Jon Gosselin Yeah, I Fired My Gun

Jon Gosselin has no apology for firing a warning shot to scare off a trespassing paparazzo, because he tells TMZ it's within his legal right.

Gosselin says the female photog is the one who broke the law by trespassing and repeatedly refusing to leave his private property ... which he says gave him the right to bust a cap.

"I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun, which I withdrew and used to fire a warning shot AWAY from the paparazza" Jon says, adding, "It is well within my rights under Pennsylvania law when someone is trespassing on private property."

Gosselin is calling the photogs bluff -- she says she's filing police report -- because he's certain cops will tell her a thing or two about trespassing and a person's right to protect their property.

Jon says he's mulling over his own legal right ... because he's really pissed at the pap.

Whether it's legal or not for Jon to fire the shot ... it did the trick.

Mel Gibson Sarcastic or Sincere?


Mel Gibson could not have been happier to see the gaggle of paparazzi waiting for him in West Hollywood Wednesday night ... or was he just dripping with sarcasm?

Mel seemed superficially concerned about the well-being of the gang that couldn't shoot straight as he left the restaurant.

So we gotta ask ...

Kanye West Why He's Getting Prosecuted And Lamar Isn't

Kanye West is getting prosecuted for screwing with a photographer's equipment at LAX, but Lamar Odom basically did the same thing and he's not facing criminal charges ... and TMZ knows why.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... honchos in the L.A. City Attorney's Office cut Lamar a break because this is the first time he ever went on the attack against a paparazzo. You'll recall Lamar went into a photog's car and chucked his camera equipment into the street, damaging it. Lamar has been ordered to attend an informal hearing but will NOT face criminal charges.


Our sources say the reason they're going after Kanye is his history of attacking photographers. Specifically, the City Attorney has zeroed in on another incident at LAX back in 2008, when he grabbed a photog's camera and threw it to the ground. The case was filed, but later dismissed after Kanye paid for the repair.


We're told the City Attorney also factored in the various incidents where Kanye has lashed out at photogs ... incidents prosecutors have seen on TMZ.

It is unclear if the City Attorney will try to use prior incidents in Kanye's current criminal case to prove he has an M.O. -- i.e., ATTACK.

Kanye West CHARGED In Paparazzi Attack


Kanye West has been charged with criminal battery and attempted grand theft for allegedly attacking a paparazzo at LAX on July 19 ... TMZ has learned.

Kanye went off on the photog ... who dared to speak with him as he left the airport. The photog went to the hospital and has filed a lawsuit. The photog hired Gloria Allred, who has said the attack left her client badly injured.

Just days before the attack Kanye issued multiple warnings to the paparazzi NOT to speak to him.

If convicted of both misdemeanors ... Kanye faces a maximum of 1 year in jail.

He'll be arraigned October 10th.

We attempted to reach Kanye's lawyer, Blair Berk, but her assistant said she was unavailable "because it's the highest holy day of the year for Jews" and she was at services.

Fun Fact: The L.A. City Attorney's office nailed 2 men in the Kardashian fam in 1 day. They filed DUI charges against Lamar Odom this morning. Scott Disick ... they're watching you.




TMZ has obtained video of a paparazzo on an out-of-control bicycle Thursday ... careening into Nicole Kidman and knocking her flat on her butt -- and he was going FAST.

You see photog Carl Wu trying in vain to stop as he careened into Nicole outside the Carlyle Hotel in NYC. You also hear Nicole screaming about pressing charges, and Carl profusely apologizing.

FYI, Carl wasn't arrested because cops said it was just an accident -- but he was cited for riding his bike on a sidewalk.

Amazingly ... Nicole wasn't injured.

Nicole Kidman Knocked to Ground, Pressing Charges


Lamar Odom Sued Over Pap Confrontation


Lamar Odom has just been sued by the photog whose equipment the NBA star trashed on the street back in July ... and the pap is partly blaming Kanye West for Lamar's outburst, TMZ has learned.

Stefan Saad filed the lawsuit, claiming the NBA star assaulted him and destroyed more than $15,000 worth of camera equipment during the attack in the middle of a Hollywood street ...all in an effort to avoid negative press.

The lawsuit trashes the Kardashians and Lamar with gems like this -- "The Kardashian clan has apparently come to believe that it is above the law, and has some exceptional privilege to disregard the rights of others."

The lawsuit goes on "The Kardashian clan are not only wealthy and attractive -- but also deeply flawed."

As we reported, Lamar blew a gasket after the pap peppered him with questions about cheating on Khloe, opening Saad's car and tossing all his gear onto the pavement, including expensive camera equipment.

Lamar then took a bundle of the photog's crap, placing it in his own car. The entire incident was caught on tape.

According to Stefan's lawsuit, Lamar feels like he's "above the law" because he's married to a Kardashian sister. Stefan even believes Kanye West had a hand in all this, claiming the rapper (who's dating Kim) advised him on how to deal with paparazzi in a Kanye fashion.

Stefan is suing for assault, conversion (stealing property), and trespass of property, demanding in excess of $565,000 ... not including punitive damages.

JLH and Fiance Photog Scuffle Cops Investigating

Jennifer Love Hewitt and fiance Brian Hallisay were involved in a pasta-fueled confrontation with a photog Friday night ... and cops have launched a criminal investigation.

JLH and Brian were leaving the always-delicious Toscana restaurant in Brentwood when a pesky paparazzo prepared to snap some pics. We're told the couple asked the photog to lay off, but he ignored them and started snapping away.

Hallisay then allegedly got into it with the cameraman, and during the scuffle the photog claims the camera hit him in the face -- near his eye.

Apparently Jen -- who is pregnant -- felt so bad she let the photog snap a few more pics ... and then she and Hallisay left.

Unlike Toscana's rigatoni, the confrontation didn't go down well with the photog, because law enforcement sources tell us he went to the cop shop a few hours later and filed a battery report against Hallisay. Our sources say when he came to the station there was no visible injury to his face or eye.

The investigation is ongoing.


10:00 AM PT -- A rep for the NYPD tells us ... cops have spoken with both the photog and Alec who each admit pushing and shoving each other.

We're told both parties ultimately decided to walk away from the situation without pursuing charges.

So ... case closed.

Alec Baldwin has struck again ... allegedly ... grabbing a photog on the streets of New York in front of several witnesses ... and now the NYPD is involved.

Sources connected with Baldwin tell TMZ ... the photog was the aggressor.

We spoke to the photog -- not a TMZ guy -- who tells us he did nothing to provoke Alec saying, "All I can say is I was doing my job asking him normal questions and he flipped. That's all."

The photog says he called police ... and cops responded to the scene.

A friend of Alec tells us ... Alec was with his wife Hilaria during the incident ... and Hilaria, in an effort to avoid the pap, ducked into a nearby tea store. We're told Alec also called police.

The friend tells us, "What kind of sick twisted psychopath chases a woman who just got out of the hospital from having a baby into a tea store?"

Hilaria just gave birth to the couple's daughter on August 23.

Story developing ...

Lamar Odom No Prosecution For Camera Smashing

Lamar Odom has just dodged a bullet -- he will NOT be prosecuted for trashing a photog's equipment ... TMZ has learned.

The L.A. City Attorney will not file criminal vandalism charges against Khloe's hubby for destroying a camera guy's equipment last month in Hollywood. Instead, as TMZ reported several days ago, the matter will be set for an informal hearing in the City Attorney's office.

The hearing is basically a sit down with both Lamar and the photog. The hearing office will explain the ground rules when there's a dispute between a celeb and the paparazzi. It's possible ... at the end of the hearing, Lamar could be ordered to attend anger management classes.

But short story ... victory for Lamar.


Kanye West Sued Photog Says Rapper Put Him on Crutches


Kanye West left an innocent photog in crutches after a brutal assault at LAX last month -- when Kanye attempted to wrestle away the pap's camera -- so says the photog himself, and now he's filed a lawsuit against the rapper.

Daniel Ramos appeared with his lawyer Gloria Allred at a news conference Wednesday, where Gloria announced the lawsuit for assault, battery, and interference with Daniel's civil rights (in this case free speech).


Daniel -- who called himself a "filmmaker" -- says he spent two weeks on crutches after the attack, and has been walking with a cane for some time. He says he's still in pain.

Gloria argued the attack sets a dangerous precedent for celebrity-on-photog violence, especially now that various celebs are actually celebrating unprovoked attacks on photogs.

At one point, Gloria went after Kirstie Alley, Cher, and even Kylie Jenner for applauding Kanye's attack on Twitter.

Gloria says she's also asking the court to issue a restraining order against Kanye.

Ramos is suing for unspecified damages.

Kanye West I've Got Gloria Allred Problems Now

Kanye West is about to get pounded by a woman -- Gloria Allred.

Allred just said she's repping the photog Kanye attacked at LAX last month and says she's filing a lawsuit against the rapper.

What's complicating things for Kanye -- the L.A. City Attorney is currently mulling over whether to prosecute Kim K's baby daddy for vandalism and battery in connection with the attack. Up to this point the likely outcome was that -- even if a criminal case were filed -- the photog would make a financial settlement and the case would go away.


It's possible Allred will try to score a big payday for the photog and the case would still be dropped, but let's be honest ... this case will be high profile ... which is Allred's sweet spot. Short story -- the chances Kanye will be prosecuted just got way bigger.

Gloria's holding a news conference at 1 PM PT. We'll be livestreaming.

Kanye West Who DARES to Talk to the Great Yeezus??!


It happened. Again.

A photog DARED to actually talk while in Kanye West's presence ... despite KW's infamous "Don't ever talk" edict of 2013.

He talked to Kanye. He talked to himself. He talked.

And what happened? Something crazy ... something out of character ... something non-violent.

Kanye actually smiled.

It's the second time we've seen Kanye smile this month. Maybe he's turned a corner.

We'd ask him ... but that would require us to talk ... and we've probably said enough already.

071213_kanye_kal JULY 2013

Lamar Odom No Charges In Paparazzi Street Clash


Lamar Odom has dodged a bullet ... the NBA superstar will not be prosecuted for going berserk on a paparazzi in the middle of an L.A. street last month and breaking some of the guy's gear, TMZ has learned.

The cops had originally sent the case to the L.A. County D.A. for possible felony charges ... and the D.A. referred it to the L.A. City Attorney for possible misdemeanor vandalism charge.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Odom has agreed to pay for breaking the snapper's gear in the July 10 rampage. So we're told the City Attorney will hold an office hearing -- an alternative to a prosecution -- in which Lamar and the photog will have a chit chat with the hearing officer about rights and responsibilities ... and that's about it.

As we previously reported, Lamar blew a gasket that day after the photog (not a TMZ guy) blasted him with questions about rumors he was cheating on Khloe.

So in conclusion, Lamar went from possible felony ... to possible slap on the wrist ... to actual check (that's really just a drop in the bucket for a pro athlete/reality star).

Lamar wins.

Kardashian Mansion Cops Investigating Pap Trespasser

Looks like Kim Kardashian wasn't lying about a photog trespassing onto Kardashian family territory this week -- we found out ... 1 cop car rolled up to their Calabasas mansion Wednesday ... and we're told police were nosing around about the incident.

As we reported, on Monday Kim posted video online, showing her mother Kris Jenner racing into her backyard in hot pursuit of a paparazzo who had trespassed on her grounds.


It smelled like BS at the time -- after all, why would Kris put herself in that kind of danger??? But sources close to the Kardashians say police already have a solid lead on a suspect, and dropped by Kris' house to speak with her about the incident.

Translation: Kris Jenner has balls of steel.

Kristen Stewart RIPS PHOTOG 'You Don't Deserve to Breathe the Same Air I Do'


Kristen Stewart tore a paparazzo a new a-hole yesterday... dropping f-bombs and screaming, "You don't deserve to breathe the same air I do."

The video's intense ... Kristen is seen hiding behind a gate, waiting for a ride outside some building in Los Angeles, when the photog -- not TMZ -- asks, "Why are you saying f**k off?"

Obviously, Kristen was pissed even before the camera rolled ... but it's unclear what took place BEFORE the paparazzo started recording.

But Kristen, who appears like she's been pushed to a breaking point, unloads, saying, "Because you're a piece of s**t and you don't deserve to breathe the same air I do." That's just the beginning. It's crazy. Check it out.

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