Pope Francis Parade Crashing Little Girl ... Mobbed at LAX!!


The little girl who squeezed through a police barricade to hand the Pope a message about U.S. immigration ... is getting the Kardashian treatment, now that she's back in L.A.

Sophie Cruz and her dad were swarmed by photogs at LAX, arriving from Washington D.C. where earlier this week the 5-year-old became the poster child for America's immigration issues. She's a U.S. citizen, but her parents are illegal immigrants.

When she got an impromptu audience with the Pontiff, she handed him a drawing of herself with friends of different races and the note ... "My friends and I love each other no matter our skin color."

Sophie's become quite the spokeswoman for her cause. Check out how she addressed the crowd of scrambling photogs. We got in one question about Donald Trump to her dad. He's pretty smooth too with the media.

Caitlyn Jenner Near Miss, Bad Timing


Caitlyn Jenner narrowly avoided disaster Thursday night ... a disaster with possible legal consequences.

Caitlyn was leaving Fig & Olive restaurant in West Hollywood with new best friend Candis Cayne, when she jumped in her car -- engulfed by paparazzi -- and she threw it in gear, briefly losing control as the SUV lurched forward.

She regained control and no one was hurt.

The D.A. is currently reviewing the fatal PCH crash for possible criminal prosecution and the last thing Caitlyn needs is another accident.

Jared Leto Cops Called After Airport Scuffle

Jared Leto was just questioned by cops at LAX after a friend he was traveling with allegedly slugged a photog in the face.

We're told Leto and his travel partner touched down in LA and were about to get in a car when the incident happened. It's unclear what led to the punch being thrown but we're told the photog had a bloody lip.

Law enforcement tells us they responded for a possible battery but once they had finished talking with everyone involved, including Jared -- they determined no arrest was needed.

We're told Leto's friend shook hands with the pap and both went on their way.

Peter Berg Attacked Over Caitlyn Meme ... Hands Off That Pic!

Peter Berg got a ton of backlash for posting that meme featuring Caitlyn Jenner -- and now one of the haters is considering taking legal action against the director.

The issue? The meme features a pic of Jenner owned by a photo agency ... which immediately recognized Berg was using its property. So, now it's fired off a cease and desist letter to Berg's people ... demanding the photo be removed.

The agency, AKM-GSI ... isn't just upset the photo was used without permission (read: payment), it says it never would have allowed the pic to be used to mock Caitlyn.

As of right now ... the pic is still on Berg's Instagram.

Kim Kardashian Threatens to Sue Over Intrusive Naked Photo

Kim Kardashian is enraged that a photo agency is hawking pictures it claims to show her lying naked at her pool, and she's threatened to haul their asses into court.

Kim's lawyer, Marty Singer, fired off a letter to X17, an L.A. paparazzi agency, claiming the company is hawking pics that were taken in a helicopter hovering over Kim's Hidden Hills home. Singer claims the photog broke the law by taking the pic in a chopper with a telephoto lens.

Singer says even worse ... X17 is lying when it claims Kim was naked. He says she was wearing a blue bikini and when she saw the helicopter she grabbed a towel to cover up.

Singer warned X17 if they sell the pics, they will face big damages for invasion of privacy.

Singer may have gotten through to the agency ... they took the pics off the website.

Justin Bieber Settlement Reached In Photog Heist Case

Justin Bieber played Miami nice with the photog who sued him over a scrap with his bodyguard -- they've reached a settlement agreement.

As you may recall ... Jeffrey Binion claimed Biebs ordered his hired muscle to beat him up and steal his camera's memory card.

The suit got a lot of attention after Bieber's videotaped deposition was leaked to TMZ. Bieber had a fit when the photog's lawyer asked him about then-GF, Selena Gomez.

The terms of the settlement are sealed.


Bruce Jenner Cops Hunt Down Renegade Paparazzi

L.A. County Sheriff's deputies paid a visit to Bruce Jenner's Malibu house Tuesday ... then went on the hunt for the paparazzi who have been perched on a nearby hillside and taking aim with telephoto lenses.

It's illegal for photogs to use telephoto lenses to invade the private spaces of the people they're shooting.

The photographers took pics of Jenner earlier in the day that were being peddled around town. They've also taken pics over the last week from the same perch and Bruce has confronted them. He said he would call the cops if they came back. Tuesday Bruce made good on his promise.

Bruce could, if he wants, probably get a restraining order against the photogs. He could sue them as well.

Justin Bieber Judge Orders Arrest In Argentinian Assault Case

Justin Bieber will be arrested if he dares to travel to Argentina, because a Buenos Aires judge has put the word out to police ... Bieber's a wanted man.

You may recall, a photog claimed Bieber ordered his bodyguards to attack him in November 2013, as the singer left a club. Bieber had been ordered to appear for questioning in November but apparently that never happened.

The judge who issued the most recent order on April 8 said, "I consider it pertinent to order the immediate detention of the accused."

Bieber's reps have said the case has been resolved, but apparently the judge doesn't see it that way.

Kanye West Settles Paparazzi Beatdown Case with Apology

Kanye West has settled the civil lawsuit filed by the photog he assaulted at LAX ... TMZ has learned.

Kanye and Daniel Ramos shook hands as the case was put to bed.

TMZ broke the story, Kanye was criminally charged with misdemeanor battery and pled no contest. He's currently on probation.

According to Ramos' lawyer, Gloria Allred, one term of the settlement was an apology from Kanye to Ramos. We don't know if any money changed hands.

Allred says, "We believe that this case sent an important message. Celebrities are not above the law, and they have no right to physically attack someone simply because they were asked a question."


Kim & Kanye Photogs Go Down! Eat French Crap in Louis Vuitton Crush

The paparazzi swarming Kim Kardashian and Kanye West in Paris might sound more sophisticated -- yelling in French -- but watch ... they go down just as hard as the American ones.

Kimye was walking into the Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week on Wednesday when multiple backpedaling paps slammed into a barricade. No one seemed seriously hurt in the carnage -- and you gotta see the one guy who persisted after Kanye ... until a bodyguard took him out.

Not to be outdone ... Selena Gomez got an even bigger crush from photogs and fans leaving the LV show. The video is INSANE, but at least she was armed with much bigger protectors.

Wanted: Way more bodyguards in Paris before the next Fashion Week.

Kanye West Don't Mention Taylor, Beck to Jurors They'll Hate Me!!!

Kanye West wants to block Taylor Swift and Beck again ... but this time the stage is a courtroom.

Kanye's lawyer wants a judge to prohibit a photog, who's suing the rapper for assault, from making any reference to the two infamous interruptions at music awards shows.

Photog Daniel Ramos claims Kanye beat him bad at LAX and he's suing for what he claims are substantial injuries. Kanye's lawyers say the only reason to dredge up the 2009 MTV Music Awards -- where Kanye jacked Taylor Swift's acceptance speech -- and this year's Grammys -- where he jumped on stage after Beck won -- is to poison the jury by making Kanye seem like a bad guy.

In the legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- Kanye's lawyer says the incidents aren't relevant, but what's really interesting is the admission that Kanye ended up looking bad. The lawyer says the videos would "cause jurors to form a negative opinion of West."

Ramos' lawyer, Gloria Allred, tells TMZ, "It is laughable that Kanye West appears to be so ashamed of his conduct that he doesn't want the jury to know what he did," adding, "Millions watched his conduct. Why does he want to hide it from a jury?"

BTW ... Kanye already pled no contest to criminal battery. He's on probation, which includes anger management courses.

Chris Martin Allegedly Strikes Photog But Something's Weird

Chris Martin allegedly hit a photog with his jeep as he left a fancy Santa Monica restaurant, but there's something really odd about this one.

Chris and Gwyneth Paltrow went to Giorgio Baldi Restaurant with their 2 kids and all was fine, but on the way out a photog runs up to take their photo and says he was struck by their jeep. An ambulance was called and the pap was taken to the hospital.

Here's the weird thing. The photog who took pics of the accident was standing across the street. It's unclear why a cameraman would be so far away, because there was a clear shot of the family from the restaurant side ... right on the sidewalk. In fact, 3 other photogs were perched right there.

We've never seen a photog take pics from across that street ... so, as we said, it's weird he's the one who got shots of the accident. Also, he and the guy who allegedly got hit have worked together.

And as the injured photog is taken away on a stretcher, he's looking directly into the camera.

Justin Bieber The Pap Suing Me is Lame Play With Fire ... Get Burned!


If you stand in front of a moving car, you're gonna get hit -- which is Justin Bieber's defense in a lawsuit filed by a photog he mowed down.

Bieber was sued last year by Walter Lee, who claims Biebs struck him in 2013 as he left a comedy club on Sunset Boulevard.

Bieber claims Lee deliberately stood in front of the moving vehicle so TS.

Bieber also doubts Lee was actually hurt. As TMZ first reported, despite claiming serious injuries Lee filmed Bieber just a few days after filing his lawsuit.

Bieber wants the case tossed out and if the judge wants to award him court costs, that would be swell.

Kanye West Pap Doesn't Want Jury to Hear I Also Pissed Off Britney!

Kanye West has no right to tell a jury the photog who's suing him is the very same guy who Britney Spears famously attacked with an umbrella ... at least that's what the photog is banking on.

Daniel Ramos is suing Kanye for the 2013 LAX attack. Kanye pled no contest to misdemeanor battery, but now Ramos is suing him.

Kanye wants to prove to the jury Ramos is a bad guy ... not only because of the 2007 umbrella incident, but also because he was so gross he tried selling the umbrella and the truck she struck.

But Ramos has filed legal docs asking the judge to exclude evidence of his Britney hijinks, saying it has nothing to do with the LAX attack and it would unfairly turn the jury against him.

Ramos also wants the judge to exclude evidence that he actually made a pretty penny off the video he shot as Kanye went after him.

It's kinda like having your cake ...

Cameron Diaz Wedding The Whole Klan Showed Up

It looks like a KKK rally, but it's actually a clumsily designed shroud to protect famous bride Cameron Diaz from the paparazzi.

Multiple pics were taken by various photogs of the backyard scene. Cameron and Benji Madden didn't want their entrance captured by outsiders, so 4 people carried the contraption to the altar, with the bride safely tucked inside.

Unclear if the big reveal will be in a magazine, but we're betting that's the case.

Friendly advice ... a chuppa would have done nicely.

Olivier Martinez Battery Suspect After LAX Melee

Olivier Martinez is the named suspect in a battery investigation after things got out of control at LAX ... TMZ has learned.

We're told Olivier, Halle Berry, 6-year-old Nahla and 1-year-old Maceo arrived at the Tom Bradley International Terminal at 1:45 Sunday afternoon. According to LAX Airport Police, the photogs got too close to the family.

An airport employee was also in the crowd, though it's unclear if he too was trying to snap a pic. Cops say Olivier was holding an empty car seat and allegedly shoved it against the employee, causing him to fall backward.

The employee was treated at the scene and taken to a hospital. We're told he complained of abdominal pain. He's filed a battery report.

We just got video of the incident.

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