JAMES MARSDEN Celebra sus 50 años ... ¡Con una sexy foto suya en el pastel!

La fiesta de cumpleaños número 50 de James Marsden se celebró a lo grande. Supimos que hubo un postre a la luz de las velas con una foto de la estrella de sus días de modelaje.

el cumpleañero

El actor nominado al Emmy y un montón de otras celebridades se amontonaron en la Residencia Sheats-Goldstein en Los Ángeles el lunes para celebrar el hito de Marsden.

Entre los más destacados se encontraban Tessa Thompson, Woody Harrelson, Natasha Lyonne, Ben Barnes y Aaron Paul. Ronald Gladden, que compartió reparto con Marsden en la popular serie de Amazon Freevee "Jury Duty", también hizo un cameo.

La atracción principal no era el propio Marsden, sino que la foto de él como un modelo joven y guapo pegado en el pastel de cumpleaños.

La imagen en blanco y negro de Marsden estaba rodeada de velas doradas con la inscripción "¡Feliz 50 cumpleaños JAMES!".

Marsden publicó más tarde varias instantáneas de la extravagante tarta en Instagram, junto con un vídeo en el que se le veía soplando las velas mientras todo el mundo cantaba "Happy Birthday".

Los asistentes a la fiesta también pudieron beber como marineros gracias a Casamigos, la compañía de tequila que organizó la fiesta. La lista de "James Birthday Cocktails" incluía un margarita de pepino y jalapeño, un margarita de fruta de la pasión y agua de casa ranch.

¡Una noche divertida! Felicidades James.

James Marsden 50th Birthday Bash ... Hot Modeling Photo On Cake!!!

James Marsden's 50th birthday bash took the cake -- literally -- with a candlelit dessert featuring a throwback photo of the star in his modeling days.


The Emmy-nominated actor and a bunch of other celebs piled into the Sheats-Goldstein Residence in L.A. Monday to celebrate Marsden's milestone.

Bold-faced names included Tessa Thompson, Woody Harrelson, Natasha Lyonne, Ben Barnes and Aaron Paul. Ronald Gladden, who costarred with Marsden on the popular Amazon Freevee show "Jury Duty," also made a cameo.

The main attraction wasn't Marsden himself -- but, instead, the picture of him as a handsome young model plastered on the Bday cake.

The black and white image of Marsden was surrounded by gold candles with “Happy 50th Birthday JAMES!” inscribed underneath.

Marsden later posted several snapshots of the fancy cake on Instagram, along with a video showing him blowing out the candles as everyone sang, "Happy Birthday."

Partygoers also got to drink like sailors thanks to Casamigos -- the tequila company that threw the party. The “James Birthday Cocktails” list showcased a cucumber jalapeño margarita, a passion fruit margarita and casa ranch water.

Fun night! Congrats James!!

J Balvin Feliz cumple, cariño Fiesta sorpresa para su novia Valentina Ferrer


J Balvin sabe cómo pasarlo bien, y se aseguró de que su novia disfrutara del mismo modo en su cumpleaños, ¡por lo que le organizó una fiesta sorpresa de lujo!

El artista colombiano alquiló una villa enorme, de más de 7.000 pies cuadrados, en el paseo marítimo de Miami Beach para celebrar el cumpleaños número 30 de su novia, Valentina Ferrer este domingo, que tuvo cerca de 35 invitados, incluyendo a su familia.

Nos dicen sus padres, hermanos y otros miembros de la familia volaron desde Argentina para estar el gran día. Su hijo de 2 años, Río, también estuvo presente, pero no se quedó disfrutando hasta las tantas de la noche, como el resto de ellos.

La comida fue otro de los platos fuertes. J Balvin contrató a un chef colombiano que preparó un menú de carnes argentinas. También hubo un DJ, que estuvo marcando el ritmo durante toda la noche, pero sin hits de Jay Balvin, que se tomó la noche libre y no actuó.

¡Nos dicen que Valentina no tenía ni idea de la fiesta, por lo que fue un secreto súper bien guardado, sobre todo que su familia estuviera presente!

Para su información, este fue un fin de semana de torbellino para la pareja, quien también estuvo disfrutando de la Copa NASCAR Series en Tennessee el sábado, donde J lanzó su zapatilla en colaboración con Nike Jordan, antes de volar a Miami.

Antes de eso, habían disfrutado de una cita doble el jueves por la noche en Beverly Hills con Cher y Alexander Edwards, dos personas que según nos han dicho, pusieron fin a su relación. 👀

J Balvin Happy Birthday, Boo ... Throws Huge Surprise Party For Model GF


J Balvin knows how to have a good time ... and he made sure his model GF was doin' the same for her birthday, which is why he threw her a luxurious surprise party!

The Colombian artist rented out a massive villa -- over 7,000 square feet -- on the Miami Beach waterfront for his boo, Valentina Ferrer's, 30th bday Sunday night ... with about 35 people showing up to celebrate, including her family.

We're told he flew her parents, siblings and other family members out from Argentina for the big day -- their 2-year-old son, Rio, was also in attendance but likely didn't party as hard as the rest of them.

The food was another highlight ... J Balvin hired a private chef from Colombia who put together a spread of Argentinian meats to enjoy. There was also a DJ bumping beats throughout the night  -- and no, JB unfortunately took the night off and didn't perform.

We're told Valentina had no idea about the party, so it was a well-kept secret ... especially getting her whole fam to show up!

FYI, it was a whirlwind weekend for the couple ... they were enjoying the NASCAR Cup Series in Tennessee Saturday where J launched his shoe collab with Nike Jordan before jetting over to Miami.

We're told their weekend fun came after going on a double date Thursday night in Beverly Hills with Cher and Alexander Edwards ... 2 people whom we were told pulled the plug on their relationship. 👀

El Chapo Su mujer se va de fiesta en L.A. Tras salir de prisión

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De fiesta justo después de dejar la prisión
@tvjoseluis / @adrianafg8 / @el_farallon_

El Chapo puede estar en la cárcel por el resto de su vida, pero su esposa es una mujer libre después de cumplir solo dos años tras las rejas, y un par de días después de ser liberada, ¡se fue de fiesta!

Emma Coronel fue vista en Los Ángeles el viernes por la noche con un grupo, en un club en Lynwood para escuchar un poco de música en vivo y divertirse con sus amigos. El lugar es un centro de eventos llamado El Farallon, y dicen que esta fiesta fue organizada por el abogado de Emma.

Por cierto, al parecer este abogado es también un cantante también porque estaba en el escenario actuando. Su nombre es Mariel Colón Miró y estaba montando todo un espectáculo para su cliente.

Como pueden ver, Emma se estaba relajando en el sofá, al parecer consumiendo bebidas y luego se quedó sola. Hay que decir, que Había un montón de seguridad de pie a su alrededor, así que tal vez por eso la gente se mantuvo alejada. Además de eso, Emma se dio el tiempo para posar en algunas fotos fuera del lugar.

La salida sigue a la liberación de Emma el miércoles. Había sido trasladada de un centro de Texas a una casa de medio camino aquí en Long Beach y, justo esta semana, fue finalmente liberada y puesta en libertad supervisada, en la que estará durante los próximos 4 años.

Recuerden, Emma llegó a un acuerdo con los federales en 2021 por cargos de tráfico de drogas y fue condenada a 3 años de prisión. Al final, hizo menos de 2, y ahora está de vuelta en el exterior.

En cuanto a su marido, bueno ... no va a salir pronto, o nunca. Él está condenado a pasar el resto de sus días encerrado, suponiendo que no vuelva a escaparse.

Cuídate, EC... ¡y mantén tu nariz limpia!

El Chapo Wifey Parties in L.A. Days After Prison Release!!!

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@tvjoseluis / @adrianafg8 / @el_farallon_

El Chapo might be in prison for the rest of his life, but his wife is a free woman after serving just two years behind bars -- and a couple days after being sprung, she hit the town!

Emma Coronel was spotted out in L.A. Friday night with a posse, dropping into a club down in Lynwood for a little live music and fun with her crew. The place they hit up is an event center called El Farallon ... and they say this shindig was put on by Emma's attorney.

BTW, this lawyer is also apparently a singer too ... 'cause she was up on stage performing. Her name is Mariel Colón Miró and she was putting on quite a show for her client.

As you can see, Emma was enjoying herself on the couch -- seemingly partaking in drinks -- and was mostly left alone. There was a lot of security standing around, though ... so maybe that's why people steered clear. Also ... she posed for some pics outside the venue too.

The outing follows Emma's release from custody Wednesday. She'd been transferred from a Texas facility to a halfway house here in Long Beach ... and, just this week, she was finally cut loose and placed on supervised release -- on which she'll be for the next 4 years.

Remember, Emma copped a plea deal with the feds in 2021 on drug trafficking charges ... and was sentenced to 3 years in prison. Ultimately, though, she did less than 2 ... and now, she's back on the outside.

As for her hubby, well ... he won't be getting out anytime soon, or ever. He's due to serve out the rest of his days in lock-up -- that is, assuming he doesn't pull another wild escape.

Stay safe, EC ... and keep your nose clean!

Diddy 'Love' Album Release Party Brings Out Big Celebs, Big Shots!!! 🍾


Diddy's star-studded new album dropped Friday and he threw a blowout bash in New York City to match the tracklist!!!

Sources close to the situation tell TMZ Hip Hop Diddy rented out Sei Less NYC for his "Love Album: Off The Grid" release party ... a special occasion seeing as how the restaurant extended its usual midnight shutdown time, so the shindig could go until 4 AM!!!

The moment he entered the bash, Diddy hit up the venue's co-owner Dara Mirjahangiry for a bottle of Ace of Spades, and raised glasses with Yung Miami, Jadakiss, French Montana, Shyne, Jozzy and his sons Quincy and Justin Combs.


We're told the 'Love' album was playing to get the party started, and once the shots from Diddy's DeLeon Tequila began to flow ... they launched into an impromptu karaoke session.

Keyshia Cole led the sing-along to her classic "Love" track and Diddy commanded The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Warning" for the crowd.

Fans have been rallying around the R&B compilation, and its lead-off music vid also dropped on Friday ... "Another One of Me" featuring French, 21 Savage and The Weeknd in his final appearance with that stage name.

Love is in the air ... and the DSPs.

Robin Thicke Drunkenly Stumbles Outside Club ... 'That's Embarrassing!!!'


Robin Thicke looks like he was seeing blurred lines during a night on the town, stumbling into a potted plant ... and wrestling with his fiancée April Love Geary as she tries to get him to leave.

The singer appeared intoxicated Thursday night outside The Fleur Room in West Hollywood, and April certainly thought he was ... as she put it, "his bitch ass is so drunk."

The video picks up with Robin trying to grab a bag from April outside the club entrance, but she breaks away from him and hails a ride ... and then he stumbles on his way back into the club, falling into a bush.

April calls him out for being wasted, and says he's embarrassing them with his behavior ... telling the bouncer to not let him back inside.

Robin continues trying to get his hands on April's phone, for some reason, and they get into a physical struggle on the sidewalk as she pleads for him to quit.

Eventually, a black SUV pulls up and Robin holds April in a bear hug from behind as she struggles to get to the car. Robin is smiling and laughing the whole time, but April's clearly not amused as they finally climb into the vehicle.

No word if Robin's nursing a hangover, but based on this video ... it's a safe bet.

Robin Thicke Se tambalea borracho a la salida de un club ¡Esto es vergonzoso!

tropiezo en un arbusto

Robin Thicke pareciera estar viendo líneas borrosas durante una noche de fiesta en la ciudad, en donde se lo vio tropezar con un arbusto y juguetear con su novia April Love Geary, mientras ella intentaba llevárselo a casa.

El cantante apareció intoxicado el jueves por la noche fuera de The Fleur Room en West Hollywood. En palabras de April, este "bitch ass" estaba súper borracho.

El video comienza con Robin tratando de agarrar una bolsa de April afuera del club. Ella se separa de él, llama a un conductor y luego Robin se tambalea en su camino de regreso al club, casi cayendo sobre un arbusto.

Ahí, April le llama la atención por estar tan borracho y le dice que los está avergonzando con su comportamiento. Al mismo tiempo, le dice al portero que no lo deje volver a entrar.

Robin insiste en su intento de agarrar el teléfono de April, por alguna razón, y se enzarzan en una pelea física en la acera mientras ella le suplica que la deje.

Finalmente, un todoterreno negro se detiene y Robin abraza a April por detrás mientras ella lucha por llegar al carro. Robin está sonriendo y riéndose todo el tiempo, pero a April no le hace ninguna gracia todo el espectáculo cuando por fin se suben al vehículo.

No se sabe si Robin tiene resaca, pero basándonos en este video... es una apuesta segura.

Britney Spears Dances Troubles Away in Cabo ... Havin' Fun Amid Divorce

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Britney Spears is getting over Sam Asghari by getting on a plane ... and, at least on the surface, she doesn't seem to be sweating the divorce as she has fun down in Cabo San Lucas.

The singer was showing off some moves at a bar called Baja Diablo ... where she was feeling the music Sunday, along with her bodyguard and a female friend in red. The bodyguard was definitely multitasking -- taking a phone call, dancing with Brit and, of course, watching her back.

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Britney's dancing was a bit toned down compared to the moves she normally shares online ... but she was hardly shy as other bar patrons watched her.

Of course, some people were definitely trying to grab a moment, or photo, but Britney's security waved them off as they yelled out her name.

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As we reported, Britney certainly hasn't been sulking since Sam filed for divorce last month -- despite saying she was "a little shocked" ... she's shared some old footage of her havin' fun with some shirtless men, and also posted a topless video of herself.

TMZ broke the story, Sam called things off after he believed Britney was cheating on him with a staffer at their home ... and they've cut off all contact with each other.

If Britney's in need of any post-breakup therapy, looks like she's finding it in Mexico.

Britney Spears Baila para pasar las penas en Cabo En medio del divorcio...

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Britney Spears está superando el divorcio con Sam Asghari yéndose de viaje a Cabo San Lucas y Parece estar pasándolo de maravilla.

La cantante mostró algunos movimientos en un bar llamado Baja Diablo, donde mostró alguno de sus pasos durante la noche del domingo junto a su guardaespaldas y una amiga de rojo. El guardaespaldas fue definitivamente multitarea, contestando llamadas telefónicas, bailando con Brit y, por supuesto, cuidando su espalda.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

El baile de Britney fue un poco apagado en comparación a los movimientos que normalmente comparte en línea, pero no se mostró tímida mientras otros clientes del bar la miraban.

Por supuesto, algunas personas estaban tratando de capturar un momento o una foto, pero la seguridad de Britney les hizo señas para que se alejaran mientras gritaban su nombre.

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mostrandolo todo

Como informamos, Britney ciertamente no ha estado inactiva desde que Sam le pidió el divorcio el mes pasado, a pesar de decir que estaba "un poco sorprendida", ha compartido algunas viejas imágenes de ella divirtiéndose con algunos hombres sin camiseta y también publicó un video en toples de sí misma.

TMZ publicó la historia; Sam canceló las cosas después de que él creía que Britney lo estaba engañando con un empleado al interior de su casa y han cortado todo contacto.

Si Britney necesita terapia post ruptura, parece que la está encontrando en México.

Sister Jean Throws 1st Pitch At Brewers-Cubs Game ... At 104 Years Old!!!

Sister Jean is proof age ain't nothin' but a number!

The famous chaplain for the Loyola men's basketball team threw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Brewers-Cubs game ... at an astounding 104 YEARS OLD!!

Jean Dolores Schmidt -- Sister Jean's government name -- showed off her fastball Monday night at Wrigley Field before the Chicago Cub's played the Milwaukee Brewers.

Sister Jean rocked her custom Cubs 'fit ... and tossed a better ball than 50 Cent and Conor McGregor.

No shade!

Of course, this wasn't Sister Jean's first time on the mound ... she's a pro! Last year she tossed the first pitch to celebrate her 103rd birthday!

This year's celebration isn't over just yet ... Loyola is hosting a block party on Thursday in her honor.

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Courtesy of MLB

Sister Jean is known to be the life of the party ... first rising to fame nationally as the Loyola Ramblers went on an NCAA tourney run, making it to the Final Four, and Jean was their good luck charm.

In fact, Sister Jean was so popular, her bobblehead sold for over $300 on eBay.

Ain't no party like a Sister Jean party!

Charlamagne Tha God Why Didn't JD Host His Own #HipHop50 Dinner for ATL??? 🤔

Jermaine Dupri feels the city of Atlanta got a raw deal when it comes to commercialized celebrations of hip hop's 50th anniversary -- but Charlamagne tha God is asking why JD didn't step up and put one together???

Last week, JD stirred up controversy by calling out brands for their lack of hip hop soirees on ATL soil ... forcing the music mogul to clarify himself Monday after fans kept giving him crap about his comments.

The "Money Ain't a Thang" rapper explained he was only attacking companies with big bucks for not getting ATL in the mix, and didn't have any animosity toward any other celebrations of hip hop's culture. Parties, are the priority here, people!!!

Charlamagne also questioned JD's response on Monday ... noting how the So So Def founder easily has the influence to pull off the kind of function he was demanding from corporate powers that be.

Several other fans were perplexed by JD's rationale.

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Sprite, one of hip hop's longstanding corporate partners, got several rap legends "together" last week ... T.I., Young Dro, Crime Mob, and even JD himself, who was honored with an award in front of the audience!!!

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens also partnered with Amazon, Mercedes-Benz, and even the homegrown concert series, One MusicFest, just to name a few, to help spearhead the city's Hip Hop 50 celebrations.

Hence the confusion over JD's stance.

Britney Spears Throws Wild Divorce Bash ... Sam Who?!?

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Britney Spears is working fast to put Sam Asghari behind her … surrounding herself with a ton of shirtless men, all vying for Brit's attention.

The pop star posted the racy video on Instagram, showing one guy trying to lick Brit’s leg all the way up to her thigh. You can hear the cameraman order him to, “Start at the boot, bro..”

The video then jumps to Brit being hoisted up by 5 bare-chested men around a pool. Brit seems more than satisfied, punctuating the moment with “Okay cool!"

Brit wrote in her caption, 'When you go to meet up with a so called "friend" and drive an hour for chicken! Then you have to wait in the car and need to use the bathroom.”

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She continued. “So what does a b**** like me do?! I put my green dress on and show up at my friends! I invited my [favorite] boys over and played all night!”

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On Sunday, Britney also posted a topless video on Instagram. Of course, this all followed last week’s drama when Sam Asghari filed for divorce from Britney, citing irreconcilable differences.

Since then, it’s been all downhill for the exes, who are no longer talking to one another.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Fat Joe Turns 53 $100M Yacht Bday Bash!!! Babyface, Remy, Kim, More Perform!!!


Fat Joe made a huge splash to ring in his 53rd birthday — on a $100 million superyacht surrounded by his closet and coolest pals, including Babyface, who performed a song he’s never done live!!!

The BX bomber’s shindig went down on the Hudson River across from NYC and was hosted by Market America co-founder Loren Ridinger.


Babyface ribbed Joe for being his #1 superfan but did him a solid and performed his favorite song, “Given A Chance” a deep cut from BF’s 1989 album “Tender Lover” … and managed to bring the house down, without sinking the ship!!!

Other artists in attendance such as Jim Jones and Styles P also performed hits but Remy Ma stole the show when she grabbed the mic and rapped Lil Kim’s “Quiet Storm (Remix)” verse — in front of the Queen Bee and sent everyone into a frenzy!!!

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Mary J. Blige, Angie Martinez, CC Sabathia, Chrissy Lampkin and many more were on deck to soak up the good times … and good times were had!!! 🍾

Sabrina Ionescu, N.Y. Liberty Poppin' Bottles!!! ... After Winning 1st Commissioner Cup

New York Liberty

It may not have been the WNBA Finals, but the New York Liberty certainly partied like it Tuesday night ... letting the champagne bottles pop after winning the franchise's first-ever Commissioner's Cup!!

It's the third year the WNBA has held the in-season tournament ... and the Liberty earned the hardware after defeating the Las Vegas Aces, 82-63, at Michelob Ultra Arena in Sin City, the first time the defending champions lost on their home court this season.

The whole team gathered in a circle in the locker room after the big win ... simultaneously opening and spraying their bottles of bubbly to kick off the celebration.

Star forward Breanna Stewart even got an extra assist on the night ... helping her teammate who was struggling with the bottle.

Sabrina Ionescu -- who scored 12 points in the title game -- was extra lit with the MVP, Jonquel Jones, as the two hoops stars showed off their dance moves and took sips out of the championship trophy.

The Liberty had every reason to party .... besides it being the franchise's first championship win of any kind, each player gets $30k out of the $500k prize pool, while Aces players get $10k each.

Preview of this year's WNBA Finals??