Honey Boo Boo Here She Comes Again ... But There's a Speed Bump

Honey Boo Boo is far from done ... the fam is back in L.A. meeting with producers this week ... but convicted sex-offender Mark McDaniel could derail everything.

Sources say several networks believe the world has been Boo-deprived for too long ... TLC cancelled the show back in October. The idea being shopped is a "Beverly Hillbillies" theme with a new house, money, and drivers while they adjust to being famous around town.

But here's the problem ... we're told producers want to drudge up Chickadee's molestation business with McDaniel and use it to inaugurate the series, but the family says they're dealing with it privately in therapy and want to move on.

But people love it when couples reunite ... por ejemplo Mama June and Sugar Bear ... we're told producers are pushing to see them fix things and co-parent for the show.

Decisions ... decisions.

Bruce Jenner Video Captures Entire Crash Bruce Plowed into Both Cars

A MTA bus caught the entire Bruce Jenner car crash on video and sources tell TMZ it squarely shows Bruce struck both cars, and the Lexus driver NEVER made contact with the Prius.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... they are in possession of the video. Sources familiar with the bus in question -- which was directly behind the Hummer -- tell TMZ there are cameras mounted on the front, back and sides, and the videos show the entire accident.

Law enforcement will not tell us what's on the video, but sources familiar with the video in question tell us it's clear the Lexus never made contact with the Prius. Bruce hit the Lexus, which propelled it into oncoming traffic and then struck the Hummer. Bruce then continued on and hit the Prius.


We obtained a re-creation of the accident, which was NOT based on the video but which sources tell us accurately reflects what is on the MTA video. The re-creation, however, does not show the braking of Bruce's or the other vehicles, which could be a factor.

The MTA video is critical ... because Bruce -- and not the Lexus driver who died -- hit the Prius, it makes a more compelling case that he was following too close, which opens the door to a possible vehicular manslaughter prosecution.

Kendall Jenner Hey Justin ... I'm ALSO Friends With NYPD Cops

Justin Bieber ain't the only celeb making friends with the NYPD ... his buddy Kendall Jenner is also getting chummy with the boys (and ladies) in blue.

Kendall posed for pics with a group of officers Saturday night outside the Book Marc Bookstore in New York ... just a day after Justin foot the dinner bill for a group of NYPD officers.

Justin and Kendall have been hanging out together lately. So, we ask, is she gonna kick anyone's ass at ping pong now?

Kim Kardashian My Baby's Fab in Tiny Fur ... Suck It, Protesters

Kim Kardashian and North West did some mommy-daughter time in NYC ... while decked out in fur coats -- yes, they make 'em that small.

Kim and North -- sans Kanye West -- turned quite a few heads as they were leaving their building ... and North looks like she's being engulfed. There's way more coat than kid!

Question though: Is it odd for Kim to dress her toddler in fur? Especially since Kim's had multiple run-ins with animal rights protesters in the past.

We can't tell if the fur's real, but animal rights aside -- North's so damn cute ... SHE should be illegal!

Bruce Jenner Car Crash Photos Could Create Problems for Jenner

The photographs taken immediately before and during the Bruce Jenner accident have triggered a new theory ... that the Lexus may not have hit the Prius in front of her, and that he may have struck both cars.

We have 9 photos taken by an independent photog -- not TMZ.

The key to the sequence is determining if the Lexus Bruce struck had first hit the Prius in front of her. If the Lexus driver was following too closely and struck the Prius first, Bruce would just be part of the chain reaction and prosecution would be unlikely.

Check out the pics closely

1. Bruce is cruising up Pacific Coast Highway. Cops believe he was within the 50 MPH speed limit.

2. Bruce passes a car. Notice the telephone pole.

3. The telephone pole is behind Bruce's trailer.

4. The car continues moving, and you see Bruce holding a cigarette, seemingly unaware traffic in front of him is either moving very slowly or stopped completely.

5. The Lexus comes into view. Law enforcement tells us they believe at around this time Bruce sees he's going too fast and slams on his brakes.

6. Bruce closes in on the Lexus, which is traveling in a straight line.

7. Bruce hits the Lexus. Upon impact you see the Lexus veer left. Cops say that's because Bruce veered right and struck the Lexus on the right, causing it to ricochet to the left.

8. You see the movement of the Lexus. You see just about half of the front of the car. Cops say because the car was in a straight line before Bruce hit it, if the Lexus had first hit the Prius there would have been roughly the same damage on the right and left front. But there's no evidence of damage.

9. The Lexus continues to veer left into oncoming traffic, where it was struck by the Hummer, killing the Lexus driver.

Law enforcement sources say one of the operating theories is that the Prius was stopped behind cars for the light which had turned green and traffic started moving slowly when Bruce hit the Lexus. When the Lexus cleared his lane the momentum kept his car going forward, crashing into the Prius.

There are witnesses who claim the Lexus struck the Prius first and witnesses vary in terms of how many collisions they heard.

The lawyer for the Prius driver tells TMZ ... there's an imprint of Bruce's license plate in the Prius. The problem with that claim -- check out Bruce's SUV before the crash ... NO FRONT LICENSE PLATE.

The cars are all in the Sheriff's Dept. impound lot.

If Bruce is the only one who struck both the Lexus and then the Prius, it would make prosecution for vehicular manslaughter more likely, if authorities determined he was following too closely.

6:15 AM PT -- The lawyer for the Prius driver just contacted us again, and now says the emblem on Bruce's SUV -- not the phantom license plate -- is imprinted in the back of the Prius.

Tom Cruise Does Ex Factor ... With Penelope Cruz

Tom Cruise hooked up with his ex-girlfriend Penelope Cruz ... for dinner in London and left with a souvenir... -- he was caught leaving with a red lipstick stain on his cheek.

Since he's Tom Cruise ... dinner with Penelope wouldn't be hot enough -- so her pal Salma Hayek came along for the meal at Scott's in London.

No clue on who planted the smooch on Cruise -- both women were wearing red lipstick.

Now, for the buzz kill -- Penelope's married with kids now (just like Salma) so probably not a hot and heavy date night.

Ahh, but the mammaries. They'll always have those.

Kim Kardashian Spontaneous Yeezys Plug ... Totally Set Up

Clever girl Kim Kardashian would love us to believe she's no poser -- but the pic she posted of herself in front of Kanye West's new shoe display was the exact opposite of casual and impromptu.

What Kim's Instagram pic outside the Adidas store in SoHo Tuesday failed to show was her security guard shooing away fans ... so she could get the perfect "random" shot to shill her hubby's new line of Yeezy kicks.

Not sure why she didn't use the pic with the woman and her Marshalls bag ... but we'll respect her decision ... as a true artist.

Gotta stand by your man's brand.

Bruce Jenner Cops Just Scored Critical Crash Video

A video has surfaced of the fatal car accident involving Bruce Jenner -- a video taken seconds after impact -- and we've learned it could become a critical piece of evidence for law enforcement investigating the accident.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. just obtained the video, which shows the immediate aftermath of the crash. Most important, it shows people who witnessed the chain of events that led to the Lexus Bruce hit veering into oncoming traffic and killing the driver.

We're told Sheriff's detectives are on the hunt for the people in the video because, among other things, they might have seen the Prius that was hit by the Lexus. Cops want to know if the Prius was stopped behind a long line of cars waiting for the light to turn green, or whether it illegally stopped for some other purpose.

We're told the actions of the Prius and Lexus drivers could have a significant impact on Bruce's culpability for the fatal crash.

And we're told the video shows Bruce was NOT being chased by paparazzi ... something Jenner family sources told us the day of the crash.

Bruce Jenner 'Black Boxes' Could Hold Key to Fatal Crash

Bruce Jenner's fate could be determined in part by a metal box embedded in the twisted metal that was left on Pacific Coast Highway ... TMZ has learned.

We've learned the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. is in possession of all 4 vehicles and the trailer that was attached to Bruce's Escalade. We're told Bruce's Escalade has a sophisticated "Black Box" that contains critical data ... including speed and braking info. The other 3 vehicles have similar data.

We're told the boxes gauge what the driver was doing for the 5 seconds before impact. In one-second intervals, the boxes show speed, braking, the position of the accelerator, etc.

We're told accident reconstruction experts can use the data from all 4 vehicles and determine the speed and distance between each of them. That could help determine with some precision if Jenner was following too closely behind the Lexus.

Many of the "Black Boxes" are activated by the airbag, but we're told even if the airbag does not deploy the information is still available.

As we reported, once the investigation is complete the Sheriff's Dept. will send the file over to the L.A. County D.A. for review -- which is SOP when someone dies in a car crash. If Bruce was following too closely, prosecutors could charge him with vehicular manslaughter, however we're told such prosecutions -- when the offense is following too closely -- are "very rare."

Bruce Jenner Lawyers Up D.A. Will Review Fatal Crash

Bruce Jenner has lawyered up in the wake of Saturday's fatal car crash, in an investigation that will make its way to the L.A. County District Attorney's Office ... TMZ has learned.

Bruce was leaving the West Hollywood law offices of Blair Berk, a top criminal defense lawyer who has repped an untold number of celebs.

We've learned once the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. finishes its investigation, they will send the case to the L.A. County D.A. for review. A law enforcement source says it's SOP to refer such a case to prosecutors when a driver breaks the law and someone dies.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... they now believe Bruce was not texting and driving. But cops think Bruce was following too closely which is a traffic violation, and such a violation that results in the death of another motorist could theoretically be grounds for misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter.

We found a Northern California case in which a driver who was following too closely was prosecuted for vehicular manslaughter, so it is possible. An official from a L.A. prosecutor's office tells TMZ ... it's "very rare" to charge a driver with vehicular manslaughter when the traffic offense is following too closely.

Bruce Jenner Prius May Have Caused Fatal Crash

Bruce Jenner may not be the driver who caused a woman to die on PCH Saturday ... because law enforcement tells TMZ they now believe the Prius that led the pack made a sudden stop, causing the Lexus to crash into it ... BEFORE Bruce hit the Lexus.

As TMZ first reported ... Sheriff's deputies were suspicious of the story the Prius driver told. She said she was stopped at a red light, but she was 300 feet from the light. When cops asked her if there was a line of cars in front of her she was vague. Deputies think she might have been making an illegal U-turn.

So the current scenario is this ... the Prius came to a sudden, possibly illegal stop on the highway. The Lexus hit the Prius and then Bruce slammed on his brakes, swerved right but was unable to stop, slamming into the Lexus. The Lexus then went into oncoming traffic and hit the Hummer, killing the Lexus driver.

It appears there is no criminal liability on Bruce's part. As for civil liability, there is a law that you cannot follow too close and need to prepare for sudden events. But if the Prius stopped without warning ... that driver could be at the very least partly responsible for the accident.

6:00 PM PST -- Jenner released a statement about the crash saying, "My heartfelt and deepest sympathies go out to the family and loved ones, and to all of those who were involved or injured in this terrible accident."

Bruce adds, "It is a devastating tragedy and I cannot pretend to imagine what this family is going through at this time. I am praying for them. I will continue to cooperate in every way possible.”

Bobbi Kristina Hospital Visit From Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry arrived to the hospital Sunday where Bobbi Kristina is currently on life support.

As we previously reported ... Bobby Brown hitched a ride with Perry on his private jet to Atlanta when the news broke and they both rushed to her bedside after landing.

Bobbi Kristina was transferred to Emory University Hospital Tuesday and Brown remains hopeful that his daughter will pull out of this by miracle of prayer. As we previously reported, doctors have already said there's nothing more they can do.

Bruce Jenner Smoking, NOT Texting During Fatal Crash

Bruce Jenner will not get in trouble with the law as a result of his deadly car crash ... at least that's the way it appears based on a new photo.

The picture was taken by an independent photo agency just before Bruce slammed into a Lexus Saturday on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, sending that driver into oncoming traffic where she was killed after colliding with a Hummer.

It was unclear what, if anything, Bruce was holding in his left hand seconds before the crash. But the new photo shows Bruce clutching a cigarette, not a cell phone. The photo (above) is the first in a sequence shot by the agency, just before the Lexus comes into frame.

TMZ broke the story, the L.A. County Sheriff's Department was getting a search warrant to determine if Bruce was texting at the time of the collision ... but this picture would seem to make that unnecessary.

It's illegal to text while driving and motorists who do can be prosecuted for vehicular manslaughter if someone dies as a result.

Based on the evidence gathered so far, it seems Bruce will not face any sort of criminal prosecution. As we reported, he slammed on his brakes before impact and veered right to avoid the Lexus. And deputies believe a Prius in front of the Lexus may have made a sudden stop, triggering the collision.

Bruce Jenner Cops to Get Search Warrant for Cellphone Was He Texting?

The L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. will get a search warrant to determine if Bruce Jenner was texting at the time he slammed into a car, causing the driver to die ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, they will get warrants for both Bruce's phone records and the cellphone itself. It's illegal to text while driving in California and if Bruce was texting Saturday when he struck a car on PCH in Malibu, authorities could charge him with vehicular manslaughter.

The photos we posted showing Bruce in the car immediately before impact do not reveal what if anything he's holding. It appears he might be clutching something in his left hand but it's unclear.

Even if he was texting, our sources say proving he was doing it at exactly the moment of the crash could be difficult or even impossible.

Our law enforcement sources also tell us they're positive Bruce tried to avoid the accident. The tires on his trailer produced significant skid marks and at the last minute Bruce veered to the right, causing the Lexus to swing left into oncoming traffic. A Hummer struck the Lexus, killing the Lexus driver.

We're told cops are skeptical about the story of the Prius driver, who was hit from the rear by the Lexus in the chain reaction. The Prius driver says she was stopped at a red light, but she was about 300 feet from the light itself. Cops don't know if there was a long line of cars in front of her or if she stopped before the light to make an illegal U-turn. They tell us her story is "vague."

We're told cops didn't check Bruce's phone at the accident scene. As one law enforcement source put it, "We were more interested in his sobriety." Bruce passed the sobriety test.

Bruce Jenner In Horrible Car Crash One Person Dead

3:45 PM PT Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Bruce volunteered to go to the hospital to have his blood drawn for blood alcohol testing. He was taken in a Sheriff's cruiser. We've also learned the woman who was killed in the white car was coming to a stop at a red light when Bruce hit her. We're told law enforcement has already determined Bruce was not speeding.

And we're told there was a 4th car involved in the accident. The woman in the white car hit a Prius in front of her before moving into oncoming traffic.

Bruce Jenner was involved in a horrific car accident on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu at around noon Saturday, one person is dead, and it looks like Bruce caused the accident ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... there were 4 vehicles involved in the crash. We're told there were 8 people involved and all sustained some sort of injury ... but one person died at the scene.

Eyewitnesses say Bruce rear ended the white car and that car went into oncoming traffic and was struck by the Hummer. You can see the impact in the pics below. The woman driving the white car died.

One law enforcement source said Bruce seems to be ok, but again, we're told the 7 survivors sustained some injuries, ranging from minor to moderate.

Jenner family sources tell TMZ Bruce was being chased by as many as 5 paparazzi at the time of the crash. Bruce told cops he wasn't drinking and passed a field sobriety test.

We're told Bruce had picked up his Polaris UTV after loaning it to a wounded veterans group.

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Jennifer Lopez On the Down Low Again With Casper Smart

Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart very quietly hooked up Thursday night, leading to the obvious question ...

Here's how it went down. Casper was out at the Z Zegna & GQ event in Hollywood where he hung out with Nick Jonas.

There are plenty of pics of Casper leaving the event with no sign of JLo. But we're told she was actually waiting in the car for him as he left.

They went to Hotel Cafe in Hollywood where this pic was snapped. It's the only pic of the 2 of them that was taken the entire evening.

They supposedly broke up in April, but they've been seen together from time to time, and they've taken great pains to avoid pics. Remember when she ducked down in her car?

And you may recall Casper's dog was at JLo's house recently when the dog bit someone.