship, and both of them are adults.

We've reached out to Ashanti's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Nelly and Ashanti's latest barrage of PDA has led to pregnancy speculation -- and it's all because they created it!!!

Over the weekend, Nelly, Ashanti and many more got suited and booted for the "Country Grammar" rapper's 11th Black and White Ball at the Four Seasons Hotel ... which brought the event back to St. Louis after a seven-year hiatus.

The superstar couple appeared to share an inside joke on stage when Ashanti placed her hands on her stomach, to which Nelly did the same ... making them both burst out laughing. 👀

Could be a bun in the oven ... or they were planning to bake one that night. Either way, fans have been happy to see Nelly and Ashanti on the prowl after breaking up 8 years ago.

Nelly's event also benefitted a good cause ... proceeds went to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and scholarships for Harris Stowe State University were also awarded.


We'll know in due time if they created a toddler or were just trolling ... in any case, people are living for this relationship -- and as the MC said, make it official!!!

Lord knows it's been a long time coming and then some.

Originally Published -- 8:45 AM PT

DaBaby I'm Done Drinking ... Tempt Me, I'll Leave You Punch-Drunk!!!


DaBaby says his days with alcohol are a wrap ... a decision made after he embarrassingly couldn't stop puking in front of his daughter!!!

The Diamond-selling rapper admitted he got too wasted over the weekend and sent a warning to friends, family and any pesky club promoters dangling bottles in his face that his sobriety was serious and there would be serious repercussions to anyone who didn't respect it ... possibly in the form of a concussion!!!

To make matters worse, DaBaby says he still had to pick up his daughter Velour from her mother DaniLeigh while being thrashed ... and the 2-year-old got a front-row view in her car seat of her daddy blowing chunks from the back seat 🙈!!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

While he was at the mercy of his bubble guts, DaBaby says his daughter kept cheering him on by saying "Good job" ... making it the last time he wanted to dial up that loser Earl.

DaBaby then doubled down on trading in his tequila shots for shots to the dome if you offered him a drink.

He's not the only "rockstar" to abandon alcohol lately. Wiz Khalifa revealed last month he was 8 months alcohol-free but is still pro-weed, which he calls "Cali Sober."

Looking washed in front is never a good look ... good for Baby.

T.I. Goes After Club Owners for Flyer Feat. Fight with Son 'Ain't Nothing Going!!!'


T.I. stood on business with all ten toes after a club attempted to capitalize off his viral spat with his son, King ... letting the owners of the establishment know he came to shut the party down!!!

Tip and King had been previously scheduled to appear at Atlanta's Elleven45 Lounge for its "R&B Wednesdays" but just one day before the event, the rapper learned a flyer to promote the event included a photoshopped image of Tip holding King in a headlock.

TikTok / @stevozone4_

The image was meant to poke fun at King flipping out on his parents during Sunday's Atlanta Falcons game inside the Mercedes-Benz Stadium suites over claims he grew up more rugged than he actually did.

T.I. confronted everyone at Elleven45 Lounge, letting them know it wasn't cool, and threatened the whole appearance would be cut unless things changed.

In his outrage, Tip stated the city of Atlanta was still his -- and regardless if the club honchos were homegrown or outsiders, they'd abide by his rules!!!

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Turns out, Tips' fury worked ... because the club promoter changed the flyer and the event went on as planned Wednesday.

Instagram / @wagonthefineassbartender

T.I., King and Domani all pulled up to the event, and all looked to be well with the fam bam.



dando la cara

T.I. se alteró luego de que un club trató de sacar provecho de su disputa viral con su hijo, King, haciéndole saber a los propietarios del establecimiento que vino a cerrar la fiesta.

Tip y King habían sido previamente programados para aparecer en Elleven45 Lounge de Atlanta para su "R & B Miércoles", pero solo un día antes del evento, el rapero se enteró de que un volante para promover el evento incluía una imagen de Tip sosteniendo a King con una llave de cabeza.

diferencias creativas
TikTok / @stevozone4_

La imagen estaba destinada a burlarse de King, atacando a sus padres durante el partido de los Atlanta Falcons del domingo dentro de las suites del Mercedes-Benz Stadium, sobre las afirmaciones de que creció más robusto de lo que realmente lo hizo.

T.I. se enfrentó a todos en Elleven45 Lounge, haciéndoles saber que no estaba bien, y amenazó con cortar toda la aparición a menos que las cosas cambiaran.

En su indignación, Tip declaró que la ciudad de Atlanta seguía siendo suya, y que independientemente de si los responsables del club eran de la ciudad o de fuera, ¡se atendrían a sus reglas!

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Resulta que la furia de Tips funcionó, porque el promotor del club cambió el volante y el evento se llevó a cabo como estaba previsto el miércoles.

Instagram / @wagonthefineassbartender

T.I., King y Domani llegaron al evento y todo parecía estar bien con la familia.


Kylie Jenner unsurprisingly became the center of attention Tuesday at the "Wonka" A-list movie premiere and after-party in London ... despite being the plus one for boyfriend Timothée Chalamet.

Sources with knowledge tell us Kylie attended both the movie's premiere as well as the post-film bash at the Royal Festival Hall after she secretly touched down at Stansted Airport on her private jet.

Despite Kylie's attempts to keep a low profile at the party ... a source told Daily Mail she was the talk of the evening ... at one point heading to a private room behind a curtain to celebrate with Timothée.

"Wonka" -- hitting U.S. screens December 15 -- sees Timothée in the titular role ... tracing the character's origins from meeting his Oompa-Loompas to creating his iconic chocolate factory.

And it looks like "Wonka" will leave viewers craving more ... with early reviews hailing Timothée's portrayal as "whimsical" and "charming."

"I loooooooved #Wonka— everyone else did too right? It's so tender and entertaining with Colman a superb villain and Chalamet proving he can sing, too. Plus great songs and visuals. Take all of your kids," another wrote on X.

It's clearly a proud GF moment for Kylie, who has done her rounds supporting T since their romance came to light -- recently coming out to celebrate his 'SNL' hosting gig just weeks after he cheered her on at the Wall Street Journal Magazine 2023 Innovator Awards where she was honored for her designing talents.

Kylie and Timothée first sparked romance rumors in April ... and months later, they confirmed they were together with some hot and heavy PDA at Beyoncé's concert.

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With a relationship that's been picture-perfect to date, it looks like the pair are set to wrap up the year on a sweet note, too ...

Kylie Jenner En Londres para la fiesta de Wonka de Timothée... La novia más dulce

Kylie Jenner se convirtió en el centro de atención en la fiesta de "Wonka" el martes en Londres, a pesar de ser la acompañante de su novio Timothée Chalamet.

A pesar de perderse el estreno, la magnate del maquillaje hizo su gran entrada más tarde en la noche. Aterrizó en secreto en el aeropuerto de Stansted en su jet privado y se fue rápidamente hacia el Royal Festival Hall para la fiesta.

Pese a los intentos de Kylie por mantener un bajo perfil en la fiesta, una fuente le dijo a Daily Mail que se convirtió en la comidilla de la noche después de que se fuera a una habitación privada detrás de una cortina para celebrar con Timothée.

En "Wonka", que llegará a los cines de Estados Unidos el 15 de diciembre, Timothée interpreta el papel principal. Esta se remonta a los orígenes del personaje, desde el encuentro con sus Oompa-Loompas hasta la creación de su icónica fábrica de chocolate.

Y parece que "Wonka" dejará a los espectadores con ganas de más. Las primeras críticas han elogiado la interpretación de Timothée como "caprichosa" y "encantadora".

"Me ha encantado #Wonka, a todos ustedes también, ¿cierto? Es tan tierna y entretenida, con Colman como un villano soberbio y Chalamet demostrando que también sabe cantar. Además de grandes canciones y efectos visuales. Lleven a todos sus hijos", escribió otra persona en X.

Este es claramente un momento de orgullo para Kylie, que ha hecho sus rondas de apoyo a T desde que su romance salió a la luz. Recientemente, salió a celebrar su actuación en Saturday Night Live como anfitrión, apenas unas semanas después de que él la acompañara en el evento de Wall Street Journal Magazine 2023 Innovator Awards, donde fue honrada por su talento como diseñadora.

Kylie y Timothée despertaron rumores de romance en abril y meses más tarde, confirmaron que estaban juntos con unos besos muy cariñosos y públicos en el concierto de Beyoncé.

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Besos en público

Con una relación que ha sido perfecta hasta la fecha, parece que la pareja también está dispuesta a terminar el año con una nota dulce.

Kanye West De fiesta en Dubai con Bianca ... Tras reportes de que ella lo dejó

Kanye West no parece estar distanciado de su esposa Bianca Censori porque ambos fueron vistos saliendo de fiesta en Dubai.

Mira el video de los dos disfrutando de la juerga en Atlantis. Bianca está allí con Ye, aparentemente pasando un buen rato.

Algunos reportes dicen que los amigos y la familia de Bianca le han dicho que Kanye le está lavando el cerebro para convertirla en una esposa robot, pero ella parece optimista con ello.

Bailando en Dubai

Chris Brown, Ty Dolla $ign y otros raperos también estuvieron en la fiesta.

El Atlantis es el mismo hotel donde Kanye y su ex entrenador, Harley Pasternak, tuvieron un encontronazo a principios de esta semana. Kanye dijo que Harley lo estaba acosando en Dubai, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que es mentira.

Visto en el hotel

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Harley se estaba alojando en el mismo hotel que Kanye, y que cuando el rapero se fijó en él trató de darle un abrazo que Harley rechazó. Fue ahí que Kanye se enfadó y empezó a grabarlo. Luego, un gerente del hotel le preguntó a Harley si quería seguridad.

Pasternak ha cortado relaciones con Kanye por diversas razones, entre ellas los comentarios antisemitas de Ye.

Kanye West Parties in Dubai with Wife Bianca ... After Reports She Left Him

Kanye West does not appear estranged from wife Bianca Censori because they were partying in Dubai.

Check out the video of the two enjoying the shindig at Atlantis. Bianca is right there with Ye, seemingly having a good time.

There have been reports, Bianca's friends and family have convinced her Kanye had brainwashed her into becoming a wife robot, but she seems sanguine with the sitch.


Chris Brown, Ty Dolla $ign and other rappers were also at the party.

The Atlantis is the same hotel where Kanye's trainer, Harley Pasternak, had a run-in with him earlier this week. Kanye had said Harley was stalking him in Dubai, but our sources say that's BS.


Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Harley was staying at the hotel and Kanye noticed him and tried to give him a hug. Harley rebuffed the gesture, and Kanye got pissed and began recording him. A hotel manager asked Harley if he wanted security.

Pasternak has cut Kanye off for a variety of reasons, including Ye's antisemitic comments.