Kardashian Family Beefs Up Security After Pap Breach ... But Something Stinks


Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner have beefed up security at their Calabasas estate after a paparazzo allegedly trespassed onto their property, TMZ has learned -- but video footage of the incident makes the whole thing smell kinda fishy.

Kim posted the Blair-Witch-style video online yesterday, showing her mom running into their backyard ... in hot pursuit of the rogue photog. They say they even called the cops.

Sources close to the K-Klan tell us, the family has since hired round-the-clock security ... pretty crazy considering they already live in a gated community.

Now the fishy part ... If someone really was creeping around their property, why would a defenseless woman like Kim's mom run out to confront him ... especially a really rich defenseless woman?

Is this a publicity stunt or is she just plain crazy?

Kanye West Won't Be Prosecuted For Photog Attack

Kanye West must have a really good lawyer, because law enforcement sources tell us it's virtually certain he will NOT be charged with ANY crime in connection with last week's paparazzo attack.

Here's the way we're told it will play out.

LAPD robbery detectives are investigating the photog's allegation that Kanye tried to steal his camera -- but our sources say that dog won't hunt. The D.A. will NEVER charge Kanye with felony attempted robbery, because there's no proof he tried to pilfer the camera at LAX.

We're told cops will send the attempted robbery file to the D.A. and they expect it will be rejected within days.

The next step -- the file goes to the L.A. City Attorney for a possible misdemeanor criminal battery prosecution. But here's why that won't happen. We're told Kanye is willing to ante up some cash to make the case go away, and it's perfectly legal. It's called a civil compromise and it's done everyday.

So Kanye will skate ... and probably attack another photog.

The end.

Kanye West Photog Attack The Britney Connection

The photog who was attacked by Kanye West at LAX Friday is the SAME paparazzo who was attacked by Britney Spears in the famous umbrella incident ... TMZ has learned.

The pap -- who goes by the name Dano -- was on the receiving end of crazy Britney's Mary Poppins-style attack back in 2007. The word on the street was that Dano was more than a tad aggressive.

After the umbrella incident ... Dano put the umbrella (she left it on the street and he picked it up) on eBay. He also put the Ford Explorer she dented on the website and the bidding reached more than $30k.

But those figures are small potatoes ... we're told he also raked in a fortune from his video of the incident.

As for Friday's incident ... we broke the story .... Dano wants to press charges and Kanye is now a felony suspect for attempted robbery.


Kanye West FELONY Suspect for Attempted Robbery

5:28 PM PT -- The victim wants to press charges against Kanye ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ. What's more, our sources say he's been interviewed by cops and they've determined he did indeed suffer injuries during the attack. Cops will refer the case to the D.A. as a felony attempted robbery and not a battery case. The routine is to go after the suspect for the most serious charge.

Kanye West has been named a felony suspect in the LAX attack Friday afternoon ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... police suspect Kanye committed an attempted robbery when he assaulted a photog at the airport and tried to jack his camera.

The case has now been transferred to the Robbery Homicide Unit and cops are currently putting a file together.

Our sources say the case will be referred to the L.A. County D.A. for possible prosecution.

The victim was taken to the hospital after the attack. His condition is unknown.


Stars and Scars You Be the Judge

A lot happened this week ... another Kanye attack, a racist attack against Oprah by a jealous actress and a venomous reaction to a magazine cover. So we gotta ask ...

Send Kanye to jail

More dangerous

More dangerous

Kim's in danger

Kanye West Goes Postal on Another Photog Paramedics On Scene


THIS VIDEO IS CRAZY ... Kanye West viciously attacked another photog at LAX Friday afternoon -- and it was so bad ... paramedics rushed to the scene.

Kanye was on his way out of the airport when he was swarmed with paparazzi, snapping pictures. One photog -- not TMZ -- probed Kanye with a bunch of questions.

Kanye told the man not to ask him questions, but he kept going -- and Kanye attacked, attempting to wrestle the camera from the guy's hands, and the man fell down. Kanye then immediately jumped into a waiting car and took off. Paramedics and police rushed to the scene.

Kanye had been out of the country since last week ... when he laid down his now-infamous anti-pap rules, telling our photog NEVER TO TALK TO HIM EVER. The extent of the photog's injuries are unclear.

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Kris Jenner RIDICULOUS Justification For Kanye's Violence


Kanye West must have spiked the Kool-Aid that Kris Jenner drank, because only a drunk lady would concoct such a ridiculous justification for Kanye West's violent outburst at LAX last week.

Kris appeared on "The Talk" Thursday and urged people not to come down on Kim Kardashian's baby daddy for breaking our camera -- after our photog dared to speak and compliment the rapper.

Kris feels like it's important to know what happened in the 15 minutes before the attack. As far as our camera guy goes ... the answer is nothing. Beyond that, she's kidding, right?

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Kanye West on Paparazzi Why I Hate Them ... Why I Attack Them

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There's a reason Kanye West hates the paparazzi so much -- it's a terrible reason -- but a reason nonetheless ... and it stems from a few rotten eggs, TMZ has learned.

It's no secret Kanye's been running on a short fuse since at least 2008, when he smashed a TMZ camera at LAX. After that, he vowed to have a more peaceful relationship with the media ... but that all changed in 2012.

Sources close to Kanye tell TMZ ... after he started getting serious with Kim Kardashian, he felt a couple of paps would cross the line and ask him inappropriate questions about their relationship in public. We're told he started to feel like certain paps were "heckling" him.

Things escalated in October 2012 during a trip to Miami ... when a local photog -- not a TMZ guy -- asked Kanye and Kim if they would be inviting Kris Humphries and Reggie Bush to their wedding.


Kanye was pissed ... and, rightfully so, felt the photog was just trying to antagonize him.

Things got worse a few months later, after Kim announced she was pregnant -- when another pap started hammering K&K about whether they would invite Ray J to the baby shower.


That, we're told, was the breaking point -- and from that moment on, Kanye decided to impose his "DON'T EVER TALK" policy on anyone with a camera.

Here's the problem ... if Kanye doesn't want to talk to a pap, that's fine -- he has that right. But when he starts attacking people and smashing camera equipment ... dude, you crossed the line.

Take this example, Kanye -- if a white person walked up to you and said the N-word, would you hate all white people??? Would you try to ATTACK every white person you encountered???

Bottom line -- we get why he's upset ... but seriously, GET OVER IT.

Kanye West You Be the Judge

Kanye West's airport outburst on a TMZ photog is just the latest in a string of outlandish and violent behavior. So we gotta ask ...

Kanye is a fascist

Kanye's Jesus complex

More Anti-American?

Yeezy will strike again

Kanye West Paparazzi Tantrum REMIX D-D-Don't Talk to Me!!!

Kanye West obviously needs a brand new music video after his other one fizzled online this week -- so we decided to do the man a solid and make him a new one ... BY REMIXING THIS WEEK'S PAPARAZZI TANTRUM!!!

You can read the story behind the video here, but that's not really today's lesson.

Today's lesson is obvious ... D-D-D-DON'T TALK TO KANYE!!! AT ALL!!!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here. Just be quiet about it, so Kanye doesn't hear you.

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Lamar Odom Attack Photog Wants to Press Charges


One of the L.A. photogs Lamar Odom went nuts on this week has lawyered up, law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... and we're told the man plans to press charges against the NBA star.

According to sources, detectives are still investigating the incident -- when Lamar flipped on two photogs in Hollywood, damaging equipment and allegedly smashing one of their cars -- but the case will most likely be forwarded to the L.A. City Attorney soon for criminal prosecution.

It's unclear which photog is pursuing legal recourse ... but we're told one DEFINITELY wants to see Lamar go down for what he did.

As we reported, it appears Lamar snapped because a photog asked questions about Khloe Kardashian ... namely about Lamar's alleged extramarital affair with a stripper.

Attempts to reach the photogs involved, as well as Lamar, were unsuccessful.

Kanye West Don't Burst My Privacy Bubble ... Or I'll F*** You Up!!!

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Kanye West just lashed out at a TMZ camera guy ... tearing into our photog for daring to speak at LAX ... simply 'cause he's an egomaniac who thinks he's bigger than the Constitution.

Kanye -- who calls himself Yeezus -- had arrived to the airport, when our photog tried to tell the rapper how much he loves his music.

But before he could even finish his sentence, Kanye got right in our guy's face ... manhandled the camera -- and started making demands like a Fascist dictator.

"Don't talk ... don't talk to me ... I don't wan't to hear paparazzi talk to me or anybody I know ... and tell everybody never talk to anyone that anyone knows ... don't talk to themselves .. DON'T TALK EVER AGAIN."

Our guy dared to open his mouth ... and said how pumped he was for a possible sequel to the Jay-Z/Kanye album ... and that's when Kanye charged back at our photog and ripped at our camera.

It's not the first time Kanye has gone after our camera ... in fact, he was ARRESTED for smashing our equipment at the very same airport in 2008.

Those charges were dropped ... but clearly, Kanye hasn't learned a damn thing -- particularly, that he lives in AMERICA ... where the Constitution gives everyone the right to free speech -- even if Kanye doesn't like it.

In fact, Kanye's belief that he lives in a privacy bubble -- where he can dictate who can and can't talk in a public place -- is as Anti-American as it gets.

Lamar Odom Khloe Questions Set Him Off


It's now clear why Lamar Odom flipped out on a paparazzo in L.A. yesterday -- he was pissed that the snapper repeatedly hammered him about a report he cheated on Khloe Kardashian.

The confrontation was all captured on video as the photog -- not a TMZ guy -- rolled up to Lamar's car and asked if he stepped out on Khloe with a stripper.

At first, Lamar calmly answered the question -- saying, "I would never cheat on my wife, that's why I wear my wedding ring."

But things quickly turned -- when Lamar asked the photog for his name and then said, "I'm gonna step out the car and I'm gonna talk to you."

The video cuts ... and when it turns back on, Lamar is in the middle of the street with the photog's gear ... and eventually puts it in his trunk.

The photog pleads for his stuff back -- Lamar replies, "Shut up."

Eventually, Lamar returned the gear.

Nigella Lawson's Hubby Files for Divorce I'll Teach You, Bitch!

The husband of famous TV cooker Nigella Lawson has gone from the throat to the jugular -- filing for divorce because his wife didn't come to his defense after he choked her in public.

Yeah, you read right.

Charles Saatchi -- the mega-wealthy art collector who famously put his hands around Lawson's throat last month outside a famous London restaurant in plain view of paparazzi -- issued a statement announcing the divorce:

"I feel that I have clearly been a disappointment to Nigella during the last year or so, and I am disappointed that she was advised to make no public comment to explain that I abhor violence of any kind against women, and have never abused her physically in any way."

Saatchi got a warning from cops to not do it again. Boy, those Brits are forgiving.

But Saatchi wasn't done. He went on to blame Nigella, saying they had drifted apart over the last year and essentially admitting that he went to town on her throat:

"The row photographed at Scott's Restaurant could equally have been Nigella grasping my neck to hold my attention -- as indeed she has done in the past."

So what should happen to Saatchi? Please advise in comment section.

Paris Jackson REJECTED By Rehab Facility

Paris Jackson can't get a break ... her request to be transferred from UCLA Medical Center to a top out-of-state facility has been REJECTED, because the rehab place fears an onslaught of paparazzi.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... UCLA docs will NOT let Paris return home, because they believe she is still a serious danger to herself -- they believe unless she gets more professional help she could end up killing herself.

We're told Paris' biological mom, Debbie Rowe, has researched adolescent facilities around the country and found one in Utah that would be perfect. But our sources say the facility has turned thumbs down on the request, because honchos at the rehab place fear photogs will go crazy and take pictures of not only Paris but other patients at the facility.

We're told Rowe is not satisfied with the other options, so the search continues ... although we're told people connected with Paris are contacting the facility and asking for reconsideration.

In the meantime, our sources say Paris is stuck at UCLA, and she's in the wing that treats patients with eating disorders -- a problem Paris does not have.

Rowe is telling friends, "It's just a tragedy. This girl needs help."

Hilary Duff Paparazzo Goes Down ... HARD!


EVERYBODY loves watching people fall down ... even Hilary Duff ... who couldn't help but smile last night when a paparazzo lost his footing and ate it HARD ... and it was all caught on tape.

Duff was leaving Aventine in Hollywood when an overzealous and underbalanced photog tried to get in position for a shot ... and wound up flat on his back.

You gotta see Hilary's post-fall commentary, which included gems like ... "exciting" and "pretty awesome."

She's right.

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