Ryan Seacrest Junk-Grabbing ... Wine-Guzzling Fun!

Thisssss ... is Ryan Seacrest acting like a raging frat boy on Spring Break -- with his buddy, Thor -- and it's kinda awesome.

It's a side of Seacrest we never get to see -- but while partying with Chris Hemsworth on a yacht off the coast of Italy, he let loose ... swigging wine from a bottle and grabbing his crotch with reckless abandon.

Funniest part of Ryan's version of going HAM -- the bottle he's chugging looks a lot like ... rosé! Yeah, it's probably a $1,000 bottle, but still ... rosé?

Baby steps.

Caitlyn Jenner Check Me out on Broadway!!! (PHOTO)

Caitlyn Jenner made a very sexy splash on Broadway Tuesday night ... and she's giving Kim a run for her money.

Caitlyn went with transgender actress Candis Cayne to the Broadway show, "An American in Paris."

It's the first time Caitlyn -- who is 65 -- has been out in public with full-on cleavage and lace. It's pretty apparent ... she's been taking Kim's advice on how to dress and especially how to look good in photographs.

When Caitlyn left the theater, a throng of fans were there to greet her.

One thing is clear ... Caitlyn ain't wearin' Bruce's baseball caps anymore.


Caitlyn Jenner Creates Big Apple Frenzy

Caitlyn Jenner stepped out with new best friend Diane Sawyer Monday night in NYC, and she has the paparazzi eating out of the palm of her hand.

It's pretty incredible ... the flurry of questions Bruce Jenner faced over the last few years are all gone ... and now it's all glam and respect as the paps fought to get an over-the-shoulder shot.

Caitlyn and Diane did not know each other before their interview, but we're told they hit it off and created a warm friendship.


Kris Jenner & Corey Gamble Here's What You Missed At the Kimye Wedding

Kris Jenner took her man Corey Gamble to the Palace of Versailles in France over the weekend ... and no doubt regaled him with tales of the Kim Kardashian/Kanye West wedding.

Kris has the most epic Versailles photos ever, but she and Corey still snapped a few selfies as they walked among the common folk.

The question ... did she mention Louis XIV?

Sofia Vergara Protesters Cry, 'Unfreeze Your Daughters ... Unfreeze Your Heart'

Sofia Vergara may be stinging the morning after the "Magic Mike XXL" premiere, after a slew of pro-life protesters swarmed the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, raging over her decision to leave her frozen embryos in limbo.

Sofia and Joe Manganiello were all smiles as they were safely tucked inside the movie house, but outside protesters roared over her decision not to bring her 2 frozen embryos to full term. As TMZ reported, Sofia's ex, Nick Loeb, is suing Sofia, claiming she's destroying life by not going forward.

Protesters also vandalized Sofia's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with the words, "#embryodefense."


Mariah Carey's New BF You Motorboatin' Son of a Bitch

Mariah Carey's billionaire boyfriend went full throttle on his yacht -- getting a face full of her cleavage, and proving the old adage ... it's really good to own a yacht.

James Packer was putting on a motorboating clinic while MC chilled on his vessel. As we've been reporting, they've been cruising around Italy all week, and there's already talk of marriage.

If this up close look at the family jewels doesn't close the deal ... nothing will.

Nice full court press, Mariah.

Jennifer Lawrence I'm Funny Again

Free from that insanely hot bodyguard and Coldplay singer, Jennifer Lawrence let loose and flashed funny faces as she sauntered around Wednesday night in New York City.

We'll take fun J-Law over grumpy J-Law any day!

Chris Martin Late Night with Kylie Minogue ... Hunger Games Over?

Chris Martin was arm-in-arm with Kylie Minogue -- at 1:30 AM in a London park -- which may or may not be news to his GF of several months.

Chris and Kylie were strolling together early Monday morning after her concert in Hyde Park -- and the late/early hour of has some people thinking he and Jennifer Lawrence are dunzo.

J-Mart seemed pretty tight earlier this month snuggled up in the back of Bono’s SUV, and it's entirely possible Chris and Kylie were just a couple of non-banging pals getting fresh air.

Y'know what they say, though -- the nighttime is the right time. For what? We'll leave that up to Jennifer.

Kim Kardashian Meet My TWINS

Kim Kardashian touched down in New York City flaunting the must-have maternity accessory of the season -- all seasons, really -- enormous boobs.

Although she doesn't typically sport the same style twice, we've seen this look on Kim before -- in 2013, when she was pregnant with North.

Kim is apparently going through morning sickness, tweeting Tuesday morning, "Wait wait wait I thought this nausea thing was supposed to be gone by now!!!! UGHHHHHH"

KK isn't due until some time in December. As a famous fisherman once said, "We're gonna need a bigger bra."

'Breaking Bad' Star Models R.J. Titty

Here's R.J. Mitte walking the catwalk for Vivienne Westwood in Milan.

Rack 'em up, Walt Jr.

Kate Hudson On Topless Beach! ... Punks Out

Kate Hudson hitting a topless beach in Greece with her GFs sounds like the start of a beautiful thing -- and could have been ... if Kate understood how peer pressure's supposed to work.

Kate chose to keep her bikini top on, while her pals frolicked. It's unclear why she didn't let her girls run free -- maybe she spotted cameras nearby.

Hudson has been on vacation with her estranged hubby Matt Bellamy ... even though he's been hanging with a new blonde.

As for the beach -- we're pretty sure "When in Rome" applies, Kate. Even in Greece.

Tori Spelling And Dean McDermott #SummerSale … Everything Must Go

Tori Spelling and hubby Dean McDermott are clearly strapped for cash ... they spent Father’s Day unloading all their crap at a massive yard sale at their San Fernando Valley rental.

Signs were posted around their Encino neighborhood touting antiques, furniture, clothing, jewelry ... everything that's not nailed down.

We’re told McDermott handed out refreshments to the people braving the 100 degree heat and suckered in by their #SummerSale hashtag.

It’s gotta suck when you once played Donna and were the daughter of a gazillionaire.

Caitlyn Jenner My First Father's Day!!!

Caitlyn Jenner celebrated her first Father's Day with her children, and there's a lot more significance than you think.

Caitlyn's kids from all 3 ex-wives came together for the shindig at her Malibu house. Of course, it's the first time she's celebrated the holiday as a woman. Caitlyn has told her kids she will always be their dad.

But there's more. Caitlyn never celebrated Father's Day with all her kids. Kris organized Father's Day events, but the boys and Cassandra rarely went.

Now that there are no wives to organize Father's Day parties, Caitlyn -- like many single dads -- is left to her own devices. We're told Sunday's festivities were initiated by Caitlyn.

Interesting some of the Caitlyn's sons are celebrating with her daughters ... they don't really socialize together.

Whatever ... hopefully a good time was had by all.

Liam Hemsworth Check it Out I Have Sole!!!

Liam Hemsworth was chillin' a little too much Saturday ... cruisin' barefoot in a Malibu supermarket.

Miley Cyrus' ex hit up Ralphs on a hot, sunny day, but still ...

Check out the ball of his foot ... not the kind of thing you want to see in the produce department.

Liam showed up with a solemate ... some Shoeless Joe.

Bradley Cooper Dashes, Then Crashes into Door

Bradley Cooper made a dash for the hippest restaurant in London Friday night, but misjudged the opening and slammed into the front door.

Bradley was trying to make his way inside Chiltern Firehouse ... one of the best and most popular restaurants in London.

It's unclear how it happened, but photogs say he hit his head hard on the front door -- apparently he had his head down as he tried running inside.

It looks painful but hopefully he enjoyed the awesome food.

Gigi Hadid, Joe Jonas In Case it Wasn't Clear ...

The likelihood that Gigi Hadid and Joe Jonas are banging just went from clear and convincing evidence to beyond a reasonable doubt ... and we say that with 2 new pieces of evidence.

EXHIBIT A: Joe planted a kiss on Gigi as she got out of his car and headed for a terminal Friday at LAX.

EXHIBIT B: No one drives someone to the airport unless they're having sex.

Case closed.